A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 5

"I'll be taking care of you as soon as this is over." Seth said in a growl, grabbing me by my hair.

He dragged me down the two flights of stairs kicking and screaming. Suddenly he pushed me down the stairs to the basement. I tumbled down the stairs, lucky that I didn't break my neck.

"I found the bitch hiding in Bryce's room." He said to a group of assembled guys all about looking to be in their 20s, some older and some younger.

I looked around and kept my mouth shut, not knowing if saying anything would make matters worse.

"Man, Bryce is gonna be pissed." One of the guys off towards the wall mentioned.

"Fuck him, we should just kill the bitch now, and save ourselves the time and trouble later." Seth said.

The rest of the guys were pretty quiet at that point. Seth walked towards me menacingly.

"I'm going to have to ask you to stop dude." One of the larger guys said, stepping between Seth and myself.

"Get the fuck out of my way, Justin." Seth said.

"No." This Justin character held his ground.

"You're going to disobey me? How dare you disobey your Beta?" Seth asked appalled.

"He's obviously under Bryce's protection dude. I'm not going to piss Bryce off and risk his wrath, even if it means I have to suffer through yours." Justin said, picking me up by my arm and carrying/dragging me towards the other side of the room, where there were a series of welded cages, almost like prison cells.

"Sorry dude, it's for your own protection. You're not even supposed to be down here, but... it's too late to do anything about that now." He said apologetically.

At that moment I heard the sound of shuffling feet and someone getting pushed.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I heard Bryce's voice scream. It seemed amplified, and deeper than normal.

"I was just getting ready to finish what I started." Seth's voice said angrily. I was behind a line of people, so I wasn't able to see anything at that point.

"You were ordered to back the fuck off, Seth." Bryce growled.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, and then the group of guys in front of me either got pushed to the side or moved out of Bryce's way.

"Are you ok, Tom?" He asked me.

I nodded yes.

"Just stay here for now... I'll..." He was cut off by being clawed in the back by what I could only imagine was Seth's werewolf form. I hadn't seen him transform, but he was no where in sight in the room.

Bryce screamed out in agony for a second, got back up and turned around.

Before he could do or say anything Justin screamed "Hold the fuck up Seth. Bryce gets to choose the form, you challenged him, AND you don't fuckin start until I say so."

I heard the beast that was Seth roar in anger and protest.

"No, it's ok, Justin." Bryce said. "It's obvious that he wants to fight, and it's time I show him where he belongs."

Bryce ripped off the remainder of his shirt and I watched the huge gaping cuts in his back seem to crawl and then knit themselves back together, healing rather quickly. It wasn't as fast as Wolverine's healing, but it did appear somewhat similar.

I watched as Bryce turned into a werewolf, almost doing it in half the time he did when he showed it to me. It looked much more painful this way. Bones were popping out and going back in, the skin was stretching, then hair grew up where there was just skin. As soon as he finished transforming he charged Seth, who was obviously not ready for this quick and aggressive attack.

"He usually waits and watches his opponent for a few seconds before attacking." I heard one of the guys say.

Bryce quickly had Seth on his back, pretty much pounding his face into the ground. For a second I thought it was already over, but Seth grabbed Bryce's hand in his huge mouth and just started biting down on it. Bryce howled out in pain and backhanded Seth with the other hand while pulling Seth up to him and shoving his knee into his stomach.

I heard what sounded like growling, barking, and whimpering mixed in; but it was coming from Bryce, not Seth.

"I guess you were right. I haven't been around enough. I do not want to kill you Seth. Yield now." I heard one of the guys near me whisper. He was obviously translating for my benefit.

I heard Seth growl and watched him get back up. He charged Bryce and roared, trying to slash at him with his huge claws. Bryce lunged at Seth, catching his throat in his jaws; they rolled on the floor a few seconds. I then heard wet ripping and gurgling sounds. The floor was soaked with blood by this point. I watched Seth change back into his human form, while unmoving on the floor. Bryce stood up and growled loudly.

Bryce shrank back down to his own human self and stood there naked in front of everyone, looking at Seth's body.

"If he survives, he is to be the lowest in the pack, lower than Tom. He cannot challenge anyone for at least one full year. Someone clean this place up." He ordered.

Being part of the pack was new to me, but obviously I would not be able to go home. I knew that much. He would not let me, and the police would have too many questions. As much as I hated not having James, and hated not being able to go home to at least collect my belongings, I was thankful for Bryce saving me, and taking me in.

Bryce came over to the cage and unlocked the large combination lock that was holding it shut. He waved me over. I walked to him slowly. I had just seen him kill a man after all. He picked me up, literally sweeping me off of my feet. He held one arm under the bend of my legs and the other under my back. It was an obvious show to the rest of the guys that I was his, and not to be touched. I shuddered at the thought at what would happen to me if he ever got bored of me.

"Are you cold?" He asked me tenderly.

I laughed at that question.

"Hey, what's so funny? One second you're shaking and the next you're laughing." He asked.

"I just find it hilarious that the naked man is asking me rather or not I'm cold, while carrying me around a house." I laughed.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. I just got done fighting though. It was a decent workout." He laughed.

He got me back up to his room, which was obviously the master bedroom. It took up nearly half the third floor. It was more of a suite than a bedroom I'd say.

"Shower or bath?" He asked me, obviously meaning for the both of us.

"What?" I asked lost in thought with the events of the past couple hours again.

"Would you rather take a shower or a bath? We have unlimited hot water so it doesn't matter either way." He stated.

At that moment he set me down on my feet in the bathroom. I tried to stand up but was so shaky on my legs I fell back onto him.

"I think a bath would be best." I said steadying myself.

He nodded and started the water in the big tub on the other side of the bathroom. I leaned up against the wall and waited for him to finish with the water.

"It's done now." He called over to me.

I made my way over to the tub and stripped down. This is the first time I'd be naked in his presence. Sure I'd seen him naked, but what if he didn't like the way I looked.

"Don't be shy Tom. You're beautiful to me; you don't have anything to be embarrassed about. Besides, don't forget I saw you in the hospital while you were unconscious." He nodded.

I had forgotten.

"Hey, about that." I wondered aloud. "How did you even get in there. Are you actually even qualified as a nurse?"

He stepped into the tub and slowly sank down into it.

"I do have a bit of medical knowledge." He said. "But no, I'm not licensed or anything. I snuck in to make sure you were OK, and pretended to be a nurse to watch over you. We have an ally who works there. They called and told me a patient came in with a wolf bite, and asked me to look into it. He got me inside."

I took my clothes off as he poured different types of bath salts into the tub.

Noticing me watching with interest he spoke. "They help the healing process, as well as help loosen up your muscles. It's like ocean water, helps pretty much everything, even the mind."

I nodded, and stepped into the water on the opposite end of the tub. It was about as deep as a hot tub, and about the same width also, but didn't have the seats or steps that hot tubs normally do. I stood at the other end of the tub and tried to get adjusted to the water, and sank down slowly into it, as the water was getting to the top of my chest Bryce slowly pulled me over to him and sat me between his legs. When sitting at the bottom of the tub, the water came up to my neck. He wrapped his arms around my midsection and pulled me close to him.

He held me awkwardly as I sat there, unsure of how to react to this man I hardly knew touching me so affectionately. Granted, he was a very very hot man, but also a real life werewolf, and scary as hell.

"So I guess your day wasn't so hot..." He started after a few minutes of silence.

"You could say that." I answered sadly.

"I'm sorry about James." He said.

"What the fuck?" I asked, starting to cry again. "How the hell do you know about that?" I had written Bryce off from being involved, but now... I wasn't so sure.

"I know you watched the news report. I could hear it through the walls." He sighed "The third unidentified person, who survived, was Justin. I had him follow James around, in case Seth tried anything stupid again. While James didn't have the gene that you do, Seth wanted to torture you, and he knew killing James would do that."

"How was it that they identified my body then?" I asked, still depressed as hell, but also curious how they could get around modern day technology. Weren't there police reports, autopsies, and things that prevented such things?

"Oh, that's the easy part. Justin told the police and paramedics that arrived that he was in the car with James and you. I have several contacts in the hospital, even though I don't actually work there. Anyway, a little monetary help convinced them you were in the vehicle and that you too were killed. While I did not plan to actually end your legal existence in the world, it really is easier this way. Justin actually threw himself from a moving car right after it happened to make it look more realistic." He chuckled.

"Was it really just an accident, or did you have him killed?" I asked, after nearly five minutes of silent contemplation.

He flinched as if I'd slapped him, before tightening his arms around me.

"I would never do something like that." He said softly, a bit of hurt in his voice. "I may be a lycan, may be capable of killing to protect myself and mine, but I'm not a cold blooded killer."

"What happened then?" I asked.

"Justin said it really was just a freak accident." He replied, relaxing again. "The semi just pulled out in front of James' car for no apparent reason. The drivers will likely be in jail for a long time."

"You wouldn't have been able to go back to that life. Not after you change." He said softly. "It wouldn't be safe for you, your family, or even your friends. There are creatures out there, like the vampires that hunt us, and don't care about collateral damage. Not to mention when you first change you'll likely have little control over your wolf."

While deep down I knew it was true, since I had resigned to the fact that I really had been bitten by a werewolf, I didn't want to admit it to even myself. I didn't want to admit that James was gone. I didn't want to admit that I was anything like the animal that attacked me, like the asshole/monster Seth was. My life had been turned upside down in just a couple days. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. This was one nightmare I wasn't going to wake up from, however.

I was lost.


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Next: Chapter 7

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