A Walk in the Park

By bokjay / John

Published on Jan 29, 2018


A Walk In The Park. By Bokjay bokjay123@hotmail.com

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Tom had a week off work and for once was at a loose end for what to do. The day was quite warm even in the early morning and the forecast was for it to stay that way. His eye happened on the box for his camera. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go for a walk in a nearby woodland park and take some photographs. He had not done this for quite a long time even though he thought of himself as an amateur photographer. The digital camera was his latest quite expensive addition and capable of doing some good work, so he berated himself for not using it more often and made up his mind that today it would get an outing.

A twenty-minute drive brought him to the car park at the foot of the valley he was going to ramble. He slotted in the required coins and put the receipt on the dashboard. Over the years he had often been here and it had become one of his favourite spots. The valley was steeply wooded and had not been touched by man for several hundred years. Through the bottom ran a small river and the place was quite a popular spot in the locality. The National Trust ensured that it was well looked after and apart from numerous footpaths and picnic tables, kept its natural appeal. But although Tom was on holiday it was not a local or national one. As he walked up the trail at the river's edge he didn't pass a single soul. Perhaps in the afternoon, a few walkers might be out but for now, he had the whole place to himself.

He began clicking away trying to capture the river as it gurgled over the rocks, catch the play of shadows as the sunlight sneaked through the gently swaying trees. It felt good using a camera again and he promised himself he would allow more time for these sessions in the future.

The noise was heard long before he caught sight of anyone. Two teenagers shouting to each other, out of breath, swearing and being boisterous. Their voices echoed up the valley, not that they would have been concerned. Unmistakeably they had thick local accents of this northern town. After a few minutes, he could see them slowly making their way towards him. They were skimming stones in placid pools, then trying to sail branches they had thrown in. One would kick the other as he bent down to pick up some stick, then they would chase till the perpetrator was caught and dragged down to the grass. Something else drew their attention and they were off again, trying to get from one side of the river to the other jumping from rock to rock. One took the opportunity to throw a stone so that it would splash his friend and throw him off balance.

Tom stopped walking and watched them, wondering how long ago it was when he had acted the fool. He wondered where they had come from and where they were going. He realised there was a high school about a mile away. Perhaps they were playing truant and were walking into town, using the park as a way of avoiding anyone.

Slowly edging closer they saw him and then the camera slung around his neck.

"Take our picture Mister," shouted one.

The second one giggled and struck a pose. "Take some pictures of us."

They were not aggressive and were in fact in high spirits.

Amused, he raised the camera and took a couple of shots as they cavorted about showing off.

"You want to see?" he asked them.

They stopped fooling around and came up to him. Using the LCD panel at the back, he flicked through what he had taken.

"You a photographer or something?" one asked, "they're great."

"Yes, I am."

"What, models and all that stuff"?

"Yes, models, catalogue work, nature work, anything really."

It was not exactly true. It had been a dream of his, even to the extent that a few years back he had bought a house and shop which he had planned to make his studio. But reality set in halfway through and he realised he was not good enough to make a living from it. It remained his hobby and he did shoot for his friends now and again, but nowadays he had a job as a graphic artist with an advertising agency. It was close enough to his dream but not quite there.

"Why, you want to be a model?" he joked.

They laughed and elbowed each other.

"Don't know how," said the blond one.

"You don't need to; it's the photographer that creates the picture, not the model."

"You mean anybody can have a go?"

"More or less, yes."

The youths exchanged a few jibes.

"Go over to that picnic table and slouch against it. Pull out your shirt over your pants and loosen your ties."

Giggling they went over to the table and did as he asked.

"Put your jackets on the seat behind so they are not in the picture. Unbutton your shirts to about halfway down."

He clicked away using zoom, then went in close kneeling down on the grass and looking up, then to the side with them staring at the river.

"There," he beckoned them to the camera. "You look like members of that punk group on `Top Of The Pops' the other week."

"Yeah!! I look like that Martin Cooper, lead singer in Bodkins'!" said the dark one excitedly. "And you, you look like that guitarist with Arch Enemy', you know who I'm talking about?"

"Yeah, brilliant," said the blond one catching the enthusiasm.

"Some more?" suggested Tom.

"Yeah, lets."

"How about something sexy?" suggested Tom.

"How do you mean?" said the dark one with a little bit of aggression coming into his voice.

"You know, like in the pop magazines that the girls like. Just to show your sexy side. Nothing obvious, just to give the idea of being desirable, that kind of thing."

"Don't know, you'll have to tell us."

"Stand by the table, put your hands on your hips and hook your thumbs into the top of your pants."

The dark got it right first time.

"Right, unclip the top of your pants, so only the zip keeps them up. Push them down a bit so that your underwear shows higher than the waistband."

They did it as though they had been practising.

"Right, good! Now pull back your shirts a little bit so that I can see your chest."

"Excellent, just hold it like that for a while"

He started shooting again, moving around them from one side to the other, then down almost on the ground and shot a few up the length of their bodies.

Tom wondered how old they were. They had been acting like kids before but in fact, they had nicely developed bodies. He guessed they must be in the last year of high school.

Afterwards, he ran through the shots on the LCD for them.

"Bloody hell, is that me?" said the dark one. "Could hardly recognise myself, you made me look like a model now." He was clearly impressed.

"Fantastic," echoed the blond one. "Mister, could we become models then?" Tom laughed at their naivety or rather, innocence.

"Quickest way to make a lot of money, the modelling business," he told them.

They nudged each other as they gasped "We could be millionaires, we could."

"Do you want to take any more of us?" asked the dark haired one eagerly.

"Sure, why not." He was rather enjoying them, they made him smile and he did like taking photographs and it was rather good to impress them.

"What now?" asked the blond, ready for more instructions.

"Same again, but take off your shirts. Put them next to your jackets so they don't get in the picture."

Their torsos were milky white and obviously had not been in the sun this year.

"You are good looking lads, how about making it a bit sexier than the last set?"

"Like what?" said the dark one, the edge coming to his voice once again. "We don't want any mucky stuff or anything like that."

Tom laughed. "No, not out in the woods."

Their apprehension changed and they giggled.

"We'll just do the same shots again with your shirts off. Try and put some breath in your lungs, not too much though, just enough to give your chest some shape."

They posed again for him to do more shots.

"Now push down the pants a little more and your underwear too, show some of your lower stomachs."

He was almost finished with firing some close-ups from a low level.

"Many of the models put a sock around it so that it looks as though they have a big package," he said. "But you lads, it looks like there is nothing hidden in those pants at all."

He finished and looked at them. "Is there anything in there?"

They laughed and nudged each other.

"Plenty Mister," said the dark one.

"Yeah," said the other "We both got plenty."

"It doesn't show," he said somewhat disappointed. "About as flat as a woman."

Both lads nervously grabbed their crotches as if the words had hurt their dicks.

"How about a private shot, no faces just a quick picture of what `plenty' is?"

He was calling their bluff. So far the pictures had been good, he had got what he wanted and it had been a bit of fun. Nothing lost to try and push them further. Nothing would come of it, but what the heck, nothing dared, nothing gained.

They murmured to each other, one nudging and then the other elbowing back.

Suddenly Tom got a shock.

"Alright Mister, after three. Get ready" they were laughing and looking at each other rather than Tom.

He realised that each was daring the other and Tom was nothing much to do with it at all.

"One, two," then they started jostling each other.

"Okay, ready now," said the dark one. "One, two, ready three."

They pushed down the front of the pants and underwear showing off their equipment.

Tom noted they were well developed which affirmed they were quite old. Quickly he let loose a barrage of shots, including zooming back and getting close-ups and full body.

"But they don't show anything, soft as mush," he complained. "You have to pack a bit more in your pants than those."

The lads looked disappointed; they had thought he would be impressed.

"Can't you make them hard, or half hard?" he asked as if he was getting really tired of them.

They murmured to themselves as each had a hand round his dick. At least they were trying.

Tom saw the blond one began to fill just a little and he noted that his eyes were watching his friend like a hawk.

The dark one grimaced as he strove to get his dick to stand up. After some time he stopped.

"No, can't get it up. Must be coz we're outside. It stands up for me any other time though."

"Yes, me too," echoed the blond one again. "Don't have no trouble back home."

"Maybe you have been playing with them too much at home," laughed Tom.

"I don't get enough time to play too much" shot back the dark one. "Got to get it over with after school before my brother and then my mother comes home. Only time I get on my own is straight after school."

The blond one laughed at him.

"I get it up morning, after school and night before I sleep."

"That's because he's the only one in is house," said his friend. "I got two brothers and a sister around."

"I tell you what. I guarantee to get it to stand up for you, then you let me take a picture. No faces, just your "plenty".

"How you going do that when we can't do it?" questioned the dark one.

"I'm not telling you, just it will be so good that it will stand up straight like a soldier on parade."

They laughed and then talked quickly among themselves. They nudged each other time and again, making Tom think they were daring themselves to go along with his idea.

"Okay," said the dark one taking the lead once more, "I'll give it a try like, see what you're talking about."

Tom couldn't believe his luck. He had fully expected them to cut and run long ago, yet they had stayed.

"Alright, now lean back against the table because it will feel so good that you might fall over otherwise."

They laughed and poked each other.

"Right, one condition. You have to close your eyes. You turn away for a minute till it's your turn," he told the blond one.

They both agreed.

The dark youth leant back against the table and closed his eyes. Tom did a careful look around for any sign of other walkers before he moved.

"Don't look till I've finished, right?"

"Okay, Mister."

Gently he pulled back the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down. With his other hand, he took hold of the soft cock. A quick glance left and right and then he moved his mouth to the waiting dick. Before he took him, he could smell stale urine and up close revealed his underwear had been donned on some previous day. But he couldn't back out now. He took him in his mouth but the first taste was not good. The youth wasn't into hygiene. Barely had he run his tongue around the shaft before it sprang to life. Above he heard the youth let out an appreciative gasp. In fifteen seconds it was standing pulsing and hard and hitting the back of his mouth.

Quickly he felt for the camera and took it into his grasp. Pulling away he brought up the eyepiece and let off a few shots. He looked up at the youth, surprisingly he still had his eyes shut.

"You can open them now. What did you think of that?"

"Brilliant, fucking brilliant. Never had anything like that afore, never."

He turned to his mate.

"Eh, you should try this, fucking brilliant it were."

He stood up straight, his cock still sticking out hard and seemingly forgotten about.

"Okay, you turn away and let your mate lean against the table."

"Is brilliant, never felt anything like it," he repeated again.

The blond one looked a little worried even with all the encouragement. Without a dare attached it did not seem so appealing.

Nevertheless, when Tom gave him the signal to close his eyes, he did so while letting out a resigned sigh and relaxed against the table.

Tom made a quick glance around and moved in. Contrary to the other youth, this one had gleaming white briefs. He smelled fresh and Tom could tell the soap he used as he bought the same brand.

Gently he held it before bending his head and letting it slip inside. As with his friend, in less than ten seconds it began to rear. Tom felt it grow hot like switching on an electric fire. Unlike the first one, this kept its smoothness as it hardened even though under the soft skin was a pole of steel.

For some reason, Tom liked this youth. What had started out as a joke had turned into reality and not only that, one sporting a really nice cock. Reluctantly he pulled away and grabbed the camera and let off a few shots. He would keep a couple of this one for a memento; he was a really nice lad.

"You liked that?"

"Oh yes, bloody hell it were great."

"You ever had your cocks sucked before?"

"No never," said the blond one defensively. "Never done nothing like that." He sounded as if being accused of some crime.

"It were brilliant, weren't it?" said the dark one.

"Yeah, great," he enthused.

"You want some more?" asked Tom.

"I think I'll cum if you do that again," said darky.

"That's the whole point, it's what makes it really good when you can cum getting it sucked. Beats wanking any day," assured Tom.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, I cum right fast when I start."

He was already moving into position, pushing down his pants and underwear ready for Tom.

Tom wondered how far he could go with these two. Already it had moved from a whimsical idea quicker than he could ever imagine. They had not baulked at anything.

"If I am going to suck you right off, how about the other one sucking me while I do it?"

The two looked at each other speechless.

"I won't cum though, but if I'm going to give you your first blowjobs, it wouldn't be too much if you each sucked me while I was doing it. Eh?"

The dark one must have thought he was going to miss out on his first ever blowjob if his mate refused. Quickly he badgered his friend as Tom asked.

"Go on, I'll be doing it when he does you. We'll both be quits then," he reasoned.

The blond one hesitated some more. The edge came back into the dark youth's voice.

"Come on you chicken. I told you, I'd be doing it when he does you, what you worried about?"

"Alright," said the blond defeated.

Tom pulled down his zip and pulled out his dick.

"It's big!" said the astonished blond youth.

"You don't have to take it all, just suck the end."

"Get on with it," snapped the dark one.

Without further hesitation, he grabbed Tom's dick and began sucking the head. Tom couldn't believe how forcefully and business like he was once having made the decision. To keep his part of the deal he leant forward and took the other's cock into his mouth and began sucking.

True to his word, the dark one quickly got worked up. His stomach began to heave and he was hissing through his teeth. Within a minute he was filling Tom's mouth with a slightly bitter load of cum.

As soon as Tom pulled off, so the blond one let his cock fall from his mouth.

"Fucking hell," said the dark one, drawing out each letter of the words. "You got to try that, totally brilliant!"

His friend eagerly pushed him out of the way making himself ready for Tom. But the dark one didn't swap places, instead, he stalled saying it had made him tired.

"You said you would do it too, you'll be the chicken now," mocked the blond. "It isn't so bad. Get on with it and stop messing about."

Tom kept quiet, the blond one was eager to experience what his friend had and was making sure he would.

Reluctantly the youth got down on his knees.

"Go on you chicken, suck it!" demanded the blond.

As soon as he put his lips on the end, Tom leant forward to suck the blond. He smelled wonderful and his dick was beautiful too. If this was his first then Tom was going to make sure it was going to be hard to beat.

The idea that he was being sucked by them was very exciting, even more than the fact. Actually, he really couldn't feel very much at all when he thought about it but that was beside the point. He concentrated on the dick in his mouth, using his tongue and trying to make him gasp. The mission was accomplished and the youth squirmed and groaned under his ministrations.

"Oh god, I'm cumming," he moaned.

His cock erupted profusely, filling Tom's mouth to brimming. But even better, his cum was sweet and delicious.

As soon as he realised his friend was finished the dark one jumped up and started putting on his shirt. Now after the event he was clearly not so happy, at least for the moment.

However, the blond one stayed leaning against the park table, not wanting to move.

"Good?" asked Tom quietly.

The youth opened his eyes and looked at him. Very quietly he answered.

"Amazing. That were the best thing ever." As an afterthought, he added sincerely, "Thanks very much."

He smiled warmly before reaching for his shirt and began to tidy himself up.

"Okay Mister, we best be off, we're going into town," said the dark one.

"Playing truant?"

They guffawed.

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone will you?"

Tom shook his head. "Enjoy your day."

"Eh Mister, can we see them pictures when you have them developed?" asked the blond youth.

Evidently, he didn't know about digital or film cameras.

"I mean them model shots. Do you think I could have a copy of one of them like, I think they were real good."

"Sure," replied Tom.

He fished about in his wallet. He had a business card in there from when he had ideas of his own photography business.

"Here, my phone numbers on it, give me a call when you want to see them."

"Eh Mister, you won't tell anyone about what we just did, or like, show anyone them pictures you took, you know, our cocks."

"No way, you can be sure of that. Anyway, like I said there were no faces on those pictures so nobody can tell who they were."

"Great," he replied relieved.

"Okay Mister, see you!" he started to move off.

The blond one looked again at the card.

"See you Tom, we'll give you a call next week so we can see our pictures."

"That would be great, any day is alright with me."

"Bye Mister."

The blond one gave him an elbow in the ribs and showed him the business card.

"Bye Tom."

"Bye lads, have a good day in town."

They laughed as they walked down the way Tom had come. Even as they moved off, their laughter began to get louder and louder as they started fooling about once more.

Tom stood and thought about what had just happened. They were both rather good looking but the blond one, nice youth, clean and smelled fresh, and a really nice cock. Cum tasted good and loads of it. Hope he calls.

He grabbed the camera and started walking upstream; looking for the one setting that would perhaps allow his photograph into an exhibition. Just maybe, get him recognised as a good photographer.

The End

Hope you enjoyed that. If you did, please send your comments to John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

You can find more of my stories on Nifty if you look for "Bokjay" in Author section on Nifty:- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html

Next: Chapter 2: A Walk in the Park II 1 2

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