Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Sep 7, 2017


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Able Semen 4, Baltimore Blues.

By John --

Part 1

With telling some of my good experiences, a few have asked if it was all great. Weren't there any bad times? I didn't think being initiated by Henry and Charley was especially great, although I suppose in a way it opened me up to my relationship with Brian. Perhaps if it were not for them, I wouldn't have been in the position to accept Brain and the idea of sex with men. It's a hard one to ponder, but as for something that wasn't great, period, then it must have been Baltimore.

Of course after Galveston and leaving Jess, I was upset. But with having plenty to do around the ship, it slipped to the back of my mind as I got on with the work. I didn't tell Brian though, it was something I had to keep to myself, a very personal experience that really touched me deep inside. Also, I hadn't quite come to grips with all the emotions it had brought, the loving and the leaving behind, it was something I had never experienced before. But I never felt the need to tell anyone about it.

Soon enough we were sailing up the Chesapeake Bay heading for Baltimore, which was our last port of call in the U.S.A. We were loading machinery destined for England and for once, everything went smoothly and we had finished up and battened down the hatches by late afternoon. The next day we were due to sail to Halifax Nova Scotia, so there was no time to see anything of the city.

After dinner, Brian was saying we had been invited to go to another ship on the same berth. One of our crew had a friend on that vessel and tonight there was a birthday party. We talked to Barry about it, so the four of us decided to go along for a few drinks after dinner and get a change of scenery.

I got changed, feeling good at being able to kind of dress up for something special instead of the usual "anything will do around the ship" kind of thing. I had some cut-offs, good ones where I had been able to fray all the material edges on legs, so they looked exactly right. For the top, I wore a white tank-top which came just to the waistline of the shorts. I thought it looked really cool!

My body was shaping up, not that I was doing anything really physical, just the fact I was doing active work. The puppy fat was turning into something more solid. I hadn't changed any dimensions, still 29" waist and the same weight, well almost, but after a teenage life of reading books, working was definitely changing my body. Also, being out of reach of my father, I had let my hair grow down to my shoulders, something he would have gone crazy about at home. With plenty of sunbathing, my blond hair had bleached out giving a real streaky look. For the first time ever, I was conscious that I didn't look too bad, even if I say so myself.

As we walked down the quay joking and laughing, I wondered at what the other ship would be like. The Harmonia was the only one I had been on in fact, so I was looking forward to going on board and seeing another vessel. As we got close, I could see she was much bigger than ours and more modern too. Alan from our crew had been on her before, so he led the way to a mess room. Actually, it was a really a large lounge with carpets and sofa's, proper furniture and a far cry from ours with its basic wooden chairs and Formica-topped tables.

I looked around at a party in full swing till Alan grabbed my arm and took us to meet with his friend. They gave us a good welcome and soon we were all talking to other members of their crew. Just like on our ship, they were eager to chat with some new faces and get away from those around them which they knew so well. Soon I had half a dozen guys competing for my and Brian's ear. Unlike with ours, this crew had a very mixed nationality. I couldn't guess where they were all from, but everyone seemed to speak English with strange accents. Only Alan's friend appeared to be from England.

They had a good party, the spread of food was impressive and with no disrespect for Norman, I don't think we could have put on something like this. The drinks too, there were plenty both in variety and quantity. Instead of my usual beer, all kinds of stuff I had never tasted before was being handed to me by the guys around us, wanting me to sample their favourite drink from back home. For the first time, I tried Tequila. That really made me shudder and they all laughed at my reaction. Doing the beer, then the Tequila with the lemon and salt, it seemed crazy to me, but many of them were enjoying and I had to follow suit, at least for a while.

With a few drinks under my belt, I didn't mind being pulled to where some of them were dancing. I enjoyed the atmosphere, very friendly and carefree. Most of the guys I was talking too came and danced in one group, each of them doing some moves to impress and joke with their friends and me. I was really having a good time.

And so the evening progressed, with a break for some food, more drinks and dancing and then more drinks again. A perfect party.

Back on the floor, I overbalanced and crashed into one of the guys. They gave me a cheer as I struggled to get back to my feet. One moment I was dancing, the next it was suddenly difficult to get back up. I did, but backed off the floor and got to a space by the wall and leant against it, trying to get my wits again. I was drunk, not realising before. The music filled my ears, and I had to try hard focusing on anything that got my attention, and my legs began to feel weak. On top of all that, I began getting a queasy feeling in my stomach. I knew I had better get to the toilet just in case. Besides, it would be cooler out of the room and I knew that would help me feel better.

I asked one of the guys which way to the toilets. He took me to the door and pointed down a corridor and told me where to go. As I walked along, I had a walk next to the wall and use my hand for support. Instead of feeling better, my head started to spin and I stopped to catch my breath for a moment. But I had to go on, I didn't want to get to a stage of throwing up where I was, so I edged along following the directions till after a few turns I found myself inside the toilet room.

I leant over the sink and stuck my fingers down my throat. I knew I had to clear my stomach of all the crap I had been throwing down. Sure enough, it all came tumbling out. I couldn't see myself in the mirror my head was spinning so much. Throwing water on my face, I tried to clean up then staggered to lean against the back wall for some time, trying to pull myself together.

With not moving, I began to feel a bit better and decided to take a piss. Again I stumbled over to the stalls, quickly aware that the rest of my body was out of synch. My legs were weak and my knees kept buckling. I took some of my weight by leaning onto the stall dividers and took a breath. Suddenly one arm slipped off the porcelain divider and I fell forward cracking my head against the wall in front of me. With that, I lurched back away from the stalls again. Shit, my head was back to spinning around and I couldn't see where I was.

I got back to the stall and tried to get a grip of myself. Someone came in and began using the one next to me.

"Hey, Mr Dance Man, you not looking so good eh?", came some voice in a thick accent. I didn't look at him but I could hear him peeing.

When he had finished, he said, "Hey Mister, you need some help, you looking pretty trashed up man."

"You're right, I am."

I was staring into the drain trying to will myself the energy and balance long enough to take my hands off the porcelain and undo my shorts so I could piss. He took my arm on his shoulder to support me which enabled me to stand up straight. With my other hand, I fumbled with my buttons to try and open the fly, but my fingers kept slipping off them not able to coordinate.

He must have tired waiting, because he said, "Let me do that, we will be here all night, or you piss your pants first."

His hands quickly flicked open the waist and fly, then he pushed his hand under the elastic of my briefs and pulled out my cock, pointing it at the stall.

"Oh, thanks man," I slurred, knowing he was right. I stood there letting go, counting how many drinks I was passing into the drain, hoping I wouldn't stop till everyone I had drunk that night flowed out and took my drunkenness with it.

When I finished, I could feel him milking the last drops off the end and let it slip back into my briefs.

"Thanks, pal," grateful for his help in a lousy situation. I looked at him for the first time and tried to place him in the party room, but couldn't. "I know you from the party?"

"Si, I see you there, dancing too much," he laughed.

He was some kind of Latino, don't ask me from where exactly, just I knew the Spanish type of accent and he looked like every Mexican I had ever seen in the cowboy movies. Black hair, a light moustache, a bit short and stocky and his shirt open down to his waist showing a thick hairy chest.

I fumbled trying to button up again but was not having any luck.

"Mr Dance man is not so quick now, no? He smiled, amused at my predicament.

"Shit, how can this be so difficult," I said, getting exasperated. I lost balance and staggered backwards, but my new friend quickly got to my side and stopped me from falling.

"Hey man, you need to sit down, take a rest for a while. What your name?" he asked.

"Oh, thanks man," grateful for the assistance. I'm Mike, what's yours?"

He laughed, "The Good Samaritan or Miguel whichever you want!"

"Okay Miguel thanks, you're right, if I don't sit down I'm gonna fall down."

"Si, come", he said, putting his arm around me and guided me to the far end of the room and into one of the cubicles.

He put down the seat cover and then helped me to sit down. I was a bit confused as to why we were here and not going back to the party, but I couldn't ask my mind to think about it. He bent down to feel my forehead, then pushed my head down to my knees and told me to stay like that for a while. I did as he said, closing my eyes and trying to make my mind stop jumping around.

"You feel better soon," Miguel said, stroking my head a bit, letting his fingers run through my hair, which was very relaxing.

It only seemed like a minute before he said; "Now Mr Mike, how are we feeling now?"

I sat up and looked at him smiling. "Feels a lot better now, I don't think I am going to throw up anymore, yes it's helped a lot."

He squatted on his haunches and felt my forehead again.

"Yes, I think maybe we take you back now."

First, he pulled up my tank top so he could fasten the waist buttons on my shorts, but then he couldn't do the fly with me sitting, so he told me to stand up. He helped me stand and I was anxious to feel how my legs would carry me now. He took my place on the toilet seat and again set about fastening me up.

He had trouble doing the first one up, the lower one. I never open it, so the material hadn't given enough to get the button back through easily. Instead of just leaving it, Miguel persisted which meant his hands were pushing against my crotch. In no time, and without my permission, I sprang a boner that pushed out my briefs right in front of his eyes. He said nothing but continued trying to get the button through the hole, till at last, he gave up trying. He just shrugged and then looked up at me. As I stared back, all that filled my vision was my hard dick sticking straight out in front, just about going over his head. For some reason, I thought it extremely funny.

With both hands, he pulled my shorts together, but that left my dick sticking out between his hands. Miguel laughed and pushed it back, but it just sprang out again before he could close up my fly. It was embarrassing but also amusing too, especially with my drunken state of mind, it gave me the giggles.

"You are out of control Mister," said Miguel grinning.

"I know, fun isn't it?"

He squeezed through the cotton briefs as if to strangle it, but that just made it throb harder. Then he pulled down my briefs letting it flop out in front.

"Shoo, Mary and Joseph!" he exclaimed. "Amigo, you got a big dick for a small guy," he said in some amazement.

"Everyone tells me that," I smirked, still thinking the situation to be hilarious.

"Oh, like who?" asked Miguel.

"Oh, my boyfriend ..."-- I stopped for a second, then continued, "..... my friend, Brian, he said it was big." I trailed off realising what I had said and not being able to take it back.

"Oh, so, you have boyfriend eh?" said Miguel in a knowing way. "I see now, so Mister Dancer also dance in the bed for boyfriend, no?"

I was dumbfounded and couldn't think of anything to reply. But he didn't wait for an answer as he took hold of my cock, then felt my balls. His rough hand slipped under my briefs and eased round to my arse, squeezing and kneading the cheeks. I panicked and backed away from him, but with my shorts slipping down my legs, I crashed back into the wall of the cubicle.

He rose and bent forward to pick me back up, at the same time he placed one foot on my shorts between my legs and then lifted me up so that his foot pressed my briefs and shorts to the floor. I struggled to push him off, but he was strong and kept his arms tight around me. Edging back to the toilet, he sat back down and pulled me with him.

"No, no Miguel," I shouted.

"Ah my golden angel, Miguel very quick, don't fight me and it will be over real quick, I promise."

I protested and fought, but I was not in a position to do much about it.

In moments, he had been able to release his own cock from his pants. He shuffled to the edge of the toilet and then leant back against the tank. Then he hitched me up his stomach and with one hand brought his cock to my ass hole. It happened so fast, that before I realised what he had done, both arms wrapped around me preventing escape. His hips bucked up strongly and I felt his cock head find the mark and push the lips apart. I cried out, both at the humiliation and at the pain, he was doing it dry.

To stop me screaming, one hand moved to my head and brought me roughly to his lips. His tongue probed hungrily, making it impossible to make a noise except grunt with the pain of his invasion. I could taste cigarettes and whisky and something else he had been eating recently. On and on he went bucking his hips, jerking his cock bit by bit up my arse.

At last, he was home. "Si, now I fuck your pussy kid," as if explaining the situation in case I didn't know.

Changing his rhythm he began fucking, as against just trying to get inside my ass. He panted heavily so could no longer kiss at the same time.

"Come on kid, I know I'm not the first one, relax and let me fuck you good, then I finish quick, si?"

I stopped fighting, it was killing me anyway and I knew the only way out was to relax as he said, or he would rip me apart.

"Oh, you're a good boy, see, you make Miguel come real quick." He smiled, still humping as fast as he could go. His eyes rolled up into his head and his face changed to a pained expression.

"Oh kid, I'm gonna shoot up you ass, man you have a great pussy. Oh! Oh! Oh!.....

I felt my insides catch fire as he emptied his load.

My body crumpled against him now it was over, my nerves frazzled and senses shot. But I didn't have long to savour the peace. Miguel yanked out his cock in one fast movement making me shout at the shock.

"Don't worry kid", he said smiling again, "I'll put it back again in just a moment".

Pushing me off, he stood up and moved me around, bending me over the toilet. He stepped up behind and without any preliminaries pushed it straight back inside, making me howl. He leant over my back, clamping his hand over my mouth.

"Take it easy kid, Miguel is very quick again. Just relax and give me your ass, then we can all go home, si?"

He gave my ass some rapid-fire pounding. With having to support myself against the tank his hands we free to roam over my back, play with my hair and feel my dick. But I wasn't hard, not with what I was going through. All I could hear was the slapping of his groin against my ass, echoing around the tiled room. For a moment it sounded like the beat of a snare drum. Luckily, he was a man of his word and soon he was gasping for breath, now hanging on to me for support as the short strokes came again.

"Oh my angel, look what you made me do, I'm gonna shoot again," he cried as he let go a second load inside me.

I was virtually hung on his dick for when he pulled out, I slumped onto the toilet exhausted. The tension in my leg muscles had turned them to jelly, not to mention the alcohol. Strangely, he took some tissue from the holder and cleaned up my ass. Grabbing my shorts he put them on for me, but he stuffed the briefs back into the pocket.

He went to the sink and washed his dick. I tried to walk out, but my legs wouldn't work at all. I leant against the wall wondering what to do. When he finished drying his hands, Miguel came back over.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" he said. "You know, I like you, I like you a lot kid. I think I will introduce you to some of my friends, you will like them."

"No, I want to go back to my mates."

"Okay, I take you back to the party kid, but first you come and meet my friends, si?"

With that, he picked me up in his arms, opened the door and walked out and down the corridor.

Part 2

I resigned myself to letting him take me, hoping I could get back to Brian. He pushed open a cabin door and edged us both through. Inside you could hardly see, the smoke was that thick. It was someone's cabin, with about a dozen or so men sat on the floor playing cards in groups or sleeping in any space they had. Bottles of whisky were everywhere, most of them empty and lying scattered around the floor. Miguel walked over to one of the beds and dropped me onto it.

He rattled off something in Spanish and they all looked over. Turning, he said in English "This is Angel, I found him up on the A deck landing. Angel, these are my friends."

Most of them began sniggering and laughing. I wanted to get up and leave but as I tried, Miguel stopped me and pushed me back. Two guys got up, throwing in their cards and came over to talk to Miguel. They all had the same looks as Miguel. This crowd had not dressed for any party, for most were in dirty vests and shorts as if they had just finished work in the engine room. Many looked like they could do with a shave if not a shower. I could see they were all a bit drunk by the way the talked and jostled each other, even if I couldn't understand what they were saying.

It was hard to see them once they had stood up. For the card game, they had the table lights on the floor, so everything above a couple of feet was in shadow. I knew they were looking at me, then back to Miguel as he continued babbling on and on. Then they sat on the edge of the bed and turned to look me over.

Miguel said, "Angel boy, this is Antonio and Martin, they are my good friends, I think they will be yours too." He gave a horrible laugh.

One reached over and held my face looking into my eyes, then let his hand run through my hair.

One said, "What are you kid, a real angel or just another gambero?"

I didn't know what he meant by that, but Miguel said, "Tony, he is a sweet kid," and reached across and patted my thigh.

Back into Spanish till the other one put his hand on my knee and moved it slowly up my leg, lifting the material to let his hand slip under. I moved to stop him, but the other one grabbed my hand allowing his friend to continue till I could feel his fingers working over my ass.

"Miguel, I wanna go now, please let me go."

"Later kid, just hang on for a while and lets party a little." He gave me an exaggerated wink.

The Tony guy moved to sit up by the bed head, the other one sat down by my feet and Miguel in the middle. The other guys in the room went back to playing cards. I wondered what I got myself into. Horrified I watched as Tony gave a laugh and pulled down the zip on his shorts. Slowly he turned towards me and pulled out his hard cock.

"No, No," I begged, but his hand was already on the back of my head shoving me into his crotch.

I could hear them laughing as it slipped between my lips and he started working his hips, pushing in and out. He smelled strongly of sweat, reminding me of Henry and Charley at the end of a working day.

After a minute or so, I could feel hands working back on my legs, moving up to my ass. I wasn't wearing my underwear so it was easy to get at me. I tried to pull off Antonio, but he kept me in place. Other hands grabbed my arms preventing me from stopping the probing fingers. I couldn't see what was going on, my only view was the bush of pubic hair surrounding a thick stubby cock that was jamming itself into my mouth.

I could feel the button being flicked open on my shorts and I struggled hard to free myself from their grip. It was no use though, they were far stronger than I and to prove it, someone punched me hard in the chest.

"Take it easy kid," someone said. I gave in realising that it was useless to struggle.

My shorts were pulled down and off my ankles. Unseen hands roamed over my thighs, stomach, cock and arse. I tensed as I felt fingers push into my hole. I knew what was coming and couldn't do a thing about it.

I guessed it was Martin who climbed up the bed and got up behind. He pushed one knee between mine, lifting my upper leg. Then I felt his cock press up against my hole. If I could say I was lucky, it was that I was lubricated with two loads from Miguel, for he pushed straight inside without giving me any time to adjust and began fucking vigorously.

Antonio pulled me hard against him almost cutting off my air supply. Then he let go his load down my throat. When he had finished he let me go and I backed off his fat cock coughing and gasping, at least happy that I could breathe again.

"Not bad kid," he said, "for a first try."

He twisted my ear lobe and laughed, then rolled away stood up. Now I could see the room again, two or three other guys were standing there watching. They were horny and rubbing themselves. The quickest one jumped to take Antonio's place, quickly dropping his pants to reveal a big cock, which I had to take between my lips. Martin was groaning loudly, coming to a finish. His fingernails dug into my hips as he went into climax and I felt each pulse of his cock spilling hot juice within.

When he pulled out, another of those watching climbed on the bed. This one wanted me on my knees and roughly pulled me up. I couldn't understand what he was saying so he just knocked me into the position he wanted. He got up behind and pushed home. The other one got on the bed too, moving the guy in my face further over to make room. I had now two fighting to get into my mouth. They were laughing as first one, and then the other pushed their fat cocks between my lips. They tried to put both in at the same time but I was not able to take them.

As one came down my throat, the other splattered the side of my face with his load, making me lick it clean when the other had pulled out. Soon I felt the now familiar burning sensation as the one in my rear finished. I was exhausted. I had cum up my nose, in my eyes and I could feel it running out of my ass and down my legs.

My mind and body went numb, I couldn't cope with it all. But these were just the first ones. Soon I couldn't tell one from another. Then one guy got on the bed. He had me on my back and pulled up my legs and pushed them back towards my shoulders. His face had a permanent smirk. I cried out as he put the weight of his upper body directly onto my legs so that I thought he would break my back but he just grinned. He manoeuvred his hips so his cock was opposite my hole and then whammed inside. I screamed out making some of the guys watching to say something to him. Miguel told him to go easy or he would kill me.

He didn't say anything except, "We'll see," and then fucked me really hard till I thought I would pass out with the pain.

All the time he just grinned, loving to see me being hurt. I could hear someone else tell him to let up, but he angrily told them to "Back off". When he finished and pulled out, he threw my legs down on the bed and sneered, "Fucking puta", spitting on my chest. He got up and walked over to a bottle of whisky and swigged it down.

I reckon they must have all had a turn, some more than once. Through it all came the realisation that in amongst the cocks I had to suck were ones that had already been in my ass. They were doing both ends, the thought of which made me feel really sick.

Just when I imagined my ordeal was over, one of the men kicked at a sleeping guy in the corner of the room. As if he had been forgotten, many of them got excited and shouted for him to come on over to the bed. He stood up and stretched himself. I could see he was different to the rest of them, being tall and wide he had the look of an African but his skin colour was light like coffee. Realising the situation he smiled and took a few steps towards me.

Miguel talked quietly in his ear while the rest egged him on to get on the bed. They talked to him in English, so I don't know where he came from.

Miguel said, "This my good friend Pierre, after my friend, we go home, si?" I was thankful to hear those words at last and couldn't wait to get it over with.

I didn't understand why he should cause so much excitement in the others, but he did. He was good looking in fact with his broad grin and square cut jaw, he was certainly handsome. He thought for a few moments, and then he settled down between my legs and undid his shorts. Different to the rest, he settled his body down over me but not exactly on me. His face came up to mine and he started talking.

"Hey, you are nice man, good looking too."

His big hand stroked my face gently and his fingers traced along my eyebrows and over my lips.

"You let me do this, I like you very much."

All them had taken me, and here he was asking me if it was okay. I just nodded yes as even if I said no I couln't think it would have made any difference.

The others were in high spirits, urging him to do it. But he talked to me as if we were the only ones in the room.

"I want to make you enjoy, just like me. You think you can do that?" he asked.

I was a bit put out by all this sudden concern and didn't know what to say, just I slowly nodded my assent.

"Good, I like we both enjoy."

He leant closer and his lips just feathered mine. He repeated this a few times then worked his way around my face, gently kissing me all over. I thought it most odd. Here I was virtually a prisoner, covered in all the cum and crud from these guys and here he was kissing and getting carried away as though I smelt of roses, which I surely did not.

But he did make me feel a bit more human again and in that, I relaxed a little. His mates kept on at him, even slapping his bum, I could feel him get pushed into me. Suddenly he pulled away and lashed out with his fist to the side of the bed, warning them off. As he turned back, his face changed from a snarl to sweetness and he pecked my lips, dipping his tongue into my mouth. Every time I looked into his face, his eyes rolled up as if he was in a world of his own.

"Now baby, just relax, I am gonna put my dick in you, I guess it will hurt a bit," he whispered.

I already could feel his dick between my legs, although I hadn't seen it. I knew what to expect or thought I did. He moved one hand down to guide it to the mark. The guys watching hooted and cheered as they saw some action begin. I didn't look at them, just focused on this face above me or simply closed my eyes.

"Yeah Pierre, stick your dick into him, split him in two," someone shouted and they all laughed.

"Fuck him Pierre, show him your dick before you shove it in him, let him see what he's gonna get," said another.

I felt him tense and he turned to them, anger in his voice, "You fucking cunts, you think this kid wants to be here? You think he enjoys you cunts fucking his brains out. Shut the fuck up, you bastards."

I began to wonder what it was all about and a nervous shiver ran through me. They went quiet, so quiet I turned slightly to look if they were still there. All were standing in a row watching me, stunned by what Pierre had said, but all the same, hands were rubbing cocks. There was no mistaking their anticipation.

Pierre turned his attention back to me trying to get back into the mood of moments before. His tongue found mine, gently pushing and probing my mouth, nibbling my lips with his teeth. I closed my eyes and willed myself into another world. His dick hardened again between my legs and I felt his breathing speed a little. Slowly his hand went back between us, positioning his cock for entry.

"Baby, you ready? I want to push it in now," he whispered.

I nodded my head and felt him respond by moving his hips up, bringing his cock to push against my ass. His fingers felt in my hole, already big and wet from the others. The head moved into the entrance and the heat swept up my body like a wave across a still pond.

"Relax baby, just relax," his mouth fastened onto mine, sucking my tongue hard.

I gave it him, letting him draw it up into his mouth. I was losing myself in his caresses, giving myself up to him, willingly.

Blackness. Blackness broken by lightning. Lightning searing through me from somewhere lower down my body, coursing up along every fibre. Up into my mouth. Breaking into the world with a scream that came from a place I didn't know I possessed. I broke free of his kiss gasping for air, my body spasmed and shook.

A hand closed over my mouth. "Baby, its okay, I'm in now, just relax."

I heard a murmur from those watching, the sound of whistles of amazement penetrated my ears. Tears ran freely, he kissed them.

"Don't cry baby, the worst is over now," he said softly. His hands held me firmly, so I was unable to break free in my panic. Ever so slowly the pain abated. The fire in my guts died down and I didn't vomit as I thought I was going to do. Now I felt cold, my body shivered as the shock swept fully over me. But Pierre never stopped kissing, whispering encouragement, telling me it was alright.

I calmed down and he asked if I was okay.

"Yes, I think so," I replied.

"Good, now we fuck," he said. "Don't worry, I be very gentle with you my angel."

His head dropped onto my shoulder biting the muscle back and forth. His hips lifted higher forcing my legs further apart. Our slight body movements sent earthquake jolts through me which increased to explosive proportions as he moved his dick, first pulling it very slowly almost out, waiting for a second or two, then just as slowly pushing it back in. Again my body involuntarily bucked and shook, but he knew I would and held me tight.

"There, now it be a bit easier, no?" he said.

I looked at him in disbelief and found him smiling back, his big brown eyes wet and twinkling.

"Come on baby, don't fight me, just give me your body, everything will be okay. We gonna have a nice fuck, you and me."

He pushed very hard again, almost moving me up the bed. I could feel more of his cock enter my ass. Each time he stopped, he bent forward and kissed me making me think he was fully home. But then he pushed hard once more and slid further inside. I could feel it pressing things deep inside, feel my guts trying to rearrange themselves to make way.

I knew this was different now, I could hear the men watching say things like "Wow, look at that!". This was what all the fuss was about, Pierre was something to behold and I could feel him splitting me down the middle.

"Yeah, I think now you okay," Pierre said, "We fuck now."

He closed his eyes and began a slow deep rhythm of pulling almost out then in one motion, pushing all the way in. He revelled in doing it slowly, taking every last drop of feeling to be had from the slightest movement. I guess I was lucky really, otherwise, I would be dead.

He took his time; it was not going to be anything quick. I looked at our audience; most had their cocks out and were playing and jerking. Their mouths were hanging open, watering at the performance. I didn't know what position Pierre held but I knew if it had been anyone else, they would be fighting to grab any part of me they could get, just like a short time ago. But for now, they kept their distance and didn't interfere.

The only way I could take him was by relaxing fully. I strained to open myself as wide as possible, for if I allowed my ass to tighten even slightly, the pain became unbearable. I adjusted my position as far as I could to find the easiest of all the evils. Pierre's speed moved up a notch, but thankfully remaining in the first gear category.

"You are a good fuck baby," he whispered, "your ass is a beautiful place for me. You come and work on this ship and we do like this every day."

I thought he must be crazy, but then I heard a gurgle of laughter fall out of him. I looked into his face and there he was grinning back.

"Come on man, let's enjoy this fuck, together, let go, come on enjoy, enjoy it man, you ain't never had no-one like Pierre before." He laughed again, and I was forced to grin back.

Again his speed increased, his eyes closed and he lifted his head back, losing himself in dreams. Moments later, he glanced again.

"Angel, I'm ready to come now, just hold on for a minute."

Reaching behind, his hands cupped under my thighs and lifted my legs back. He placed my hands on them indicating I should hold them myself. He moved his place a little to correspond with our new position, then gave me a wink and recommenced drilling my ass. Now I could look down my body and was shocked at what I saw. I had seen big dicks before in the form of first Charley and then the guy in Africa. I didn't know they came any bigger on a man than that. People didn't even joke about what I was now looking at. Suddenly I became afraid of the damage he might be doing and ran a checklist of feeling this and that. Everything felt okay, but still, I couldn't comprehend something I had only seen on four legs in the paddock. How could it possibly fit inside me? But then I remembered the shock of him forcing his way in. That kind of confirmed that I was normal in a funny kind of way.

I was brought out of my wonderings by his moans. I looked up; sweat now trickled down his face and sparkled down on his chest.

"Oh kid, you ready for me? I'm coming...."

His voice trailed off and his hips worked faster and faster for the last moments. Another moan and his cock jerked sharply deep inside physically pushing me up the bed. I could feel his hot liquids filling me up till his last thrusts died away and he lowered himself back onto my chest. A cheer came from the onlookers. An excited gabble of Spanish started up. Pierre's lips closed over mine.

"Thanks, kid, you were really beautiful, I mean it, you're a great kid, should feel proud of yourself."

He kissed me deeply again then gently lifted up, slowly pulling out. He watched my face and stopped every time he could see me twitch with pain. Finally, the end popped free with a smack and now I could see the whole thing. It was extremely long and fat, a much darker colour than the rest of him, all shiny and wet with still some juice dropping off the end. I just could not believe that thing had been inside me. He looked around for his pants and walked over to the other side of the room to put them on.

"Bravo, bravo," someone was saying. Hands reached over to pat my chest.

"Yeah kid, really great."

More hands touching and playfully slapping me, they were all excited and laughing and talking. I unhooked my arms from under my knees and slowly began to lower my legs, as always the joints felt seized up with the tension. Hands reached out to help me. Still more hands ran over my body as if they were confirming I was real. Someone I couldn't see took hold of my dick, which I hadn't given a thought about in the whole episode. He pulled it a few times trying to put some life into it. It responded a little, more on automatic than any command from me. Other hands weighed my balls, running the loose skin between their fingers. Fingers slipped into my hole, probing around looking for God knows what.

I looked up at them again. They were still running through it all between themselves, with three or four stroking their cocks. All were still hard.

"How it feel kid, it felt good? You look like you enjoy anyway." They laughed.

"Bet you never see a cock like that in your life eh?"

"How it feel kid, that big thing up your ass, bet you loved it"

More laughter. Fingers dug deeper inside me.

"Hey kid, bet you could sail this fucking ship up there." Hands grabbed my legs, lifting and separating them. They moved down the bed to have a better look. Thumbs pried my ass cheeks apart, more fingers felt as if they were inserted.

I made an effort to get up, but they were too many around me. I felt a pressure on my ass again and someone laughed loudly. One guy was between my legs and had put his dick up me for another go. They cheered him and within moments even before I could try to do anything, he came. Standing up, another one took his place. They were all in frenzy. One couldn't wait and knelt up on the bed beside my head, pushing his cock deep into my mouth. Again, in a moment he came and moved away, letting another do the same thing. It was one mad finale, each of them so worked up they were coming within seconds almost, of putting their dicks in my ass or mouth. I felt totally numbed.

I heard the voice of Miguel shouting, pushing some of them off. "Haven't you guys ever had enough?" he was saying.

One who hadn't had another turn started arguing with him. It was heated but I couldn't understand what was being said. The guy tried to push Miguel away, but he responded with a punch to the side of his face. The guy lunged for Miguel, but the rest of them grabbed him and started shouting and pushing him off.

Miguel snatched my arm, "Move your ass kid, time to go."

He picked up my pants and just about dragged me off the bed towards the door while the rest were still pushing and shoving each other.

"You gotta get those shorts on first, we can't walk out of here buck naked!"

I quickly pulled them up and grabbed my tank top, putting it on once we were through the door.

"See what you do to those guys, they ain't never seen anyone like you, don't know when to call it quits!" he said almost to himself and gave a chuckle.

I liked the way everything was my fault as if I had started the whole thing off.

Miguel walked quickly down the corridor, but I couldn't keep up with him. The muscles in the backs of my legs were killing me and my hips and pelvis area ached like mad. When he realised I wasn't with him, he came back, putting an arm around me to take some of the weight off, and also hurry me along.

Part 3

We went up another level, I was vaguely aware of coming this way before. Suddenly he pulled me through a door and into the toilet room we had been in at the start.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, worried that he might have cooked up something else for me.

"Hey kid, you stink like shit, I take you back like that, someone's going to ask questions and we all be in trouble. Got to get you cleaned up first, make you back into the kid I saw upstairs."

He pointed at some of the mess on me and I realised he was right.

"First, go take a dump, you must be full of the stuff, maybe you will get the shits when you least expect it if you don't."

Again, after he said it, I was now aware that my stomach felt inflated like a balloon. I did as he told me and sat on the toilet. He was dead right, it was like a jizz enema!

But I came out of the cubicle feeling a lot better, grateful that he was thinking about the situation and not just abandoning me.

"Right strip off and let's get that crud off, you smell like a whore house."

I wondered about someone coming in and looked at the door.

"It's okay", said Miguel, we sometimes take a few passengers and this is their deck, only there ain't none on this trip. If it makes you feel any better...."

He moved to put the trashcan under the door handle so it couldn't be opened. He grabbed some toilet rolls from the cabinet and wet hand-fulls of tissue. Starting with my back, he began wiping me down, cleaning off all the dried cum and whatever. I stood at the sink looking at myself in the mirror, wondering what it was about me that got me into this mess.

He worked down to my ass and legs. I was embarrassed to be cleaned by someone, but without the use of a shower, I couldn't see what I looked like at the back, so I had to rely on Miguel.

"How about you helping out here," he said, "give your face a wash, you can do that while I am doing this."

Running some water, I brought handfuls to my face first to clean my mouth back into a taste I was familiar with, then to my face, submerging it as long as possible to feel it's coolness and wake me up.

Miguel was a rough guy, but he was also caring in a funny kind of way. Very conscientiously he wiped everywhere, including my ass hole. I guess he had an interest in that, but still, not many people would go that far I think. Producing a comb from his pocket, he did my hair, first wetting it to dissolve the human super-glue that had made me look like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

"There, you look like an Angel again."

I looked better and felt a whole lot better and told him so.

He patted my ass, "how is this, any problems there?"

"So far, it feels okay," I told him, "but I guess I will get the damage reports in tomorrow."

He laughed, working his fingers into my hole he said. "For anyone to take Pierre, you feel awfully tight again now."

"Yeah, well, I think I was anaesthetised by all the others first or you would be running me to the hospital right now."

"You see, you never know when something bad turns out to be something good," he laughed at his own joke.

I was watching him through the mirror, looking over my shoulder at me smiling.

"Angel, how about one more before we go, I'm feeling so hot now you are looking your best again."

"No way", I said, "Don't you think I have done enough?"

"Ah, come on, one more won't hurt you, if it wasn't for me rescuing your ass in there, just imagine how you would have ended up."

"But it was you who took me there," I complained.

"Yeah, but I didn't know it would go that far, sorry for that kid." He sounded it as well actually. "But, come on, just for me, you are not going to refuse me after I got you ship shape again are you?"

I was passed arguing, my mind no longer capable of reasoning or resisting anymore. I heard his zip go and his jeans pushed down. I leant across the sink and waited. Miguel bent down and parted my ass cheeks.

"Smooth as a baby's bottom and as pink as a virgins pussy."

He kissed my hole, wetting it with his tongue, then stood up.

"Now kid, just do this for me, okay?"

Leaning over my back, he hooked his hips up to force entry. Slowly he increased his weight till it broke through and slid inside. Although it got so I couldn't feel any of those guys in the cabin, thankfully in a way, I could feel Miguel enter me now and the heat of his dick once it was inside.

"Kid you are so tight, even after all that, you are unbelievable! How could anyone not want to fuck you, I don't know, they wouldn't be right in their head. You are fucking fantastic."

He was talking to himself rather than to me. His hands ran up and down my back when he stood straight, and he bit my shoulders gently when he bent over. His dick was fat and I could feel every one of his moves up inside.

He fucked in long strokes, not too fast so it didn't cause any discomfort. Once he found his rhythm, this time he was touching that good place inside that I liked, the first time this night it had registered.

"If you knew how good this felt, you wouldn't begrudge me," and slapped my bum, but I didn't tell him he wasn't so bad after all.

"Oh but you just make me come so quick," he murmured. Catching me by surprise, he stopped and pulled out.

"Got to stop or I will come, I don't want just yet. Angel, turn around and sit on the counter."

I stood up and sat on the edge. He moved between my legs and then raised them to rest on his shoulders. Leaning back against the wall I closed my eyes.

"What's wrong, too scary to look?" he laughed again.

I opened them and watched him jerk himself to full hard again. He moved closer and paused.

"You ready?"

I nodded yes.

"I got a million Miguel's gonna try and make you a mother."

He certainly made it amusing if nothing else, I was forced to laugh, couldn't help it! He slid back inside and resumed the action, bringing drops of sweat to his brow. He had to hold me tight because he tended to knock me away from the edge so he couldn't get access.

He stopped again, "No good, I keep losing you this way, get down on the floor."

It was cold tiles and I shivered at the thought. But he didn't mean for that, grabbing my clothes he dropped them on the floor, then he stripped completely adding his own and covered a patch big enough to lie on.

I laid on my back, Miguel kneeling between my legs, and then lifted them to the right height.

"This is better, my favourite position."

He could drop his full weight on me this way and make sure he was fully inside. He began again slowly and asked me to play with myself. My cock had hardened stood at the counter, but then retreated again in the awkward sitting position. I stroked it back into life. Looking back at this evening I could see myself on that bed, with all those cocks ready to take turns at me. It was bad, but now in my mind's eye, it was as if it was a different person who was being fucked. My dick rose to full mast and then, at last, I began to enjoy the sex with Miguel.

When he saw, he got turned on even more and increased the speed, driving deep inside so it almost hurt. There was no give in the tiles, my ass took his whole weight on every piston. He moved faster and faster till on the final run, he laid down full on me and gripped my shoulders.

"Oh baby, you are fucking fantastic, you are making me come now. Grip me hard with your ass, grip me hard."

For half a minute he pounded my ass like there was no tomorrow. One last almighty ram, he clenched his hands powerfully round my shoulders and commenced pumping out his load. I could feel it too, every pulse gave me a hot sensation inside that I loved. In the end, I had to say I enjoyed it.

Miguel was exhausted and lay on me for a minute or two before he found the energy to move.

"The best baby, the very best, honestly," he complimented. "Wish you would come and work on this ship so we could do this every day."

"You forget, I have a boyfriend already," I reminded him.

"Well I can say this, he is one lucky son of a bitch to have you, no mistake. I hope he takes good care of you."

"He does okay, no complaints on that score".

He eased himself up and ever so slowly, withdrew his cock. He was still hard when he pulled out too.

"Sorry I didn't give you chance to finish," he apologised. He took hold of my dick to examine it.

"You are a well-made guy, I think some of those back in the cabin would have preferred you putting this in them rather than what they did. I know for a fact three of them take it up the ass often, but you know how it is, once they are with their mates, they can't let on, got to do the stud stuff with the rest of them."

He bent forward and licked the end, really taking me by surprise. I didn't take Miguel for anything but the dominant kind at all. I raised myself on my elbows to watch him. After doing the top, he dropped his mouth over the full length till he gagged. Pulling back just a little, he then gave me some good sucking till my nuts began to tighten up and that great feeling starts somewhere behind your balls.

"Tell you what kid, just to show I not all bastard and as I won't be seeing you again, how about slipping this into me?" He waived my dick about.

"I don't know," I said caught off guard and not really in the mood to fuck someone.

"Yeah you do, course you do kid. Get up on your knees," he commanded.

As I did, he went on all fours away from me.

"Now kid, slip it in nice and gentle, it's been years since anyone dicked me. But just tonight, I want it again from you!"

Looking at his hairy arse, it was not exactly my cup of tea. But before I could make a move Miguel moved back, reached around for my dick and placed it against his hole. He pressed tight, moving his ass around to help ease it in.

"Come on kid, show some spirit, I can't believe you always lie on your back and get fucked."

Once the head of my dick touched that hot spot of his hole, I saw things in a different light. An electrical charge ran through me, making my dick feel like it just expanded ten fold. Yes, it would be good to fuck him, kind of pay him back for bringing all this on me tonight.

I leant across his back and pressed my loins tight against him. He grunted and moaned as it inched it's way little by little into his very tight ass.

"Fuck it hurts, but I want it, come on, give it me, I'm giving you permission to fuck me into next year if you are up to it."

Once inside that familiar feeling put paid to any apprehension. I soon fell into enjoying rodding his tight ass for all I was worth, bringing groans and moans from Miguel. I knew I was hurting him, but it was also the pleasure of pain too.

"My Angel, fuck me, make sure all my kids have blond hair and blue eyes," he groaned.

That made me laugh, but I kind of liked the idea.

"Well if they don't, I'll know you've been sleeping around," I told him.

"No I don't do that. Like I said, this is the first time since I was around your age. So give it me hard, that's what I want now...." His voice trailed away into a long moan as I redoubled my efforts.

I was really horny, but after everything I had received that night, there was some kind of blockage inside. I wanted to come and felt like it, but it just kept hovering on the edge, not quite sending me over for ages. I fucked him hard and for a long time. Soon he didn't say anything at all, whatever he was feeling no sound came out to let me know.

But finally a tingle began inside and I knew it was the sign.

"Miguel, I'm gonna come, do you want me inside?"

"Fucking right I do, I want all your jizz deep inside kid, do it hard man".

And I did. I pounded him every bit as hard as he did me till I could no longer hold back and exploded inside.

We stood at adjacent basins washing our dicks.

"You know kid, why don't you come home with me, we could live together, I wouldn't mind giving you my ass now and again. Maybe we could rent your ass out to the guys in the village who were fed up with Louise at the cantina."

He looked at me seriously and then cracked out laughing. "Don't get upset kid, I was only joking, well about the rent anyway."

He continued laughing to himself as we dressed. Finally, he checked me over to make sure everything was right and we walked out and made our way back to the lounge room.

Just before I opened the door, he held my arm. "Hey kid, yeah well it's Mike I know. I just want to say I'm sorry for some of the stuff that happened tonight. I never intended it to get out of control like that. I know you must be feeling bad, don't blame you. But I gotta say, I'm not sorry about what happened in the toilet, I mean it. You are one great guy. Just take care of yourself. Don't get mixed up with any crazy guys like me in the future, okay?"

"Okay", I said. "And the toilet bit, that's wasn't bad, not bad at all!"

"Thanks, kid. See you around." He walked back down the corridor. I stood and watched him till he turned out of sight, then pushed open the door and went in.

A small group was sat in one corner still drinking, but most people had gone. I found Brian, Barry and Alan asleep on one of the couches, whisky bottles strewn around their feet. Leaning over Brian, I could smell the booze and cigarettes wafting up on his breath. Not a pretty sight. Shaking him awake, I told him we had to get back to our ship. Slowly they all got to their feet. No one asked me where I had been or commented on how long I'd been gone. They had all been too drunk to notice.

Walking back down the quay was difficult. My legs began aching again making me walk very slowly. But the others were having a hard time too, but not for the same reasons.

The next day, what had happened was uppermost on my mind. My ass was a bit sore which I expected, but there was something I couldn't fathom in why they behaved as they did. I didn't come up with any answers though. But after dinner that evening, I went to see one of the crew who does all the haircutting.

I had him cut mine short.

If you have enjoyed (or not), your comments are welcome, John.

Next: Chapter 5

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