A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 10

Bryce was pulling me further into the basement toward the cages on the opposite side of the room from the stairs. I could tell that if I resisted Bryce would just drag me along anyway. I walked as slowly as possible while trying to catch my breath. The basement was dimly lit. Two rows of fluorescent lights hanging from the roof were little help to make the dark, dank area seem any more inviting. The floor was damp, the dirty floor was sticky on my bare feet. Bryce pulled me to the rusty looking cage in the far corner, the cage was the farthest from the door. The smell of urine was almost overbearing in the room at the moment. Something about the smell wasn't entirely human.

Bryce unlocked the heavy duty combination lock on the cage. As soon as the door was open the gross looking guy who was in the cage lunged at the opening, his movements desperate. He attempted to shove past Bryce and escape. Bryce calmly punched him square in the face nearly hard enough to knock him out. The man stumbled backwards hitting his head on the bars at the back of the cage. I got a good chance to look at the guy by this point. He had dirty, unwashed brown hair, he was about 5'11 and looked to be in his late 30s. He had a hard face now further marred by blood running out of his mouth.

As the nameless guy in the cage stood back up he huddled in the corner. I also noticed a heavy flow of blood running from his nose. At that moment a wave of disgust flowed over me. I was disgusted with the situation as well as myself. The moment the smell of his blood touched my nose I began to salivate. I felt an incredible desire to gorge myself on it, on him. Disgusted with myself I turned to the opposite corner and sunk to a sitting position with my knees to my chin.

"I'm not a murderer am I?" I asked myself. "I can't EAT him, that's disgusting!" those thoughts and a million others just like them flowed through my mind during the following 10 minutes. I began to cry.

After a few minutes I looked up when I noticed movement from our... guest'... However, before he could even stand up completely Bryce was between him and me. Bryce was glaring at the guy menacingly. Bryce then looked back over his shoulder at me with a sad expression. He gave me a shrug as if to say I'm sorry'. I could tell he didn't have any clue how to make me feel better.

"Typical straight guy." I thought to myself, sadly. However, after a little thought I realized that even I didn't know how to make me feel better.

Shortly after that thought I passed out. I later reasoned it had happened due to the exhaustion from the stress, both physical and emotional.

I woke up in a haze. My memories of the night before felt like it might have been a dream. All the images and feelings were very fragmented, nothing was clear. It was as if I had just woke up and the memories were slipping from my mind.

I had flashes in my memory. Teeth sinking into flesh, blood spraying across the room, screams of pain and horror. Hot flares of emotions came with the images; ecstasy, hunger, and sexual desire. I also vaguely remembered some sort of freaky animalistic werewolf sex between Bryce and myself that would have likely been extremely hot, had I remembered more details and been truly conscious for it. I had an idea that Bryce was the source of the scratches and bite marks which now covered my body.

I woke up to an empty basement. There was dried blood on some areas of the wall, and a tuft of hair or possibly even fur here or there. I noticed Bryce with a trash bag in one of the cages on the other end of the room. More flashes of memory came to me when I looked into his eyes. The screams of fear from my... Victim... The memory of my excitement from his death, his body going limp in my jaws hammered into my mind. The beast within reveled in the kill of that man.

"Oh god. I actually killed him!" I moaned loudly right before I puked all over the floor in the cage I was in. In the puke were little yellowish hard flecks of what could only be bone, mixed in with a reddish-brown liquid slurry.

Upon looking around the room I started smelling things that I hadn't been able to smell the previous night. The sweat soaked into the weight set, the blood of my pack mates covering the pit, the metallic scent of blood on the walls in the cage with me.

I scrambled out of the cage practically on all fours. When I got to the exit of the cage I ran into Bryce, literally. He looked down into my eyes and I stared back up into his. I was sure he could see the tears forming in my eyes but he just kept staring at me, into me. After a few moments I became extremely uncomfortable and without my own will my eyes averted to the side. Bryce seemed to accept this and let me pass, letting his hand run across my shoulder on my way out, but otherwise he left me alone with my thoughts.

I sat on the weight bench, staring off into space, thinking things over again and again. I began to realize that something deep inside me was at complete peace with what happened. That something was ok with it, enjoyed it even. That fact disturbed me and freaked me out the most. I began to really lose it. I didn't know how to function and was completely frozen in place. I would get glimpses of my furry hands. Flashes and feelings of my teeth sinking into flesh. Sickening sounds of bones cracking and meat ripping. Occasionally I would get an image of the beast I knew to be Bryce doing the same thing. He was a monster! I was a monster!

After several minutes Bryce had finished cleaning up and he came over to sit with me. He tried to put his hands on me and I recoiled. I wasn't sure I wanted to be a werewolf anymore. I wasn't sure I wanted to be with HIM anymore. This was no longer just a fun jaunt away from home, filled with sex, guns, money, dates and hot sex. The realism had set in. Bryce on some level seemed to understand my issue and gave me some space. He silently got up and went upstairs.

After fifteen more minutes I became disgusted from staring at walls that only mocked me and reminded me of my loss of humanity. I stood up and decided to venture up the stairs. I went to the shared bedroom feeling that I couldn't deal with Bryce or be around him anymore. He was also a reminder of what I had become. I glanced around the room and saw Seth claiming his area of the room. Everyone except Seth looked at me and waved or said hi. Seth, however, glared at me and seemed to bare his teeth a little at me.

I snapped as I suddenly realized that I was stuck here. Stuck in this life, in a situation where a rank structure exists, and mine was over his. A situation he caused.

"Get out." I said, glaring at him. I no longer cared if he was bigger than me. If his wolf was stronger. I no longer cared what happened to me.

He gave me a look that seemed to convey "How dare you speak to me that way, weakling!"

"Pack up all your shit and get out of the room. Sleep downstairs in the couch or some shit, I don't care where the fuck you go!" I growled.

Zeke looked at me with wide eyes but didn't say anything. He just sat and watched the events unfolding in front of him.

Justin must have been walking by at the time because I heard his voice call to me. I turned around to ask what he wanted. Justin suddenly reached past me, nearly faster than my eyes could track, making me jump. He grabbed Seth's wrist which was now just inches from my neck. Justin slammed Seth against the wall.

As I watched Justin manhandle Seth I suddenly got a little hard. For the first time I really looked at him. I noticed his firm body, his lean figure, his hairy arms, and his toned muscles. Justin made Seth get all his shit out of the room and took him downstairs. I laid down in the bed and tried to get comfortable. I glanced at the clock on the other side of the room and noticed it was barely past seven in the morning. I drifted off to sleep after another ten minutes.

I woke up to much more sound than I was used to. I could hear the birds outside, cars driving past, the TV a couple rooms over, even sounds of someone making food in the kitchen downstairs. I could also smell the bacon cooking, along with the distinct smell of eggs and biscuits. I looked up to the clock. I had only slept for four hours.

I lay in bed for a few minutes and then heard more movement downstairs.

Bryce was arguing with Seth. "If you are told a command by your superior you WILL obey, Seth! You MUST obey! I will not tolerate your insubordination for much longer."

I heard Seth barely whisper out an affirmative. A few moments later, I could hear footsteps echo on the walls. Someone was walking toward the outside wall before I heard a door open and slam shut.

I then heard Bryce talking to Justin. "If you have a problem with Tom, you come to me dude, don't try to handle it yourself."

"I see how he is Bryce. He's fucked up by his feeding. Don't you remember how hard it was your first time? What it was like?" Justin said.

"Not really. I don't really remember much about that time for me." He said.

"Well, I still remember mine, I'm not as old as you are and I still have a few emotional scars from it as it were. Trust me dude, let him have some space. If you don't want to push him away even more than this already has you gotta give him some space." Justin said.

"I suppose we'll try it your way... For now..." Bryce muttered.

I drifted in and out of consciousness until about one in the afternoon. I was hungry but had no desire to go down the stairs and get food.

"What would my parents think of me?" The thought crossed my mind. "You'll never get to see your friends again." Was another. "James is gone."

I started crying and feeling sorry for myself. After thirty minutes or so I noticed the house was quiet. Everyone must have gone out to do their own thing. I heard some footsteps coming up the stairs nearly an hour later. Bryce opened the door to the bedroom and clicked on the light, not that it was needed for either of us anymore. The window let in more than enough light for our wolf eyes to see clearly. Bryce was holding a plate of food. On the large plate was chips, a coke, a chicken sandwich, and a pack of cookies.

"You shouldn't really feel sorry for them you know." Bryce said.

"I shouldn't feel sorry for someone I mindlessly murdered? Ate even?!" I scoffed.

I could see Bryce truly didn't see the problem with it, which only aggravated me further.

"I guess the brain eventually blocks out traumatic events, such as this. I hardly remember my first change. I wish I could help you but I really just don't know how. The only thing I can offer is to be here for you." He said.

"I would rather be alone." I said, morose.

He nodded sadly and stood up. He hesitated for a moment before walking out the door, quietly closing it behind himself.

I began to eat. I was suddenly very hungry. After finishing all of the food I got tired of my frustrating thoughts which felt as if they were rattling around in circles. I went up to Bryce's bedroom and found some of my new clothes. I had been wearing a towel all day up until this point. I sullenly walked to the downstairs bathroom to change.

As I started to get dressed I noticed the blood that still spattered my body and promptly vomited every bit of food I had just eaten into the open toilet.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself. I was disgusted with myself for being covered in blood, and angry at myself for throwing up.

I turned on the shower and began to let the hot steamy water wash my thoughts away.


PLEASE send feedback to gaco200608@gmail.com! Feedback is the only way I know if you like the story, hate it, or want it to change.

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Next: Chapter 12

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