Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 4, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family

Chapter 12

The school year came to the end. Gene, Bill, and their friends now had to look at the future and decide what they wanted to do with their lives. Not an easy decision to make. Gene and Bill were told they had to make their own decisions but the family would be there to support them and guide as much as possible without controlling them.

Gene and Bill decided that they would remain best friends but would go their own ways while searching for their soul mates. They tried gay sex but for some reason it never happened.. After having long and serious discussions with each other, both decided that the gay life was not for them. They decided that they weren't gay. One thing for certain, they wanted to go into a partnership and get a ranch of their own. Each having a fair sized nest egg. Greg and Dan were very pleased. However, they would like to have seen the boys head off to college but decided that it was their decision and that they would stand behind them 100%.

Gene and Bill started looking around for a ranch and at the same time they started dating a set of twin girls. Before long , the girls had rings on their fingers and a big wedding was not far off in the future. Life on the ranch took a big flip-flop since everyone thought that Gene and Bill would become a couple. Grandma said she wanted to see them married and was planning on giving a very large wedding present, which meant money and lots of it.

Grandma and Grandpa had invested heavily in blue chip stocks and bonds when they were very cheap and with all the splits and increase in value, Grandma could be considered very, very wealthy. They continued to do so during all the years. Both Grandma and Grandpa had each inherited a lot of the same stocks and bonds from their parents. Now Grandma had control of all of these fortunes. Gene, Ross and Rose would be set for life. She had a living will and the kids were to receive their share when they married or whenever they turned 21. Grandma had kept this a secret, therefore no one knew of the stocks and bonds and their value.

Charlie and Martha were to receive $200,000 upon her death or earlier if grandma so chose. Grandma was even considering setting them up on a place of their own. She had told them to start looking. Charlie and Martha knew that Grandma was serious but they didn't know Grandma's worth. So they were thinking small and finally decided upon a small wheat farm in the area.

Grandma realized that she may not have much time left and wanted to make her gifts while she was still able and had control of all her facilities. Dan and Greg were taken into her confidence.

Dan and Greg almost had an heart attack when they found out Grandma's true worth. They agreed with Grandma that immediate action was needed. She needed to get as much as possible out of her name so that a large inheritance tax could be avoided. Dan and Greg talked with their investment broker and she was able to roll over a large portion in municipal bonds and mutual funds which were to be put in her name and other members of the family and they would be co-owners. This would reduce the amount of taxes to be paid because upon her death, the accounts would be transferred to the other name or names on the account.

Dan and Greg knew that Charlie wanted a wheat farm and found a large one for sale about 10 miles from their ranch. Dan, Greg, and Grandma went to look at the farm. They were amazing at the very large modern house and all the out buildings. It had a Olympic size swimming pool, hot tub and sauna. Plus four manufactured homes for employees. Grandma wanted to buy it right then and there. However, Dan and Gregg were able to convenience her to wait until Charlie and Martha had a chance to see it. The owner promised to let her have first choice if another buyer came along.

"Grandma, Let's go and get Charlie and Martha and let them see the place. I know that you wanted to surprise them but they will get the surprise of their life, anyway," said Greg. "Grandma, you should place the farm in your name along with Charlie and Martha`s name. Grandma could pay for the farm, saving Martha and Charlie a large tax bill. You'll still have to pay taxes when you roll some of the stocks over but in the long run it will be a lot cheaper because Charlie and Martha wouldn't have pay gift, inheritance, or income taxes."

"I still want to give them the $200,000 that I have listed in my will. Is there anyway, I can legally do it?" asked Grandma. "Greg, I'm going to let you take care of all of that. I have absolutely no idea about what is going on. You already have a power of attorney for me. So I can just sit back and relax and let you and Dan do all the work. I will double your fees but you know that 2x0 is still 0," laughed Grandma.

"I am glad that you agree that my fees are zilch because zero is what I am charging you. No discussion and case closed," said Greg.

"Oh, I don't know. I think that you still have listen to your elders. I know that I am older that you. So you have to listen to me," chuckled Grandma.

"That just means I have to listen but I don't have do it if I don't want to," retorted Greg laughing.

"Don't get smart with me. I can still turn you over my knee." Greg and Grandma were laughing hard now.

"Dan, are you just going to sit there and not help me out?"

"I am not getting involved in this. I don't want Grandma beating my butt with a stick? You will just have to take your punishment because I am on Grandma's side and will hold you while she works you over. In fact, I`ll even go get the stick for her," said Dan, laughing very hard.

"Just you wait, I'll get even with you," said Greg.

"Promises! Promises! That is all I ever get from you!" roared Dan.

"Grandma, In answer to your question before we got side-tracked, I think we can open an account for the ranch and have all three of your names on the deed and the bank account," Greg replied. "Since all three of would be owners, each of you would have access to the ranch account.

Charlie and Martha fell in love with the ranch and could not believe that Grandma was so well off. They agreed to "go into partnership" with Grandma. Greg put earnest money on the wheat ranch with the stipulation that it would be paid in full in 30 days. Greg and the owners signed the papers and all that was left to do was transfer the money and the farm would be theirs. Now a search for a ranch for Bill and Gene was started in earnest. Nothing was found that was large enough for the two boys. Several were found that would have been suitable for one but not both.

One day, the real estate agent called Greg. "I found the ideal place for Bill and Gene in the adjoining county and would be only a short drive back home."

The real estate agent gave Greg and Dan directions on how to find the place. They got Grandma and the kids into the van and they were on their way. Bill and Gene picked up their fiancés and followed in their own SUV.

When the little party started up the drive-way and turned a corner, they saw a very large plantation style house with a very huge flower garden with two gazebos . Excitement start to rise. They had to drive through a very large fruit orchard and a large vegetable garden. The agent was waiting on the porch for them.

"The owners are not here and I have been given permission to spend as much time as we need looking over this place. I have a confession to make. The owners are two older brothers who have both lost their wives to cancer and would like to go back to their hometown in Georgia. Now for the big surprise, There is another place that joins this one and it is identical in looks and size. One has been used to raise reregistered quarter horses and the other to raise black angus cattle. Both ranches turn a handsome profit each year. Shall we go inside?" asked Amanda.

"Amanda, I have to be up front with you. There is no way that Bill and I can afford something like this, much less two places," explained Gene.

"Gene, You and Bill are not buying this ranch and the other one. I am and they are going to me my wedding present for the two of you. All you have to do is get married and move in. Now, Don't say that I can't afford all of this. I don't think I could live long enough to spend all the money that I have. If you don't believe me, ask Greg and Dan" replied Grandma. Both boys looked at Greg and Dan, who were nodding their heads yes.

"We'll tell you all about it later. Now, let's just look the place over with the idea that it will soon belong to the two of you," said Dan. After spending an hour just walking through the house, no one could believe the luxury they were seeing. Mona and Carol were hugging Bill and Gene and had tears in their eyes.

"What do you think ,Girls, do you think that you could live in a place like this?" asked Amanda.

"I never dreamed that a place like this even existed. I could live in a sod house or even a cave, if Gene was there with me. Any place would be home as long as he was there," said Mona.

Carol was shaking her head and said, " I feel exactly the same way about Bill."

"Well, Guys you heard what your women said. How do you feel?" Asked Amanda.

"I just can't believe that all of this could be ours. It is all like a dream!" said Gene. He went over to Grandma, took her in his arms and said "Thanks, Grandma, I love you!" Bill, Mona, and Carol ran to her side and joined Gene in a big group hug. Everyone in the room had tears running down their faces.

"Well, Guys are you ready to see the rest of the ranch? We still have a lot of looking to do!" exclaimed Amanda.

"Yes!" Gene and Bill answered in unison.

"Then, let's do it!" said Amanda.

Everyone went out side and received a big surprise. In front of them they saw two buggies with three seats each and with two white horses hitched to them. Each had a driver which would become the tour guides.

"I love it! I love it! I think this is going to be the best part of the whole tour!" squealed Grandma with delight. "I haven't had a buggy ride for quite sometime now."

The happy group spent the rest of the day touring the ranch. Finally, they went back to house and went in sat in living room and were served cold drinks and a large piece of cake.

"I must ask, Does anyone want to tour the other place which is identical to this one or do you want to save it for another day?" Amanda asked.

"I am getting rather tired and as far as myself, I would like to return later." replied Bill. Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

"Good, that is what I expected. I need to go over some of the details with you and then we can go from there. First of all, the houses can come completely furnished as you see them now. Both houses have the same interior design, that of a southern plantation. However, if you would like to do your own thing, that can be arranged also. The price will be the same regardless. You might say that the furniture is just an added bonus."

"All the equipment, pick-ups, and other vehicles will stay. All of the livestock and animals will be include in the purchase price. What you see on the ranches will remain. You will be given a complete inventory later. You will be buying the ranches lock, stock and barrel. All you will have to do is move in."

"All the employees have agreed to remain, including a ranch manager for each ranch. Each house will have its own house keeper and grounds keeper-a husband and wife team. They will do the cooking if you would like them to. The employees all have housing and are receiving benefits. I have given you the just a partial list of things to consider. The details will have to be worked out later."

"Now, for the most important part! Both ranches go as one. In other words, you can't buy just one. You have to take both. The owners are asking 5 million for each ranch for a total of 10 million but you can probably get them for 9 or 9 ½ maybe even less plus my commission which will be 2% rather that 6%."

"Ok, kids what do you think? All four of you need to go outside and talk it over. Just remember that money is no problem and I am paying for the whole thing!" said Grandma. "When you finish come back in and let us know your decision."

"I don't think we have any thing to talk over. Grandma, I think you just bought two ranches! Right?" said Gene.

"You sure did!" exclaimed Bill.

"Yes!" said Carol and Mona.

"It is a good thing that you two girls took all those accounting and business management classes at college. I am really glad that you are 3 years older than me. Bill and I will do the outside work and both of you can do the inside work. Thanks Grandma! I think the only way we can repay you is to give you a dozen great, grand kids each!" Laughed Gene.

"That is the only payment that I will accept,' beamed Grandma!

So this is not the end-only the beginning. It is however, the end to this story.

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