A Typical Day

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 9, 2009


A Typical Day

Chapter 1

First Loves... Among Other Things

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking this is gonna be your run of the mill every guy is drop dead gorgeous, gay, with a ten inch cock and the body of a Greek god... Well my body is more like some Greek guy, and my cock is definitely not ten inches, I haven't had any complaints, but no. I've got brown hair and baby blue eyes, and a quite attractive face so I'm told. I am 6'2 190lbs i've got nicely muscled arms a strong chest but my abs are a little... let's just say imperfect, i'm not gonna be asked to model shirtless for A&F anytime soon, but hey i'm cool... My best friends in this world Quinn and Clare are both in my grade, my [complicated] crush the ever so straight Braden Kisano is a senior, my nemesis, Chase Cassidy the openly gay football player with the perfect body and not so hot, yet still quite cute face. Allow me to remind you this story is based on REAL fact, the only things i've changed are the names of the people, and i've made the town fictional, other than that the events are based purely on fact.

I attend Springwood Falls Central High School in wait for it... Springwood Falls, Illinois about an hour out of Chicago. I'm not rich, my parents despise the fact that i'm gay, and I am not a weak or scared of the so-called jocks of my school, I am however more or less open about my sexual preference, i'm not in your face about it, but i'm not gonna hide it. I wish I could be one of those model guys they can probably land just about any guy, and me here in boofoo can't even land a date, mainly cause of the lack of gays in my neck of the woods...

I met my friends at the entrance of the school before heading to our shared homeroom, we were talking and working on some english rough drafts we'd not done when Ms. Keeler made an announcement, "class we have a new student from Chicago, Noah Barnes" I didn't even look up because I knew that the cheerleaders were already gonna be mobile if he was cute, so out of the corner of my eye when I saw Alana Anderson move her Prada out of the empty desk next to her he must be cute, and when I glanced to look, he was sitting in the empty seat next to me, Alana glared at me.

"Hey i'm Noah Barnes."

"Hayden Wilson, nice to meet you."

"SORRY I'm late..." There he was Chase, in a boy's sized tshirt that hugged his (I hate to say) perfect upper body and flaunted all he had, I hate his perfect body, the same way he hates my face, the yin to his yang as Clare called it when she tried to hook us up but he said I was too fat, so in turn I called him ugly and a butter face, ever since then we've been rivals, and it didn't help matters that every guy I had a shot with he'd already boned.

I saw Noah take one look at him and look back to me, his eyes darting, "Tense much?" he asked me

Chase was walking past and shoved his perfectly round ass in my face, "Wanna kiss it?" He asked me smugly

"I would... but my health insurance won't cover Valtrex." I said deathly cold, Noah's eyes got big and he stifled a laugh, while Chase sat down and gave me the look of death

"Are you always so friendly?" Noah asked after the bell rang and we walked to the first period we shared

"Something to take note of, I speak my mind, and Chase and I have always butted heads, he thinks I'm fat, I think he's ugly, he's slept with every guy that would have him, i'm inexperienced, you can see how we might clash..."

"Well I don't think he's ugly, and I definitely don't think you're fat, you're... you're... you're good...."

"Well thank you, you're not too shabby yourself.."

"You seem pretty confident..."

"Eventually you start to believe people that say you're not so bad, confidence boost yo."

We shared three classes and lunch, so when lunch came around I found a table, me and my brown bagged lunch while he waited in the ridiculously long lunch line

Chase plopped down, "So you and the new guy huh, don't get too comfortable with the idea, i've got my eye on him, and I always get my man..."

"And you've got the cold sores to prove it, what do you want Chase?"

"Just to hang out with my good buddy Hayden, is that so wrong?"

"Actually yes, considering we aren't friends, or even friendly, you just wanna sit here so you can assure me that you will get Noah... but i've got an idea..." I said

Noah sat down and glanced inquisitively at me, and mouthed 'what's he doing?"

"Oh Noah, our buddy Chase here, without knowing a stitch of information about you would like to suck your dick, are you interested?" I asked in a tone that made Chase cringe

"Um.... no.... like not at all actually... at all..." he responded and Chase stormed off

"And you call me harsh..."

"Well that wasn't the epitome of cool on your part either putting me on the spot and him in the hot seat but it was good to get him off my back to begin with..."

"Sounds more like he wants to be on his back not yours..."

"And you, what do you want?"

"Am I that transparent?"

"I feel comfortable around you and I think we should hang out..."

"Look Noah, i'm not like Chase, I don't want sex, and hook ups, i'm looking for a boyfriend not casual sex.

"Well I did ask you what you want, and it doesn't EXACTLY match what I want, but it comes close..."

"How do you mean?" I asked him

"I'm not looking to be tied down, i'm new to the area and I wanna date around, but i'd like it if I could have you be a standing hang out, even if we only wind up friends."

"Yeah that sounds cool, I wouldn't mind that, we only just met and all."

"So how about we hang out after school today, and study?"

"Yeah, you could come over, my parents won't be home." I responded


So after school we got into my 94 Grand Am, or as I called it Grandma and headed the ten minutes to my house.

Not a bad house, a two story victorian house in a nice wooded area, large but not overstated, if nothing else my parents had good taste.

"Here it is."

"Wow, it's gorgeous, traditional victorian, you don't see that much anymore with the cookie cutter neighborhoods

"Yeah, it's nice... I guess..." we walked in and up to my room spreading out books and doing our homework and talking for the entire time

"Do you think I could ask you something?" Noah asked


"When you first met me what did you think of me?"

"I thought you were cute, then you spoke and the way you were so friendly I knew you were a cool person, and I went with it."

"That's it cute and cool?"

"Well, yeah, I don't know what else I don't really know you that well..."

We continued talking and we got to know one another I was really beginning to like this guy we were both laying on my bed and we sat up...

"I feel really comfortable with you..." Noah said, and I looked into his eyes, I saw sincerity and he started moving in for a kiss

"I do too... with you..." I said smiling and moved towards him, our lips touched and we shared a small tentative kiss and pulled back, and looked at each other for approval, "You call that a kiss?!" I asked him pushed him back on the bed straddled him and mashed my lips against his firmly and gave him what I knew was a mind blowing kiss forcing my tongue in his mouth and he reciprocated, and forced me to roll over getting on top of me, just how I like it he ground his crotch into mine and I could feel his hardness, his hand roamed under my shirt and though I wasn't opposing this he pulled back and jumped off of me... "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have..."

"It's okay, I wasn't complaining, we didn't go too far, just far enough, I wouldn't have let it go farther..." I said breathless

"That was by far the best kiss of my life, you... you... are amazing." Noah said smiling down at me as I sat up on my bed, and pulled him closer by his shirt pecking his lips

"Think a date could be the next step, i'm not exactly a traditionalist, but i'm not a whore either, I like to at least date the guys I kiss even if I don't make them my boyfriend..."

Well he doesn't need to know about my monthly rendezvous with my crush Braden Kisano, for one week out of the month when his longtime girlfriend made him a deal, see me and Alana, we have a bit of a history... remember Alana the cheerleader that was eying Noah when we first met him well... here's our story

We've actually been friends since we were in diapers, well not quite that long, but since Pre-K. We did everything together, we went through elementary school and even discovered liking boys at the same time, she met Braden in sixth grade, and they started dating in eighth, when they started having sex in ninth she would always come to my house after, and this is not when my crush developed this was when it became an infatuation, and I was open about it, and she told me it was normal for a gay friend to crush on a boyfriend of his best friend, she proposed a deal, providing I agreed and Braden did, to keep him with her...

"Okay, now that i'm putting out, there's approximately one week a month where I can't, and it's in that week Braden may find some other chick to fuck, this is where you come in, I want you to do anything he may ask, for that week I want you to help him out, and in turn do me a huge favor..."

"Wait... you want me to screw your boyfriend one week a month, i'm not some common slut..."

"Please, i'd rather him get sucked off by you than some bitch from pom squad..."

"Fine, but i'm not approaching him, if he gets that desperate he can find me..."

"THANK YOU!" she hugged me tight

The following month Braden showed up at my door... "Hey Hayden. How's it going?"

"What's up Braden?"

"I sorta need you to... well I wanna take you up on Alana's deal..."

"Oh... that... sure..."

With that we walked upstairs and he sat on my bed, I took down his pants and got to work on his long schlong, tasting the wonderful flavor,. I was loving this, even though I felt a bit cheap... The first time he came in record time less than three minutes, he thanked me profusely and left without so much as making eye contact...

Six months later came the night that neither Alana nor I would ever forget, it was the first night Braden penetrated me, he walked in with a condom and lube in hand and he threw me down and lubed me up with his hand and proceeded to fuck me in the most unromantic yet crazily erotic of ways, standing doggy style, I came without even touching my dick... we collapsed next to each other and he looked into my eyes for the first time since we started our little sessions, and I saw it, the same look Noah had given me, intrigue, lust, and quite possibly something more but I ignored that last part as he pressed his beautiful lips to mine and kissed me with a fire i've only ever felt from him, we pulled apart and he gave me one last peck before getting dressed and leaving... that was last month... Today...

Back to now, Noah and I were packing up our things and Braden walked in, "Oh hey, you didn't answer the door..."

"Not a problem, Noah, Braden, Braden, Noah he's new..."

"Pleasure, I hate to interrupt a study session, I could come back..." he said

"Oh no need, I was just leaving..." Noah said

"Later..." I said and walked him out, and when I walked back to my room Braden did something unexpected, he pulled me into a sensual kiss in the middle of my bedroom, "I broke up with Alana today..." he said after he pulled away


"I broke it off... I told her about the kiss last month, and she has been expecting it... I talked with her before coming here and we have her blessing, Hayden... babe... will you be my boyfriend?"

WHOA!!!! Brain totally just stopped working, is this really happening, well yeah it's based on fact remember... duhhh... back to it...

"Oh my god Braden, are you sure that's what you want, you're not even out..."

"I am with my closest friends, not as gay as bi, cause I do like girls, but i've fallen for you in a way i've never felt for either."

"I have had a crush on you since middle school, do you know that...?"

"Alana kinda spilled the beans on you, sorry baby..."

"I like that... the way you say that..."

"What... baby?" he asked with a smile and I kissed him and pushed him back on the bed kissing him the way I had with Noah earlier, we rolled over on my full sized bed, and we both stripped down

"Did you bring a condom?" I asked

"No... Can I go in bare? I've only ever been with you and Alana..."

"Really? That's kinda surprising... I guess so... i've never done that..."

"Alana let me butt fuck her raw but I pulled out, it's up to you baby..."

"Do it..." I said handing him the bottle of lube

As he pressed against me and the bare head breached my hole I shuddered, it felt different, I liked it

"Oh god baby, it feels so good and so tight I can feel everything, so tight and warm I love it..."

I was on my back staring deep into his eyes which closed each time his average sized penis bottomed out inside me, "go harder..." I asked

"I just wanna make love right now..."

"that is so cute..." I said and kissed him

"Cute huh...?" he asked and flipped me over into our favorite position, now it was gonna get good... "Tell me you love my dick in your ass."

"God I love your dick baby pound my little ass..."

"you boy pussy feels so good on my cock, i'm gonna cum in that tight little butt..."

The idea of being creampied like i'd seen in porn was so hot I jizzed all over my bed sheets which causing my anal muscles to clamp over Bradens rock hard cock and I felt him pulse and jerk and yell out my name grunting and moaning and I felt a rush of fluid as 6 shots of thick cum flooded my insides, I could feel the slightly stingy most erotic sensation as he pulled out, "Who's cute?"

"Not you... you are my sexy italian stallion baby. So fucking hot..." I said and laid back

"Good... nobody calls Braden Kisano cute!" he said smacking my cumfilled butt, "how'd you like that?"

"That was by far the hottest thing i've ever done..." I said truthfully

"i love you..." Braden said unexpectedly

I took that in and knew my answer, "I love you too."

We kissed once more and I topped him this time and came in his ass...

"GOD! That is so fucking good!" He quivered at my soft touches as I saw the hickey i'd left on his neck as I fucked his brains out

"Ooh, sorry about the whore marking..." I said

"It's all good... you've got one too... sorry." he said to me

Oh great I had to face Alana tomorrow...

The Next Day

"Hey guys, so how'd it go last night?" Alana asked as Braden and I walked into school together

"Wait, you're totally cool with this?" I asked

"How could I not be, if my boyfriend was gonna go gay, I can't think of anyone better than you for him, that and your names rhyme, so it must be meant to be, Hayden and Braden.... Can I at least watch sometime...?"

"Um... we'll see..." I said and hugged her whispering an apology

"I've known since the first blowjob..." she whispered back and smiled as she walked over too her new guy Dustin Lang

"They've been together a month..." Braden said

"I'm not so sure about this matching name thing." I joked.

"Most people called me Brad anyway, you should too..."

"Well my name can't be shortened many ways, but before they started hating me my parents called me Denny."

"Brad and Hayden sounds better for the school gossip vine.." He said and pulled me into a hug in front of a lot of people...

The rumors would fly now... Brad Kisano and that gay guy were hugging... could it be true...?

We were inseparable... and then I got to homeroom, greeted by Noah with a huge grin

"Hey, I was thinking about you last night..." He said

"Really, that's fun... um... I've got homework..."

"Oh, okay..." He was silent for the rest of the period and till lunch, "hey, can we talk now..."

"HEY!" Brad said walking up to the table

"Hi!" I said beaming from ear to ear

"Would you guys wanna come sit at our table...?"

"Sure... I'm up for it, Noah?"

"sure... meeting new people is always good."

We headed over to Brad's table and sat down...

People introduced themselves and I forgot names instantly

A girl I couldn't recall her name, I think it was Tracy... "So you're bedding Brad then huh?" Noah just about choked on his lunch and shot me an incredulous look of shock and anger remixed with shame


"Yeah dude, I told him how I really feel last night..."

"That's so great guys isn't it?" the girl said looking at Noah who was turning pale

"Yeah... great..." he said voice quivering ready to get very sad or upset

"How did it happen?" She asked and the rest of the table sat at attention

"I went over to his house after a long afternoon of contemplating, and then I just came out with it, I want to be with you, I love you, be my boyfriend... in a nutshell..."

Noah looked sick to his stomach

"Awww..." The girls at the table shared

"I must say, you did bag a good one, last guy I was with was not that good looking..." a guy I recalled named Chad said and pointed to the table where Chase was sitting alone, "but I see something worth looking at right here..." Chad said and flashed a smile at Noah, and gave me an inquisitive look, which I returned a slight nod to, he beamed from ear to ear

"I hope you didn't catch anything..." I said dryly

We all laughed, and in the fits of laughter, I didn't notice at first that Noah was gone, but when I did I excused myself and went to find him, which I did in the courtyard on a bench


"How could you not tell me?"

"Why are you so upset, it's not like you were looking for a boyfriend, you made that clear"

"I don't care about that, what matters, is you should have told me you were seeing someone..."

"We've hooked up 12 weeks out of the year for a year now, we've never been on a date, and I never knew there were real feelings in it..."

"You said you like to date the people you kiss..."

"I only ever kissed him once, and that's what started all of this, only a few weeks ago..."

"But you were sleeping with him?"

"Yeah, only when Alana was on the rag though..."

"She knew?"

"Yeah, she knew, and she supports our new relationship, so I hope you can, I really love him, I have for two years, and now I finally have my shot with him..."

"Are you sure that's healthy? I mean you started out as his bitch, are you sure he'll respect you as a boyfriend, or will he meet some girl and put you back to being his sex toy..?"

"Well, that my dear is a risk I am willing to take, I've always liked him, and I fell for him the first time we hooked up, and now that he's accepting who he is, I do believe that he will treat me well... sometimes you have to put yourself out there to gain."

"You're such a hopeless romantic, I hope it works out, I still wanna be friends, but just know, I'm no second choice, so I mean it when I say just friends..."

Did I just burn a bridge that could have been happiness to risk getting my heart broken...

"Well for the record, I'm not your only choice, Chad was checking you out..."

"That cute lacrosse player?"

"Yeah dude, and I may or may not have confirmed your sexual orientation with just a nod of my head..."

"You didn't..."

"I did... he'll probably start in on you right away he was smiling like a jackass after I confirmed it..."

Sure enough, as soon as we made our way back to the table Braden threw his arm around my shoulder and Chad started to flirt hardcore with Noah... People were staring but I didn't care... Braden however seemed to and pulled his arm away

I may have messed things up with Noah, but we were kinda doomed from the first condition we set, I guess so... what's a guy to do, if you had the opportunity to be with the person you have wanted for years, wouldn't you grab it?

Time flew to the day of the date, and I got to say I was horrifyingly nervous, I have sucked his dick, taken his dick up my ass, and even kissed him, but I've never actually spent time with him outside the bedroom, or had a real conversation, other than of course the confession that brought me here today...

I call Clare,

"Hey Denny, how's it goin?"

"I need your help, can you come over?"

"Are Satan and his mistress home?"

"No, of course not, didn't I tell you they stay at the walkup over the store now and only come by when they feel like making my life hell..."

"Oh, right. Well, I'll be over in about fifteen."

I waited impatiently for almost a half an hour, then she walked in

"Sorry I took so long!"

"It's okay, I need you, what do I wear, I've never been on a date with someone I like this much..."

"Oh... wow... okay, wait, there's only... OH MY GOD! Seriously?"

"What are you thinking in that brunette head of yours?" I ask

"You're going out with him aren't you?"

"Perhaps, that depends on who you think I'm going out with, I can't just tell you..."

"It's Braden isn't it, he finally got more hooked to your ass than Alana's wilted flower?!"

"I will neither confirm nor deny..." I said with a wink and she screamed in exclamation and threw her arms around me

"YAY! That is so awesome..."

"You can't tell anyone..."

"My lips are sealed tighter than a virgin taco..."

"Gross imagery..."

"I know..."

"Help me..."

"You don't have many nice clothes, how about..." She began to roam my small selection of clothing, "ooh... this..." she held up a too small to be straight, plain white button up and black skinny jeans

"Are you kidding me, I bought those when I was like 20lbs lighter..."

"You are so self conscious babe, and TRUST me, you don't have a single thing to be embarrassed about..."

"Are you sure I can pull it off, I mean, I, I..."

"Honey trust me you'll look great, wear those green Pumas you just bought, I gotta go to the gym I'm meeting Quinn after he's done with practice, which is..." She checks her watch, "Oh whoa, five minutes ago..."

"Ok... see you later..." after she left I took a look at the clothes... "For Braden..."

I hopped in the shower, and got out at 7:58, Brad is supposed to be here in two minutes

8:15 rolls around, still not here, I pull out my phone and check for text or missed calls, nothing

8:30 phone rings

"What?" I was so mad at this point

"I am so sorry baby, I'm running so late, I couldn't find anything to wear, I left my phone and you--- something at home and had to turn around twice, I'm a mess..."

"Whatever, just get here..." I said and after another 15 minutes there was a knock on my door I opened it, "45 minutes later..."

"I am so sorry..." he said sounding lost for words, and pulled flowers from behind his back, "I forgot these at home the second time, I wasn't gonna show up without them, especially since I was already late..."

"Aww... you didn't have to do that... thanks..."

"You're mad... I can tell..."

"Well yeah, you're 45 minutes late for our first date, did you just want me to be totally fine, I thought you were standing me up..."

"I wouldn't do something like that..."

"Promise me."

"Of course I do..."

"Okay, I'm holding you to that." I said and he announced we'd missed our dinner reservations

"Well, I guess we could order out..."

"Or... I could cook for you..." he said with a crooked smile

"Really... you wanna cook for me?"


This was getting better by this point, so he cooked dinner while I channel flipped through the boring non television, settling on "E True Hollywood Story" so many commercials, oh I should remember to buy grapes... wait no I hate grapes... DAMN YOU SALES COMMERCIALS!

"Dinner's ready..."

"So.. you cook too, what are you perfect or something?"

"Well I don't clean so I guess I'm not perfect. Did I mention that you look stunning in those clothes..."

"Wow... thank you... you look really gorgeous in that apron...and by the way I don't cook, so we're a good match... this is so good, what is it?"

"Chicken parmesan..."

"I've actually never had it believe it or not."

"I am Italian... so there's plenty more where this came from... I told my parents..."

"Told them what..?"

"I told them I'm dating you..."


"They said they want you to come for dinner, they insist on meeting everyone I date before things get so serious..."

The Meeting

Time flew, we'd already been dating a month when it came time to meet Braden's rather conservative parents, I was so nervous I thought I would collapse the minute I got in his car...

"Look, honey, I know it's scary especially with the way your parents are..."

"Okay, you never told me you lived in the gated area of town..."

"You never asked..." he replied simply


This was the worst, here in my boyfriend's obviously over lavish surroundings, feeling out of place in my Kohl's dress clothes...

I heard the clack of high heels and saw a woman and man who appeared to be in their late thirties walking towards me, my heart was pounding...

"You must be Hayden..." His father said, his tone seems welcoming yet somehow at the same time I felt very small as his gorilla like hand extended to me

"Yes sir, Hayden Wilson..."

"Franco Kisano...You're very polite, must have been raised right..." his father seemed a man of few words, I tried to crack a smile

"Isabella Kisano, it's a pleasure... bello come questo ragazzo è" she said directing it at both Franco and Braden with a smile, it must be good right... [such a good looking boy he is...]

"Rimani in questo obiettivo non è una buona, donna!" [stay on target woman this is not good!]

"Dargli una possibilità" [Give him a chance]

I whispered to Braden, "Are they talking about me...?"

"Mostly good..." Braden brushed it off and smiled, "Shall we?" he motioned everyone to the table

We all sat down, and I was getting very familiar looks from his parents, "You know, I don't think I should stay..." I said to Braden

"Scusi? Sorry I meant to say, why..." his mother asked

"I'm sorry, it's just I know that look, you don't approve of me, it's the same look my parents gave me when they found out, and I'm not welcome in their home so I won't waste both of our times trying to make you accept me, I mean no disrespect..." I said

"None taken..." Braden's dad said speaking up for the first time very clearly, "son, it's not you, or your boyfriend, it's just that we've had a how do you say it in English aspettativas..."

"Expectations?" Braden responded

"Yes, and now that you are with this young man, it is clear that these expectations cannot be met, it will take time, but we do not abhor either of you, son, we love you completely, and Hayden, you seem like a nice enough boy, definitely good enough for our son, but, just not the kind of person we imagined..." his mother said

"Meaning a boy..." I said

"Well yes, to put it bluntly, we never prepared ourselves for that chance, and now here it is, and we are totally unprepared..." said his father

"We'd really like it if you stayed for dinner..." his mother said

So I did, and we all talked, and after the initial icy layer was chipped away we were laughing and joking around like a big happy family...

We walked out to the car after loitering at the dinner table for an extra hour jus chit chatting away with his parents

"My parents never warmed up to a girl that fast, you my boy, already have their approval, my dad's mainly cause you'll be like a second son to him since you enjoy all the stuff we do, my mom is infatuated with your looks, and just kept saying bello, bello... I thought she might rape you."

"Real funny, I was scared out of my mind, your dad is very intimidating... "

"I am so glad that you hid that well, my dad has nothing but contempt for anyone who gets intimidated..."

"Luckily nobody intimidates me..."

"That's good, I'm glad you guys got along."

"I haven't felt that in a long time..."

"What intimidated?"

"No, like I am a part of a family... Shit..." I said as we pulled up to my house


"My parents are home..." I said and quickly pecked Braden on the lips

I gathered all my energy and walked through my front door, "Where the hell were you?"

"At a friends house for dinner..."

"Does dinner mean taking it up the ass queer boy?" my sperm donor asks

"No actually dinner means consuming food in the evening..."

"You back talking me boy, I will bitch slap you into the middle of next year..."

"Do it old man, just hit me, but make sure you bruise me good so I can turn you in..." it wasn't the first time I'd threatened him to get out of a fight

"Whatever you ain't worth the time..."

I went up to my room and locked the door

I went straight to bed not wanting to think about...

It was probably the worst sleep I've ever had, so when I awoke I knew it was gonna be a bad day, I took my shower, and got dressed in record time and zoomed out the front door into my POS car and drove to school, I was an hour early and didn't have any idea what to do, I decided to go work out in the weight room, when I got there I heard voices

"Do you think it's true?"

"What part?"

"The part where our teammate is gay..."

"If he is so what, I mean, I'm sure he's not gay, probably bi, Alana wasn't his beard or anything, they were really together, but he fell for a guy, it can happen..."

"Are you okay with it?"

"Of course I am, I have no reason not to be, truth be told if I had a problem that'd be hypocritical..."

"Wait you're..."

"Yeah dude, and I have been too chicken to let anyone know, but it doesn't change who I am, can't you tell, I mean everyone thinks about it, but not everyone acts on it..."

"You're right, I've just never met anyone..." I took that as my cue to let the door close and walk in to do my workout...

They both seemed to look disturbed for a second, "We're trying to have a conversation." A good looking boy who's voice I could put to the straight one in the conversation

"Then I suggest you take it somewhere more private..."

That did it, "What the fuck fag, I thought I told you to get the fuck out!" he said getting closet.. I mean closer to me... I stood up and I matched him in height and build

"Well closet case... I thought I told YOU to take it somewhere more private..." I said as mean as he'd said his piece to me

"You calling me a queer...?"

"Well if you figured that out you should have no problem figuring out that I am not intimidated by you, point in fact, I'm slightly bigger than you, and I'm sure you won't want everyone in the school knowing you got your ass handed to you by the school fag would you..." I said flashing his a sideways grin and offering a little laugh when he backed up, "I thought so, this is a public area, like I said take it somewhere more private." The boy left

"Wow... that was awesome, I've never seen him meet his match..." I pulled off my hoody and turned around, it was Chad.

"Chad.. dude... did I overhear you coming out to dickwad back there..."

"Oh dude. Hey Hayden, I didn't recognize you in gym clothes..."


"You heard that huh?"

"Every bit..."

"Yeah, I'm letting the cat outta the bag and I figure is I tell Jason it will reach everyone way faster..."

"Good plan, much more subtle than mine and Brad's just start showing affection in public... hahaha" I laughed at my own in yo face attitude I didn't usually have

"Yeah, I guess, so what's Noah's deal anyhow?"

"Ahh.. Does Chad have a little crush?"

"Not so little, I'm crushing big on this guy, I've never had someone so uninterested..."

"That may be my fault..." I said

"What happened with you two...?" he asked me taking the machine next to mine

"This has to stay a secret between just you and me..." I said

"I can keep a secret only if I know why..."

"Braden doesn't know about this..."

"Oh... my lips are sealed."

"Great, okay it was the same day Braden came over, right after school, Noah and I had spent all day talking and getting to know each other, eventually we figured one another out, and he asked to hang out after school, see, he'd made it clear a relationship wasn't on the table, then we made out on my bed, and then when we were done and picking up the supplies we'd knocked on the floor Braden showed up, so Noah left, and Braden and I confessed feelings and had sex..."

"That is such a hot image I'm getting, who bottomed...?"

"Oh come on is that all you took from that?"

"It had to be you, my boy's too manly to take it..."

"For the record we did it twice, I took it then he did..." I said punching him on the shoulder

"Damn... that's so hot, must be nice to be able to do it either way..."

"It was..."

"I get a top vibe from Noah, and I'm a top... so I don't know I may have to find someone else..."

"Don't get to ahead of yourself, work on him, and try to go out and what not, then cross that bridge when you get to it..."

"You're right dude..."

"Of course I'm right."

"You are pretty confident."

"Always, anyhow Chad, I'll see you at lunch I need a shower!"

"See ya..."

Chad watched my ass as I walked away, I may have an imperfect body, but my ass is my best feature, perky and firm... what the porn industry would refer to as a bubblebutt...


"STOP LOOKING AT MY ASS!" I called, not really knowing if he was or not, but I've been told a lot of people do, so whatever I always say that

The day was pretty uneventful, lunch rolled around and I took a seat at my new table, I saw Chad and Noah talking about something, I didn't know what, Braden plopped down next to me, "Hey."

That was all he said then laid his head on the table, something was wrong I could feel it, I put my hand on his arm, "Baby, come on..." I said and guided him to the courtyard bench seemed to be the place to have a revelation

"I know something's wrong."

"You do huh, any idea what?"

"No Braden, that's why I brought you out here."

"It's complicated..."

"So un-complicate it."

"It's my parents, it was just an act, they talked to me about it this morning, they said it's not about you, it's about the family, and how they will react, my parents don't have money saved for retirement because they've been told for years they have a huge inheritance coming, but my grandparents are super traditional and if they even had an idea that I was not going to marry a nice European girl preferably Polish or Italian, they would cut us off, everything we have is theirs, the house the cars, my parents do well don't get me wrong, but not that well, I keep telling them we don't need it, but the family wouldn't allow it to be any other way..."

"Are you saying you can't see me anymore?"

"No, I'm saying, we'd have to keep it a secret."

"That I won't do, it took me a long time to finally be comfortable enough with myself to allow everyone to know, and I have taken everything they've dished out, I am not gonna go through it again, I can't go back in the closet, not for you, not for anyone, I went through to much to be honest with everyone including myself..."

"I can't stay with you then, my family comes first."

"You've got to be kidding me..."

"I'm so sorry, but I can't put my family through this..."


It was one of those days, you wake up and you just know something is up, you don't know what, but you are sure the day's gonna suck...

When I walked to the kitchen for breakfast my parents were sitting and it looked like a CIA debriefing was about to take place

"Sit please..."

"Don't take this the wrong way honey, we really do approve of Hayden, but we have some things to discuss with you..."

"First son, you are aware your grandparents have been very generous with us, and we would not have this lavish lifestyle if it wasn't for them."

"Of course I know this..."

"Very well, you also should know that they are traditionalists, and will not accept your choice to be with a boy..." Said Dad

"It wasn't my choice, it was natural..."

"I'm not going to debate you on whether someone is hardwired from birth to like either or both men and women, I'm giving you the facts, we have almost nothing without the money from your grandparents, this house is theirs, we don't have retirement savings, sure we have our work provided 401k but we have nothing substantial..." Dad said

"So you're saying, I have to break up with my boyfriend to make sure that we have money?" I asked angered

"Well, either that, or you'll have to convince him to keep it a secret..." said Mom

"He's open about his lifestyle, he won't agree to it..."

"Then you have to either make him, or you'll have to leave him, unless you'd rather us be poor..." Mom said

"Are you sure you're not being overly dramatic...?"

"We are sure..."

I went to school late and it was lunch time, I was so pissed, I just dropped into my chair and said hey to Hayden

I felt him pulling me with him, he is definitely stronger than you'd expect, although he's got a nice build he doesn't carry himself with swagger like most with his body would...

I explained everything, all the while looking at the pained expression on his face and all I wanted to do was kiss him, but this is my family we're talking about, family first and I had to stop this before it turns into something serious

"Hayden, we can't be together, I want to, I really did, but I can't do that to my family, I would be responsible for the financial failure of my family." I said to him I felt as though I could see his heart pounding as he gathered the breath to say something

"I chose you..." was all he said before the tears started, "and you can't do the same... you aren't worth these tears... and this is the last time you'll ever see them, and it's the last time you'll talk to me."


"I'm not your baby... Noah was right about you, I was just a sex toy..."

"Wait Noah..."

"It's not important, I have to get to class."

I found myself calling after him, and I knew I had fucked everything up, and this was the point of no return...

To Be Continued?

Lemme know what you think, this is my idea for a new story, it's all true too... feedback is adored...


Next: Chapter 2

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