Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Sep 12, 2017


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Able Semen 6, The Homecoming

By John,

Chapter 1

That day in Halifax felt magic. Outside the sun shone in the crisp clean air and inside we sated our desires on and off the whole day. If only more times could have been like that.

But from the moment of leaving on the evening tide, the weather changed bringing down a curtain on that brief experience. The sky deepened to an unrelenting grey and merged seamlessly at the horizon with the sea. The wind picked up and as we left the shelter of the shore further and further behind, the ship was soon crashing into the waves of a heavy sea.

Granted I was new at this job, but already I had travelled thousands of miles on this boat. Now the world on which I lived was so unexpectedly tossed and thrown about like a toy in the bath.

At first, I was really frightened. To look out of the window in the mess, which was two decks up from the cargo deck, and see nothing but water above your head as the ship ploughed through deep troughs in the enormous waves. Well, my skin ran to Goosebumps and my stomach quaked. Eventually, it dawned on me that no-one else was unduly bothered, so I told myself it must be alright. When I remarked about it to Norman, he just laughed and told me I hadn't seen anything yet.

It was like that all the way across the Atlantic. The Master ordered that nobody could go out on deck, so our little world became even smaller for the rest of the voyage.

Not until we entered St. George's Channel between Ireland and Wales did a relative calm descend. I was doing my usual cleaning in the engine room when Henry was able at long last, to take his eagle eye off things and ask me if I would be paying off in Liverpool or staying with the ship.

I told him I wanted to take a proper engineers apprenticeship, so I would be leaving the boat. He took me by surprise when he said he thought that was for the best.

"Aye, a young lad should get yon feet planted in a good trade. Not like here, you won't be getting anywhere on boats like this. Good decision lad, wish you well! Before you leave, I'll give you a letter of recommendation to take with you."

I didn't really know what to expect from him, but somehow I didn't think he would be bothered with me, let alone offer a testimonial.

"At least now lad, you know which end goes forward and which end doesn't."

We both laughed and he clapped me on the shoulder and then playfully pushing me on my away, groping and nipping my bum.

As the ship edged into Seaforth docks, I began to get very nervous. Already being the last day, the crew had got so excited to be in home port. Some were going to pay off like Brian and me, and there were those who were going to stay, but eager to be off and whoop it up in Liverpool for a couple of days.

Norman was going to remain with the boat as I knew he would, it was his life now. I would miss him a lot, but he was one of those you just knew you would meet up with again.

Finally, we docked and were all tied up and the engines fell silent. I collected my wages, the first time I had seen or felt so much money in my own hands. Then with all our goodbyes said, Brian and I walked down the gangway and onto the quayside. We made a final wave to Norman watching us from up on deck and walked silently towards the dock gates.

Before we turned the first corner, we stopped and looked back at the Harmonia. I started shaking inside and my eyes watered. I tried to stifle an unwanted sob and glanced at Brian wondering if he had heard. He was crying too. We looked at each other, not having to explain a word. He put his arm around my shoulder and we continued out the docks and back into the world in which most people lived.

It was extraordinary. Here I was so emotionally charged over leaving the vessel when what now seemed an age away, I had so hated those first few weeks.

I saw a phone box and forgetting my melancholy, raced over and shouted to Brian that I was going to phone my mom. She was elated to hear me and I almost began to cry again when I heard her excited voice. I told her I would be home later after doing some things in Liverpool.

Brian phoned his parents next and then we decided to go into the city and have a couple of drinks. We arranged to get together again in a week or so, and have some fun before sorting out our future. After a couple of hours, I was at the station seeing him off on the Manchester train. We couldn't kiss, but we got as close as two men are allowed. Brian unseen put his hand into my pocket and grabbed my dick, telling me to take good care of it till he saw me again.

As his train pulled out of the station, suddenly I was hit by a feeling of utter loneliness. All my friends had disappeared in a matter of a few hours. Now I desperately needed to get myself home and back to my family.

Chapter 2

I arrived about half past six and the tears began again. My mom wouldn't leave me alone and then my sister started, maybe thinking she had better not be left out. Dad didn't say very much though, and when he did made it sound a bit of a joke. I was soon to know different.

He had asked me what time I got into Liverpool and left the ship. When I told him, he said it was now seven or something, so where had I been as I knew dinner was always at half past five. I laughed because I didn't really understand what he was trying to say.

Later on, after mom had called across the fence to the neighbours and had them come around to show me off, she told me my eldest sister had taken my bedroom so I would have to sleep on the couch.

I was a bit upset at losing my room, but now I had left home it would be unreasonable to think I could hang on to it. Later on in the evening I got really tired and would have loved to get some sleep, but I had to wait till mom and dad finished watching the TV first.

The following morning I was shaken awake by my dad. Confused, I asked him what the matter was, but he just said it was time people should be out of bed. He was making ready to go to work which I didn't have to do. I couldn't quite understand what the fuss was about. After he had left, I went back to the sofa and tried to go back to sleep but my mind was too upset.

Before long, my mom came into the lounge and told me to get up so she could put away the bedding. Reluctantly I did as she wanted and got myself showered and dressed.

I decided to look up my old friends and also go and see Uncle Billy. I hadn't returned his mail, so I would have to pay him a call. Before I left, mom reminded me what time dinner was and told me not to be late or else my dad would get upset again. I told her I was on holiday and maybe I didn't want to eat dinner at that time. She wouldn't have it though and told me not to rile dad.

In a huff, I left the house. This was nothing like I had been dreaming about whilst on the Harmonia. Thinking of my loving family back home when in reality, it was as if I was still a kid at school being told what to do and when to do it. If nothing else, I now had a sense of independence, so this was something almost like being in jail.

Quickly I put it to the back of my mind as I called on a few friends. Some were home and some were at work, so I left messages to see them later. In the afternoon I went to see Uncle Billy. He was glad to see me and made me feel really welcome and actually wanted.

He had to know everything I'd done and everywhere I'd been to. Each time I told him something, it would trigger a memory about this navy days and then he would counter with a story of his own. The hours past quickly as we laughed and talked. When I suddenly realised the time and told him I would have to get home, I let it slip that `or else my dad would be upset.'

"Oh let him be upset, it's not every day my nephew comes home from the sea."

I liked his style, wished my dad could be a bit more enthusiastic.

"Your dad was always a bit of a straightjacket. If he'd have gone in the navy I doubt he would be so stuck up like he is."

I cracked out laughing, never having heard Uncle or any relatives talk about my dad like this, but he hit the nail on the head.

"Tell you what, you can sleep here if you like, then you can go and come as you please. And you get a proper bed too."

I didn't know what to say, or rather I didn't know how to tell my mom and dad, but it sounded great. He read my mind.

"Don't worry about your dad, I'll sort him out and I think you mom will like it too, only so as your dad won't be making a fuss over everything you do."

I went back home for dinner and Uncle Billy called around a bit later and had a word. I wasn't really expecting my dad to agree, but I knew Uncle was a bit of a smooth talker and sure enough he said that I could. He gave Uncle instructions about not allowing me to run wild, but Uncle caught my eye and gave a wink whilst agreeing sincerely with dad.

I got my bag together and we walked back to his house. He said for us to dump it there and go for a drink at the local pub where he would be playing in a darts match. I would be able to call some friends and tell them where I was if they wanted to join me.

We talked really easily. It was not how I had expected really. I had known Uncle since forever, as he had always lived nearby and I always liked him. Yet it was strictly Uncle and nephew stuff, having to keep quiet whilst he talked with mom and dad. Now, he talked to me like an equal, no more the kid. It was just like any of the crew, no formality or anything. Before I had thought that he was old, seeing he was an Uncle. But now I realised that he was only around thirty-five to forty. He was dad's youngest brother, so younger than Norman by a long chalk. I thought I got on so well with Norman and he was way out of my age group, so there was nothing amiss with talking like real pals with Uncle either. He must have taken it exactly the same way too.

I knew my dad wouldn't like me going to the local pub, and I mentioned this to Uncle Billy.

"What your dad doesn't know won't hurt him. I'm not going to mention it and I don't think you are, so what's the worry? Besides, your dad doesn't go there anyway so what would he know about it? And by the way, let's get this Uncle thing straight, you are making me feel ancient. Call me Billy like everyone else does, alright?"

That was great, I didn't like putting that tag to his name in any case. It helped to make me treat him like a friend rather than one of our family. At last, I was starting to feel comfortable back at home, thanks to his great attitude.

At first, I didn't know anyone in there, so I watched Billy play darts with his cronies, warming up for the inter-pub match later on. Later, one by one, my old school mates came in and joined me. We took a table in the lounge and left Billy to it in the tap room. First was Chris, still looking his old self. I say that because next came Peter, who already had lost his school look. Then came Harry who had got a dose of style since I last clapped eyes on him.

First I had to tell them where I had been and what I had been doing. But the novelty soon wore off, they were imagining that I was a guest on an ocean cruise. When I insisted that it was work, some hard at that, and I wasn't taking in the tourist sites, they soon lost interest. Chris didn't, he was the only one who continued to plug me on every detail you could imagine. But for the others, after half an hour it was as if I'd never been away and the talk was on the latest TV soap or some football match. I felt out of it to some extent.

Chris still hadn't got what you would call a proper job since leaving school, so he was obviously in awe of what I had been doing. When I told him how bad it was helping to change a crane gearbox, working over twelve hours in ninety plus temperatures, covered in oil and sweating in the killing humidity, he still seemed to think that was neat.

As he still looked under age for being in a pub, I asked him if he had any trouble getting in. He said the landlord didn't bother too much, and nearly all my old classmates came in here at one time or another. I could hear one reason, the jukebox had some good music and it was loud. I think the landlord must be have been purposely tapping the younger market as most of the other customers were our age.

Billy came in after the match and asked if I was staying until closing time or coming home with him. I was still pretty much tired, so I told him to hang on for me. As the next night was Friday, we all arranged to meet up again and have a good night out.

Walking home with Billy, I told him that I felt out of it, thought Harry and Peter might have been a bit more interested in my being home.

"I tell you, Mike, even after being at sea for ten years, I still got that when I came home on leave. People who I thought knew me well, didn't even know I'd been away. You'll get used to it. What counts is yourself, not whether other people think about you."

Chapter 3

When we got home to Billy's, he said I would be sleeping in his room, in one of the twin beds. He had another bedroom but it was full of junk. He told me if I wanted, I could make it my own later.

He asked if I wanted a coffee, but I told him no as I was tired and would get some sleep. He said he would be up in a minute after reading the sports page.

I had a wash and got undressed and slipped into the cold bed. Oh, another thing to remind me I was back in England again. I switched on the reading light between the beds, thinking of Uncle Billy. This bed must have been my Aunts. I never knew her, she died of cancer when I was really young after only being married for a couple of years. Billy hadn't married again.

I could hear him downstairs, switching off the lights and locking the doors. He paid a trip to the bathroom along the landing and came into the room quietly.

"Still awake? Thought you might be asleep by now."

"The cold bed kind of woke me up again."

"Getting soft, are we? Sorry, no central heating or electric blankets in this house. Oh yes, and no tropical sunshine on the outside either."

He stripped off as he joked, till fully naked he climbed in opposite. I didn't look directly at him, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see.

They had won the match tonight, so he was very happy. He settled down and picked up a book.

"Seeing as you are awake, you won't mind me reading a while. Love my book at bedtime."

He rummaged around looking on the tables at each side.

"Mikey, have you seen my reading glasses, I could have sworn they were right by my bed?"

"I thought I saw them in the kitchen," remembering a pair by the fridge.

"Oh no, just got settled, but I can't read without them."

He made to get up, but I knew he might not find them.

"It's okay Uncle, I think I know exactly where they are."

I threw back the cover and made to get out of the bed. That's when I realised I was also naked, having stripped off completely out of habit. I paused just a moment then thought what the hell, Billy was also naked and I was being a kid. Quickly I ran down the stairs and found the glasses straight away.

"Here they are, right by the fridge."

"Oh thanks, Mike, I'm always forgetting where I put them."

I walked over and handed them to him.

"See you inherited the family jewels." Said Billy.

"Sorry?" I said thinking I had miss-heard something.

"This!" he said, taking hold of my dick and giving it a handshake.

"Why, what do you mean?" I asked, really shocked.

"Nay, you must know you are bigger than average, you're not that thick are you?" he said laughing. "Me and your dad, and your Uncle Benny, we were all the biggest in school. I know for a fact I was pretty big compared to the rest of my shipmates in the Navy. Your Uncle Benny says his two lads are hung like horses, so it's all in the family. Mind, I've no idea what the girls get handed."

A bit embarrassed, but still interested in this amazing bit of information, I said I didn't think I was so special in that department.

"Well, I remember exactly what I was like at your age, which is pretty much what you are now. By the time I was twenty or twenty-two thereabouts, I had myself a bit of a reputation.

I didn't know what to say, this was all like a bolt from the blue and not a subject I would have chosen to talk about with my uncle.

"I can see by your face, you think I'm kidding, don't you? Pulling your leg like."

I was going to say something, I don't know exactly what, when he pulled back the covers on the bed.

I was totally shocked. At first, I just looked at his grinning face not daring to let my eyes wonder. But slowly I let them drop to a heavy muscular chest covered with a light dusting of black hair. It swirled on both pecs, and lead down into a line drawing my eyes lower. His stomach was ripped and tight, his waist trim.

The silence was deafening. I drew up some courage and let my eyes focus on below his stomach. There curving across his left leg was one fat, thick tube of a cock.

My throat went dry, really. When I tried to speak, my voice felt like it had gone up a couple of octaves.

"You, you mean, me. I am going to get something as big as that?" It didn't sound like I wanted it too. I tried again. "It's fantastic, I can't believe I am going to be that big."

"Well Mike looks like you are well on the way, I tell you."

Now it was the opposite way round, I couldn't look him in the face, not being able to tear my eyes off it. I was absolutely dumbfounded.

I didn't know what to think, really. But staring at his dick made me feel boiling hot, I could feel the heat radiating off my body. My dick filled out and got hard, but at first it was not anything I noticed being so intent on Billy.

I did when he reached out a gave it a squeeze.

"See, I jest not."

It didn't bother me what he did, all I could think about was how big he would be if it got hard.

"Nay, you must have had a girlfriend, maybe one that had been around a bit, didn't she say anything? Not been with one of those ladies you find in every port?"

"No, no I never." I bumbled.

"How about a buddy on your ship. You must have had a mate there?"

I didn't understand what he was saying. But something in the back of my mind thought the worst and instantly I knew I was as red as a beetroot.

"I, I......" My voice refused to put together any words.

My head began to pound and then it was like Billy was miming, I couldn't hear anything he was saying.

He reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me down to sit beside him. The movement cracked my ears and I began to hear again.

"Mikey, you're forgetting, I was in the Navy for years and years. We all had buddies or almost everyone. There was nothing to do on most postings, no TV, sometimes not even a bar. So you made your own entertainment. It was normal, nothing wrong with it. Part and parcel of being in the Navy since men started going out in boats. What's his name then?"

I knew he knew, it was obvious.


"Same age is he?"

"Two years older than me."

"Still on the ship?"

"No, we both paid off together. We want to get an apprenticeship together next."

I could have curled up and died with embarrassment.

"Mikey, you ever heard of Winston Churchill?"

"Course I have, who hasn't." I was not that stupid.

"Do you know what he once said in a speech? He was the First Lord of The Admiralty, so he was the top dog and knew what he was doing. In a speech when extolling some of the virtues of a life at sea, he said "Rum, Bum and Baccy". Mind, it didn't go down too well with all those bloody do-gooders, so soon got forgotten, but nevertheless, he said it, and he meant it.

I've done it, Mikey, I've done every blessed thing there is to do, and I don't regret a single minute. I couldn't have done all that time in the Navy without it either. And it made me the finest of friends a man could have. I know some don't go for it, but that's their business, just as what I and you do, is mine and yours. It didn't stop half of me mates getting married and it didn't stop me either, god bless her soul. Mind, you young'uns have got more options nowadays than we had, like we were expected to get married and all. Still, I don't regret it, only that there was not enough time to have a family, that's all. I would love a son like you are. A fine young man, turning heads with his good looks."

He laughed and dug me in the ribs to break my mood. I looked at him. I was being bombarded with life's secrets all in the matter of a few seconds, it was overwhelming.

"You had a "buddy" then Billy?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. God, you can be a bit dim when you want, do I have to spell it out to you. I had lots of buddies."

"How come you didn't keep with just one?"

"Well lad, the Navy has a nasty habit of posting you that way and posting your mate the other, so you find another one, simple as that."

"If you could have, would you have stayed with just one?"

"Well, that's a hard one to answer. Life is life I suppose. You always have someone who is extra special, but there are always others that you are drawn to. Can't help it, that's the way the world turns. Why, what's all this deep thinking questions?"

"It's just that something happened to me that got me thinking and it bothered me a lot. I like Brian and he likes me, but sometimes I like going with others too."

No sooner had I finished saying the words, it was like a weight off my shoulders. I held my breath thinking what Uncle would say.

"I think sometimes God has a real sense of humour. He put sex and guilt together just to balance up the good times with the bad. You must have heard the saying "sowing your wild oats", that's just what it means. Getting out there when you are young and getting as much as you can. That's the story of life Mikey, so don't start feeling guilty. You are only young once and you have to make the most of it. Just remember one thing, try not to hurt anyone while you are going about it, well not on purpose anyway."

He grabbed his cock and thwacked it from leg to leg.

"It's got a bit rusty these last few years, but from when I left school, sometimes life was like jumping from one bed to another.

"Why have you let it `go rusty'?"

"Truth be known, when your Aunty Margaret died, it kind of took the wind out my sails for a long while. Then I suppose I was afraid to get close to anyone afterwards. And being back here, living near to family, well it was not like the Navy where you are packed together with lots of strangers. You know you don't have to bother what the neighbours will say. I think I just took up other things to compensate, like football, and then the darts team. I suppose I have filled my life with all kinds of other things instead of having someone special."

"But you are still good looking. You're not fat and your body is great. And, like you said, your dick is fantastic."

"Cooking for yourself does help to keep the fat off, I hate doing it, but I can't walk around naked all the time to let people see how good I am. Thanks for the dick compliment too."

Having mentioned how good his dick was, I instantly hardened up again.

"Got a mind of their own, haven't they?" He pulled my dick down to touch my leg and then let it flick back upright. He laughed.

"How about yours, can't it think for itself anymore?"

Not once had it even looked like it might be thinking of getting hard.

"No, doesn't seem to bother nowadays. Forgotten how I think."

"Bet you I could get it up again," I said jokingly.

"Bet you could too, but I wouldn't want to lose money on it."

"Can I?" I wasn't sure now myself if I was still joking or not.

"Can't say it wouldn't be nice, especially how you got me thinking of my old Navy days, but I am your Uncle even if I told you not to call me that. Wouldn't be right would it?"

"You told me something about not to care what others think." I teased.

"You got me there, not so dumb as you make out are you." He elbowed me again.

"Is that a yes then?" I said after a long silence.

"Don't know for sure, you could get me shot you know."

"Only if you tell someone." I countered.

"There is no guarantee you know, I was not kidding about it being rusty. If nothing happens, you might feel bad."

"I'm game to try, - nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say."

"You cheeky monkey."

He said no more, but eased himself a bit further down the bed and closed his eyes. I took that as being an `okay'. Now I was unsure what to do exactly. It was not that I wanted to pounce on him, but I really did want to see his dick hard.

"Any special preferences?" I asked him, still trying to keep the joking going.

"It's been so long, you might have to try a few before one sparks a light," he sighed.

Shit, somehow it wasn't so funny now. It really was different with him being my Uncle. I wasn't at all sure what to do.

Gingerly, I took hold of his dick. It wasn't hot like I expected. But it was heavy which surprised me. I weighed it in my hand, wondering if dicks could be better measured by weight than by length. His balls easily filled out the cup of my palm. Did I want to have balls this big?

Gently I pulled the skin up and down, like a slow wank. It felt good, being so big and filling my grasp, but it was doing nothing for him. Not yet deterred, I slid down the bed. I would like to feel it grow in my mouth, see how long I could keep it there before it became too big. The thought appealed more and more, so I opened wide and took as much as I could. Using my tongue, I massaged the end and underside. Nothing much changed, so I kept on a bit longer. The feel of all that cock crammed into my mouth was good, almost like a live animal. Perhaps it was.

Changing again, this time between his legs, I used my tongue on his balls. I could take only one at a time, and his sack fell over my face. The soft touch of the ample folds of skin felt really nice.

Billy was making some appreciative sighs, but his dick hadn't hardened up. There was a slight difference, but not what you would call a success.

Having got over the immediate fascination of his big balls, I lifted the sack to weigh them mentally. Whilst out of the way, I darted my tongue behind and into the furrow running to his hole.

Bingo! He groaned loudly, his hands gripped his thighs and his hips arched slightly off the bed. I dove in with a vengeance.

He moaned again and again as I found my target. All the way from his balls to his hole, my tongue set him on fire. I checked his dick and it had swelled considerably. Quickly I pulled up my head and gobbled in the crown. The heat had begun.

His hands moved to the back of my head, swirling my hair through his fingers. I breathed deep and tried to drive it all the way down my throat. It was, of course, impossible, but I enjoyed trying and loved the very idea. Then Billy's hips automatically began to hump, making the reality come a lot closer.

What a dick! When I pulled off I got my first long look at his hard cock. As thick as a wrist and around ten inches long. He was magnificent. I measured it with my grasp, gently wanking it up and down. There was no doubt he was alive and kicking now. The head had become silky smooth with his leaking juice and I worked it all over the head with my fingertips. It became an oiled steel cylinder.

I buried my face into his ball bag, licking and sucking them. Then I forced my face underneath to tongue up and down his furrow.

He was moaning constantly now, which became music to my ears. I zeroed in on anything that would bring out a gasp louder than the last.

It hit me that I was out of control. Having made the realisation, I dismissed as `what the hell'. I wanted his dick, and I wanted to make Billy happy like he had never been these last years.

Delirious, I pulled out from between his legs and sat up. I noticed his chest rising and falling rapidly. I crawled up his body and began licking his nipples, while I rubbed my face across his chest hair.

At some point, his hard dick sandwiched between us and pressing into my stomach re-entered my thoughts. Then and there, I wanted it inside me. I wanted fucking. I had to have his big dick inside my body.

I lifted myself up, taking hold of his cock and pointing it vertically. I sat down on the crown and began rotating my bum hole on the head.

"No, no Mike, not right to go so far." Billy whispered.

"It's okay, it's what I want. Just do it!"

"You really sure?" he gasped.

I jammed my butt down hard on his cock in answer, forcing the head to enter and momentarily making me wish I had not been to brazen. It stung like hell for a minute. I kept working my hips in circles to loosen up, and every so often putting my weight down and force a bit more inside.

The more I felt stretched, the more I wanted it. Fuck, I wanted it coming out of my mouth the craving was so bad.

"Fuck Billy, fuck me. Fuck my arse Billy, I want you to give me a good fucking. Come on Billy, give it me. Please."

From being the passive one, he began to hump. I caught his rhythm and braced myself hard against each of his pushes. Bit by bit, he buried himself inside.

At the same time, it was bliss and it really killed. Finally, I got to be sitting straight onto his hips and stopped to take a rest, leaning forward onto his chest.

"Bring your knees up behind me," I told him.

"Now, I'm fine. Just do me and don't hold back. It's what I want."

Slowly his hips began to rise and fall. At first, he was gentle perhaps fearing he would damage me. I whispered how good he felt and urged him to do it faster and harder. His strong arms wrapped themselves around my back and held me fast. Gradually his speed increased. His hips slamming into the cheeks of my arse faster and faster. I thought if his arms were not holding me, I would burst apart from the pressure of his cock.

"Billy, it's good. Don't stop, don't stop."

He slammed into me like a machine gun. My mind just floated away in ecstasy.

He fair screamed as he came. The feel of his hot juice spewing inside and the mental picture of his massive dick filling up my arse, I went over the top and emptied myself over his stomach and chest at the same time.

We lay in the same position for some while. Eventually, we rolled, still held together, onto our sides.

"I think I found a few sparks there," I smirked.

"Bloody firework display more like."

"Was that up to your old standard?" I asked.

"Couldn't say, been too long, but it set a new one as far as I'm concerned."

"In plain language, was it good or what?"

"Bloody fantastic Mikey. Can't tell you how good that felt. Honest, you made me feel alive again. Un-bloody-believable!"

"Right then, I give you ten minutes for a cup of tea, then I want it again." I laughed.

"First you bring me alive, now you want to kill me again."

"Too old are we now."

He jammed his hips hard, winding me with his still hard cock.

"Ouch!" I pretended hurt, but I clamped my arse muscles onto his cock and began massaging. "Not only did you get me up and running, you little whipper-snapper, you got me to stay hard too. Miracles indeed."

"So, don't waste it. Do it again."

"You're not kidding either are you?" he laughed.

"No I'm not, I'd love a second run. Usually, they are better than the first."

"There talks a man of experience! But not in the same position if you will, I would like to be a bit more in charge, so to speak."

With that, he rolled me onto my back and sat up on his knees. My legs were lifted onto his shoulders as he now leant over above.

I looked down my body to see his big cock slowly slide in and out of my hole as he started another bout. The sight never failed to amaze. My eyes then ran up his body, looking at the muscles flexing and working over his stomach and chest. He was strength incarnate.

We fucked again. His cock fucked hard, but the rest of him was as gentle as a lamb. I envied those friends and buddies he had had in the Navy.

Again I came when he did. I had not thought to touch myself at all, yet just through bodily and mental stimulation, I was exactly in tune with him to the second.

Mind the bed was a right mess with all the goo and sweat. So much so that after we finished, we thought it better to sleep in mine. Thoroughly exhausted, we slipped across into the clean cold bed, cuddled up and were quickly asleep.

Chapter 4

Billy's alarm clock drummed into my brain. At first, I didn't realise what all the commotion was about but as Billy stirred, I understood. I am always horny in the morning and this day was no exception. I was hoping Billy would do a repeat of last night before he left for work.

But no, he was an animal of habit and no sooner had the thought crossed my mind, he slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I lay there listening to his shower, idly playing my dick and thinking of last night. Boy, did I enjoy it! I really hoped it was not a one-off and he would do it again, preferably soon. I was just starting to jack off to thoughts of his cock being jammed up my arse when he came back from the shower and started to dress.

"What time do you get home from work?"

"Around four on a Friday, I'll leave the back door key on the mantelpiece, so you can come and go as you please."

After he went down stairs, I had lost the urge to finish myself off and decided to clean up in the bathroom. I slipped on some new underwear and padded down to the kitchen where Billy was finishing off breakfast and scanning the morning's newspaper. I went over and made myself some coffee.

"Catch your death walking around like that," he remarked.

"Do you mind?" I asked. I had no idea really what were his public kind of morals. Maybe he had neighbours in the habit of coming around or something.

"Not in the slightest. Quite a good view to be honest."

I looked at him grinning.

"How are you this morning?" he continued with some concern.

"Fine and not fine."

"How come?"

I looked, wondering exactly how to say it.

"Fine, last night was terrific, it really was. But not fine, I got an itch that didn't get scratched this morning."

He laughed out loud.

"You serious?"

"Yes I am, why not? I said I enjoyed it, and of course, I would like more...... Please!"

He laughed again and gave me the eye.

"I can see you are going to be a right load of trouble. Anyway, I got work, not like some who have nothing to do but laze around all day."

He got up to put his plate in the sink.

"Never mind all that, I will clean up today. Anything you want me to do?"

"No, well perhaps you can go to the shop and get some milk, I think we are nearly out."

He was dead serious, but I was sure that was a bulge in the front of his pants. As he had come towards me at the sink, I groped him. It made him jump, but there beneath the fabric was one hard cock.

"Don't go to work like this Billy, you might have an accident with your mind on other things. Got all the milk we need right here."

"You're trying to make me late, aren't you?"

"No, just hoping you won't be an old `straightjacket' and can have some fun first. Bet you've not been late for work in years, have you?"

I could see his mind turning over. I reached down and massaged his cock, then dropped to my knees and slid down the zip. Somehow I knew he wouldn't stop me.

The pants eased down over his hips and fell to his ankles. Pulling out his cock from the underwear, I took it straight in my mouth. Fresh and smelling of soap, I greedily swallowed all I was able. Gradually he began to hump as his feeling got the better of his normal good sense.

I desperately wanted to feel him come in my mouth, but even more, I wanted him to fuck me once again. I pulled off and shucked off my underpants.

Leaning to the table, I swiped my finger through the butter dish and rubbed it over his cock and into my arse. I was actually a bit sore this morning, giving me a real itch with the tender skin around my hole. But it was worth every second last night and it would have to be a lot worse to make me think again.

Billy didn't say a word as I turned around and swept the plates and breakfast things up the table to one end. I leant across it, holding on to the edges and parted my legs.

"Well I'll be, what a beautiful sight, what a beautiful bum you have."

He shuffled up behind and teased the end of his cock over my tender spot. The butter made short work of easing inside and in moments, his hairy thatch was scratching the cheeks of my bum.

It felt brilliant. I think it was the best feeling of a dick up me yet. I loved it, I really did. No rusty Billy anymore, he was now as eager as I.

As each shove moved me up the table, something hit my face. I opened my eyes to the Marmalade jar. "Chivers' Thick Cut Old English Marmalade". I was nuts, whilst my Uncle was screwing me for all he was worth, I was reading the print on a marmalade label.

"Fuck, I'm toast," I blurted out.

"What's that?" he gasped.

"I got Marmalade at one end and butter at the other, I'm toast."

I thought it so funny, but it was lost on Billy and he only grunted.

My stupid joke ended as he got to the short strokes. It hurt but it was a good hurt as he pounded me for all he was worth.

Grunting like a bull, he rammed up inside and held still while he emptied his juices. The hotness bursting through my guts made me swoon. Shit! I loved it.

Billy was coming back from the bathroom by the time I lifted myself off the table. I hadn't come this time and it was stuck up like a flagpole.

He saw as I turned around.

"Mike, I'm going to take care of that for you, but not right now. I really have to fly or else I'll be for it at work."

"It's okay. I came in my head a thousand times already, so I'm really floating."

I pulled up my underwear as he flew out the kitchen. I shouted to him from the door as he went down the garden path.

"Be careful at work today Billy. I know your mind will be elsewhere."

He looked back horrified.

"Do you mind not hanging out like that. Giving the neighbours something to talk about."

Although he sounded mad, he was grinning from ear to ear.

I wiggled my hips from side to side. He rolled his eyes up into his head in mock despair and turning away, quickly walked out the garden gate.

I closed the door and finished off my coffee before going back upstairs. I still had to jerk off before I could think about what to do today.

Chapter 5

It was ten before I woke up again. After a nice hot shower, I walked around to see my Mom. She was in the kitchen ironing, and evidently not in a good mood.

"I haven't planned on cooking anything now if that's what you want."

"No Mom, I'm okay."

"I hope you are being good at your Uncle Billy's. Minding your manners, don't show us up for God's sake."

"No Mom."

"And don't make a mess for him. There's only him and he won't want to come home from work and clean up after you."

"No Mom."

"Where you sleeping, in his spare room?"

"No Mom, in his room, in the spare twin."

"Oh!" she sounded surprised.

"He said I could have the spare room, but it's full of junk right now and I won't be staying that long, so it would be a lot of work for nothing to get it cleaned out."

"I suppose so. Well just remember he has a job to go to and make sure you are in bed when he is, don't go disturbing him by watching TV late on."

"No mom." She was dead right, I should be in bed when he was.

"And make yourself useful while you are there, do his shopping for him if he needs any."

"I already asked." Happy to have beaten her on that one.

"Oh, right then, seems like you're all fixed up." She said as if running out of things to try and catch me on.

And that's how it was. By the time I had a coffee I was ready to leave, it was all too depressing being there. I called up Chris to see if he was free, ask him if he wanted to go downtown and do some shopping with me. I needed to buy some jeans, shirts and underwear, well everything really. Luckily he was.

I bought a heap of stuff, and Chris came back to Billy's to help carry it. Billy was already home and watching TV. Whilst shopping I saw some joke underwear with sexy cartoons on them. I chose one with a big phallic bull and I would give it to Billy later for a laugh. I told Chris it was for me, told him that was what I was down there. Before leaving, we arranged to go down the pub later on and meet with the others. As it was Friday, I hoped a lot of old mates would be out.

I made something for dinner, surprising Billy that I knew how to switch a cooker on. After watching a bit of telly, I got changed to go out. Billy said he would probably see me there later.

"Take your key just in case, and don't come home drunk crashing about."

"Nah, I don't drink." I joked, going out the door. Then I popped my head back again. "Got something for you in town, it's on your pillowcase. I want to see you in them later."

I didn't give him time to say anything and bolted out the door.

Down the pub was more of last night. Only the place was busier, but the same conversations. Again I felt deflated and to start with, couldn't get into sync with many of the friends I met. Perhaps it was a case of expectations, but eventually, the joke telling of Pete livened things up once a few beers had gone down. Even so, we were almost the last to leave at closing time. Billy must have stayed home and watched the box.

Outside we had a discussion on what to do next. Eventually, Harry went off home and Chris said he would too. Pete thought that was not so good for a Friday night. He said we should go back to his place for a couple more beers and watch some late night movie. Chris changed his mind, so the three of us walked around to Pete's house. We got the warning before going in not to make too much noise with his parents already being in bed.

I enjoyed the chat and drinks at Pete's more than the whole evening in the pub. It was more like old times again, being part of the conversation and not just listening to someone else's. The movie finished around one thirty and Pete asked if we wanted to stay. Chris thought it better, not wanting the wrath of his folks if he woke them up going in at this hour. I thought of Billy too, he had work Saturday mornings. So we both said yes.

The orders were to tip-toe upstairs, but first, have a pee outside the back door and not use the toilet, so the flushing wouldn't wake anyone up. The things we have to do when living at home!

Pete had a double bed in his room so nobody had to kip on the floor or anything. He quickly got out of his gear and jumped into bed.

"This is my side, you two choose who sleeps in the middle."

I didn't want to be on the outside and have all the sheets pulled off, so I was soon following Pete and jumped in the middle. Chris didn't seem to mind the one place left, so we were alright.

"And no farting" ordered Pete as he snuggled down.

We laughed and luckily I at least didn't have the urge. The bed was big enough, Chris being quite small, there was space enough without touching each other. In minutes, Pete's breathing said he was away and I was not too far behind.

Chapter 6

The morning saw me awake first. I could hear Pete with his back to me, still drawing long slow breaths. My planning hadn't worked too well, he had swiped most of the sheets leaving half of me and all of Chris exposed, but as I was nice and warm, it didn't bother me now. On my right, Chris had curled up into my side. He head was just below my armpit and one arm draped over my chest. I stared at the ceiling thinking for a while, not wanting to wake anyone up just yet

After some time like that, I had the urge to move onto my side. I tried to do so slowly so as not to disturb Chris. The movement seemed to startle him, his body jumped and his arm gripped my chest for a moment. Perhaps he was having a bad dream. After fidgeting a little, he settled down again, his upper leg hooking over mine. Now I felt locked into place which I didn't like.

I looked down, watching him sleeping so peacefully. As I studied him, he heaved a sigh and momentarily gripped me again in a cuddle before relaxing. His groin moved against my thigh and the heat was quite noticeable. I realised he had a morning hard on.

Intrigued, I took out my arm from behind my head and laid it down my thigh. Getting daring, I let my little finger reach out blindly. Beneath the cotton of the briefs, I felt the tip of his cock. Gently I traced it down to the root, then from side to side. He was hot and certainly hard, but not very big. After a minute or two, my interest waned and instead, I found myself thinking of Billy. I thought again how he had done me on Thursday night and yesterday morning, and I wondered how long it would be before I would receive another good stuffing. Yet strangely, I had no fantasy at all of me doing him.

Chris moved and I thought he was waking. He began to turn away as if rolling onto his back, but then suddenly came back against me. I was almost going to shove him off when I realised that his groin was now square on top of my hand. Slowly I began to pull my hand out, not wanting him to wake up and find it there, maybe thinking something bad. His cock twitched at my slightest movement and made him hump against my thigh. I tried to open my legs so as to push him away and give me some space, but that only allowed his to fall between mine completely.

I wondered what he would say when I told him he was trying to screw my leg. Being Chris, he would think it was one of my bad jokes, and probably everyone else would too. You didn't think things like that of Chris. But here he was having some kind of sexy dream and pushing himself into my thigh and hand.

If I couldn't move, there was some fun to be had instead. I had become horny thinking of Billy and my cock was barely contained in my briefs. Gently, I lifted Chris's arm off my chest and moved it down, placing it on my briefs and covering my cock. I pulled the sheet over my lower stomach just in case anyone walked in the room. Then I closed my eyes and thought about Billy once more. I knew my cock was twitching now, and so would Chris when he woke up. That should be a good laugh!

I must have dozed off into my own sexy dream world of Billy's bedroom. Some movement brought me out of it, and at first, I just presumed it was Chris fidgeting or whatever. I tried to get the imagery of sex with Billy going again and not let anything intrude till my mental escapade had finished.

Very slowly a realisation came that I was far hornier than my dream would have made me. In my dream, Billy had suddenly started playing with my cock, but when he moved around the back of me, the cock playing continued. Dreams are like that, but this didn't fit. The dream stopped over something, but the cock playing continued. I had altogether forgotten about putting Chris's hand on my briefs. But I understood now. He was gently squeezing and feeling my cock as I had his some time back. I didn't move and kept my breathing as even as I possibly could, wondering what he would do.

Like me, he was using his fingertips, but either curiosity or boldness got the better of him and he moved his hand so he could explore all. Had I been in deep sleep, I would never have known, just as I was sure he hadn't known when I felt him. I realised my hand was still in the same place. He was making me more and more horny with his gentle touches and I couldn't resist ever so slightly moving my fingers that were sandwiched between us. His cock twitched sharply in response.

After half a minute, I moved again with the same consequence. It didn't stop his exploration though.

What did, was Pete yawning and stretching. Chris froze and I continued to pretend sleep. Slowly Pete sat up and scratched himself, then stood and left the bedroom. I heard him go to the bathroom and lock the door.

Chris's hand moved a little. I brought my free hand down over his trapping it, and roughly scratched my balls. I could feel him try and pull away. I smiled to myself. Keeping my hand square over his, I scratched my dick using his hand. I think I could hear his heart beating in shear panic.

"Morning Chris," I whispered.

I stretched and yawned, again rubbing my dick with his hand, which I had now to grip hard to stop him yanking it away.

"I always like to wake up with a hard-on, always makes me feel it's going to be a good day."

He was silent.

"You feeling my raging Bull then?" referring to the sexy cartoon on the underwear I had bought with him.

"Go on, have a look at him, he won't bite you know."

I pushed down the top of my briefs, letting my dick spring up to attention.

"Now you can feel," I said, putting his hand directly on it.

He was mortified I'm sure, but I couldn't see the expression on his face as his head was still lower than mine.

To even things up a bit, I cupped the palm of my other hand around his dick.

"We like the same things in the morning I feel."

He might be scared, but his dick was still hard and twitched in my hold.

Chris cleared his throat. "Mike, you are so big. I never saw one as big as this before."

His tone was making an excuse. Keeping my hand over his, I moved it up and down the shaft a few times.

"Do that and it will come even bigger."

I took my hand away allowing him to let go if he wanted. He didn't. Gingerly his hand made a couple of slow travels up and down before squeezing the shaft to test my hardness.

"How about my balls, what do you think of them?"

His hand went between my legs and fondled them. I moved slightly up the bed and towards him, pushing his head down level with my groin.

"Have a look at them, what do you think. Are they big?"

His throat cleared again. "They are like eggs, you know, like from the shops."

"Good aren't they? I get some nice compliments for my tackle."

"You're so big", he said again in wonderment.

His hand stayed slowly toyed my balls and sack. I took hold of my cock and slid my hand up and down the shaft, to show it off. It must have looked gigantic only inches away from his face. I remember being in the same position for the first time. I had only seen my cock from like three feet away till then. Close up a cock looks a hundred times bigger than how you are used to seeing.

Playfully I slapped his face with it, then pressed it into his cheek.

"Feel how hot they get, it's like there is a furnace inside."

He murmured something in surprise. I moved closer by an inch or so and laid it from the middle of his forehead to chin.

"Big aren't they when they are like this, like looking through a microscope."

"Massive," I heard him whisper.

I thought if he could see Billy he would shit himself. Shit, Billy! I was getting horny just saying his name. I stroked myself hard a few times, showing off to Chris.

"Shit, even I can feel it getting hot now", I said.

I pressed it onto his face again, first on one cheek then the other.

Suddenly, a flush swept over me. Messing around here in Pete's bed was really dangerous and exciting. I pushed the end of my cock to his lips. For the first time, he jumped back.

"No, no I can't." he whispered, looking up.

"Try it Chris, see how hot it feels when it's in your mouth."

I pushed it to his lips again, but he made to back away. With my other hand, I pushed his head and wiped my cock across his lips. He kept them shut.

I let go of my cock and slipped one finger between his lips, then two. He allowed that. His eyes met mine questioningly. I nodded it was okay. He let me pull down his lower jaw. Easing forward, I guided my cock between his lips.

Slowly, I humped the end into his mouth, at the same time pushing his head to meet it and start a slow gentle rhythm. His resistance lasted all of ten seconds before his natural curiosity or instinct took over.

Chris hadn't a clue how to do a good job, but the whole situation was unbelievably arousing. It took only moments before my balls began to churn and I could feel myself come to the boil.

Then I heard Pete flush the toilet. I began to hump faster into Chris. Another second and I heard the tap open and close as I pictured him washing his hands. My juice started to rise. Another two seconds and I heard the lock on the bathroom door being drawn aside. I humped harder into Chris. The bathroom door squeaked open and then softly closed once more. I was cuming, my breath came short and I began to blow. I pressed Chris hard onto my cock as the first spasm erupted. Pete would be walking down the landing now, one step. Another blast of cum into Chris. Another step, and another blast. Two more steps and he would be at the bedroom door. I blasted again, then again and I still there was more to come. I couldn't release Chris, but I knew I should. The handle didn't turn on the bedroom door. Thank God, he must have stopped to scratch his arse before entering the bedroom. The last bolt fired into Chris and I exhaled a sigh of relief.

The door handle turned as I let go of Chris's head. He twisted away and threw his body into the bed, burying his head in the pillow.

Pete walked in still looking bleary eyed.

"Awake now are you?" he asked.

I groaned and stretched as if just waking.

"Yeah. Pete, I would love a cup of coffee."

"Me too. I'll go down and make some."

"Okay, that's great. I'll be down in a minute."

He put on some shorts and a tee-shirt and ambled out the door.

Chris didn't move. Obviously, he was really upset. But I knew there must have been something there for him to be playing with my cock when he thought I was sleeping.


He said nothing. I reached over and pulled him onto his back. He put his arm across his face so that I couldn't see him.

"It's okay Chris. I'll do you if you want."

I put my hand down to his briefs and slid under the elastic. I wanted him to know I would do the same, keep it equal. His cock was still rock hard. I held it in my hand and gave it a little squeeze, hoping he would tell me to suck him or something. It was now getting awkward and I had to try and rescue the situation.

He gave a groan and for a second I thought he was crying. Then his body shook and convulsed, and my hand was drenched in a torrent of cum. He went rigid, his shoulders and legs rising off the bed he came so hard. It looked almost painful and he was moaning constantly. His arm stayed covering his face.

What a mess. I couldn't believe such a little guy could make so much. It was all over my hand and soon his briefs were wet through across the front.

"Chris, that was some orgasm, a real earthquake!"

I felt he was totally embarrassed by everything.

"Shit Chris, I wish I could cum as much as this, you are amazing."

He stirred, slowly raising his hand away from his face. I looked at him and smiled.

"You're a real geyser, this is fantastic."

I'm sure the last thing he expected to hear from me was praise. I removed my hand from the briefs, covered in his juices. As he watched, I brought them to my face and licked them clean. His eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Wow, creamy Chris, you taste good too."

He looked shocked.

"What's wrong? I don't mind a bit of juice, supposed to be good for you. Anyway, you're my mate. You just tasted me so I got to taste you, right? What was mine like anyway?"

"It was was alright I suppose," he stammered.

"I always jerk off in a morning, don't you?" I asked, trying to get him talking. "It's the best time for me, how about you?"

"Yeah, I do it most mornings." He paused a moment. "And most nights too."

"How about lunch times, you ever do it then?"

At last, a smile came to his face.


"Come on, let's get up and go down for that coffee." I nudged.

"Mike, what am I going to do with all this?" he said pointing to his soiled underwear.

They were really wet through and the smell of bleach was heavy in the air.

"If I were you, I would clean your body with the dry bit at the back, and then flush them down the toilet. If you keep them on, Pete's Mom will know what's been happening when you go downstairs. You know Mom's, they know everything. Just pull on your jeans, should feel good anyway without underwear."

He smiled again. Then he slipped them off and started to wipe his groin. As I watched, suddenly it dawned on me what a great body he had. Funny I hadn't realised before. I always saw him as he was in school I suppose, but whilst his face had remained the same for me, his body had matured into something quite excellent. Nothing like one of those workout guys, but a classic natural shape.

I walked around him and was struck by something else. His arse was beautiful too. Sculptured curves on a compact body, well shown off by his narrow waist. Small, but perfectly symmetrical.

"Chris, you know something, you really have a great body."

He looked up surprised.

"Nah, not me, wish I was more like you."

But I could see he was pleased.

The more I looked, the more enamoured I became. Especially his arse. I'm not one for arses, they are just part of the overall shape. Its faces and cocks that hold my interest. Chris's was the first one I had ever noticed for being something of a wonder.

I stood there gawping as he continued to try and find a dry piece of the cloth big enough to use. My cock began to get hard again. I stepped up close so that he stopped and looked first at my cock and then at me.

"Shit Chris, I'm getting horny just looking at you."

"You've just cum two minutes ago! You can't want to cum again so quick!"

"I shouldn't, but I do."

I stroked myself bringing it to full stand.

"We got to be quick though or Pete will come looking for us."

He looked at me amazed. I began beating my cock hard.

"Chris, get down and lick my balls, I'll cum really quick that way."

"What? Mike, no, not again. Pete might come in." he pleaded.

I reached out putting my hand on his shoulder and pushing him down on his knees. He didn't go easily, but neither did he step away.

"Lick em Chris."

"What?" he said in disbelief.

I realised he was totally without experience. I pulled him up and dropped to my knees instead. Lifting his dick out the way, I pushed my face into his balls and started to lick them, which immediately drew a gasp.

"Like that, makes me cum really quick."

I took his soft cock in my mouth for a second, to show him I didn't mind that either, before standing and reversing our positions for another try.

"Come on Chris, just try it. I'm going to do you after, so you'll get to know exactly how amazing it is."

I pulled his head into my balls and wanked myself furiously. Slowly he began to lick which sent waves of excitement racing through me. We were really sailing close to the edge again.

"That's fantastic Chris, work your tongue into the sack."

He warmed to the job making my juices flow double quick. They began to build and build as I looked down and watched him with his new found job.

"Wow Chris, that's really great, I'm going to cum any second now."

His eyes met mine. I opened my mouth wide and gestured. He knew what I wanted. His face took on a frightened look and his eyes pleaded with mine. I smiled and nodded it was okay.

When I was close, I pulled his head away from my balls and pushed the end of my cock to his lips. His eyes hadn't left mine for a second. I pushed harder forcing his mouth to widen and accept me. My cock reached the back of his mouth. I felt his tongue wash the underside.

"I'm going to cum now Chris, suck me hard."

He looked like he was going to cry. When the first gush went into him, his eyes lost their focus. On the second, they went up into his head and he speared himself on my cock, sucking furiously.

He was converted.

As soon as I was empty, I had to pull him off. I gave my dick a last squeeze forcing up a final glob to the slit. Chris darted forward to lick it up. Then he stood looking embarrassed at what we had done. Quickly I dropped to my knees and took his now hard cock in my mouth. I liked the way I didn't have to watch out for choking and realised there was some merit in not having a gigantic tool. It probably wouldn't cause my arse any grief either.

I fondled his hairless balls and the tops of his legs. His skin was really soft and smooth, something I hadn't come across till now. I did my very best to make it great for him, maybe we could do this again if he really enjoyed it. I spit on my fingers and ran them up the crevice behind his balls. Just feathering the skin, nothing more. When they passed over his hole, I could feel his arse muscles working overtime. I let one fingertip circle around and was amazed at the way it felt like it would be snapped off! God, I wonder what he could do with my dick up there.

Moments later, my mouth was filled with an amazing amount of sweet juice. Chris spasmed and his whole body went rigid. His legs quivered like plucked guitar strings as he visibly shook and had trouble standing. To keep steady he leant onto my shoulders where his fingers dug into my flesh as his orgasm exploded. Soon as he calmed, I let him slip from my mouth.

"Wow Chris, you certainly know how to cum."

Uncomfortable, he looked down sheepishly.

"Shit, your juice does taste good, almost sweet. Yummy, yummy."

I got him laughing as we finished dressing.

"You know, I've got a new nickname for you now."

"What's that?" he asked worriedly.

"Creamy. Creamy Chris."

"Don't you say a bloody word, someone is bound to ask about it and something will come out."

He was right of course, but I continued to tease him. As we were almost ready to go down, I asked him.

"Chris, you ever had sex with anyone yet?"

"I nearly got some with Karen from 5th year if you remember her, but she wouldn't go all the way. Been nothing since then." He answered dejectedly.

"Someone's missing something great with you."

"Think so?" he asked.

"I know so. Shit, it was so hot what we did, just think if we had plenty of time."

He looked at me curiously.

I made a follow-up. "You enjoyed that, right?"

"Yes", he said quietly.

"All of it?" I pushed on.

His eyes dropped away from mine and he busied himself with his sneakers. I barely caught another `yes'.

"Imagine Chris, we just messed around, but if we like did it both at the same time, that's really amazing. Ten times better than what we just did."

He looked back. After a moment he said. "Yeah, kind of a double whammy." His eyes fixed on something in the distance for a moment.

"What you doing this afternoon?" I asked.

"Nothing, why?"

Billy is going to watch the football match, why don't you come around to his place. Maybe we can have some fun."

I thought I had overstepped the mark, for at first, he didn't say anything. I silently kicked myself for pushing too hard. Maybe I was on the wrong track, for when he did speak, it was a surprise.

"Mike, you know I've fantasised off a million times thinking of what it's like having sex. But when I came now, it was nothing like when I jack off. I never had an orgasm like that when I do it myself. I thought my head was going to come off or something."

"You have never had sex, period Chris. You need some lessons. As the Boy Scouts say, `Be Prepared'. Come by this afternoon and let's have a mess around, just for a laugh."

Chris had finished dressing and picked up his underwear, ready to flush down the toilet.

"Okay, see you this `aft." He said a little apprehensively.

I gave a silent cheer!

Any comments are welcome to John,

Next: Chapter 7

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