A Walk in the Park

By bokjay / John

Published on Feb 4, 2018


A Walk In the Park. What happened after? 1-2

By Bokjay bokjay123@hotmail.com

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by John - bokjay123@hotmail.com

Tom's encounter with the two teenagers left him in a good mood for the next couple of days. He kept going over what had happened, not believing his luck, not believing how a few suggestions made in half-jest, had been taken up by them so easily. How innocent they were. Not only had it been quite extraordinary, to top it all both were good looking youths.

He didn't really expect them to phone but at the back of his mind, he kept a glimmer of hope burning. It would be good to meet them once more, perhaps do it all over again. But if not, the memory would serve him well for quite some time. In fact, it had been his only sex of any kind for a long while when he thought about it. Maybe a year, perhaps even longer.

Not that it bothered him; he had run the path of numerous sexual escapades years back, even had a go with steady partners but eventually, they passed and he got used to the idea of being by himself. When he started his own photographic business, there was no time for going out and sharing his life with others. Now, of course, that was behind him too and he was resigned to it being only a hobby. But his present job was quite demanding of his time and left little for socialising.

When he had downloaded the photographs he was more than pleased with the results. He loved the digital camera; so far it had not failed in delivering excellent results. The two lads posing on the picnic table were quite brilliant. Not to mention those he took of their cocks. Although he had said no faces, he had turned the lens to wide angle and took a couple of each youth full body. They would go into his private collection file. For the rest, he would love to do some more with them, especially the blonde one. He came across particularly well.

The following week took him across the country for the first couple of days, not returning home till quite late. Then on Wednesday, the phone rang but when he answered it was a coin box and whoever was phoning could not get the money in. After a couple of times, he began to get annoyed. The following evening it was the same thing. He suspected someone was playing a prank as it was not often anyone he knew would use a public phone box. Half an hour later and it rang again. This time when he heard the rapid pips, he was already moving to put down the handset when he heard a voice.

"Hello? Hello? Fuck! Fucking phones never work when you want them."

"Hello," said Tom gingerly. "Can I help you?"

"Oh! Er, I got through!"

"Yes, who is it, can I help you?" he repeated.

"You that photographer bloke?" asked the voice.

Suddenly he recognised the person at the other end.

Changing his tone and relaxing, he said "Yes, this is Tom. Is that the lads from the park?"

"Yeah, well its Alan, Martin wasn't bothered. But I wondered if you had done them pictures, like?"

"Yes I have, and they were excellent too."

"Yeah? Can I come and have a look at them?"

"Sure, do you know how to get here? Take the No.10 bus to the Hospital and get off opposite the war memorial. My place is just around the corner from there." "Yeah, I know that road, I think. How about tomorrow night, I could come about seven if that's all right?"

"That would be fine. And Alan, bring a selection of clothes with you, I would love to take some more photographs if that's alright with you."

"Really! Wow, that'd be fantastic. Mind, I don't have a lot of gear, but I'll sort something, don't worry."

"Okay, see you then."

"Wow, yes, see you tomorrow!"

Tom could feel the excitement in the lad's voice; picture him in the telephone booth almost jumping up and down. He smiled to himself as he put down the receiver.

Later that evening he went to the studio and printed off a couple of large format ones of Alan. He was sure he would want a copy or two and he made sure after changing the lighting tones a little, they were going to impress. When he finished, he opened his private file and looked again at the lad's hard cock, remembering how fresh he smelled and how sweet his cum tasted. He could do without Martin, glad he was not going to be there tomorrow. If there was a next time with him, he would have to have a damn good shower first. It was already late when he turned out the lights and made his way back into the house. His hard cock tented his pants, making him grin; it was a long time anything had caused that to happen.


It was after 7-30 and Tom was beginning to think he would not show up after all. He sighed inwardly, feeling a little let down after the anticipation of meeting with him. He got up off the sofa and went to make himself a coffee. The doorbell rang. "Sorry I'm late, thought I knew where you were but went in the opposite direction".

He stood framed in the door, smiling.

Tom let him in and they went through the house to the studio.

"Want some coffee, or a Coke maybe?" He had purposely bought some Coke thinking it would appeal more than tea or coffee.

"Yeah, Coke would be great."

"You want to see the photographs?" he asked needlessly.

Alan could do nothing but stare at them endlessly.

"I can't believe it's me; I look so different on these from real life."

"The camera doesn't lie," Tom told him, bemused by the reaction. Not that it surprised him, once a photograph had been developed to the criteria of the photographer, or in the case of digital, colour and lighting parameters changed, then it could be quite a bit different to a plain snapshot.

"You are probably used to point and shoot cameras used by friends, when you use professional equipment then it's possible to come up with all sorts of changes."

"They are like those magazine ads you see," said Alan, still not quite over the shock of seeing big glossy prints of himself.

"Well, you said you wanted to be a model, this is the proof that it can be done" chuckled Tom.

"Shit! Ups, sorry, I mean I would really like to be a model, it's all so amazing to me."

"What clothes have you brought; let's see if we can conjure up some more shots."

Alan fair jumped at his bag and emptied the contents on the table. A couple of Tee shirts, a school shirt, a pullover and a pair of pants.

"Sorry, I said I don't have much gear, not much you could make pictures with, most of my stuff is old," he apologised.

"No, it's a good start. Take a look at these other pictures I have done and you will see the kind of thing I am looking for."

"Let's start with what you are wearing now and then you can change into some of the things you have brought later."

Tom had a few backdrops available, several plain sheets of different colours, a large forest scene, a beach scene, a road and a house interior. In addition, he had a small selection of props, his old sofa, stool, chair, football and a few other small items that had been used in the past to conjure up the idea that the sitter was somewhere other than in a studio.

Each shot took quite a while to pose and set up. Not that Alan didn't get it right, for straight away he showed the ability to know what was required and flow into the role he was asked for.

"Takes a long time, doesn't it? Thought you just would point the thing and click."

"No, if you want a good photograph, it has to be planned and carefully executed."

But as he began shooting, Tom realised that Alan had a natural flair. He had met quite a few professional models who found it difficult to smile realistically without looking strained, yet Alan just seemed to fall into it. He was better than he could have imagined.

"You not getting bored yet?" he asked Alan.

"Me? No, never. It's amazing. I think this is all brilliant."

When he changed clothes, there was a screen in the corner of the room. Alan used it for the first hour as he swapped shirts and tee shirts. But then he didn't bother and left his clothes on the sofa as he changed. That included getting out of his jeans and into the pants. Tom noticed but didn't do any more than glance in his direction. Taking photographs was his top priority and he didn't want to do anything which might scare him off, for he could be doing this for many, many nights to come.

Once he stopped changing behind the screen, he also became fully relaxed and began asking endless questions about what Tom was doing with the setup, why the lights were being changed around. Tom explained that he was not using a film camera, although there was one on a tripod, he now preferred to use a digital one and the results were downloaded to a computer and printed off from there.

"That's how I took your pictures in the park, on my digital. Back here I downloaded them to the computer and printed off those for you."

It was the first lessons Alan had ever had in the basics of photography. Each question answered only generated a host more such was his enthusiasm.

"Tom, I have to get going about 9-30. Me mam will be home from work after 10 and I want to be in the house before she is."

"She works nights?"

"Days and night. Daytime in Atkinsons sewing shop and nights in the kitchen of Park Working Mens Club."

"That's a lot of work, she must be tired out doing two jobs."

"Well there's only me mam, I got no dad. So she had to support me and everything," he shrugged.

"You mean you didn't tell her you were coming here?"

Alan smiled. "Well, what she doesn't know won't kill her."

"I can run you back if you like, no need to take the bus."

"Will you! That would be right grand, I don't have much money for bus fares. Maybe after I get a job I will have a bit to spend, but till then me mam's still giving me pocket money."

"No problem then, I will take you back home. It's been a good night, I've really enjoyed it. Hope you have too."

"Shit, sorry. Yes, it's been great, really it has. Will you let me see the stuff you have done tonight another time? Maybe you want to take some more?"

"I would love to do more. Each time I can take the best shots of each session and build a selection that will really impress people. Its called a portfolio and all models have one to show potential clients what they can do and how they will look in different situations."

"You will do one for me?" he asked incredulously.

Tom laughed. "To be honest, I will be doing it for myself first, and then for you. I really like taking photographs, so if I can build my own portfolio it helps me for future work as well as you. We have both something to gain from it."

Alan nodded as he absorbed the idea.

"Tom?" he asked quietly.

Tom murmured for him to carry on.

"You know them other shots you did of me and Martin, you know. Can I have a look at them?" he asked sheepishly.

Tom realised he meant the dick shots.

"Certainly, they were good too" he laughed. "Come over to the computer and I will load the file.

He had separated the shots so that none with faces showing were in the file that he was about to show Alan. When he clicked on the folder and let the slideshow run, Alan stood mesmerised and the shots flicked on the screen.

"Never seen me own dick like that before. Looks bigger than I thought it was."

"Maybe that's because you only see it looking down, kind of thing. But really, I didn't change anything here, what you see is what you got."

Alan laughed but never took his eyes off the screen.

"I'm bigger than Martin, aren't I?"

"No question about that."

As Alan continued to gaze at the screen, letting the slideshow repeat itself numerous times, Tom began wondering what was going through his mind. Finally, he looked away from the screen and directly at Tom.

"You want to take any more of these?"

Tom was taken aback. Of course, he would never say no to such an offer, but he had not been expecting one to be made, not here and not right now.

"Sure, if you want to. As I said, I love taking all kinds of shots."

Alan looked around the studio and then back to Tom.

"But not here, you got anywhere else we could take them."

"Yes, but," Tom hesitated not sure if he understood exactly what the youth was saying. "I could take a camera in the house if you would prefer in there."

"I suppose we could use the sofa," said Alan reconsidering his thoughts. "But nobody can see in, can they? Would a bedroom be better?"

The studio once being a shop was on the ground floor and he had painted out one window and had a dark sheet hung over another. He could see Alan was nervous about the possibility of someone being able to see in, although in truth no-one could.

"As you like, here or on my bed, whichever you would prefer."

Alan pondered. "Upstairs better, so nobody can see."

Tom brought up a small tripod and set the camera on it. Alan sat on the edge of the bed, now more than a little nervous.

"Undo your jeans," said Tom finishing off setting up and trying to sound businesslike.

It did the trick, Alan quickly loosened his belt and then flicked open the top stud.

"Stop," said Tom making the youth jump. "That would be a perfect starter. You look really sexy with the top of your jeans just open a little. Lay back and pull up your tee shirt a little, ruffle it up."

Alan followed instructions as the camera clicked away. Bit by bit the jeans were opened, the tee shirt pulled fully up his chest.

"Those briefs look sexy too, put your hand down inside a little as though you were going to scratch an itch. Brilliant!"

Although it was more hurried than the posed shots down in the studio, the number of shots was much greater. The camera recorded almost every action of the removing of his jeans and pushing down his briefs.

When his dick came into view he was not excited. As with all photography, the step by step manoeuvres had emptied any real sexuality from the session. It was slightly swollen, but not by any means hard. Alan looked a little embarrassed.

"You want me to make you hard" asked Tom peering above the viewfinder. "Like I did before?"

"I think you'll have to, don't know what's got into it, like down in the studio I was feeling a bit horny after seeing them pictures of us in the park, you know?"

Tom moved from behind the camera and stepped towards the bed. Alan lay back further to be more comfortable.

"Close your eyes and think of something you like."

He moved his face to Alan's groin and then checked that he did have his eyes closed. Satisfied he leant in and ran his tongue along the length. Alan gasped.

"Oh, that's brilliant," he murmured as his dick began to fill out and lift away from his stomach.

Little by little he expanded the area to be washed with his tongue. Now and again he took the dick into his mouth and was rewarded by Alan's gasps of rapture and the involuntary heaving of hips into his face. But Tom liked to torture and didn't allow any kind of rhythm to build up. He moved around licking and sucking his dick, and then took his balls one by one into his mouth. Alan squirmed around, alternately pushing himself into the bed and arching himself away.

Alan helped as Tom pulled down his jeans, finally taking them and the briefs off completely so that he could splay his legs apart and push his face into him. In the back of Tom's mind was the thought that at any moment Alan would suddenly decide that it was all a bit too gay and stop the proceedings. But whenever he glanced up, Alan had his eyes tight shut, hands gripping the sheets for a hold as he arched and humped and pressed against him.

"Tom, you are going to make me cum," he complained, his voice wavering and catching in his throat.

Tom broke away. "Good, enjoy like you have never enjoyed before!"

He moved up and took the cock into his mouth, allowing Alan to hump and push himself to the back of his throat. The youth began to lose control, gasping and moaning and increasing writhing around. His hand went to the back of Tom's head, caressing and running his fingers through his hair.

"Tom, I'm coming," he gasped in defeat.

A great glob of cum erupted into his mouth, followed quickly by many more. Moments later it was escaping his mouth and running down his chin, dripping onto the sheets. Alan sounded like he was sobbing as his orgasm shook him from head to toe. Tom stopped sucking and let the dick pulse and jump in his mouth, feeling the orgasm ebb away. Both Alan's hands gently played with his hair for some minutes.



"I don't want to, but I got to get home, me mam will be home soon."

"Okay, we better move."



"When can I come back and you do some more pictures of us?"

"Any time you like, just give me a ring to make sure I am not working away, then you can drop around. Tomorrow, after tomorrow anytime is fine by me."

"How about Friday? Me mam has a late night at the club, so I won't have to get back home till midnight."

Slowly they parted and Alan got dressed.

As he dropped him off near his home, Alan said "Thanks for tonight, for the pictures and everything. I really like doing all that posing and stuff, it would be real if I could get a proper job as a model. You think it's possible?"

"I think so, but it would not be me making that kind of decision. When we have a big enough collection, I will send them to a friend of mine and see what he thinks. He is in the business much more than I am, so I could get you a better opinion than mine. Remember, I am just a photographer who loves taking pictures, I'm not really able to say if you have the right stuff to be a model."

"I know," he said a bit dejectedly. "But it would be great if I could be. Let's carry on doing more stuff and see if you can make me look like one."

"Okay, love to. Take care and see you Friday."

On the drive back across town, Tom was left a little uneasy. Alan was from a rough neighbourhood and there was absolutely nothing about him or his friend for that matter that had indicated he would be comfortable doing what they had. Yet, on the other hand, he could see the youth really enjoyed it. In the way of caution, Tom had never explicitly mentioned any phrase like sucking dick or anything else that could possibly be a gay reference. He wondered if Alan was kidding himself that Tom was helping him out for the sake only of the photographs. He would have to be careful not to overstep any line for a while, to make sure Alan was very obviously fully at ease. Hopefully, he would become more used to what they were doing it would naturally progress till he could also fully relax and enjoy.

Tom - After a Walk In the Park 2

On Friday's Tom got home a little earlier than usual and he used the time to get the studio ready for the evening's work. He wired up a few more spots than he normally used, set up a film camera as well as the digital and cleaned off a few props that he had not brought out for a while. Never mind that he really liked Alan, he loved taking photographs even more and there was that little something about him that really made him keen to turn out his best work.

The phone rang just after five.

"Aye up Tom, still on for tonight?"

His instant palliness amused him.

"Yes, all prepared. What time will you be here?"

"About seven be all right with you?"


"Are you bringing some extra clothes?"

"Can do, anything you have in mind?"

"Shirt, pullover, tee-shirt, maybe some swimwear if you have?" "Yes, no problem. Okay, see you then mate."

As he put down the phone it struck him he was talking with an easy familiarity like he would with a friend of his own age. It augured well.


Alan laughed, "Me mam would love you, doin't ironing."

Tom had to take a few of the clothes he had brought and run the iron over them. He was serious that his photographs would leave nothing out of place.

"Well you can tell her I'm not up for being the new houseboy."

They worked hard, Tom never ceased being surprised at just how easily Alan fell into the required pose. He really was a natural.

About 10, they took a break for a coffee. It was as they sipped the drinks while Tom was sifting through some of the digital takes, Alan brought up his last visit.

"You had time to look at them others we did, you know, them upstairs?"

He had been so engrossed that the sudden change of subject made him jump.

"Oh them, yes, I ran through them last night as a matter of fact. Do you want to see them?"

It was a silly question of course.

"Yeah, I'd love to see how they come out."

Tom clicked his computer and brought up a folder, then ran a slideshow of the contents and sat back. He kept a close eye on Alan's reaction to the shots as they came up on the screen.

"Can't believe that's me. I look so different from real life like."

"Do you like them?" he asked a little warily.

"Me, yes, of course, they're real. Smashing!" he exclaimed. "It's like it's not really me in them shots, if you know what I mean. Like looking at a different person."

"What do you mean?" asked Tom.

Alan had to think about that. "Well, like looking at pictures in a magazine, like. I don't feel it was "me" doing them. But they're great!"

It put Tom's mind at rest as they were quite explicit and there was a doubt he might not like to see himself portrayed in this way.

"You want to do any more of me?" he asked, giving Tom another minor shock.

"You know me, if it's a photograph, I want to do it.

"Just I have to be home by 12 tonight, so we better get moving if you do."

Now he was being amazed Alan actually doing the pushing.

"Okay, well I have enough for now of the model stuff, so if you want to carry your coffee upstairs, I will follow you up with the camera."

Alan was off straightaway. By the time Tom had remembered where he had put the small tripod and his camera and got to the bedroom, he found Alan lying there with just his briefs on, coffee still in hand.

"How do you want me?"

Tom set up the camera but quickly found that this was just a prop. He only got off a couple of shots before Alan asked him to make it hard again. Leaving the photography to one side he climbed on the bed and pulled down his briefs. As he took the end of his dick in his mouth, he noticed Alan had his eyes tight shut.

Alan squirmed around, now much more comfortable than the first night. Tom again didn't allow him to cum too quickly and let go of his dick in favour of lapping his balls. Alan heaved up and down as Tom tried to keep him still enough to do what he wanted. On the spur of the moment when Alan raised his hips off the bed, Tom dived behind his balls and tongued the area between them and his hole. Alan fair screamed with delight, which egged Tom on even further. Now he pushed his knees back towards his chest, with Alan quickly holding them back himself when he realised what greater delights this would bring.

Tom was never one for rimming, it was something he had never cared to do previously, but somehow with Alan his tongue slipped up the smooth channel and before he quite realised what he was doing, his tongue was circling the little bud.

The gasps of Alan only made him press on further. Licking and stabbing with his tongue, it brought forth moans and gasps in a continual stream from Alan. Eventually, his tongue was tiring of the work and he replaced it with his fingertip. Alan seemingly oblivious still thrashed about as Tom went back to his dick while his finger probed and traced around his sensitive area.

At every turn, Tom was amazed at how willingly he went along with what they were doing. He had imagined some flinching if not rejection at the finger playing with his bum hole, but on the contrary, he was obviously enjoying it a great deal. As he probed further there was no resistance whatsoever, in fact, Alan appeared to be straining to catch his finger or at least open himself before the finger even tried to venture inside.

Well lubricated with spit it was only a few minutes before Tom's forefinger was all the way inside him. All Tom heard were gasps of delight, so to test how far he could go he deftly groped for some skin moisturiser from the bedside table and managed to get enough of the liquid onto one hand.

Now he went back with two fingers expecting some complaining but there was none at all. If he registered the increased pressure with the greater girth it was only as one of more pleasure. Slowly Tom frigged his hole with his two fingers while he sucked gently on his dick.

"Oh fuck," groaned Alan. "You are going to make me cum again big time."

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he emptied himself into Tom's mouth. As before it was confirmed as the sweetest cum Tom had ever tasted.

They lay still after the orgasm for some minutes. It was Tom who thought he had better get up but then Alan roused himself.

"Give me another minute and I'll be ready to go again," he said urging him to stay where he was.

Tom resumed licking his balls and teasing his cock and sure enough, life began to flow back again.

"Whatever it was you just did, it was the best yet," encouraged Alan.

That could only have meant his fingers up his bum, so as he hardened up once more he moved his fingertips down his cleft and began the teasing dance of the hole once more.

When he finally slipped in one and then the second finger, Alan moaned ecstatically. It didn't take a mathematician to put two and two together now and Tom finger fucked him gently but firmly. This boy definitely liked any part of his bum area played with and by the sound of his exclamations, it was the first time he had ever felt anything like it.

Alan thrashed about so that he had a job keeping his dick in his mouth.

He groaned again "I don't know what you are doing but it feels great. You are making me cum again already."

The load was smaller this time but just as good. He broke free when he had finished and slid up the bed beside him. Alan leaned his weight on him so that he felt it alright to put an arm around him. They stayed so for some time till Alan woke from his reverie and moved onto his back.

"Can I ask you something?" he said breaking the silence.

"Oh, here we go," thought Tom, the inquest and perhaps the end.

"Sure, ask me anything"

"Well, I feel a bit funny doing this."

This is it for sure, thought Tom, He is going stop coming here. It's finally dawned on him what we have been up to.

"In what way?" asked Tom cautiously.

"Well, it's like it's just me. Don't you ever want to, you know, get excited? Get your dick out too? Back in the woods that day you had us doing it, don't you want to do it here?"

Oh, shit, thought Tom, he had been barking up the wrong tree. Alan was worried about getting his stuff off and Tom remaining dressed.

He was caught out for words for a few moments.

"Well, I was only making sure you could enjoy yourself, I wasn't thinking of myself at all. Of course, I would love to join in if you want me too?"

"Why not, fair's fair" replied Alan. "It would make me feel a bit better if I wasn't the only one without any clothes, kind of thing."

"Now?" Asked Tom, remembering that he had already cum twice.

Alan grinned and reached for the waist of his pants. "Never seen such a big cock as yours, want to see it again in case I was dreaming" he laughed.

Together they removed his pants and Alan pulled off his briefs as Tom removed his shirt. With his sweat about Alan's question, his dick was as soft as they come.

"My turn to get you up," smiled Alan as he scooted down the bed.

He made short work of renewing his acquaintance with the size and quickly took him into his mouth, or as much as he could manage.

Tom looked down, feeling that he was in fact dreaming. He had felt no interest from Alan before yet he was plainly enjoying sucking his cock. The sight of this cute young guy in rapture over his dick brought him up hard and strong like he had not felt for years.

"Alan, turn around so we can do each other."

As soon as he understood the plan, he quickly turned around and they lost themselves in a mutual 69. Tom came first, again quicker than he had for years and this brought Alan off for the third time.

When they broke apart Alan was grinning.

"Was it alright? I mean, I've not had much practice at this kind of thing before, except once with a guy in the woods."

"Alright? It was brilliant," said Tom echoing one of his favourite words.

Laughing, they rose and got dressed again. Tom was so happy that Alan had made a joke of it; the atmosphere was fantastic and more than he would ever have dreamed of.

"So what's the plan now," asked Alan as they were driving back.

"I am going to sort out the best shots and send them to a friend of mine, ask his opinion about you and what the next step should be. That will be Monday so I will give him a call on Wednesday and see if he has received them and have a talk. So, by next weekend we should have some news."

"I start my first job next week down at `Standevens Transport'. Me mam got it for me, somebody who goes t'club is summat down there."

"Oh, best of luck for that." Said Tom but registering he didn't sound happy about it.

"Well it's a job, but it's just sweeping up and helping with some of the loading, that's all. A mugs job I'd say. But there's nowt round our way for jobs so I suppose it's better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick!" He laughed but it sounded hollow.

As he slowed to let him out Alan turned to say goodnight.

"Do you mind if I still come around some nights. I mean, you don't have to take any pictures if you don't want, but if you do I would like. I mean, till we hear from your friend, you know."

"Any time you feel like it, just give me a call and come around."

His face lit up with a grin. "Real, okay thanks for tonight and everything. See ya later."

Before driving off he watched for a few moments as he skipped away, full of the joys of spring!

More to come later.

Hope you enjoyed that. If you did, please send your comments to John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

You can find more of my stories on Nifty if you look for "Bokjay" in Author section on Nifty:- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html

Next: Chapter 3: A Walk in the Park II 3 4

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