A waif and Stray. but... ch1

By george Robinson

Published on Jul 21, 2018



Only a waif and stray but... Chapter 1

This Story is pure fiction. The names and places are created in the author's mind

The usual warnings apply regarding the laws where you live

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Contact me (Robbo) at gar7028@gmail.com

My name is Zach Brownlee, I'm 32 and I live on my own and work as a warehouse manager and declare that I am gay and confirm myself to be a submissive faggot. I can't say no to a masterly voice or Alpha/male instruction. I have had one or two masters, but none for a while.

One very wet winter's night, around 7pm, I was heading for my car after having done a 12 hour shift and I was totally knackered. As I approached my car I saw a small bundle covered with sodden newspaper. Curiosity got the better of me and I bent down to see what it was. To my astonishment it moved and immediately I suspected it to be an abandoned puppy or the like but on closer inspection it turned out to be a young boy. "What are you doing lying around in a car park in this wet weather. Asked Zach. " My stepdad has kicked by me out ..he says I'm eating to much" uttered this young lad. " right..what's your name...do you what to come home with me ....I'll get your clothes dried, give your a hot meal and a bed for the night"." stated Zach. "I'm Adam, I'm 16 and yes please...I'm starving and my fucking butt is frozen " This young precocious lads abrupt attitude clearly affected Zac's submissive instincts which were even now telling him that he had found an Alpha/male and that he had to obey this lads every order.

They arrived at Zach's apartment and Zach immediately put the coffee percolator on. He came back to the lounge to find his young waif just standing in the middle of the floor dripping water on the carpet. " Sir... perhaps you'd like to get those wet clothes off and have a hot shower" suggested Zach. As Zach spoke, Adam clicked on to the word "sir". He remembered conversations with his mates at school when they talked about sex issues (what else do young lads talk about) and words like sir and master were synonymous with submissive faggots. His mind went into overdrive thinking ...was he in an apartment with a submissive fag?. He had to find out but diplomacy was essential. He knew if he got this wrong, Zach would probably boot his arshole out into the cold. " Excuse me Zach..bit curious...why did you call me sir" " Well sir I'm just a lowly faggot and you are a superior Alpha/male and I know my place" replied Zach " sorry Zach...does that mean that you consider me to be your master" Oh of course sir and I do not deserve an apology sir" replied Zach. " so if I tell you to strip naked you would do it" "oh yes sir" came Zach's instant reply. " By this time, Adam had removed all of his wet clothes and was standing in front of a roaring gas fire stark naked enjoying the heat radiating from the fire. "Right faggot..get fucking naked and.suck my cock like now" ordered Adam. In the blink of an eye, Zach stripped and was kneeling in front of Adam sucking a rather sizable cock for a 16 year old. Adam couldn't believe his luck. Of all the people in all of the world, his saviour was a submissive fag and here was a man, twice his age, sucking his cock. " When I cum, make sure you swallow all of it ...and hurry up cause I want to fuck your arse!" screamed Adam. Adam's confidence grew exponentially as he spent the rest of the evening fucking his bitch. When it was time to go to bed, Adam told Zach " I'll take your bed and you can sleep on the floor at the bottom of the bed....I'll allow you to use a quilt and one pillow but stay naked.

Next morning Adam woke with a serious stiff boner, so he screamed for Zach. When he finally arrived, Adam made him stand next to the bed while he punched him in the bollocks for being late. "Where have you been" screamed Adam " getting your breakfast sorted sir" grovelled Zach. " right ...see to my boner and then I'll eat" said Adam. Later, Zach was made to beg for permission to get dressed for work. but that permission was not granted until Adam had written on Zach's chest...[ I am a fucking fag]... and a credit card and pin number had been handed over. " I can go shopping now....leave your car...I need it...you can use the bus or how about you walk to work fucking naked...just joking don't fucking panic.... although it's not bad idea... I"I'll keep that in mind, "teased Adam. Adam headed for the shops where he bought clothes and a smartphone as well as some tasty foods.. and chocolates. Zach was quite late in getting home that night as he had to wait for his bus but that was of no consequence to Adam. He needed a blowjob and a fuck before Zach showered, ate, or indeed did anything else except take his clothes off. After satisfying his lust to fuck and to force his cock down Zac's throat, Adam told him to ring 5554632 so that he could save his number. He would always be in contact with him should he want a fuck or blow job.

. The following day Adam had spent the day watching tv and eating expensive chocolates and foods, so he wasn't hungry when Zach got home. After Zach had emerged from the shower and cooked himself meal, Adam beckoned him to come over to him "go and get your underwear and a pair of scissors... you don't need underwear so your going to cut it all into ribbons right now. Zach looked to be in mild shock but being a true sub, followed his master's instructions to the letter. It took very little time to complete the task and Zach was told to take the remnants to the rubbish tip in his car and to do it naked. On his return from the tip, Adam started to write on Zach's back. When he was finished, there, emblazoned in indelible marker, the words[I am a faggot and I suck cocks] + on his arsehole with a circle around his fuckhole [fuck this anytime]. Adam was extremely pleased with his artwork . Every morning Zach had to take care of Adam's boner before he did anything else. These were halcyon days for Adam. He had told Zach to buy a playstation and games so that he wouldn't get bored during the day. Zac's bank balance was taking a serious hit, but if his master needed something then he had to have it. That was more important than money in the bank. The onslaught of Zac's arse continued for several weeks with Adam enjoying the job of sexually assaulting his bitch and humiliating him at every opportunity.

One night Zach came in after a particular difficult day only find four lads roughly the same age as Adam sitting around and dressed only in their underwear. " Where the fuck have you been bitch.. I promised my new mates a good blowjob and a better fuck, so get fucking stripped and get over here". Adam was clearly showing off in front of his new found friends. For the rest of the evening Zach had one of five teens ramming his arsehole and mouth and showing no mercy. As it was the weekend, it was decided that Adam's friends would stay for the night and Zach would be at their disposal at any time of the night. Zach was fucked several times during the night and by morning he was extremely tired and his arsehole extremely sore.

Saturday morning peeked through the open curtains and as early as 5am, Zach was taking care of five teen boners. He was forced to quaff himself on pure warm protein from all of his guests. Cock after cock fired spunk down his throat and being teenages, it didn't take long for them to replenish their supply of fresh protein. Most of the spunk when down his throat but a few of his suppliers deposited a load or two over his face with the instruction to wear it for the whole day. The morning duties lasted for the best part of an hour and were followed by Zach having to cook full english breakfasts for five very hungry teenagers . Being Saturday morning, the usual activity was for Adam's new mates to hang around the local mall. There they hooked up with other mates and normally ended up having coffee or soft drinks at their favorite burger bar. Adam was told by his new friends that if he wanted to join them he was more that welcome. Adam was delighted at the invitation. Adam was asked if Zach would be available as he could be a distraction from their normal activities. Adam wasn't slow to realize the possibilities of having his bitch at hand and simply said "whatever you want from him is yours... use him freely ". So it was agreed that Zach would be included and fun would be had by all.

It was 10am when all the lads hooked up and in no time the conversation had turned to what could happen to Zach and where it could happen. The group that had not been at Zach's Place that previous night were fascinated at by the stories that were being told and they were chomping at the bit to get their cocks inside Zac's throat and up his arse. A few even asked about spitroasting him in the mall toilets and were told that nothing was off the table. In the first five minutes, one of the group had Zac's fly down and his cock and balls totally exposed and was playing with them in a very rough fashion with the general public buzzing around left and right. This group of lads knew the layout of this mall very well and one of them suggested taking him to the top floor. This part of the building hadn't been used since the buildings conception and would be the ideal place to have some fun. So it was decided that Zach would be centre of attention for God knows how long. The group started going up the stairs but within a minute or two they started to take his shirt off in a very rough way. The buttons were pinging left right and center and the shirt was off and discarded on the stairs. Next were his shoes and socks and pants and this was achieved by a few of the lads lifting him into the air while another set of lads did the removing of the garments. All clothing was left on the stairs and Adam decided if he wanted to go home naked that would be fine or he could collect them when heading downstairs. As there were at least a dozen guys all wanting a blowjob and a fuck, it was a couple of hours before all had been satisfied. It was time to head home and Zach collected his clothes as they descended the stairs,putting each item on as he went. It was discussed and decided that this would become a regular activity on a Saturday morning. Regardless of an extremely sore arsehole and the lack of feeling in his mouth, Zach's need to service alpha/male, had certainly been fulfilled this morning and he headed home with a smile on his face with Adam wondering why the fuck was he was so happy.

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