
By Addie Q

Published on Apr 25, 2006



Please note: the following story has graphic sexual content. If you are younger than 18, please do not read any further. Copy write by the author, April 2006

*** ABBY & ME ***

It was late at night and the neighborhood was quiet. I drove up my old street, and pulled into my driveway. I shut the car off and looked at the house where I had grown up, it was my home, but I no longer lived there. I wanted something, I desperately wanted something.

I walked into the empty house. It had been a long drive, and I was glad to be home.

My parents and brother were gone for the week, and this is just what I needed - the place to myself.

I had been feeling so lost lately, school was hard and there were so many new pressures on me - I wanted some solace - some comforting place. And my old bedroom was pulling me home.

I desperately wanted to feel something calm and reassuring - and in a way, that's what Abby has always meant to me. Abby lived next door, and she's been such a loyal friend. She was the little sister I never had.

She was just starting high school, and that meant she was growing up - she wasn't just the cute little girl anymore. When I was leaving for school last fall, it was Abby who was the most emotional about me leaving. I was so sad to say goodbye to her. And over the last few months, she had written me a lot of really nice letters.

The house was quiet and warm. I felt tired and lost.

I sat at the kitchen table and stared blankly into space. Then I heard a knock at the side door, and I knew it was Abby. Instantly, I felt happier.

Then the door opened and Abby was in the kitchen. I ran up to her and we hugged.

"Beth!" Abby exclaimed.

"Oh Abby, you waited up for me..." I said as we hugged.

"I saw your car pull in the driveway!"

"Let me look at you" I said.

Just seeing Abby was comforting. She had grown up since the last time I saw her. She was wearing a big sweater and nylon running shorts. She had been on the track team, and I think she really enjoyed it. She looked fit and athletic, but she was still petite - almost delicate. Even after all this time, she was still Little Abby.

But, she seemed more mature too, and it was really impressive. She was smiling at me.

Something was different, and I finally saw it. I said, "Abby - Your hair is short - it looks so cute!"

"I just cut it a few days ago."

Her hair was trimmed short and it looked really attractive, it was an amazing pale red color, and she had freckles and red eyelashes too.

"It's so good to see you," I said.

"Oh Beth - I'm glad you came home."

"I wanted to be here - to see you," I said.

"You have that old skirt on, you still wear it!" Abby said with a smile.

"I still wear it all the time."

Abby said, "I'm so glad you still have it. I love that skirt - I always thought it made you look so pretty."

I was wearing a dark gray wool skirt, and it came to just above my knees. I had on navy blue tights under it. When Abby was much smaller, she would ask me to play teacher and I would help her with her homework. And - I always wore this skirt, it was the "teacher" skirt. It's been a comfortable friend, and I wear it all the time, even now.

"I remember that skirt," Abby said. "I played that game, I would always try and lift it up to see your underwear."

I said, "That won't work tonight."

Abby asked. "Why not?"

"It might not be a good time to play that game" I smiled and left it at that. I don't know if she understood, but I wasn't wearing any panties, just my sheer tights. Laundry was part of my trip home too.

We stood on the hard the kitchen floor, just staring at each other, and then I said, "Let's go upstairs."

I needed the comfort of my room - of my bed. It was a safe place for me.

We climbed onto my tiny old bed, and it felt so good.

Abby sat next to me. The room was lit only by my little bedside reading lamp.

I lay down on my back and kicked my shoes off. The smooth fabric of my tights felt so nice against my old thick comforter.

Abby said, "I'm so glad you wore your 'teacher skirt' again."

"I did it for you," I said and smiled.

And then Abby grabbed at it, and tried to lift it, and she giggled.

I held it down and said, "Abby - please - NO!"

She looked so scared with those big eyes of hers.

She said, "You don't have your panties on, do you - oh my god, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said.

"Beth - I'm really sorry." She said is a totally sad voice.

"Oh, Abby it's Okay, don't worry about it, it's okay." I said as kind as I could.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Abby, I used to love it when we played that underwear game - but, tonight it would have been a little embarrassing for me if you pulled this skirt up."

Then we talked.

We talked in a way that reassured me of our strong connection. Abby told me about her life and I was happy to listen. We talked about her mom, about the boys at school and about how things had been hard for her. I know that I had helped her in other things, and it felt so good to be there for her.

I was on my back, and Abby was sitting up right next to me, really close. And I thought she was looking at my breasts - I mean, she really was. And I was about to call her on it.

Then she looked serious, and I could tell she was struggling, and she wanted to tell me something.

I said, "Abby, it's okay..."

"My mom thinks I should start wearing a bra," Abby said.

"Really?" I responded, and it came out a little like I was laughing. "I mean, you're still so little - Abby, you're pretty flat chested."

I immediately felt bad, that sounded almost mean.

"I know, it sounds so dumb," Abby said. "But still - I don't know what I should do."

I could hear it in her voice, this was hard for her - it was something that was obviously bothering her. I wanted to understand what she was feeling - if I could.

"Well, I don't know if this helps, but - one of the nice thing about being away from home is that I don't have to listen to my mom anymore."

"You're lucky." Abby paused, and then asked me, "You wear a bra, don't you?"

I was a little surprised by the question, but Abby had a really nice way about being direct with me. She never hesitated if she had a question - any question. I really appreciated that, and I felt it deserved a serious and honest answer.

"Yes, Abby - I wear a bra most of the time."


"Well, my breasts are bigger than yours. They aren't big by any means, but they jiggle a lot if I don't have a bra on. That's not a big deal, except sometimes I notice that men will stare at me if I don't have a bra on."

"I know what that's like." Abby said.

"Yeah - it can be awful."

"Is it? I mean, maybe they think I'm pretty." Abby said in a way that was both vulnerable and confused.

"Oh Abby - you are pretty. But men can be - I don't know. They act so creepy sometimes."

"Do you ever have problems with your nipples?"

"Problems? Like how?"

"I mean, do they ever seem like they're too easy to see under your shirt? Like it's embarassing?"

"Well, yeah - sometimes, but wearing a bra helps a little."

"Maybe I should wear a bra then"

"Is that it - is that why your mom wants you to wear a bra?"

"Oh - I don't know, maybe. It's just that..." And Abby trailed off.

"What? It's okay."

Abby looked so serious. I was felt so concerned, I desparately wanted her to be happy.

"Can I show you?" Abby said nervously.

"Yes - of course."

Then Abby sat up on her knees, and carefully lifter her big bulky sweater over her head. She had a tight white t-shirt on under it. She pulled the sweater off and set it on the bed.

My first reaction was almost disbelief. Abby was no longer a little girl. She had a perfectly womanly figure. He hips were wide, her waist was narrow, and her breasts were still small - but they were round and they looked wonderful under the t-shirt.

And yes, her nipples were very prominent.

"Look at me" Abby said in a sad way. "I feel so embarrased sometimes."

"Oh Abby, don't worry..."

"What do you think?"

I didn't know what to say, but I knew this was difficult for her. I was staring at her nipples, and she seemed so eager to let me look at her, to let me help.

I finally said, "Abby, yes - I understand why you might feel like it can be obvious, even through your shirt, it's very easy to see your - um, your nipples."

"I know," Abby said softly.

"But listen to me, you look so pretty, and it's all so lovely - I mean, you've grown up so much since the last time I saw you, and you should be happy..." I worried that sounded strange. "It's okay to feel awkward sometimes. You are a no longer a little girl, and growing up is a new thing - a confusing thing. Believe me, I know."

Abby thought about what I said, and it seemed that maybe it rang true for her.

Then she said, "Do you worry about your nipples, I mean even with your bra on?"

"Well, yes, actually I do sometimes. Like if I'm meeting someone for the first time - it always crosses my mind, like - are my nipples showing? But, it's never been something I worry about too much."

"I worry..."

"Abby, you're so young - it's still all new to you."

I watched Abby, and she seemed lost in thought. I felt so sad for her, and I truly wanted to help her. I wanted to somehow let her know that I would do anything I could to console her.

Then Abby carefully whispered, "Beth - can I - um, can I see your bra. I mean, can I see if it helps..."

This was a funny request, and it startled me a little. I thought for a moment - would this be okay? And then I answered, "Yes - sure."

I was lying on my back, and I undid the buttons on my light blue shirt, doing this felt so easy and so appropriate. I un-tucked it from my old "teacher" skirt and opened the shirt and spread my arms out on the bed. I don't know why, but I was genuinly happy to let Abby see my bra.

Abby was on her knees and she moved in and looked closely at my chest.

"Beth - your bra is pretty - it looks nice."

"Thank you," I smiled.

She was looking intently at my nipples. There was something so sincere and honest about Abby - and I always so desperately loved that part of her.

I asked as calmly as I could, "Can you see my nipples?"

Abby looked carefully and said, "Yes, but they're not that easy to see under the fabric."

"Well - yeah, they're hard to see now, but sometimes - Oh boy, they can really be obvious!"

"Like when"" Abby asked.

"Well - When I'm cold, they really stand out."

"How cold?" Abby asked,

"Oh - it doesn't take much..."

Abby continued staring, and her expression was kind and thoughtful.

"Can I try something?" Abby asked politely.


"Just let me." And then Abby leaned in and gently blew on my chest.

"Abby?" I exclaimed, I was really surprised.

"No - please let me, I wanna see if I can make you feel cold." She said it in a way that was so kindhearted. She sounded happy. And as odd as it sounds, it was totally cute.

Maybe this should have felt too personal or something, but it didn't at all. It felt enormously pleasant. And part of me was really curious if Abby really could affect my nipples just by blowing on me.

"Okay, this will help." I sat up - took my shirt off, and then I lay back down on the bed and spread my arms out over my head. "Okay Abby, go ahead and try."

Abby exclaimed, "Beth - you don't shave your underarm hair!"

"No - I let it grow out when I moved away." I replied. The hair in my armpits is dark and thin and feels soft to touch. I actually really like it, I'm proud of it.

"It looks pretty," Abby said in a genuine way.

"I think so too," I replied.

Abby smiled and said, "I don't shave my armpits either, but I don't have any hair yet."

She tugge at the sleve of her t-shirt and showed me. Her armpit was smooth and pale, "See - But now that I see you - like this, I'm going let my hair grow too."

I whispered, "Thank you."

Abby stared at me and then calmly said, "Beth, your breast look bigger that I thought they were, I mean - with your shirt off, they look bigger."

I laughed and said, "I'm growing up too."

Abby smiled at that. She looked like she really understood me.

Then Abby said, "Okay - relax, I'm gunna see if I can do this."

She carefully leaned in and slowly blew, directly on my bra. Oh my god, it felt wonderful.

Then she blew on my armpits, and the sensation was overwhelming. I let out a quiet, "Mmmmm..."

Then I heard Abby kind of gasp, "It's happening!"

I looked at my self, at my own breasts and my bra. And I could see that my nipples were now a little harder, and Abby looked so delighted.

I said, "That's so cool! Keep trying, let's see if we can do better than that."

And then Abby took a deep breath and carefully blew on my tummy, and I could feel my nipples tighten.

This was so amazingly relaxing, and Abby was so excited. And It felt wonderful, like I was truly at peace, and I really loved the attention from Abby. And - I know this sounds strange, but I loved the fact that she was staring at my breasts.

"Beth - Oh my god, your nipples are so hard now, and - they look pretty." She was so pleased, and in really warmed my heart.

"Really - you think so?"

"Yes, I mean, look - they're really easy to see through your bra."

I lay there, for a long time just drinking in the sensation - it was wonderful. I was so affected by Abby, she was being so gentle and kind. This was such an intimate moment, and it really made me feel a closeness that was magical.

Then she blew a cool steady breath, right between my breasts. And I could feel my nipples get even more sensitive.

Abby said, "This so amazing."

All I could do was let out a contented, "Mmmmmm..."

And then she stopped, and she sat there next to me. She smiled her wonderful smile and said, "I miss you."

I replied, "Oh Abby - I miss you too."

We sat in silence for a while. The room was warm, and I looked at Abby and I was filled with love.

I worried so much about Abby. Something was weighing heavy on her, I could tell. She was so vulnerable and so young. She needed something - some kindness. I knew I could help her. It was such a good feeling - so fulfilling, to know we were together at that moment.

We sat there in silence, the feeling in my old room was exactly what I needed - and I just drank it in. We were quiet for a few minutes. I was so fulfilled just looking up at Abby. I was too peaceful to move, I just lie there, calm and still on my back with Abby focused completely on my bra.

Then Abby whispered, "Your nipples are going back to normal."

"You stopped blowing on them."

Abby thought for a moment, her expression could be so easy to read sometimes. I knew she was going to ask me something personal.

Then she said, "Beth - Does anything else make your nipples get hard like they were?"

"Well, at school when my boy friend, when Danny, touches them, that definitely makes 'em pretty hard." And I giggled, but Abby remained so serious.

"Is it just the touching?"

"Well, I guess that's part of it. But, I think it's the sensual part - I mean, the arousal is from the emotion too. The mood is important."

"So - Just the mood can make them hard?" Asked Abby.

"Yes - I think so."

"Like a story, just hearing a story - would that change your mood."

"I don't know, maybe."

"If you heard a story, do you think just that could make your nipples hard?"

"No - I don't think so..."

"Beth - Can I try, I mean - can I try and make them get hard again by just telling you something."

"Okay, go ahead and try."



"I'll try, but you need to close your eyes and relax"


I closed my eyes, and relaxed with my head on my pillow, and Abby right next to me.

Abby carefully started to speak, "Beth, I saw..." And then she trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"I saw my sister, when she was home from college last week - I saw her..."

Abby's sister was older than me, she had been away at college for a few years. Her name was Lisa, and she was quiet and sort of nervous. She always acted repressed and distant from me, and I think from Abby too.

And I always thought that Lisa was very pretty.

"What? Tell me..." I asked.

"I - um - I saw her... masturbating."

Wow! I didn't expect that - I was really startled, but by the way Abby said it, I could tell it was something really serious for her.

"Was it... I mean, what did you see?" I asked trying to act composed and not surprised.

"Well you know how we share a connecting bathroom, well - I heard her that night. And I was in my room, and I could tell something was going on in there. There was a light on."

"Go on."

"I actually thought she might have a boy in there. So I tiptoed thru the bathroom and looked thru the partially open door - and I could see her on her bed."

I knew that doorway, and I knew how close Lisa's bed was to the bathroom door - it was just a few feet.

"Please, go on..." I said.

"She was lying there, wearing just a t-shirt - and she was, I mean her hand was on her vagina."

"Oh my god," I whispered.

Abby said, "She had a candle lit o the table near her bed - so I could pretty much see everything.

She went on to tell some really intimate details. She was so excited to talk about it. I was lying there as calm as I could be, listening to Abby was surprisingly relaxing and comfortable.

Abby continued, "And - she was rubbing really slow, and even from the bathroom door, even in the candle light - I could see that she was getting wet."

There was a long pause, and then Abby said, "It's working!"

"What?" I asked.

"Beth, your nipples - look at them."

I opened my eyes and looked down at my chest, and she was right - my nipples were just a little more firm than they had been. But what really shocked me was the intensity that Abby was looking at my breasts.

I said, "Oh my god, you're right."

"Even through your bra - it's easy to see that they're getting hard. Wow - It's really pretty."

"I can't believe it - this is so cool - keep talking - I mean - do you want to try and make them harder?"

"Yes, but close your eyes again."

I closed my eyes and tried to relax. The sensation was so pleasant and calm. I was warm and comfortable, my shirt was off - and I knew Abby was staring at my breasts, at my bra, focused on my nipples. I had always felt such a strong connection with Abby, and it was an amazing and beautiful sensation.

I took a deep breath, and said, "Abby - is there more?"

"Yes - I watched for a long time, I mean - I saw everything."

I stretched my arms a little and said, "Go on."

"Well - she was breathing in a way that was loud, and it was kind of fast. And, then she stopped. I was worried she saw me, but she sat up, and took her t-shirt off."

"Was she wearing anything else?"

"I think she had on a pair of little white socks."

I smiled and said, "Go on."

"With her shirt off - she was, I was really - oh I don't know, here breasts are really - she looked nice," Abby was struggling with this, but I could tell she wanted to tell me these details.

"I understand - Lisa is very attractive, I'm sure it was a lovely thing to see," I said this in the hopes of easing Abby's emotions a little.

"Well - she reached to her night stand and she had a bottle of baby oil. And she opened it and poured a little on her - well - on her pubic hair."

"Go on."

"She started rubbing herself, and I could tell that the baby oil was helping, because she acted really - well, really excited. Oh god - She was rubbing a little faster, and breathing deeper."

Then Abby was silent and my eyes were closed. It wasn't awkward or anything, it was nice and calm.

Abby whispered, "Oh Beth - I can't believe how hard your nipples are right now."

I opened my eyes to look at myself, but what surprised me was that Abby had her hands in her lap, and I think they were inside her running shorts. As soon as she saw my eyes were open she quickly put her hands on her knees.

Abby was so vulnerable, the last thing I wanted was to make her feel awkward, so I looked down at myself, and sure enough, my nipples were showing through my bra. I was really startled by how dramatic it all seemed.

I said, "This is so - I don't know, so weird. I mean - I really didn't expect that this could happen like this."

Abby whispered, "I watched as they got harder - it was really amazing."

"Oh Abby..."

I was lying there - and we were both looking at my hard nipples under my white bra. Abby was sitting up, and had this lost look on her face. I thought she may have been embarrassed, but I didn't know. She looked like she couldn't make-up her mind as to what she wanted to do next.

Then she started to cry.

"Oh Abby, it's okay..."

I reached up and gave her a hug. We sat up together for a while, she wasn't crying hard, but she seemed so confused.

"I don't understand why I'm like this..."

"Abby - it's okay, Life is confusing - especially stuff about sex, and growing up and all the emotions around this"

"But you seem so confident and normal."

"Oh Abby, I'm human too - sometimes I feel so mixed up. Especially about sex. I can be an emotional mess a lot of the time."

She actually seemed really surprised to hear me say that. Abby said, "Really?"

"Yes really," At this point Abby seemed to be done with her crying, and I lay back down on the pillow and said, "Come here Abby,"

And she lay down and snuggled in close to me, hugging me.

"Do you really get mixed up too?"

And then I said, "Oh - Danny and I broke up, and the whole thing has been so hard for me."

"What happened?"

"Well - Danny was really pressuring me to have - well, to have sex. I'm so worried about getting pregnant, but he really wouldn't stop trying."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's okay - I wanna tell you."

"Okay..." Abby whispered.

Abby asked, "You let him touch your breasts didn't you?"

"Yes," I answered.

"That sounds so nice..." Abby said.

"Well, at a certain point, we would. Well - I would only let things go so far."

"How far?"

"Well - He and I would both be naked..."

"Really?" Abby interrupted.

"Yeah, and we..."

"What was that like, I mean seeing him naked?" Abby asked.

"Oh - it was actually really nice."

I felt funny telling Abby all of these intimate details, she was so young. But, she was asking from a real place of curiosity, and I felt - I don't know, I guess I felt honored to tell her these things. I felt so close to her.

Abby said, "Beth, I've never seen a boy - I mean, I've only heard about how a boy can get hard."

I described exactly what Danny looked like naked, I described as best as I could what his erection looked like, how big it was, what it felt like and - most of all - how it made me feel. She was asking a lot of questions and I tried to answer them as honestly and calmly as I could.

"Oh god Beth, it sounds so - I don't know, so scary." Abby said.

"Yes - It can be really scary."

"I don't know what I would do..." Whispered Abby.

"I didn't knwo what I would do either. But, I just had this way of following my emotions in a way that would..." And I trailed off.

"What?" Abby asked.

"He would kiss my vagina, he would kiss it and lick it."

Abby said, "You let him do that?"

"I asked him to..."

Abby seemed shocked. I tried to explain this to her, and why I wanted him to do it. I told her how it felt, and how awkward he was about it. I was clear to Abby that it felt good - REALLY good. And I explained what it meant to me. Abby asked me about a lot of details, and I told her everything I could, especially about my clitoris, and how sensitive and aroused it could get.

Abby asked, "Did he make you orgasm?"

"Yes, once."

She seemed astounded by all of this.

I went on, "Here's how we would end up - I mean, this is as far we would go."

"Tell me..."

"We would both be naked - and I would sit on top of him, pressed against his erection, and I would rub myself across his hard - his hard penis."

"Rub, like how?"

"I would - Abby, it was my - I would rub with my vagina."

"Oh my god - how was that?" Abby asked.

"Oh Abby, it felt so good."

"Beth, it sounds so - I don't know, I can't imagine..." Abby said.

"And - we only did this a few times, and I could do it so that - I mean, I could rub enough so that he would finally come."

"You mean he had an orgasm - that kind of come?"


"Did you - I mean, did you see it happen?"

"Yes, I saw it."

"What was it like?"

"Oh Abby - it was really intense. I mean, I was rubbing with my vagina - and it felt good - I mean REALLY good. And he's naked and he's obviously getting REALLY turned on and then - he kind of humping too, and he reaches a climax - and then..."

"Go on..."

"He squirts out this stream of - a stream of come, and it's all over his belly - and all over me too."

Then Abby says, "Beth, it happened again."


"Your nipples are really hard again, I've been watching them - they got all hard again."

"Really?" I said.

The way were hugging, Abby had her head on my shoulder, and she was staring at my nipples. She was so focused, and so happy at that moment.

She whispered, "They look so nice."

I smiled and continued talking. "There was another time, just the other night. We were doing the same thing again, I was sitting right on his hard penis - and rubbing, and it felt really amazing. But, this time..."


"But this time - I..."

"What happened?"

"I - I came, and it was really powerful - I mean, it was so intense that I..." I trailed off.

"Beth - what?"

"When I came, when I had my orgasm - I squirted all over him, It was so weird, I mean I came and squirted at the same time and it was a total surprise to me."

"You squirted?" Abby asked, "Was it like peeing?"

"It was - I don't know, it was different."

"How much did you - I don't understand"

"I squirted out a stream of liquid, I don't know how much - but it really seemed like a lot. Enough that he got wet."

"Was it - did it feel good?"

"Oh god, Abby- it felt so good."

"It sounds great..." Abby said excitedly.

"It was so intense - But...." and then I started to cry.

"Beth - what's wrong?" Abby hugged me tight.

I squeezed Abby too, and took a few deep breaths and tried to collect myself.

"Then he - oh god, Danny said that I peed on him, and he got really mad at me..."

"Oh Beth..."

"I didn't know what was happening and - it felt good, and then he got mad at me - it was..."

"Oh Beth - I'm sorry."

"I was so ashamed..." And then I really started to cry.

"No Beth - don't feel bad, it sounds so beautiful."

"Really?" I said as I cried.

"Yes - it sounds like it must have been wonderful for you - I'm totally jealous, and I'm glad you broke up with him - he sounds horrible."

I cried for a little while, and it felt so wonderful to hold onto little Abby. She was so dedicated to me, it was so comforting. I knew how much she cared about me.

As I cried, she whispered, "I hate Danny for being mean to you. I think that he should have been happy for you - it sounds like it could have been beautiful. I hate him."

I mumbled, "I hate Danny too."

"He was should have felt lucky to have you squirt like that on him - he should have been happy."

I whispered, "Oh Abby thank you."

I hugged little Abby tight, and allowed my self to cry for a few minutes.

I thought to myself abut Abby and all this talk about me, and my awkward sexual experiences. Was I too honest? I didn't feel that way. Abby seemed so appreciative, and I loved to talk with her - and I did it in a way that I thought she wanted, like it was helpful.

I worried about Abby's story, about seeing Lisa, it must have been emotional for her.

I thought about watching Lisa, in a way I think I would have really enjoyed it -maybe it's because Lisa is so pretty. The experience was obviously really intense for Abby, and she is so vulnerable. And I know Abby really loves her sister.

And now that I told her this story about me, did that help her? I told her stuff that was really intimate and sexual. Was she more confused? What was I doing?

I spoke up, "Abby can I ask you something?"


"About watching Lisa, with the baby oil and everything - that really happened didn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, I didn't make anything up." Abby answered.

"Oh Abby - I know, I didn't think you did."

"It was so - Oh my god, it was so intense."

"I'm sure it must have been really I don't know - really emotional." I said.

"But - oh my god - It was Lisa - I can't believe I saw my sister doing that."

I spoke as compassionately as I could, "Abby, you didn't do anything wrong. You're young and this must seem so new and overwhelming. I know how much you love Lisa. But, what you saw - was totally a normal and natural thing."


"No - it's okay - Listen, what you described sounded utterly beautiful. It's okay - really."

"Are you sure..."

I said, "Oh yes - I'm sure. It's normal - everybody does it."

"Everybody?" Abby asked.


There was a long pause.

"Even you?" Abby asked quietly.

"Yes, Abby - even me..."


"Yes - I even have a little bottle of oil, just like Lisa."

"You do?" Asked Abby.

"I do, it's right here in that drawer next to the bed."

"Oh my god Beth, I didn't think that you... Is it baby oil?"

"No - it's a kind of massage oil, here - I'll show you." And I reached over to the drawer and pulled out the bottle and handed it to Abby.

She seemed really excited to see it, she read the label aloud, "Apricot scented massage oil."

Then Abby opened the bottle and smelled it. She put a little on her fingertips and rubbed them together. She seemed fascinated by the little bottle, and she eventually set it on the nightstand.

We lay there for a long time, and it seemed so emotional and close. Abby was holding me tight.

Then I asked, "Abby - you saw Lisa have an orgasm didn't you."

And Abby answered in a quiet whisper, "Yes."

"Abby, oh my god - that must have been a confusing thing to see."

There was a long a pause, and I could tell Abby needed to talk. "This is - hard for me to say..."

"Abby, it's okay, you can tell me anything."

"After Lisa put the baby oil on her - on her pubic hair. She was..."

"It's okay."

"She stopped, and she sat up and looked right at the little crack in the bathroom door, right at me. She looked right at me, and I didn't know if she could see me in the dark or not."

"What happened?"

"Well - Lisa whispered my name, and I think she... Oh god, she must have known I was there."

There was a long pause, and I could tell this was really emotional for Abby. I just let her be silent.

Abby continued, and she spoke slowly, "Then Lisa turned on the bedside light and it totally lit up the room, and she was still sitting in that same pose - I mean, she was totally naked, her legs were wide, and she had her hand on her, um, in between her legs. And she was looking right at the door."

"What happened?"

"She started to rub herself again, and she was going slow, and she looked really scared - but she was looking right at the door, right at me. And she kept rubbing, and she kept getting faster."

"Oh my god, what did you do?"

"Oh Beth - I was so..." And then Abby was quiet.

"Did she see you?"

"Beth, I opened the door."


"I opened the door - I opened it all the way, and I was standing in the doorway - she was looking right at me."

I couldn't believe it. Oh god, it sounded so strange to hear all this from the little girl next door - my dearest little friend.

"What - what did Lisa do?"

Abby spoke clearly and deliberately, "She kept on rubbing, she looked right at me and she rubbed herself faster and harder..."

Suddenly, I'm not sure why, but I had this thought - I asked Abby, "I think you told me this in a letter, but what do you wear to sleep at night?"

Abby pause and then said, "Sometimes I sleep without anything on."

"And in the doorway, what were you wearing?"

Abby quietly said, "I wasn't wearing anything."

Oh my god, that was a really powerful image. I've been in that doorway, and Lisa's bed is really close to that door, I mean - like just a few feet. I mean, little Abby standing totally naked in front of her sister Lisa. And Lisa is so pretty, and to think of Lisa rubbing herself - with baby oil. It was just too wonderful.

"Lisa had an orgasm - didn't she."

"Oh my god, it was incredible."

I took a deep breath. Abby was so sensitive, and I could tell she was really affected by all this. We were hugging each other tight, and the closeness was really powerful.

"Oh Abby, what did you do?"

"I didn't know what to do - or think... I went back to my room, and climbed into bed - but I couldn't sleep."

"Abby - it must have been so confusing for you."

"When I got back to bed - I felt so - oh god, so lonely and worried. I tried to - to ..."

"It's okay," I said.

"I tried to do what Lisa did, but I was too - I don't know, too emotional."

"I understand."

"I wanted to, I tried - I really tried - but, I've never had - I've never climaxed - and Lisa - when she came, oh god, she looked like she was really beautiful - and - and..." Abby said in an emotional way.

"That's totally okay," I said.

"I didn't know what to think..."

"I understand, I mean - what you described sounds really thrilling in a lot of ways."

Then Abby asked, "What would you have done if you were me?"

"Oh Abby - I can't answer that," I said. "What happened was so private - and I don't know. It's such a secret thing. And, I've always thought that Lisa was so pretty and... I'm sure she looked very beautiful, I don't know what I would have done. Maybe exactly what you did."

"The next morning, I was so nervous - but Lisa acted really nice to me. She and I talked about all kinds of things. She really was kind and opened up to me. She left that afternoon to go back to school, and I was sad to say good bye to her."

"Oh - that's really nice Abby." I said.

There was a long silence. Finally Abby whispered, "When Lisa came - Oh god, I couldn't believe it. It was so wonderful."

Then Abby started to tremble, I could feel her shaking in my arms.

I whispered, "Oh baby, it's all right."

And then she started crying, loud and hard on my shoulder. The way she was hugging me - squeezing me - I could hardly move. She had her arms wrapped around my middle, and her face was pressed against the bare skin of my shoulder. He legs were wrapped around my middle.

I put my lips right up to her ear and quietly said, "It's okay Abby - it's okay baby..."

I tried to be as supportive and as reassuring as I could.

Abby was hugging me tight. And then she really started sobbing hard. I was so worried, I mean - I wanted to help. I wanted to some how calm her down. She was squeezing me really hard.

All I could do was let her cry. It went on for a few minutes, and she had to release something, to liberate herself from some emotional demons. And I was so glad that I was there to help. I couldn't do much, but I carefully rubbed he back and stroked her short hair.

And I would whisper little things like, "Oh Baby - it's all okay."

Then - little by little, she calmed down and eventually stopped crying. She let a lot out, and now instead of squeezing me, it was as if she melted into me.

Now everything changed - It was so calm and tranquil. Abby was quiet and still, and I was still gently rubbing her back and neck and hair.

We lay like this for a long time, maybe a half an hour.

It was so beautiful and sensitive. She was wrapped around me with her legs pressed tight around my hips. I had missed Abby so much while I was away at school, and at that moment I finally realized how close were really were.

I was wondering if she had fallen asleep. I didn't want to say anything, and if she was asleep, I didn't want to wake her.

Then - at some point, and I wasn't sure, but it felt like Abby was pressing her crotch against me.

Did it happen?

Did I feel it?

I was almost afraid to breath. I was afraid to stop caressing her, but felt almost too intense, so I rubbed her neck as slow and calm as I could.

Oh god, she was sleeping - maybe? Did I just imagine it.

Then, it happened again - ever so slightly - I felt Abby pressing herself, her groin, against my hip, against my old "teacher" skirt. It was slow and it seemed deliberate.

What was happening? I thought that - yes - this time, I really felt it. Maybe this should have seemed awkward or strange, but what I was feeling was a wonderful closeness - and it was exciting and beautiful. Abby was warm and snugly, all wrapped around me. This was little Abby, my best and closest friend.

I tried to stay calm, and I was trying to perceive if she did it again.

I waited a long time, and then it happened. This time there was no mistaking it. I wanted to let her know this didn't frighten me, that it felt good. But I was too emotional to say anything - so I just let it all happen.

She did it again, smooth and steady. And again.

Her motions were as slow as her breathing, maybe slower. And all the while, I was carefully stroking her back and neck.

Now the gentle movement of her hips was becoming more noticeable.

It was a strange thing, this game of pretend. I mean, Abby was acting like she was asleep, but I knew that she wasn't. At the same time, I didn't want to let on to her that I knew. It was so odd, and so intimate.

I could tell my heart was beating faster. Abby had her head on my shoulder, and I thought that she must be able to feel my heart pounding.

Then there was one firm push, and this one was hard enough to be unmistakable. It was a sexual and deliberate humping movement right onto my hip. I think it surprised Abby more than me, because right then, she froze.

I wanted more. And I didn't want to do anything to scare her.

I kept on rubbing her back, as kind and gentle as I possibly could. I was trying, through my fingertips, to be as tender and comforting as I could.

But Abby was lying there totally still.

I slowly let my fingertips move down to low part of her back, to the bare skin between her t-shirt and her running shorts. I rubbed the cool skin there, and I actually felt Abby shudder, just a little.

Then she made another slow humping push into my hip with her groin.

I couldn't help it, I softly went, "Mmmmmm..."

With that her humping got a little more willful and deliberate. It felt magical.

This went on for a few minutes, Abby gently humping my side, right near my hip, while I ran my fingertips along her bare back above her shorts.

And then, Abby moved, she was slow and cautious.

I let her move, until she was right on top of me. Her knees on positioned on both sides of me, against my ribs, and her nylon running shorts pressing into my belly. Now her head was against my neck and she held me in a warm embrace. But the focal point everything - all of it, was all on Abby's gently pumping hips.

Her peaceful thrusting felt firm and soothing, and I could feel the warm deliberate pressure against my tummy.

I carefully lifted the back of her t-shirt, just to be able to feel more of her smooth skin.

Then I let both hands gently move down to her shorts, and I actually touched her round plump bottom. It felt so wonderful, the smooth nylon of her shorts, and the steady sensual humping of her hips.

I was astounded at what was happening. Abby's head was so close to my face, I could smell her hair and hear her deep breathing.

And then I heard Abby say something, it was quiet and just a hush. I didn't know what it was.

I whispered, "Abby, what did you say ?"

And with her head still buried in against my shoulder, she whispered, "Is it all right that I'm doing this?"

She sounded so worried.

I answered, "Oh yes, baby - it's really nice."

Abby said, "Are you sure?"

And - as compassionate as I could, I said, "Yes - I'm sure."

With that, Abby began to hump my belly in strong steady motions. And she started breathing harder.

I had both hands on her bottom, and instead of just lightly touching, I gently squeezed.

Then Abby whispered, "I love you."

As soon as she said it I felt warm tears brimming up in my eyes. In a shaky voice I said, "Oh Abby - I love you too."

Oh god, I can't let her know I'm crying - that was all I could think.

Then Abby sat up, and looked right at me, and saw my tears. She looked so concerned, and she said, "Oh Beth - should I stop?"

I stammered out, "Oh no, Abby - No... This feels so good."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes - don't stop - please don't stop - I'm happy - I don't know why I'm crying, I'm so happy..." And I squeezed her cute little bottom as I said this.

"I'm happy too, this feels so good," Abby said.

And she started to rub herself again, steady and firm. But now she was sitting up and looking down at me. Abby's motions with her hips were more sensual, and so was her breathing.

I rubbed my hands all over her firm butt cheeks. I stopped crying and smiled at her.

"Abby - do you think you can come?"

"What?" She acted really surprised, and she slowed down.

"Don't stop - your doing good - I think you should try."


"Yes, really - I think you can."

"Beth - I don't know..."

"You're doing so good." I whispered.

"I am?" she asked with her little girl voice.

"Oh God - Yes, baby, you're doing wonderful."

"Okay, I'll try - I'm not sure what to do." She said.

"Let me help..."

And I started to rock a little to meet her pumping hips. I would arch my belly up into her shorts. I would try and work her hips by pulling against her bottom - to make the motions more dramatic. She looked so wonderful and serious. Together, we found a smooth and strong rhythm.

I told her, "Baby, you're doing great."

We worked at this for a few minutes and Abby was getting progressively faster and faster, until she was getting really frenzied - it was amazing.

Then she stopped, and tried to collect herself. She was working to calm her breathing down.

"Abby, that was really good - you were doing so good."

She panted, "I was? That was too intense..."

"Oh baby - it felt wonderful."

"It did feel good..."

I kept my hands on Abby's bottom, and let her relax a little. I was smiling and joyous.

"Abby baby - you were doing everything right."

Abby was looking down at me now. She was sitting on my belly, her shorts were all bunched up and her t-shirt seemed impossibly tight, and her nipples were prominent and beautiful.

She was breathing with her mouth open, and here eyes were wide. She looked like she was confused, like she couldn't really comprehend what was happening.

But then, looking at her, I realized she was focused entirely on my breasts.

I could see that my nipples were incredibly hard, and they were jutting up against the white fabric of my bra. And it was obvious Abby was entranced by them.

She was looking so intently at my breasts, I felt so glad.

I inhaled deeply and arched my back, and doing this made my breasts rise up a little. And just this small motion seemed to hypnotize Abby. I did it again, and Abby acted so pleased.

I started to tremble, it was so emotional.

Then I said, "Abby, this feels so wonderful."

"Beth - oh god, I don't know what's happening."

"Oh baby - it's okay."

All Abby could do was stare at my breasts, my bra and my hard nipples under the white fabric.

I whispered, "Abby - You look, so beautiful."

"Beth, your nipples are so hard right now - they're so - oh god, so pretty."

"So are yours," I said.

Abby nervously asked, "Beth, can I - could I - touch..."

I knew what she wanted, and she was being so sweet - so adorable.

I took my hands off of Abby's bottom and carefully reached around to my back. I undid the clasp of my bra. And immediately Abby put her hands to her mouth in an expression of awe.

"Yes Abby - is okay." I whispered.

"Beth - Oh god - Beth..." She stammered.

My bra still covered my breasts, but it was loose and undone. Abby sat on my belly, frozen with excitement.

"Abby - you're doing so good."

"I'm a little scared," she said timidly.

"Oh baby - it's okay, I am too," I whispered.

I lay my arms out on the bed, palms up. I was in the same passive pose when Abby blew on my bra.

I was so excited for Abby, and it was thrilling for me too. I was breathing hard from the emotion, and I was purposely making my chest rise with each inhalation, I could see the effect on Abby. She was completely fixated.

"It's okay baby," I whispered, my voice trembled with emotion.

Abby stammered, "Beth, it's just so - it's all so - I'm so happy..."

Then she did it, she reached down and touched me, and she carefully put her fingertips on my bra. It was the most gently and kind thing I had ever felt. She was smiling and concentrating. She traced the outline of my bra with her tiny fingers, and my breathing got deeper. This lasted a long time, perhaps a few minutes.

Then, she cautiously touched the fabric of my loose bra, right on my nipples - with that my breathing got more dramatic.

I whimpered out, "Oh god - Oh god..."

Her little hands tenderly moved under each cup of my bra, and she actually touched the warm skin of my breasts.

She whispered, "Beth - is this okay?"

"Oh my god - Abby, you're doing so good, this is so wonderful."

Abby whispered, "Thank you."

Abby slowly lifted my bra off, and I helped her as we pulled it over my arms. My breasts were now totally uncovered, and Abby looked joyous. My nipples were very firm, and without a bra my breasts would subtly jiggle with each breath.

"Beth - you look so pretty."

I just lay there looking at her, and the perfectly adoring look on her face.

Then she set both hands on my breasts, and she caressed them in a way that was unimaginably tender. It was playful and loving. And she was smiling.

I reached up and touched her belly button, her tummy was showing below her white t-shirt. I slid my hands under the tight fabric and held onto her - I could feel her ribs, and I could feel her breathing. I started to move my hands up towards her chest, she held onto my breast and said, "Oh god..."

Abby was frozen in anticipation, her small hands firm on my breast.

I whispered, "Relax." And then I pushed my hands up a little deeper into her tight whit shirt.

And she slowly said, "Yes - yes..."

I said. "Abby - I'm going to take your shirt off."

I moved my hands higher, and she whispered, "Yes - yes - yes..."

I lifted her tight shirt, and she helped - and then it was off.

"Oh god, Abby..." I gasped.

She looked amazing, her skin was so pale, and she had freckles all across her chest and shoulders. And her breasts were small and delicate. Her nipples were hard and tiny.

I said, "You look so perfect - your breasts are beautiful."

"Beth - I don't know, I look at you and I feel so - so - I don't know, so small - I want breasts like yours."

"Oh no - Please, Abby, no - You are so lovely, I love your breasts they are so perfect."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes - Abby - you look so - oh my god - so luscious..."

"Really?" she said in a quiet submissive tone.

As I talked she began to gently move her hips again. It seemed my compliments, my voice was getting her to rub herself against my belly.

I continued, "Abby - I'm so happy, I feel so fortunate seeing you with your shirt off. And - Oh my god - your nipples are prettier - and so much harder - that I thought they would be."

As I spoke, she rubbed harder, and more deliberately.

I wanted to push it even more, "I don't think you know how deeply I care about you, Abby. Your breasts are so lovely, they are so delicate and so beautiful - so beautiful."

"Really?" she whispered.

It worked, she was responding to my praise. And now she was really bold with her humping against my belly.

"Keep rubbing - you're doing so good," I said.

Abby was rubbing harder - she was looking art me, at my bare breasts, and now she had her shirt off too - it was magical, and she was utterly enchanted.

"Abby - do you need some help?"

"I don't know? What can I do?"

In a slow and nervous voice, I said, "Abby baby - I think it will feel better for you - if we take your shorts off."

She stopped her rubbing, and she had a very serious look on her face.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes - it will help."

And then she said, "Okay."

She got off of my belly and sat next to me, and in a strangely resigned way, she removed her shorts. And then she sat there, wearing only her little white panties. She looked at me with a meek expression. I don't think she knew what she should do next.

I whispered, "Abby, I think you should take your panties off too - it will feel so good."

Abby smiled and in an obedient way, she took off her panties.

Oh my god - she was completely naked - she so looked small - she looked so absolutely perfect.

"Come here Abby," and I patted my belly, where she had been sitting, "You were doing such a good job before."

Then, very slowly, she climbed back on me - and straddled my belly.

Her pubic hair was pale red and so delicate, like it had just started to grow, like a little girl. Her vagina was plump and moist. It was all centered above my belly button. It was unbelievably lovely.

I sat up a little to see better - and whispered, "Abby - oh dear god, Abby - you are so beautiful."

She smiled nervously.

And she began to hump against my belly again. The sensation of her warm skin against me was so powerful and erotic - Oh god, I was astonished. I had never imagined such a wonderful feeling.

Abby asked, "Is this like what you did - when you were with Danny?'

"Yes," I answered.

"Oh my god - Beth, it feels really good."

This went on for a few minutes, and Abby's gentle trusting became more physical and more sexual.

Even as Abby rubbed against me - I reached down to my wool skirt and undid the zipper.

"Keep going, don't slow down," I instructed Abby. I pushed my skirt down as best I could.

"Can I see?" Abby asked.

"Oh god yes..." I answered.

And then Abby moved so she could look down at me, at my navy blue tights - she backed down so she was sitting on my thighs - sitting right on my smooth tights.

"Beth - You're wet - I can see it..." Abby said

I sat up a little and looked down at myself. Yes - I had a dark wet area on my tights, and you could easily see thru the thin material. I have a lot of pubic hair, and the tights were pressing it all down and it all looked smooth and shiny. Compared to little Abby, I looked unbelievably hairy.

And Abby was staring at me with wide eyes, she could clearly see my moist vagina under the sheer fabric.

This was too much for me. I was loosing control. I felt myself on the verge of some erotic explosion.

And then I watched as Abby moved her little groin along my smooth tights - toward my pubic hair.

"Oh god Abby..." I stammered.

She smiled, her big beautiful eyes were looking at me with such a tenderness and submissive expression.

Abby was rubbing herself, her vagina along the silky blue fabric of my leg.

She said, "This feels nice."

The smooth feeling was so sensual - and she was looking down at me, at my flat pubic hair under my tights. I squirmed and kicked the dress off my legs.

Now all I was wearing were the navy blue tights, and oh my god - they felt so smooth. The tights felt slick and sheer against Abby's thrusting crotch. I wanted to pull them down, but I was too excited, and it just felt so GOOD.

Abby leaned in and hugged me, and she kept humping my leg. I put my hands on her back and held her tightly.

Her face was against my neck, I whispered in her ear, "Abby - your doing so good..."

Then, she was kissing my neck. The kisses were tender and filled with love.

"Oh Abby baby..." I cooed.

And then she was kissing my shoulder, and then - Oh god, she was kissing my breasts.

And then she kissed my hard nipples - and then the kissing turned to sucking - and all the while she was pumping her groin against my leg - against my sheer tights.

Abby was sucking with a magical inner truth, like it was perfectly honest - like she was a baby - like the connection between us was eternal.

She was lost in some heavenly place, hugging and humping and sucking - it was miraculous.

It was too much - the sensations were almost too wonderful.

"Abby," I gasped, "Sit up, please."

And she sat up, and looked at me.

I reached to the nightstand and got that bottle of apricot scented oil. And as soon as Abby saw it in my hand, she let out an excited little gasp.

I said, "I think this will feel nice - is it okay?"

"Yes - okay..." she said in a submissive voice.

I undid the cap, and she squirmed up to my belly and arched her pelvis and moved her groin to me.

I poured a thin stream of the oil into her pubic hair. Abby kind of squealed with excitement as a puddle formed between her legs - against my skin - as my belly button filled up.

I set the bottle on the nightstand, and left the cap off.

Abby looked down at the thick warm puddle, and as soon as she pressed her hips into it she exclaimed, "Oh god, Beth - it's magical!"

We were both flooded with the delicious sweet smell of the apricot oil. And Abby was visibly joyous at the sensation.

She was rubbing harder, in smooth sexual motions.

"Abby - try going faster." I commanded.

"Okay..." Abby gasped.

And then she was thrusting herself in a kind of panic, it was silky smooth across the oily surface of my torso. And she was slapping her oily pink vagina against my breasts.

"Yes - Abby - it'll happen."

Then in a sort of crazy panic, Abby reached to the night stand and poured the rest of the bottle on my belly and across my breasts.

She put both hands on my oil soaked breasts and rubbed them in a way I can only describe as joyous.

"Oh my god Abby - yes..." I gasped.

I put my hands on her butt, and it was all smeared with oil. And with Abby's dramatic thrusting, I tried my best to hold on, but it was so oily, and so slippery.

I wrapped my fingers into her crack, and without realizing it - my oily fingertips touched Abby's anus.

With that, Abby moaned out loudly and then she pressed the thick lips of her vagina against my firm oily breast. She rubbed herself hard near my nipple, and she held onto my breasts with desperate little hands.

"Abby - yes - yes..."

Her pumping groin was now faster, and she was shivering with passion. I put my oily finger firm against her tight little anus. Everything felt slippery and wonderful.

Abby gasped out, "Beth, oh god - oh god..."

And then Abby backed up, pushing the tiny pucker of her oily anus against my index finger.

I whispered, "Baby, you are doing so good - so good."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes Baby - you are doing great."

And then she pushed her little anus back against my finger, she had to push hard, and I let it slide into her - it was so oily and so tight.

Instantly Abby started to shake, she closed her eyes and she stammered out, "I love you - I love you..."

She gripped my oily breast harder - she pushed her sopping vagina snug against my hard nipple - her knees were pushed firm into my hairy armpits. And I pushed my finger in, just a little deeper.

Abby cried out, "I love you - Beth, I love you..."

She was shivering against me, all in that puddle of warm oil. And I said, "Abby, you're almost there." And I pulled my finger in and out as fast as I could.

She was possessed, and stammered, "I love you - I love you - I love you..."

And then she trembled. She shook as if in a spasm.

"Yes - yes..." I exclaimed.

It happened, Abby scramed out my name. She was lost in a delicious climax, and she squeezed my breasts with so much emotion - I thought I would cry.

Oh my god - it was beautiful.

The waves moved thru Abby and she gasped and trembled. But, eventually she settled down, and melted into me, hugging me and my oily torso.

"Beth - that felt so good - I can't believe it really - finally happened." Abby said to me, still panting and out of breath.

"Oh Abby - you did so good - I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." she sounded so grateful.

"Oh Abby - I loved it - I love all of it so much."

Then Abby whispered, "Beth, do you want to come too? I mean - I would like you to, I'll help you if you want to..."

She sounded so sweet. I was completely captivated by Abby's honesty and tenderness.

"Yes - Baby, I would love you to help me..."

"Can you get on top of me - like I was?"

I rolled Abby over onto her back. I looked down at her. She was naked and oily.

Now all I was wearing were the navy blue tights, and moved over and sat on Abby's little belly. Oh my god - my tights - they felt so smooth against Abby's belly.

"Abby, hold still - okay?"

"Okay." Abby answered.

I was so excited, I couldn't believe how I was feeling - it was like I was possessed. For some reason, the tights - my smooth tights - were like weird turn-on for me.

I rubbed myself, my silky crotch, up along Abby's belly. I let the fabric, the smooth fabric that covered my vagina caress her tummy.

And then I slid my self up to Abby's boyish chest. Lying on her back, her breasts seemed beautiful and flat. But her nipples were marvelously hard.

I was on my knees, and I rubbed my moist vagina against her firm little nipples. The sheer fabric slid smoothly against her.

"Beth - this feels so nice." Abby whispered.

I rubbed her nipples, each of them in turn for a long while. It was so exhilarating, kneeling over Abby with these tights on - I was totally enchanted. And Abby seemed so happy, she was enjoying this - letting me do this. I was awash in love.

Then I inched higher on Abby, and I worked my way toward her neck, and I rubbed my plump little clitoris along her chin.

"Oh god - Abby..." I gasped.

And then she did something that surprised me - but sent me soaring.

She pressed her nose against my damp vagina, and inhaled deeply - Oh my god, she smelled me - my wet crotch.

She did this a few times, and each time it was deep and emotional.

Then I felt her tiny lips kiss me, on the tight fabric between my legs.

"Abby - thank you - thank you..."

I started to pump my hips a little - I needed to grind my firm clitoris against Abby harder. I felt so turned-on I thought I was going to cry again. The emotion - the love I felt was overwhelming

Abby was staring up at me with her beautiful big eyes.

I looked down and said, "Abby - This feels so good, but I need to take these tights off."

I got off of Abby's face, and rolled onto my back next to her.

"Beth - can I take them off?" Abby asked modestly.

"Yes - I would like that."

And then Abby sat up and gently pulled my tights from my hips, and all the way up past my toes. She dropped them onto the floor.

I was on my back, with my legs spread wide - looking up at little Abby, who was naked and all oily. She was looking in between my legs.

Then Abby said, "Beth - you are so hairy."

I could tell by her voice that she was excited and happy, it was a statement of pure bliss.

I replied, "I like my pubic hair."

"I like it too."

Abby looked like she wanted to say something, so I asked, "What is it?"

"Can I try and kiss your clitoris, you told me how good it felt when Danny did it - can I try?" Abby asked.

"Yes baby - I would like that."

Abby smiled at me, then leaned in and gently put her lips to my wet vagina. I propped my head on my pillow so I could watch her. She seemed so devoted to me at that moment.

Abby said, "Tell me what to do, tell me what feels good..."

So I told her, I quietly instructed her as best as I could. Put your tongue against my clitoris. Lick harder. Try sucking it. Faster.

She did all of it - she seemed delighted, it felt magical.

Put your tongue into my vagina. Lick there. Push it in. Deeper. Hold my bottom with your hands. Touch my anus.

Then she kissed my clitoris again, and I shivered - and she felt it.

She sat up and asked, "Are you going to come?"

I answered, "Yes - I think I am, soon..."

"Really?" She gasped excitedly.


"Beth - do you think that - can you try and squirt?"

"What?" I asked.

"Please - Can you squirt on me, like you did on Danny?"

"Abby - I - I don't know if..."

"Don't worry - I won't be angry - I want you to."

Hearing Abby say this to me was so comforting - it felt just wonderful. I wanted so dearly to please her.

I happily said, "Yes, Abby - I'll try..."

Then Abby rolled onto her back, and looked at me with such kindness. Her lips and chin were wet, from me - from my wetness.

I climbed on, and pushed my wet vagina firm into her tummy. I rubbed smooth and steady, the sensation of Abby's oily stomach against my vagina was utterly amazing.

And then Abby began to push her belly up into my groin, to match my pumping rhythm.

She asked, "Does this help?"

"Oh god - yes, baby - it's wonderful," I said.

And then I felt Abby's little hands on my ass, Oh god - that was just electric. Abby was smiling a huge happy smile.

I leaned in a hugged Abby, and we pressed our oily bodies together.

I gently put my lips to hers, and I kissed her tenderly. Her lips were all wet, and they were salty and warm - it was from me, she had just soaked her face against me, and my vagina. The emotional power of this was unbelievable.

Her mouth was wide open and delicately let my tongue trace along her open mouth. Then, let my tongue to enter her open mouth. She shivered as our kiss deepened.

She had both of her hands on my bottom.

This was just electric. I began grinding myself against her hard. My hips were going faster and faster.

I sat up and said, "Abby, put your hands here, between my legs."

She complied and said, "Okay."

Abby put her hands up against my crotch, against my moist vagina - her hands were oily and smooth and slippery.

"Oh god," I panted out.

The way she touched me - with her two cupped hands - I was approaching a strong climax - it was happening fast.

"Abby, hold your hands there - just keep them right there..." I said in a panicky voice.

And I pushed my vagina hard against her little palms, and she looked up at me.

"Abby - I'm going to come," I gasped out.

Abby said, "Oh Beth - yes - yes..."

"Abby - it's gunna happen."

"Beth - Please - can you try and squirt?"

"I'll try..." I said as I pushed her hands.

"I want you to." Abby whispered.

I was thrusting hard against her hands, and I could tell I was wet. Everything felt slick and damp against Abby's little fingers.

"Abby - it's gunna happen."

"What can I do?" Abby asked.

"Hold your hands there, I can - I'm...

"Like this?"

"Press harder..." I instructed, and she did - she pushed her hands firm into my slippery groin.

"Oh god - Yes..."

And then, I leaned forward and started kissing Abby's beautiful face. I was out of control, and it was a mad kind of kissing - I was panting and moaning. And Abby was absolutely joyous. As I kissed her, I was pumping really hard into her hands, and they were forced hard against her belly.

I literally started to lick her neck and ears, and I whispered, "I love you - I love you..."

Then I sat up, and looked down at Abby, I put my hands on her tiny breasts - and my thrusting hips turned to a shiver.

"Oh god Abby..." I stammered.

Her big beautiful eyes were looking at up me with such tenderness.

"Oh god," I panted out.

It happened fast. Suddenly I was moaning - and Abby's little cupped hands were soaking wet. I sat up and arched my back - it was involuntary - I couldn't help it. An orgasm was ripping through me. Abby moved her hands away and looked at my vagina.

I let out a stuttering, "Baby - Baby..."

My hips were shivering, and then it happened - I was pumping out hot liquid - a thin clear stream appeared for just a few seconds, splashing onto Abby's little breasts.

"Yes!" Abby squealed.

I convulsed in that pose, my groin shaking above Abby's wet chest. I was on fire, I couldn't move - I was dripping and puddle formed on her belly, and she stared - with eyes wide. And a wonderful smile.

"Abby - I love you so much..." I said.

She looked up at me, she was so thrilled. Her smile was honest and perfect. I was unimaginably happy.

I sank down into an embrace. We hugged so tight, and the wetness and our oily fit so perfectly, like we were made for just this moment.

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