A Typical Day

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 18, 2009


I do not condone unsafe sex practices, keep in mind, we may slip up. But everyone should be tested regularly, especially if you do not use protection every time, as one should.

A Typical Day

Chapter 4

The Truth Is Out There... And It Could Hurt

I was tossing and turning in my bed this morning thinking about today the Monday after the greatest date of my life, I look over at the clock and it reads 4:30, I grab my phone and highlight Gavin's number, I need to hear him...


"Vin, it's me, wait a minute... you're awake?"

"I wake up at four everyday to work out and get a little work done on my bike, I'm just used to it I guess, why are you up so early you don't sound so good baby." And there it was... that word that by it self tore a small piece of my heart off, I held back the lump in my throat

"Oh, well, I was having a dream, and you know, I just needed to make sure you were alright."

"Well, that's sweet of you, but I'm fine, you have nothing to worry about, how about this, after school you and me take a little drive up to a spot up near the border, it's a special place and I want to talk to you about some stuff and I think it should be done in a place that means a lot to me."

"Okay, that sounds good, are you gonna drive me to school today?"

"Yeah, of course I am, do you think I would pass up a chance to spend time with you?"

"Probably not, I'll see you in a few hours..."

"Get some rest babe, we do still have school today."

Yeah I know, that's not really why I called him, but I needed an excuse to hear his voice, and hearing him made it clear to me, he is just more accessible, if he asked me to pick, I think I know I'd pick him... I think.

Gavin arrived early, I was ready and in his car, "Hey." He said and kissed me on the cheek, "I got the feeling there was something you wanted to talk to me about, so I thought we'd make a stop on the way to school."

"It can wait, it really can..."

"If it's important to you then it shouldn't have to."

"Fine then, we can stop, the park, nobody's ever there in the morning."

"The park it is."

We drove to the community park, the only people there as suspected were the gardeners

"So what's bothering you?" I looked into his concerned blue eyes, and saw real sincere wonder, I knew I had to be honest

"I don't know how to say this, but well, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner..."

"Tell me what?" He asked very calmly

"I have a boyfriend..." That sounds bad... say something quick! "Well, not like an exclusive boyfriend, like, him and me have an open relationship, I mean, we can date others..." I saw a hurt look into those blue eyes, and I swear they'd darkened a shade or two

"You mean to tell me that when you kissed me, you were just doing it cause you could?" he asked me and that hurt

"No, no, I want to be with you, Evan lives in Indiana, we just got back together but are keeping it open, since he lives a ways away, I just, you're so traditional, I had to be honest with you, I didn't wanna have any secrets."

"So I'm not like `the other guy' or something, or just some fling on the side..."

"No! not at all, I am with you because I want to be, and if you tell me you don't want me to be with Evan I won't be!" Whoa... that just came out, it was honest too.

"Come here..." he said and opened his arms and I cried a little

"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't hide it from you, I just, I really like you, but Evan's always been there, I just, he's a safety net for me I guess, but I want to be with you even if that means leaving him."

"I can't ask you to do that, you won't be happy, you have to make the decision on your own... But I'm still here, and I still want to be with you."

"Really?" I asked him choked up

"What kind of guy would throw away the chance to have someone who cares about him enough to put his own happiness on the line, you risked a lot by being honest with me, and what kind of guy would I be if I let you go because of it

"I never even thought of it that way..."

"Look, Hayden, I have feelings for you, and I just want you to be happy, and if being happy for you means that you need to be with this Evan guy and me, then that is just fine, and I'm okay with it, just if you could eventually try and choose one of us, no pressure, but that would be great."

"Kiss me." I said and looked up into his big blue eyes

"Are you sure?" He asked me

"Yes..." I said and pressed my lips to his, and I felt a charge like never before, like I knew he was being completely truthful and honest about how he feels, I knew he was the one for me. As he pulled away breathless I heard it, so quietly I barely heard him say "I love you." I shivered as I heard it

"What did you just say?" I asked him as I pulled away from his cuddling arms

"I didn't say anything..." He said obviously hurt, and got up and started heading to the car, I knew I felt the same way, but I wasn't ready, but I had to spare his feelings right... so I yelled after him

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I called and he stopped in his tracks, I got up and ran to him, spinning him around, "and it is YOU and only you I want to be with." I pulled him into a hard passionate kiss... I know its not right to say something when you aren't ready but I knew I would feel it eventually so I gave in, and surprisingly I felt good... really good

"I can't believe this is happening... is it too soon?" he asked me

"Is there really a time limit on a feeling, it just happens when you feel it." I responded and kissed him again, "What do you say to skipping school and going back to my place?" I asked

"I say, what are we still doing here?"

The drive back to my house was a blur and pretty soon I was pressed against the front door with Gavin kissing my neck he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him kissing me deeply he hoisted me up into his arms and carried me up the stairs, "where's your bedroom?"

"To the right..."

He placed me on the bed and pulled off my shoes as I undid my pants he pulled them off and dropped his own to the floor and pulled off his underwear, I swear I felt my eyes bulge out of my head, it was huge and pointing straight at me.. He climbed on top of me and kissed me again I moaned as he presses his strong muscles against my body and moans out. He kisses my neck and sucks, I know it will leave a mark but I could care less.

I turn us over and kiss and leave my own mark on him, and move lower, I kiss his stomach and lick the harsh lines of his strong muscular waist. I grab ahold of his cock and lick the head he moans my name and I take him deep into my throat, he's so big I actually gag, for the first time ever, never have I had such a big dick in my mouth, or any other hole for that matter, I was beginning to get nervous but continued to suck like it was the last thing I'd ever do...

"Baby, if you don't stop I'm gonna cum, and I don't want to just yet..." he said quickly and I stopped, he rolled us over and began to suck my smaller piece into his mouth, it was clear he hasn't done this much but I was totally fine with that, after a few minutes he got way better and I got so close but I stopped him, "Baby, I need to feel you inside me." I said surprised at how forward I was being

"I have a condom in my wallet."

"Don't use one..."

"Are you sure?" he asked me, a strange look of hesitation, and excitement on his gorgeous face

"Just get the lube out of my drawer..." I said and he did so and applied a liberal amount on my hole, and on his huge hard member, I was getting more nervous as he put a single digit into me, I felt the less than pleasant sting on my backside, "Don't use fingers... I hate fingers.."

"So you just want me to..." He looked at me questioningly

"Just slide it in me nice and slow, I'd rather feel that pain for a minute than a finger nail digging in my ass..."

He pressed his engorged rod into me carefully and deliberately and the head breached my entrance I wanted to scream bloody murder but I did my best to keep a straight face as I was ripped apart and a tear fell from my eye and he asked me if I was alright... it was like being a virgin all over again with the pain I was feeling, I knew I couldn't vocalize approval without sobbing so I just nodded praying the pain would become pleasure soon.

"It's all the way in baby... are you sure you wanna keep going?" I nodded again, in shock that the whole thing was in me, I felt like I had a log in my ass, he began to thrust into me and it hurt so badly I was not adjusted yet, still stretched so wide beyond what I ever imagined, then he swiveled his hips and it rubbed against my prostate and I felt a wave of pleasure... "I don't know what you did but do that again!" I cried with a moan, and he swiveled again "You mean that?" and he did it once more "UH YEAH!" I cried out once more, and moaned in crazy pleasure, nobody had ever made me feel this way before, then again I'd never had any one so big either... "Deeper, harder baby, I need you to fuck me..."

He pulled all the way out and pushed in deep, then pulled out and turned me over on my stomach and re-entered me the entire length of his dick brushed against my g-spot, and each thrust gave me the most amazing pleasure I've ever known in my life, I screamed out in sputtering moans, Don't you FUCKING stop it feels so AHHHHHHHHHHH...." And I orgasmed, not from my dick, but the most amazing anal orgasm I have ever felt, and not just a quick one, but it lasted with each long deep thrust he pummeled me with, I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me hard as I felt my anal muscles clenching making it unbearably tight for him and he whispered a love confession in my ear as he dripped sweat onto my back, "Do you want me to cum inside you?" I've never had someone ask permission that combined with the thrusting gave me more pleasure and I came, this time in my ass and from my dick, "Yes baby, yes, cum inside me, I want to feel it..."

"I'm cumming..." He moaned and I felt his body begin to tighten the sinews of his arms showed and I could picture the way his ripped muscles must look as he tightened up and began to spasm slightly, "Oh my god... oh god... baby I'm CUMMING!" he screamed and called out obscenities as he filled me up and pulled out of me, he was still spurting jizz as he pulled out and a few more shots landed on my back and then on my ass cheeks....he collapsed forward and kissed the back of my neck, and rolled over

"So, how was your first time?" I asked him

"What, how did you kno--oh right... you have your ways, I think I'm the one the should be asking you if it was any good for you..."

"My god baby, that was by far the most amazing experience I've EVER had..." I said and moaned a little, "I almost wish I smoked just so I could enjoy a post coital cigarette like in the movies."

"And you're not just saying that?"

"When will you learn I don't JUST say things, I mean EVERY word I say."

"Sorry, I'm new to all this, you were even my first kiss..." That little piece of information shocked me, completely...

"What... I was... why didn't you tell me?"

"I know you have more experience than I do, and I didn't wanna freak you out..."

"Vinny, baby, you can tell me anything... I don't want there to be any secrets between us."

"Okay... it kills me that you're with that Evan guy too... there I said it go ahead and hate me." Instead I did something I never thought I'd do for a guy that wanted me to pick him over someone else, I reached on my floor and pulled my cell phone out of my jeans, dialed Evan...


"Evan, hey, it's me, I'm not gonna be coming over this weekend..."

"What, why?"

"I just can't deal with the distance, and the gas money and all that, and if I'm going to be completely honest, I've got feelings for someone here, and I don't think it's fair to you or him to do this open relationship thing... I'm so sorry..."

"You know babe, it's okay, I was asking a lot of you, and you are such a great guy, I want you to be happy, so as long as this new guy makes you happy, be with him, you owe it to yourself to give him your all, he won't be disappointed, I love you Hayden, still come to visit every so often."

"Okay, bye I love you too bro..."

"He's there isn't he?"

"Yeah, I'll call you later."

The line just went dead, and I just leaned back into Gavin's arms

"I can't believe you just did that, are you okay?" I thought to myself for a moment, I really was okay with what I'd just done, Evan is a sure thing, but I owe it to myself to take the risk

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I said turning around in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck, and kissing him, "Make love to me."


"Yes baby, please..." I said and laid on my back spreading my legs, "It's all yours now, claim it." I said with a smile, and he got on top of me kissing me and then lubing his cock with spit and shoving his dick roughly into me

"OUCH! MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed at the pain and he covered my mouth

"Just shut up and take it, you'll love it in a minute..." He said in a feigned meanness that turned me on so much I went with it

"No, I don't want to, mean man, why are you doing this..." I said with fake sadness and fear

"Baby, that is so wrong, but so fucking hot." He said and hit my sweet spot...

We continued like this for another two hours before we showered... and started getting dressed

"I have some clothes a couple sizes too big for me that should work for you if you want."

"Well I do like your style." Gavin said with a million dollar smile and a small wink, "So Hayden, babe, you wanna go grab some lunch, I don't know about you but I built up quite an appetite."

"Yeah me too, and man, why didn't you tell me you were so hung... my ass is killing me..."

"I'm sorry, I had no basis for comparison."

"Let's eat." I said and we got into his Jeep heading to a pizza place near our school, when we got there and sat down, I really felt like a couple for the first time, we ordered our drinks, and a large pizza.

When out pizza arrived I heard the door open, "Well, well, well if it isn't the lovebirds..."

We looked over and saw Brad standing there, "What do you want Braden?" I asked

"I want to talk with you, can we go outside...?"

"Sure... I'll be right back baby." I said and walked with Brad, "What? Do you wanna tell me how worthless I am, or maybe how I mean nothing to you? What now?"

"I wanted to apologize, you meant the world to me, but I just couldn't do that to my family."

"You should probably know, you're dad's parents are broke, your parents already have the money from your mom's side, don't believe me, do a little digging, I'm sure your lawyer can help.."

"I did get a trust, but my parents never told me how much was in it..."

"My guess is a lot, now if you'll excuse me, I have a boyfriend I need to get back to, just get your pizza and go."

"I believe you." Braden said and pulled me back to him into a kiss, it felt so good, all those feelings came rushing back but I pushed him away

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT! My boyfriend is right through that window!"

"You didn't kiss me back..." he said quietly, hurt and obviously in shock

"Because I'm in love with Gavin!" I blurted out and my words shocked me, I didn't say love, I said IN love, I've never used those words about anyone.

"I hope that's true..." Gavin said from the doorway where he was now standing with his arms crossed.

"You saw?" I asked, and he gave me a look that just made me feel small

"You're damned right I did, Hayden go get the pizza to go, Brad and I need to have a little talk." He said cracking his knuckles, he looked very imposing, remember when I said he looked like someone I'd walk on the other side of the street to avoid, right now... I'd give anything to be on the other side of the road.

I obeyed his request, and reluctantly walked into the pizza parlor


After Brad and Hayden went to go talk, I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach, was it jealousy? I didn't know, I'd never really done this before, and I've certainly never been in a relationship like this, so all I knew was my feelings, and my gut was telling me, Brad is up to no good.

They were outside for a good 20 minutes and I got restless, I decided to go and wait in the little glass lobby, you know the ones that are like a little box with floor mats and candy dispensers, as I approached, what I saw, made my vision go blurry, Brad kissed MY Hayden, what the fuck?! And Hayden doesn't look like he's putting up much of a fight, the kiss lasts about 4 seconds, but Hayden's lips definitely weren't participating in it, and I could tell because he also pushed Brad away, violently, and I could hear him screaming at him through the glass so I decided to make it known, that I saw, and I did NOT like...

After hearing what Hayden said I decided I should speak up, "I hope that's true." I said it as sternly as possible, and the look Hayden gave me was like a child fearing a spanking and I instantly regretted my tone, but had to stay strong and not let this go, it's too important

"You saw?" Hayden asked me, his tone showed his fear and tears forming, I only glared at him before speaking

"You're damned right I did, Hayden go get the pizza to go, Brad and I need to have a little talk." I said cracking my knuckles for dramatic effect, and both of them looked terrified, and I wanted to punch myself for making my boyfriend fear me, but I needed to assert my position as his boyfriend

As soon as the second set of doors shut, I began simply, "I don't know who the fuck you think you are kissing MY boyfriend, practically in front of me, but I'll tell you this much, if you value your life, you will never so much as breathe near him again or I'll rip out your fucking throat, you get me?" I did my best deepened threatening voice, I even scared myself a bit


"Now I don't intend to ever have another conversation like this, if this happens again there will only be action, and that action will be you bruised and bloodied, catch you later." I said simply

"Don't be mad at him." Brad said

My interest piqued, I turned around, "What?"

"He didn't kiss me back." It was apparent that tid bit didn't make Brad too happy, but he must care enough about my boyfriend to ensure I wouldn't be mad, which didn't do much to put me at ease

"Good." Was all I said as I ripped open the door, and grabbed Hayden by the wrist, "Let's go." I was practically dragging him out the other set of doors to the Jeep, the worst part was he didn't fight, or yell or even protest, he just let me drag him

I opened the door and pushed him to get in, then I got in the driver's seat I hit the steering wheel, "What the hell was that all about?"

"I don't know." He said meekly

"Don't make me assume what happened, and stop being such a baby, and just speak up..." For what happened next, I knew I must have triggered something

"Back the fuck up for a goddamned minute buddy, first of all I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to me like you're above me somehow, I am not your child, you talk to me like a fucking adult or don't talk to me at all, and second of all, I understand how what you saw could look bad, but for someone who claims to love me you are doing a bang up job of showing it, you didn't even give me a chance to explain, you just jumped to your conclusions and probably threatened Braden with violence, that I understand, but after you did that you should have calmly talked to me, an hour ago we were making love, and now you are giving me a stare that could scare the hair off a cat, I am sorry you had to see that, but I didn't lead him on, and I didn't kiss him back, actually right after he did it, you must not have heard the part where I explained to him I didn't kiss him back because I am IN love with YOU!" Hayden spewed at me with power behind his airy baritone voice and I felt like a complete jackass


"Drive." He cut me off

"You said you---"

"JUST DRIVE!" He cut me off sounding close to tears, I obliged his request and started the car, we drove back to his house and as I engaged the parking brake, I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, he had flinched a bit, which scared me, that he thought I may be capable of physically harming him

"I'm so sorry." He said and buried his face into my shoulder crying

"Shh.. shh... you didn't do anything, I believe you completely, it was that jerk Brad, he even told me you didn't do anything baby, so please, just stop crying, and let's go inside." I suggested and he nodded into my shoulder, he reluctantly released his grip on me and we went inside

"I really am so sorry about that, I should never have even agreed to talk to him."

"Oh well, if you hadn't talked to him, he wouldn't be backing off."

"I guess that's true... you aren't mad at me are you."

"Honestly I was at first, but after listening to both of you, I know I can't hold you responsible for anything, it was clearly a one sided kiss." I said and excused myself to the bathroom.


I thought to myself <one sided, yeah, well I didn't kiss him back, but I did feel something when he kissed me, I can't deny that, I just can't, but I really am in love with Gavin, I know this too, I was probably just feeling all the passion resonating off of him, yeah that must be it... but why can't I stop thinking about that stupid kiss?>

Gavin finished in the bathroom, and I sat on the couch waiting for him, he plopped down next to me, "What do you wanna do?" He asked

"Well I'm stuffed, how about we just watch a movie?" I asked him and he agreed, I put in an X-Men movie and he pulled me against him, I love the feeling of laying against his strong muscled chest, I feel so secure with him, he kisses the top of my head and it's moments like this where I can feel it on the inside, I am right where I belong.

I fell asleep, and was woken up by his strong soft lips pressing to mine, "Should I stay with you tonight?" he asked me

"Please?" I asked him hopefully

"You don't even have to ask, let's get up to bed."


A week has passed since the incident at the pizza place, but Gavin and I are okay, we are moving on and I think we'll be fine, I know I'm making the right choice, but I still fear Brad might try to ruin my relationship with Gavin...

It's Tuesday, and time for our weekly `girls night' so all the girls come over, and we get to talking, Claire begins the conversation as soon as we all flop onto the cushions, pillows and blankets set up on the floor, "Okay, dish, what is going on Brad looks like a total psycho, and Vinny gives him the scariest glare everytime they see each other..."

I spent the next ten minutes recounting the story about the day at the pizza parlor, "You skipped school to have sex?" Alana asked

"Well when I do something I like to do it right." I said flicking my tongue

"Oh wow, so you've gotta tell us, who's the best you've ever had?" Ashley asked

"Honestly, Gavin is, I think it could have something to do with him being the biggest, he's got one big fat greek cock." I said and panted like a dog for effect

"Seriously? How big is it?" Claire asked lust in her eyes

"HUGE, I didn't take out a tape measurer, but my guess would be nearing the double digits."

"How the hell did you manage to take that into any part of your body??" Ashley asked with a look of shock on her face

"Very carefully..." I said with a wink and we all laughed and started an hours worth of pointless sex conversation before settling on acting like guys and watching a bunch of action movies

Halfway through the second movie Alana spoke up, "Brad just texted me, guys he seems really messed up, I've gotta go see if he's okay..."


My lawyer called me with the balance of my trust fund, and also the contents of my grandparents' will and I was shocked when I heard all of the amazing things that they left me, it ranged from candlesticks to houses, I was dumbfounded, I had always been the favorite, but I would think this stuff would have gone to my parents, but it was then that I remembered what had set this whole ordeal into motion...


"You will not speak to me that way in my own house." My father said

"Funny you should say that, because YOU will not speak to me like THAT in MY house, how long did you think you could keep the lies going, I'm not a child anymore, how could you lie to me that way, do you really hate me that much?" I asked my parents, showing them more vulnerability than I wanted to

"How did you?" My mother couldn't finish she covered her mouth in exasperation

"I called up Uncle Kevin, and he was more than happy to answer the questions I had, I had every right to see that will because I was in it, how could you not tell me I was the main heir? And then tell me that my being gay would affect the money we would inherit from the wrong set of grandparents, please, just tell me, was it so I would break it off with Hayden?"

"I will not answer these questions, this is completely inappropriate, you are my son, and I will not be spoken to like a child." My father spat

"I am talking to you like a grown up, you just don't like being found wrong, I can't believe I gave up the boy I love for you people, who obviously don't love me enough to let me just be happy." I said I was on the brink of tears

"Darling, I--"

"Silence Isabella, you will not answer to your son when he speaks to you in such a manner."

"Don't let him talk to you like that mom, this is America, you don't have to take his crap anymore, here they believe in divorce!" I spat, and I knew I hit a nerve with my father

He approached me, "Do it and you better kill me or I will have you thrown in jail so fast your head will spin." I threatened and his face lost all expression, and he knew he was powerless, "What were you going to say mom?"

"I don't care if you want to love that boy, like any mother I want you happy, and if I had known this was love and not some phase I never would have done what we did."

"That would mean a lot if I hadn't already lost him to someone who chose him over everything else, I told him he wouldn't ever mean more to me than my family, when all I wanted to do was confess every feeling I have ever felt, and I abandoned him, for you, and your lies, both of you, I can't be here right now." I said and walked out the front door, I walked for almost an hour and I stopped on the park bench, and sat, I turned on my phone and when I saw all the missed calls I knew they were from my mother, there was one voicemail.

<Darling, I love you no matter what, and I don't know or care what your father has to say about all this, you are my son, I carried you for nine months and you are a part of me, I love you, please come home soon.>

That made me cry even more, I had to call someone, but who, I don't have anyone, so I bit my lip and settled for texting Alana, "Hey, meet me at the park plz I really need 2 talk 2u its crazy important I need some1 now, plz hurry."

"BRT DO NOT MOVE!" she texted me back

Five minutes later tires screeched to a halt in the parking lot of the park and I saw her and he blonde hair blowing in the breeze as she ran to me on the bench, "I don't think I've ever committed so many moving violations, what is wrong?!"

"My parents, they have been lying to me all along, they told me that I had to break up with Hayden cause he would make my grandparents disown me, which if they had any money other than social security checks would actually matter to my family's future, my mom's family was the one with all the money and property, they left me everything, my parents have nothing but the money they make by working, that trust they told me was just a couple thousand to start school, try 4.5 million."

"WHAT?!" Alana exclaimed

"And I would spend it all on a time machine just to fix the awful things I said to hurt Hayden and leave him, I can't believe I was so stupid, I let the best thing that ever happened to me go for money, money I apparently

have access to this time next year, and I own my parent's house, god it is so tempting to sell it." I vented and Alana put her arm around me

"I am so sorry you had to find out like this, it isn't fair, you gave up someone important to you for your parents, and all you have to show for it is... well 4.5 million, but that's not the point, I really wish things were different and you could be with Hayden, but the longer he is with Gavin, the stronger their bond becomes, they are great together and all Hayden thinks he knows about you is a lack of courage, and caring for him..."

"I can't believe this, I am such an idiot, I never should have given him up, I should have told my parents to go to hell, that he meant more to me than money ever could, but I chose the easy way out, and broke it off, I'll never hold him again, never kiss him..." I broke down in tears I couldn't control myself I was a total wreck, my parents hate me, the guy I love is falling for someone else, and so much other crap.

"Come hang out..."

"Is Hayden there?"

"Yeah, but he won't care..."

"Didn't he tell you about the pizza parlor..."

"Yeah, but please, that was a mistake..."

"A mistake implies you regret what you've done, and I do not, I am damned happy, I saw the look on his face, he may not have kissed me back, but he was damned sure considering it..."

"So then probably not the best idea." Alana said and suggested, "Let's just go back to my house, we can watch a movie and talk more, maybe crack out a box of wine..."

"A box... how trashy of you Lana..."

"You know I hate that nickname."

"And you know I hate Brad, but you and everyone else call me that."

"Deal. Let's go."

I thought to myself, I know this is not the best way to get him back, but I am sure not going down without a fight, get ready for war Gavin, I am going to get my man back.

To Be Continued...

Sorry for the long wait, but I've gotten a new job and started school, broken up with my boyfriend, so needless to say I haven't been in the writing mood so hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope to post more soon.

As I had reported I WAS still with one of the characters from this story but sadly "Gavin" decided to break it off, so I am yet again single, and loving it.

Questions, Comments, Chit Chat? Stories4evry1@yahoo.com

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