Accidental Family

By Joe Collins

Published on Dec 18, 2012


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave. If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. This story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just a coincident. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line.

Now just sit back and enjoy!

Accidental Family Chapter 9

Gene and Bill were in the hayfield loading bales of hay onto trucks. "Bill, let's give LeRoy a call and see if he would like to meet us at the pizzeria for pizza on Friday."

"Gene, I don't know if I am ready or not. However, LeRoy is a good guy and I need to make friends before school starts. He is one guy I really wanted to have as a friend. I knew that I didn't dare. I didn't want him to become another of Dad's victims .

So why don't you go ahead and give him a call. If I think that I can't handle it, I can always go and sit in the car."

"Sounds good! I'll give him a call after we get off work. I think that after I get a shower tonight, I am going to the swimming hole and take a dip or two. Want to join me?"

"Gene, That is a silly question! It is so hot today and I am getting all itchy from handling all this hay. Let's skip the shower and just go directly to the swimming hole."

"Bill, we had better cool down a little and there is not better way than a quick shower. Jumping into the cold water would be a big shock for our bodies."

"You win. I'll shower but I am not going to wear a swimming suit when we go swimming."

Gene said laughing, "I bet you do. I know that we won't get out of the house without the twins. You know the rules, no skinny dipping in a mixed crowd."

"Maybe I can bribe Rose so she won't go."

"Good luck! I don't think you have enough money," laughed Gene. "I would almost bet that the twins, Grandma, Charles, Martha and the girls are already down there. Dan may be there also."

"I am not going to bet because you are probably right. It was a good idea anyway."

Gene and Bill finished the work for the day and headed for the house. The found a note stuck on the frig door saying, `everyone is at the swimming hole and we have fixed a picnic for dinner. Come on down and remember swimsuits! Dan'

"Told you so!" laughed Gene.

"Mark one up for your side. I'll get even one of these days!" chuckled Bill.

After a most refreshing swim, Gene and Bill went back to the house and were just lying on the bed talking and taking it easy.

"Hey, Gene make your to call Leroy. I think I am ready to go out in public."

"Bill, just remember, one little slip-up and you will be sent back to the detention center and you will have to serve your whole sentence there. If something should come up, just let LeRoy and me handle it. You are not to get involve and not even one little word!"

"Gene, I can't let you get involved in my problems. I know that the first time I see Doug, he'll probably try to edge me into a fight. I won't walk away."

"That is exactly what we don't want to happen. I may get my butt kicked but good, but promise me that you won't get involved. Bill, I care for you a lot and I want to be your friend but I can't if you are returned to the center. As you know, I have a few protective skills of my own. Promise?"

"I don't know if I can sit back and watch you get the crap beat out you. I may have to step in and help! A fellow can just take so much before taking action."

"Bill, I value our friendship more than anything. If I am beaten black and blue, my body will heal. If you remember, I can take care of myself. I have some good defensive skills that I have never tried and I hope that I never need them. LeRoy and I both have taken classes in self-defense and between the two of we can tackle a whole bunch of wildcats. All I want from you is your promise."

"Okay, you have it. However, if it gets to bad, I am coming in as the last resort," said Bill

"Only if LeRoy and I both are knocked unconscious and can't defend ourselves, then you may step in."

I think we had better get some shut eye. 5 o'clock comes might early and we have a full day ahead of in the hayfield. If we finish the field we are in now, then we will have a few days off. Then we can relax a little. I talked with LeRoy and he said that Friday evening would be fine with him and we are to meet him around six and we can have pizza for dinner."

"Sounds good to me! Goodnight, Gene."


About 4 in the afternoon, the crew boss called everyone together. "We are not going to finish this field today. We can take a couple of hours off, rest and have something to eat and come back this evening and complete this little chore. However, if you would like, we could come back in the morning and finish up. It would a very short day, I would say 3 hours at the most. I am going to let you guys make the decision. Makes no difference to me." The crew made the decision to come back after dinner and finish. It would be a lot cooler later in the evening, which would make it more tolerable and why waste a full day.

Gene called LeRoy and told him that they had to work and would reschedule for Saturday.

Grandma and Martha wanted to go into town and do a little shopping. Bill and Gene told them they would stay and watch the kids. Grandma and Martha were delighted. Now they could take their time and not have to entertain the kids at the same time.

Grandma and Martha had not been gone long, when the youngest child had an accident in her pants. "Gene, what do we do now. Have you ever changed a little girl who has messed her pants.?"

"No, Bill, I haven't. I haven't the foggiest idea what to do! I know that we have to do something otherwise Grandma and Martha will kill us for not changing her."

"Gees! A fine pair of babysitters you two are. Can't even clean up one little girl" said Rose with a disgusted look on her face. "Little Miss know-it-all , I bet you don't know what to do either!" retorted Gene."

"I most certainly do know what to do. Come on Honey, let's go over to your place and get you all cleaned up. I feel sorry for those two, when they get married and have kids. I can just see and hear them now the first time they have to change a baby's messy diaper. I bet they get sick and will heave all over the place. I don't know about men sometimes!" laughed Rose and she left with the little one in tow.

"Do you think, Rose will really know that to do?" asked Bill.

"You bet she will" I think we had better make ourselves scarce. When she gets back she won't let us have a minute of peace. I can just hear what she'll tell Grandma and Martha," said Gene.

Soon Rose and Teresa came back. Gene and Bill had conveniently thought of something that had to be done in the barn. All four kids came looking for us. We gave each one a small pan of feed and told them to feed the chickens. Of course, this gave us a moment of reprieve before Rose had a chance to start in on us.

Grandma and Martha arrived from their shopping trip. When Bill and I went into the house, both of them were laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes.

"We don't even have to ask why you are laughing so hard. Rose told you what happened.. Right?" asked Gene.

"Gene, I remember the first time Grandpa was taking care of you and you messed your diaper but good. He actually got sick and had to go over and get the neighbor lady to clean you up. He never again tried to change any of you kids after that. If he was holding one of you kids and you passed some gas, He got as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room filled with rocking chairs, and he was out of there before any thing more than gas happened."

"Charles wasn't any better and he still won't change messed pants or put his hands in a pan of soapy dish water. I swear if something should happen to me, those two little girls would be in a world of trouble," said Martha. "I think that we will just have to let you get away from it this one time. Next time, Rose goes shopping with us," laughed Martha.

Dan and Charles came back from the horse sale they had attended. Gene and Bill spent the rest of the afternoon doing some catch up work around the barn. They had to get a place ready for the two new mares that Dan had purchased. The mares would be given a period of adjustment before they were turned in with the other horses.

Gene and Bill finished their work in the hayfield and headed for the showers so they could meet LeRoy at 7. At last they were ready and left for town.

Bill and Gene decided that they wanted to go with the pizza and salad bar. They found a large booth and waited for LeRoy to arrive. He also wanted the pizza and salad bar. They filled their plates and returned to the booth. LeRoy got in first and then Bill. Gene sat on the outside. Bill was sandwiched between the two of them.

"Hey, Gene, Why don't you move over to the other side. I need a little elbow room!" said Bill.

"Let's save that side in case someone else wants to sit there. If no one shows then I will move over," said Gene. He no more got it out of his mouth when Carl, Bob and Rick walked in and asked if they could share the booth.

"Sure thing! Get your food and come on back," said LeRoy.

Bill was still having a hard time relaxing but at least he was out in public talking to others. Several kids stopped by and said `hello', talked for a little and then found a booth of their own. Everything was going fine that is until Doug and his cronies walked into the pizzeria.

"Looks like the garbage man forgot to pick up all the garage. Why don't all of you leave so we can get some fresh air in here?" Doug said with a smirk on his face.

"Good idea, Doug. Take your friends and leave. I would rather smell rotten garbage any day rather than the smell of pig manure. Don't let the door hit you in the butt as you go out," Said Carl who was sitting on the out side of the booth.,

"So we have a wise ass in the crowd!" said Doug, hitting Carl very hard on the shoulder.

"Remember your Promise, Bill!"

Carl didn't hesitate but came out of his seat and hit Doug as hard as he could with his fist right in his mouth. Doug hit the floor and lay there for several seconds, screaming with pain and three teeth were laying on the floor.

The manager was there immediately, "Doug, you know you're are on probation, so I would suggest you get your sorry ass out of here before I call the cops."

"Carl and Bill, I will get you for this. You just wait and see," said Doug very angrily.

"Doug, get you butt out in the parking lot. I am going to stomp it into the cement. There is no reason to tear up Mr. Henry's place and besides the cement is a lot harder than this carpeted floor. It will hurt more when you hit it and a lot easier to get the blood off," said Carl.

"Carl, I would say drop it for now. Doug, you have one minute to get out of here before I call the cops. Don't come back, unless you can act like a civilized human being," said Mr. Henry.

Gene, Bill and friends finished their pizza and were just sitting and visiting. Bill had relaxed and was actually enjoying himself. "Are both you guys going out for football?" asked Rick.

"I am. Bill, what about you?" asked Gene.

"I haven't really made up my mind yet. Most of my problems started in football and many of the guys were victims of my dad's schemes. Doug will most likely go out for football and I can foresee problems with him. I have been toying with the idea of trying cross-county. I have always like running and if I started now, I should be in shape by the time school starts," said Bill.

"Hey, why don't you? Bob and I are on the team. We could all run together which is a lot more fun than running by yourself. Out on your ranch would be a perfect place. We could set up a course and get some pre-season practice in. We like to get up at 6 and do our running before it gets hot," said Rick.

"That sounds terrific. I think you just convinced me. Do you want to come out in the morning. We can set up the course and take a short run before I have to go to work," Bill said.

"I think that I may join you. I have get in shape for football. Sounds like fun!" said Gene. "Bill and I never go to work until about 10. So we could get in a couple of good hours of running in before we are needed in the field. The mowers and bailers like to start early so they can get most of the work completed before the heat of the day. Then the haulers move in and at noon we all shut down until it cools off in the evening."

"I think I would like to give cross-country a try. I'll never make the football team anyway. I am always second string," said Carl.

"You know what. I think cross-country sounds like more fun than football. I think that I will join you guys," said Gene

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Next: Chapter 10

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