A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 4

I woke up again on a lumpy surface, which I knew to be Bryce's lap. Why does this keep happening to me?

"I really am sorry about this Tom, but I can't let you leave knowing what you know. Knowing what we are. It would just be too dangerous." He said seeing I was awake. "It really is my fault. I got careless, I suppose you could say I got excited and didn't think ahead."

He had his hands on my shoulders and my head, comforting me, but I could tell it was also to hold me down if I tried to run off.

"Now, I'm going to tell you some stuff that you need to hear if you're going to survive the next couple days." He said. I began to try to protest but he just put his hand gently over my mouth. "No, not now. Let me get everything out first." I was silent so he began with my head still in his lap.

"As you probably suspect from your encounter a couple nights ago, there are such things as Werewolves in this world. Last night you also encountered a Vampire." He must have been able to see the disbelief on my face. "There's no easy way to explain to you by merely saying it, so I'm going to let go of you, and trust you not to try to run." I nodded.

He took his hands off of me and stood up. He started taking off his clothes, and naturally my mind went straight to sex.

"Damn he's got a nice body." I thought to myself.

I looked him over nice and close this time. I noticed he was a bit taller than my 5'4". He was probably about 5'10". He was also VERY well toned, had nice tight muscles everywhere that there should be muscles, his abs didn't look like mountains or rocks or anything, but he did have a very nice looking 8 pack. The hair on his body was the same color as the hair on his head. A dark brown, almost black color made his tanned body look all the hotter to me. His legs and arms were covered in hair. Not like he had a disease, just a good covering that was very manly. He had a happy trail leading down to his boxer briefs and a little tuft of hair on the center of his chest. When he was lifting up his shirt I got a look at his pits. I have a thing for hairy pits, the more dense the hair, the better. The hair in his pits was black, dense, and very sexy. As he lifted his arms I got a hint of his scent. God his smell was very nearly intoxicating. It gave me an instant hardon and I was tempted to jump him.

After staring at him for a bit I noticed that he stopped. I looked back up to his face. He was smiling at me as if he had a secret. I suppose he had something to smile at, he definitely noticed me checking out his hot body.

"I have to take my underwear off too, or else they will rip off, or at the very least look extremely funny on me when I'm done." He said as he hooked his thumbs in the band of his boxer briefs.

As he slid his boxer briefs down my eyes went back to his groin. He had a good amount of pubes around his cock and balls, which I totally thought was hot. His cock was uncut, and soft. Like mine it was a little darker than the rest of his skin. Mine was definitely not soft at this point though. Everything about him turned me on; his smell, his hair, his body, his cock. I let out a moan without realizing it as his underwear slid off.

"Please don't freak out when I do this... I'll try to make it quick and... as unseemly as possible." He said regaining my attention. I only nodded.

I had a good idea of what was coming. I'm not stupid, I had read stories, seen movies, and watched the crazy Discovery Channel features. Even with all of the macho crap I fed myself, watching Bryce change into a full-sized werewolf was... terrifying to say the least.

"Holy shit." I said aloud, unable to move.

Standing right in front of me was a full blown, undisputable in the flesh, meat eating werewolf.

My first instinct was to run. Before I could run though, my mind started racing. This creature was Bryce; there was no way for me to deny it any longer. Bryce is sexy. This creature... while scary, is damn sexy. Imagine your run of the mill wolf. Give it some human body characteristics, stand it on hits hind legs, now give it abs, a semi-human muscle structure, a couple humanoid facial features. And finally, my eyes made it down to his/it's groin. There was the biggest cock I'd ever seen my whole life. Sure, I'd seen dirty things on the net, but that is no comparison to seeing such a thing in person, and he was hard! His dick looked mostly like a canine dick. It was pointy at the tip, easily 12 inches long to the knot.

"Knot? Yes, he was a wolf after all, of course he has a knot." I thought to myself.

What? I've seen furry art/porn. Sue me.

The knot was probably the size of a baseball... maybe a tad bigger, but definitely not the size of a softball. Behind the knot was another inch or so of cock before you got to his pubic area/balls. Upon looking down more I noticed his huge hanging balls, mostly hidden by the thick fur that had covered his body. My first thought was to take them in my hands and weigh them, but I dared not to get near the beast.

I heard a sort of growl/laugh from him and looked back up to his face. I'm sure he was trying to smile but all I saw were his huge teeth. Long white canines were bared and the sight of them alone made me take a step back. I looked down to his hands and feet, there were long claws on both. I could only imagine what kind of damage they could do.

Seeing my state of mind, he began to shift back, or so I thought. He began shrinking from his nearly 9-foot height and at about 6 didn't slow down. He went all the way down to around four feet above the ground and was on all fours. By the time he stopped transforming I saw a normal, albeit huge, wolf in front of me. He was black and brown and very soft looking. Since he did not growl and looked so very soft, I couldn't resist the urge. I went over to him and started running my hand across his fur. He seemed to really be enjoying it until I started petting his head. I guess he didn't like that too much because he started growling quietly, not a full on evil snarl, but one that immediately said 'stop that'. At that point I stood back up and went back over to the bed, thinking about all the sexual implications this could lead to. After a bit of thinking on that though my mind snapped back to the fact that I was in a relationship. What would James think?

Lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Bryce change back. Again, he was standing naked in front of me, back to his normal self.

"Rubbing the wolf feels good, but I don't do petting." He laughed, smiling at me.

He suddenly became serious again. "Now you know for sure. Wolves are real, vampires are real, and there are also other, more dangerous creatures out there that I won't go into right now. Just know that anything that isn't a wolf will kill you for what you are. At this point, I can't even guarantee that you won't be safe from other wolves... Before I became a wolf, I was straight, and I still am. However, there are certain people out there, usually gay males who have a scent to them that can't be resisted. It usually screams 'I NEED TO BE MATED.' You have that scent. That's why I have been watching you for so long. However, this same trait makes some wolves mad, angry, crazy almost." He said pausing to make sure the severity of the matter got through to me. "Seth out there," he said nodding towards the door "he will kill you for what you are. At the very least, he sees your place in the pack as the pack bitch, nothing more than a cum rag. At the worst he will torture you, and kill you for being this way."

"So what am I supposed to do!?" I asked, abhorred at the idea of being locked inside his room all the time.

"Tonight I must fight Seth. He challenged me for rank and it's something that cannot be turned down, or else I will lose my rank in the pack, as well as respect from the others in the pack. That would put you in even more danger." He said to me. "Can I trust you to stay here tonight until I return, and not try to get out, I have no idea what could happen to you, and can't protect you if you do."

As freaked out as I was the possibility of death was not one I was prepared to face. I nodded yes.

"OK, I have some stuff to do before the fight tonight. Here's the remote for the TV, being Alpha I get a lot of extra stuff that most others in the pack don't. So I'm sure you won't be too bored. I'll be back later." He said heading towards the door.

"Bryce," I said his name to get his attention. He looked back my way. "Good luck." I said knowing that my life was on the line as much as his position.

He smiled to me and walked out. I flipped through the channels on the TV, realizing that it was already almost 9PM. God time always goes by so fast. My parents are going to freak when I don't come home. I stopped on the news when I saw two pictures that made my heart stop, and my stomach flip. I turned up the volume.

"Tonight, two families are devastated after what can only be described as a horrific and tragic accident." I listened to the reporter say. "At about 4PM the Ford Mustang belonging to James Sanders was driving down Sugarloaf Parkway when this semi-truck belonging to Gwinnet Tech ran a red light. The Mustang was travelling at about sixty-five miles per hour at the time, when it hit the tractor trailer. The force of the impact ripped off the top half of the car, there were three passengers in the car at the time. The two in the front seat were killed on impact. They were both identified as James Sanders and Thomas Parks. A third unidentified passenger is currently in critical condition and being taken to Grady Memorial hospital for treatment."

At that point the picture of James and me winked off the screen.

"The student driver and instructor of the semi-truck are both being held pending charges later today." The news anchor finished.

I turned off the TV and began to think about this 'stuff' Bryce had to do, but dismissed it as I realized that he had been with me all day. My thoughts went to Seth, who had hated me from the beginning, even tried to kill me in the forest when we were hiking according to Bryce.

I cried myself to sleep on Bryce's bed, realizing that I would never again get to see James' smile, feel his touch on my skin, his kiss on my lips. I'd never be able to hear him tell me of his love for me. I realized my parents thought I was dead, what remained of whomever's body it was they thought was mine was obviously identified to be mine. As far as the world thought, I WAS dead.

At what I could only guess to be near eleven at night I woke up, hearing pounding on Bryce's door. A few seconds later it splintered into tiny fragments. I saw Seth standing there in the door way glaring at me with an evil glint in his eye.


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Next: Chapter 6

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