Adam and Arley

By I owe you shit

Published on Jun 24, 2024


Disclaimer: This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy and is entirely a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years old, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you find this type of content offensive, if it is illegal in your area, or if you are under the age of 18, please do not continue.

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Adam and Arley, Chapter Three

A week had passed, and Arley's life had taken a drastic turn. He now found himself in a cramped, run-down studio apartment where his privacy was a distant memory, as he shared it with five poor immigrants. The bunk bed he slept in creaked with every movement, and the blend of snoring sounds, mixed with the stench of low-quality food, was unbearable.

Adam's apartment was only a five-minute walk away, yet it felt like an entirely different world. The glaring disparity between his current wretched existence and his old roommate's luxurious lifestyle was a bitter pill to swallow, and it only deepened his growing resentment.

Adam's life was a picture of opulence and pleasure. As Arley lay on his uncomfortable bunk, the image of the former in the one-bedroom piece of heaven that he had all to himself, like a real man, was a constant torment. In Arley's mind, he could see Adam sprawled on his California King bed, basking in the cool air, while the vibrations from the air conditioning playfully caressed his body.

He could almost see Adam bringing home a girl he met at a club and hear the faint echoes of their youthful laughter as they made their way in. An image he couldn't get out of his head was the former powerful frame moving rhythmically as he plowed into the girl, her moans of pleasure blending with his grunts of satisfaction.

At first, Arley raged against his circumstances. He cursed his luck, cursed Adam, and cursed himself for being so foolish. His mind was a battlefield of resentment and humiliation, each thought destroying his self-esteem. He hated the immigrants he lived with, not for anything they had done, but because they were a reflection of his own fall from grace. The sight of their worn-out clothes and broken English was a constant reminder of the depths he had sunk to.

But slowly, inexorably, Arley's resistance began to crumble. The relentless grind of his new life, coupled with the overpowering control Adam wielded over him, began to wear him down. The battle within his mind gave way to a bleak acceptance. He started to perceive his place not as a temporary setback but as a permanent station. Each degrading task he performed, each humiliating encounter, became a step towards his new identity.

Arley's transformation was both physical and psychological. His once sharp and arrogant features softened with a perpetual look of submission. His body, flabby from neglect, began to show signs of stress and fatigue, a physical manifestation of his internal defeat.

The pivotal moment came one sweltering afternoon when Adam called Arley over. He trudged the short walk to the apartment, each step heavy with resignation. When he arrived, he found that Adam had renewed the living room and sold the couch, leaving no memories of Arley living there behind.

Arley entered and immediately dropped to his knees, his head bowed.

"Good boy!" Adam's voice was a blend of surprise and mockery.

Arley nodded, his eyes fixed on the ground. The war inside him was over. He had lost, and Adam had won. The remnants of his pride lay shattered at Adam's feet, and in its place was a new, twisted sense of belonging. He was Adam's slave, and that was all he would ever be.

Adam stood up, his muscular frame casting a shadow over Arley. With a lazy grin, he reached down and lifted Arley's chin, and slowly dropped a dense wad of spit that exploded on his nose, causing a single tear to roll on his cheek. Arley knew that his life would forever be a series of humiliations and servitude. And for the first time, he accepted it with a strange, numb sense of peace.

Arley knelt, his eyes fixed on the ground, the scent of Adam's spit still lingering on his nose. Adam stepped back, his grin widening as he took pleasure in the sight of his submissive kneeling before him. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, the sound of the metal clasp hitting the floor echoing in the quiet atmosphere.

"Make sure I don't feel your teeth, or you'll get the gag once again."

Arley's jaw trembled, but he obeyed, opening his mouth and making sure his teeth were covered by his lips. Adam stepped forward, his cock already hard and throbbing, the tip glistening with pre-cum.

"Now let's get you warmed up."

With a slow, deliberate thrust, Adam pushed his cock into Arley's mouth, savoring the wet warmth that enveloped him. Arley gagged slightly, his throat constricting around the intruding member. Adam's grip on his hair tightened, and he began to move his hips, driving deeper into Arley's throat.

Each thrust was more forceful than the last, Adam's cock sliding in and out of Arley's throat with a slick, wet sound. Arley's eyes watered as he struggled to catch his breath.

Adam's pace quickened, his jabs becoming more violent. He could feel Arley's throat tightening around him, and he grunted in pleasure as the desperate spasms only added to his pleasure.

Arley could only whimper, his throat raw and aching. Adam's plunges sent continuous waves of pain through him, but he endured it all, knowing that resistance was futile. The salty tang of Adam's pre-cum coated his tongue, and he swallowed reflexively, the motion drawing a satisfied moan from Adam.

After what felt like an eternity, Adam finally pulled out, leaving Arley gasping for air.

"You're getting better at this," Adam said, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

Adam walked over to a nearby drawer and pulled out a used condom, filled with his cum from a previous encounter. Arley's eyes widened in horror as Adam returned, holding the condom up for him to see.

"Hold this," Adam ordered, shoving the condom in Arley's face. "And don't spill a drop."

Arley's hands shook as he took the condom, the rubbery material slick with Adam's cum. Adam positioned himself in front of Arley, his cock still hard and dripping. He guided Arley's hands, making him hold the condom at the right angle.

"Now, open it up and hold it steady," Adam commanded.

Arley obeyed, his fingers fumbling as he opened the condom, and Adam positioned the tip of his cock at the opening. Without another word, Adam began to piss, the warm, yellow liquid mixing with the cum inside the condom.

Arley's face burned with humiliation as he felt the weight of Adam's piss accumulating. As the latter sighed in relief, the former bit his lip, fighting back the tears of shame that threatened to spill. The smell of urine was overpowering, adding another layer of humiliation to the ordeal.

"Now tie it closed."

Arley's hands shook as he carefully tied the condom, ensuring that none of the liquid would escape. Once it was secured, he looked up at Adam, awaiting his next command.

"Follow me. On all fours."

Arley's spirit shattered a little more as he crawled like an obedient dog, following Adam out of the living room. The floor was rough against his palms and knees, but the physical discomfort was nothing compared to the humiliation burning inside him.

Adam led Arley to the bedroom, where a new addition awaited. An air mattress had been inflated, with a roller system installed right above it. A string dangled over the roller from both ends, one tied to the frame of the bed, and the other end hung loosely.

"Tie the condom with the loose end."

Arley's hands trembled as he carefully tied the loose end of the string to the condom, ensuring it was secure. The weight of the liquid inside the condom made it sag slightly, adding to Arley's anxiety. He knew that any mistake could result in the foul contents splattering all over.

"Lay down on the bed."

Adam's eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure as he explained the next part of Arley's humiliation.

"See this string?" Adam said, untying the other end. "You're going to hold it between your teeth. Your job is to keep the condom from dropping on your face. If you fail, well, you can imagine the mess."

Arley's heart sank as he realized the full extent of what was being asked of him. He positioned himself on the bed, lying flat on his back, and was handed the loose end. He put it in his mouth and closed his teeth around it, already feeling the taut pull as it balanced the weight of the condom.

Adam grabbed Arley by the feet and yanked him backwards, ensuring the piss-filled condom was positioned directly above Arley's face. The slightest movement or lapse in concentration would cause the condom to fall, splattering its foul contents all over him.

"Now stay still and keep your mouth shut. Let's see how long you can last."

Arley's jaw was already aching from clenching the string, putting most of his energy into keeping the condom in place. The tension was unbearable, and every second felt like an eternity as he lay there, his eyes wide with fear.

Adam walked around the bed, watching the trembling form beneath him with satisfaction, unable to stop chuckling.

"You look so pathetic."

Without warning, Adam grabbed a leather whip from the closet. Arley's eyes widened in horror as Adam raised the whip, the leather glinting in the dim light. He brought it down hard on Arley's feet, the sharp crack echoing through the room. Arley screamed in pain, the string still clutched between his teeth.

Adam continued to whip Arley's feet, each lash more brutal than the last. The torment was unbearable, and Arley felt genuine tears running down his cheeks. He cried out with each strike, the agony pushing him to the edge of his endurance.

After ten savage lashes, Adam's arousal was at its peak. He couldn't restrain himself any longer. He tossed the whip aside and reached into the bedside drawer, pulling out a fresh condom. He tore open the wrapper and quickly rolled it onto his steely member.

"Time for the main event."

He positioned himself behind Arley, who lay helpless and in pain, and folded his legs toward his stomach. Without any preparation, Adam invaded Arley's pussyhole dry, causing him to scream at the top of his lungs, his teeth still clenched around the string. The agony was excruciating, and Arley's screams intensified with each savage plunge.

Adam's rhythm quickened, his jams more forceful and erratic. Arley's body convulsed with each movement, the string still gripped between his teeth. The weight of the condom above him became unbearable, and he struggled to maintain his grip.

The torment and humiliation were too much for Arley. He couldn't keep his teeth shut any longer. With an agonized scream, he let go of the string. The condom filled with piss and cum dropped, exploding all over his face and inside his mouth, and he choked as the foul liquid filled his throat and nostrils.

Adam couldn't stop laughing. The sight of Arley covered in his own filth, choking and gasping for air, drove him wild with amusement. He continued to push into Arley, his laughter mingling with Arley's screams.

Finally, Adam pulled out and moved to hover over Arley's head. He grabbed a fistful of Arley's hair and shoved his cock down his throat, forcing him to take it all the way. Arley went back to choking and gurgling, the tang of piss and cum still fresh in his mouth.

Adam fucked Arley's throat with relentless intensity. His hips moved in a brutal rhythm, his moans of pleasure filling the air, and his cock pulsed with each thrust.

With a final, shuddering groan, Adam came, shooting his load down Arley's throat, which convulsed around him. He held Arley's head in place, forcing him to swallow every drop.

When Adam finally pulled out, Arley lay gasping for air, his face soaked in urine and cum, his eyes red and swollen from crying.

Thank you for reading Chapter Three. I greatly value your detailed feedback and am excited to hear about your favorite parts and discuss the story with you.

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