
By Daniel Berasaluce Freas

Published on Feb 26, 2018


Aaron -- chapter 1 -- COFFEE WITH A SKINHEAD.

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Read a story of beggars which, for a change, is not a tragedy. It is love, friendship, beauty, liberty and happiness the faces of life which are shown here. You can read my trilogy either in Spanish, Luces de la Tierra, in www.luces-delatierra.blogspot.com.es or in English, Lights of the Earth in www.lightsoftheearth.blogspot.com.es

That Sunday I had enrolled for a marathon. I loved doing sport. I was an expert swimmer, I like doing some climbing and at present I was learning karate. But I had not measured my skill, and after 10 kilometres when we were crossing St. Andrew's park, I had to take a breather and sit on a bench, sure now that I would not run any longer. But one other of the runners must be thinking the same, for he also came to me and sat beside me on that very bench. He was sweating as a pig, a young boy in his twenties, totally bald and with a moustache. He took out a canteen and started drinking and later pouring water on his body and smiling at me, he offered me, so I was for a good while drinking and also poured some water on my body, not too much, I didn't want to drain his canteen.

I couldn't help but getting hard at his sweat, which filled completely his T-shirt, and at his sweaty scent. The way boys smelled when sweaty was something that turned me on like crazy. Besides some of the passing runners had hot bodies, hotter now they were covered in sweat and my erection soon was huge. The boy sitting beside me had seen me and suddenly asked me why I was hard. He was a total stranger but I have always liked to say things straightforwardly and I said some of the runners had hot bodies and I liked watching them. Of course I didn't tell him I was hard at him too, I didn't want to offend him. Instantly he became ugly because of the angry face he had when he asked me.

-Are you a faggot?

-I never use that word, but I am gay, I am.

Immediately he was taken by a fit of fury, and his face turned really angry then; it is not possible to be uglier than when hatred takes you. I had no time to react. I saw him quickly trapping me in a brutal hammerlock, grasping my neck with his sweaty hand and applying so much pressure that I felt I would soon choke. I had to take desperate measures. I would never have done it except in this situation. I am a strong man and now my life was at stake and I had to defend myself. So not thinking twice, I furiously punched his balls and I heard him then screaming in pain and writhing in agony and that made him loosen the grip and I was faster than him and it was me who grasped his neck then and I tried to choke him. Since I was learning karate I remembered the technique of hikite and punched his chest thinking once again about the importance of the pulling hand when punching, blocking or striking. I not only threw emphasis on throwing the arm out but concentrated on returning the other arm as fast and as powerfully as I could. Thus I was for some minutes and I was actually becoming a wild beast, I admit it, and maybe it could have been me now that really did some harm to that boy. But common sense somehow returned to me when I saw him whispering, for with my arms choking him he could not talk.

-Please, please sir, you have defeated me. I submit. Please have some mercy on me.

I stopped clamping him then but still furious I shouted at him.

-Now you can quickly get the hell out of here, far from a faggot who is no doubt nauseating you.

-I... I apologize. I'll keep on sitting on this bench for a while. What with the marathon and the punishment you have just given me, I need to breathe. My balls still hurt but you have just taught me a lesson and I have always valued courage in a man. I promise i will not try to hurt you anymore. And I won't use the F-word with you again. We could even talk. By the way, my name is Aaron Baldwin.

-Marty Clearwater here.

He looked at me surprised then and said he had heard my name before.

-Well, I am a banker. I run one of the most important banks of the country --and I told him the name of my bank then-. And in my free time I learn karate and that has obviously saved me now.

-I apologize again. Marty... a way of apologizing could be talking to you in a friendly way.

-Ok, Aaron, but tell me, you are a skinhead, are you not?

-Actually I am a skinhead. I have been one but just for five months, in a group led by a boy named Thor. We are six.

-How old are you?

-I'm 24.

-Well, I am 38. I have been working in the bank since I was 27, first as an employer but soon I moved up and now I am running this bank. You hate many people, don't you?

-Indeed, mostly people from other races, colours or nationalities or people like beggars but so far I've had to beat nobody except you a moment ago. I apologize again. But we have frightened, insulted or humiliated many people. Nothing else, believe me.

-And you hate gay men, whom you call faggots, also lesbians?

-Lesbian sex is a fetish for all of us and let's say we don't hate them. But look, Marty, I think being gay is not natural. You should have sex with girls.

-I could guess you could be worried by nature. Let me tell you that my nature is really natural, if you allow me this stupid sentence. There are boys whom nature has created to like girls but there also boys whom nature has created to like boys. I can assure you I am comfortable with my nature. Look, Aaron, you like girls, don't you?

-Of course I like girls.

-And there are lots of pretty girls in the world. But I suppose you will also admit there are a lot of ugly girls in the world. And older girls, do you fancy older girls?

-Some friends I have do, but I only fancy young girls.

-You see? Ugly girls there are who you do not fancy at all. And right now, even as we are talking, many ugly girls are having sex with ugly boys. What is it to you if you don't have to see them or have sex with them? And that's nature, isn't it? Boys having sex with girls.

-Indeed that's the natural thing.

-But in this very moment we are talking there would also be girls having sex with girls, or boys having sex with boys. But you don't have to see them and have not been called to have sex with them. You can have sex only with the girls you like, and as for the rest of human kind what do you care as far as you don't see them or are forced to have sex with them? Just let us be, please. Everybody has the right to have sex or love with whomever he likes.

-I don't know why you bother to talk to me, Marty, with this hothead homophobic guy.

-Let's say, Aaron, that I've always liked talking with the enemy. I want to know his opinions and if I have the chance I counterattack with my own opinions later.

-A very intelligent attitude and you sound convincing, Marty. I admit I wanted to kill you and now I am chatting amiably with you. You're probably right. I should not hate anybody. I might have enough not seeing them.

-Look, Aaron. I have already rested time enough and now as I know I will not resume the race, besides the runners are all far away, I'm gonna have a coffee. I'd like to invite you to a coffee now or to whatever you want to drink.

-I've tried to kill you and now you wanna invite me to a drink. But do you trust me now, Marty?

-You know I am stronger than you and could easily defeat you again if you try to hurt me. And I don't think you would try and fight with me in a place full of people. But I am seeing something new in your eyes and I think I can invite you to a drink and keep on talking to you. I have liked your answer when I was talking about ugly girls.

-Ok, Marty, I'm gonna have a drink with you and I promise I will not hurt you again. Besides I promise to respect, not only you but all gay people, and also all the rest of people I used to hate. Not sure that I hate anybody now.

-There's a beautiful cafeteria near here called The Cave. Shall we go there?

He agreed and in just five minutes we were in The Cave, a beautiful place indeed, decorated as a real cave, but we were not going to remain inside, but on the terrace outside because I wanted to smoke. Aaron asked for a coffee too, saying now he wanted to be sober and we went to the terrace.

-It will make me good to talk with you, Marty. I think I need it.

-Look, Aaron, I will not fill your head anymore with bullshit. You know you're wasting your life with those bastards and there might come a day when you regret it, but I think you know that.

-You can talk to me about anything you want, Marty. And I am losing a bit my hatred for other people. At least I can tell you I would like to become your friend.

-Would you really like to be the friend of a faggot, Aaron? And what would your friends think about you if you did?

-I would be the friend of a nice man called Marty, that's all, and I am sure now I would be proud to introduce you as my friend to anybody, even Thor, yes. And I know I can really repent of these months. At least I could be sentenced with jail. And I am thinking... well, I think I have not measured the consequences of really hurting somebody or even killing him. I am thinking of that terrible chance and I think I could not stand myself after that moment.

-You are learning, Aaron. You are changing and I like it. Maybe you just have to leave Thor to feel yourself again. Think of the boy you were before you joined those bastards. And now let's change the subject. Do you study or work, Aaron?

-I'm actually unemployed and I have not even money to buy cigarettes --in that moment I offered him one and he accepted and we were both comfortably having coffee, smoking and chatting-. But I've had many jobs. I have worked mostly as a mechanic, but I have also been a waiter and my last job was as a servant for Mr. and Mrs. McCullough. I have tried to be decent in every job I've had. But well, you can see the first consequences of my stupid life. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough one day saw me bold when I joined Thor. I think they didn't like my look but told me nothing. But somebody must have informed them one day that I had become a skinhead and when they knew, they didn't want to have a skinhead boy as a servant and they fired me. That was three months ago, and even if I have had many jobs, my present financial situation is awful. Let me ask you a question, Marty, and please be very sincere. I won't get angry, I promise: I am not a hot boy, am I? Attractive enough for you, I mean. You wouldn't like to fuck me, will you?

-Aaron, do you really like me to be sincere in that? You could be offended.

-Please, Marty, I really need to know what you think of me now.

-Well, let's start by saying that when I gave up the marathon I saw a boy coming to me and my first impression was that you are really attractive. And I must confess you something. Please feel comfortable to think of me whatever you want now. But I loved seeing a boy covered in sweat and your smell of sweat was heaven as it is right now that I can sniff you again. Well, Aaron, what do you think?

-One other day, Marty, I would have become really angry at those words. But now I know you like boys and I feel comfortable knowing that and of course you have the right to have the fetish your nature, yes your nature, makes you have. I don't care you like smelling my sweat. But you don't like me, do you?

I think Aaron was experiencing then a big transformation and he was increasingly repentant of what he had been or still was. I saw him with watery eyes all the time.

-Later today Aaron, you become violent and there's nothing uglier than a violent boy and of course I didn't look at you with lust despite the cliché you probably have of gay men lusting for everyone as far as he has a cock or an ass to fuck.

-Do you like fucking?

-I also like being fucked but I'm mostly a top man.

-What is top?

I explained it then to him.

-So it's sad for me to know that even being a top you won't like to fuck me and I'm not attractive enough for you.

-I haven't said that, Aaron. Please let me finish. After you had tried to kill me, you at least started to listen to me and lost that wrath you had. I see now you can talk about anything with no shock and feeling no disgust. You accepted to come with me to have a coffee and here I am. And now I look at you I find you really cute and with a really hot body. And now you know I also love the way you smell. So, yes, I would like to fuck with a boy like you. There's something more that's making you now the hottest person for me in the world. Besides, it's come as a big surprise for I never thought about this before. But now I know there can be nothing sexier than looking at a boy's eyes when he is beginning his road to redemption. Now you know Aaron, are you satisfied?

He smiled.

-Knowing that this boy who earlier was a real beast can be attractive for you is quite wonderful. Thanks, Marty --he had finished his cigarette by then and I offered him a new one-. You see, I cannot afford buying cigarettes. I have to leave my old life behind me, not only because now I don't feel comfortable with it, but because I would really need to find a new job and I will have to let my hair grow again.

-You know Aaron, I could set you up in my bank and you could do some administrative work.

-I really appreciate, Marty, that you even want to give a job to this homophobic bastard that could have killed you. Thank you, but I have no idea of economy and I don't want to do a bad work. Can you not think of something easier, something I could do with my hands?

-Aaron, I could really feel a while ago that being attractive for me was almost a real need for you. We are slowly becoming friends and now I know I can offend you, but I am a really rich man and want to help you. You could do something with your hands, well, with your body --I was progressively nervous but I told him-. Would you like to work a bit as a bitch? I've offended you, I know.

-Marty, at least I will hear your offer. I repeat I've had many jobs but I could never guess one day I could be hired as a bitch, let alone a bitch for a boy. I'm not angry; you can tell me what you want.

-I have a lot of money at home. You see? I live round the corner. In just five minutes we could be in my house and you could have another coffee, or well, any drink you prefer, I have everything at home.

-And? You want to fuck me, don't you Marty?

-I will respect your heterosexuality. I'm not gonna do that to you. You will only have to do something with which you can feel comfortable seeing besides that you are attractive for me. And I will give you 1000 euros.

-I think 1000 euros is too much if you don't fuck me, but I will listen to your proposal.

-You will only have to do this. I will prepare coffee and then if you want you can take off all your clothes and allow me to jack off just watching your naked body till I cum, that's all.

-Marty, I've already told you that I've had many jobs and I've tried to be decent in all of them. I won't say no to being your bitch now. I think I really need it, I need to bury first the stupid skinhead I am and working as a bitch for a boy, surprising as the job is, could help me to never again feel hatred at gay boys. You know? I feel humiliated right now, but not at you, Marty, you are a wonderful boy. I feel humiliated right now at myself. And I would even beg you: Marty, please, let me kill the skinhead Aaron, even if you have to humiliate me more. You can even convince me to be fucked.

-I won't do that, Aaron, I promise. Just what I have told you.

-I have just been given the job of a bitch for a boy and I will do it and will try to do a decent job and give you fun. But listen to me, Marty: 1000 euros is a lot of money unless you accept what I am gonna tell you now. I will take all that money if...

-I am a very wealthy man, Aaron, please let me help you.

-And you can and I will do as you have asked me. It is surprising for me to say but right now I wanna be a bitch for a boy, a bitch for a friend, if you allow me to call you that. But I repeat you must have fun. Look, now it's almost four o'clock. I will be in your house before half past four. But I promise you this: I will be in your house at least till nine o'clock. I will certainly strip for you and you can jack off but later till at least 9 o'clock I will keep on being in your house, if you feel comfortable but all that time I will be naked, and we could chat all you want, and please jack off as often as you want, even if you masturbate once every hour I am naked with you. Besides, if you really like my body, you can touch me, yes even my ass, which I will of course show you too. And you like the way I smell so you can also sniff me or even lick me. Only if you accept my conditions, I could go to your house now and do this new job you've given me. Otherwise, I will not accept you 1000 euros.

-I accept what you say, but Aaron. I also stink and you don't have the fetish I have. I could have a shower first.

-A boy who has the fetish of man's sweat has just hired me to be his bitch and I will be. But you like sweat and I will be working for you. Believe me, Marty, your smell does not arouse me but it does not disgust me either. We will be for hours in your house, naked and sweaty. But Marty, I have to ask you again: do you really trust me enough to take me to your house now?

-I do, Aaron. You have been having coffee with me all the time with pain in your eyes, and as you have said: humiliated at your own self and with the real need to redeem yourself now. It is impossible to pretend all those feelings. I feel that attacking me now would be like death to you. I do trust you, Aaron, and I can see that being trusted is all you need right now. So let me help you to that too, not only with money.

-So let us go to your house now and I can begin my bitch job for you.

-Ok, Aaron, you decent boy.

We drained our coffees then and stood up and left. Indeed we needed no more than five minutes to reach my house and then we took the elevator to the fourth floor, where I lived. Aaron was coming behind me with security and smiling all the time and curiously I was persuaded that the boy who had wanted to kill me this very afternoon really desired to work as a bitch for me now and give me fun as a way to change his own opinions and redeem.

Next: Chapter 2

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