Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Dec 26, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy! Accidental Family Chapter 10

Gene and Bill had several days off before the next cutting of hay. Dan wanted them to ride fence and check for breaks in the fence line on the north side of the ranch. There was a line shack up there completely furnished and stocked with supplies. A complete set of fishing gear for several people had been stored in the cabin. All they had to do was take a couple of changes of clothes with them. This was like a mountain vacation, one where a person would receive his pay and have fun at the same time.

They loaded a pack mule with all the essentials i.e. fence repair equipment, clothes, snack goodies, extra batteries, some books, and even a small rubber raft which could be inflated with a foot pump because there was a small lake near-by loaded with nice trout. Who could pass up a chance to go fishing!

Ross and Rose saw what they were doing and asked the guys if they could go with them. Gene and Bill agreed to take them. The kids could have the cabin and Bill and Gene could sleep in the tent. The kids ran into the house and threw some things in a duffle bag and came out so Bill and Gene could put it on the pack mule.

Grandma fixed a picnic lunch for them to eat on the way up to the cabin. Soon the little party was off and headed for the wilds and the good life. They spent about 4 hours on the trail repairing the fence and cleaning the trail along side. The group got a big surprise when they reached to cabin. Someone has broken into it very recently. "Bill, I want you to stay here with the kids and I'll go and check it out."

Gene got off his horse and slowly made his way to the cabin. No one was there so he went inside and found evidence that someone was using the cabin and had left all their gear inside. Gene knew immediately that several people had been there. He went back to where Bill and the kids were waiting.

"Ross, I want you to take the pack mule and bring up the rear. Rose, you go in front of him, as set a fast pace. Whatever you do, don't take any short cuts and no stopping along the way. I want you out of the area as fast as you can go. I want both of you out of harms way," said Gene. "Do you think you can handle this all by yourselves?'

"Not a problem! I think that I would rather be part of the posse," laughed Rose.

"Be on you way, then!" said Bill.

Gene called Dan. After he hung up, he said, "Bill, Dan emphasized that we are not to do anything on our own and that we should stay out of sight as much as possible. I think we will drop down south a ways and go to the top of Bessie Butte and take a look around. We can get a good view of the whole area from there and can remain hidden from view. I grabbed two pairs of binoculars when I went inside the cabin."

It took Bill and Gene about half an hour to reach the top of Bessie Butte. They tied the horses in a large aspen grove and walked out on a big rock outcropping. They could lay at the base of the rocks and not be seen.

The boys had barely gotten set up when they got a big surprise. At the corrals north of Bessie Butte on Sheep Creek, there was large semi-truck and four guys on horses driving about 20 steers into the corral. The was an animal carcass hanging from a beam between two trees. Evidently, they had discovered a modern day cattle rustling gang....round-up the cattle, kill, butcher, and hang in the refrigerated truck.

"Bill, you stay here and watch. I am going back to the horses and call Dan."

"This is getting really scary, I guess you know. I am glad that we sent the kids back to the house," said Bill.

"Hi, Martha, Gene here. Is Dan around? I need to speak with him. We have an emergency on our hands. The kids already told you. Now I know they made it home in good shape. He is! I'll just give him a call on his cell. I hope he has it turned on. He usually doesn't," laughed Gene. "Thanks Martha, talk to you later."

"Hi, Dad! You already know only half of the story. Dad, that is only the beginning. Bill and I are on top of Bessie Butte and we have a good view of everything that is going on. There are four men at the Sheep Creek Corral with an 18 wheeler-refrigerated truck. They are in the process of driving about 20 head of prime beef to the corral. There is one beef hanging now ready to be skinned. I know modern day rustlers. Don't worry. Bill and I are big chickens. We are as close as we are going to get. We will just remain where we are and will keep you posted if there is any change. You are going to call Sherriff Jeffers. Good! Yes, we have seen 4 guys and there may be more. There should be some trucks and horse trailers and we haven't seen any. That means there must be more men in the area, somewhere. Later!" Gene hung up and went back to where Bill was.

About half an hour went by and three police cars showed up. Officers got out each car and surrounded the rustlers in the corral and pointed shotguns at the rustlers. Nine policemen stood with guns shotguns raised and ready to fire. The rustlers had no choice but to surrender.

"Hey, Dad, good to see you in the first car that arrived. Yah, we're on our way down right now. We think you got them all. We haven't seen any others in the area. See you in a few," said Gene.

Gene had just closed the cell phone, when a man with a rifle pointed at the boys stepped from behind a tree. "I think that both of you had no idea that that another person was around. I have been following you since you left the line shack. I tried to call my comrades but my cell was completely dead. Now you are going to lead me out of here. I have no plans to spend any time in jail. As long as you do as I tell you, you may be able to come out of this alive."

"Look! Mister. Give yourself up, before you get in deeper!," said Bill.

"Not going to happen you guys are my ticket out of here. I need a horse so one of you will have to walk out. So which one is the walker."

"He can be the walker. He only works here on the ranch and does not know the country. I can take you out!" said Gene.

"Ok, with me. Of course, I need your cell phones. I don't want the law waiting for me somewhere."

"Here take mine. Bill does not have one."

"Toss it over to me." Gene tossed his phone to the man, who put it on a rock and smashed it with the rifle butt. "I don't think anyone will be using this one any more. Get off your horse, led it over to me. Remember one false move and your buddy gets a new hole in his body, right where his heart should be. Move it!"

"All I can say is that if I ever see you again, I am going to stomp a lung out of you. So you had better sleep with that gun and keep it with you all the time," Said Bill.

"Yah, you and what army?"

"I won't need an army, especially if you hurt one little hair on his head!" exclaimed Bill, pointing at Gene.

"Now, kid what is the closest way out of here without going back the way we came in or by the way of the ranch house."

"See that large butte out there by itself. There is a dead-end road between us and it. The road will lead out to highway 57. You can go right on 57 and go to Cody about 6 miles away. All within a short riding distance." said Gene.

"Let's not waste any more time and get on the way. I want to be away from here as soon as possible. Hey, Guy, enjoy your walk." The man looked away from Bill and said, "Now young man, move out in the head of me."

Bill took a couple of running steps and hit his horse in the flank. This caused the horse to turn inside out. On the first buck, the man lost his rifle . Bill very quickly picked it up and cocked it. After three more jumps the man went flying through the air. When he hit the ground, Bill was right there with the rifle pointed right at his gut.

"Don't try to get up! A gut shot is the worse way to die. I am not bluffing and I know how to shoot. Gene, come over here and get my cell and call Dan and advise him of the situation and that we will be there just as soon as this SOB can walk out."

"I am sure glad that you remembered that Lady did not like her flanks touched and would buck up a storm, if they were. This has turned out to be a very different day than the way it began. I didn't like mending fences anyway. Thanks Mister for putting a little excitement into our lives," said Gene. "Bill, keep a close eye on him. We'll tie his hands with the long leather thong that is in the saddle bag. He'll just have to walk to join his comrades. They can now all go to jail together. You know Bill, all of these rustlers are looking at least 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 or both."

"I hope that they get the max. It is too bad hanging for cattle rustling was removed from the books. I would like to stretch his neck from the nearest tree. What is Dan going to do with all that butchered beef?" asked Bill.

"I have an idea that it will be given to homeless shelters and food banks in the area. He has insurance so it will be up to the insurance company to decide. Dan may just decide to take the loss and use it for a tax deduction. Either way someone will not go hungry," said Gene.

"Bill, call Dan and let him know that we are on the way out and to hold the paddy wagon until we get there with another passenger for the police to haul out."

"I thought you said he didn't have a cell phone! So you told me a big fat lie," said the prisoner .

"You fell for it hook, line, and sinker! That is not the only lie. There is no road between us and the butte and it is a lot farther to Cody. Sucker, why don't you just shut your mouth and start walking. You are going to need all your energy before you get out of here," responded Gene, laughing.

"I can't walk down that steep slope with my hands tied behind my back. Why don't you guys ride double and let me have a horse to ride?" pleaded the rustler.

"No, way. If you can't walk, then we will just have to put a rope around your neck and drag you down. Your choice!" laughed Bill. "Not our problem!"


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Next: Chapter 11

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