A Weekend in Brighton with Kevin

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Oct 2, 2021



Synposis: A wealthy computer game programmer wants a weekend sex vacation in Brighton. He meets a young student half Japanese boy Hiroshi fleeing Japan due to his sexuality and his view of his life is altered forever.

Samuel looked up at the departures board at Victoria station from the next train to Brighton. It was 8am and the next train left in just a few minutes. He had agreed with himself to take the weekend off and try to discover himself and try to meet some new people and maybe hook up with some friends. Samuel was still only 25. From a very young age he had started playing computer games and at the age of 15 had started programming his own. He realised he had a talent and refused to go to university. He spent all his time on his programming which drove his parents mad. However when his games started to sell when he was 18 they relented and gave them his backing. By the time he was 20 the game was selling like hot cakes and he started to hire one or two sales and other staff. Now by the time he was 25 he was a multimillionaire with 20 staff, who still spent little time socializing and was considered rather introverted. He often said he did not have time for parties or girls. In fact on the odd occasion he did date girls but he could not be bothered to spend hours sitting in a bar getting drunk.

Now being 25 he wondered where he was going with his life and realised that he needed somebody else to share his weekends, holidays and even his money, The only problem was that he realised that he was at the least bi-sexual and most likely gay. He was embarrassed by this and the fact he could not be natural with his sexuallity. This weekend however he was determined to do something about this and Brighton offered the chance of meeting people in an arena which had nothing to do with work. He also knew he was not attracted to those of his own age or older but in those a few years younger than himself. In fact on the odd occasion he picked up a young man or even paid for sex when he was at some hotel. Paying for sex was not somthing he was proud of and he was always most discrete and always hid his name and used a non traceable pay as you go sim card.

The train to Brighton was leaving soon from platform 18 with a coffee in his hand he moved through the barrier and towards the train. He only had a small backsack and boarded the train somewhere in the middle. He walked down one carriage and moved on when he saw screaming kids and their parents. In the middle of the next carriage he saw a boy on the left reading a magazine. It was a gay mag and in fact easy to see if was "gay life" which he read occasionaly. Samual stopped up and locked down at the boy. He was about 18 and of some Asian extraction, maybe Japanese but with some sort of European mix. Samuel said "May i sit here?" pointing to the chair opposite. The boy looked up and in shock suddenly realised that he had been seen reading a gay magazine and quckly hid the pages and was blushing profusely. The boy blurted out "please forgive me" and kept blushing. Samuel broke the embarrassment and said again "may i sit here?"

"Yes" said the boy "please do , it is empty"

There was an awkward silence. Samuel reached over to offer his hand to the boy

"My name is Samuel," said Samuel.

"Hiroshi" said the boy

"You can read that magazine if you like" said Samuel "I am not offended. I sometimes read it myself"

With that the boy relaxed a little but did not go as far as picking up the magazine one again.

The train pulled out of the station and nobody else sat beside them.

Samuel sneaked a look at the boy. He looked no more than 18. Definitely a mix of Japanese and European and from the look of it in really good shape. He had blond hair and a very pretty symmetrical face.

"Are you going all the way to Brighton?" said Samuel.

"Yes," said Hiroshi. "Just for the day to look around"

"It's an interesting place" said Samuel. "It has quite a large gay footprint if thats what you are looking for?"

The boy nodded without being committal. Samuel realised he was dead scared of being outed.

The train trundled on for a few minutes. The boy looked really hot. Just the age he was looking for and began to wonder if this boy could provide his entertainment for the weekend.

Samuel tried again "Do you know about any of the sights in Brighton?"

Their eyes met.

"A little" said Hiroshi "The Lanes and the pavilion and the seafront."

"Are you from Japan?" said Samuel.

"Yes" replied the boy." I was in a small fishing village in the North Island but my mother is English. "

"Are you in England for holiday?"

"No" said Hiroshi. "I have just started studying and the LSE in London but my passion is painting and the arts as well as keeping fit and swimming."

"Lovely" said Samuel "I can see you are really fit even through your shirt"

Hiroshi blushed a little and fidgeted a little.

Samuel said that he was going down to Brighton for the weekend to chill out but he did not know many people down there. He just had to get away from work. He did not say he was a successful games programmer!

They chatted about London and England and the weather. After passing Gatwick they seemed to be getting on much better and Samuel said "How about we hang out for a while? I can show you a little of Brighton and I think I will enjoy the company"

Hiroshi smiled for the first time and said "I would like that, thankyou."

Hiroshi had good English from his mother but it was not native and he did have some problems in expressing himself.

They settled down to the last 30 minutes of the journey and Hiroshi told a little of his LSE course and about the love of Art. He told a little of his family, his mother and his very strict upbringing.

Samuel wanted to know more. He said "How does Japan react to homosexuality? Is it relaxed yet?"

"No" said Hiroshi "it's a very difficult problem. If i was to tell anybody in Japan I was either gay or thinking about it then it would bring great disgrace to my family"

"Dont worry" said Samuel "I am not about to tell you family. Just chill out and relax"

Hiroshi smiled and visibly relaxed.

Samuel laughed "and that magazine is quite good. I buy it myself sometimes. The pictures can be really hot. "

Hiroshi managed a smile without blushing ! He looked up and said

"It is most unlikely I will ever return to live in Japan. I have a lot of English habits from my mother and I think I am going to be more at ease here. My middle name given to me by my mother is Kevin. Would you call me Kevin ?"

"Sure" said Samuel. "No problem Kevin. Maybe you would like to call me Sam?"

"OK" said Kevin.

So suddenly after an hour of talking they had new more relaxed names !!

The conductor came by and Kevin reached to the rack above him to get the ticket out of his rucksack. As he reached up his shirt rode up over his shorts and his golden six pack was visible. He was wearing some lovely blue shorts which only went half way down his golden hairless legs and showed off his hairless quads. He was an absolute dream. Samuel wondered if this boy was going to be his weekend entertainment. He did not want to push things. This boy was so shy he might do a runner if he came on too strong.

After a few minutes the train began to slow as they approached Brighton.

Samuel said "nearly there. How about we hit the Saturday outdoor market first?. They have some unusual clothes and nicknacks"

"Sounds just fine" said Kevin.

The train came to halt and Kevin led the way out. Samuel followed him and his gaze was fixed on the blue shorts and the tight well formed arse cheeks pointing out at him. Kevin turned round and caught him looking. Samuel quickly looked up and smiled at Kevin.

They both left the train. Kevin a half step in front of Samuel.

After leaving the station Kevin had no idea where to go.

"Its not far to the market" said Sam. "A few minutes walk, lets go"

Sam began to stride out and Kevin followed very close by. Sam was feeling relaxed with his new friend. "Just maybe .... " he thought.

They reached the market in just a few minutes and Kevin saw all the stalls reaching out down the road. They went from stall to stall and from shop to shop commenting about the various items. As they pointed to things and reached out they bumped into each other and made no attempt to say sorry or not bump into each other. Kevin saw this as a good sign. It was a "man touch" - the first touch between two men was seemingly accidental to see how each other reacted to being touched. As they moved on Kevin touched Kevin shoulder and arms to get his attention. Kevin was at ease with this.

After an hour or so they reached the end of the road and Sam said "Shall we go and get a cup of coffee and take a break before going on to the next place? I know I nice little place"

"Lovely," said Kevin.

Kevin took the lead and they walked towards a little backroad not far from the coast and the Lanes. He had used it before. It was cosy and small with good seating . The owners were an older Italian pair who were proud of their establishment and took pride in the customer.

They reached the cafe and were properly greeted. "A table for two," said Sam.

They were shown by the man to a nice table looking out onto the small square.

"Order what you want," said Kevin. "My treat"

Sam ordered a small cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee. Kevin ordered a glass of carrot juice and a plain brown roll.

"Very healthy" remarked Sam.

"Yes, in Japan we get used to simple foods and I put so much effort into my heath and exercise it just seems wrong to put fatty food into my body"

They discussed the subject of healthy eating. Sam said he went to the gym and played some squash in an effort to balance his hours at the computer screen. Sam was not as trained as Kevin but he was in reasonably good shape.

Kevin as a kind of joke brought his arm up and flexed his bicep. Sam nearly passed out slobbering over Kevin's body.

After 20 minutes they left the cafe and Sam suggested they look round the Lanes. Kevin was attracted to one or two sushi restaurants.

"We can eat lunch there later" remarked Sam.

Kevin replied "Actually I don't think I can manage the expense of restaurant food. I am only a student. I had thought just to buy a salad from Tesco and eat on the beach."

"Nonsense" said Kevin "It's my treat , we can eat just where we want to"

Kevin nodded and accepted the gift from his new friend.

The Lanes are a bit overrated and filled with some small shops selling jewels and other cheap crap. In less than 30 minutes they had finished looking. They gravitated back to the main shopping center and strolled round the clothes shops casually commenting on the shirts and trousers and shorts. Kevin was looking at a pair of trousers and said they looked nice. Sam insisted he try them on just for fun.

Kevin took up the challenge and walked to the changing room and pulled the curtain. Sam was watching and put his head round the corner.

"How do they fit?"

Kevin was putting his shorts back on but he was only half way and his arse cheeks pushed out at Sam.

"They did not fit" said Kevin.

"But you did not even show me" replied Sam. "Put them back on and let's have a look"

"OK" said Kevin and whilst Sam watched he took his shorts back off and reached out for the trousers. He faced Sam and his tight little underwear was cupping what looked to be a lovely cock. Kevin saw him staring but said nothing.

Sam backed out and Kevin followed him.

"Not too bad " said Sam. "Tight in the right places"

Kevin smiled. He realised he was being admired.

"Why dont we buy they?" said Sam

"I simply don't have the funds" said Kevin.

"My treat" said Kevin "I am really quite wealthy and it would be my pleasure and a way of thanking you for spending time with me"

Kevin nodded. Sam paid for the trousers whilst Kevin put his shorts back on.

"What now?" said Sam "are we getting properly hungry?"

"Yes" replied Kevin "Can I suggest one of the Sushi shops down by the Lanes. It was run by a young Japanese pair and it looked like real Sushi and not just tourist sushi. There is a big difference"

Sam was not a big Sushi eater but off they went to find that place once again.

As they arrived Kevin walked in first and greeted the lady. They spoke Japanese to each other and were shown to a great table.

Kevin suggested they order for them both. Sam agreed and told him to order as much as he liked.

After 10 minutes the food came on open plates. It looked a little different to the Sushi he was used to seeing and after the first bite he realised this was something special. They ate with great delight.

The women came over and Sam congratulated her on the food. She did not speak much English. Kevin took up the conversation and as it turned out they were in real financial problems. The rent was high and they did not get much custom. It was her husband who made the food. They had been in England for a couple of years and were close to having to shut down their business.

The women left and Sam looked at Kevin.

Sam said "Do you think they would consider a business partner to help get their business back on the right road? It looks like they need some advertising and maybe a better placed shop front"

"Maybe" said Kevin

"OK, I am thinking that I can get my marketing manager to come down here on Monday and find out what he can do. I will pay off their debts, pay for marketing and ask for 25% of the profits in the future. If there are no profits then I earn nothing. I think that is a good deal"

Kevin waved to the woman who came back. Kevin asked for the husband to join them and he explained the proposition.

They pair hugged each other and fell into tears.

Kevin turned back to Sam and said "they are very happy but are confused as to why you would help them?"

"Well because I have the funds to be able to help them and their Sushi is just amazing. It deserves a real chance at success."

The man nodded and said to expect his business manager maybe on Monday.

He asked if Kevin could come back on Monday and help with the translation. Kevin agreed since Monday was a real slack day at college without lectures.

Sam left the couple his card on which the company name was prominent. He wanted to tie this off quickly so he phoned his marketing manager.

"Jack, get yourself on a train to Brighton on Monday and see if you can help a young Japanese pair make a go of their business. You simply have to taste their food, I have never tasted anything like it. And Jack - don't worry too much about us making a profit, think of this as a good cause. Think about a marketing strategy and maybe new premises. And Jack , a young Japanese boy will meet you at VIctoria. I will send you his mobile number. Get in touch with him and make sure you are on the same train. Expenses are on us!"

Sam and Kevin said their goodbyes and looked back at the young couple holding each other.

"Now thats love " said Sam

Kevin nodded in understanding.

"What now?" said Kevin

"Well maybe first a walk on the pier to walk off that lovely lunch."

They chatted and it became clear that Kevin had problems making friends. Sam suggested that maybe because he was so good looking that people were afraid to speak to him. Sam said maybe he had to try and be more open and talk to as many people as he could without having a direct purpose for doing so.

Kevin said he understood.

"Look Kevin, we met on the train and started talking. I have had a really great morning and we have helped a couple in need. Its a good day."

Sam put his arm round Kevins shoulder and Kevin made no attempt to remove it.

They sat down on a bench near the end of the pier.

Sam said "Is there anything else you wanted to see or do?"

"Well I have heard about the Brighton Sauna" said Kevin

"You know that is a gay sauna?" asked Sam

"Well yes I do, I thought that maybe I could meet somebody there"

Sam looked at Kevin and said "look Kevin, you know you are good looking, If you go into that sauna you will have most of the men chasing after you and you will probably end up getting gang raped. Or maybe that's what you want?"

"No , no" said Kevin quickly. "Its just that I find it so difficult to meet gay people"

Sam looked him in his eyes. "You should concentrate of meeting people first and then some of them might be gay. You met me didn't you and now we are good friends."

"Yes" replied Kevin "we are good friends. Its just that I am 18 and have never had sex with a girl or a boy. I hoped this day would change that and a sauna seemed like a good way."

"Well I won't try and stop you " said Sam but maybe you should look to the friends you have."

"Who is that?" said Kevin

"Me for example" replied Sam and with that he put his hand on Kevins legs and pulled it up slightly pulling the shorts up close to Kevins crotch.

Kevin was in shock. Nobody had ever touched him in this way before but he made no effort to remove Sam's hand.

They sat like this for a minute. Kevin was getting really hard and Sam had not even touched his cock. He thought he had better remove his hand as somebody was coming past them.

They sat in silence for a few minutes watching the view of the rolling waves.

Sam opened up the talk again

"How about visiting the pavilion or maybe you would like to go for a swim?"

Kevin relaxed again and said a swim would be good. He could swim in his shorts and then put his new trousers on. So off they went off the pier and down the beach a hundred yards.

Kevin began to strip off and displayed his absolute perfect body. He looked like Tom Dailey but better if that's possible. Kevin saw Sam starring again. Sam apologised but Kevin just smiled.

Sam made his plans. "Look I have booked the Jurys hotel which is just over the road. If you take a swim now we can go back to my hotel. I can check in now since its soon 2pm. You can dry off there and maybe we can visit the pavilion afterwards.

"Sounds like a good plan," said Kevin.

Kevin went into the cold water. He was used to swimming pool water but he went and swam hard for 15 minutes. After that he came up out of the water and was obviously very very cold and shivering. He quickly got out of the cold wet shorts and put on the dry trousers and his shirt. He was still shivering and Sam said they should go to the hotel quickly for him to warm up. It was not serious but he was cold through and through.

They reached the hotel within two minutes. Sam used his express checking card and they were in the penthouse suite in no more than a minute ot two. It was the best in the hotel with a large terrace lounge and bedroom.

Sam went over to the bar and poured two brandys. He gave one to Kevin and said "Cheers".

They sipped on the brandy for a few seconds and then Sam said "get yourself into that shower quick". Sam used the towel to rub the boys back in an effort to get the blood flow working.

Kevin's hands were so cold he could not open the latch on the trousers. Sam went over to help. Kevin's trousers fell to the floor and there stood Kevin naked in front of him.

Sam thought about it. He was in a luxury flat in Brighton with a naked Japanese boy in front of him. It would not get much better than that, but he did not go for it. Why was that he thought?

In the shower you get "said Sam.

Kevin moved towards the shower and Sam patted his arse cheeks as he passed. Kevin did not complain!!

Kevin got into the shower and turned on the warm water. He stood there for a few minutes. Sam intended to have a shower as well when Kevin was finished and removed his clothes apart from his underwear and was brushing his teeth.

The glass door to the double shower opened. Kevin was at the entrance and simply said "do you want to join me?"

Sam was rooted to the spot.

"Er yes yes of course".

Kevin reached out his arms and pulled Sam in towards him.

Kevin was fully hard. His cock pointing out to Sam.

"Do you like what you see?" said Kevin

Sam moved towards him and slowly their mouths met in a gentle kiss and then a more sexual kiss. Their tongues and saliva mixed and Kevin has a taste of salt water.

They explored each other. Little kisses caresses. Sam was in seventh heaven. Sam soaped the boy up and explored his soft hairless anus with one finger. Suddenty the boy bent over a little more and said "fuck me please Sam, I want you in me now"

"Don't you want to go to the bed and be more comfortable?" said Sam

"Yes later but I want you now. You have been looking at me all day. I know you want it. I have waited so long and I need you in me"

"OK sweetie, bend over a little more, I will be careful".

And with then Kevin widened his stance a little and then actually bent all the way over and placed his hands flat on the floor. It was all Sam to do not to orgasm there and then.

He had an 18 year blond Half japanese in his shower full bent over waiting for his to be fuicked by Sam. What a day!

Sam gently placed his cock at the entrance and pushed gently. The head popped in and Sam waited. He was being considerate. The very next second Kevin pushed backwards and the whole of Sam cock disappeared all the way into Kevins tight little cute arse.

Kevin groaned with pleasure. Sam was taken back by this little event but accepted it. Who would complain??

Sam began to pull back and forward. Some deep , some short, some quick and some slow. Sam heard the boy sobbing and began to pull out. Kevin reached back and held onto Sams hips.

"Please don't stop Sam. I am only crying because I am so happy. Please keep giving me your cock. Dont stop"

Sam pushed back in once again and the boy continued to cry and moan with pleasure.

Sam reached down and took hold of one of Kevin's arms and pulled it behind Kevin's back and then the same with the other arm. Sam pulled back now on both arms which enabled his cock to be even deeper. He was getting close. He had been fucking for over 15 minutes now. In just a few seconds because he was thinking about the depth he was put over the edge and he blew his load and came deep into Kevins arse.

The boy quivered as he felt the cum in his rectum. As Sam went flaccid he pulled out. Kevin was on his knees and insisted on blowing Sam to get the last bits of cum out of his cock.

After a minute Sam pulled Kevin up and Kevin him on the mouth. Kevin said "Thankyou Sam I needed that"

"Let's get out of here" said Sam. "I am getting all pruny".

They left the shower and dried off a little but Sam pulled Kevin to the bedroom and told him to lie on the bed with his legs dangling over the edge.

Sam kneeled down in front of the bed and pushed Kevins legs apart. He wanted to taste this boy. Sam took Kevin in his mouth and sucked on the rock hard cock. He cupped Kevin's balls and held them tight whilst he licked the end of the pink penis and totally engulfed the cock to the root. This was ecstasy to the boy. He was close.

With 20 more sucks Sam felt the boy was about to cum. Kevin felt it and said "I am cumming"

Kevin tried to pull Sam off his cock but Sam held on tight. He wanted to give this boy everything and take it all as well.

Kevin understood what Sam wanted and he shot his load deeply into Sam's mouth. Sam swilled the cum around in his mouth a little and then swallowed with pleasure. Kevin collapsed back on the bed. Sam got onto the bed and pulled some bedclothers over them. Sam held onto Kevin in a spoon-like position and they closed their eyes.

It was 20 minutes before Sam woke. He had power napped. Kevin was still asleep. Sam got out of bed and put on a robe and went out to the terrace with a cold coke.

Kevin slept on. "The poor thing" thought Sam "The experience was so strong he has collapsed with pleasure".

It was only 4pm so Sam let him sleep.

Thirty minutes later Sam heard Kevin stir. Very shortly after he heard a patter of quick feet move out onto the terrace. It was of course Kevin standing in front of him naked but cupping his hands in front of his genitals.

"I am so sorry for falling asleep. It was so rude of me" said Kevin, bowing his head.

"Dont worry" said Sam. I fell asleep as well. I just woke up a few minutes ago. Sit down here."

He motioned for Kevin to sit down beside him naked.

"Don't hide yourself Kevin. You have a beautiful body"

Kevin smiled and accepted Sam's outstretched hand.

Sam asked Kevin "Was that ok for you? I did not expect you to sobb like that"

"It's just that I am so happy. It has been a beautiful day and I have had sex for the very first time."

Sam said to him "Why don't we make a weekend of it. We can go out to the pavilion now and then eat evening meal at our new sushi restaurant?"

Sam put one arm around the boy's shoulders and one hand on his leg near his crotch.

"Can we just stay here and make love?" asked Kevin.

Sam tightened his grip on Kevins legs and moved it up to his cock which was getting hard again. "Well thats a tempting thought but my cock and your arse needs a rest so let's go out now. I promise you that we can have some more fun later on - I promise"

Sam let go of Kevin's cock and told him to go and shower and get all that cum out of bum. Off he went and did as he was told. Sam came in the shower and Kevin cleaned his cock. They kissed passionately but Sam was careful not to get them too horny. He needed a couple of hours to recover.

20 minutes later they left the room for a tour of the pavilion, both of them with a grin on their faces and an expectation of what would happen on their return to the room.

The pavilion was interesting but it no longer had their full attention. Kevin kept brushing into Sam as if to say "I am here". Within an hour they had finished. It was 6pm and they agreed to go back to the same Sushi restaurant.

The owners recognised them and bid them in. They got the best table in the house so they could both look out to the view of the square. Keven said they would be bringing the best the house could offer. They eat with delight. It was amazing and for a while they forgot their lust for each other. Kevin spoke of his childhood and of his fathers attempt to get him interested in girls. He suspected that his mother and father eventually accepted his difference and sent him to Europe to find himself. Today was his first sexual encounter with a man or woman although he had bought himself a few toys such as a dildo to make masturbation less boring. He now knew he was gay and he wanted to get get to a point where he did not have to hide his sexually from all those around him.

Sam told a similar story but still did not admit to being a multi millionaire. He kept his full identity a secret for now.

Sam put his hand on Kevins legs once more and squeezed. "Would you like to go back to the hotel or shall we go to a bar and maybe meet one or two or my friends?"

Kevin was aware that Sam suggested he meet some people. He said "let's meet some of your friends and then I want to go back to the hotel and get fucked again"

"Deal" said Sam.

Sam squeezed Kevins legs once more and stole a quick squeeze of his cock as well.

They grinned at each other in understanding. Sam paid the bill at the protest of the owners who said they should not pay. They left and Kevin said "see you again Monday"

They walked towards the area were there were one or two gay bars. It was a little early but inside they found a couple of lads about 24 sipping a coke and chatting. They welcomed Sam and grinned as he introduced Kevin.

One of them said "at last Sam, you have found yourself a really top draw version there."

All four of them laughed when Sam said they would only stay for a short while.

After a couple of hours of laughter from them all Sam and Kevin said their goodbyes for the evening.

"Have fun " said the other two. "Come back soon"

Sam would have liked to hold Kevin by the hand as they walked away. He said "there is one thing you must be careful of even in these days. That is, some people get offended if I hold your hand or have my arm around you. Some pairs even get beaten up. We just need to be a little discrete sometimes"

They reached the hotel with high expectations. Sam unlocked the door and they both went in. Sam put down his things, took off his jacket whilst Kevin went straight onto the balcony. Sam walked up behind Kevin and wrapped his arms around Kevin in a loving hug. Kevin closed his eyes and dreamed of what was to come. Sam pulled Kevins shirt up and over his head and then ran his fingers over Kevins six pack. His fingers roamed down to Kevins belt and undid the clasp. The trousers fell to the floor. Kevin was naked on the balcony. They were on the top floor, nobody could see apart from God.

"Shall we do it here?" said kevin

"No" responded Sam "I like a bit of comfort. This balcony is concrete.

Still behind Kevin Sam ran his fingers up and down Kevins rock solid cock. "Dont cum too soon little one, I want this to last"

Kevin closed his eyes and let it all happen.

"Do anything you like my lover" said Kevin "I trust you"

Sam turned Kevin round to face him and kissed Kevin on the lips.

Kevin sighed and whispered "take me to bed and make love to me?"

This was the first time he realised that Kevin was talking of love and not just sex. Sam had some of the same feelings. This boy was gold and was thinking about the days and weeks after this weekend. Could this boy be a long term boyfriend and how could that be best arranged for them both.

For now however Sam wanted to make love to this boy and fuck the brains out of him.

Sam took Kevin by the fingers and led him to the bedroom.

Kevin lay back on the bed whilst Sam removed his trousers, socks and shirt. Sam got into bed and the two got into a frenzy of kissing, touching, stroking, nibbling. Kevin went down to suck on Sam's cock but after a while he pulled Kevin off since he did not want to come too quickly. Sam went down to suck Kevin. He pushed Kevins legs up and over his own shoulders. He went further and Kevin's feet lay over his head. He was so flexible that this was no effort. Sam licked and probed the boy's pink little anus. It was pouting at him. He probed his tongue in and out and then pushed a finger and then a thumb into to invade the hole. Kevin just moaned with pleasure.

"Please fuck me with your cock" said Kevin.

Sam lined up his cock and pushed gently into Kevins willing arse. Sam pushed down and in a few seconds his cock was swallowed by the whole. Sam felt the warmth of the hole.

Sam pulled in and out with a steady rhythm. In and out, in and out for several minutes. Then he pulled nearly all the way out and all the way in, then he played with his cock just at the entrance popping in and out. The boy was groaning louder and louder with pleasure. Sam knew he could not keep this up for long without cumming. He pulled out of Kevin and told Kevin instead to sit on top of his cock.

Kevin understood and sat down willingly. Sam reached out for the now available rock hard cock and with a handful of cream massaged Kevin's cock up and down whilst he bobbed up and down on Sam's cock. It was not going to be long thought Sam. He wanted them to cum together this time.

Kevin was arching his head back and he knew Kevin was about to cum. Sam was also ready and their timing was perfect. Kevin shot his cum up into the air and at the same time Sam came into his arse once more. The spasm of Kevin coming made his grip around Sam's cock even tighter. It was the most amazing climax that either of them had ever had. They stayed still for a few seconds and Sam massaged Kevin's cock again. Kevin's cock was so sensitive that he tried to close his legs. It was the perfect pain. After a couple of minutes Kevin felt Sam's flaccid cock and he lay down beside Sam. Laying once more in a spoon they fell asleep. They did not care they had cum all over them and seeping out of their orrices.

The end to a perfect day for them both.

The next morning Sam woke at 7am. He had slept for 9 hours and that was more than plenty. He ordered breakfast for two in the room. It came at 8am. Kevin was still asleep so Sam started with coffee.

At 9am Kevin eventually woke and walked on to the terrace naked.

"Hello little one" said Sam. "I hope you slept well?"

Kevin walked over to him bending down and kissed him on the lips. "Thankyou for yesterday," said Kevin.

"My pleasure" said Sam , and he meant it.

Kevin sat down beside Sam who served breakfast, juice and coffee.

"What should we do today?" said Sam.

"Can we stay in bed? I want you to fuck me all day"

"You are a little sex maniac aren't you?".

Sam quickly finished his sentence with "just joking, you are most fantastic young man I have ever met"

"What do you mean ?" said Kevin

"You are educated, sensitive, sexy, good looking, horny, sporty and I feel a great personality is on the way out like a flower opening its buds."

Kevin fell into tears

"Nobody has even been so kind to me. I wish it could continue and continue and not just be a weekend"

"Well, let's see" said Sam. We got on well yesterday and I have a good feeling for today. Maybe we can find a way of making this work for both of us. You have school and the arts and your training and swimming to look after. I have a business to run. Everything can be worked out as long as we want to be together."

Kevin smiled and put his head into Sam's shoulder. Sam put his arm around Kevin.

"Seriously though what shall we do today? said Sam

Well maybe we can find an indoor swimming pool where I can swim for 30 minutes or maybe walk up the beach for a while. Its good training walking on sand!

"The pool it is first then" said Sam. An hour later they were ready. Sam called a taxi and asked to be taken to the Brighton municipal swimming pool. It was only 2 miles away and the taxi was there in 5 minutes. Sam went to the cafe areas overlooking the pool whilst Kevin went to change. A few minutes later Kevin was in the pool. As he entered he turned the heads of all the girls and most of the men. Yes, he was a looker !!

Kevin did his laps. He was so good and seemed to float through the water. 30 minutes later he left the water and hopped out with the crowd of men and women still watching him.

He changed and went up to the cafe area. Sam smiled and said "did you notice all the men drooling over your tight little arse?"

Kevin grinned "yes for the first time I did, i think my sexual self is beginning to wake up"

"You could get any guy you wanted to" said Sam. "I could get very jealous , how can I keep you?"

"Well maybe you can eat a little better and train a little more"

"Deal" said Sam. "If you teach me ?"

"Deal" said Kevin, He leaned over and whispered "you fuck me and I will trian you"

"You do have a very naughty bottom" said Sam.

"what is a nighty bottom?" said kevin grinning

"It's difficult to quantify" but yours is definitely naughty. It just radiates sex !!

With that they left the swimming hall to find a cosy cafe for a glass of carrot juice.

"What now?" said Kevin

"Well there are lots of walks and cycle trips to do in the general area but I think now we can take a trip up the British Airways i360 tower."

"What's that?" said Kevin

"It's a 162 m high tower on the coast not far from the hotel. It gives a great view of the whole area"

"Sounds good to me" said Kevin

They flagged a taxi down and got in the back seat. For the first time Kevin took the initiative and draped his hands on Sam's leg, squeezing gently and pushing close up to his stiffening cock.

"Not here" whispered Sam.

"Where then?" replied Kevin

They approached the tower, got out and Sam paid the 5 pound fare.

The tower proved to be a great social experience. The view was fantastic and in the lift on the way up Kevin was able to put his hands down the front of Sam trousers and massage his cock. Sam was super vigilant in case anybody saw and as they reached the top rearranged his cock to hide his hardness.

"You are such a naughty boy" said Sam

"But you like it" said Kevin "I want it and soon"

They walked out onto the platform and viewed the Sussex Downs and then the sea view. It was stunning!

After 10 minutes or so they left the platform and got into the lift with 4 others. Reaching the base Sam said they had to go back to the hotel. They had to check out by 2pm. It was now 12 noon. They could catch some lunch somewhere.

Back in the hotel room Sam gathered his things. Kevin was not finished and he pushed Sam back onto the bed, removed his own shorts and undid Sam's trousers and pulled them down. Sam neither protested or stopped Kevin.

Without delay Kevin moved into top of Sam cock and sat down on it. Sams cock disappeared into Kevin's willing hole. Kevin rode up and down for 10 minutes or more until at last Sam arched his back and spewed all the way into Kevins arse again.

Sam asked "Do you want to cum?"

"Yes but you can suck me off in the shower "

They got into the shower once more and Sam duly did as he was asked. Actually he was still very horny and it was a labour of love! He swallowed Kevins cum without a couple of minutes.

They ate lunch at some health vegetarian shop and planned to catch the train at 4pm. Sam bought them first class tickets for a bit more privacy.

They settled down on the train and were alone in the carriage. Five minutes after the train pulled out Kevin was looking rather nervous.

"Anything wrong?" asked Sam

"Well I have had a great weekend but I was wondering if you want to see me again?"

"Of course, silly boy" replied Sam "just give me your phone number and here is mine. I know I have a busy schedule and I know you do. Let's work something out"

They exchanged numbers and Kevin relaxed

Kevin had to go to school, do his homework, swim himself , go to the gym, earn some money as a swim coach and visit the art galleries whenever he had spare time. There was not much spare time but he did want to see Sam again.

After the ticket inspector had come they were alone. The train would not stop before Gatwick so they had at least 30 minutes.

Kevin got on his knees in front of Sam and said "can I give you a last blowjob?"

Sam nodded. He had a good view of the door and he had a good 10 seconds to pull Kevin off should anybody come in, which they would not. They had to be quick though.

Sam opened his trousers and Kevin got to it. Sam was a little stressed by this and it took 10 minutes before he felt his cum rising once more. Kevin swallowed it all, licked his lips and smiled. He sat back and they both burst into laughter.

For the rest of the tour they chatted about other plans. Sam also told him not to try and blow Jack his marketing manager tomorrow. He was married with two kids!

They arrived at Victoria and gave each other a hug. Sam promised to ring Monday evening to hear how the trip to the Sushi bar had gone. They parted and waved to each other as they moved further apart.

Sam got into a taxi and sitting on the back seat wondered what he had got himself into. He had just had the most wonderful sexual weekend with a pretty and very hot boy, but he also wondered if he had just fallen in love!

He had still not told Kevin anything about the extent of his fortune and he wanted to keep this a secret for now for his own security.

The trip to Brighton for Kevin and Jack went well enough. Jack reported that something could be done. It was special food and maybe could be put into some of the travel guides and maybe even get a michelin star in the future. Sam told him to go ahead and make the deal and to keep him informed.

Sam rang Kevin to tell him the news and they agreed to meet at the weekend at the British museum. Kevin wanted to see the Roseta Stone!

They met at 10am and to put it in context they had a great time for several hours. At 4pm they left for some food and chatted until 6pm.

"Can I come back to your house?" said Kevin "I want you?"

Sam was hesitant and he just said that he had some guests and it was not possible right now but that they could go into the nearest hotel. Kevin smiled a little. This was the best it was going to get today he thought.

They went to the room and fucked like rabbits. They were both sexually satisfied. However there was something missing. Sam realised he wanted more than just a fuck once a week. He had fallen in love with this boy and he wanted him around.

Kevin looked over and said "When can I see your house?"

"Soon" said sam. "Lets meet up Thursday for a gym session and a meal"

"OK" said Kevin "he wanted more"

They met on Thursday, had a gym session and meal and fucked in a hotel again.

As Sam left he sensed a feeling of emptiness for them both. "I will ring you" he said

A week went by and then 8 days and 9 days. Sam could not bear it. Eventually he rang Kevin. Kevin took the call and said "I thought you didn't want to see me any more"

"No , no Kevin," said Sam. "I am just a bit confused. Can you come to my house this evening?. "

Kevin was happy and surprised but readily agreed.

Kevin turned up at 7pm as agreed and was astounded to see the mansion. He rang the security gates and Sam came out to greet him. When the doors closed Sam embraced him and kissed him deeply.

Sam led Kevin into the large Kensington building. Kevin's eyes were everywhere. He was confused. Sam asked him to sit down.

"Kevin, I have not been totally honest with you. I have not told a lie but I really have not told you of the extent of my success. You can see from this building that I am very wealthy. In the last week or so I have realised that I cannot live without you. I love you Kevin"

Kevin was in tears. He thought he had lost Sam.

"Kevin, I want you to move in with me. We must be a little discreet and you will officially move into the gatehouse as a security agent and housekeeper but in reality you can live and sleep with me as you choose."

Kevin was stunned.

"Why me?" he said

"Because you have shown me that I cannot ignore who I am. Not totally anyway. I need to live my life and my passion. You can live rent free and because you are the security agent I will even give you a wage. You can give up your rented accommodation and even your swimming coach job so you can concentrate on your own training and even me!"

"How does that suit you?"

Kevin was sobbing. He moved over to Sam and knelt down before him. He looked up and made his lips available for Sam. They kissed as a gentle loving pair.

"One thing" said Sam

"What's that?" said Kevin

"I cannot have sex more than twice a day"

"Well we will have to train you up then" said Kevin

They both laughed.

Kevin said "Now can we go to bed, I have not been fucked for 9 days"

Sam passed a book to Kevin which he purchased the day before. It was entitled "The Gay Karma Sutra"

Sam said "that ought to keep us going for a while with new things to try. Variety is the spice of life."

Sam led him by the hand to the master bedroom on the 2nd floor.

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