Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on Jul 16, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale. Please donate anything you can to the Nifty Archive: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Aaron's Slutty Adventures - Part Twenty

Aaron awoke with a start. It was pitch black, and he had no idea where he was. What the fuck is going on? He groggily tried to recall the last thing he was doing. He was with Jamie. No, he was on his way to meet Jamie. Yes, that's it, he was going to Jamie's house for one last night of passion with the submissive slut before he moved back in with Robert tomorrow. But then...had he been grabbed? One minute he had been about to knock on Jamie's front door, the next...

He tried to move, but Aaron found himself tied up at the hands and the feet. He tried to cry out, but he then realised he was gagged, too. Gagged and blindfolded. This was not good. Next to him, he heard moving and moaning. He wasn't alone. Whoever it was cried out. Aaron tried to think about who could have done this, and who was tied up beside him.

As he struggled, Aaron heard a door open, followed by footsteps approaching. It sounded like there were several people entering the room judging by the amount of footsteps he heard. This was getting weird now.

After a few moments of silence, a masculine set of hands pulled the blindfold from Aaron's face. They were in a barn, Aaron realised. In fact, the same barn he and Robert used to come to during the start of their relationship. Squinting, Aaron looked around to see who his captors were. In front of him stood Ross Barton, cheeky grin flashing right at him. Behind him stood Vinny, his sort-of cousin, glancing uncomfortably at Aaron. Next to the door stood Luke Posner, apparently keeping lookout. In the corner of the room stood David Metcalfe and Nikhil Sharma, and...were they holding hands?

Next to Aaron was Robert, who had been tied up alongside him. His blindfold was being taken off by Jamie, who looked to Aaron shyly as he did so. Aaron ignored him and looked to Robert, who looked back at Aaron worriedly. Robert glanced about at their captors and let out a muffled, angry shout.

"Quit screaming, nobody will hear ya" a voice behind them said. Aaron's head whipped round and to his total surprise, his uncle Cain was sat on one of the hay bales, with none other than DI Malone, his sworn enemy. What is happening?

As if reading his nephew's mind, Cain jumped off the hay bale and approached the duo. "I bet you're wondering what you're doing here. You see, Robert here" he said, ruffling Robert's golden hair roughly, leaving it an unkept mess, "he's been a naughty boy, hasn't he? And a few of us around here have noticed. I reckon it's time you were brought down a peg or two, mate".

Cain looked to Luke, who was still stood by the door like an obedient guard dog. "Bring `em in" Cain ordered. Luke nodded once and swiftly left the barn. Aaron and Robert wore similar expressions of confusion. Bring what in? As Aaron heard footsteps approaching, Cain finally looked to his nephew, and gave him a subtle wink.

Luke walked back through into the barn and held the door open. No, it can't be. How in the hell was this happening? Aaron didn't think he'd see their faces again. He looked from the first face to the second, then to Robert, whose eyes were wide with shock.

In front of them stood Andy Sugden and Adam Barton. Robert's brother and Aaron's best friend. Both fugitives on the run for separate crimes they didn't commit. Both long lost. Both stood in front of him. Aaron was speechless.

Around the room, all eyes were on Aaron and Robert. A tense silence followed as Adam and Andy stood facing Aaron and Robert, with the latter's captors stood around the room watching the scene unfold. To newcomers like Luke and Jamie, the reunion must have been a tad underwhelming, having never met Andy nor Adam. However, long time Emmerdale residents such as Ross, David, and Cain, would know how many emotions were being felt by the four men.

Adam quickly approached Aaron and tenderly removed the gag from his mouth. "Alright, mate? Long time no see" Adam smiled, that cheeky grin giving Aaron butterflies in his stomach.

Aaron looked into his best friend's eyes. "Adam, what's going on? How are you here?". Aaron had a million questions for the Barton lad, each more pressing than the next.

Adam hesitated. "Don't worry about that just now, I'm just glad you're okay" he replied, and pulled Aaron into a big bear hug. As Aaron's hands were still tied, he could do no more than lean into Adam and rest his head on Adam's shoulder. He could smell the aftershave that was all too familiar to Aaron, and the smell comforted him as he embraced his long lost best mate.

Robert and Andy's reunion was somewhat less warm.

"Andy, what the hell? Where have you been? Your name's been cleared for ages, what took you so long! You said you would get in touch, why didn't you?!" Robert's tone was accusatory and cold.

"Sorry bro. I didn't want to come back. Too many bad memories in this place, I was having fun making new memories elsewhere" Andy said, smirking towards Adam.

The look was not lost on Robert. "With him?"

Adam looked guiltily from Andy to Aaron. Andy looked shyly away as Robert looked horrified.

Then the penny dropped for Aaron. "Wait, you two are together?!"

Adam tried to explain himself. "We ran into each other in Amsterdam a few months after I went on the run. We thought sticking together would be safer than being on our own. At least we had someone we could be ourselves with, you know? One night we were at this party, playing drinking games, and we got dared to kiss. He hasn't been able to keep away ever since" Adam smirked, looking back to Andy.

Aaron's heart broke at the look he gave to Andy. He never looked at me like that. What does Andy have that I couldn't have given him? All those years ago when I tried to kiss him?

Robert saw the look on Aaron's face and saw red. "If you were off having so much fun then what the hell are you doing back here" he demanded.

"You've got me to thank for that" piped up Malone.

Robert shut up at that. Aaron was still confused, however. "I still don't understand" he simply said.

"Yeah, and I'm bored. Can we get this show on the road or what?" Ross interjected. As if to lead the scene, he grabbed Vinny and kissed him ferociously. Vinny melted into the kiss, and grabbed onto Ross by the waist. Ross reached around and squeezed Vinny's perky arse through his chinos.

In the corner, David was already on his knees unbuckling Nikhil's belt and yanking his trousers down. Nikhil gasped as David dove right in, taking his friends cock straight in his mouth. Nikhil grabbed onto David's head for support, and sighed as he relaxed into the blowjob.

Aaron looked gobsmacked at how well David was sucking off his mate. Whenever he had fooled around with David he always seemed so dominant, but with Nikhil it seemed he was a totally different person. He could give Jamie a run for his money.

Speaking of Jamie, he had disappeared to near the entrance of the barn and was passionately kissing Luke. After their threesome Aaron had been curious whether Jamie would be pursuing anyone else, but it seemed Jamie was really enjoying the intimacy with Luke. The ginger chef kneeled on the floor and took Jamie's shoes off, giving each one a quick sniff. Soon Jamie's socks were too disposed off, leaving Jamie's bare feet for Luke to enjoy. Jamie pulled his cock out of his trousers, making eye contact with Aaron and smiling as Luke worshipped his feet and started sucking his toes.

Behind them, Malone had pushed Cain on top of the hay bales and was currently sat on top of him, forcing Cain to take Malone's unsurprisingly huge cock into his mouth. He had Cain's hands pinned down so he could not even move if he wanted to, forcing Cain into sucking him off. Aaron had not taken his uncle for a cocksucker, and tried not to look as Malone climbed on top of Cain's face so that Cain was forced to give Malone a rimjob.

With all the action that was unfolding, that just left Aaron, Robert, Andy, and Adam in the centre of the sex-filled barn.

Andy looked to Adam expectantly. "Fuck it, might as well get stuck in" he grinned to his lover. Adam jumped onto Andy and they kissed ferociously. Aaron and Robert could only watch as they dove into each other, undressing each other as they did so. It was the kind of passion Aaron had only felt with Robert. It was hard not to watch. His cock was thickening just watching them kiss.

Robert seemed less amused. "You're not seriously going to have sex in front of us while we're tied up?".

Adam and Andy broke apart and looked at Robert amusedly. "Course not, its you we'll be fucking".

Robert's eyes widened and he gulped pointedly.

Aaron looked to Adam. His best friend was smirking at him as he inches closer to him. Tenderly, he grabbed Aaron by the cheeks and pulled him close. Aaron's heart was beating faster than ever as he leaned in to Adam's lips. Just like that, Aaron was getting everything his eighteen year old self had ever wanted. He was kissing Adam Barton, his best friend, his unrequited love. He tasted like strawberries and peppermint, and his tongue danced around his own.

Robert watched Aaron and Adam reconnect in shock as Andy approached his brother. "Didn't think we'd leave you out, did you bro?" Andy said with a smirk. Before Robert could respond, Andy flipped Robert over in one go so that Robert was lying on his stomach. Quickly, Andy pulled down Robert's trousers and yanked his tight white Calvin Klein boxers, ripping them off in one go and reducing them to tatters.

"Wha- Andy, what-" Robert started, but was cut off when Andy delivered a harsh slap to Robert's backside. Robert cried out as Andy delivered several blows to his white arse cheeks, soon giving them a flushed pink colour.

"Cain tells me you've been a bad boy and need punishing. Who better to punish you, eh? I have so many things I can punish you for" Andy stated with an evil grin, similar to Cain's. He then began ripping Robert's shirt apart, leaving his brother totally naked and vulnerable.

Next to them, Aaron and Adam broke apart at the sounds of Robert's wailing. Smirking slightly at Robert's pain, Adam started undressing Aaron, more lovingly than the scene next to them. Aaron felt giddy with lust as Adam stripped him, exposing his hard cock which was already leaking pre-cum from the make out session. Adam scooped some of the cum up with his fingers and licked them hungrily.

"Tasty" Adam remarked. Aaron couldn't believe what he was seeing. When had his best friend turned into a cum hungry slut?

Aaron was desperate for Adam to fuck him, so instead of asking he moved back and bent over as far as he could go with his hands still tied. Adam got up and approached Aaron's arse, licking his lips as he did so. Adam softly approached Aaron's hole, licking at Aaron's entrance. Aaron gasped at the intrusion, but pushed his arse back so that Adam could gain better access. Adam began lapping up Aaron's arse and probed his tongue in deep, eliciting moans from the Dingle lad.

Around them, David was now being fucked by Nikhil against the wall of the barn. Nikhil was tenderly slamming into David's peachy arse, making David cry out in pleasure.

"Fuck...yes Nikhil...ah fuck...harder!" David moaned as Nikhil plowed him. Aaron had no idea he was such a hungry bottom. Interesting.

Elsewhere, Luke was sucking Jamie's cock while on his knees. Aaron could see the saliva coating Jamie's feet, which was hot. Luke's finger was at Jamie's hole, and was slowly fingering him. Jamie was practically shaking at being fingered and blown at the same time, letting out little whimpers of pleasure as the hot chef serviced him.

Cain was now being mercilessly fucked by Malone. Aaron was shocked to see his uncle being fucked, let alone by his enemy. Cain was letting out cries to the timing of Malone thrusting into him, but Aaron could not tell if they were cries of pain or pleasure. Possibly both.

The Dingles were clearly the star of the show, as beside Cain his cousin Vinny was being fucked by Ross. Vinny was on top of Ross riding the Barton lad, and both men were clearly enjoying it. As Vinny rode him, he leaned down and began to passionately kiss Ross, who responded encouragingly. Ross' balls slapped against Vinny's arse after each thrust, making Vinny moan into Ross' mouth.

Robert sighed jealously as he watched Aaron get rimmed. Andy noticed and let out a sarcastic laugh. "You think you deserve to be rimmed?" Andy asked sarcastically.

Robert knew better than to answer. He was totally under Andy's control, which he hated.

"You don't deserve shit. You deserve nothing from us. You should be begging for my cock like the fucking bitch you are". SMACK. "Think you can go around blackmailing people and get away with it?". SMACK. "We'll show you who's in charge". SMACK.

Before Robert could question what Andy was doing, he felt it. He felt his brothers cock rubbing at Robert's red raw arse. Without lube!

"Oh yeah, this is going to hurt" Andy said casually. "But guess what...it's only the start!".

And with that, Andy slammed his nine-inch cock straight into Robert's tight hole.

Who would you like to see next? Are there any pairings or fetishes you want included in a story? Email me at thegaywriter96@gmail.com for feedback, suggestions or anything in between!

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