A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Mar 30, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Read the afterword below for details on Book II.


Six Months Later...

I was running through the forest as a wolf in the nearly full moon. The pale silvery moonlight of the night slicing through the treetops in visible columns where there were gaps in the canopy. The perpetual haze that existed in the Smokey Mountains, giving them their name, ever present.

It had been nearly eight months since I had been bitten by Seth while camping in these very woods, contracting the virus that caused me to change from a human being and become a shifter. I could hear Bryce's yipping laugh ahead as I playfully chased him through the woods, following his scent and the scent of our packmates who had decided it would be fun to play hide and seek. I sped up, paws digging furrows in the ground as I raced after Bryce, sensing that I had gotten close to catching him.

Suddenly, I skidded to a stop when a new scent tickled my nose. It was a scent that my human mind thought that I should know and remember, but my wolf was sure that we had never encountered. Distracted, I followed the new scent as it led into a patch of older, more densely packed forest. Sharp vines scratched at my skin, digging past my fur as I pushed through them and into a clearing.

At the center, a figure stood alone, back turned to me as if unaware. The moonlight made his skin look milky white, though his hair was a dark brown and he would stand only a few inches taller than me were I in my own human form.

"Did you know, that nature strives to maintain a balance in all things?" The melodic voice sent chills down my spine. It was so very familiar, but I still could not place where I knew it from.

"Fate, it would seem, deemed that while we would no longer walk in step together, equilibrium must be maintained." The man let out a dark laugh.

"I came tonight to give you a warning. My people have not forgotten you, just as I am sure you have not forgotten them. I have watched your den from time to time. I even argued against those attacks you endured early on. As I gained more power within my community I was able to sway more voices. Urge for reason within their ranks. That is why you have not seen more attacks by the vampires since the night that you brought down the hunters. Now, however, a new faction grows stronger, certain that you are the end of all things." He said with a sigh.

The man turned and my eyes went to his glowing blue eyes. Vampires, I had learned, only had black eyes, in addition to their normal eye color. His, however, were blue, the balance he spoke of to my red.

"Hello, Tom." He said with a small upward quirk to his lips, his fangs barely showing.

Then it hit me who this man was. It hit me why his scent and voice were so familiar. He was the very same man who was here with me in this forest the night I was bitten. My ex-boyfriend, whom I thought dead.



The pack will return in A Wolf's Heart. Book two in a series of at least three.

A Wolf's Heart will be Zeke's story and start during a Wolf's Tail. It will explore how he was turned, how he came to be a member of the pack, and will continue the story.

I do hope to publish A Wolf's Tail on Amazon/Kindle within the next year. I'm currently in progress of rewriting the early chapters with more detail and much better editing. Keep an eye out for it if you are interested.

I will post the first chapter of A Wolf's Heart in a few months to this same directory.

PLEASE send feedback to gaco200608@gmail.com! Feedback is the only way I know if you like the story, hate it, or want it to change.

Remember to include the title of the story in the subject so that I don't delete it as spam.

Encouragement from readers goes a very long way towards giving me the energy to continue writing the next chapter.

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