Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on May 1, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

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Robert sipped his americano in the café as he listened to Victoria fuss over Harry. After last nights events, he needed a strong coffee to clear his head. This morning, he and Ross had not mentioned the amazing sex they had, though Ross had smacked him playfully on the arse as he'd left with Seb. While the sex had been erotic to say the least, he wondered where this put his relationship with Aaron. They had made a real mess of things since his return to the village. He wondered whether they would ever be able to get back to normal.

"Are you even listening? Hello, earth to Rob?" he jumped as he heard Victoria questioning him.

"Hmm...what?" he grumbled as he snapped out of his Aaron trance.

Victoria just shook her head and looked over Robert's shoulder. Following her eyeline, he was further startled to see Jimmy King stood directly behind him.

Jimmy chuckled and clapped Robert on the shoulder. "I was saying welcome back, you plum" Jimmy said as he moved to sit beside Robert.

"Oh yeah, thanks Jimmy. Good to be back, mostly" he muttered. He really couldn't deal with Jimmy badgering on, not today.

"Good, good. Erm, I don't suppose you've gave any thought to coming back to Home James Haulage?" Jimmy asked. "It's just, me and Nic have been struggling on our own, and you were so good at it. We could really use you" Jimmy said with a nervous look on his face.

"I don't know Jimmy...me and Aaron aren't on the best of terms at the minute. Might be difficult, all sharing the portacabin..." Robert started. Truth be told, it would be good to jump back into work, and it's not like having a criminal record would mean he had job offers lining up. Plus, he'd enjoyed working at Home James Haulage.

"Well, you could work from home for a bit? The clients have missed you, some even dropped out after..." Jimmy trailed off. Great, Robert thought, something else to feel guilty about. Thinking that Jimmy had lost business due to him did make Robert feel bad.

"Erm, I'll have a think about it"

"That's great, thanks Robert!" Jimmy exclaimed. He patted Robert on the shoulder so hard Robert almost spilled the remnants of his coffee before leaving.

"That's...good, right?" Victoria asked. "Getting back to normal?"

"Yeah, some normal..." Robert muttered under his breath.

Bored of sitting in the house all day, Robert decided to stretch his legs and go for a walk. The fresh, Yorkshire air was one of the things he missed the most in prison. The beautiful scenery was another. Besides, it might be a good way to figure out his next move with Aaron.

As if by some twist of fate, the scrap van Aaron used to pick up scrap metal came winding down the country road. As it approached Robert, it came to a stop. Aaron wound down the window and looked to Robert.

"What you doing out here?" Aaron asked.

"Just walking about, you?"

"Uh, working. Moira had some scrap metal up at the farm she wanted moving" Aaron replied. The hi-vis jacket Aaron was wearing was always a turn-on for Robert. Dirty little grease monkey.

"Right, yeah. Course" Robert stated back. He didn't really know what to say.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. You know I didn't mean- " Aaron started to apologise, but was cut off by Robert.

"I know. I might have overreacted a little, you know me" Robert said with a smile.

"Yeah. Bet it was no picnic being stuck with Ross all day" Aaron replied.

If only you knew. Guiltily, Robert looked down at the road.

Aaron stopped the van and climbed out, approaching Robert.

"Robert, I want us to be okay. We need to talk to each other without storming off or shouting, just sort out everything. I know it was a shock I slept with David- "

"I slept with Ross"

"You...what?!" Aaron looked at Robert open-mouthed.

Robert finally looked up. Aaron was stood there, hands on hips, staring at Robert incredulously.

"I, erm, yeah. Last night. It just happened- "

"I, I don't believe this Robert. Ross?" Aaron went to step back into the van but Robert stopped him, pinning him against the side.

"You said no running. You just said it! We've both played away, we both regret it, let's talk about it!" Robert said, emotion running through his voice. He couldn't lose Aaron. He just couldn't.

In response, Aaron did something that shocked Robert more than if he'd punched him square in the face. He grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed him hard, furiously and passionately. Robert sank into the kiss, pushing his tongue into Aaron's open mouth and savouring every last second of it.

Without breaking apart, Aaron fiddled with Robert's belt buckle and unbuttoned his trousers. He felt Robert's dick, growing as the kiss deepened. Robert groaned into Aaron's mouth as he felt Aaron's hands wrap around his dick.

"Aaron, what are we- "

"Shut up" Aaron demanded as he sank to his knees, taking Robert's dick into his mouth. Despite having a blowjob from Ross the night before, Robert was hungry for more. He grabbed Aaron's head and guided him through his second blowjob in less than 24 hours.

"Aaron...oh fuck" Robert moaned as he watched Aaron's head bob up and down on his dick. If anyone was to drive past now they would be perfectly visible.

"We shouldn't do this here..." Robert started.

In response, Aaron jumped up and grabbed Robert's hand. "Come on then" Aaron ordered as he led Robert into the green fields surrounding the roads. Robert barely had time to pick up his trousers before he was being led away.

Stopping by a large oak tree in the edge of the field, they were now sheltered from the road by the thick hedge in between them. Aaron grabbed Robert and began kissing him again as both men used their hands to explore each other's bodies. Aaron ran his hands down to Robert's dick and began slowly wanking him, while Robert put his hands up Aaron's t-shirt and pinched at his sensitive nipples. Both men moaned in pure lust of each other.

Breaking apart yet again, Robert guided his finger down towards Aaron's arse. In response Aaron pulled his tracksuit bottoms all the way down and kicked them off. He guided Robert's fingers towards his hole and Robert didn't hesitate to push in his index finger.

"Oh fuckkkk" Aaron panted. He'd worked up quite a sweat at the farm so his hole was nice and sweaty, granting easy access for Robert.

While Robert worked on his hole, Aaron stripped off his t-shirt and hi-vis, now wearing nothing but his trainers and sports socks. Robert grabbed the hi-vis and shoved it back into Aaron's arms.

"No...want you to keep this on...so hot" Robert groaned as Aaron put the hi-vis back on with a smirk. Aaron looked like a true porn star, now wearing just his sleeveless orange hi-vis as Robert added a second finger into Aaron's accepting hole.

"Forgot you liked me wearing this...cheeky prick" Aaron smirked as he welcomed Robert's fingers into his hole.

"Enough foreplay...fuck me. Now" Aaron demanded. Robert removed his fingers from Aaron's hole as Aaron gasped, his arse feeling empty now. He moved and bent over as far as he could go, leaning against the tree for support.

Robert only grinned in response. God, Aaron was so hot when he was like this. Dressed like Robert's slut, out in the open, begging for Robert's cock.

"Beg me for it, slut" Robert ordered as Aaron grew impatient, needing to be filled.

"Please Rob...please fuck me. I need you in me so bad" Aaron moaned.

Robert responded by lining his cock up with Aaron's hole and smashing in, hard. Aaron cried out as Robert's dick enveloped his hole perfectly.

"Oh fuck...so good Rob"

"Fuck yeah" Robert puffed as he mercilessly fucked Aaron against the tree. Their groans could attract attention from anyone walking by, but neither men cared; the pleasure they were both receiving was too great.

Aaron loved being fucked, and nobody could fuck him better than Robert. There was just something about the way Robert fucked him that made him feel so whole. The way he was repeatedly hitting Aaron's prostate sent shivers through the younger man, making his dick leak copious amounts of pre-cum onto the grass below.

"Uh...Robert, so good..." Aaron groaned.

Robert could feel his orgasm approaching. He pulled out of Aaron, leaving his hole with an empty feeling once more.

"On your knees, slut" Robert ordered. Aaron, in his horned-up state, could only oblige as he sank onto the grass.

Robert wanked his cock fast, feeling the start of his orgasm.

"Fuck here it comes...take it bitch" Robert moaned as his dick exploded, covering Aaron's face in his cum. Aaron licked up as much of it as he could, savouring the sweet taste of Robert's cum.

"Oh fuck...so hot" Aaron moaned as he was sent over the edge, shooting his own cum into the grass by Robert's feet.

Robert looked down at the hot mess that was Aaron, cum still coating his forehead and beard, naked expect for his hi-vis. He truly was a slut.

"That was fucking hot" Aaron finally said as he got up and got dressed.

"Really was" Robert agreed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Both men looked at each other in silence for a moment, not knowing where to go from here.

"Want to go for a drink tonight?" Aaron finally asked.

"Sure, if that's what you want?" Robert replied eagerly.

"Look, I know we have stuff to sort out, but I miss you, Robert. I miss this" Aaron said with a smile. Robert looked at Aaron's sweaty, cum-coated face and broke out into laughter.

"Yeah, I've definitely missed this, too" Robert exclaimed.

Aaron smiled at Robert's laughter. "I don't know why, but that really turned me on, you and Ross...it should have made me angry, but..."

"I get what you mean. You and David, it made me angry, made me feel a lot of things but...damn, that would have been hot to see" Robert replied. Could they really be on the same page about this?

Aaron nodded, hope in his eyes. "Tonight then?"


Who would you like to see Aaron and/or Robert with next? Feedback and suggestions are welcome at thegaywriter96@gmail.com :-)

Next: Chapter 7

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