Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Nov 13, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family

Chapter 1

The rain is coming down by the buckets and the windshield wipers can't keep up. Thank goodness, the traffic is light and I am not far from home. Now, I will be late for my date with the best looking guy in town. My first date since my nasty break up with my ex nearly two years ago. Maybe my date is having the same problems as I am and would be late also. I wish I could keep my mind on my driving and not let it wander. Dan thought.

I came around a curve. There was a car was stopped in the middle of the road with its warning flashers on. I hit the brakes. After a lot of sliding and skidding, I came to a stop just before I rammed the car. Good thing I had cut my speed down or we would have all probably been history.

I jumped out of the car and ran to the other vehicle. I was mad but then I saw a young guy about 16 or 17 sitting behind the wheel crying. My mood suddenly changed. There were also two young children about 10 or 11 sitting in the back seat hugging each other and all three were crying.

"Hey, kid are you trying to kill yourself and those kids? What do you mean by stopping in the middle of the road on a night like this?"

"I ran out gas and could not get off the road. This all happened about 2 minutes ago. I haven`t even had a chance to get out of the car and try to get it off the road."

Remembering every crook, turn, and every little thing about the road, I said, "There is a wide pull-off spot about 300 feet up the road. Can one of the children steer the car?

"Yes, Sir! The boy."

"Good, you and I can push the car since there is a little decline, we should be able to move it without much trouble . I will back my truck part way around the curve and get it off the road as far as I can. I'll leave the emergency flashers. Maybe if we are lucky, it will stop or slow down any other drivers on the road. We have to hurry and maybe we'll get out of harms way! There is no time to loose."

We were able to get the car into the wide spot and completely off the highway. I ran back to my truck and drove it to the stranded youngsters were.

"By the way, I am Dan."

"I am Gene and the boy is my brother, Ross and his twin sister, Rose. Dan, I must tell you that we have absolutely no money and we will just have to spend the night in the car and will leave it and hitch-hike to the next town tomorrow or when the storm lets up."

"Gene, not an option! We can just lock your car and I can take you to my house. I have a crew cab and a canopy so I can take all of you and your stuff. Do you by any chance have any dry clothes with you because you and I are two wet ducks," said Dan.

"We have all the clothes that we own in the car and I'll tell you our story later," replied Gene.

"Ross and Rose, I would like for you to stay in the car. Your brother and I will get your belongings transferred to the truck. Then I am taking you to my house," said Gene. The kids only shook their head yes and continued to cry.

"Before we get started transferring all your stuff, I need to make a phone call. I was going on a date but now I will have to cancel. In a few minutes, I will be back and we can go to work," said Dan and started for his truck and his mobile phone.

"Hi, Greg! I just had an unexpected thing happen and I'll have to cancel our date and we'll reschedule it for another time. Oh, you're already at my place. I should be there in about 10 to 20 minutes. You'll wait! Good. You will find a green ceramic frog on the left side of the walk in the flower bed. It is actually a bank and has a front door key inside. There is an alarm system. Just inside the door is a key box, just poke in Freelove7481. You have less than a minute. Go ahead and go into the house and we'll see you when we get there. Thanks Buddy!"

Within a few minutes, Dan and passengers were headed toward his house. When they arrived Dan pushed the garage opener and drove inside out of the rain. Greg, Dan's date, met them at the door leading into the kitchen. Gene had a very shocked and surprised look on his face.

"Gene, I guess I should have prepared you before we got here. I am gay and Greg is my date for the evening. I know that you haven't eaten today and I would like to know how long it has been since you had any food in your stomach?" asked Dan.

"We had a little dry cereal last night and that was the last of the food." replied Gene.

"Greg, I hate to ask but could you help the kids unload their things. Kids, your rooms will be up the stairs and the first two rooms on the left. Gene, get your suitcase and get out those wet clothes. The shower is third door on the left. You will find towels and everything you need in the linen closet next to the bathroom. I am going to get out of mine and then get started fixing you something to eat." remarked Dan. "Greg, I know that we had a dinner date tonight but would you give me a rain check and I will fix something to eat. Nothing fancy but something easy and filling."

"Dan, I am beginning to understand what is going on. Of course we can re-schedule and I would love joining you in a good home cooked meal." said Greg.

"Sure won't be much but it will be fast and easy!" said Dan.

"It will be nice to get something solid in my stomach. We haven't had a good meal for two days now. Just a few snacks," said Gene.

The kids, Greg and I ate our fill of eggs, ham and hotcakes. I loaded the dishwasher and returned to the dinning room with a chocolate cake and ice cream.. "Gene, I know that you have a story to tell us and you started once but I asked you to wait. I was afraid that I couldn't concentrate on my driving and listen to you at the same time. So you can continue with the story."

"I really don't know where to start and this will be very hard for me and I will probably cry the whole way through," said Gene.

"If you would rather wait, we can do this at another time," said Dan. "And there is nothing wrong with crying. We may just join you!"

"I think I can do it. I will have to face up to it sooner or later. So it might as well be now," said Gene with tears in his eyes.

"Dad and I lost my mother to cancer five years ago. After a year, Dad met and married my stepmother, who was the best replacement for my mother and she literally became my mother. We got along great. She lost her husband and had the twins, Ross and Rose when she entered into marriage with my dad. They became the brother and sister that I never had. I now have my own very special sister and brother because dad adopted both of them. I love them dearly and there is nothing that I wouldn't do to protect them and to keep them together with me." Gene paused and started crying uncontrollably.

Dan immediately took him in his arms and held tightly to his chest. Greg, took Ross and Rose in his arms. So the small group remained snuggled together for several minutes.. Gene was finally able to go on with his story. "Thanks, I really needed that. I have had all of this bundled up inside me and I really didn't know what I was going to do and how I was going to keep the family together," said Gene sobbing quietly.

"Gene, you no longer have to fight this battle all by yourself. If you will allow me, I will help you fight all the demons and slay all the dragons that you have to face. My home is now your home! Together we can make a new life for all three of you." Dan said with tears running down his checks.

"Gene, I would like to join in your efforts to keep this family together. I am a lawyer and I will fight your legal battles for you. Dan, may I join you in efforts?" asked Greg.

"You certainly may. We can't lose if we present a unified front!" said Dan.

"Gene, you had better go on with your story. Don't leave out any of the details. We need all the ammunition we can get," said Greg.

"About 2 months ago both Dad and my stepmother were killed in a accident. Dad was a trucker and was on a long haul in Canada. This was one of the few times that Mom went with him. . There was a freak snow storm in the Canadian Rockies. He hit a slick spot in the road, jackknifed and flipped over a step embankment killing himself and Mom instantly . I had the bodies cremated and the ashes shipped down to us. The truck owner's insurance paid for all of this." Again, Gene had to pause and cry for a bit.

"I called a cousin of Dad's and she recommended that I keep it a secret until we could figure out what to do. She would take me but couldn't take Ross and Rose. I had already promised them that I would keep us all together if I possibly could. Day by Day went by until two months had passed. Dad's cousin and her husband came. We rented a storage unit in her name and we moved everything into it that we wanted to keep. Then we would go and live with the cousin until a permanent solution could be found. We kept only what we had in the car when you found us. We were on our way to her place when we ran out gas and you found us."

"Gene, I have to ask so we will know what we are dealing with. Are there any relatives on your mom's or your dad's side of the family that would take the three of you?' asked Greg.

"Not, a one! Mom was an only child and her parents are way to old to take 3 kids. On top of that they live in a retirement center and there would be no place for us. Dad had two brothers who were never married and both died about fours years ago. Therefore, we are on our own."

"Gene, before you go on, I would like to hear what Ross and Rose have to say about this whole situation," said Dan.

"Dan, we are scared to death. Ross and I have decided to let Gene take care of us. So far he has tried very hard but it looks like the end of the road for us," said Rose.

"I agree with Rose. Right now I am so scared. I just know that we are going to become separated and end up in separated foster homes or an orphanage," said Ross.

"Kids, that is the one thing that Gregg and I are going to try to prevent. Now for my next big question. How would you like to stay here and live with me, forever. I know that you don't know anything about me and that I am a perfect stranger. However, I have enough room in my heart to love all three of you," said Dan with tears streaming down his face.

Rose came over and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Dan, think happy thoughts. I would love to live here. Nothing could be as bad as we are leaving behind and at least we would still be together.

Gene and Ross moved in and everyone had another big group hug. "Kids, I am a 36 year old gay bachelor. I don't know the first thing about raising children, so I think we will all have to learn together," said Dan. "Dan, you keep forgetting that I am going to be here to help and to keep you from making too many mistakes," said Greg.

"Greg, that sounds like a proposal. If it is, I accept." chuckled Dan.

"Dan, we will just have to play it by ear. Whatever will be, will be. We can't force anything and will have to take it one day at a time. Do you have access to any gasoline? I think we need to take some and go get Gene's car. If a car is left overnight on the highway, it will be completely trashed by morning," said Greg.

"Good idea. Someone has to do the thinking for me. Let's take my truck and we can all go and get the car." said Dan.

On the way to Gene's car, there was plenty of time to do more talking. "Gene, I need to do a little more prying. First of all, Just how old are you and the twins." ask Greg.

"I am 16 and will turn 17 right after school starts. Hey, guys, how old are you?" asked Gene.

"We will be 11 in three days. I am 4 minutes older than Ross, So that makes him the baby of the family." "Rose, I may be the baby but I am bigger than you," said Ross.

"If my math is correct, then you don't have a drivers license and you will start your junior year. That makes Ross and Rose in the 5th grade," said Dan.

"You are right-no driver's license! I know that I should not be driving but I do have a permit but that is good only when a licensed drive in the car next to me. Sometimes a person has to do what he has to do," said Gene. "How have you been living, in other words where did you get your money and what are the circumstance that had you driving earlier in the evening?" asked Greg.

"Mom and Dad had a checking and savings account, I forged Dad`s name on a check, twice. Dad had a small account in his name and he would use it when he was on a trip. He gave me the debit card and pin number just before he left. So that is what we have been using. There was just enough money left to fill the tank in the car and have enough for another fill up. Since school was out we went into hiding and rarely left the house. The old bitty next door turned us into family services. They came out and told us that we should get our thing together and they would return in an hour to take us and try to place us in a foster home. After they left, we quickly put our things in the car, filled it with gas and left town. You know the story from there on," said Gene, sobbing.

"Hey, Gene, you are doing great. We will be able to use all this information. Just a couple questions more and then we will let you rest. Do you know if your parents had a will, life insurance policies, investments accounts, safety deposit boxes, and anything else that might belong to you kids," asked Gregg

"I think they did, so I will answer yes to all of the questions. We have a small portable safe that Mom and Dad kept all their papers in. It was left under the back seat of the car. I just plain forgot about it. I don't have a key for it and I really don't know what is in," said Gene.

"I just hope that it doesn't have a combination lock. I can get into it if it doesn`t. I wanted to be a locksmith and took some classes. The first thing I had to learn was how to pick locks. I can pick most any lock," said Dan. "Guess what, Dan? No combination, just a plain old padlock." said Gene.

"Hurray!" shouted Dan. "One more question, where did you live before coming here?" "Fargo, North Dakota" said Gene.

"I think that Fargo will be our first stopping place. We'll have to go there to stop the search for you. You can bet that family services is looking for you. We need to get a judge to give us temporary custody of the three of you. Then we can go about settling your estate. I think that we will hire a moving van and empty the storage unit and put your things in the big barn on my place. I have a large storage room in the barn which has good climate control," said Dan. "Greg, are you free for a couple of days?"

"All I have to do is call my secretary and have her rearrange my schedule. I have no commitments that I can't get out for the next two weeks," Greg replied. ***** "There's your car. It appears that the vandals haven't hit yet. Must be the nasty weather that kept them away. Check and make sure the safe is still under the back seat. I have my fingers crossed," said Dan. "At least it is not raining now. Getting soaked once today is enough for me."

The car was unharmed and the safe was still under the seat. Gas was put into the tank. Gene and Greg left for Dan's house. Dan and the twins followed behind. The twins loosened up at bit and chattered all the way home. Dan enjoyed their visit and got clues into their personalities.

The twins were almost asleep when Dan pulled into the garage. Gene and Greg pulled in beside him. "First order of business, let's get the kids in bed and then we can examine the contents of the safe," Dan suggested. The twins didn't object one bit and were soon tucked in for the night.

Gene, Greg, and Dan went downstairs and opened the safe which contained everything needed to start the legal proceedings. Gene's dad had everything organized and nothing was left to chance. They found the key to the safety deposit box, birth certificates, a will, deed to the house, car title, pin numbers and debit cards for checking account, saving account pass books plus a whole lot more to make the job a little easier for Greg.

"I think that I am going to turn in. I am beat! I know I am a big boy but may I have a goodnight hug from both of you. You are my guardian angels in disguise," said Gene.

After Gene had gone upstairs, Dan said, "Gregg it is getting very late. Would you like to stay over, I have a guest room that is not in use. We can get an early start for Fargo and maybe get some of the procedures started."

"Sure thing! Do you have a computer that I can use, I need to check out some of the laws and get some idea of what we will running into," asked Greg.

"I have a laptop and wireless through out the house, so you can just take it to bed with you. Lucky computer," grinned Dan

"Just you wait, your time is coming!" sniggered Greg.


Next: Chapter 2

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