Acting Lesson's For Life

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Mar 29, 1999



Ok all general announcement this as a M/M Based relationship story. If you are under 18 or in a state where you are not permitted to read this please leave now. If you are interested in reading but uncomfortable be aware there are some compromising situations in this story line that are bound to make you possibly more uncomfortable.

These materials are under copyright please do not post or copy these materials elsewhere without the expressed written permission of the author.

Authors Notes: This is the first in this series if you have any idea's let me know. Thanks Gray....

Acting Lessons for Life

By Grayson S. Vellar

The Assistant Director ran around the set like a mad man as time to take set up for the next shots came around. He could have made a better impression on the extras, but instead he ordered them out of the area. Grayson stood his ground and watched as the man before him walked up to several groups of people and had them stand off to the sides of the main set. As he watched his eyes began to size him up to his surprise, as he had not given this guy much though previously to this moment.

He stood a good inch above Gray, as he was a great deals larger in build all the way around. He had a small waist approximately 32 inches compared to his 6'4" height it was dazzling to watch him move so smoothly. Gray continued unnoticed until he was tapped on the shoulder by a woman half his size. She was asking him a question but he had not heard a single word as his attention remained on the AD. "Excuse me but I think your going to be asked to move as well." She was a persistent person trying to keep him from being noticed. Which was exactly what Gray wanted in the first place.

"I'm Ok here watch and learn about the psychology of standing silent and invisible." Gray replied, grinning form ear to ear as she stepped back away from him.

"Whatever you think is best." She sighed as she stepped back into the crowd of extras.

Gray continued ion his little journey into being noticed and knew full well his timing was probably bad but he had to have this guy know he was there. He stood silent as the guy approached him silently and then simply stood next to him as the stage crew moved in and began set up.

"So, have you met the director yet?" Gray asked of his new companion. " I hear he is a real prick." He was grinning at making it well know he was there.

"No actually I got the job from a guy who couldn't stand the idea he had to think. Now all I know is this Director is young and from what the women say he is stunning so he must have ego. From what the men say they can't stand him. I think we will get along fine though. I have a strange feeling I can just make his job easier by helping him out and not thinking about what they think. " He laughed and turned to face Gray.

' I hope you can help him out in more ways then one' Gray thought as he watched John staring into his eyes.

"You should get back with the other Extra's over there" John gestured half-heartedly.

"I was waiting for you to talk to me first." Gray grinned and his eyes sparkled his charm. John almost melted through the floor and Gray had him right where he wanted him.

"Well, I have talked to you know so. Would you mind if I would get back to you latter about the director though. Thanks for asking. " He said, as he suddenly became uneasy the Producers of the show ere heading right for them and had to get rid of him or he was sure he would be yelled at.

Gray did not move as they approached he knew what was coming and he had to go ahead and make it worse. Two men and a woman strode up to the two of them with vigor, smiling form ear to ear. John did nothing to get him to move hoping they would think he was one of the crew.

"I see you two have met. " The first gentleman maybe in his late forties said as they approached.

"It is nice to see you two getting along so well. I thought this was going to be one of those big problems again Grayson. "

"Thank you Marjorie it is nice to see you too. Yes, we are going to get along quite well."

John was completely confused at the statements. Grayson began to laugh lightly as he reached out his hand to John. Trying to shake his hand only to have John totally stunned and looking as if he had swallowed a handful of alum.

"It's really OK stop worrying I was the instigator here." He said as he leaned in to John. "If you don't snap out of it they will think this is not going to work out."

"Pleased to meet you Grayson I have heard a lot about you." John said as he held onto Grayson's hand with a fierce grip.

"Likewise and I hope it is not all bad that you have heard. " They grinned together on his statement.

"Actually no I have heard worse about our Producers. " John said, as Grayson began to laugh uncontrollably.

They walked over to a podium set up next to one of the monitors on the main stage. No one followed them as they stopped about four inches between them as they stood side by side. Tension would have been a good reaction but instead they were wearily relaxed.

"You think they suspect anything? " John was the first to speak.

"What that I blatantly lied to you to get to meet you and hit on you? " Grayson said in a low whisper.

John was completely taken aback to his open ended question and comment. He had done nothing of the sort but would have liked it to happen. John stood silenced for a few minutes as Grayson poured energy into their work in front of him. He noticed John was staring at his face.

"You keep doing that and I might hit on you. " Grayson said, as he stayed focused on the script.

"Then I chose to keep doing it." He put this hand on top of the script.

Grayson reached out to the podium without thinking his hand was quickly caressing John's. As he had imagined electricity ran through his body and stood motionless hoping to make it last. He knew all the persons around them would notice if he did not say something soon.

"We have to finish this later or they will notice. " He then turned to face the crowd of people but no one was paying attention to them.

"I wish we could finish it now. " John said as he grinned a sparkling Chesher Cat Grin.

Walking away from Gray towards the crowd and all he could think is 'I hope he is staring at me.' " Watch me as I walk away, watch me as I walk away, watch me as I walk away." He chanted as he walked away, just low enough no one could here him.

Grayson did just that. Until Marjorie approached him from his left-hand side.

"I think you two should take a hour or two to make sure you have this all worked out first. " She said.

"Have what all worked out? He is going to be fine."

"He is fine that is the point I'm making. " She chuckles as she leaned into his ear. "You forget who know all and sees all. It is me Gray, remember the last time I set you up don't you. " Marjorie jabbed him sharply in the ribs. Grayson knocked the script of the podium form jumping and hit the deck.

Several of the crew hands came to his rescue as he looked like he was going pass out.

Marjorie laughed inside knowing she had just sent him to his office for a little while. He quickly recovered himself and stood up. Marjorie leaned into his ear to speak to him softly.

"You should go eat and lie down for a hour or two we can hold off here the set has to be redressed take your AD with you or I will fire him you got me. " She winked as he understood too well there was no options but to do as she said.

"John, You had better go with him and make him ear something, he is to rest while we finish up the set up here. You two should get to more pressing matter s at hand."

John was quickly ushered back to Gray as the stage cleared again and the extra's were instructed to wait behind the line and they would be given their directions.

"You ok Gray should I help you walk are you alright. " John said as he approached him.

"I'm fine this is Marjorie's idea for us to get to know one another better. She jabbed me in the side right where it smarts so I laughed and hurt at the same time. " Gray looked a little sheepish as if he was about to blush and run at the same time.

"Well, I could take you up on hitting on me some more then. But, why is Marjorie doing this to us, does she know something I don't. " John asked as he put his arm around the wounded Gray as if helping him off stage to a golf cart.

"Yes, she does and you will soon. I promise you." Gray said as they sat down and he placed his hand on John's knee patting it somberly.

They reached Grayson's office in no time quaint but nice. No really décor about it but comfortable for some reason. John quickly helped Gray inside to the leather couch. As he went to step away Gray pulled him down onto his lap.

"Oh no, you don't. " He quickly kissed John on his Rose red Lips. John was invigorated as he turned to completely face Gray. Their tongues made their way into each other's mouths exploring the cavern within.

"I was hoping you would take the initiative. " John said as they parted their kiss.

"I was planning on it since you had first noticed me out there. By the way we have to work on your people skills with this new director he may want you to spend too much time at work. " Gray chuckled as John flew in for another kiss.

"I just hope the new Director can handle all my helpfulness on and off the set." John said with a spark.

"I'm sure he can but, can you handle his being a prick to you when you first meet. "

"I just hope he knows how to handle a prick." John said as his protruded forwards making a tent in his Dockers.

"I think he can handle it just fine. " Grayson gently ran his hand over John crotch and up his chest to his chin. Kissing him was like kissing a love so pure.

"So, how did we come to this? " John said as he slowly ran his fingers through Grayson's short dark hair.

"Does it really matter right now? " Grayson said as he began to untuck John's shirt.

"No not really. Lean forwards I want to take yours off too. " He had unbuttoned the top three buttons on the shirt and was now pulling it over Gray's head.

"Your really good at this I might have to keep you. " Gray grinned from ear to ear. John stopped and slid off his lap suddenly.

"What's wrong John? What did I say? " Grayson stood up and wrapped his arms around Johns waist.

"No, it's just you said you might have to keep me. I take it this is not just casual sex than. I mean I know we just met but is this a real thing or is it just us getting together now and that is it. Or are you really looking for the real thing. The reason I ask is I want the real thing I am not looking for just a one night stand. So, as hard as this is for me to say......"

"Stop, I have to tell you something. We are just starting here no pressure so get that out of your mind first. " He turned John around in his arms kissed him and continued to speak." I know what your looking for and I appreciate it allot. As a matter of fact I am looking for the one. I am looking for that special person who can share my life not just take it or leave it. I have dreamed of having that all my life and if you're willing to get to know me we can try to see if we can do that together. "

John reached up and ran his hands through his hair again. Pulling Gray into him he whispered. " I hope this is real I hope I can be that person for you as you have just been for me. "

Grayson leaned his forehead into Johns and they stared into one another's eyes as the radio played a slow song for their ears only.


I am thinking of you In my sleepless solitude tonight If it's wrong to love you Then my heart just wont let me be right. 'Cause I've drown in you And I won't pull through Without you by my Side

The song finished on the radio and they shared in yet another kiss this on only leading their heart to a passion they had only dreamed of as they stripped themselves of clothing and shared the caressing touch of lovers for the first time. John raised his eyes to Gray's once again to find tears falling slowly down his cheeks. Wiping them away was his first thought but then it hit him. His own tears had fallen just then. He was falling in love with a man for the first time in his Life.

Grays body glistened in the shadow and light falling in the office form the sky light above. John glanced down his lovers' body as he could only find one thing on his mind. Grayson reached out and began to rub John Chest as he stepped up to him and Pulled him closer. They stood in the middle of the room grinding their cock together. Grayson reached down and began to stroke his lover.

John let a moan escape his lips as Grayson continued to bring him to full size. Slowly John began to kiss at Gray's chest from the nape of his neck he loved the smell and taste as he worked his way from one nipple to the other taking each in his mouth for a few seconds nibbling ever so slightly. Grayson shuddered at the touch of his mouth. Following the trail down to his prize John licked the tip of his cock and began to tease at the taste of pre cum.

Gently taking his member all the way into his mouth and down his throat John loved the feeling of Gray's pubic hair on his nose as he sunk farther down. Grayson moaned as the heat of John's mouth penetrated him like nothing had touched him in his life. Soon enough John began to move up and down the shaft using his tongue ever so slightly to entice the massive head.

(To Be Continued)

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