Able Semen

By bokjay / John

Published on Sep 15, 2017


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Able Semen 7, The Homecoming - Book 2

By John --

Chapter 1

When I got back to Billy's he had already left for work. Still tired from the short sleep, I decided to take a nap for a while. When I woke it was the middle of the morning but at least I felt fully recharged again. The house got a quick clean as I did some vacuuming and dusting. Mom would be impressed if word got back to her. Then it was down the shop for some things, Billy didn't have any snacks so I bought a little stock. He might not approve with the junk food, but anyway. There was even time to have some food prepared for when he walked in.

"Been busy have we, nice to come home and find it all ready. I might give you a permanent job here."

As I was cleaning up the cooker, Billy remarked on my mood.

"Must have been a good night last night, you didn't come home and you've been grinning like a Cheshire cat since I walked in."

"More like the cat who got the cream."

"How come, spill the beans Mike, don't keep me in suspense."

At first, I wondered whether to tell him. Then I thought I had already told him about Brian, so what the hell. Before I knew it, I poured out everything about Chris.

"Aye, you never can tell." He summed up.

"I invited him around here this afternoon if that's all right with you."

"Course it is. I take it you are going for a re-run of this morning then?"

I laughed at his surmise. "Yes, why not."

"Be careful Mike, you've known him a long while, don't spoil your friendship for the sake of half an hours fun."

"Yes, I know that. But I think he wants to try something. I won't push him into something he will regret. Not my style," I laughed.

"Just how far are you planning to take it?"

"All the way if I get the chance, and he is game."

"You won't make a mess on my carpet will you?" he joked. "Does that mean I'm old hat now, discarded in favour of something young and fresh."

"Billy, it was you I was thinking of when I found him playing with me. Maybe Chris will be okay for me while you are getting your breath back, you know, something to keep me occupied in between."

That got him laughing too.

"What about the underpants, what did you think of them?"

"Very nice, must remember to wear them and show the chaps at work."

"I thought they were very apt. Any chance of milking the bull right now?" I said hopefully.

"My god, you had something from Chris this morning, and looks like you'll be getting some this afternoon, and now you are asking me! Nice idea though, but I do want to go to the match this afternoon, and if I oblige you, it would be an afternoon nap instead I reckon."

I pursed my lips and gave him a sulky look.

"God, to be young and insatiable," he mocked in exasperation.

An hour later Chris was at the door, a bit earlier than I had expected, which I hoped was a good sign. Billy let him in.

"Eh up Chris, how you doing lad? Come on in."

I told him to come through to the lounge and we would watch the big game on the TV.

"Well nice to see you Chris, but excuse me while I get changed. Going to the local match this afternoon."

A short while later, Billy poked his head round the door to say he was on his way out. We sat playing merry-go-round with the TV controller flicking from channel to channel. For some time we chatted about the stuff we were watching. At one point I thought we would spend the rest of the day talking about sports, so I took the plunge and brought up `the' subject.

"How you feeling about this morning. Changed your mind?

He looked away. From being chatty, he dried up.

"No, I've not changed my mind," he said, turning to gaze through the lounge window.

"Good, because this morning was incredible. Like being hit by lightning or something."

He turned back and looked at me.

"Funny, I was thinking along the same lines."

"Then why have you got all quiet again?"

I knew of course, but I didn't know any other way to get him talking.

"Because! Because I don't know what to think or what to do. I really enjoyed it, but I feel like I don't know anything anymore. It wasn't what I imagined my first sex would be, but I still liked it. I just don't know. You, you seem to be so positive about everything. How come? How come you left here just like me and yet came back so different. What happened and who showed you what to do?

I guess there was no point in lying about it. If I wanted more from Chris, then I had to give something too. I could see he was at a loss, even this morning. Kind of like a frightened deer.

"I had a good mate on the ship. One time I got myself into a big problem and he helped me. We got really close and then at some point we were kidding around, he showed me how good it can be, like us this morning. Once I got over the shock, like you are in now, I grew to enjoy everything with him."

Bit by bit, he would ask a question and I found myself having to explain more than I had wanted. In some ways, like with Billy, it was good to tell someone. In fact, it was easier telling Chris than Billy.

I got to where I had told him as much as I could. There were lots of things I didn't want to explain.

"Wow, you really got a lot of experience already. Me, I'm still hanging around the fish shop on a Friday night, trying to catch some bird. As if!"

I laughed at the picture. He looked hurt at first, but then started laughing out loud.

"What a dickhead I am." He giggled.

I grabbed him. "You were never a dickhead Chris. You are great, never forget that. You have a great body too, some pay a lot going to the gym, to get half of how you look."

He pushed me off laughing.

"And you are so creamy," I put in. I smacked my lips and wiped my tongue around them.

"Fuck off!" He said amused and dived on me to wrestle.

We rolled backwards and forward across the carpet scrapping. Then out of breath and wanting to break it, I managed to push my hand a little way down the front of his jeans. He grinned at the new game. Reaching down, he helped by undoing the top button and the zip flew down. Then, pulling down his briefs, I took hold of his cock and massaged it in my hand.

He giggled and went for my crotch. I lifted my hips to take the pressure off the waist and let him undo the clasp. A moment later we were both squeezing each other.

"This is daft, let's get out of this stuff," I said, pushing down my jeans and kicking them off my legs. As Chris followed, I pulled off my tee-shirt.

"Here, I want to take those off," said Chris when I was about to drop my briefs.

I laid back down and raised my hips, and he slowly lowered them down my legs. Once off, he threw them into the corner of the room.

"Keep those far away," he joked.

I did the same to him, till we lay there just looking at each other's bodies.

"You are going to have to teach me, Mike. Show me what to do." He said seriously

"It's going to be a pleasure. Just lay back and let me send you out of your mind."

I dragged some cushions off the settee, letting him use them as a pillow. Then I ran my hands over him, touching all the curves of his body and feeling all his softness. His cock was limp and he was so obviously nervous of what was going to happen. I took another cushion and put it over his face.

"Don't look, just feel."

At first, I was happy just to touch him, gently massage his upper legs and stomach and rub his chest. I couldn't get over the feel of his skin and the shape of his body. Amazing how someone can look so different naked than dressed.

Gradually my interest centred on his cock. He had filled a little by the time I took it in my hand. He was not cut, but his foreskin didn't fully cover the end of his dick, more like half and half. The hair above it looked like it had been placed there as an afterthought, really only a small tuft. It made him look even more naked than he was.

I feathered the end with my tongue. He smelled so fresh and I guessed must have come straight from a bath or shower. I liked that. He flinched when I took it in my mouth and I watched his stomach draw in.

"Am I hurting or tickling?"

"No neither, just like an electric shock, that's all."

I played my tongue up and down, digging into the underside of the head. I could hear Chris sigh.

Then I played my mouth over his tight ball sack. Just nipping the folds of skin very gently with my teeth. He pulled off the cushion and raised his head to look.

"What's the matter, not good?"

"It's really good, I am getting all these terrific feelings, but I haven't a clue what you are actually doing."

"Chris, time for the science lesson later, just lay back down and enjoy, okay?"

He giggled and laid back down. I shuffled between his legs and raised his knees. After giving his dick a short time in my mouth, I went back to his balls. The smoothness really intrigued me. Brian had sparse wispy hair and I did too, but Chris was so smooth. It made me feel like I could eat him.

Pushing his knees back to his chest, I continued my exploration. Now I could see between the cheeks to his little hole. I blew on it gently and was rewarded with a gyration of his hips and flexing of his bud. My tongue drew a line from his balls over his hole, from one end of his crack to the other. Chris arched his body, pushing back his hips. Telling him to hold his legs, I lifted him a little off the floor with a cheek in each hand. My tongue was pulled by some unseen magnet back to his hole.

Sure, I tongued Brian, but it was only in passing on my way to other things. But Chris amazed me. I hadn't a particular liking of arses or thinking them as being beautiful before, but now I knew they could be. I lost control a little eating and licking him, opening him with a thumb at each side while my tongue drilled. Chris was writhing around and his arse muscles were opening and closing continually.

"Mike, I want to cum, I can't stand it any longer."

Quickly I moved around and laid next to him and pulled him onto his side.

"Chris, take me in your mouth, don't let it out till you finish, okay?"

Timidly he took hold and brought it to his lips. I was hard but not yet ready to cum myself as I was too pre-occupied with Chris. I watched him get used to the idea, and then like it. I took his stiff cock into mine. One of my hands slipped between his legs and my finger tip played in the slicked opening of his arse, whilst my other hand pushed his arse forward into my face so as to get him humping.

It didn't take him long to find out about face fucking and was quickly working himself in and out. True to my instruction, he didn't let my cock out of his own mouth, which made for some weird groans issuing from his throat as his excitement built.

As he came to the boil, he was beside himself and became difficult to hold on to. He was withdrawing too far and I kept loosing his cock, only to have it stabbed straight back. Occasionally I couldn't catch it and was poked quite hard in the cheek or nostril.

As he came, he lost the rhythm totally and was pushing and grinding in a wild frenzy. Still stuck on my cock, he moaned like mad as he began to loose control. I had to really try and keep my teeth from getting in the way as he hips moved all over the place. Suddenly my cock spat out and he screamed in climax. I got the first couple of strands in my mouth, but then he pulled out too far and came thumping back against my face, still cuming in a near continuous stream. It was going everywhere.

It was up my nose, in my eyes, running down my face and neck. I dropped away onto my back, exhausted from this sex fight. After a couple of minutes, he recovered enough to prop himself up on his elbow.

"Shit Mike, that was even better than this morning."

"I know, in fact, the whole street knows."

He started laughing and I couldn't keep a straight face.

"Oh, Mike I'm sorry, I came on your face."

He moved closer, making apologies.

"It's okay, in fact, it's more than okay. Makes me really horny to get covered in cum."

"Actually, you do look really sexy with that all over you."

"Come here," I ordered. "Wipe it off and feed me."

I dragged my finger over the side of my face and sucked it clean. Laughing, Chris moved to do it for me.

"You like it?" he asked

"I love it. You ever tried your own?"

"No, yours was the first ever."

I swiped my finger over a dribble on my neck and pushed it in his mouth.

"It's like mine?"

"Yeah, tastes about the same I think."

"No, you're wrong there, yours is sweet. I really like it. Try again."

I grabbed him round the neck and pulled him on top of me. My lips welded to his and my tongue forced into his mouth. Immediately he stiffened and tried to resist, but I held firm until he allowed me to explore. Slowly he relaxed and timidly at first, began to parry my tongue with his. Little by little he became more daring, taking the upper hand in what became a quite passionate interlude.

We broke apart, my lips and tongue were a bit sore with all the use they had been getting.

"You know Mike, I thought kissing Karen was the ultimate. But after that, I realise she was a corpse! Like every time you touch me, a tingle shoots all through me. Laying down just now, I can feel all these incredible sensations flowing through my body, but I've no idea how you are making them, whether using your fingers or mouth or tongue. I don't know whether to lay there and go out of my mind, or try and see what you are doing."

I scratched the back of his head.

"Don't rush everything, take it easy, there is plenty of time to learn, for now, I only want you to enjoy. Before this afternoon is through, believe me, we are both going to be totally wrecked."

He raised his eyebrows and smiled. I pulled him back onto my chest and we silently drifted into watching the TV for a while. When his cum had dried and I could feel it pulling my skin, I went to the bathroom to wash. While there I had a rummage through the medicine chest to see if there was anything that might help what I had in mind. At the back was a bottle of baby oil. God knows what Uncle Billy wanted with that, but I could tell it had been there for ages and ages. I took it downstairs and grabbed some Coke's from the fridge.

Chris was watching some wrestling and hardly gave me a glance when I went back in the lounge. I was able to slip the oil to the side of the sofa before he realised I had brought some Coke's. I laid beside him on the floor.

"Been having a quick wank whilst I've been gone?"

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, had three actually." he joked.

"How is it?" I leant forward and took the soft member in my hand, giving a squeeze. I was trying to get him comfortable with being casual and naked, and if not this time, he would be used to it for another.

"Give it ten minutes, I'll start the engines again."

Making jokes was a good sign he was okay.

We resumed watching the sports. After some advertising break, horse racing came on and my mind drifted off the TV and on to Chris. I thought back to early this morning, and when I saw his arse and realised what I would like to do with him. That's why I brought down the bottle of oil. I wanted him quite badly. But he was my mate and I could only if he went along with it and was enjoying. I would have to drive him out of his mind before I got inside him. I didn't even dare mention the word fuck, as I was sure that would bring things to a halt. I knew how he reacted to anything, he would say no even if he really wanted to try.

Chris gave my dick a squeeze.

"What you thinking about? It's coming alive again."

"I was thinking of you sucking it, how great it feels."

I was joking but still pushed his head down. He spent a minute or so giving a close examination and then put his lips over. The heat of his mouth brought me up full instantly. Watching him, I knew he liked my dick. He was worshipping rather than anything else.

I let him play till he got me tingling inside. Something would have to be done soon or else he would end up drinking me. I pulled him off.

"Chris, let me in on some, sit on top of me, maybe you can still play with me in this position."

I got him sitting on my chest, facing my legs. Then I pulled him up to sit on my face. It was awkward as he hadn't a clue what I was after. But we got there and he lowered his arse onto my face. I stuck up my tongue and worked it all around his hole.

The weight increasing on my face told me how much he was enjoying. He ground his hips down, trying to screw himself onto my tongue. As it became too much, he forgot about my dick and sat upright so he could move easier. He was soon gasping with pleasure.

It was great for a while, but eventually, as he got more and more excited the weight was crushing my face and at times it was hard to breathe. I pushed him off.

"Chris, face the couch," I ordered

He turned around and I got him kneeling, his face resting on the seat cushions. I moved behind and continued to give his arse the best attention of my tongue. He was soon away once more.

Occasionally I stopped to take a breath, and in one such moment, grabbed the bottle of oil. Twiddling the top off, I let it run onto my fingers whilst my other hand played up and down his back.

Returning to his hole, I tongued him really hard and then worked in my fingertips. His hole worked by itself, opening and closing to the pleasure. More easily than I had imagined, first one and then two worked at the ring muscle and then ventured further in.

As the oil was rubbed off, I withdrew and licked around the entrance while my hand tipped up the bottle again. In minutes, I was sliding up half the length of my fingers.

Chris had buried his head into a cushion, trying to stifle his moaning. The sounds were not about pain, for his hips constantly pushed and shoved back at me.

The thought of what it was building to had me almost bursting. I had to control the urgency less my caressing became too heavy-handed.

I withdrew my fingers one last time and gave him a good tongue bath. Quickly I emptied out more oil and coated my cock.

From his arse, I licked a line up the centre of his back and then down again. The next time, I got to his shoulders and nibbled into the muscle there. My fingers massaged at his hole, then I thumbed in just the head of my cock. It was so easy it took me by surprise.

One hand squeezed his arse cheeks, swirling around so as to let him feel my touch all over. I licked up his back again and then concentrated in gently biting his shoulder muscles and neck. His squirming did all the work that was necessary and little by little, I felt the heat intensify on my cock as it slowly worked its way up his chute.

He lifted his head off the cushion.

"Oh Mike, what are you doing?" he moaned, almost to himself.

"I'm giving you a massage, from the inside," I whispered back.

"Feels like I'm going to burst."

"It's okay," I assured him, "that's half the fun."

He groaned again and stuck out his bum, which got me almost fully home.

Slowly I slid out and then back in again. He didn't flinch at all. So I did it again, and again, each time increasing the speed just a little. Chris was soon there, stiffening his body at the end of each push.

I rubbed my nose up the nape of his neck, licked his ears.

"Oh Chris, this is beautiful."

"Yes," he croaked.

He was so tight and so hot. When I put my mind to exactly what I was doing, I almost came then and there. I couldn't last more than another minute.

I fucked, gently but firmly. And Chris moaned in abandon.

"Chris, you will love this." If he was anything like me, he would love the feeling of me coming inside him.

That last ten seconds, I speeded up and thrust ever deeper. My cock prised him apart deeper and deeper as his groans proved.

Then I could last no more, I grabbed his shoulders and thrust hard and held. My cock pulsed like a cranking pump, filling him up with my hot juice.

He gasped out loud, "Oh! oh! oh!"

I fell onto his back, exhausted with the effort and nervous tension.

His head never came out of the cushion. Then when I began to slowly ease out of him, his hands came back and grabbed my thighs to stop.

"Wait, wait, please."

We both were still a while longer. Our breathing got back to normal and I made to release myself once more.

"No, stop, not yet," he begged.

Then I felt him squeeze my cock with his hidden muscles. Once, twice and then in a stream of nips and contractions. Amazingly, he began to fuck himself on my cock, exactly how he had done on my tongue earlier. Although it had started to deflate, this brought it up hard again. His hole was now bathed in my hot juice and the feeling was so much more than before.

I found myself pulling and pushing, starting to fuck again. Chris responded, even led me. But more than this, my nervousness had gone completely. I had always half expected him to suddenly stop me and get angry. Well, that was at the back of my mind. But now, he was doing the pushing and shoving, so I knew he really wanted it. My mind cleared and I gave him what he craved for.

Not three minutes into this second round, I heard the back door open. Shit, it was Uncle Billy. I strained to hear if he had any friend with him, but as I didn't hear anyone talking, I presumed he didn't. I started on Chris again to finish quickly. He hadn't heard, though and was still flying in his ecstasy.

My juice began to rise a second time. I pumped harder and harder to finish off quickly. Then a head popped around the lounge door.

Billy looked so shocked, his eyebrows went right up and his mouth dropped open. I just stared equally dumbfounded. Then a smile broke across his face and he gave me the thumbs up. Quietly he retreated to the kitchen. Chris was still buried in the cushion, unaware.

I almost started to giggle but held off while I gave Chris some pounding. He didn't stop me pulling out after cuming a second time. I sat back on my haunches, looking at his perfect bum. The hole was open quite wide and the skin all around was bright pink. It winked back at me as his bliss continued. I leant forward and tongued it once more, tasting nothing but my own juice.

I pulled him up off the couch. He was bleary-eyed and dazed.

"Come on, let's clean up with a shower."

He said nothing as I took his hand and almost dragged him up to the bathroom.

I put him on the toilet and then pulled him in the shower. He was totally out of it, so I washed him top to bottom. Fresh and clean, I couldn't resist a last nibble at his arse, which started him talking.

"My god Mike, I never ever imagined I could feel like this. It's nuclear!"

"Glad you liked it, told you, you would be wrecked, didn't I?"

"I know what you mean now. It's like I'm flying and can't land again, my head is still spinning."

"That's only the first time, just wait as it gets better."

"I can't believe it gets any better than this!" He looked at me, amazed.

"It does, believe me. Was I ever wrong? You got to massage my insides yet, just for starters."

He thought on it while we dried off.

"When?" He asked

"Fast aren't we, well maybe tonight if you're not tired."

We went back downstairs again. Billy was hanging his coat up on the hook in the hallway. Still naked, Chris froze to the spot.

"Eh up lads, just had a shower have we?" he said without batting an eyelid. "I'll make a cup of tea, just got the kettle on now I came in."

He turned and went back to the kitchen. Chris looked at me, silently asking the question, `Did Billy know'. I pushed him into the lounge and we got dressed.

"He doesn't think anything, we could have been out playing football or something and got sweaty, so we had a shower. Anyway, what's wrong with you, not like he hasn't seen anyone naked before. Neither of us are shy, like when we shower or at bedtime."

He accepted my explanation. We sat in the kitchen talking with Billy. He told us of the match he'd been watching, excited his team had won. Not a sign that anything in the house bothered him. He was great was our Billy.

Chapter 2

Family duties called and I paid them a visit while Chris went home for his dinner and a change of clothes. My reception felt a whole lot warmer than before and I decided to stay and tuck into my moms delicious evening meal with the rest of the family. I had to meet Chris at around 8, so feeling stuffed I dragged myself back to Billy's to change.

Together Billy and I walked down to the pub. Billy was curious as to what had happened with Chris, apart from the climax to the afternoon which he had walked in on. For me, Chris was just a natural for sex, his only problem was being shy because of lack of experience. Billy was still surprised a little and put it down to being out of touch with youth. He said when he was in the Navy, he could spot a potential bed partner at twenty yards and a two-minute conversation. But with being married and then an abstaining widower, he reckoned he had lost the talent completely. He summed up by saying he thought Chris was a nice lad and certainly had a tidy body.

Chris was already there waiting for me, so the three of us had a beer before Billy wandered into the tap room for a game of snooker. None of our other friends came in, Chris said they would be with their girlfriends most probably. So we had a long talk about almost everything, including the afternoon. I had asked him if he was alright, to which he said yes and wondered why I was asking. I told him I was a bit worried. If he was anything like me, I now knew I could get carried away with something, or someone, and then regret it later. He assured me that he was fine and he wanted me to know how thankful he was that he had a friend like me.

"So, you still want to come around tonight after here?"

"Yes, why not? Thought we had just got that straightened out hadn't we?"

I laughed, "Just making sure."

With the heavy stuff out of the way, I really enjoyed the rest of the night. Chris was animated like I had never known before and the jokes never stopped. Billy came back to join us before closing time, and he was in good form too. After the lights flashed time, we walked back to Billy's, just deviating slightly to grab fish and chips on the way.

Billy made coffee and I sorted the TV and found a movie about to start. We sat in the lounge dining royally on the takeaway and submerged ourselves in the film.

As soon as the credits started to roll, Billy said he was off to bed. Chris and I chatted for a while longer. The next film was of no interest and we had both yawned a couple of times, so I suggested we call it a do.

"Where are we sleeping?"

"In my bed of course."

"But you are in Billy's room aren't you?"

"Yes, but he won't mind."

He looked worried.

"I don't know, maybe I should go home. Billy might not like the idea of me being in there too."

"Don't be daft, he knew you were coming back here to sleep. Besides, he likes you, so he is fine with the idea of you being here. Anyway, I don't know about you, but I'm bushed today. I really just want to sleep."

He thought for a moment, then said okay. We cleaned up the chip papers and cups, then went upstairs. Billy was reading his book as usual.

"Just finishing this chapter, won't be a minute and then I'm to the land of nod."

I began undressing, following a little hesitantly by Chris.

"By the wall or by the edge?" I asked.

"Wall please, I don't want to be the one to fall out."

I took off all my clothes and waited for Chris as he had to get in first. He stripped to his underwear and was about to slide across when I caught my finger in the waistband.

"Off, this is not a kindergarten."

Embarrassed he dropped them on the floor and nipped in. I noticed Billy's book lower a fraction and for him peer over the top of his reading glasses, copping a look.

Once Billy had finished reading and turned out the bedside light, Chris cuddled up behind me and in the comfort of the moment, we drifted off to sleep like two good little boys.

Chris disturbed me a couple of times during the night like he was dreaming badly and he fretted and held me tight. It was only momentary but enough to wake me each occasion. I was also awake when Billy yawned and stretched on the Sunday morning. He didn't linger once woken and I watched him get up and don his boxer shorts. As he went out, he turned to look at us. I smiled back and he crept quietly downstairs.

I dozed for a while, only to be jolted by Chris yet again. I put my hand over him to give comfort, as I didn't like to see him so. Very slowly he began to wake, cuddling tighter into my back.

His finger twiddled my nipple.

"Morning Chris."

"You awake?"

"I am now. Funny, I can't sleep with someone ripping my right tit off."

He giggled and tweaked it harder.

"Sorry, just I like to explore your body."

He pressed closer and traced his hand up and down my chest, brushing through the line of hair down the centre. I felt his dick harden against my backside. We were warm and cosy, but the heat from his dick got my mind to change gear.

I reached between my legs and grabbed his dick, pulling it between them so as to feel it in a better spot. His hard dick was getting me horny. And horny for something new.

I dropped my upper leg back over his and reached down and felt for his cock. It throbbed to my touch.

"You feeling horny or want to go to the bathroom."

"Horny!" was the reply.

I spit on my hand and transferred it to the end of his dick. Once it was all wet, I shuffled about till I could get it on my hole, then circled my hips and pressed back slowly.

Chris soon got what was on my mind and automatically began to hump. In a minute he was fully home and the joys of being stuffed flowed through me.

"Chris. Fuck me."

He began humping, but too fast and too far. Immediately his cock popped out and he jammed back again making me wince.

"Oh, sorry Mike" he apologised.

"Okay, just take it slow, don't make it into a race. The idea is to make it last as long as possible, not how quick. And don't take it out. Instead, each time you shove, try to get deeper than the one before. Just push and relax, not push and pull out. You'll get the hang of it, try."

He began again slowly. I helped out countering his movements and he soon got the idea. In no time he was rubbing my magic button like the best.

"Mike this is unbelievable," he gasped.

"You're good at this, keep it going as long as you can," I urged.

Once he was comfortable, he reached around and took hold of my dick. Our Chris was learning fast. I laid my weight back into him and closed my eyes, luxuriating in the sensations.

The bedroom door suddenly pushed open and Uncle Billy edged through.

"Morning lads, thought you would like a coffee this fine morning."

He hadn't looked at us, instead, he was watching the mugs of coffee trying not to spill on the carpet. Chris froze and buried his head into my shoulder out of sight.

Billy gently put down the mugs on the bedside table and turned to face us. The bed sheet was pushed down to my feet and although I doubted he realised Chris was buried in my arse, be could see my dick standing to attention. He understood his blunder and was nonplussed for a moment.

"Oh, sorry to disturb," he said finally. "Sorry to butt in on your private moments, only thought you might like some coffee in bed before you got up."

"It's okay Billy," I said, trying to put him at ease. It wasn't his fault, but ours.

He chuckled.

"Chris, Mike been showing you the family jewels has he?"

Chris lifted his head, sure now that he wouldn't be taken outside and shot. I felt him give a little laugh.

I grabbed my dick. "Why not? Nothing to be ashamed of ." We all laughed.

I felt he had withered since Billy came in, although he was still inside.

"No, you haven't lad, got something to be proud of to be sure."

Billy was still in his underwear shorts and I thought he had got at least half hard, noticing the outline down one leg. A funny feeling quickly built inside, making me at the same time scared and brazen.

First I gave Chris a nudge to get his attention. Then I reached to Billy and grabbed the dick I thought was hidden beneath the boxers. He jumped with surprise, but I was not wrong. I wrapped my hand around.

"Family jewels maybe Chris, but these are the Crown Jewels. Never mentioned it before, didn't want to scare the shit out of you, but see what is in my hand?"

Chris gave a whistle under his breath.

"And he isn't even hard yet."

"Bloody hell" exclaimed Chris.

I tried to lift the leg of his boxers to show Chris but they were not loose enough and caught on his leg. So I grabbed the fabric and yanked it down. It stuck on his hips though and I couldn't get close enough to use both hands without pulling away from Chris, which I didn't want to do.

"Billy, give Chris a show, pull em down will you, let's take a gander at the biggest prize of all."

"Well, if we don't have anyone here who's squeamish or goes to church on Sundays, then maybe I can give you all a look."

I waved for him to come closer to the bed. Then he slowly pulled them down to his knees.

I felt Chris jump when he saw it. If he thought I was big, then I knew Billy was beyond his wildest dreams.

Billy's cock was about half filled out, so I reached across and took it in hand, lifting it up this way and that, for Chris to get a good look. He leant forward around my shoulder.

I wanted him full hard, just to show how big he was. I knew Billy was turned on looking at us both, but he hadn't crossed that line where he became rampant.

Maybe I was going too far, I don't know. I pulled Billy further into the bed by his dick and then reached up and licked the end. Both Billy and Chris gave a start. Even I was not expecting I would do that. Really, sometimes I think I have two quite different people inside!

After the first lick, I gave another and another. Billy just stood there and let me and I felt Chris strain for a better look. His dick began to harden up, so I went for it and began sucking the head. After I that, I could feel Chris begin to throb and twitch inside me. Both he and Billy were being turned on, so I put my back into it and sucked him for all I was worth. Soon I lost it, as Billy's big hot dick in my mouth and Chris's dick twitching away in my arse fought and won over my self-control.

I milked Chris's cock with my inner muscles, making him clamp his hips to my bum. He buried his face into my shoulder and try as he might, was unable to quieten his orgasm. I suddenly felt a hot flood inside together with Chris's hot panting breath on my shoulder.

It didn't escape me that Chris got hard and then shot his load when I began sucking Billy. After giving him a minute to come around, I pulled off Billy also allowing Chris to slip out of me. I got up kneeling, better to get my hands and lips around Billy's cock. But I also tugged up Chris.

"Take a look at this, come closer."

He moved to kneel beside me, watching me frig the pulsing cylinder up and down. I put it back to my mouth, then pulled off again. Quickly, I put my hand behind Chris's head and brought him level with mine. I licked the head of Billy's cock a couple of times, then passed it to Chris, pushing his head forward to cancel his expected restraint.

For a while, we passed it to and fro. More and more, he became at ease and copied me in taking as much as was possible. I let him have it and went for Billy's balls. Before doing so, I looked up to see what his facial reaction was. He had his head thrown back and eyes closed, a look of bliss on his face. We were doing alright.

I left off Billy's balls, the strain on my neck bending down like that was too much. Besides, Chris was really into it now, really worshipping again like I noticed he did with me. No longer did he need pointers, so I sat back to watch him go.

I could see Billy was really taken by it all, especially Chris looking after his dick. It was overwhelming just to watch.

I reckoned Chris was now oblivious to anything. I was so horny, having had my insides scratched, had a chance to devour Billy and now watch Chris try to spear himself. Desperately I needed to get off and knew how.

I moved behind Chris and lifted his bum in the air, pulling him back a little. I leant down and tongued and chewed his arse hole, not only to slick him up but because I was already hooked on this with him.

He allowed me to push his legs apart and manoeuvre between them, finally popping the head of my cock through his ring. It was only a matter of leaning over his back and a couple of humps with my hips, and I was home. Chris did the rest. His head was going one way and his hips were going the other. If I never did a thing, he would have fucked himself on my cock.

Although gagged with Billy's dick, he made a real racket, moaning from his throat like he was in terrible pain. But he could have pulled off Billy and moved off my cock at any time, so pain was no part of it.

Billy watched me move, riveted to my cock gliding in and out. I was so hot, I had to try and think of anything but what was before my eyes. One moment I let the thought of Chris getting a mouthful of Billy's cum and it almost set me off. I fixed onto Billy's eyes and him mine. By that language, I knew when he was going to cum and I followed suit.

"Mind Chris lad, going to get a bath in a second," Billy warned.

Chris went nuts sucking as hard as he could go. Billy gasped and rattled an appreciation from deep down. The next thing Chris was coughing trying to swallow the flood coming from Billy and failed. I held him tight and hammered his arse for the last moments of my lust. He got both of us at the same time, making him scream from under the mouthful of cum and cock.

I reached around to grab his dick but found he had already cum across the bed and onto Billy's legs. He was stuck there quivering in orgasm till I pulled his head off Billy letting him pant for air. He folded limply against in my arms so I laid him down on the bed.

Billy laughed.

"By! Chris lad, it's not safe with you, I reckon we have to get an ambulance on standby."

Chris lay there, eyes closed. But eventually, a grin crept across his face.

"It won't be me first in the ambulance I can tell you. I could do this all day long."

I think he might have been bragging, but it showed he had really enjoyed what just happened.

"Well, that's as maybe, but thank you very much, it was most welcome. Now, I'm going to cook some breakfast, I don't know about you but I'm starving. Oh, and drink your coffee if they are not cold already."

He pulled up his shorts and went down stairs. I settled down next to Chris and put my arm over him.

"Chris, that was really good."

"You don't have to tell me. I love that feeling when you are inside me. I was trying to think how to describe it, but I can't."

"I know exactly what you mean. I loved letting Brian do me."

"Your Brian, are we going to see him?" asked Chris.

"Maybe, I was going to give him a ring this afternoon, maybe he will come over and spend a few days here before we go and have some interviews for a new company."

"Shit, that's going to be awful if you go away again. Look at what's happened to me this last couple of days. If you'd have told me I'd be doing this three days ago, I'd have thought you needed certifying."

"And now?" I asked

"And now, I reckon I don't give a shit anymore. Nobody can tell me what we did was bad. Nothing can feel that brilliant and not be good."

"How about when I am gone, you can come around and see Billy?"

"But look at the size of him. I think he would kill me with that thing. I would be frightened."

"Look, you would have been frightened three days ago if you saw my cock and I said it was going inside you. Now, you like it so it doesn't hurt, look how easy it was just now. If you enjoyed it, then you could go with Billy. One thing's for sure, you will know about it when you do, which is no bad thing."

Chris laughed thinking about what I said.

"I am sure Billy would love you to come around too, but you know he is reticent about the whole thing. He's a bit scared as well. Sure he knows all about men, he was in the Navy for god knows how long, but picking up the strings again after so long, well maybe it will be you who has to help him. Perhaps that would be a good thing, you could help each other."

"He certainly looks great without any clothes," said Chris more to himself. "And I didn't mean the obvious either," he directed at me just in case I was going to say something. "He as a fantastic body, I could just imagine him holding me in those strong arms."

"See, you've cracked it already. He's your man."

I grabbed his soft dick and gave it a squeeze.

"As long as you save something for me though."

He grabbed my head and jokingly shoved it into his dick, humping like mad for effect. But I didn't feel like joking as thoughts of Billy doing his thing with Chris had brought many horny images to mind. I did take it in my mouth and held it while using my tongue to massage. He soon realised I wasn't funning around and got hard.

I rolled on my back. "Chris, sit up here on my chest."

I dragged him up to my face and took his cock into my mouth again to make him rigid. When I let go, it was to go under and wash his balls. He began to ride my face making that impossible. Without being told he moved towards the headboard and clamped his hole over my mouth.

"Mike, this makes me so horny, use your tongue on me," he begged.

He didn't have to, I stabbed into his open crevice as deep as I could, tasting my earlier deposit. Chris soon lost control and was grinding down really hard on my face till it became painful. I was forced to push him off.

"Chris, you never finished properly before, do me again now."

I picked up my legs and brought them to my chest. He positioned himself and pushed home, going straight into a steady rhythm like I had told him before. I watched his face for the signs of cuming and began beating my dick again ready.

His head arched back and he began grunting.

"Oh Mike, I'm cuming!" he said, drawing it out to the point of climax.

I beat faster till I felt the surge and heat of his orgasm, then splashed my own load across my stomach and chest.

Chris dropped down and held me tight.

"You enjoy that?" I said after some time.

"Fantastic, wonderful, incredible." He went quiet, then continued. "But I'm not really sure though, maybe I like you doing me better. Now that really makes me lose my mind."

"At least you can do both ways if you want to, there was certainly nothing wrong with what you just did, it was great," I assured. "It's okay, some people like one way and others like the other. It takes two to tango or nobody would get anything."

He murmured agreement and held me tight, snuggling his body into mine from head to foot. There we stayed till the smells of bacon and breakfast wafted up the stairs and made us think of more earthly things. We dragged ourselves into the bathroom before going to see what Billy had conjured up.

Chapter 3

"Hello, this is Mike, is Brian there please?"

"Hey me old tosser, how's it going?"

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"Bored out of me crust actually. It was great this last week, but this weekend, I've not even been out. Not seen anybody I knew before."

"I got a few things to tell you. First, I'm not at home, I'm living with Uncle Billy. It's great because my sis got my old room and I was relegated to the couch, if and when nobody was watching TV. I was expecting so much and it all seemed to go sour. Still, it was okay last night, I went round for dinner and they were all right."

We talked for about half an hour. What Brian had been doing during the week was to obtain all the information we needed for applying to shipping companies.

"I've got all the application letters done, just need our signatures. Our Barbara did them for me, she works down the library. In fact, it was her did all the leg work, got all the directories and info from them."

"How about coming over here for a couple of days, you can bring everything with you and sort it all out," I asked. "And as we are at Billy's, there's no problem."

"What do you mean, no problem?" queried Brian.

"No problem for catching up on pillow talk," I giggled.

"What about your Uncle, won't he say something?"

"Brian, you are not going to believe this, I can hardly believe it myself."

"What, what?" he interrupted, knowing there was some spice to tell.

"Well, my mate from school is here, staying over, Chris. Just this weekend, he just got religion!"

"You slimy bastard, you been turning innocent youths already," Brian laughed.

"That's not all, this is the most unbelievable bit." I stopped wondering how to phrase it.

"What?" shouted Brian through the receiver.

"My mate Chris got religion, but Uncle Billy got born again."

There was a silence that made me think we had been cut off.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying? Is this incest or one big orgy you got going there?"

"Shit Brian, don't say it like that. But it kind of happened out of nowhere."

"They should lock you up, you're not safe to be let loose."

"It's not me," I protested.

He shut me up. "So when do you want me? Don't forget, I'm just sat here picking my nose here till I see you again."

"How about tomorrow, I'll pick you up at the station if you ring and tell me what time you're arriving."

After ringing off, I went back to the kitchen and asked Billy if he could stay. I knew it would be alright and sure enough, he said Brian would be welcome.

Then I noticed him smiling and he grabbed me, whispering out of earshot of Chris.

"Is this the wife or the husband that's coming?"

I must have turned the colour of beetroot so that even Chris noticed and gave me a look. I cleared my throat.

"Brian is his first name, but Ambidextrous is his middle one."

Billy laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Good lad, don't let stuff like that rattle you. Nice answer, I like it."

Later Billy went out to his Crown Green Bowling Club for a couple of hours.

"So your Brian is coming tomorrow? Asked Chris with a nervous edge to his voice.

"Yes, you want to come to the station with me?"

"Great, yes. I've got a job interview with the Evening News at three o' clock, but apart from that, nothing. I know you told me about him, but are you going to be like, together, when he comes?"

"Course we are you daft sod!"

Chris looked hurt I could tell. I grabbed him round the neck and pulled him close.

"Look, he is my mate, the one who took care of me and everything and we will be going back to sea together," I explained.

"I know, it's just that I'm already missing you. I can see you are excited since you spoke on the phone and now he's coming here tomorrow, so I am feeling something like left out. What's happened to me this weekend has really kind of woken me up. I'm no good at explaining things, but I really like being with you that's all."

Chris's eyes had looked up at the ceiling when he said he liked being with me.

I grabbed at his dick.

"You really mean you like this!"

"Yes, what else do you think I meant?"

"Good, I thought for a minute you were telling me you loved me."

"Don't be stupid, you idiot. I don't love you, you're my mate," he said indignantly.

"I can tell you now, I know for a fact when Brian sees you he is going to want to teach you a thing or two, believe me. Then you have Billy, that's more than enough to keep anyone happy. So for a couple of days at least, you are going to get so much you are not going to stand up for a week. I'd say you were really lucky."

Chris pushed me away laughing, but I could see that far away look in his eyes as he digested what I said.

"How about going down the park for a walk?" I suggested.

"Yeah, not been there for ages."

"Right let's go," I said. "But I just had a thought."

"What's that?"

"My thought was, Brian scratching your bum and me scratching your tonsils at the same time. And look what that thought did," I said pointing between my legs.

Chris smiled, "You mean let's go down the park after I take care of that?"

I didn't answer for he stepped close and slid down the fly on my jeans.

"Oh Chris, you are getting better every time you touch it."

I looked down as he took it to the back of his throat and held it while trying to swallow. Taking it out, I lifted it flat to my stomach.

"Lick my balls, Chris," I told him as slowly jacking myself.

He pulled my jeans and briefs down and stuck his head under and licked my balls and as far under as he could get. After a minute he sat back on his haunches.

"You know what I would like Mike?"

"I get a prize if I answer correctly?"


"Fuck! That's great," I said.

"You got the prize," he giggled.

He undid his belt and dropped his pants. I had a whim to do as Billy had done me, so I pushed him to the table and had him bend over. I dropped down behind and spent a couple of minutes doing my own worshipping on his wonderful bum, then leant over his back and slid home.

"Chris, you are terrific," I said, almost lifting him off the floor.

"You and Brian going to be doing this to me when he comes?" he managed to ask as I dug deep into his hot channel."

"You bet Chris, as much as you like and from both ends too."

There was no reply except a long, loud moan.

"Chris, the kitchen window is open and Mrs Fatlady is hanging out her washing across there, she only has to look through this window and it'll give her a heart attack."

"Fuck Mrs Fatlady, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!"

He made me cum saying `fuck', I think it was the first time he had mentioned the magic word.

Chapter 4

Brian's train was nearly half an hour late. My eagerness to see him deflated as the minutes wore on. But when the train came in and he was running down the platform waving his hand high in the air, my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey Mike, fucking good to see you again mate." He clapped me on the shoulders and then put my head in an armlock.

As he playfully pulled me close, he whispered "Missed you lots," and his tongue stroked across my ear.

"Hey, I guess this is Chris, how you doing mate?" He gave him a punch on the shoulder as if he knew him well. His easy going way had Chris relaxing quickly as I knew he was nervous about meeting Brian.

On our way back to Billy's on the bus, we sat on the back seat and tried to catch up with things, especially the job prospects. All the while Brian had one arm covered by a small document bag and was squeezing my thigh.

Brian set out everything on the kitchen table for me to read. There must have been letters already made out to a dozen companies applying for a training cum apprenticeship programmes. He also had details of the Merchant Navy Training School in Liverpool for me to go through. All the names that I had come to recognise from ships in ports on my trip, Fred Olsen, P. & O., Blue Funnel, Ellermans, Bibbeys, all the big boys in shipping. Now I was sure this was the right way to go about it and something was bound to come from all these leads.

Although he put all this down to the research of his sister, still I felt I had let us down having done nothing to contribute.

"So, what you been up to?" Brian asked.

"Nothing really, in fact, nothing period. Sleeping late, meeting with friends, going to the pub at night. That's about it."

"Didn't sound like nothing on the phone yesterday."

"Well, that too, doesn't take long really does it?" I laughed.

"How about you Chris, can't believe you let this rascal lead you astray."

Chris looked at me not knowing what to say, his colour rising as he tried to find some reply.

"You'll have to excuse Brian," I said to Chris. "He is about as up front as you can get, so don't let him draw you."

Brian punched me in retaliation.

"All I asked was what you were telling me, so don't call me upfront."

I laughed at him and he jumped on me poking, nipping and tickling.

"Okay, sorry, sorry," I caved in laughing even more.

He grabbed my balls and squeezed gently and leant to my face.

"You want to lead me astray? I could do with some and seems like as good a time as any."

I looked into his eyes, they were bright and shining and expectantly waiting for me to say yes.

My dick hardened just looking into his face. I couldn't say anything else.

I got up and pulled Chris out of his chair and pushed him hesitating towards the stairs. I jerked my head for Brian to follow. Chris stood still, watching me undress.

"Get naked Chris," I ordered.

Brian threw off his stuff as fast as he could, watching us both follow on with his dick already at attention. He pulled me on the bed and as I fell on him, I grabbed Chris and pulled him with me.

"Good body you got there, Chris," Brian said in admiration. He smiled, pleased that he was being complimented.

I went for Brian's dick and sucked him for a minute to get him slick. I knew what his first requirement would be and turned around and presented my arse.

First, I got Chris to lie down, then I on top of him so we could sixty-nine. Brian quickly got up behind and was in me like a shot. I knew Chris would like that position for it would allow him to see Brian fuck me. Sure enough, from being nervous and soft, he was as hard as a rock as Brian slid home.

Brian gave it me hard and I loved it. There was something about doing it with him, nobody else was quite like it.

When Brian said he was going to cum and began his orgasm, Chris bucked hard into my mouth and let fly, turned on by watching Brian's dick slide in and out. I knew exactly what he was feeling.

I hadn't cum though, so when Brian pulled out, I got Chris on his knees and did my homage thing to his arse. Brian agreed with me that this was one of his biggest assets. Then I climbed up and shoved home.

Brian was interested to see me fuck him, something about a big cock going into a small guy, I know it turned me on. Eventually, he moved around the front and fed Chris his cock. The noises from Chris said he was in heaven.

After me, Brian put Chris on his back with his legs on his shoulders and gave him what for. I sat over his head and encouraged him into licking my balls and occasionally my arse as I moved my hips back and forth. I hadn't done that before with him, but as with everything else, I could feel him eagerly follow whatever I directed.

"Hey, Chris, you are really nice and tight," Brian said to himself as he came to his finale. He hammered away at poor Chris till I thought he would do him an injury. But when he pulled out and dropped his legs, Chris was still enthusiastic.

"Wow, that was incredible. I thought you were hurting Mike just now when you did him, but to feel you do me the same's just the opposite, really wonderful."

Chris went down to make some coffee as we talked and got our breath and strength back. He brought up the cups and joined us back on the bed.

"Ever thought of joining the Navy Chris?" asked Brian grinning.

"Yeah, sounds great from what Mike tells me, but I get sea sick just rowing across the park lake. Wouldn't do for me, worse luck."

"Pity, I think it would be just up your street. I could just see Henry taking a shine to him, no question," said Brian half jesting.

I laughed knowing how right he was.

"Who's Henry?" asked Chris.

"The devil himself, who takes good looking youths just like you and debauches them day after day," joked Brian

Chris laughed, "Sounds alright to me!" not knowing what the reality was.

It was after lunch when Chris reminded us that he had to go for his interview. We had been talking for over an hour.

"How about one for the road Chris, I'm going to give Mike the last of his lunch, so you might as well stop till we're done."

"Oh, are you? Thanks for asking me." I laughed.

He grabbed my legs and hoisting them up, told Chris to sit on me and keep them out of the way. His tongue washed my arse a few times stopping any thought of arguing, which was a fat chance. Raising my arse a little off the bed he was in me once more, filling me up with his really hot dick.

I moved Chris back over my head, there being no need for him to keep my legs out the way, I could do that myself. I wanted his dick to suck at the same time.

Surprisingly for the first time, Chris had his own idea. He sat over my face, bringing his hole down for me to lick, while he bent forward to suck me.

This was excellent, feeling Brian in my arse, Chris sucking my dick and his beautiful backside in my face. Mind, as he got more and more excited, he sat down hard on my mouth, his hole opening and closing to fight with my tongue. The idea of mine and Brian's cum leaking out of his now quite open hole, didn't bother me at all, in fact, the opposite. The more excited he became, the more open he became and the more of our liquids oozed forth, till it was running down the sides of my face. The smell of sex became intoxicating.

It all came together in one big crescendo, Brian slamming away to his orgasm, making me cum into Chris's sucking mouth. When I did that, he quickly moved back over my head and tried to get his spurting dick into my mouth. He managed it before he finished cuming, leaving me to savour his sweet juice as I came down from a high.

"Don't fall asleep in the interview," said Brian as he looked at the demolished Chris.

"Wish it was another day. Bet I don't get the job now," he said dejectedly.

"Don't say that," I chided. "Go in there, put your back in it. Say to yourself, nobody else at the interview has a great body like mine, nobody knows how to suck cock and fuck like me. Give yourself some confidence and you'll get it."

Brian and Chris started guffawing, but I told him I meant it, even if he had to put different connotations to the idea.

But Chris had other ideas on his mind.

"Am I staying here tonight? Will Billy be alright if I stay?"

"I am sure he will, but we can't sleep three in this bed, even if it keeps us on top of each other for sex. Think we will move the bedside table out the way and push the beds together, that way we can all sleep here."

Brian looked amazed.

"You sure you can do that with your uncle?" he asked a bit flabergasted.

"It will be a nice surprise for him."

Chapter 5

That afternoon, we had a long talk over the job applications. We also fixed dinner for when Billy got home, a real nice one too with all the trimmings. I had a good idea Billy would not be upset with changing his bedroom around, but all the same, it wouldn't hurt to make him happy and satisfied with a good meal on the table.

The meeting with Brian went well. I immediately got the impression that Brian's couple of years maturity put him up a rung in Billy's estimation. His extra experience and knowledge of ships meant they had a common bond too. Over dinner, Billy offered his thoughts as to which lines we should go for and those we should avoid. Like one, he said was known to be skinflints years ago and still the worst payers in the business. Another had very poor leave structure and another was very easy going. I was surprised he still kept in touch with the industry so much. Eventually, it dawned on me that it was still close to his heart even with being out of it for so long.

After dinner, Billy went upstairs. I was right behind him and followed him into the bedroom. Damn me if he never noticed the beds had been re-arranged. He walked round to his side and started taking off his things ready for a shower.

"Billy, I hope you won't mind but with Brian here and Chris wanting to stay over with us, I pushed the beds together."

He stopped undoing his shirt and looked at the beds. After a couple of moments, he turned and said.

"Well Mikey, it's gone this far, won't hurt to go a bit further. I'll be back to my single bed all too soon, so best make the most of it hadn't I? Besides, where else are you all going to sleep?"

That was it, over and done with. I must admit when it came to it, I was thinking it might have turned out different. I said it before, our Billy was alright!

"You know Billy, you don't have to be back by yourself in that bed. I had a heart to heart with Chris and he is upset I will be leaving, given what he has just discovered about himself. He likes you but is too shy to say anything, being as how you are my uncle. I know if you gave him the nod, he would love to spend more time here, and I don't just mean the bed either."

"Aye, he's a nice enough lad alright. He's welcome here anytime he likes and I wouldn't mind the company too."

I ran back downstairs feeling somewhat like a fairy god-mother. I told Brian what he said.

"You must be the apple of his eye to get around him so easy."


Later on, Chris came around. He felt the interview had gone really well and they would be letting him know the day after tomorrow. Before he left the newspaper, the secretary who was known to his mom, said it was as good as his.

With dinner settled, we put on our coats and walked down to the pub for a couple of drinks to celebrate quite a few things. I introduced Brian to a couple of friends who were there till Billy suggested a game of snooker. They went off to the tap room leaving me with Chris.

"So how was this morning Chris, did that come up to expectations or what?"

He smiled, then moved close to talk so no-one else would hear us.

"I was thinking going to the interview this afternoon, which job I would really like."

"And what would that might be?" I asked him sure that this would be a joke. I put down my glass, not wanting to get caught with it in my hand if I cracked out laughing.

"After with you and Mike, I reckon I would love to work in a brothel. I don't know if they have them with guys in, but I suppose they must somewhere. That would be ace, just moving from one dick up you on to the next."

I stared at him, it was not the joke I was expecting and he didn't sound like he was expecting me to start laughing either.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, not really. But it would be fantastic. This morning, I felt like I could take a football team. I can't get over how great it is," he said, deadly seriously.

"Chris, you looked totally wrecked with just me and Brian, you couldn't possibly do that one after another. It would kill you."

"Maybe." He pondered. "But what a fucking ace way to go." He dug me in the ribs laughing.

He came close again.

"This morning, I was really scared when Brian was doing you, honest, it looked so painful. Like I imagined it would be like with Billy. But after he did me like that, I can't wait to try Billy's' big monster. No offence Mike, you are really gentle with me when you do it, compared with Brian, but something inside me kind of wants it hard somehow."

"Chris, you have become a maniac. Somehow I think if I'd have been like Brian for your first, you would have gone straight out and married the first girl you could."

"Thanks to you." He clinked my glass in cheers.

For the rest of the night, there was not a single word about sex. I enjoyed it. Now it was like I was with family, we were all so close and got on so well together.

There were no fish and chips on the way home this time, our meal left us still satisfied even after a few pints. Instead, it was the kettle on and a pot of tea for Billy and coffee for the rest. Billy switched on the telly in the lounge and we sat in for a while watching while we drank the coffee. But it was a long day already, so Brian and I said we would be off to bed.

"Aye, I won't be far behind," said Billy.

We had just got into bed when I heard the plug being pulled for the TV and the lights flicked off downstairs. Chris came in first while Billy went to the bathroom.

"Where do you think I should sleep?" he asked.

Brian was at my back on the outside, and I knew Billy would only be comfortable in his usual spot next to the bedside table.

"I think you are next to me Chris, in the middle. Don't push the beds apart and fall through the gap though."

I could tell he was a little shy about sleeping with us all now. Slowly he got undressed, just kicking off his briefs before he snuck under the covers and shuffled over.

"Just had a quick talk with Billy," he said as he got settled. "He said it would be alright if I came around here. Might even get that other bedroom fixed up too. You know back home, I have to share with my brothers, so if I get this job, it would be like having my own flat. Well not exactly, but you know what I mean, and I could pay my way with Billy so I wouldn't be a burden."

That sounded great to me, I was really pleased.

"But you would be in here, right? Why would you fix up the spare room?" I asked in my best dumb voice.

Chris went scarlet. After a moment he pushed his hand under the sheets to hit me.

"You know what I mean, got to have it look like I am living in the spare room. Thicky!" He snapped.

Brian was laughing into my shoulder.

"Chris" he chirped in, "Mike can be a real cruel bastard when he wants to be, so don't take no notice of him."

My turn to elbow Brian then, but he had his arms around me, so it was ineffectual.

We were hugging together, spoon fashion. I was feeling nice and relaxed held in his arms, just like we used to do back on the Harmonia. Brian's dick was between my legs but neither of us was hard.

"He'd be a fool to be anywhere else, wouldn't he? I mean who could be in another room when a cock like that is in here," joked Brian.

"Who's cruel now?" I said under my breath.

There was a silence for a couple of moment, then Chris started to giggle. He turned towards us, but said nothing, instead grinning from ear to ear.

"Think it must be Chris's birthday or something," laughed Brian.

He humped against my bum telling me what he meant. I could feel his dick fill out as his mind must have been on Chris and Billy. I eased my hips a bit too and fro, allowing it slide up my crack, rehearsed so many times before on the ship. I got the head of his cock right outside my hole. The heat from the tip of his dick was measurable and I'm sure he could feel the same from my arse. The pressure against the door grew as he slowly filled out.

Billy came in and began undressing. Chris's hand crept under the cover to feel my cock. I was still semi-soft, and his hand retreated. We were all watching as he dropped his underwear and turned around to face the bed.

"See we all fit in rather well." He summed up and checked the bedside clock and switching on the bedside light. Having seen everything was in order, he pulled back the sheets and got in.

I think the expectation was there in all of us with Billy getting into bed. Brian's cock did a leap and the head suddenly got through my entrance, which made me jump. His arms held me tight in response.

I couldn't help but think of Chris on the end of Billy's dick. He was so small physically and his arse was new to having a dick buried inside. And Billy was such a big man, both physically and what was between his legs. If Chris was certain about taking it, then he was really going to have a job on.

My cock began to grow, both with thinking that and the feel of Brian's throbbing in my arse, slowly but surely working inside as our slight body movements allowed it to creep forward relentlessly.

In a minute, he was deep inside. He was throbbing so hard it felt like I was being lifted up the bed with every twitch. I squeezed my hidden muscles to answer each one as we lay otherwise still.

Chris's hand crept over again and found me hard. He squeezed it a couple of times, then took it back. There was some rustling on the other side, so I guessed he was also checking out Billy. I didn't really expect him to be so bold, in fact, he appeared to be a different person when sex was involved. But the electricity was mounting, I could feel it in the air.

I heard Billy murmur a gasp, which could only have come from pleasure. Raising myself a little, I looked over Chris to see him on his back, eyes closed, mouth open and a look of rapture on his face.

Brian heard it too, and he gently pressed himself tight up behind, giving me that exquisite feeling of fullness as his cock strained within.

So suddenly it made me jump, Chris dived down under the cover towards Billy. We could hear the smacks of his mouth as he attacked Billy's cock and Billy stiffened at the abrupt assault and moaned yet again.

Chris didn't go down the bed, instead, he kind of turned turtle and his arse came up to my view. Feeling Brian throb away in my guts, hear Billy moan and Chris's lips smacking, then seeing the one thing I had become so besotted with this last week, was too much.

I leant forward, grabbing both cheeks and buried my face into those two perfect globes. Brian took note of the action and began to purposely move in and out of my arse.

He leant into my ear. "Eat his arse, give it a good fucking with your tongue. Yeah, that's it, go on Mike, let me see you work it."

That was the green light necessary and I lost myself to Chris's silky smooth bum.

I could feel and hear Chris momentarily come off his sucking job and let out an enthusiastic moan, bucking his arse back into my face. A couple of minutes back I could well imagine us all going to sleep, now we were in the middle of wonderful sex, it just came out of nowhere.

My tongue began to ache, so I started slipping first one finger and then two into Chris. He constantly pushed back, so I knew he was enjoying. I tried three, curious to see if he could take it. Without too much effort he did.

Having opened him up a little, I went back with my tongue for a while, making him really slick. I tried once more, finger by finger till I got the ends of four pushed in there. It may have hurt him, but he never for a moment stopped humping his bum back and forth.

"Shove them in further," encouraged Brian, still riding my arse and watching intently.

I pushed my hand, bringing the first wail of pain from Chris. Easing off a bit, I removed one finger and went back in.

"He's a fucking marvel of nature," said Brian as I pushed all three fingers inside.

"And it feels like you got at least four in me," I told him, the excitement seemed to have made his cock feel bigger than ever.

"You can do it," he whispered, "Remember that guy from the market?"

I nudged him to keep quiet, not having told Chris or Billy about shop keeper we had sex with in Africa. On the other hand, I hadn't told Brian about the big guy at the party in Baltimore either.

Thinking I had hurt him, Chris pulled off my fingers. He turned around to face me, his face almost delirious and backed up against Billy. As Billy rolled on his side to face us, Chris put his hand between his legs to guide the cock into himself. Billy's strong arms crossed his chest and pulled him close.

Chris began shaking in pain like he was electrocuted.

"Chris lad, I had better stop, this is hurting you too much," said Billy.

"No, no, it's alright, just give me a minute," pleaded Chris.

In less than the minute, he was gyrating his hips back onto him.

Brian and I stopped what we were doing and gaped.

"It's okay now" assured Chris, but still not looking particularly happy about the situation.

"You sure?" asked Billy, concerned.

"I'm sure."

We both watched as he slowly pushed himself into Chris who was biting his lip looking like he was trying not scream. I felt for him, I thought he was biting off more than he could chew trying to take Billy with so little experience.

Thankfully Billy took it very, very slowly until the tension visibly began to drain out of Chris's face.

"Glad you don't look like that," whispered Brian. I dug him in the ribs.

In a couple of minutes, Chris began to show the first signs of enjoyment as he made a few lustful groans. Billy took this cue and lifted him off the bed, planting him on all fours facing us.

"Maybe this position will be more to your liking, I know it will mine" said Billy.

He held him by the hips and slowly began sliding in and out.

"I got to see this," whispered Brian and pulled his cock out of me and got closer to the two of them. Me too, I wanted to see.

"Sure we're alright now?" asked Billy.

"Oh yes, yes, yes," trailed off Chris.

Billy was sliding about half of his cock into Chris. By the look of it, he was coming up to a brick wall inside. I reached under Chris to play with his dick, but it had shrivelled right up. Well, he was getting the stuffing knocked out him which is what he wanted, so his cock was no measure of pleasure he was receiving. I knew myself sometimes when I was really enjoying getting it from Brian, my own cock would go down.

Chris began to get some life in his body and started to wriggle and writhe about, making really guttural noises. He reached out for my cock, still hard with the turn on we were witnessing. He pulled mine towards his mouth. I moved up closer and fed him my cock. Letting go of mine, he grabbed for Brian too and pulled him close. We quickly got the idea and fed him our cocks, one after the other as we watched Billy gradually building his pace and working his way ever deeper into Chris. It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

"Our Chris likes his cock," said Brian. "Go on Chris, suck it, show us what you can do with three cocks."

Brian was really turned on, I knew when he started talking dirty he was getting carried away. Chris only made noises, but we knew from them this was just what he wanted.

The sweat was running down Billy, taking his time getting with Chris was taking something out of him. He was working hard for some while by this time.

"How is it Billy?" asked Brian

"Wish I could tell you, but I don't want to waste my time. Just let's say this lad is one of the best, eh?"

He was going at Chris quite fast and his cock was still not quite going all the way. Nearly but not all. I fucked Chris's mouth deep, while Brian wiped his dick over the side of his face. Then we changed over. You would have thought Chris was never going to get another dick in his life as tried to keep mine, and then Brian in his mouth as long as possible. He was out of his mind.

Billy started groaning and heaving heavily. Chris let go of our dicks and screwed his face up as Billy was digging deep on his last few strokes. He began to cry out, and then so did Billy as he came. Billy held him fast as he rammed his last, fixing him in a hold while he exploded inside. Chris was frantic, flailing about like a headless chicken. I knew what it felt like already when Billy came, I imagined I was going to be split in two and Chris looked like it was actually happening.

Billy pulled out and flopped back on the bed, totally exhausted. Chris stayed kneeling where he was but buried his face in the sheets.

Brian curious as ever, slid a couple of fingers into him.

"Chris, you really popped your cherry now."

He moaned back, but it was lost in the sheets.

I watched as Chris's hips bucked back into Brian's searching fingers.

"Still alive and kicking," laughed Brian. "Better get some while we can, can't see Chris being around for long after that performance"

He pulled him around, lined up his dick and was in him straight away. Chris moaned again and pushed back his arse for more. Having just taken Billy, he didn't hold back and gave it fast and hard. I pulled up Chris's head and showed him a dick that still needed sucking. He remembered and got busy as he came around on a second wind. I looked at Billy, who laid there totally out of it, his eyes closed like he was dreaming.

Brian didn't take long, he must have almost been coming just watching Billy do his turn. But Chris would know about it, he did him so hard he was being knocked up the bed.

Finally, he came and whipped out his cock, which must have hurt a bit. He rolled back and collapsed onto the bed. Chris let my cock fall out of his mouth and once Brian had let go of his support, dropped down heavily like a rag doll.

Maybe this was not to be my night. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it over the three of them, and lay down myself. Chris stirred and snuggled up close, so I put my arm around to hold him. I could hear the steady breathing of Billy and Brian as they drifted into slumber.

As I held Chris, I began thinking of what had happened to my friend. My mind ran over everything since that night we had slept over at Pete's place. I still found it hard to believe Chris had turned out like this. Well, turned out just like me in fact. I remembered the times in school together, how impossible it was to think we would ever be like this. I had wondered many a night laid on my bunk if I was kind of unique. Now my own school friend was exactly the same. I began to run through other people in the class, see if there were any signs I could remember about them that might mean they could also be like us.

My memories were halted by Chris, taking my hand off his chest and moving it down to his crotch. I found him to be rock hard. He said nothing though but indicated he wanted me to play. Now I thought about it, he hadn't come either, well not from his dick.

With the picture of his hard cock in my mind, it fed life to my own and I swelled up. It was not difficult to push it between his legs, they were still all wet and slippery. Chris moved slightly as he felt me push, the result being my dick slid straight into his hole. It went so easy I knew he must be very open after having the two of them, but still, I was surprised just how easy it was.

He moved back and began milking me with his arse muscles. He was so hot and wet I could bury myself completely on each push. After thinking I wouldn't get a chance to come, here I was bursting at the seams in seconds. He felt wonderful, still a tightness, but so easy to slide in and out. We only rocked gently back and forth, but it was the same for me as the hard fuck was to Brian. Before I knew it or wanted, I added my own helping to that of the others. I stopped at the moment of coming, but Chris grabbed my hand wanting me to continue to jack his cock. I thought he would come pretty soon, his head must have been bursting with erotic imagery from Billy and Brian. But after some minutes he still hadn't burst his dam. As my cock deflated and slipped out, he moved to lay on his back. Putting his hand on my head, he pressured me to go down the bed. I was happy to do so, Chris had given us all pleasure tonight, and I was glad to be the one helping him out now.

With Brian too close behind me, it was not comfortable and I didn't really have enough room to bend down. Chris soon realised it was a squeeze and pulled me back up again. Instead, he moved up the bed and then sat on my chest. I knew what was coming and opened my mouth.

Slowly and quietly he played pushing his cock in and out of my mouth, sometimes teasing me by wiping it across my face when he thought I was a bit too hungry. I could see Chris was developing his likes and agenda, it gave him more personality now he was aware of his own needs.

Brian would have been turned on to see me sucking Chris, but I could hear him in deep sleep from the earlier exertions, as was Billy. It was just the two of us now and I knew I had to get Chris off before we slept.

I thought he would be the most tired, at least I thought he would want to finish quickly, but he kept holding out. Each time his cock swelled out that little bit more before he came, he would take it from me, laying it over my face and play around till he could afford to start over once more.

When he tired of that, he hunched forward so I could lick his balls. At first, he wanked himself slowly as I licked and sucked, but then he stopped to savour only my tongue at work.

I reached over my head to catch his cock and try to wank him as my mouth worked its magic, but he would not allow. So I resigned myself to let him do as he wished and lost myself to the job at hand.

His balls were so smooth, totally hairless. The texture of skin so soft like silk. More than once I felt like biting his balls. But the idea of giving him pain turned me off. I loved the way they jiggled about loosely in their perfect package.

Finally, Chris took hold of his bouncing cock and began to stroke it. He did it much slower than I could ever do, but as I watched the pace increased little by little. He began to push against my face when I took both balls into my mouth. His hips began their automatic humping that he seemed to always do when getting really excited. He humped and pushed harder into my face as the pleasure rose. His movements started to unseat him and then his groin moved up my face and instead of licking his balls, they wiped the sensitive area behind them.

That was it, he sat down hard on my face, grinding his arse onto me as he got more and more turned on. My tongue went into his hole and I noticed the firm entrance was now soft and puffy to touch. Not to mention big. I realised he must be swollen if not sore by now. I licked and fucked it with my tongue, getting it far inside as I could reach. The taste was just pure sex and his wetness dribbled over my face.

Chris pulled back down my chest, jacking his cock fast. He aimed into my face and began to come. I strained to catch it with my mouth, but he kept it just out of reach as he splashed me with the first few blasts. Once the initial explosion was over, he allowed me to take it and settled his weight down to drive it to the back of my mouth and finish off his coming.

When I knew he had done, I wanted him to pull out so I could gasp for air, but he pushed back down when I made to move. He kept it there till he softened completely, then he rolled to my side and slid down the bed. When he was opposite, he came close and licked my face hungrily before giving me a deep kiss.

"Thanks," he whispered. "I wanted to save that for you. You are my best mate, okay?"

I didn't know what to say, but in any case, he put a finger to my lips to keep me silent. When he took it away, he reached close and kissed me once more.

"Goodnight, and sweet dreams," he said softly in my ear.

He lay down and looked across. Silently he mouthed "I love you" and then closed his eyes.

Amazed, I lay there thinking about Chris, about myself and about Brian. Some of the same confusions I had felt after meeting Jess reared their head once more. Slowly tiredness took a welcome hold and I drifted off like the others for the remainder of the night.

Chapter 6

Brian stayed for two days in which time all the job applications were mailed off. When he left we arranged I would go over to Manchester next week, have some night life which I had yet to experience. With some luck, there could be some replies from the shipping companies by then, so our holiday would be over and interviews and preparation for a new job would be the thing.

Chris came around almost every day, and most nights too. He got the job with the newspaper, so he was making firm plans to move in with Billy. Once Brian had gone, Chris and I had sex just about daily either in the mornings or afternoons before I went to Manchester. At night, we also had some very good threesomes with Billy. He became adept at doing the two of us before we said our goodnights.

From a rocky start, now I felt my homecoming had come good. Everything was `Plain sailing', as they say. And I know now, my ship has come in.

The End of this saga.

I hope you have enjoyed this story. If you have any comments, they are most welcome to John =

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