A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Jan 20, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 22

We arrived back at the den, lusts sated in the back of the limo, and had just enough time to put ourselves back together before the vehicle came to a stop. The air was heavy with the scent of our pairing and while I expected things to calm back down to our normal level, I seemed to be only more aroused once we got out and walked back into the house. A few of the guys attempted to talk to us and ask how our date went but I silently dragged Bryce upstairs to our room and pushed him down onto the bed.

"MINE." I growled out deeply as I crawled on top of Bryce.

Bryce just gave me a cocky grin in return and used my shirt to pull me down to him for another kiss. I roughly claimed his mouth, my tongue swirling around his before exploring every inch of it that I could reach. My wolf gave me a little push in his excitement and my eyes flew open as I realized my tongue had shifted on its own to a wolf tongue. My longer tongue pried deeper into Bryce's mouth, exploring even more, quite literally almost going down his throat. Bryce's eyes also opened after he realized what was happening and I could tell he was amused by the development.

I pulled back, my eyes never leaving his as my tongue shifted back to normal.

"Too many clothes." I grumbled as I ripped my shirt off and quickly stood to shuck my pants and underwear in one go.

By the time I was done Bryce was also naked and I jumped back on top of him, claiming his mouth once again. Before I could go too far, however, I found myself being flipped onto my back and slammed down into the bed. Bryce used his weight to hold me down and ran his fingers through my short hair as he ground his throbbing hard cock into my own. His excitement was evident by how much he was leaking onto my belly as he thrust roughly against me.

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Bryce said softly while peering deep into my eyes. "Ever since that moment I first saw you in the mall I have dreamed of having you in my arms, having you with me, having you under me."

He ground his cock into mine a little harder for a few moments.

"The more I learned about you." He paused, noticing my mock glare.

"Yes, I know, stalked you." He continued with a chuckle. "The more I learned about you the more I began to fall for you even though I never really went for guys before. You're intelligent, sexy, your scent is a combination of candy and rosemary. You care for the members of our pack. You are the perfect mate. I couldn't ask the lunar gods for a more perfect match. My heart, my very soul is yours."

He leaned down and gently kissed me on the lips, his tongue was slow to push into my mouth as he sensually explored my mouth, putting all of the love and affection I had just seen in his eyes into the kiss and willing me to know what he was feeling.

I reached up to run my own fingers through his hair as he pulled back, his eyes flashing gold for a moment when they opened before returning to his normal shade.

"We've known each other for so short a time." I began uncertain of how to explain my own thoughts and feelings. "You have been so generous and attentive to me since you came into my life. I've wanted for nothing since coming here. I have a home, a family of sorts, an incredibly sexy man who wants to protect me and every day I find myself caring for you more and more. I've hardly thought of the family or friends I lost because Seth bit me. I feel like the thought of a future bound to someone I still know so little about should scare me. My wolf, however, tells me we were destined to be together, that you're the other half of my soul. Every day we're together I want you more."

I looked into his eyes, still a little apprehensive but my wolf was screaming in my mind that this was important and meant to be.

"Bryce." I said with a small shutter. "I'm ready."

The radiance of his smile could have lit the entire world it was so bright. The happiness was pouring off of him in waves so heavily I could feel it in my chest, as if it were sweeping away a heavy weight I had not realized was there. He leaned down and kissed me passionately again while running his hands down my body, his thumbs flicking across my nipples for a second before trailing down to my hips.

"Need you in me." I whimpered as one of his hands lightly stroked my cock while the other squeezed my butt.

"All the way. So deep." I begged.

"Make me yours now and forever. I belong to you and no one else." The words flowed out of me unbidden, but my wolf and I were in agreement that it was exactly what we both wanted.

Bryce reached for the lube in the nightstand but I grabbed his hand before he could pick it up.

"No!" I whined loudly. "I want nothing between us. You have plenty of precum and spit will be enough. You already proved that in the shower."

Bryce smiled again and nodded before licking his hand from wrist to fingertip. His hand looked soaked. He lubed up his cock with it before pulling my legs to his shoulders and lightly rubbing his fingers across my hole. We had been having sex regularly enough now that I was able to relax quickly and easily take the three fingers he used to make sure I was ready.

The tip of his cock poked at my entrance as his eyes asked me without words one last time if I was sure. I pushed back down into him in answer. Bryce pushed forward to meet me as his cock spread my hole once more. I moaned loudly as the fullness brought a feeling of completion I had never experienced before. I closed my eyes and threw my head back as I gripped his wrists which were at my thighs as I pulled him forward, indicating he should continue.

"More!" I moaned out incoherently.

Before I knew it he was hilted completely inside my hole. I teasingly squeezed my hole around his cock, I could feel him flex and thicken in response. I whimpered as he stretched me a little more before pulling back and quickly pushing forward as if he couldn't bear to not be all the way inside me. I felt as if I would die if he were to pull out, as if a vital part of my body would be missing. Slowly Bryce began to pick up the pace as he thrusted into me repeatedly, each push in a little harder and a little deeper than the previous one.

"Fill me! Mark me as yours so everyone knows who I belong to." I begged him as our scents mingled with the unmistakable smell of sex. Bryce's own scent of pine and roasted meat was nearly overpowering in its headiness, like a drug I couldn't get enough of, making me more and more horny with each breath.

"Only if you mark me as well." He groaned out.

My eyebrows raised but I could do nothing more than nod as he thrust into me harder still, shaking the bed and slamming it against the wall behind me as he really began to pick up the pace. Both of us were being driven by our wolves now. I could do nothing but breathe and enjoy the pleasure as each thrust hit my prostate and sent out shockwaves of pure rapture.

In a flash we both shifted to our half wolf forms without thought or will. My claws unintentionally tore into the bed, rending the sheets and mattress as if they were made of paper. In the back of my mind I had the vague sense of power building, a tingling like you feel before lightning strikes, but could not focus on it as Bryce leaned down and pressed his snout to mine in a very messy wolfy kiss. He slammed into my prostate again and again, my cock throbbing uncontrollably as my hands went up to grip his back in an attempt prevent my oncoming orgasm. It would have been easier to stop a train.

"I'm cumming!" I roared out just before I began to shoot my load between us, Bryce's continued thrusts smearing my cum all over both of us.

As I was shooting my load I had the unrelenting urge to sink my teeth into the flesh of his right shoulder. The urge was so strong that I wasn't even able to think before I bit down into Bryce's flesh. My instinct was to pull back instantly and apologize but as soon as the sickly sweet taste of his blood hit my tongue it was as if I was hit by a live wire and I could not release him.

A few seconds later Bryce roared and slammed into me harder and deeper than ever before. I felt as a mass easily the size of a softball pushed in and stretched my hole more than it had ever been. The hot sharp burn of pain quickly gave way to pleasure as his knot entered me, locking us together. I pulled back to look into his eyes but the moment I released him he turned and bit down on my own shoulder. The fiery hot burn as his teeth sliced through my flesh only present for a second before the pleasure of our coupling doubled. I realized not only could I feel my own pleasure as his massive knot throbbed against my prostate over and over, but I could also feel his pleasure as he continued to shoot deep inside me, filling me with his seed.

It was several minutes before he pulled back. As soon as his teeth left my flesh he gave a long lick across the wound and instantly the pain of his teeth leaving my shoulder was gone and I could tell he had healed the wound. I tried to turn and see it but my long furry snout kept getting in the way. I could feel and hear Bryce on top of me chuckling. I looked to where I had bitten him and could see nothing but a few marks in his fur where I had bitten him, the fur in those spots white where it had previously been dark brown.

"I can feel you in my head." Bryce said, staring down at me in wonder.

I focused on that place where I would go in my mind when speaking to my wolf and was amazed to feel another presence there. The feelings coming off that presence were pure love and joy and the overriding need to care for and protect his mate.

"What have we done?" I asked in awe.

"We're mated now." Bryce grinned and wiggled a little, his knot still locked deep inside me. "I am yours and you are mine. Forever."

I ran my paw along his furry muscular chest, careful of my sharp claws so that I wouldn't hurt him. I could never hurt him, I realized instantly. It felt as if I were holding a knife against my own chest when I tried to even think of using my claws to scratch him.

"I love you." I said, looking up into his eyes.

His grin was all teeth and he howled loudly. As I looked towards the door expecting the pack to come running to see what was wrong I noticed the state of the room. All of the small items which had been on our nightstands, and dresser were tossed haphazardly around. Most items that had been sitting securely before were now strewn across the floor. Even the television mounted to the wall looked slightly askew.

"Wow." Was all I said as I turned back to Bryce.

Bryce laid down on top of me as we waited for his knot to shrink. He continually licked and nuzzled into my shoulder where he had bitten me and marked me as his.

"You smell more like me now." He said, pulling himself upright just before I felt his knot slip out.

I groaned loudly at the sudden feeling of emptiness as he pulled out. I felt hollow and incomplete without him inside me and whimpered in response. I pulled him back down to me as we shifted back into our human bodies and panted in exhaustion from the combination of mind blowing sex and the effort of shifting twice in so short a time.

"We're never leaving his bed." I said wearily into his neck where I had unconsciously placed my nose so that I could inhale his scent.

"I think we're going to need a new one." Bryce chuckled out. "Your claws did a number on it."

"Yeah... Someone's massive cock made me lose control." I said with a grin and a laugh. "I did not expect date night to include kinky wolf sex when this day started."

Bryce just smiled and kissed my shoulder where his mark scarred my skin. His own mark now just looked like an ancient scar, white teeth marks in the shape of a half oval.

We woke an hour later still naked and on top of the ruined covers to the sound knocking on the still open door.

"You guys ok up here?" Justin asked with a smirk. "Thought we were having an earthquake earlier when the entire house began shaking."

Bryce began to get off me but after realizing we were naked he quickly used his body to cover mine from view.

"Give us a few minutes." He said with a snarl, teeth bared and elongating as he glared at Justin.

"Jeez. For someone who just got laid you're sure testy." He snarked as he turned and left.

Bryce waited until we could hear him heading down the stairs before he jumped up and slammed the door shut.

"They've all seen me naked before." I laughed at his sudden jealousy.

"I know it's not logical, but I don't want anyone else to see you like this." He huffed out.

"Well lets get dressed and see what all the fuss is about." I said as I began to sit up only to notice a wet spot under me from where a massive amount of Bryce's cum had leaked out of me.

"On second thought" I said gesturing down to the spot on the comforter between my legs. "let's take a shower first."

"I don't want you washing off my scent." Bryce complained petulantly.

"I'm pretty sure that's impossible at this point, my mate." I said, punctuating that we were now most definitely mated. "Plus with as much as you filled me earlier I feel like I'm going to be leaking for weeks."

"Good." He said with a satisfied grin and pulled me towards the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror as he started the shower. The oval shape of his bite on the area where my neck met my shoulder stood out from the unblemished flesh around it. I ran my fingers along each small white scar and shivered in surprise at how sensitive the area was. It tickled and sent stabs of pleasure into my chest each time my fingers pressed into it.

"They'll be the only scars we have until we die." Bryce said coming up behind me and kissing my shoulder on top of his bite causing me to moan.

For the few short moments his lips touched my skin the feeling of completeness and rapture we felt while having sex earlier returned. I pulled him down and licked his mark once, kissing it softly in return, eliciting a deep happy rumble from him.

After a long steamy shower filled with kisses and affirmations of our love for one another we dressed and headed downstairs.

"So what's going on?" Bryce asked as we entered the entertainment room.

"Wow you guys both smell different!" Zeke exclaimed loudly, blushing at his own sudden outburst.

I sniffed at my armpit, certain I had washed everywhere when we were in the shower.

"Not like that." John laughed. "Your scents have merged almost. I can tell you apart still, but each of you have the other's scent in a lesser quantity, as if it's interwoven with your own. Not like it used to be when you guys... Well... You know."

John blushed and looked to Justin for help before covering his face.

"He means when you fucked." Justin laughed at Bryce's instant growl.

"You're going to have to get over that." I said squeezing his hand tightly. "No one here is going to try to steal me from you. It's impossible for anyone to do that now."

I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed the back of it since I was too short to lean over and kiss his cheek.

"You mentioned an earthquake?" Bryce said eventually after staring down Justin for far too long.

"When you guys were uh... Busy... Things started vibrating a lot and then the whole house started shaking." Justin said.

"I was in the kitchen and a knife flew across the room!" Jackson added.

"We were going to go up and check on you guys but we could hear that you were still going at it and didn't want to get our heads bitten off." Alexi said with a laugh.

"Were you guys fucking in your were forms or something? It was loud!" Zeke said with another blush.

"Yeah." I blushed as well. "It kind of just... Happened... While we were going at it. And then I bit Bryce and he bit me as we were cumming."

I blushed even more before showing the pack my scar.

"What's it like?" Zeke asked shyly.

"It's like being whole for the first time in my life." I answered. "Like I was missing an arm or a leg for my entire life and suddenly I'm able to feel and do everything I couldn't before."

"So you didn't mean to cause the tremors?" Alexi asked, getting us back on topic. "We weren't sure until everything stopped at the same time that you guys uh... calmed down."

Bryce and I both shook our heads in the negative and the issue was dropped.

"What did everyone get up to while we were out?" Bryce asked.

Zeke excitedly pointed the corner of the room next to the window. We both turned at the same time and exclaimed "Oh!" simultaneously.

In the corner and completely decorated was a seven foot tall Christmas tree. Complete with twinkling lights, tinsel, ornaments, and topped with a glowing yellow star. There were already several presents under the tree wrapped in naughty Santa's helpers wrapping paper.

"I had completely forgot it was already nearing Christmas!" Bryce exclaimed.

"My first Christmas." I said softly. "I don't know how this is supposed to work."

"You've never had a Christmas pup?" Bryce asked gently and everyone turned to look at me.

"My family never did Christmas." I shrugged. "Never had a tree, or stockings, or done whatever it is you're supposed to do around the holidays."

"We've gotta go all out!" John exclaimed. "We can't let our Alpha's mate's first Christmas be a letdown, even if this has been a shitty month so far!"

"I wouldn't say it has been a shitty month!" I said with a grin towards Bryce. "As of today it's been the best month of my life."

Bryce leaned down and kissed me passionately in front of the whole pack, which led to half of the guys making gagging sounds and screaming how gross it was to watch us make out.

"Somehow it's kind of like watching your parents kiss." Zeke laughed out, making Bryce and me groan in disgust.

"Thanks for that." Bryce said with a soft smile. "Mood ruined."

"Will you guys help us put up the lights outside tomorrow?" Justin asked.

"Definitely!" I happily agreed.

The next day the entire pack helped decorate the house for the holidays. By the time we were done the entire house was wrapped in glowing lights, complete with dripping animated LED icicles, and somehow John managed to place lights on the roof in the shape of a giant paw print. Bryce insisted I put the final touch to our decorations when he handed me a glowing fiber optic wreath to hang on the hook he mounted on the front door.

"I'm really glad to have you guys in my life." I said as everyone watched me hang the wreath. "You were all just a random group of guys to me when I arrived, some nicer than others. You guys have become my family and I hope that nothing will ever come between us."

After we got back inside I gave each of the guys a hug before we all headed to the kitchen to cook dinner. While we cooked we made plans to go shopping the next day and decided that mall hopping would be our best bet. Bryce and I also needed to find a new mattress as I had ruined ours and we had been carefully avoiding the ripped sections of the bed but the holes continued to grow. The rest of the guys decided to go to different malls than Bryce and I but agreed to stay together as much as possible as we still didn't know if or when Seth would attack again.

The next morning as Bryce and I were getting into the car to go shopping Zeke came into the garage.

"Mind if I join you guys?" He asked, fidgeting around as if unsure of himself. "I feel safer with you and there was something I wanted to discuss."

Bryce looked to me and I gave him a quick nod in return.

"Sure hop in." Bryce agreed. "What did you want to discuss?"

As Bryce began to back out of the driveway Zeke spoke again.

"Tom, it's about the Destroyer of Worlds. I found more information..." Zeke began softly, avoiding eye contact when I turned to look at him.

Bryce stopped the car before we left the driveway and turned to look at Zeke.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bryce asked.

"I found a prophecy... It said..." Zeke paused as if unsure he wanted to tell us what he'd found. "It said the mate of the red-eyed-wolf would die, and he would destroy the world in retribution."


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Next: Chapter 24

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