Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jun 24, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.

This 'one off' was the prototype for my ADDLESTONE BOYS which is pure fiction. This one is based on truth and gets fictional once the boys go to the Co-Op over the road. It's been on the backburner forever and I just got around to finishing it and here it is.



G. Cutter

I suppose part of the pleasure of Nifty is that so many stories are of different places and different times. This one is set in London and the Home Counties, in England of course and in the mid eighties. Peace and love my arse, that's not quite what I remember. Let's go back, I may bore you a bit with the trip down memory lane but there is sex in there (sooner or later).

The eighties were the Thatcher years and other than the criminal Poll Tax the thing that stuck out for me at least was privatisation. The early eighties were when the old bastions of local council began to fall. The refuse, the street cleansing, the parks and gardens maintenance, many of the jobs that were done by council workers all controlled by runaway unions. I don't want to get into English politics so we'll give that lot a miss and get on with the story.

By '85 having been with a major cleaning company since leaving school I had served my time and I finished up being seconded to the London Borough of Wandsworth to take over one of their Street Cleansing Depots. Suited me, it was more money, a company car and daywork. After working all hours of the day and night it was nice to get back to the hunmrum of nine 'til five, although it was normally around seven 'til four. The depot I ran had around thirty guys in it and maybe five or six trucks. The rank and file mustered in for seven, collected their barrows and tools and went out sweeping streets, it was as easy as that. A little more complicated than that, in fact, they swept a different 'route' every day and backup crews picked up their rubbish but the aim of this story isn't to give you a treatise on street cleaning circa 1985. This story is about a few friends I made, a few encounters I had and spreading a bit of smut around.

I'd been in the job around a year and had just turned twenty two when I decided to move out of town. I was fed up with living on the job more or less and I was getting sick of London, I needed somewhere a little more laid back. More to the point, I was a closet gay but a few adventures were going to come home to roost sooner or later and I thought it was about time to start distancing myself from the locals. I hadn't put a foot wrong with my staff who were a split of youngsters between school leaving age and their mid twenties with a dash of older men near retirement age but I had got involved with a couple of local rent boys and sooner or later trouble was going to happen. The more time I spent in the area drinking and fraternising with the locals the more I was liable to come unstuck. I could see it coming a mile off.

The idea of moving out and just driving in and out at the company expense and having complete privacy at the end of the day appealed. I'd never had my own place and that appealed even more. Purely by chance I heard of a place at Addlestone from a fellow management person which was about twenty or twenty five miles down the A3, an easy run in the morning and pretty good in the evening if you got ahead of the rush hour. I got myself moved down there and settled in, a nice flat above the High Street badly in need of decorating but home sweet home. Once I got the bed, sofa and television sorted out that was my lot. I did cruise around a bit and managed to click with a Thai student who worked at a Chinese takeaway curiously enough so I had occasional sex. Tran was OK, he was a very youthful twenty or so, looked around sixteen and had a bum to die for and he was also pretty well endowed up front for an Oriental.

The crunch or the breakthrough came when I put the word around in the depot that I was willing to pay to have some decorating done. I subtley put it across that I would pay by way of booking the painter overtime, highly illegal but it was that sort of job. My guys worked a short day on Saturday and Sunday as overtime so additional payments wouldn't be out of order at our pay office when I sent the sheets up.

Unfortunately, as I've said, a lot of my troops were young guys, probably more than a few suspected I may not be quite as straight as I made out... result... no volunteers. I resigned myself to living in a slum into the forseeable future.

I remember it well (roll of drums and a fanfare of trumpets), a rainy Wednesday forenoon, blah, blah. I was sitting in my office idly surveying the yard when two sweepers wandered in pushing their antique puchcart affair, the one that carried their tools and bags of rubbish. They looked around and sighting me sighting them came across the yard.

'Trouble lads?' I opened the door and let them into the booking on lobby.

'Got a puncture,' the older of the two spoke. 'We still got those repair kits in the stores?'

'Yeah,' I gave him the key and turned to the younger, a fair hair waiflike type with a skinhead number one, haircut that's the one down to the bone by the way and I consulted my watch. 'That time of day, wanna make three teas?'


'Right,' I jerked my thumb at the kettle and makings and sat down again and let them get on with what they had to do.


'Yeah...' Shit. I could not remember his name.

'That painting you were talking about last week is it still on?'

'The offer's there but it's amended a little.' I saw a chance and I was going to go for it, I had nothing to lose. 'It's a weekend's work, so the painter would have to stay overnight.' That had always been my intention anyway but as no one had asked I hadn't mentioned it before.

'Mmmm, I'm still a bit interested,' he glanced out of the window clearly looking out for his sidekick.

'Why don't you pop in and see me lunchtime and we can have a chat in private,' I suggested. My famous ol' gaydar was going full blast and getting a little blip on the clear screen . Was he, wasn't he, I hadn't got a clue but there was a blip all the same.

'OK,' he turned to his tea making and I grabbed a glance at the booking on docket. Scott Blair and his mate was Paul Anderson. Paul was quite nice but Scotty was nondescript. Skinny and just looked a typical teenage yob, waiflike as I'd said before, he looked to be around fifteen but he was obviously more than that to be working here, maybe seventeen.

'Found it,' Anderson burst in the office brandishing a puncture repair kit.

'OK, guys, have your tea and then you can fix it over the other side.' They were happy enough with that, a cup of tea with me, half an hour to fix their barrow and then it was the regular tea break. Everyone's a winner, anyway, they wouldn't be doing too much in the rain which was now getting quite heavy.

I spent the rest of the morning on paperwork, made a few phone calls and was ready for midday. Would skinny Scotty show or would he have second thoughts. I've got to explain that my office was directly opposite the yard entrance and the messroom was to the left so that anyone coming in for their lunch would make a beeline for the messroom and not my office. I reigned in solitary splendour although I did go over the local pub now and then for a pint and a snack and oftentimes bumping into some of my workers. I drank with them but never got involved in their affairs, as a boss you had to keep a certain distance from the hoi poloi. This day I was watching the gate like a hawk and sure enough Scotty turned up on the dot although to my disappointment he went into the messroom. Moments later he came out and after a good look around he shot over to my place. From my spying it was pretty clear that he didn't want anyone observing him and that suited me fine as well as I'd prefer this little deal if there was to be one to be kept a secret.

'Sit down, Scotty,' I indicated a chair which kept him out of the view of anybody passing the big window.

'Yeah, about that job...' he looked at me expectantly.

'Well,' I tried to play it cool. 'A few problems. One, is that it's for the Saturday and Sunday morning, the same as the weekend sweeping. Two, is that I'm not driving the painter whoever it is back up here Saturday afternoon and then collecting Sunday morning.' I looked at him and he just looked back expressionless. 'I suppose number three is that I'd like to keep this secret. I am cooking the books and the less people who know, the better.'

'Fine by me,' he avoided my eyes. 'I'd like to have a go if you fancy me.'

Now there was a curious choice of phrase, I thought. He also hadn't said anything about Saturday night, on the sleeping front I mean. 'This weekend OK?'

'Yeah, fine.'

'As I said, top secret, you haven't chatted anyone about this, not your mate Anderson for example?'

'Nah,' he smiled slightly. 'He talks too much.'

'I've got to ask, Scotty. How old are you?'

'Seventeen a couple of weeks ago. Why?'

'You look younger,' I smiled at him trying to relax him a bit. 'Are you all right staying out for the night, your parents aren't going to get worried?'

'Nah, no probs,' he actually grinned this time.

'Well, probably two nights thinking on it. I don't particularly want to run up here Sunday afternoon although I don't mind paying your train fare.'

'Upto you. I suppose it depends how the painting goes and the rest of it.'

'Yeah, I suppose.' There was another curious phrase 'and the rest of it', I wondered what he meant by that. Anyway, I was going for it. I was pretty certain that he'd rather play than paint and if he didn't I'd get the work done anyway. I was in a win-win situation. 'What if I pick you up at the back entrance to Clapham Junction Station around half six on the Saturday morning.'

'I'll be there,' he nodded and rose.

'Let me know if you change your mind.'

'I shall.'

'If you're a crap painter I'm sure we'll find something to do.' That was about as far as I wanted to go for the moment.

'Maybe,' he flashed a grin and left.

Ho ho. I felt like Sherlock Holmes with his Watson. The chase was afoot, I felt it in my water. If this kid didn't know the painting was a bit of bait then he was a lot denser than he looked and I don't think he was a dummy by any means. I thought about all this much later and decided I must have been bloody mad.

Of course, I was at the station's rear entrance by six fifteen on the Saturday morning. He hadn't cancelled and I was making the assumption that all systems were go. I'd actually refrained from having a good wank on the Friday night and that was being really presumptious. It was dark, drizzly and I must admit I was a bag of nerves when knuckles rapped on my side window. It was obviously him and I reached over and uncatched the passenger door, he passed around the car and slid in. He was wet and in the gloom looked totally depressed.

'Cheer up, we'll soon have you home and dry.'

'Great,' he smiled slightly. 'It's a foul day.'

'Let's go,' I actually clasped his boney knee getting carried away with the great adventure.

'Let's go,' he echoed me and gave a laugh which I took as a good sign.

I didn't rush but the streets were empty and we made good time, I wasn't hungry but I thought I'd better show willing.

'There's a cafe if you want a breakfast or we can have a cuppa indoors and some toast... upto you.'

'I'll give the breakfast a miss if you don't mind.'

'Fine by me.' I pressed on, the sooner indoors the better.

We were actually in my flat by eight o'clock and I immediately put the kettle on, he looked a bit like a drown rat but he had dried out a bit in the car. Whilst the kettle boiled I gave him a lightning tour, bathroom, lounge, the bedroom and the small box room. I expect he noticed that there was one double bed in the bedoom and just a heap of blankets in the boxroom but he didn't comment. At the end of it I plonked him down at the small table in the kitchen and made him tea. Now was the moment of truth as they say.

'Your painting's a bit patchy.' He eyed the second rate job I'd made of the kitchen.

'Kitchen needs doing properly, the living room or the lounge is OK, the bedroom and box room need doing. Oh yeah, and the bathroom wants the ceiling doing.'

'Not all today,' he laughed.

'I was thinking about the bedroom,' I gave him his tea and put the sugar and milk on the table.

'Yeah?' he looked at me.

'I was wondering in view of the weather whether to go to bed for a couple of hours and sod the the painting.' I wondered what his reaction to that one would be.

'I can get on with the painting if you want to lie down.' He fielded that one well.

'You're wet and you look frozen, you'd be better off giving the painting a miss.'

'I need the money,' he flushed a little and avoided my eyes staring at the table.

'Money's still there.' I felt like all sorts of shit virtually offering to buy his body but I wanted him, the more I looked at him the more I wanted. I wanted him in my bed and sod the consequences.

'You're the Boss.'

I took pity on him and got up to make more tea. I didn't want to stare at him any longer, I didn't want to make him feel like he was being forced into anything. Bribed maybe but not forced. Bought but not raped. He was above our legal age but the Law is so ringfenced that you don't know where you stand.

'I'd rather we went to bed.' There I'd said it. I put my hands on his shoulders and squeezed. 'Gotta beat painting in the cold.'

'That's for sure,' he gave a shaky laugh and I knew I had him.

'OK, let's have another tea and I'll do some toast if you want to put the fire on in the bedroom.'

'OK,' he stood after a moment and still avoiding my eyes left the room. I listened intently, he'd either do as I'd asked or make a run for the front door. I sighed with relief as I heard the bedroom door close and he came back into the kitchen.

'Couple of toasts, three, four?' I slapped the pot of marmalade onto the table. I go for skimpy breakfasts by the way.

'Two will do,' he looked up at me and actually smiled. 'How many others have done your painting routine... in secret?'

'Just you,' I grinned back. 'That's why it still needs doing.'

'We can have a go tomorrow morning if you're not upto it today.'

'Upto you,' I hoiked the butter from the fridge and presented him with his two slices. 'You might want to stay in bed tomorrow.'

'Who knows?' He finally laughed out loud. 'This is a hell of a conversation... Mick.' He was a bit hesitant with the Christian name but he'd got there.

'Nice warm cuddles, that's what I like on a Sunday morning.'

'I thought we'd be up and painting by seven,' he grinned now seeming to find his feet a little.

'You maybe. I won't,' I grinned back. I gave him another two slices of toast and he didn't say no. Behind him I put my hands on his bony shoulders again. 'You're quite tasty, Scotty,' I whispered and risked a swift nuzzle to his neck just under his ear.

'So are you,' he whispered.

That was it. Done and dusted as they say. I sat myself down and had my last cup of tea. I wanted to go to bed, I wanted to see Scotty naked. I wanted to explore his body and then I wanted us to make love. I didn't really care who did what, it normally works out in the end. It was perfectly clear he was happy going where the money was and with cash deals you knew exactly where you were. I rather hoped something better would evolve but who knows, time resolves most questions of this type.

I suppose after around ten minutes we were done, I looked at him and he looked at me nervously.

'You may as well hang up the coat and jumper in here, let them dry out a bit.'

'Right' he replied, he seemed relieved that he was getting instructions. Saved thinking for himself I supposed. He had a grotty t-shirt on under the jumper which had seen better days but I didn't care, I was transfixed by his smooth thin arms, not a hair to be seen. He was fair haired and light skinned but not too albino, I think English rose is the expression. Another thing was his complexion, he was zit and crud free which was a bit of a one off with my mob, most of the youngsters seemed to live on burgers and had the bad skin to prove it. Scotty's complexion was flawless and I desperately wanted to munch his shell like ears, I could feel myself hardening up. 'You're staring.'

'Amazed at your beauty.'

'Tart.' he grinned. Good, he really was finding his feet.

'Come into my parlour...' He gave a slight smile as I guided him into the narrow hallway and then into the bedroom. 'Draw the curtains, Scotty.' I could feel my voice thicken, I was getting sooooo horny. As he reached up to draw the curtains over the extra large window I came behind him and placed my hands on his waist.

'Micky...' he whined.

'Go with the flow, Scotty,' I rubbed my groin against the seat of his damp jeans and ran my hands inside his t-shirt caressing his warm flesh, his smooth hairless body.

'You'll get me going,' he purred and pushed back onto me.

'Good,' I nuzzled at his slender neck and dropped my hands to his jean clad crotch. I wasn't disappointed, I could feel the hardness of his boyhood or more properly his manhood. 'Nice one,' I felt the turgid mass inside his jeans, he wasn't totally hard but he wasn't far off it. My Scotty was ready for a play, he was as interested in painting as I was and that was a big NOT.

I edged him back to the bed and we sat and then lay, I was still stroking him and taking every opportunity to caress and feel his smoothness and by now he had taken to pressing against me and finally rested his head against my shoulder as my hands slipped inside his loose waistband just feeling the top of his buns.

'Let's get undressed,' I whispered as I pushed him flat on the bed and then chest to chest kissed his chin. He smiled and closed his eyes as I placed my lips on his. There was a moment of absolute nothing and then I felt him return the kiss and his arms enclircled me his hands resting on my bum pulling me even closer. That was it, we writhed about on the bed kissing and finally his mouth opened and my tongue darted inside to meeting his slippery organ.

In the end I must have kissed and licked every inch of his smooth pale torso and I removed his t-shirt, tending to his belt buckle I sucked on his dark pink nipples and he wriggled with pleasure as his nubs hardened as did the very obvious lump in his trousers. I spread his jeans exposing floral boxers which looked absolutely awful but I was past caring, I'd seen the damp spot and knew he was mine. No two ways, he was a goer and he was going. Holding his bare hips I pulled out the elasticated waist of his underwear and gazed at his darker skinned shaft protuding from the tight mass of blonde curly pubics on his lower belly. He was uncircumcised but his foreskin was in full retreat, his dark red blood gorged glans gleamed in the gloom with a thin smear of sweet smelling precum. I licked at the slit and he moaned and held my hair. 'Mickeeee...' he sighed.

'Scotty, you little darling,' I whispered. MInd you he was as tall as I was but no matter for the moment he was my little darling. I put my hands into the back of his boxers and cupping his small boy's tight little bottom I moved them down taking the boxers and damp jeans down to his knees, by now I had most of his erection in my mouth and he was loving it as my lips moved up and down his exceedingly hard shaft. His precum was oozing and his smooth scrotum was up tight I needed to lay off before he popped.

'Don't stop,' he pleaded as I sat up and tugged his clothing off over his feet.

'Get in bed,' I croaked as I hurriedly tugged off my sweatshirt and stood up barechested looking down at him.

He just grinned and with his dick swinging slid under the duvet and lay there looking up at me like an innocent little boy. He stared at me as I dropped my trousers and briefs and grinned as my hardness popped free and jutted ready and willing as they say. 'Big boy,' he smiled and moved over in the bed as I sat on the edge. He wasn't all that coy either, as I slid under the bedding with him he turned and clasped me and we were back into our little love struggle. I think he was playing it as it comes but I knew what I wanted and in the end I flattened him out in the bed and was back down on his stiffness, his sweet taste and his long solid spike. I nipped his scrotum off capturing his eggs in my hand and started to give him the blow of his young life. I tickled the end of his gleaming glans, sucked at his slit, even took his dark red knob back into the back of my throat as he moaned and then began to thrash in the bed.

'Micky, Micky... I gotta cum,' he groaned trying to escape from my suction but I wasn't to be deprived of this. I got my shoulders under his thighs and forced them up until I was between his raised legs still sucking and still controlling his nuts. I fingered his hairless ring with my spare hand and with a gentle prod entered him. He thrashed about even more but I gave him no mercy. I sucked, licked and finger fucked him until I felt his sphincter relaxed and he began to clamp on my finger and frantically fuck into my mouth.

In the end I released his scrotum and took his slippery penis in my hand, moving up the bed and slowly wanking him I glued my lips to his and forced his legs back with my shoulders.

'Go on then,' he whispered with his eyes sparkling and his shaft like an iron bar in my slippery hand.

A gentle push and I entered his absolutely delicious tightness. God, he was so tight. I saw tears spring to his eyes but there was no going back now, I began to move slowly to and fro sinking deeper and deeper. I must have hit the spot as he bared his teeth and fucked into my hand as I slipped in and out of his tight little honeypot. I felt my own meat reach it's hardest and then the pumping and splattering as I offloaded my best cum for many a moon, he writhed and moaned and I felt his own cock jerk and shoot streamer after streamer of thick white spunk up as far as his chin and his chest. His anal muscles seemed to clamp me like a hot fleshy vice as I slowly pumped myself dry. At the end we lay belly to belly sandwiching his pearly juices and slowly moving against each other as my softening cock slid free from his flooded rectum.

'Jeez, that was something else,' he stared at me wide eyed and clasped my sweaty bum cheeks with his hands. 'I am shagged,' he grinned brightly at me as I stuck my tongue out and licked his thick juice from his chin. 'You dirty sod,' he squealed and then kissed me on my spunk coated lips. I pulled the disturbed bedding up over us and we rolled on our sides facing each other. I was happy and he seemed satisfied and the next time would be even better, he didn't know it but I had him down as the fuckee and me as the fucked but that was for later.

'We painting or sleeping?'

'He looked at me cautiously and ground his belly into mine. 'Up to you Boss.'

'Mick,' I corrected him. 'Sleep I think, I want you to save your strength.'

'I can live with that,' he snuggled against me in the warmth with the scent of his spilt cum heavy in the air. 'What time we getting up?'

'When we feel like it.'

'Great,' he murmured sleepily and he rolled over pressing his tiny bottom against my soft penis. I was in heaven.

I lay and looked at the ceiling until I was sure he was asleep and then slunk into the kitchen without disturbing him. I sat there and had a coffee thinking things over. He was nice, in fact he was gorgeous'.' OK, so he was a bit thin, so what? Nothing that a bit of mothering wouldn't cure. I wasn't sure about his sexual history but he was good in bed, he had all the bits in the right places and they all seemed to work OK. I realised that getting into a relationship with someone at work was putting me on the road to disaster but it was a thing we needed to talk about. I obviously couldn't keep paying him from the company payroll for sex so that was another thing that needed sorting out.

I wanted him so bad and everywhere I looked I could see problems. The easy solution was to use him for the weekend and let him go but I couldn't do that. Of his attitude to all this I had no idea, was it just cash or had he a crush as he'd more or less indicated. Nothing was certain all I knew was that I wanted a bit more than a cash grabber.

I didn't hear him come in and he made me jump about three feet in the air when he kissed me on the back of the neck.

'I liked that,' he whispered. 'Can I have a bath?'

Great... from the sublime to the ridiculous.

'Of course you can, Scotty.'

'Thinking deep thoughts,' he sat opposite. I got up and made him a cup of coffee as well as another for myself.

'Yeah, I was.' I fiddled about with the makings and sat down again. 'I was thinking how nice you are and very bluntly what a shame it was you work in my depot.'

'I can keep a secret. I'm not going to tell everyone the Boss shagged me am I?'

'Or you shagged the Boss,' I gave him a thin smile.

'Really?' He grinned.


'I can keep a secret,' he said again and looked at me for a moment as if weighing his words. 'You're feeding me and you're providing transport so I don't really want your overtime unless you want me to do some painting of course,' he grinned cheekily.

'What? You don't want paying?'

'Why, we're gonna have fun by the looks of it. Anyway, less evidence for any bad guys to find.'

'Go and have your bath, I'll buy you a nice lunch in a bit.'

'After I have my fuck,' he laughed and grabbing his mug made for the bathroom.

Well. More food for thought. I finished my drink and returned to the bedroom and lay down on the sweaty bed, I suspected I'd have to change the bedding before the day was out but it'd do for the moment. Fifteen minutes later he returned wearing my bathrobe looking damp and squeaky clean. 'That's better,' he sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at me. Jeez, what a change in two hours. From nervous seventeen year old to very self confident young gigolo.

'How would you like it?' I asked noting the protuding fold at his crotch.

'How do you know I do?' He countered.

'By that,' I reached out and opened the fold. His darker skinned cock jutted straight up and as before his glans was dark red and straining with just the suspicion of a bead at the slit. 'You're a randy little boy.'

'I'm not that little,' he lay alongside me and rubbed his hardness against my thigh. 'I don't want you to stare at me when I do it, I'll get all embarassed.'

'Do your thing,' I turned away from him. 'I am prepared but take you're time, we're not having a race.'

'Alright.' I barely heard his whisper but I did feel him snuggle in behind me and his stiffness nudge under my cheeks and the slide upwards on the KY I'd annointed myself with. 'Jeez, you're slippery,' he giggled nervously and I felt his bulbous glans nudge up and then press against my sphincter.

'Steady,' I warned him but it was too late. I felt a brief pain and he was in. I could feel his stiffness and his heat as he began to munch on the side of my neck and sink in deeper and deeper. 'In and out a bit,' I croaked.

'Right.' Suddenly he rolled me and I was face down. He got his legs between mine and the next thing I knew he was right in and he was fucking. A certain lack of finesse but he'd get better with practice and that was assuming he wanted to. After the initial entry I was enjoying this young man taking me, he started off rough but then slowed down as he began to get in a rythm. His forearms were either side of me and all that connected us were his slippery prong, his hungry lips and his belly slapping against the small of my back. 'This is fantastic,' he spread my legs even wider and as my bum rose began to pound in deeper and harder.

'Yeah, go on, lover boi,' I heard myself say as he got into his stroke.

'Yeah,' he growled and began to thrust and ram like a maniac. I didn't mind, it was good. At least I knew he was a boy and not a bitch because I had been a bit worried at first but this was how I liked it, give and take, take and give. 'Shit, I can't hold it,' he sobbed in frustration as I felt his slender cock swell and then the pumping as his youthful fluid shot deep inside me. I pushed up hard on his final strokes and absorbed his sticky and slippery essence as he slowed to a stop.

'That was quick,' I craned my head to find his lips.

'Don't take the piss,' he murmured. 'I wanted to keep it going but I couldn't help it.'

'Being oversexed doesn't help,' I lay there and savoured his erection softening inside me and then slowly slip free. 'It'll last longer next time and next time I want to watch you when you cum.'

'Orrite,' he conceded to my surprise. 'Can you keep a secret.'

'I hope so.'

'You were my first.'

'First fucker or first fuck?'


'Yeah alright.'

'You were, you were,' he shouted like a child and sprang from the bed. 'You don't think I'm on the fucking game do you.'

'Don't get excited,' I sat up and grabbing his wrist pulled him back onto the bed. 'I thought when you took it so well you'd....'

'Well, I hadn't,' he scowled. 'And it hurt a bit but I ain't a chicken. I fancied you, you fancied me, we did it. Easy as that.'

'And now?'

'I dunno,' he allowed me to cuddle him and gradually relaxed. 'You're as hard as a rock again,' he sniggered.

'Must be you,' I rolled him on his side and got in behind him my hardness finding it's way between his legs exactly as he'd started ten minutes previously.

'Go on,' he whispered and pushed his bum back. 'I don't have to beg do I?'

'No, you don't.' I fingered into his crack and located his hole. It was sweaty and my fingered slipped inside easily, he sighed as my finger slipped free and then wriggled making himself comfortable as my own swollen glans slipped between his cheeks.

A gentle push and I felt his tight heat take me in once more and his moan of satisfaction as I slowly pumped to and fro filling his tunnel with my love. This time there was real love, the first time it had been lust but this one was different. 'You are so nice,' I whispered as I kissed and mouthed his slender neck.

'You keep saying that,' he sniggered. 'You're alright yourself,' he gave a push back. 'Go on, all the way big dick.'

As far as romance goes that is the pits but as an ego builder....

I kept it steady, I was enjoying myself and from his contented little whimpers and his constant pushing back so was he. I reached around and grasped his jerking cock, it was slippery with cum and amazingly semi erect. I jerked him until he began to protest that it was sore, after that I flathanded his smooth belly and really went to town. In the end I dragged him up off the bed into doggy mode and started to really rut deep and hard.

'Aaah.... Micky....' he wailed and rammed back into me as I made my final thrust and stayed locked in him as my cock jerked and throbbed splattering his gut with another good serving of my thick spunk. 'Jeez.' he giggled and rotated his sweaty little boy fanny on my depleted sex. 'That was fun,' he gasped and flopped on the bed slipping off my penis like a speared fish.

I looked at his sweat sheened back and crouched lower tracing my tongue from his tail to the base of his neck. 'Yummy.'

'Perv,' he chuckled into the damp pillow. 'You are such a randy dog.'

'You and me both, lover boy.'

'Do you mean that?' He rolled over and looked up at me in all my sweaty and spunk stained glory.

'Maybe,' I backtracked and slumped down alongside him cuddling his slender body. 'Let's rest, have a bath and get some lunch.'

'Always the man of action,' he grumped but was soon back to his grinning self after a couple of minutes of tongue sandwich and saliva swopping. I had the feeling that this one was going to get out of hand, I seemed to be losing control but really was past caring. The dreaded L word had surfaced, I was falling in love with someone I shouldn't. I knew it but I just couldn't help myself.

Cleanup time was a bit of a disaster, I only had a small bathroom and we shared the bath as well as the toilet. As Londoners say; 'After the Lord Mayor's Show comes the shit'. In this case it was abortions if you follow me, we couldn't go for lunch leaking after all and I didn't have any nappies (diapers for US readers) in the house.

I lent him a nice clean t-shirt and one of my casual jackets which was an improvement and we staggered from the flat about an hour later looking a lot better, I was starving and I expected that he was the same after all the expended effort and we both wanted more. I could see it from his looks and from his attitude. He may have been supressed up in Wandsworth but down in my little corner of the world he was liberated.

We had a huge lunch in the biggest and poshest pub in town, busy on a Saturday but we managed to get a table to ourselves and pigged out on the full three course bit. I may have mentioned, more than once, that he was skinny or as he prefers slender. He ate like a horse, God knew where it all went. Over the meal we decided quite mutually to make the bed up and have a quiet afternoon in the first instant, then unanimously decided against any painting (no surprise there) and I drafted him into doing a bit of shopping with me at the big Co-Op that was still operating at that time.

'I want to pick up a small radio for the weekend which I need for my office and we can get some snack and breakfast stuff.'

'OK,' he looked at me and grinned. 'Thanks.'

'For what?'

'All this, the meal, the loan clothing ... the sex,' he voice dropped to a whisper at the end.

'Thank you, Scotty.' It was a simple reply but he knew what I meant. We had a couple of drinks but neither of us were real drinkers so we finally made our way over to the big store which was situated just across the road from where I lived.

I got enough for breakfast and snacks. The idea was that for an evening meal we could phone out for pizza or fish and chips, maybe even get Tran to deliver, I wasn't into cooking big time and he didn't have a clue being very much a home boy. I needed to ask questions regarding that but not for the moment. I was a bit inclined to propose marriage on the spot but a good day's sex doesn't make for a partnership, even with my limited experience I knew that.

We got a couple of bagloads of food and a couple of six packs of beer just to help pass the time and eventually finished up in the Electrical Department.

'Loads of cheepo radios,' Scotty commented looking over his shoulder as he pushed the trolley.

'Mmmm,' I wandered off leaving him looking at the big televisions, a moment later he was back with me.

'One of the Assistants is oggling me,' he whispered.

'Probably thinks you're a shoplifter,' I sniffed. Cheeky sod, whoever it was, sniffing around my chick.

'That's the radio, I want,' I pointed it out. 'But I can't get up there.' The damn thing was perched on a shelf around seven feet in the air clearly on show for the taller shopper.

'Can I help you sirs?' A bright eyed blonde lad of around sixteen years of age had appeared from nowhere.

'I fancy that radio.' I pointed it out and looked at Scotty, his head was going up and down, this must have been the phantom oggler. I wouldn't have minded him chatting me up if Scotty hadn't have been around, he was rather nice. He certainly hadn't got to the shaving stage, he still had that light fuzz on his cheeks, he was probably a recent school leaver pretty much the same age or younger than my Scotty.

'I can get it down,' he volunteered eagerly. 'Somehow,' he added in a mutter.

'Yes please.' This should be funny, he was shorter than both myself and Scotty, he must have had a plan... or an invisible ladder. Why shops put goods on shelves that no one can get to is beyond me but I digress.

The kid, for want of a name, stretched with no success then in a moment of inspiration found a stool somewhere and clambered up on it. It was at this moment when the kid was stretching for the radio that Scotty came out with a classic.

'Nice arse,' he muttered in a stage whisper.

'You couldn't afford it,' the kid snarled over his shoulder.

'How much,' I offered not willing to leave my new lover in the lurch. 'He was only joking you know.'

'No he wasn't,' the kid clambered from the stool and offered me the radio glaring at Scotty who had the grace to look totally embarassed.

'It's twenty nine pounds, ninety nine pence.'

'I wasn't talking about the radio,' I said in a low voice. 'You said that he couldn't afford it and I said: How much?'

'What?' The boy laughed out loud and then looked at us both with what I can only call a calculating look in his eyes. 'Twenty each,' he grabbed the radio and started to show me the ins and outs.'

'No, I fancy something a bit fancier,' I pointed to a stack of radios right on the lower lever. The boy turned and bent over and grabbed one.

'Yeah, you're right, nice arse,' I spoke to Scotty making sure the kid assistant could hear.

'Told ya, twenty quid,' the kid turned back with a grin fully assured of himself. 'Just gone upto twenty five.'

'Fifty quid,' I looked at Scotty who was standing open mouthed. 'Is that a quicky or an all night in.'

'You've lost me,' the boy passed over the new radio recovering the old but moved in closer. 'Are you two for real?' His voice was barely above a whisper.

'Well, a quicky's a quicky and an all night in is a sleepover without the sleep.'

'Right,' he laughed. 'Where do you live?'

'Just over the road, above the Bank.'

'Mmmm,' the boy looked at Scotty and myself again. 'No rough stuff?'

'No, just the basics.'

'The basics,' the boy giggled. 'Alright, I finish at seven,' he looked at me expectantly.

'I'm Mick and this is Scott,' I said. I fished my wallet out and gave him a personal card. 'Memorise and eat.'

'OK,' the kid smiled again. 'Andy.'

'OK. Andy. We'll expect you just after seven.'

'Yeah, alright. Anything for a laugh,' Andy grinned. 'And a price.'

'Fair enough,' I looked at the radios and decided on the dearer of the two. Andy could do the sale, he may even get some Brownie points.

'Do you think he'll come?' Scotty mused as we walked across the big car park to the main road and my flat.

'Dunno, time will tell. I didn't expect to come across a rent boy in the Co-Op but life moves in mysterious ways.'

'Is that what you call me... a rent boy?' Scotty glanced at me sidweways.

'Different thing altogether.' I smiled ducking the question. 'I think our Andy fancies you, seeing as he was oggling you in the first place.'

'Yeah, dirty schooly,' Scotty sniffed. 'When you were paying up he asked me if you were genuine or taking the piss?'

'And what did you say?'

'I said that you were genuine and I had got the babies to prove it.'

'Nice one if a little blatant,' I laughed as we crossed the road. We were almost home and the night was looking good already. I just hoped young Andy was the real thing and not just a teaser who wanted to do a runner when things got going as they say. I was indeed happy with Scotty but it never does any harm to have local contacts like Tran and maybe Andy.

'We going to have a bit of a snooze this afternoon?' He glanced at me as we navigated the main road heading back to the flat. I glanced at him and he did look a bit jaded, perhaps the sex and excitement were getting to him. I didn't mind, at least he was talking up for himself instead of following my lead. I wasn't into the slavery bit.

'Yeah, we can have a light meal around six and we can have a Chinese delivered around eleven if you like.'

'Upto you but it sounds good,' he grinned. 'I wonder what that kid's like?'

'Dunno... you can have first shag.'

He laughed out loud as we went into the alley down by the side of my set of flats. It was all obviously a bit strange for him but he seemed happy enough and I rather relished the idea of a couple of skinny blonde boys crawling all over me. I idly wondered if I could get Tran in on the act, now that would make for a pretty busy evening... I'd have to give it a bit more thought. I'd have to check it out with Scotty first, Andy didn't matter, I'm sure another tenner in his sticky hand and he'd stand for the Three Stooges.

We got all the shopping stored away and on the spur of the moment squared up the small bedroom, that was the room built for a child or a couple of midgets but could have a use. I had a spare mattress in there rolled up and we spread it and made up a rough bed.

'Why the spare bed?' Scotty asked at the end of it all.

'It might have a use if Tran stops over tonight.'

'Who's Tran?'

I told him all about my local Thai student who did deliveries and my one nighters. He seemed a bit puzzled but seemed to take it in his stride, I suppose he thought if we were actually paying a local rent boy to stay overnight another casual fuck-friend wouldn't make much difference. My little scheme was that I had a pretty strong fancy that Tran fancied young blondes from some of his conversations and we could stick him and Andy in the small room and Scotty and I could consumate our marriage in a manner of speaking.

I passed all this onto Scotty but it all seemed to pass over his head, I suppose we'd see how it worked out later on.

'Snooze time?' I looked at my boy.

'Yeah,' he grinned. 'We saving the sex for the Co-Op kiddy?'

'Yeah,' I looked at him. 'You fancy him?'

'He's a bit young.'

'He's around the same age as you or maybe a bit younger,' I draped my arm around his narrow shoulders and guided him to the bedroom. To be perfectly honest I was shagged as well and tonight could turn out to be a bit of a marathon.

We lay on the bed both in our underpants and looked at each other... no way. We grinned and embraced, a cuddle and snooze that would be enough.

'I like this place, it's like being up in the clouds,' he rolled over and his arm lay on my belly.

'A bit of an exageration there, kiddo,' I turned inwards to face him and kissed him softly on his nose. 'Snooze, my son. We have a busy night ahead.'

'Yeah,' he smiled and closed his eyes. I moved in a little closer and my body touched his. 'Mmmmm,' he gave a satisfied little purr and I too closed my eyes.

I was awoken by the alarm at six thirty and woke Scotty up who was dead to the world. We had a rushed and a shared bath and then quickly changed the bedding, if things worked out we were due the arrival of a guest very shortly.

We were sitting in my small kitchen supping a cold Seven Up when the bell went and after a glance at the grinning Scotty I went to answer the door, sure enough it was Andy bearing a carrier bag. 'Got some out of date rolls,' he declared. Wow, when the bought boy bears gifts things are looking good.

'Hey,' I grabbed him before he got inside properly. 'You done this often?' I whispered.

'Yeah, I've been around,' he grinned confidently. He was telling lies. I employed over thirty men, I knew a lie when I heard it.

'My pal's new to this and I wondered if you could give him a good looking after, I'd like to watch.'

'Hey, kinky,' he looked a bit uncertain but thenhis grin got even wider. 'We gonna get it on later though?'

'Of course,' I smiled. 'Come in and meet Scotty.' I led him into the kitchen where Scotty was actually looking worried. I don't know why, Andy was the one who should be nervous.'

'Those rolls are alright, it's just we can't keep them over the weekend in the Store,' Andy plonked his bag on the table. Jeez, here's me trying to get a little sex scene set up and this kid's wobbling on about fuckin' bread rolls. I grabbed the bag and shoved it in the fridge.

'Cuppa, cold drink?' I looked at Andy as he stood giving Scotty a crafty once over, mind you Scotty was doing the same and they were quite similar although Andy was shorter and had a bit more meat on him, he also has his hair flat topped but with a fair amount at the back.

''Can of something,' Andy said as I pulled out a chair for him and he sat opposite Scotty. They both had the grace to look embarassed but Andy had a bit more front than my boy. 'We doing it?' He looked at Scotty and grinned.

'Yeah,' I answered for Scotty. 'A show for the old man.'

'You're not an old man,' Scotty blurted out and if anything looked even more nervous.

'No matter,' I gave Andy his can and sat down with them. 'You two together,' I pressed on. 'I get a sort of buzz watching two boys getting it on.' I was telling lies although the scene I was setting had a certain appeal. 'You can watch me then,' I spoke the last sentence to Scotty and he smiled at last and nodded. He was alright now, he'd get a viewing.

'What about me?' Andy scowled probably forgetting he was the paid assistant in this little circus.

'You can watch Scotty and me and then join in later on.'

'OK,' he laughed. he seemed to be missing the point that he was the hired hand. Then again the whole situation was a bit surreal. I'd done rent before but it was normally a quicky or a one night stand and nothing very complicated, both of us knew the dance and carried it out. This was a bit of a one off and I had a feeling about young Andy. I think he'd responded rather quickly over in the Co-Op and probably in some haste. He was brazening it out now, basically he was playing it by ear. I just hoped that he didn't bottle out when push came to shove to use a bad choice of phrase but you know what I mean.

'How old are you?' Scotty finally found something to say.

'Sixteen,' Andy grined, he was a great grinner. 'Sweet sixteen.'

'Very,' Scotty replied and did a very becoming little blush.

'Ah, true love,' I declaimed which had them both giving me the teenage sneer. Great fun teenies especially when you're in the driving seat and have them by the short and curlies to really mix the metaphors 'Bring your drinks lads, you may as well flop on the bed and get to know each other.'

'Right,' Andy stood and made with a dirty chuckle, to my surprise Scotty not to be outdone also got up, he looked keen to get going, he was showing stiff in his jeans and I noticed that Andy was showing a bulge as well. Perhaps the action was going to kick off sooner rather than later.

I got them both in the bedroom and I felt a bit like a Ringmaster. I got them to kick their trainers off first and took it from there. A great day for surprises, Scotty made the first move and they got into an awkward cuddle but once I found a seat and told them to kiss they were away, the show was on the road. I knew I couldn't go wrong with two healthy teenagers and I didn't.

I sat back and watched as they slowly undressed both seemingly trying to outdo themselves in the sensuality stakes. Loads of kissing and once they got going they were a pleasure to watch, just like a live porno. I knew what Scotty looked like naked but Andy was a dish, he had a long cock but not fat whereas Scotty's was as long but thicker, they made great play stroking and hand wanking but when I just whispered sixty nine they just grinned at each other and went ito it. Honour satisfied there I fancy. I was as hard as a rock but determined to get my show first before joining in.

I told them to just enjoy as I moved around getting different views as they sucked each other and then began to get carried away with it. Scotty was the first to get really bold, He started to suck Andy's hairless nutsac and then got onto the boy's perineum and finally twisted Andy so that he was licking the tiny rosebud and Andy lost it. So much for a rent boy, he was a little raver and eventually lay flat on his tummy and spread his legs as Scotty really surprised me lapping and licking at the pouting darker skinned sphincter. I was tempted and take Lord of the Manor right, the Droit de Seigneur or whatever they called it but it was fun watching and I could see that Scotty had begun to ooze. I couldn't disappoint my skinny boyfreiend, I'd go second.

He looked at me pleadingly and I just gave a slight nod and situated for a real closeup... so pervy.

Scotty shoved a pillow under Andy's midriff elevating the pure white bum and then got between the kid's outspread legs. I watched intently as Scotty came down and his dark red glans pushed against Andy's little ring. Andy's ring seemed to sink into his body just a little and then I saw it spread and the tip of Scotty's hardon began to sink into Andy's flesh. Andy groaned and clutched at the other pillow as I finally decided to join in. Scotty was in now and slowly moving to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into Andy's seemingly willing flesh. I sat up on the bed and waved my own stiffness in the general direction of Andy's face and without any fuss he reached out and moved up a little guiding it to his mouth. It seemed he was determined to earn his keep and that was fine by me. Even finer as he took me into his hot and wet mouth sucking and wanking me at the same time.

He wasn't getting off that easy, I held myself back as Scotty with much sighing and his eyes closed bottomed out and after laying on Andy's warm body for a little while began to fuck. He moved up and down nice and slowly and as Andy sucked away I could see down his back as Scotty's dark skinned cock moved in and out of the boyish alabaster bottom now fully broached. Our tame rent boy was getting it both ends and he seemed to be enjoying it, he smiled as he gobbled and kept pushing up onto Scotty's thrusts as my pal moved faster and faster.

'I can't keep this up,' Scotty groaned and began to ram and slam into Andy's soft bottom. Andy let me slip from his mouth and just nuzzled at my balls as Scotty finished off.

'Aaah...' Andy groaned as he must have felt Scotty's juices flow into him. 'Jesus,' he looked up at me and grinned. 'Got a good one there, gov'nor.'

'Yeah,' I agreed but I wasn't wasting time on small talk as Scotty withdrew and moved up the bed for his kiss and cuddle I moved in and flipped Andy onto his back. I'm sure Andy knew what came next as he drew his knees up exposing his slowly closing hole with Scotty's spunk oozing down onto his tail. As Scotty and he got into tongue sandwiches I positioned myself and slid into the cum drenched hole quite easily as I felt Andy clamp on me and his legs came onto my back. It was hot, slippery and he was still tight as I ravished him hard and long. Scotty kept up the kissing and finally I shot my bolt really flooding our guest. I thought he might have been a bit embarassed or even shy with the two of us but he just giggled and then tried to kiss us both as we attacked his lips with ours.

He was still hard and his own precum was puddle on his belly. Poor soul, he needed a boy and Scotty was it.

Andy's eyes met mine as we kissed and I just murmured. 'Scotty says: Yes please.'

Scotty laughed and lay on his back with his cum stained and tacky cock laying up on his suntanned belly. 'Come on, Andy. Man or mouse?'

'Squeak.' Andy replied but quickly enough got onto his knees and between Scotty's legs, he was going for a frontal and once more I had a ringside seat. Ringside, get it!

Andy didn't mess around he just positioned and gave one quick and hard thust sinking deep into Scotty's well spread bottom and away he went. He was like a bloody rabbit on steroids and cum in less than two minutes. Loads of sweat flying, lots of groans groaning and me sitting there like the Pervo Master... sounds like the opposition for Batman and Robin.

I watched them as they slowly finished and went into a post coital snuggle. Everyone was played out for the moment but we had the rest of the night. I made a quick phonecall for a pizza fortunately capturing Tran and he promised to deliver within the hour. I told him out of hearing of the boys that I needed a hand overnight and was he interested? He was.

I made them have a shower and even managed to squeeze in with them. I also told them that pizza was due in an hour which cheered them up no end. They didn't know my master plan which was for Tran to entertain Scotty and me to enjoy a night with Andy (or was it the other way round) but that was for later, for the moment I could feel the randy Andy person trying to shove something into my bottom that felt suspiciously like his penis and Scotty had dropped to his knees and was working on my own arousal or was it a re-arousal but who cared, we had tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night... a long way to go yet.


I think it was halfway through this story that I abandoned it and started on my Addlestone Boys which is this thing only total fiction (this is part fact). I got carried away with Addlestone Boys and this one collected dust in the corner. I just hurriedly finished it and am going to tender it to Nifty as a one off but it has an honourable history.

Next: Chapter 11

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