A Walk in the Park

By bokjay / John

Published on Feb 12, 2018


A Walk in the Park, what happened after? 7

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by John - bokjay123@hotmail.com

Tom sat peering out of the fast moving train pondering mixed emotions. He was really happy for Alan. He was so enthusiastic about modelling and he was pleased to have been a part of bringing that about. But a sensation in his guts made him realise that he missed him already. On the other hand, having so much sex recently made him also realise that side of it could not go on indefinitely. Alan seemed to be inexhaustible and it only brought home all the more he was into middle age and his body could not keep up that pace for long.

Once he had found his feet in the business, he felt sure Alan would meet someone more his own age. At the back of his mind, he thought that could easily be a female too. In the modelling business there would be no end of girls wanting to be friends and sooner or later the right one would come along. Their dalliances in the bedroom would be put down to experience and he would move on.

Tomorrow it would be back to work again and Alan would slowly move to being out of sight and out of mind.

He drove to Alan's house before going home from the station. Margaret was not in, so he left her a note saying Alan had settled in well and was already very busy working. His first weekend off had been scheduled in around six weeks time. If he heard more, then he would drop by and let her know.

Work was busy after being away and he soon threw himself back into it once more. At the end of the week, he was not expecting the phone call.

"It's me!"

Immediately Tom felt a rush sweep over him and laughed out, glad to hear his voice.

"How you doing down there?"

"I'm fine; don't have time to think straight. But god getting up so early every day, I thought this was going to be a cushy job," he laughed.

"Is that a complaint?"

"No, just joking. It's amazing; really I love every minute."

He went on to tell Tom all the assignments he had been on. And best of all, already one of the clients had asked for him back by name, so he was really chuffed.

"Are you off this weekend?"

"No, we have a booking tonight for a company party and four of us, two girls and me and Terry have to escort unaccompanied guests into the ballroom from the lobby in some hotel. They are giving us dinner suits to wear too, so I should look the business."

"Try and have someone take your picture wearing that, I would love to see you. Bet your mom would too!"

"Don't worry, I will."

When he had finished talking and sat down on the sofa thinking, he had an almost painful empty feeling in his guts. Alan had got to him.

Halfway through the following week, he received a call at work. It was Alan and he immediately wondered why it could not wait until the evening.

"One of the lads here, Terry, saw my photographs and he was really pissed off. It cost him over £300 for a set of ten and they aren't half as good as mine. He wants to know if you can do some of him. He will pay you, his dad is rich from what he says, but it's not the money."

"Well yes, of course I can" he answered wondering when and where.

"There are some more here that would love photos as good as mine, he isn't the only one. It could earn you some money, kind of pay you back from what you spent on me," he laughed.

Well, this was a surprise. Maybe it could be a little money earner like Alan suggested.

"Just when and where does this friend want them doing?"

"That's why I'm calling now. I have to go to Edinburgh for a shoot on Sunday. Terry is going to Manchester for his mom's birthday on Saturday. So I was thinking we could come up Friday afternoon and stay over. Then Saturday I will catch the train up to Edinburgh and Terry go on to Manchester. What do you think? Only we have to organise it now so the agency will arrange my ticket for the right day."

"That sounds fine, I wasn't exactly overbooked for things to do on Friday night," he laughed. "But I won't be able to achieve much in one evening, I hope he realises."

"Yes he does, just it would be a good way to introduce him because he will be coming back to you when I'm not there, won't he?"

"I suppose so," Alan seemed to have it all worked out.

"So, we will give you a call on Friday before leaving London, do you think you can pick us up from the station?"

"Of course, see you then."

He put down the phone and felt a rush of excitement. His mind had been fixed on waiting many weeks before seeing him and now it would be this weekend. Even if it was a quick in and out, that would be okay.

Tom stood at the station exit scanning the trickle of people. He couldn't see Alan but finally, he saw two young men who he realised must be them. As they approached he still didn't recognise Alan until the last moment. Alan was grinning, fully expecting the reaction to his new appearance. Hair restyled and high lighted, matching clothes and shoes. Tom could not believe this was the same man.

"What happened to you?" he said shaking his head in wonder.

Alan laughed, "I know, the set director had them change me hair, and the clothes, well some left over from shooting!"

"Amazing, I bet your mom wouldn't know you never mind me!"

"Tom, meet my friend Terry. One of me mates on the Remington job."

"Hi, pleased to meet you," said this stunning young man.

Used as he was to Alan's broad Yorkshire twang, Terry was obviously from a more genteel part of the country. With this contrast, they made quite a pair.

Tom made dinner as they talked shop on Remington and other assignments. He gave Terry a selection of photographs to leaf through to show him his style of work.

"No-one at Dawson's has a portfolio as good as Alan's. Seeing these I am really looking forward to having some quality prints to show around."

"I am sure Alan already told you, they take quite some time to compose and take, and then edit afterwards."

"No problem, I know if I want quality then it will take more than just a click. That's what I got before; he was supposed to be a professional photographer and charged like one."

After eating they moved into the studio and they discussed together how the shots would be taken and what Terry would wear in each one. In the meantime, Tom ran off a few of the new Alan for posterity.

Despite their different backgrounds, it was soon clear that Alan and Terry thought on the same plane. They had a quick-fire repartee that Tom had not seen in his friend before. Terry appeared to be a laid-back personality and easy to talk with.

As they prepared for the first of the sets and changed clothes Tom was mildly surprised to note that Terry was not shy about undressing. He didn't bother with the screen in the corner and neither did Alan make any kind of remark or joke. He put it down to them already being used to changing in front of each other on set where there would be little or no privacy.

After the first series of shots, Terry changed some of his clothes from formal to casual. Off came the shirt and pants and he laid out tee shirts and jeans to discuss the best matches. As they talked, he was completely at ease standing in his skimpy briefs. Tom knew already that he was a year older than Alan, but his body was much more mature and defined.

Tom had to ask, "Do you work out at all?"

Terry realised he was being appraised and smiled "Not much really, just to make sure the stomach does not start to grow," he laughed.

They worked away until nearly midnight. Tom unable to stifle a yawn made them realise what time it was.

"We will have to continue another day," sighed Tom

"That's alright, give me a chance to bring different outfits with me," said Terry.

They cleared up the studio and returned to the house.

"Come on, let's take a shower before we sleep," suggested Alan.

"And I'll make up the spare bed," said Tom.

Alan laughed. "No need for one night, me and Terry crash in each other's room all the time, we can share your bed for tonight."

Without waiting for a response he pushed Terry upstairs and headed for the shower.

Tom shrugged inwardly and went about closing up the house ready for sleep.

As he climbed the stairs he could hear them in the shower together joking around. He entered the bathroom to clean his teeth.

"Kids!" he said loudly to let them know he was there. But they guffawed into more laughter behind the screen.

He returned to the bedroom and began undressing, quite unsure what was going to happen. A moment later and they walked in with towel wrapped around.

"Which side are you going to sleep," asked Alan

"I don't mind, up to you."

"In the middle then, we'll keep you warm."

Alan took off the towel and draped it over the chair and naked slipped under the sheets. Taking his cue, Terry did the same. Feeling every so slightly embarrassed, Tom finished undressing and climbed between them.

If he was worried about what might happen then he shouldn't have. They confirmed between them what time they had to leave in the morning and said goodnight. As Alan turned on his side he pulled Tom up behind him for a cuddle. Soon Tom could hear both of them breathing long and slow.

In the morning Tom awoke first, not used to sharing his bed with anyone never mind two young men. Both Alan and Terry were turned in towards him, he could feel Alan's hard on hot against the top of one leg. Terry had his arm over his chest and one leg hooked over his. Unlike Alan, he didn't have a hard-on though.

He nudged Alan, it was getting time for them to be up. When he opened his eyes, he nodded for him to look at Terry cuddled up on his other side. Alan reached over and gave him a poke.

Terry slowly came awake but if Tom was expecting him to jerk away once he realised he was lying half over him, then he was mistaken. He took his time to disengage, slowing peeling himself away and turning onto his back.

He climbed out first, pausing to look out the bedroom window before heading for the bathroom. Tom really had expected some kind of early morning hard on, but on the contrary, he could see it remained flaccid. Once out of the room, Alan grabbed his dick.

"Have we got time for something?" he asked but not waiting to hear the answer.

"What about Terry, he will be back in here in a moment."

They both strained to listen to what was happening in the bathroom. Tom would have loved to suck on him and was in two minds whether to dive under the covers. But then the toilet flushed and in padded Terry and began dressing. Knowing there was no chance Alan got up and with dick pointing to the ceiling went into the bathroom.

"Would it be alright if I came back tomorrow afternoon to do some more shots? I might get chance to get away early from my parents."

Tom thought about it. "No problem, but when are you heading back to London?"

"I can catch the train on Monday morning if that's fine for you?"

"Okay by me, I can drop you off on my way to work."

Tom prepared a breakfast for them, and then they were gathering their things and ready to go.

As Alan was getting out of the car, Tom pulled on his arm.

"Try to drop in again if you are charging about the country anywhere near here. I miss you!"

Alan smiled and leant closer. "I miss you too." Then as if he expected himself not being believed. "I really do, honest."

Tom, After a Walk in the Park 8

Tom spent the rest of Saturday doing a bit of shopping and then set about editing the photographs from the night before. He was thinking to himself about his hobby becoming quite a little earner if Alan's friends really did want him to help build their portfolios. It was something he had never thought of before and was all the more pleased at the prospect. Just imagine, he said to himself, Alan bringing all these good-looking young men around. He shook his head and laughed at the way things had turned out.

It was after six before Terry arrived on Sunday.

"Couldn't get away, you know how families are."

"Did you have a good party for your mom?"

"Yeah, not bad really. Mostly relatives and neighbours. But my brother and sister were there and it's a long time since I saw either of them."

He showed Terry some of the pictures he had already edited and asked what he thought about them.

"Excellent, just wished I'd had something like these when I started out that's all!"

"Glad you like them. Now, show me what you want to wear for the next set."

"Did Alan mention, Andrew and Michael from the agency said they wouldn't mind have you do some stuff for them. They thought Alan's sets were fantastic and when they see what you are doing for me, I know they'll be begging to come up here as soon as they get a weekend off."

They worked till around ten when Tom suggested they break for a beer. It was going well so far; Terry had a similar flair for posing that meant they could work without too much setting up the shots. As he had observed before, Terry was quite laid back and uninhibited. As Tom went to fetch some beers, Terry remained in his briefs and didn't feel any need to cover himself between changes.

Back to work and Terry said he had brought swimwear if he thought they might be useful for a shot. Tom said to give it a go and he got naked before pulling up his Speedo sized briefs and standing near the beach backdrop.

After the shots were finished he walked across the room to see the result, pulling off his swimwear as did so. He stood next to the computer screen looking at the download from the camera naked with his briefs in one hand as they discussed the takes.

"You ever done any naked stuff?" asked Tom half joking

Terry grinned. "No never, but do you want to?"

"I will if you are up to it." laughed Tom.

Terry thought for a moment, "Okay, just keep my face out of the picture. I don't want any photos popping up when I'm famous

"You do have an excellent body you know. The kind of physique that gets itself photographed!

Tom changed the lens on his camera so that he would get the subject in focus but the background would be blurred. He did the shots rapidly, standing, sitting and then laying on the sofa. On each shot Terry's head was turned away from the camera so that there would be no recognisable features to put a name to.

"How about a last one with it standing up?" said Tom laughing and pointing to his dick.

Terry moved to cover his dick and squeezed.

"No, I don't think it'll stand up," he said evasively

"Go on, give it a try," he cajoled

There was a moment's silence between them.

"Think of something good, some girl that you have the hots for," continued Tom. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"No, no girlfriend"

"Boyfriend?" he ventured.

Terry screwed up his face as though he had been offered fried cockroaches

"There must be something that turns you on. Who do you think of when you wank off?"

"I don't."

"You don't what, wank off or think of someone?"

"I don't wank."

"Go on, every guy wanks. I don't believe you. How often? Once a week, or maybe once a month?"

Terry shook his head. "Maybe once in a month or longer."

Tom was astounded. A young man who wasn't horny, it wasn't possible.

"Well, when you get to the once a month, who do you think of to make your wank?"

Terry thought for a while. "I don't think of anyone, I wank when I get a nice feeling and I think about that."

Tom thought to himself that he was a bit of a weird one, like he's asexual.

"Oh well, never mind it was only a crazy idea," laughed Tom, shrugging it off.

Nevertheless, Terry was impressed with his nude shots. It was if he really did not know that he possessed a great body or perhaps he was just not in the habit of looking at himself.

"How about we call it a do for today, it's after midnight already," suggested Tom

"Okay, we can do some more another time," agreed Terry

Tom put his cameras away and closed down the studio.

"You want to sleep in the spare bed or is mine still okay?"

"No problem for me sharing"

Terry undressed naked before going to the bathroom. When Tom had finished in there, he found him already in the bed.

"Seven thirty alright for you?" he asked setting the alarm.

"That's fine, I'll catch the nine-thirty."

Tom finished undressing and slid under the sheets. Although he kept to one half of the bed, Terry lay almost in the middle.

Suddenly Terry laughed, "Me and Alan, we sleep in each other's room a lot when we've been talking or watching TV. Easier than going down the corridor to our own places," he explained. "Whenever Alan thinks I'm asleep he'll have a wank. Sometimes I am asleep but the beds shake a bit and it usually wakes me."

"Don't you ever feel like joining with him?"

"No. I keep quiet and don't let on, then go back to sleep after he's finished," he chuckled

"It doesn't make you horny hearing someone else wanking?" he asked in disbelief.

"No, never."

"I can't believe you, I really can't" said Tom. He reached across and took hold of Terry's dick. "This is a challenge, I have to make you hard and cum."

Terry only chuckled. "I don't think you will." But made no effort to stop him.

He played with it, squeezing and rubbing but the best that could be said was that it filled out a little but did not go hard.

"I've never met a dick that didn't get hard," said Tom getting exasperated, which only seemed to amuse Terry.

Hearing the laugh made Tom determined to win this one. He threw back the covers exposing them both. He moved down the bed a little and looked closely at the dick he was toying with. Although he was solidly built and bigger than Alan, his dick was not. Still, it was probably average and for a plus point was smooth-skinned.

"I guarantee I can get this up," he said looking up at Terry.

He rolled his eyes indicating that he was welcome to try but he didn't hold out much hope.

Without a second thought, he moved over and took it in his mouth. Terry was not expecting this and jumped. His dick did fill out a little but if it were a bet, Tom would be losing money.

He reached up to his chest to tweak his nipples, but it only made Terry say it tickled and he didn't like it. With his other hand, he stroked the inside of his thighs and balls. It had no effect.

He pulled away from his dick and let saliva fall onto his fingers. As he resumed sucking he pushed his hand between his legs, letting the wetted fingers play over his hole. There was no reaction at all. Moving on, he gently pushed his forefinger inside him but nothing seemed to register with Terry. He followed it by a second and began to move them around inside him.

Suddenly there was a hissing sound as Terry took a deep breath through his teeth. He then moaned so badly Tom thought he had hurt him in some way. He pulled off his dick.

"You okay?"

"That's it!" said Terry as if he had just found something he was looking for.


"That tingling feeling inside, like pins and needles or a prickly hot feeling!"

Tom had no idea what he was on about until he moved his forefinger. It was followed immediately by another groan. Amazingly when he looked down to his dick again it was at full mast.

He moved to suck it but Terry began fighting him, as he wanted to wank himself. Quickly he had lost control and urgently needed to bring himself off.

"Not so fast, you got to make it last."

With some effort, he pulled away his hand and took him back into his mouth but this time played his fingers around his channel. It was obvious that he was touching his prostate and it was that which was turning him on.

Terry gasped again as he found the spot and began to writhe around. He was desperate to get his hand on his dick but Tom refused to let him.

For being un-arousable he became a man possessed, writhing, lifting his hips off the bed and pushing down hard against the fingers that were gently massaging his insides.

He tried again to wank himself. "I want to cum," he wailed

"Then cum, I want to suck you as you do."

Instead of trying to get his dick back, he pushed Tom's head hard into his groin, trying to fuck his mouth, all the time moaning like crazy.

Barely a couple of minutes from getting hard and he was shooting into Tom. All that struggle to get him worked up and it was over before it had hardly begun.

Terry lay unmoving, his arm across his eyes. Tom moved back a little watching him. His dick still jumped and throbbed, especially if he moved his fingers. It only took a fraction for it to register and send his dick bobbing off his stomach.

"I think you liked it," he joked.

Terry moaned again. "Yes, never felt anything like that before."

"Your first blowjob?"


"Have you ever had a fuck yet?" he pursued

He didn't speak but shook his head slowly from side to side.

Tom knew it wasn't finished yet. Slowly he withdrew his fingers and then reached to the bedside table for some gel. Terry didn't look up or move. Once they were slick he edged back alongside and pushed his hand back between his legs. He noted that Terry obligingly moved them apart to allow him easier access. There was no reaction when he slid the fingers home once more. Only when he found the spot did Terry moan quietly and then push back with his hips. His dick slowly reared off his stomach.

It was pretty obvious to Tom that he was enjoying what he was doing, so he sat up beside him, and pushed back his legs to his chest. He moved down and took him into his mouth again and at the same time began frigging his channel. Terry locked an arm behind his knees and began working his hips back to meet the thrusts of the invading fingers.


"Yes," came a hoarse voice.

This time it was not proceeding at breakneck speed but nevertheless, Terry disengaged one hand and let it creep down to his groin and try and take his dick from Tom's mouth. Tom pushed it away in a fashion that said he was in charge.

Something told Tom that he could do anything. He judged from all the reactions so far that Terry was out of this world. With his legs already back against his chest, it was an easy movement to withdraw the fingers and push in the head of his dick. If Terry realised anything had changed he didn't let on. Tom pushed in further and further till Terry made a grab for his dick again. This time he allowed and he began to beat himself off quite savagely as Tom thrust deep inside.

"Oh, I'm going to cum again," he wailed as though in pain.

"Me too," countered Tom, quite enthralled with how things had panned out.

Alan's hips pushed hard against his thrusts, and his moans became almost a continuous drone.

As soon as Tom saw the first globs of cream streak up his stomach, he powered hard and came himself.

Gently he let down his legs and dropped beside him. They lay quietly without talking.

When Tom was about to say something, he realised Terry was fast asleep. Quietly he got up and went to the bathroom.


More to come later.

Hope you enjoyed that and if you have any comments let me know -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

You can find more of my stories on Nifty if you look for "Bokjay" in Author section on Nifty:- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html

Next: Chapter 6: A Walk in the Park II 9

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