A Visit from Tory

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 25, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


A loud rap at the door sent Dwayne upright from his lounging position on the sofa. Damn it, he was about to get into bed! It was almost eleven-fucking-o'clock. He was fucking naked under his bathrobe! A hot bath, a little TV, then bed, and nothing fucking else! And now there was a fucking knock on his door!

He went to the door and jerked it open, intending to yell "What the fuck do you want?" to whoever was there. Unless it was a policeman, a fireman or his mother, they were then going to get the door slammed in their face!

Instead, he stopped dead in his tracks. "Tory?"

Tory looked at him with eyes veiled by the steady consumption of beer. The blue eyes were glazed, the triangular face with broad forehead and sharp chin was slack and dumb, the silky brown hair was rumpled and the workman's clothing was askew. "Hi, Dwayne! Mind if I come in?"

"Yeah, sure, come in." Dwayne stepped aside to let Tory inside and then closed and locked the door after him.

Tory staggered as he walked to the couch, though he'd tread that path in a drunken stupor any number of times in the past, and nearly fell into the seat as he sat down. His shirt gaped open when he did, showing a broad, bronzed chest under the red plaid shirt. "Got any beer in the house?" he asked like he always did.

"You know I do." Dwayne said and went to fetch some. He opened them and handed one to Tory. "What's with the little woman tonight?" And he gathered up his bathrobe and sat next to Tory. The tie had been merely held together by the first half of a square knot, merely wrapping one end around the other and vice versa, when he sat down, the twist came undone. Not that he cared, it was only Tory, who cared if his sausage was peeping out through the half-moon shaped hole down there now?

"Man, I can't figure her out!" Tory started. "She's wanting to paint the kitchen, so I said, hell, go ahead!" Tory paused to refuel from the bottle in his hand. "So then she's all like, so what color do you want to paint it?' And I said, hell, I ain't going to paint nothing!' and she said, of course you're going to paint it! You said you'd paint it for me!' And I didn't say any such thing! You know I didn't!" Tory shifted his beer from his right hand to his left, and rested it on the sofa arm. The other hand, free to move, came back down and landed on Dwayne's leg, high up on his thigh. His hand turned and the fingertips were cool against Dwayne's inner thigh. They were only a few inches beneath Dwayne's ballsac, so his skin there was warm and hairy and moist. Dwayne sighed and squirmed down in the couch seat a bit.

Tory's hand moved up Dwayne's leg and the hand nestled, nuzzled, cupped his manhood, and Dwayne's prong surged and twitched in the beginnings of tumescence.

"Why does she do this shit to me?" Tory complained. "All I want to do is work and come home and have hot food on the table and eat it and watch some television and relax, and she has to go on and on, do this, do that, do this other thing, on and on and on." Tory's left hand lifted the beer to his face again, and as he did, his right hand moved to grasp Dwayne's pud. Dwayne sighed again and his prod swelled to turgid readiness.

"So now she wants me to paint her fucking kitchen for her. You know how she cooks, I paint that thing and in less than a year, it's going to be coated thick with old grease and splattered with spaghetti sauce and shit! So why bother, I ask you? But she's going to keep on and on at me, and I'll end up spending this entire fucking weekend wielding a paintbrush instead of kicking back like I ought to get to!" His hand began to pump on Dwayne's dong, and Dwayne lifted his bathrobe out of the way to let the hand work easier.

"Man, that sucks, you know?" Dwayne commiserated. He paused to let out a soft groan. "That really, totally sucks."

"It sure does!" Tory said. "It just totally sucks so much that...God! I don't want to fucking paint her kitchen! Painting just sucks, really sucks!" And Tory illustrated how much it sucking by leaning over and capturing Dwayne's cock with his mouth! Dwayne saw the beer slide off the couch arm and fall onto the floor on the other side, but hell, he didn't care, the carpet was way overdue for replacing anyhow! And he had Tory's warm mouth covering his prick, warm and soft and moist and willing! The lips closed on him and Tory mouth pulled the skin up, up, up, until his glans was submerged within the folds of skin and then he dove back down so fast that his skin rippled over the flare of the glans, and then was pushed so far down his glans was bare to the roof of Tory's mouth, strained to the limit and the sensitive skin brushed Tory's mouth and tongue!

Up and down, up and down and Dwayne was moaning. "Yeah, it sucks, man, it sucks, God, it sucks, suck it hard, suck it hard!"

Tory did so, for a short time, then he let go with a "Mph, mph, mm-mm-mph!" And he raised up, saying, "And another thing!"

Dwayne groaned but he didn't move, just said with moans, "What? What?"

"She's got a vacation planned, too!" Tory said as he got to his feet, staggering as he did so. Fought his shirt off to reveal that magnificent body, not bodybuilder pretty, but the massive rounded muscles that came from a hard job done with raw physical strength, all through eight hours a day, five days a week, stopping only for two short breaks and a lunch at the local diner. Tory's hands went next to his pants and fumbled.

"Want me to help you with that?" Dwayne panted.

"Naw, man, I can do it!" Tory fumbled some more. Dwayne's hand moved on his prong and began pumping it, the actions of a drunk man stripping off his pants had a real but limited appeal. "Come on, get it off, get it off!" he mumbled as he watched.

"Yeah, get off, get off!" Tory agreed as he finished with the pants, pulled them down and hell, he wasn't wearing any underwear! Those pants went down to his ankles.

"You forgot your shoes." Dwayne murmured.

"A vacation!" Tory's mind was elsewhere, obviously. "She wants to go somewhere on my vacation! I finally get a week off, the hottest fucking week of the year, middle of August, and she wants me to take her and kids to fucking Florida! Disney World! In mid-August in Florida! Is she fucking kidding?" Tory knelt down at Dwayne's feet and fished Dwayne's cock back into his mouth.

"Your shoes, man, your shoes!" Dwayne groaned. "Get off your shoes and your pants, come on, man, come on! Oh!" That mouth of Tory's, God, this man, even when drunk and dazed, could really put on the suction! Shit, he could cream in no time if he let himself!

Tory's feet worked at his boots, the toes worming the heels of the other foot's shoe. Seeing him doing that (hampered by the jeans now making a figure 8 at his lower calves), Dwayne settled back and tried to enjoy the blowjob (but not too much!).

Tory got the shoes off and let go, and Dwayne sidled downwards once again, now he had his entire legs, buttocks and part of his lower back off the couch entirely. His cock was jutting out proudly, gleaming in the light of now-ignored television set, the mute line glowing red across the bottom of the mostly-white image. It gave a clear light for him to watch Tory above him, now nude but for some wet, soggy sweatsocks down below his ankles and reeking, even from here. But the rest of him was a golden lion gleaming as he weaved unsteadily over to Dwayne and straddled him.

"Disney World in Florida in August!" he moaned. "I am screwed, so totally screwed! Why did I ever get married? I'm just so screwed!" He was now poised over Dwayne's throbbing power tool.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Dwayne asked him, panting. God, he was so fucking close!

"Got to just take it like a man." Tory grunted and he squatted down. Dwayne held his pud steady and Tory managed to connect after a few bad aims that made Dwayne wince (a squished dick was no fun!), but then that dream-hole closed upon him and now...and now...AND NOW!

"Yeah, take it like a man!" Dwayne heaved, his chest rising and falling heavily with every breath. "Come on, take it, take it!"

"Uh, uh, HUH-UH!" Tory pushed himself down hard. Now he had Dwayne's cock buried in him to the hilt.

"Ah, ah, shit, yeah!" Dwayne groaned. "Take it like a man, Tory, come on, buck up! You married her, you can take it, can't you?"

"Got to take it!" Tory moaned. "Can't divorce her, she'd clean me out, leave me broke and then some! I got to just take it and keep taking it! Over and over and over again!" And every "over" was his pushing himself down to the depth and every "and" was his rising up again, sending thrills of glory through Dwayne's body.

"Take it, Tory, take the whole fucking thing!" Dwayne groaned. "Show me how you can take it! Come on, come on, come on!"

"Yeah, uh, huh, HUH, HUH, UH-HUH-GUNNNHHH!" And Tory moaned, sprayed his wads all over Dwayne's chest and stomach.

"Yeah, give it to me, give it to me!" Dwayne groaned. "You rough bastard, come on, give it to me! AH-AH-GAH-AH-GAHHHH!" And he creamed up into Tory's butt, squirting his jizz hot and hard and feeling it dribble back out and over his balls and splatting on the carpet in big, thick globs. "God, yeah, hot, yeah, uh!"

Tory staggered and fell back off Dwayne's cock and legs and onto the floor. Right on his freshly fucked ass. "Shit, shit, shit!" he groaned from the floor.

"Hang in there." Dwayne said.

"I'm going to be sick!" Tory warned.

"Shit!" Dwayne hauled him upright and ferried him to the bathroom. Just got him to the toilet before he let it all fly. Held his head while he vomited riotously several times. Then when he was down to coughing and choking, Dwayne turned him around so he was sitting on the floor and got him a glass of clean water and held it to his lips.

"I got to get home." he mumbled, now about two-thirds sober.

"Sure, Tory, sure."

"My wife will be waiting there. Good woman, real good woman. Puts up with so much from me. She doesn't ask much, just a fresh coat of paint on the kitchen and a chance to get out one week a year. I can do that, can't I?"

"Sure you can."

"Good woman, good woman. Wants to know what color I'd like on the kitchen. I had yellow, but I think I'm going to try a pink this time. Soft, warm pink, just like her."

"She'll like that." Dwayne agreed.

He helped Tory dress and pulled his bathrobe together to open the door for him.

"You're a good friend, Dwayne, you know that?" Tory said from the doorjamb.

"Thanks, Tory."

"I shouldn't come over here and drop all that on you. I've drunk too much and I'm just blowing off steam, you know?"

"I know, and hey, don't worry about it." Dwayne said. "I always enjoy a visit from you."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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