A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 9

Suddenly the restroom door swung open with a loud bang.

"Tom what's taking so..." Bryce didn't finish his sentence. A look of rage crossed his face as he saw my attacker standing over me.

"Hey man, you wanna piece of this slut?" the guy asked, turning his head and seeing Bryce as he walked into the restroom.

The words had barely left his mouth when Bryce backhanded him violently. The guy's body slid across the squeaky floor to the other end of the bathroom. I took the opportunity to pull myself up and move towards the door to try to prevent anyone from interrupting.

I looked back and saw the guy who attacked me jumping back up but he had not turned, still facing the wall.

"Hey man if you wanted him so bad you could have just said something, not pushed me off him like that." He said, dusting himself off.

When he turned around he saw Bryce was standing only inches from his face. His eyes went wide and he jerked his head back lightly smacking it against the wall. I guess it wasn't until that moment that he realized Bryce wasn't going to help him assault me. Bryce grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up, slamming him up against the wall, a lone tile chipped, falling to the floor. The man's feet flailing and struggling for purchase towards the floor he was lifted away from.

"If you or any of your friends around here touch my mate EVER again I will rip you in half. And I mean that quite literally." Bryce practically roared in his face, his eyes glowing gold for a few moments. I think I even saw his fingernails begin to turn into claws and dig into the man's neck.

"Now get out of here. If I see you around when we leave I WILL kill you." Bryce turned around and threw the asshole across the room onto the floor. He slammed into the wall near the door with a grunt.

The guy's face ended up right next to my foot. I took a cheap shot and kicked him hard in the mouth. I'm pretty sure I knocked a couple teeth out but he didn't let it show at all. He got up and ran out through the door without looking back. The door swung closed behind him. When I turned back around Bryce was standing very close to me.

He planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Are you ok?" He asked, feeling all over my arms and legs and finishing with my face and head.

"I'm fine man. I can take care of myself, mostly. He just caught me by surprise is all. I hadn't even had time to react by the time you walked in. Honest." I said, trying to get him to calm down and let me go.

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tight shuttering hug.

"As soon as I saw what he was doing to you I saw red and freaked." His voice almost turned into a whine.

I laughed.

"Yeah you did. Just a little. Really, I'm fine now though, shall we go sit down before they think we've left?" I asked.

"Yeah." He responded quietly as we washed our hands in the sink.

After we sat back down it was only a few seconds until our food came out. I cut into my steak and took a bite. It was very good. After chewing my first bite and swallowing I spoke again.

"So were you serious about literally ripping him in half?" I asked with a smile.

"More so than you'd expect..." He said with a slight growl. "That kick in the face wasn't exactly nice either though." He responded to me with a smirk.

"Yeah, well, he deserved it." I shrugged, taking another bite of steak.

"You may have made a lifelong enemy out of him. He may very well try to kill you next time he sees you." Bryce responded in a concerned voice.

"Awwe you're worried for me. Cute." I teased, teasing him.

"I'm serious." He responded.

"Then he should make a good test of my strength after I come into it." I responded seriously.

"Mmmm that's the Tom I watched for a year. Always wanting to get dirty." He smiled.

That kind of sobered me up. I set my fork and knife down to look at him carefully.

"You watched me for an entire year?" I asked. "Seth mentioned something along those lines the other day, but there was a lot going on and I didn't really get the chance to bring it up."

He actually had the decency to look embarrassed and blushed a bit.

"Uh... Yeah..." He said slowly. "I ran across you back in March of last year. In the mall of all places. Zeke had just joined our pack. Zeek, Justin, and I were out getting him some new clothes and stuff, kind of like we did today, and you walked right in front of me."

His eyes glazed as if he were reliving the memory again.

"You were with James, talking and pushing each other as you walked into a store." He continued. "You raked my body with your eyes, I could tell you liked what you saw. Then you looked me right in the eye and your scent hit me. You kept going but I couldn't take my eyes off of you. The guys noticed I was distracted. They knew what the scent meant, but ignored it. I told them I'd catch up and they walked off. I followed you through the mall for the rest of the day."

My eyes were wide, the look of shock etched on my face.

"You know that's kind of creepy, right? Very creepy. Stalker much?" I laughed uncomfortably. "I don't even remember what specific time that was at the mall... I don't remember seeing you..."

"That day is burned into my mind just like your scent." He said. "I couldn't get you out of my thoughts after that. Any free time I had that the pack didn't require me I would try to hunt down your scent. Eventually I found out where you lived and worked and it was easier to find you."

"That's... Nice?" I said awkwardly. "Why didn't you ever approach me. You must have had plenty of opportunities."

"Once or twice I almost did." He chuckled. "You were nearly always with James, though, and I was a wolf. It wouldn't have worked out. Plus, I'm not an asshole enough to fuck up your relationship, turn you, ruin your life. That wouldn't have been fair to you."

"Seth did that for you anyway." I said, with a hint of anger. The anger was at Seth, not Bryce, but I'm not sure he saw it that way.

"I'm really sorry about that. I truly am." He said sadly. "It... It's my fault. I knew you were going hiking and was planning on shadowing you myself. Even though I knew you'd gone before, I was still worried. On the night before you were supposed to leave, John broke both his legs falling from a balcony. How the fuck it happened I don't know. He insisted he tripped but he was acting very cagey when I asked for the story."

He paused to squint, as if he was missing something that he just couldn't quite see or figure out.

"Anyway, I had to stick around the house to help speed up his healing. A wolf with one bad leg is bad enough, but both... That's torture." He continued. "I couldn't stand the idea of you being out in the woods on your own. Terrible scenarios of what could happen to you kept going through my mind. I asked Seth to shadow you for me. At least then I'd know someone was watching you and had your back... I never would have imagined he'd attack you like that."

I gripped the table hard. "Seth... Seth did this to me?" I was shaking with fury.

"Yeah..." He sighed and wouldn't meet my eyes. "I could smell him on you the night they brought you into the ER. It was faint after so many hours and all of the hospital smell, but I'd know the scent of my pack anywhere."

We finished eating in silence. I just didn't know how to process this. I had wondered, maybe even subconsciously knew, or at least guessed. To be told outright, however, that a member of Bryce's pack did this to me. Sanctioned or not, it cut deeply.

Finally, Bryce paid and we left. As we walked back to the car there I noticed Bryce getting more and more angry. At first I thought it was at my silence, or a reaction to what Seth did. As we got closer to the car, however, I could see why he was furious. Bryce's car had been keyed and there was a dent on the driver's side door from a foot. A very deep dent.

"Ohhh that bastard is going to pay for this; he also pissed all over my car. I can smell it." He growled, hands bawled into fists.

"After your second full moon, we're gonna pay this fucker a visit. I know his scent well enough now, we should have no problem finding him, and following him to wherever he lives. We'll have fun with this assclown." He ground out.

I stood there not knowing what to say. After inspecting the car Bryce unlocked the doors and got in. Fortunately, he had not pissed on my door handle. I opened the door and sat down.

The entire way back to the den we listened to music as Bryce drove. I could tell he was still pissed about the car. I was still pissed and unsure about what to feel or do about Seth. As we pulled in Justin was playing basketball in the driveway with a guy I didn't recognize.

We stepped out of the car and both guys had a look of shock on their face.

"Hey Justin, Alexi. I don't think you've properly been introduced to Alexi yet, have you, Tom?" Bryce spoke.

I shook my head no. I shook hands with Alexi, and as soon as the introductions were finished Justin blurted out.

"What happened to the car dude!?" Justin asked.

"A relatively young wolf thought he could get away with fucking with me. Initially I interrupted him trying to uh... attack Tom, but I resolved that and thought I did enough to scare him off and show him that I'm not someone to fuck with. Obviously, I was wrong." He said.

I could tell he was going to say something along the lines of rape before he changed it to attack, fortunately I don't think the others caught onto it.

"We'll be going back there two moons from now to fix the problem. Tom will be having a bit of fun with him." He smiled evilly. "Justin, it's your job to make sure Tom is in good shape and is well trained before we go back."

With that, we went downstairs and Justin immediately started my training.

"Come on, man punch HARDER! Haven't you ever fought before?" Justin asked nearly an hour in. I had been slamming my fist into his open hand as hard as I could.

"No, I've never been in a fight my whole life." I responded.

"Kids these days." Justin responded laughing, shaking his head.

"OK, here's what we're going to do. I want you to try to attack me. I won't fight back, all I will do is evade." He said.

I swung at him several times, each time hitting nothing but air.

"You need to get stronger and faster BEFORE the full moon, Tom." Justin said looking at me.

"Why? Won't I be like crazy strong afterward anyway? And won't it be easier to do this stuff afterward?" I asked, exasperated and exhausted.

"Yes and no." He began explaining. "You will definitely be faster and stronger than you are now. After your change your body sort of freezes. Maybe you could say the effects of time slow down a great deal on the body. For instance, fingernails and hair grow much slower. The length your hair normally grows in a month will now take at least a year, fingernails also. For humans, if you don't work out you lose your muscles. Wolves, however, after the change you pretty much keep those muscles and speed as a base for the rest of your life. You can add to it with extra work, sure. However, you will lose the muscle mass gained over time after the change, whereas if you gain it before your first change, you will never lose that part."

"Oh..." Was all I could think to say.

"We have two weeks to make you as strong and fast as possible. I'm not sure how much progress we'll make, but I'm going to work the hell out of you. Fortunately for you, while the majority of your strength and power will come after your first change, you do already have a small boost in healing ability. The scratch that was on your face when you got back is almost completely healed already." Justin said.

My mouth dropped open. I didn't know I had actually been hurt. It was no wonder Bryce was acting so crazy. I'm glad I was on his good side, and also glad he's not one of the wolves who are driven insane by my scent. I had no doubt he could pound me into mush.

I reached up to the cut on my face that I oddly became aware of after only being told about it.

"Bryce can also increase the speed of your healing, even now, before the change." Justin told me.

"Let's start working out." Justin said after looking me over, sizing me up.

Over the next two weeks nearly every waking hour was taken up by working out, running, or hand to hand combat training with Justin. At night most of my time was occupied eating a lot of red meat and cuddling with Bryce. Each night my entire body would ache, usually from all the lifting weights and running. Occasionally, however, it was from getting beat down by Justin in sparring. Each night Bryce would put his arms around me and I would feel my body warm up, for more than one reason. I quickly became aroused, but before I could ever act on it, I'd become drowsy and would pass out as Bryce used whatever alpha power he had to heal me.

After two weeks, everyone was acting a little jittery in the house. I had gotten stronger and faster, and could even defend myself against attacks from Zeke. I couldn't go on the attack, however, without getting hit repeatedly.

"It's time for you to change, Tom." Bryce said, coming up behind me and putting his arms around me. I melted into his chest as he pulled me in and nipped at my ears.

"Tonight, you truly become one of us." He whispered into my ear.

We went up to his room and he began to strip down. Just beginning to understand what was going to happen tonight, I began to also strip. He turned to watch me take my clothes off and grinned at me.

"You really are beautiful." He said after staring at me for a few seconds. "Although it's only been only two weeks, the workouts have really toned you up. Come on, we gotta get downstairs. The others are waiting."

We walked down stairs to the kitchen and paused at the steps leading down to the basement. I was nervous.

Bryce took my hand, smiled reassuringly, and led me down the stairs. I had no choice but to follow. I could tell he wasn't going to let go of my hand.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I stopped in my tracks. I sucked in a shocked breath. I saw something that I was not expecting or at least had convinced myself wouldn't exist.

Inside the sturdy steel cages were the other naked members of our pack. They weren't what caught my eye, however. Inside the other cages there were people. Humans. I began to hyperventilate.


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Next: Chapter 11

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