A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 3

I woke up with my head on an uneven, slightly lumpy surface. I could feel hot air blowing. My leather jacket was off, but the rest of my clothes were still on.

"I see you're awake." I heard Bryce's voice say.

I opened my eyes to see his face above me. "Uh... Hi? Um..." I lifted my hand to the side of my head which hurt like hell, and had quite the lump on it.

"How did I get... Wherever this is?" I asked.

"You got a pretty good knock on the head by the looks of it." He mentioned.

"Yeah... I uh. There was..." I tried to put words together but nothing would come out right around the pain.

He interrupted me. "I already checked you for a concussion, you'll be fine. By the way, while you were out I checked your bite from the other day; it looks like it's almost completely healed... There will be a scar, but it shouldn't be too noticeable. That's a miraculous heal time dude."

"No. I did not take off your clothes." He responded as if reading my mind as I tried to look around.

"Oh darn." I said with fake sadness, trying to smirk. Becoming more serious I asked "So what happe..." I was interrupted again, this time by his cell phone.

He answered it and responded "Yeah, be there in a few." He must have had the volume very low because I couldn't hear what the other person said.

"That was work." He mentioned looking at me, rubbing his hands through my hair. "I have to go now. We'll talk later. I'll call you tomorrow."

"OK... Am I OK to drive, doc?" I asked grinning.

"Yup. Gotta go though." He reminded me by tapping me on the shoulder.

"Ok...." I said awkwardly. "See ya Bryce." I said as I leaned up and slowly got out of the car, very confused.

"Bye, Thomas." He said before I closed the passenger door.

I watched his car drive off, realizing it was a two-door red Honda Accord. The same one I remembered sitting in front of my house. I let that sit on my mind for a bit before walking to my truck.

As soon as I turned around and saw my truck everything came rushing back to me. The guy with the sword, the blood and guts, the things he said.

I looked to where he had fallen when I blew his face off, and there was no blood, no brains, no body parts... Everything was... totally normal...

"What the fuck!?" I grunted, looking around for literally any sign that my memories were real.

My USP was back in my holster where it was when I left the range, which was now locked up tight, lights out. I pulled the pistol from it's holster, the barrel was cold to the touch. I ejected the magazine. Empty. I racked the slide, to see that the chamber was empty, and the strong smell of freshly burned gunpowder wafted up to my nose. Then again, it would anyway, as I just fired 100 rounds through this gun inside the range.

Frustrated and without answers, I got in my truck. I quickly pulled my spare hollow point magazine out of my glove box, slammed it into the gun, and racked the slide. I felt a little better, but still wasn't sure if I really had just been attacked by a vampire, Bryce, or if I was just totally batshit crazy.

I checked my phone and noticed that it was after eleven in the evening. I had several missed calls from my mom and dad. My parents always got upset when I came home late, regardless of my age. Since it's the weekend I'll be fine, but they'll still be upset, more so after being in the hospital.

As I pulled out I noticed that there was still a car in the parking lot, even though the range was definitely closed. I figured that the owners had just not left yet, since they obviously had not found me passed out. Bryce had though; I wondered to myself how he happened to find me.

That was indeed odd, and then his car was the same as the one near my house the other day. Had Bryce been following me? Fuck. Figures I'd end up picking up a crazy stalker.

By the time I got home I was on the verge of exhaustion. God I was tired. I decided to lie down to get some energy back, then I would boot up my computer. I never made it that far. As soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out.

I woke up back at the camp site where it all began. Oh god, was it all a hallucination? Was it just a dream? It was such a realistic dream, man that was freaky. I looked over to my right, there he was, the love of my life James, in his sleeping bag.

We met when we were 14, our freshmen year of high school. We were both computer gaming freaks, and loved watching Stargate. While neither of us were especially athletic, we loved to wrestle... with each other that is. Every time we would rub up against each other we'd get super hard. At 15 we realized we could do more with our cocks than get hard. We started one day wrestling naked. I pushed up against him because he was especially rough that day, and hurt my leg.

"Hey jackass, that hurt!" I complained.

"Yeah, well you started it." He countered.

I jumped on top of him when he tried to walk away from me, and I landed with my cock in the cleft of his ass. I realized it felt good, and ground into him. I guess it felt good for him too, because he began pushing back up against me rather than fighting to get away.

"Does this mean we're gay?" He asked me after we came from grinding against each other.

"No, of course not." I responded. "Anyone would have enjoyed that."

Little did we know at the time that we were, but we were young, and naive... Over the years we explored each other's bodies in ways that one could barely imagine. Once we got our vehicles and began to drive we would find a dark place off in the woods to park and suck each other off. It almost became a game to try to find the most open place to do it, and not get caught. Naturally he always won, since his car had tinted windows, and more room, while my truck had neither.

After daydreaming for so long I had gotten hard. I looked back to where he was laying and realized he was no longer there. I got out of the tent, it was probably about four in the morning, I guessed.

"James?" I called out for him.

There was no response, so I tried again.

"James? Where are you?" I paused a moment to listen and tried again. "Answer me, this isn't funny anymore."

I reached back into the tent to grab a flashlight and to put some clothes on, along with my pistol. I got about ten feet from the tent when I saw a black and white wolf growling over what was obviously his evening meal. It was horribly mauled and I couldn't make out what it was before it became dog chow. I backed away slowly as to not startle it when something caught my eye.

There, shining on the ground, was the bracelet I gave James for our five-year anniversary. To the left of it, was a disembodied hand. Oh my god, the wolf's meal wasn't an animal, it was James!

I drew my pistol and started firing at the wolf, which oddly just started buzzing at me.

I woke up in a cold sweat, for real this time, to the sound of my cell vibrating. Looking at the clock I realized it was already one in the afternoon. I had slept nearly twelve hours.

I picked up my phone and answered. "Yeah what?" Aggravated, but very happy that I had been woken from such a nightmare.

"God, it's nice to hear you too." Bryce's voice laughed.

"Well you did wake me up. It's still early. Don't you ever sleep, I thought you had to work all night." I said

"I only sleep an hour or two each night. I'll be fine." He dismissed it.

"Mmhm, right. Whaddya want?" I asked wanting to be left alone after such a disturbing dream.

"I thought you might want to talk today, I told you we would last night." He said and I remembered all the crazy shit that had been happening. My brain doesn't work too well just after waking up.

"OH, yeah, right. Let me wake up and get a shower and all that shit... Where you wanna meet?" I asked.

"How's about a nice lunch at.... Sam Houston's steakhouse? On me." He said.

"I don't know, its expensive dude, and honestly I don't want to have to pay you back." I responded.

"You don't have to pay me back. Period. Now get your ass in the shower and meet me there at two." He said, and I could hear his smile through his voice.

"Yes sir." I said, grinning through the phone, hanging up afterwards. Only then did I remember he was possibly the one following me. It tempered my excitement, but I still needed answers so rolled out of bed.

I thought back to my dream... It was weird, and worried me... A lot of crazy shit had been happening lately and all I've gained is more questions and no answers.

I sent a text to James.

"I love you babe. Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yup, just in class, dying of boredom." The response came a few seconds later.

"Don't have too much fun." I responded, trying not to shudder at the sight of the word dying next to his name.

I took my shower, brushed my teeth, shaved my face and put deodorant on, then went back into my room to get dressed. As I was getting dressed something on my pillow caught my eye... It was hair... the same consistency and color as from my head. What the fuck? Am I going bald?

I ran to the bathroom and wiped the steam off the mirror to look at my head. It looked fine all the way around... No holes... I tugged on it. Nothing. What the hell.

I go back to my bedroom confused and pull back the covers. There were bits of hair all over my bed, and upon closer inspection I noticed that the sweat I woke up in was... thicker than normal... Almost slimy in consistency.

"What the hell is this shit?" I asked myself aloud.

Getting disgusted that I may have slept in this all night, I ripped the sheets, comforter, and pillows off the bed and wrapped them in a ball. I finished getting dressed, and took the bundle to the dumpster. I'd just buy a new set of everything later.

I drove to the steakhouse near the Mall of Georgia, where we were at before, the entire time totally freaking out thinking that I was going quite literally insane. Maybe I did catch something from that animal bite... Maybe rabies or something!?

Along the way I heard a local news brief on the station talking about a late-night fire at a local shooting range, and that it was not known rather or not anyone had died. They did not mention which range, but a cold chill washed over me.

I pulled into the parking lot next to Bryce's car. We both stepped out at the same time.

"Heya Thomas." Bryce said.

"Ello..." I said not meeting his eyes.

"So you ready to eat?" He asked walking towards the entrance.

"Yeah I'm actually pretty hungry." I responded as my stomach growled.

"Haha, it sounds like it." He was trying to be pretty friendly, at least.

Since it was already two the lunch crowd had died down a bit and we got a booth right away.

The waitress asked what drinks we wanted. I ordered Coke, and Bryce ordered Dr. Pepper.

I started looking over the menu not really sure what I wanted... Everything that looked half way good was nearly $50 per plate.

Just before the waitress came by to ask us our order Bryce asked "Do you mind if I order for the both of us?"

Who was I to argue, he was paying after all. "No, go ahead."

When asked what we were having Bryce responded "We'll both have the Prime Rib, rare, with a baked potato, and no salad please."

She nodded and went off to put in the order and we were again alone.

Rare is a bit too... rare for me. I have never eaten anything lower than medium. We chatted about general stuff until the food came, TV, movies, games, the movie we went to see, the cologne I had bought when we met at the mall, which I was wearing.

The food arrived and we started eating. After a few minutes of silence, I brought up the previous night.

"So uh... about last night..." I started awkwardly.

"Yes, I'm sure you have quite a few questions." He responded before I was even finished asking. "This isn't the place though. I'll explain everything after we finish eating. How's your steak?"

I watched him carefully to see if I could glean any details of what was going through his mind. Figuring there was no use in arguing, I decided to wait for my answers.

"The steak is good actually. Much better than I expected." He nodded as if he anticipated this, and continued to eat.

After that we began to talk normally again while shoveling food in our mouths. I was hungry! He asked me details about my guns, and I explained the differences and what I wanted to get in the future.

"You carrying right now?" He asked.

"Yup, always do, everywhere it's legal, and some places it's not." I said shrugging.

"Cool. You have a license to carry?" He asked

"Yeah, I got it not long after I turned 21, about the same time I got my 9mm. I have a license to kill too you know." I replied, grinning.

We finished eating, and he paid the bill. We walked out to our cars and he tossed me his keys.

"Wanna drive?" He asked.

"Hells yeah! This is a nice car!" I unlocked the doors with the keyless entry, and hopped in the driver's seat.

I adjusted the mirrors, seat tilt, height, distance from the pedals, as well as the angle and distance of the steering wheel.

"What about my truck?" I asked him after he opened the passenger side door.

"Oh... we can leave it here." He mentioned. "Or I can drive it over, and you can follow me if you like." He added

"Follow you where?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh, back to my place, thought I had mentioned it earlier." He responded.

He had not mentioned it earlier.

"Ok, I'll follow you there... I really love your car, but would hate to leave mine here." I grinned, but inside was tingling with nerves. Was he trying to separate me from my car?

"Deal dude." He responded as I handed him my keys.

I cranked the car up, put it in reverse and backed out. His car was a stick shift, but so was my truck, so it wasn't like I couldn't drive the thing. I put it in first gear and pulled out of the exit of the restaurant, following my truck back to his place. It looked like he was talking on his cell phone ahead of me, but I couldn't be sure. Once we arrived, I looked at the house, and while it wasn't a mansion, it definitely was not small by any definition. The house was three stories, the ground floor had a four car garage that probably only took up a third of the down stairs area.

I pulled in next to my truck and put the car in park. We got out at about the same time.

"Nice house dude. I've seen smaller apartment building." I said to him.

"Haha, thanks. We do ok. Let's go inside." He laughed easily.

We exchanged keys again, making me feel a bit more at ease, and I followed him inside.

I looked around, it looked like a run of the mill normal family house, I idly wondered who he lived with. He showed me to the living room, got me a Coke, and sat down in the couch with me.

"OK bud, tell me what's been going on, from start to finish, starting with the night you were attacked by the animal, and let's see if we can figure out what's going on with you." He said.

Happy to finally get this off my chest I began. Over the next thirty minutes I explained everything that had happened over the past several days, leaving out the part about the sex in the tent, and the fact that I suspected him of stalking me. After I explained the last night's events, and the morning's odd bedding arrangements he let out a strangled growl.

"GOD, that bastard, he wasn't supposed to attack you!" Bryce said.

"What!? What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Who wasn't supposed to attack me?"

Just at that moment I heard someone come up the stairs from the basement, through the kitchen.

"I told you Bryce, that fag is nothing but trouble. Ever since you first saw him last year you've ignored the others. The pack and den are going to hell. I'm challenging you for Alpha tonight." He said with anger. He was about 6 feet tall, and probably 220 pounds of pure muscle. The guy before me screaming in Bryce's face was probably about 21, one year younger than me, but you could tell that he worked out a lot, and his naturally tan skin told me he was either of Latin or Italian descent. "I will not let this pack fall apart because of your... infatuation." He growled and stalked off.

I was staring off at the door that the scary ass dude walked off through, nearly in shock.

"Don't let him intimidate you." I heard Bryce say.

"I... I need to go." I mentioned nearly absent mindedly.

"You can't." Bryce said with sympathy. "It's not safe for you to be away from me for the time being."

"No, really, I'm leaving dude. I can take care of myself." I said, thinking about the pistol I had tucked under my shirt.

As if reading my mind Bryce reminded me of last night. "If it weren't for me showing up when I did, you would be dead." He shook his head.

"What the fuck do you mean? I practically took the guy's head off." I responded.

"He underestimated your level of accuracy with the gun. But he wasn't alone... His friend was right behind you when you killed him. If I hadn't tackled you, you'd be dead." Bryce said, confirming what I already thought. He had been following me all along.

I hurried towards the door when I felt a large hand grab my left shoulder. I reached for my pistol with my right hand when I felt a needle sink into my skin.

What had I gotten myself into?

I went limp in Bryce's arms, my eyes attempting to focus on his face. He looked sad. He attempted to say some sort of apology to me, but I fell asleep.


PLEASE send feedback to gaco200608@gmail.com! Feedback is the only way I know if you like the story, hate it, or want it to change.

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Encouragement from readers goes a very long way towards giving me the energy to continue writing the next chapter.

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Next: Chapter 5

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