Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on May 3, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

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Aaron's Slutty Adventures - Part Eight

Aaron loved to run. Besides sex, it was his favourite form of exercise. Plus, he always wore his tight black jockstrap, which made his bulge visible in his shorts and made his dick extra sweaty, which Robert always loved. As he ran his usual route through the thick forests surrounding Home Farm, he thought back to the events of yesterday. Both he and Robert had very much enjoyed putting on a show for Billy, and they had both been turned on to know they had both slept with other people. As much as the sex between the two men was amazing, this new development in their sex life was exciting. He didn't know what the future held for the pair, but he was really enjoying living in the present and not focusing on all the angst and drama that came with their relationship.

As he was adjusting his headphones so he could listen to the upbeat songs being played (currently some cheesy Taylor Swift song that Robert had added to his playlist), he quite literally ran into someone. Falling backwards onto the floor, Aaron was momentarily shocked to see Jamie Tate standing over him.

"Shit, sorry mate! My bad" Jamie panted. He too had apparently been out jogging, wearing a hoodie and a pair of tight shorts that Aaron could clearly see the outline of Jamie's bulge in.

"No that's my fault, wasn't looking" Aaron muttered, nodding to Jamie as he offered a hand to pull him up.

Aaron looked down and saw his legs were now covered in mud, as were his own shorts.

"Got to stop meeting like this" Jamie laughed, remembering the other day when they had accidentally walked into one another outside the Woolpack.

"Yeah, right. Don't usually run into anyone round here, thought I was the only one who ran here" Aaron said. He had chosen here specifically because he knew nobody else really travelled around this part of Emmerdale.

"Yeah, me too. It's close to mum's house, didn't think anybody would dare come near" Jamie said, and both men laughed in unison.

Aaron eyed the bulge in Jamie's shorts again. He could have sworn the bulge had grown slightly bigger.

"Want to run together for a while?" Jamie asked. "I've not long started running around here, can show me the best route to follow?"

"Uh, yeah, sure" Aaron said. He liked to run alone, but he supposed he'd make an exception. Just this once.

"Great, thanks" Jamie said appreciatively.

As they ran side by side through Aaron's usual route, Aaron could no stop shooting sideways glances to the younger man. He'd fantasised about Jamie several times since his arrival to the village, yet this was the first time they had properly spoke to one another. He glanced behind at Jamie's arse, perfectly fitting into his tight shorts.

As they came to a stop close to Home Farm, Jamie and Aaron both panted and sweat dripped from both men.

"So I saw Robert's back from prison, that must be good for you" Jamie said as he sipped from his water bottle.

Aaron faltered before answering. He was not expecting to speak about his love life to a bloke he barely knows. "Yeah, it's great". He didn't really know what else to say on the matter without going into too much detail. "How's things with you and...Andrea, isn't it?" Aaron asked.

Jamie chuckled. "Yeah, it's okay. Well, no, it's not, dunno why I said that. Haven't really been getting along lately" Jamie admitted. "Ever since we moved here, I dunno it just hasn't felt the same".

Aaron felt awkward as Jamie rattled on about his failing love life. "Oh, right...sorry to hear that".

"Sorry, I dunno why I'm offloading like that! Just frustrating. Haven't had so much as a blowie in months" Jamie sighed.

The thought of Jamie wanting a blowjob sent a stir to Aaron's dick.

"Sorry, oversharing. Feel free to stop me" Jamie laughed as he took another sip of water.

"No it's- that must really suck for you. I'm usually going mad after a few days" Aaron said, trying to make Jamie feel better. In fact, Aaron was usually going mad if he went one day without any form of action, but he didn't want to overshare himself.

Jamie smiled at Aaron in response. "At least you have Robert back now then!"

"Yeah" Aaron muttered in response. Then a cheeky thought ran through his head and he was speaking before he could stop himself. "Probably won't see him today though" he smiled back to Jamie.

Jamie locked eyes with Aaron. He was unsure whether Jamie would pick up on the faint suggestion he had offered him. Aaron watched as Jamie adjusted his bulge and licked his lips.

"Is that right?" Jamie responded.

"Yeah...I mean, I could drop him a text and see him in a bit...or not" Aaron said flirtatiously.

"Or you could..." Jamie began.

"Yeah, or I could" Aaron said simply.

Jamie chuckled nervously. He'd never done anything with a lad before, but he hadn't been touched in months and here was someone offering to give him a blowjob, when he was horny as fuck, no strings attached. How could he refuse?

In response, Jamie cupped his bulge and gave it a squeeze, watching Aaron's lustful expression as he did so. He pulled down his shorts so his dick was exposed.

Aaron walked up close to Jamie and gave it a squeeze.

"It's quite sweaty, sorry" Jamie apologised.

"Don't be sorry..." Aaron said as he crouched down and licked up and down Jamie's shaft, collecting the sweat in his mouth. Jamie groaned in response, already getting an erection.

Aaron took Jamie's cock into his mouth, bringing several more moans from him.

"Oh god that feels good" Jamie panted.

While Aaron gave Jamie the first blowjob he'd received this year, he began to tickle Jamie's surprisingly hairy balls. Jamie clearly liked this, as he spurted a generous load of pre-cum into Aaron's willing mouth.

"Mmm...tasty" Aaron moaned before diving back in for more. Aaron grabbed his own cock out of his sweaty jockstrap and began to wank his own cock while pleasuring Jamie.

Wanting to test Jamie's limits, Aaron reached around and started moving his finger up and down against Jamie's arse crack. That certainly got Jamie's attention.

"Whoa...what are you- "

"Shhh, you'll enjoy it I promise" Aaron said, winking at Jamie.

"Oh god..." Jamie groaned as he felt Aaron begin to probe his arse with one finger. His arse was worm and sweaty, just how Aaron liked it. Aaron was buzzing to finally get to probe Jamie's perfect little bubble butt that had been teasing him since his arrival to the village.

"You like that?" Aaron asked as he saw Jamie's face tense up. He knew his orgasm was approaching after only five minutes of action. He really was desperate for a blowjob, Aaron thought.

Aaron decided to take advantage of Jamie's horned up state. Standing up, he planted his lips on Jamie, who began kissing him desperately as Aaron slowly wanked Jamie's cock, teasing him.

"I...I want to..." Jamie moaned.

"Yeah? What do you want?" Aaron asked innocently as he tortured Jamie.

"I wanna cum, please!" Jamie begged.

"You asked for it" Aaron said. He dove back in, kissing Jamie as the younger man could taste his own pre-cum and dick sweat in Aaron's mouth. He sped up his actions, quickly wanking both himself and Jamie off at the same time.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck I'm...I'm gonna cum!" Jamie cried out. Aaron felt his own orgasm approaching as he watched Jamie shoot cum all over Aaron's t-shirt, coating him in so many ropes of cum. Months of pent-up frustration exited Jamie as Aaron was covered in his juices.

"Fuck" Aaron muttered as he came too, all over Jamie's hoodie. Both men gasped as they caught their breath after the short-lived but erotic encounter.

"That was different. I needed that" Jamie said. "Don't know how I'm going to explain this though" he muttered, pointing to his cum-soaked hoodie.

"Best take it off then" Aaron laughed. Jamie rolled his eyes as he removed the hoodie, exposing his flat stomach and treasure trail of hair leading to his dick.

"Fucking hell, I came everywhere. Sorry mate"

"Don't worry, worth it" Aaron smirked to Jamie.

Jamie smiled and without another word, he nodded to Aaron and began to jog back towards Home Farm. Aaron stayed for a moment, bringing his phone out and taking a selfie with his cum-stained t-shirt. He sent it to Robert with the message:

`Guess wot I been up 2? :P'

Within minutes, he received a reply:

`Fuck, that's made me horny. Get here, now.'

Laughing to himself, Aaron adjusted his own dick before jogging off towards the village.

Who would you like to see Aaron and/or Robert with next? Feedback and suggestions are welcome at thegaywriter96@gmail.com :-)

Next: Chapter 9

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