Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on Apr 29, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

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Aaron's Slutty Adventures -- Part Four

Victoria knew the slam of the front door was coming before she heard it. It's a good job Harry's already awake, she thought, or he'd be putting him back to sleep. Robert stormed into the living room and jumped onto the armchair.

"Didn't go good then?" she asked sarcastically as he sat there with a scowl on his face.

"Could have gone better" Robert stated with more than an air of annoyance. Here we go.

"What happened?" Victoria asked.

"Apart from Aaron shagging his way through the county, you mean?" Robert exclaimed. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows, mulling over what Aaron had told him.

"Yeah, well what did you expect? He's young, single, attractive..." Victoria listed.

"Yeah, I wanted him to get back out there, I just didn't think- ". Robert paused. He didn't think telling Victoria about Aaron and David would help matters. "He slept with someone yesterday Vic, after I saw him. How could he do that? Fair enough when I was in prison, but he knew I was back and first thing he does is find someone else to shag? Someone I see almost every day? How is that okay?"

"Wait, who was it? Someone in the village?" Victoria asked. She knew Aaron had been sleeping around recently, but she assumed they were all from Hotten or Leeds.

"That's not important. Well, it is, but it's the timing I'm madder at". After Aaron had confided he'd slept with David, Robert had demanded details. That ended with Robert storming off.

"Do you want my opinion?" Victoria questioned.

"Do I ever?" Robert retorted cynically.

"Aaron only did all that because he's a wreck. His head has been all over the place since you divorced him, and you don't get to judge how he's tried to mend himself. If he's had to `shag his way through the county' to try and get over you, then you can't slut-shame him for that. He missed you, Rob. He still does. So get over your injured pride and prove to him that you're not going anywhere".

Robert stared at his sister. She could be blunt at times, but she did give good advice. He could always rely on Vic to adjust his moral compass and tell him what he needed to hear. He hated when she was right.

"I'm still not happy about it" Robert replied with a pout.

"Are you ever?" Victoria answered.

Robert got up and headed for his bedroom. Victoria picked up her son and chuckled to herself.

"Uncle Robert and Uncle Aaron are silly boys, aren't they? Yes they are! Yes they are" she spoke to Harry in a fake baby voice as she cuddled her son and smiled.

The next morning, Victoria had gone to the café with baby Harry, leaving Robert on his own. Having not long woke up, he checked his phone and saw several messages from Aaron:

`I'm sorry Rob'

`Plz can we talk'

`h8 how we left things plz call me'

Robert was still too upset with Aaron to reply. He knew Aaron would never have done this if he hadn't broken his heart by sending him divorce papers, but that didn't stop Robert's current heartache any less. He'd imagined coming home to open arms from Aaron but instead, the whole situation was a mess. He just wanted Aaron back.

As he felt the bulge in his boxer shorts, Robert thought back to his stint in prison. The lack of privacy had been rough; he was used to wanking off or having sex several times a day, so going from that to nothing had been rough. He'd wanked off several times in the toilets when he had the chance, but even that was scarce. He'd been looking forward to reunion sex with Aaron, but their quick shag when he returned had not fully satisfied his cravings. Giving Aaron a blowjob yesterday had been an act of pure lust; he was so horny by that point it had been inevitable.

Robert pulled his semi-erect dick out and thought of Aaron. He thought back to the amazing sex they'd had the night before their wedding, when Aaron had begged Robert to come to the Woolpack and sort him out. Sneaking in and quietly opening Aaron's bedroom door, to find Aaron completely naked, fingering his arse waiting for Robert.

"Fuck me Robert" Aaron had whispered. "Our last time as single men". The thought made Robert stop momentarily.

"Best make it a good'un then" Robert had replied, smiling as Aaron crawled towards him and enveloped Robert's dick with his mouth.

"Gonna make you walk down the aisle sore as fuck" Robert had promised as he had pounded Aaron as hard as he could without making too loud a noise. And to be fair, he had lived up to his promise.

Robert imagined Aaron's perfect arse. God, his cock fit Aaron's arse like a glove. And that mouth of his could work wonders. Robert had been with his fair share of men, and women for that matter, but had never come across anyone more skilled with his mouth than Aaron. Their sex was like fireworks going off in his mind: sometimes it could be passionate, tender, rough, even hateful all at the same time.

Robert was now wanking his fully erect cock as he thought more of his and Aaron's sex life. He remembered the first night they'd got a hotel room together, back when Aaron was Robert's dirty little secret. God, they'd been at it like horny teenagers that night. They'd been unable to keep their hands off each other with the excitement of a whole night to themselves. Robert had came four times that night, then twice the next morning. The sex back then had felt so dirty and wrong due to the whole affair thing but had been so right. Robert was close now, imagining all the positions he had Aaron in that night. His favourite had been fucking doggy style against the windows for anyone to see, for the world to see that just for that night Aaron was all his. Aaron had loved it, too: he got so turned on being treated like Robert's bitch he'd came all over the window before Robert had finished. The thought of that made Robert explode.

"Ohhhhh fuck Aaron" Robert groaned as he came in his hand. Remembering the good times made Robert so horny. He thought about texting Aaron back, but he didn't quite know what to say to him yet. Anyway, Seb would undoubtedly be on his way by now with Rebecca and Ross, so he figured he should probably get ready. He was going to see his son! The thought put him in an exceptionally good mood, momentarily forgetting his problems with Aaron.

Next: Chapter 5

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