Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 23, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


11 - The Fostering (2)


G. Cutter

Christ Almighty (sorry about that) but what a week. Peter here again by the way and getting all excited.

I had Nathan at last or to put it more appropriately, Nathan had joined our family. The two week trial had gone well on a personal front and on the family front. He did indeed have to go back for this ridiculous three or four day spell whilst the paperwork was done. Mum, dad and even I had to go to a top level interview with this big wheel in the fostering and adoption service. No wonder they had a backlog of kids, they seemed very reluctant to let them go but I suppose every bit of their nonsense had a reason.

There could be evil bastards who just collected kids for whatever reason, slavery, corruption and perversions to name a few. I could think of a few perversions to carry out with Nathan but all that was for later. At the end of it all we were home one happily family including one brand new foster brother for yours truly. I didn't realise as they'd never said but my parents had been at this for around eighteen months and it was the end of a long road for them.

To be honest I couldn't see why you should want to have a two boy family instead of a one boy family but they must have had their reasons. The age was the key. It would seem to outsiders that we were very much like two kid families, the seperation in ages was ideal. Most of my brother style mates were of a similar age differential to get all complicated about things. At the end of the day as my dad said, it saved throwing all my old clothing and toys out. Toys? The man must be mad, I was just about fourteen, anyway, back to the X-Box.

I suppose I'd better go back a bit. Nathan and I had a good fortnight. That kid did like his sex and I swear his cums got better, perhaps practice makes perfect after all. He got around to sucking properly and sixty nining but his favourite was me fucking him between the legs both from the front and the back. He loved it, he loved the smell and the smear of my spunk on him and he wanted it. I mean the big 'it' but somewhere he'd fixated in his tiny mind that we would do it but only once the trauma and stress of the fostering was done.

It was like he was dangling a carrot on a stick only it was his delicious little bottom. He went mad when I fingered his pucker once but calmed down with his little Mona Lisa smile promising 'later', it was always later and I got so frustrated but I think he was genuine and that's the only thing that kept me going.

He was almost in tears on the last night before he returned to his private hell hole, The Care Centre at Banstead which he just called the Home. Even as I went to bed he was gazing from the window into the darkened garden.

'Come in, Nathe,' I flung the bedding back and felt the cool night air on my sweaty body.

'Last time, I suppose,' he mumbled miserably.

'It's not the last time,' I grabbed him impatiently and drew his warn body onto mine.

'Petey,' he moaned. 'I'm so fucked off.'

'Don't let mum hear you talk like that,' I grinned in the dark and tilted his pretty face to mine. 'You'll be back in four days.'

'Mmmm,' he snuggled into me and I felt his hard little stump against my leg. 'Get your sleepers off,' he grunted.

'Gladly,' I giggled and as they went down his hot hand grasped my twitching cock and seconds later his hot mouth was on me and this time he was probing at my pee slit as it gaped oozing you know what. This was a new one and only the second time but he just loved it, he sucked and twirled my meat around his his mouth and allowed me to stroke his smooth bottom as he moved around on the bed. I grabbed him and moved him around capturing his sweet cock and we were in our now familiar sixty niner.

'Do that fingering bit,' he gobbled around my hardness.


'Do it,' he snarled. 'You know what I mean.'

Indeed I did, this was what had got him upset the other night but this time I took it gently slowly probing at his clenched arse cheeks until he spread his legs and felt his hot little pucker sweaty and yielding. I heard him mutter something and it sounded like a 'go on', so I did. Just one gentle push and I felt his tiny muscle give and my finger was in his deliciously hot and tight little hole.

'Aaah...' His head dropped and I felt my glans slip into the back of his throat and he really went for it as I finger fucked him feeling his tight little muscle grip my finger as it slipped in deeper and deeper. 'Jeeeezus...' he squealed around my cock and I felt his watery juice splat into my mouth. I swallowed and sucked until he sighed and collapsed on me with my finger still gently probing his little boy's fanny.

'God, you are so tight,' I sighed as I felt his hot mouth on me once more.

'I could get used to that,' he clamped hard on my finger and trembled as I started to rub his immature prostate. My finger was into the knuckle now and he was handling it well clamping and easing as I moved. 'Come on,' he wanked me with one hand and sucked away at my slippery knobend. I didn't need the urging, I fucked into his mouth as I felt my heat arising in my nuts. This was the last time and I was praying that he'd be back in four days. Life couldn't be cruel enough to fuck me over.

'Hey,' he giggled and slurped away as my first hot jet surged down his throat and the remainder shot all over his face, he sure did like messy sex. He lapped away grinning and sucking all the while working his little fanny on my moving finger . 'That was a good 'un,' he slipped from my little bit of fucking and reversing quickly snuggled in all sweaty and smelly. 'Love you, Petey.'

'Hey, hey,' I smiled in the dark. 'Sleep. Big day tomorrow and a bigger one in four days.'

'I hope,' he sniffled back into his weepy mode. 'I hope it all goes OK.'

'It will.'

The following day was one of the worse days of my life. Nathan was collected by a young man who to my keen eye seemed far too touchy feely for my liking and a quarter of an hour later after a tearful farewell he was gone. Even my mum was a bit dismayed at the speed of the transaction (and that's what it was) had happened.

'That bastard treated Nathan like a piece of luggage.' Dad and myself exchanged glances, my mother actually swearing indicated something.

'Never mind, I'll be on the phone later,' he promised. 'Just to make sure the collection is organised. Poor little sod.' I just crept upto my room to have a lie down and have a good mope. That's an English boy thing, the moping. You know, really gloomy, cut the throat and pure misery time, too sad even for a Dido record and that's sad. I just sighed and closed my eyes, thinking about the fun we'd had, the good things we'd done. The dirty things we'd done.

Anyway, to skip over two days of unadulterated misery... they passed as things do and I don't want to dwell on them. Suffice to say to say that things did work out and the family was on parade for midday on this particular Saturday. Dad wasn't working for a change and mum was in cooking mode, we were in for another full scale formal lunch. I was all tarted up in shiny new cargoes, a shirt would you believe (one of those bloody things you wore for school) but it could have been worse, I could have been wearing a tie.

I've got to say this about the Care Service or Social Whatsits, they were prompt. Spot on twelve a car drew up and this guy, another stranger looking strangely like a prison officer got out and Nathan got out of the back dragging a couple of carrier bags and his holdall... poor little mite, probably his wordly possessions. He stood on the pavement whilst this idiot made a big deal of sorting a brief case out but mum and dad defeated the timewaster, they were out and grabbed Nathan and gave him a good welcome home cuddle. I was there as well trying not to look too girly but Nathan knew. He looked at me and rolled his eyes and then lost himself in the general turmoil.

Dad had to sign for him, would you believe it and then he was ours. Talk about respect, apparently it doesn't apply to kids or not kids like Nathan but he was OURS. To have and to hold as it says in one of the church thingies. Our very own little Nathan, all the waiting, the paperwork, the shagging about, it was over.

'Lunch. Take Nathan upstairs and settle him in Peter,' my mum ordered. We were back on track, dad laughed as he grabbed Nathan and carried him over the threshold, I settled for the bags. We even had some grinning neighbours gaving us little waves, mum had been putting herself about and everyone likes a happy ending don't they.

Even misery guts, the driver gave a big smile at the end of it and shook hands all round before making off back to his work whatever that was.

Nathan was in for a bit of surprise when we got up in the room.

'What's happened to the bed, Petey?' He looked around at the restructured room... all my idea I might add.

'I told dad it creaked something rotten so he broke it down to two beds. Good, eh!.

'Perfecto,' he grinned shyly and closed the door with his foot. That was it, he was in my arms and we hugged and kissed. It was over, the brothers were together. My mum and dad has six months to make their minds up on one thing and that was whether to adopt or not. It made little difference in fact but Nathan had no parents so he could remain as a foster child or be fully adopted and assume our surname but that was upto mum and dad. I think it was a little bit of wait and see.

He'd probably be strange for the first three months but once he was at school and settled in with his own mates he'd be OK. Being on the verge of his twelfth birthday he'd be joining the same school as myself but as a First Former, I was moving upto Fourth but I could keep and eye out for him, that's what brothers do, right.

'God, I missed you Nathe,' I whined like a little girl.

'Missed you too, Petey,' he replied all teary eyed but any further fraternising was curtailed by mum shouting up the stairs for us to come and eat.

'Wash your hands, kiddo,' I grinned at him well and truly in big bro mode.

Before Nathan came down from the bathroom my mum and dad briefed me on what would happen over the rest of the day. I was to settle Nathan in (obviously) I also had to watch him. They had the funny idea he might get upset at leaving friends and maybe even run off, I tried to assure them they were talking a load of cock but I had a mission and no arguing.

'You got an invitation earlier on,' my dad talked as we ate.


'Those two nice lads from Weybridge, the young brothers.'

'Oh, Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men.' Goody.

'They invited yourself and Nathan to visit when you're sorted out.'

'Great,' I looked at Nathan and grinned. This was ideal, these were kids in the know and they were not quite so outspoken as Jake. Anyway, Jake had a new mate now and from what I'd seen of him he was a bit of a thug. Maybe keeping clear of Jake, his rougho mate and Mick might be an idea. Bill and Ben were OK though, they were brothers and had sex together, something they had in common with myself and Nathe although we hadn't done 'it' yet.

'Nathan can have my old bike although you'll have to work on it, get the saddle down and oil it up. I don't use it.'

'Hey great,' I laughed. Things were happening fast. 'Nice bike, Nathan. You'll like it.'

'Brill,' he grinned. 'Thanks Mr Fraser.'

'Keep it as Peter Senior and Patricia or maybe Mum and Dad,' my dad looked at Nathan hopefully.

'Cheers, dad,' Nathan responded reddening slightly.

'Excellent,' my mum beamed and started collecting plates. Mixed fruit and ice cream for afters and then Nathan and I would do the washing up, I had to get him trained up after all.

After all that mum and dad left us alone, we borrowed tools from dad and we had the bike fixed in no time at all. Perfecto, once I had Nathe in the frame we'd be visiting Bill and Ben at Weybridge. I'd never been there but it was about half an hours cycle and a nice ride down the canal and across the junction of the rivers. Very nice and doubtless full of kids at this time of year but we had wheels at least, we were mobile.

'What they like these boys?' Nathan asked nervously as we tried to clean up dad's old bike which was in pretty good nick as it happens.

'Fourteen and thirteen or maybe twelve. Dishy blondes,' I smiled at him.

'Dishy?' He frowned looking puzzled. You mean...?'

'Playmates,' I allowed myself a dirty snigger.

'Wow,' he laughed. 'It's all happening.'


'Tonight,' he looked me straight in the eyes. 'No messing... all the way.'

'You don't have to,' I mumbled feeling as awkward as hell. This was wrong, I didn't want rewarding or a bonus, it wasn't like that at all.

'I want to, dummy.' His head came very close. 'Toldya I love you, I wasn't talking a load of tripe.'

'We'll see.'

'We will,' he grinned confidently. 'Big dick,' he sniggered. He must be into flattery, my dick isn't big but perhaps it is to him. I thought about bikes, to relieve the pressure otherwise I could spend the next few hours walking around with a permanent hardon.

'Fancy a bit of a ride, a rough ride?'

'Oooooh,' he fluttered his eyelashes. 'I knew you were butch.'

'I was talking about a bit of a cycle over the common, slutboy.'

'Yeah, great,' he laughed and we were off. We spent about an hour over on the grass and met a few more mates for Nathan, it was a haunt of local lads and their bikes so it was fun and it helped get my mind off of sex. Of course I had a plan. I was in love but I still had a wandering eye, the problem was that I needed to pass on this attitude to my little lover. I didn't want him to think that we were an item and he couldn't stray. I suppose I was being selfish, well, of course I was, I was at the age I wanted my cake and to eat it too whatever that means. Basically, I wanted a nice safe lover to rely on and also to spread myself around. Now this is OK as long as you have ground rules like I had with Andy, then again look what happened to that romance. I'd have to be a bit more careful this time. I just thought that we were both of the age we would have wandering eyes as it were and I wanted Nathan to have fun, of course, that went for me too.

After that bit of confused thinking let's get back to the story. Tonight was the night and I didn't know if I was coming or going, I suppose this was the 'official honeymoon' , sad or what? We had our mandatory shower and a bit of supper and then finished up at my television up in my room and thinking along those lines I'd better start saying 'our' instead of 'my' all the time. All the time one ear was cocked in a manner of speaking whilst we did a snog and cuddle, I would have liked to go further but the chance of mum or dad popping in was a bit strong, let's face it, it was their first night with a new son and they seemed very relaxed about it. Nathan hadn't so much fitted in, more like he'd slipped in, seamlessly like he belonged which in my view he did.

'Lads.' It was the final call, the family cocoa and biscuits. Funny thing was I don't even like cocoa although I can handle a fair amount of biscuits, cookies to the U.S. readers.

'We're very glad to have you with us, Nathan.' My mum spoke at one stage of what we treated as a mini meal.

'Thank you,' Nathan spoke formally and gave his bright and squeaky clean look, God, if only they knew.

'It's nice to see you and Pete getting on so well,' dad slipped in.

'No probs,' I grinned. 'We need another slave.' That one gave Nathan a giggle and earnt me a frown from mum but she didn't mean it, I think. Anyway, the first day was over and Nathan got his kiss from mum and tickle from dad, I got my usual kiss from mum and slap on the bum from dad. We must have been the only truly David Cameron Conservative happy family on the street, we even did the public school boy sex or we were about to give it a go.

'Come on, Midget,' I chased Nathe up the stairs and we were in our room, we were off.

'Beds are better like this,' Nathan smiled. 'Which one is mine?' He knew perfectly well which was his own bunk, he was being funny.

'The little one. Little boy, little bed.'

'Har, har,' he deliberately flopped out on mine. 'What time do your people go to bed?'

'You should know by now,' I gently reminded him he had been with us for a fortnight. 'Anyway, it's 'our' people isn't it?'

'Yeah,' he agreed with a grin and did his delightful little blush again. He stretched out on the bed like a starfish and looked up at me. 'We are doing it tonight, aren't we?'

'Only if you want to,' I laughed and jumped on him. 'Yes, we are and I'm gonna love you to death, baby.'

'Silly sod,' he giggled and grabbed my head forcing his sweet lips onto mine. That was it, I was lost.

Well, the great moment came at last, mum and dad went to bed, they even came in to wish us a final goodnight and they were gone. Great. I switched the light off and just kept my little nightlight on which gave the room a slightly spooky, slightly cosy look... nice. It was funny really, we just undressed in total silence and stood facing each other with our peckers straining outwards as if wishing to meet and meet they did. I lost it in the end and pulled him onto the bed and we got into a touchy feely orgy of kissing and stroking not forgetting the dry humping. In the end I got him onto his back and ducked onto his sweet noodle. You'd think with all the sex I'd had I'd have been an expert seducer of small boys but not so. I was usually the one taking the minor role and someone bigger was intent on shagging me, this time it was different. I had to pass on what little I knew to my new kid brother, little Nathan. He was a virgin and I was going to pop his cherry, the only upside to it all was that he seemed pretty keen... odd but there you go.

He lay there with his knees raised and his feet flat on the bed as I crouched between his legs and bobbed my head up and down on his stiff little pricklet.

'Do that finger thing,' he mumbled ruffling my hair.

I did just that but with a difference, I uncapped a bottle of sun tan lotion I'd comandeered from the bathroom and smeared some on his little pucker. As he moaned and writhed in obvious pleasure I kept on sucking and pressed gently intruding one finger into his clinging flesh. He moaned and sighed as I started to work to and fro until my finger was right in and stroking against his boyish prostate. I don't know how they work, if they become active at a certain age or what but his little dick got harder and I saw sweat bead his brow, he was getting turned on and that was excellent. Excellent for dirty ol' me that was.

'I'm gonna do two fingers just to relax your bumhole,' I looked up his super smooth belly and he looked down at me.


'Yeah,' I grinned and slipped my finger free. I looked at his dark hole as it slowly closed and smeared some more of the lotion around it and then dead centre. 'Ready?'

'Go on,' he grunted and I saw his belly muscles flex and he held my head tightly. I pushed yet again and the first finger parted his sphincter and the second followed. He gasped and I felt his body tense as I slowly eased both fingers into his little boy's fanny. He trembled and held my head tightly as I started to move them to and from working them in deeper and moving them faster. I could actually feel his muscle easing and he began to relax.

'Push out like you wanna fart.'

'Jeez, Petey,' he grinned up at the ceiling but he must have tried as I felt his body relax and I was now moving quite freely. 'Yeah, I could get to like this,' he said in a shaky voice. I don't know if he meant it or was being brave but I was past caring now, my fingers were moving in and out and he was relaxed and accomodating the finger fucking quite easily. 'I'm ready,' he croaked.

I slowly with drew my fingers and studied his hole again. This time it was quite large and even as I watched it slowly closed and I lowered his legs. If he could take two fingers at maximum stretch he could take me in the missionary position. 'Roll over babes and part your legs.'

'Stop it I tell you,' he whispered and craned his head around to see what I was doing. 'I don't mind an experiment but I'm not into pain,' he giggled.

'Nor am I.' I made sure he was comfortable and stuck the spare pillow under his middle elevating his pert little bottom. It was paler than the rest of his body but that was natural enough and when I kissed each little bubble I felt the warmth and the smoothness and absolutely revelled in it. I was as hard as a rock and my erection was actually oozing, my dick's head was shiny with precum, there was even a bubble at the pee slit, talk about being on heat, I was on bloody fire. I parted his smooth brown legs and positioned myself. 'Relax, Nathe.'

'Says he,' he croaked.

I lowered my body guiding my steaming hardon between his cheeks, he trembled, he flinched but stayed strong as my slippery glans nudged at his pucker. I pushed gently and just slid into him effortlessly and he gave what seemed to be a relieved sigh. I moaned this time around, his heat and his tightness gripped me like a vice. His beautiful body began to swallow me as I slowly and gently worked my way in. He didn't say a word just took an occasional grab at his pillow and as my groin settled onto his soft bottom, he gave a contented sigh and to my surprise pushed up onto me. 'Nathan...' I gasped as I let my weight settle onto his body and gave that final dig.

'And again,' he muttered.

I did it again to be rewarded with another push up. 'Do me,' he clamped and eased on my rigid meat and pushed up again. This was too much, my virgin child was either taking the piss or my dick wasn't as big as I'd thought. I slowly and with all the feeling in the world began to fuck his sweet fanny. In and out, out and it and it was slick yet tight and so warm and such pleasure. It was going to be quick, no way could I hold back. In the end I got carried away and shagged away at his tight little arse until I felt my juices rising. He was muttering into the pillow and pushing his little bum into the air to meet my strokes as I cum and it was one of them. One of the maxi cums you write down somewhere, the ones you talk about around the campfire, blah, blah. It was a monster, I felt like I was going to cum forever as I jetted and squirted my all into his squishy little fanny.

When it was done I fell on him and remained glued by sweat and funk as I slowly stirred myself in my own mess.

'You alright, Nathe,' I finally recovered enough to stop munching at his sweaty neck. 'I'm sorry, I went mad a bit, I got carried away.'

'I cum on your pillow,' he sounded so forlorn. 'Sorry.'

'No matter,' I laughed. 'I'll lick it off.'

'Dirty sod,' he squealed and struggled free. Well, he didn't, he struggled and we moved onto our side I was still completely sheathed in his squishy little tunnel of love (you like that?). ' This feels so weird,' he flexed his bum muscles and I felt my slippery and softening penis slip free. We were a mess, there was cum everywhere, it trickled from his hole and he lay on his belly again to stop it getting all over the bedding. 'I wanna plug,' he muttered.

'Don't say that too loud, Jake'll be over.'

'No he won't,' he craned his head around and grinned. 'I'm yours.'

'Yeah, well, that was something else we had to get sorted out.

'Not until you return the compliment,' I whispered as I slipped alongside and kissed his smooth cheek.

'Really?' He grinned and turned slightly to face me. 'Got any tissues?'

Talk about stealth, we managed to creep out to our little bathroom and get cleaned up and we were back in bed and settled for around midnight. It's funny it's always around this time on sleepovers and things that the real conversations start up and tonight was no exception.

'Well, we done it.' Nathan started the ball rolling.

'We did it, you mean.'

'Whatever,' he smiled and cuddled up. Yeah, we were back to the one bed routine. 'Was it good for you?' He giggled. 'Did the earth move?' He seemed to find all this hilarious.

'Yeah, you were ace,' I turned to face him. 'Great.'

I suppose it was all a bit of an anti climax in the end. I'd wanted him, he'd wanted me and at long last we'd got it on. End of story. I suppose we should have kissed and cuddled for the rest of the night but we were both shagged out and it seemed little Nathe was in the mood for a natter, bloody great.

'Good, 'cos my bum's a bit sore,' he turned inwards to face me. 'It was worth it though.'

'Mmmmmm,' I didn't want to talk, I wanted to sleep I was bloody well worn out but he was chuntering on.

'What are these mates of yours like? The two in Weybridge.'

'Alright,' I smiled in the dark. 'We can go over the pond tomorrow and maybe pop up and see them Monday... their 'rents are at work.'

'Ho, ho,' his hand drifted down and grasped my knackered noodle. 'Do shrink, don't it.' Jeez, that kid needed help with his grammar but it was sweet. Mum would soon pull him into line, she was always correcting me to the verge of absolute boredom. Mind you I didn't mind, learn your English then it's more fun mangling it.

'Yeah, they're OK, Micky and Jake met then down at Leith Hill and that's how I know them.'

'They doing things, Mick and Jake?'

'Yeah, they're a sorta item although Jake seems to have found a new boyfriend.'

'Wow,' Nathan grinned again. 'So bold.'

'They don't advertise,' I remarked dryly. 'Don't say anything out of turn.'

'I won't,' he promised. 'Are these two at whatsit, er you know...?'

'You'll find out Monday when the little one grabs your goodies.'

'He better be gentle with it,' he snuggled up. 'You don't mind?'

'Why should I?' I looked at him in the dark and shuffled upto his warm body giving him a swift kiss. 'Even married people play away now and then but as long as we're open and honest between ourselves where's the harm.'

'I suppose,' he didn't seem to sure but it was all a bit strange I suppose. Monday would be a first and it would be interesting to see how he handled it. he was a sexy and sexed up boy in spite of his age and he'd do alright of that I was quite sure. I didn't want to tie him down in spite of what I felt at the moment, his hormones were getting to the buzzin' stage, he needed to meet friends of his own age and hopefully return to me when he'd had his little flutter. In fact, it would be hard for him to ignore me, we did share the same room after all. The danger was Jake and his hooligan mate, I'd have to keep him well clear of them, Jake wasn't exactly a midget in the cock department and his new pal didn't look to be tiny either, Nathan was a small boy and I needed to be his protector. Still, all that was for the future, we had bikes now, we had a long holiday in front of us, the world was our oyster... another one of those naff phrases I know but it seemed to fit.

'You've got a twitch,' I stroked his smooth skinned penis which lay up on his belly and ran my finger over his fully exposed glans. It was payback time and I must admit, I was a bit keen. You know, on the bottom line I didn't really like being shagged but Nathan was different. Yeah, I know. Whatta load of bullshit.

'I've got a need,' he whispered in his best Vincent Price mode.

'Get on top then, Snuggle Buns.'

'Clown,' he giggle but crawled over until he was laying on top of me still doing his doggy bit. I think he got a bit confused when I opened my legs and manhandled him into a kneeling position but he worked it out in the end. 'Frontal?' He whispered and stroked my balls.

'Lower,' I groaned and grabbed the sun oil and quickly smeared some on my pucker and then grasped his hot spike and guided it down.

'You don't need that oil, I've only got a little one.'

'They're all little outside... and it's not that little buddy boy.' I tensed as I felt him press against me and then the wonderful feeling as his hot cock speared into me and I felt him drop and his belly pressed against my floppy cock which was beginning to stir again.

'It's in,' he gave a very kiddy squeak and I grinned. I could feel his heat and his volume and as I clasped his smooth bum cheeks I pulled him in even tighter. Then he started to move. OK, so it wasn't the fuck of the century but he'd get better, I had a long training course in mind and I think he'd be a willing trainee. As I took my knees right down to my chest he hammered away like a frantic little lover would and I just couldn't get enough, His firm flesh was slippery with his perspiration and when he came I actually felt his dicklet pump and the wetness of his squirt. He would get better but that would do for now. 'I did it,' he gasped as we lay cheek to cheek.

'Indeedy,' I laughed as he slipped free and his lips sought mine. 'Now we're married.'

'Goody... love ya Peter,' he remained glued to me and we slept.

I stretched out in the bed and suddenly realised where I was. The sun was thrashing in and I could hear a clattering from the kitchen below, mum was clearly in her Saturday morning 'Mrs Bustle and Organise' mode and I'd forgotten to tell Nathan what that really meant. It was routine in our house that I got lumbered with odd jobs or chores as dad termed them on a Saturday.

'Get up,' I shook Natham savouring the feel of his smooth brown shoulder but enough of that. 'Wakey, wakey. You need to jump about on your bed, make it look used.'

'Urgh...' he rolled off mine and onto his fully naked and I gazed at him as he gradually came to life. His little dick was at full stretch and I supspected he wanted a pee but I was tempted.

'Mess that bed up and I'll have a quick shower.' A dose of reality was in order.

At breakfast we got our tasks and they were of the easy peasy variety. Saturday was now designated clean up our room day and that was the full Admiral's Inspection type which was pretty handy if you made Friday night sweaty sex night which we had. We were also supposed to clean up the front and back gardens which was also an easy one probably as most of the junk laying around was mine or dad's.

'Bill and Ben are popping over around one,' my mum informed us half way through the morning when we were supping Pepsis. 'You can take them over the Common or something, I don't want you all hanging around the house.' Well, that told us but it suited. Out in the open with other kids around nothing too lairy should happen and it would ease Nathan into their company. I would take him around to see Jake and his new boyfriend on their own turf but that was for later. The happy-go-lucky and rather tasty Bill and Ben combo were a good starting point for my boy lover. Of course, we'd meet other boys on the Common and hopefully I could get some intros going if we came across any classmates. I was approaching the whole matter of settling Nathan in like a big wargame but better organised than walking around like a pair of headless chickens.

We did our tasks or chores and were playing around on the bikes when I heard a hooting and hollering and the ever smiling Flower Pot men arrived (sorry, outlanders. Old English CTV reference there). Nathan was very obviously shy but the lads were good to him and Bill especially had that look in his eye. I just let it go, I couldn't be jealous for the rest of my life and I had that feeling that lots and lots of my friends would like Nathan, he was just so damn likeable and I wondered just how much of the little lost waif bit he put on or maybe it came naturally... time would tell. Anyway, we said our goodbyes to mum and told her where we were going (mandatory that one) and off we went. Nathan's first rough ride on dad's old bike and we did well. The half hour walk of the other week was down to a ten minutes cycle and that Common was a place tailor made for kids such as us.

It was so bloody hot though, the shirts and tees soon disappeared and we cycled around acting like a load of prats for around an hour gradually working towards the lake or big pond which was more accurate. Same as the other day, some kids down the far end and we just joined in and made up the group. I knew most of them and did a casual intro for the boys from Weybridge and proudly annouced Nathan as my new brother.

That got everyone going and it was fun being the centre of attention until the sun and water took over. A few of the others had brought their cossies and a few were knicker swimming (as we called it) until one bold bastard stripped off and tried a bit of full scale skinny and that was that. It finished up with around three of the originals fully naked and we four settled for the knicker dipping. Unfortunately or maybe not Ben had baggy boxers on that once wet seemed to gravitate anklewards and his brother finally managed to nick them and Ben quite happily joined the nudies. I did notice Nathan oggled him more than somewhat but I was an eyeball on legs that afternoon. Nathan himself was a dream in his white skimpies which when wet hid absolutely nothing.

'Jezus, Pete. That kid is fuckin' eatable,' Bill groaned and pressed his middle into the grass.

'Trade you,' I said casually.


'You heard,' I laughed. 'It's early days but he's up for a bit of fun... I think.'

'You'd better be sure,' Bill looked at me. 'If you're getting on well you don't want to bugger it up. You are getting on well I assume,' he looked at me keenly.

'Very well, excellent in fact.'

'You lucky dirt sod,' he chortled and dry shagged the grass.

'Better to let the two little uns go it together first?'

'You're right. You're coming around Monday... yeah?'


'Good, we've got the house to ourselves,' he looked at me and gave a little smirk. 'We've got a big pool type thingy rigged up in the back garden... could be fun.'

'Will be fun,' I corrected him. Roll on Monday. Our evil little chat was ended when both Ben and Nathan who I noticed were now both naked flopped down alongside us. Was it coincidence that Nathan was alongside Bill and Ben was alongside me, I think not.

'You wanna go in the water,' they both squealed almost as one and then the giggles.

'I'd rather look at the boymeat,' Bill said quite boldly setting off another round of giggles.

'I'd rather snog the boymeat,' I whispered quietly to Ben who was the other side of me but not quietly enough it seemed.

'I heard that,' Bill growled.

'What did he say? What did he say?' Nathan sat up and looked at us laying there. 'Bet it was dirty,' he grinned all sparkly eyed and then to my astonishment and unseen by the other boys slowly and sensually ran his fingers down Ben's leg.

'Jeez,' Ben groaned and looked at me and his brother despairingly.

'Wanna go down the end?' I asked Nathan and he smiled back nodding eagerly. I had an accomplice or maybe a convert, we'd see in a couple on minutes. 'See that big tree down the end... head for it,' I jumped up and made a run for the water. I'd forgotten about the bikes and gear, we could keep an eye on them from a distance, they were hardly likely to get nicked. The other three jumped up and followed like a bunch of screaming kids which was about right I suppose.

At the other end I headed for the secluded spot I'd taken Nathan before and flopped onto the grass quickly joined by Nathan and then the brothers. This time I didn't mess around, I grabbed Nathan and spread his willing body onto his back and settled my lips onto his. I knew I was in good comapany for as soon as Bill and Ben saw this they joined in a tangle of bare arms and legs and went into their own smooch.

'Swops,' I spoke to Bill a monent later.

'Yeah,' He croaked and pushed away his laughing brother. I grabbed Ben and Nathan quite happily dived onto Billy boy and we were away.

Ben was nice, not as nice as Nathan... well, that wasn't possible but we kissed and he wriggled and ground his lithe body against me and I could see that Nathan was entertaining Bill to be blunt. I decided to lead the way yet again, I wanted to see how far Nathan would go with Bill. I know all this sounds a bit ixy-pixy with a brand new lover and especially with one as beautiful as Nathan but I was a boy's boy and I couldn't help it... anyway (that word again), I'd done it with Bill but not with Ben and he was a dish in his own right, a slightly bit bigger and meatier in the dick department but very similar in many ways if lighter skinned than Nathan. I kissed down his trim chest heading South and making sure the other knew what I was doing, I already had Ben's stiff cock in my hand and was moving it to and fro as my head dropped lower and I finally took the sweet meat into my mouth. A glance across assured me that Bill had followed my example and was now sucking Nathan's noodle to Nathan's quite obvious delight and he was moving around into a sucky sixty niner, I knew the training would pay off. Ben, not to be outdone followed his new friends example.

I was going to mate them come hell or high water... I should get a lovely litter from the pair of them. I laughed at the thought as I felt Ben's hot mouth take me in and the tickle of his sweet tongue on my raging hard on. I just hoped to hell the others didn't come across but we were all right, the sun was really gone ballistic and siesta time had set in apart from us four.

We sixty nined in the sunlight and I think the four of us appreciated it was only a start and even more importantly I think Nathan realised he was being introduced to some sort of Club. A boy's club but not quite like others. I suppose I was making a point to both myself and Nathan, I didn't want any sort of jealousy creeping in because jealousy was the great destroyer and don't forget I had got experience with Micky, Jake and all the other combinations. Free love was the thing but at the end of it was the one love, the important one and that one was Nathan as far as I was concerned. I don't know if my view was very adult, very infantile or just plain sicko but I'd spent a lot of time thinking and this is where we were. Two pairs of brothers doing a mixed doubles to borrow a tennis phrase.

It ended as all good sixty niners should Ben squirted his boy juice into my mouth and I did my heavier load into his. The others had achieved the same result as they were laying there wiping their mouths and giving us sheepish glances. 'Group hug,' I declared. Well, someone had to take charge didn't they. By the time we sorted outselves out I was laying alongside Bill in the centre and the two smaller kids were on the outside but each alongside their appropriate sibling. I had my Nathan back. I turned to face him as Bill did with Ben and I wriggled my bottom against Ben's firm flesh.

'Well?' I looked at Nathan and gave him a brief kiss.

'Well... what?' He looked at me a trifly sulky I thought and I reached out holding his stiff body until he relaxed. 'I feel like a traitor after what we said to each other about being boyfriends and all that,' he finally managed to get it out.

'We are boyfriends,' I clutched him and stared deeply into his eyes. This time I gave him one of my special kisses, you know, the ten minute job. 'We did agree to have fun... the key thing is...'

'No secrets?'

'No secrets,' I agreed. 'If you're uncomfotable with this we'll give the Monday a miss.'

'No,' he mumbled and then grinned. 'I wanna shag Ben.'

'Up yours,' Ben laughed, he must have been eavesdropping or tuned in but it was a bit more relaxed after that. I'd crossed a threshold with Nathan and I must admit, I was looking forward to Monday as well. A swimming pool in the garden, an empty house and two very randy brothers plus my own little Nathan, what more could a boy ask for?

We returned home at the end of the afternoon and the boys wanted to get on their way, the traffic between Addlestone and Weybridge could get a bit hectic in the rush hour and we bade them a fond farewell with assurances that we'd be around nice and early on the Monday. Directly after their parents had left the house early that was.

We had quiet night indoors watching the television in my room and had an early night. What started off as 'let's have a quiet night' lasted until around two or so in the morning when Nathan slipped from his bed into mine, I knew he couldn't last I'd been awake all along.

'You awake, Petey...?'

'Just about,' I pushed back against him as he cuddled up against my back and sure enough his hand snaked over my bare hip and grasped me.

'Just about,' he sniggered. 'I hope you were dreaming about me.'

'Of course,' I rolled inwards and spread him flat went straight for his noodle. He sighed his satisfaction as I began to suck and jiggle his small balls. 'This is just to make you sleep.'

'Yeah, right,' he laughed softly in the dark. 'What we doing tomorrow, today that is?'

'Just lounge about in the back garden, maybe go for a stroll... nothing special. Tell me something...'

'Yeah,' he stroked my hair as I sucked him and tried to hold a conversation which is not an easy thing.

'Do you miss anyone from the care place?'

'Only Darky and George.'

'Boyfriends?' I felt a twinge of jealousy.

'Cheeky,' he rapped my head with his klnuckles. 'Darky and me used to play around sorta thing but George was a big lad, he was my minder sorta thing. He was about fifteen but he was big lad. He fancied me I think but a perfect gentleman, he kept all the wolves away and there's enough of them in care homes, both boys and on the staff.'

'Sounds like hell.'

It was apart from Darky and Georgy. You gotta watch your back in a place like that, some of the carers are a bit iffy as well.'

'Still you're home now.'

'Home with you,' he gently stroked my hair and started to pump into my mouth, he was one sexy little boy and he had a good sex drive too, we made a good pair. Once I'd drained him of a watery little cum I convinced him to go to sleep. I knew mum and dad never got up early on a Sunday so I wasn't too concerned with them bursting in on us anyway, I had the door jammed.

The great day came around, the Monday that was and the weather was still good, we were having some sort of a heatwave. We were down bright and early and had breakfast with dad and that was early. The idea was to cycle along to Weybridge before the traffic built up and lurk around the lock moving around to Bill and Ben's at nine by which time the parents should be out of the way. We took our cossies and towels and spot on nine we were on their doorstep.

Very posh houses along their road and some pricey ol' cars, I was pleased to see the parking pad and street outside Bill and Ben's was clear. We'd no sooner rang the bell than a wicket door opened to the side of the house and Bill appeared. 'Put your bikes in here, they'll be safe,' he beamed at us both.

We went in and finished up in the garden which was a long one and well shielded by a huge leylandii hedge, in fact, it was like being in a sort of golfish bowl surrounded by greenery. I saw the swimming pool, you couldn't miss it, a bloody great blue plastic thing that took up half the garden and Ben was in it already and he was naked. I looked around and sure enough you couldn't be overseen by anyone other than the odd Police helicopter that might come over.

'Come on,' Ben shrilled. 'You look all sweaty and manky.'

Nice thing to say but as Bill was dropping his shorts and clearly didn't have underwear on we guessed nudity was the dress of the day or undress of the day. Nathan clocked me ogling Bill's neat semi erect cock and gave me one of his pretty sneers but minutes later his naked form was flashing down the garden to join his mate in the water.

'So, what's the score?' Bill watched Nathan's retreating back.

'I thought about letting them get down to it if they want and you and I'

'Shag,' he provided cheerfully.

'You took the words out of my mouth,' I laughed. 'It's nice to meet someone as evil as yourself.' I probably said before, I wanted Nathan to enjoy himself and not to cramp his style, he was a boy and a boy needs to do boy things, I didn't want to be a drag. The reverse was also true, I'm not that much of a bloody Christian and at the end of it all we were the boyfriends and the outsiders were the casual sex however we may like them. and I did like Bill, I liked him very much.

'I'll give you a peep at something,' he talked quickly as if excited. 'Come on, come on,' he hustled me to the side of the house and there stood a massive mobile home. It looked like a spaceship and he opened it up to show me inside.

'Jeez, it's a beauty,' I looked around. 'So big.'

'Flattery'll get you everywhere,' he reached out and grabbed my wrist. 'Look at the bedroom.'

'Yeah, figures,' I laughed and allowed myself to be dragged to the back end of this monster. We peered through the little curtains and could see our boys cavorting (love that word) in the pool down the garden so we were obviously not being missed very much. The pad on wheels as I thought of it was smart, keen, ace... all those words. The sweetest thing about it was that Bill had flopped onto the big bed which was bare of bedding excepting the mattress.

'Kissy kissy,' he puckered his lips and straightened out his hardening boy cock.

'Wanker,' I laughed and leapt on him. 'This is so nice,' I whispered as I kissed him and we rolled around each trying for the superior position.

'We're going to Poland in three weeks for a fortnight and travelling around.'

'Poland?' I must have sounded stupid.

'Europe,' he grinned. 'You must have heard of it, Poland, Warsaw, etc etc.'

'Yeah, of course I've heard of it. I never realised it was a holiday sorta place.'

'My mum's family,' he grinned. 'And we're going into the Ukraine to see some more family and do some camping around.'

'Camping around,' I laughed. 'Very apt but you'd better look out for all those eastern Euro bears, they'd love skinny little English chickens.'

'Hopefully they've got some smoothy boys as well,' he grinned and spread me on the bed. 'Noodle time,' he bared his teeth in a snarl and ducked his head.

'Aaaaah,' I lay back and relaxed as I felt his wet and warm tongue bathe my burgeoning erection and play with my retreating foreskin. Bill didn't mess around a moment later he had me in his mouth and I started to move around. The least I could do was to return the favour.

'Pervs.' A voice squealed and a pair of soaking wet children jumped on us. Ben and Nathan had arrived fresh from their short swimming session and clearly up for a game. At least they got things right. Ben grabbed me and Nathan took Bill, we were off or we'd made a start. I sucked Bill in a sixty niner and the two youngsters clung to our backs like limpets and I could already feel Ben's stiff little pecker rubbing between my cheeks. Jeez, surrounded by under age boy sex maniacs, a fate worse than death... maybe not.

It was nice but the little ones were cramping our style and it wasn't what Bill or myself wanted. We wanted privacy to get down to the real nitty gritty and Bill being the host sorted it out with all the charm at his command.

'Why don't you two Rugrats get a fuckin' room,' he sat us and looked at his brother.

'What by ourselves? Ben looked up goggle eyed.

'Yeah, that's the idea, Dumbo,' Bill snapped. 'You'd like Ben all to yourselve wouldn't you Nathan?'

'Yeah,' Nathan looked at me and grinned.

'Right,' Ben leapt from the bed suddenly all smiles. 'Come on, Nathe, we'll go indoors. They were off like a flock of mynah birds chattering all the way... a pair of mynah birds that is. That comes from the Hindi and has various spellings so don't write and hassle me.

'Thank God for that,' Bill grinned and pulled me in only this time he flathanded me onto the bed and dived onto my now fully hard meat but held me tightly stopping me spinning around. Once he started sucking my balls and fingering under probing for my virgin ring (laugh) I guessed what he was after. I raised my knees slightly and he was away. He shoved his head under my legs raising them and attacking my sweaty pucker with his tongue. I was a bit funky with the bike ride across but he didn't seem to mind. He was on target and he pushed my legs up even further attacking my a-hole with his slippery tongue and well and truly lubed me up with his spittle. 'We alright?' He looked up my belly and grinned with his lips shiny and eyes gleaming.

'Go on,' I whispered feeling the want and the need for a boy in me, the good thing about that is that I get mine right after. I'm no one's bitch and Bill knew that.

He moved on closer and holding his hardness steady pushed. I felt his slaiva and precum coated glans press against me and I opened up. I gasped as he entered me and then clutched him fiercely as he made short movements sheathing himself in my flesh, very nice. He was obviously bigger than Nathan but no probs, if I could take Jake I could take Bill any day of the week but he was more loving than Jake. Tender and gentle which is pretty unusual for a randy kid, I just lay there and enjoyed as he began to move in and out. He had a nice solid cock and he must have practiced a lot on his brother as he was good... very good.

'Harder, harder,' I was forced to say it, I always did. Carried away in the moment as they say.

'Beg for it,' he hissed thoroughly enjoying himself.

'Harder, you bastard,' I moaned and he went for it. The frantic fuck, the sweaty slap and slam, I loved it.

He was slapping into me so hard that he was shoving me up the bed and I just held him tightly. It was when with sweat flying he rammed in hard that I knew it was cuming.

'Aaah...' He held my hips firmly bonding my body to his and I felt him erupt as his face dropped and his lips met mine. 'Soooo nice,' he breathed hotly into my mouth as his hot sperm shot into me in three or four powerful jets. Not bad for a kid but then a final twitch and he was slowly moving his hips and his spunk coated penis slid in and out of my well battered and flooded bum effortlessly. 'You are one good fuck,' he whispered with a total lack of charm but made up for it with a sweaty smile.

'Are you?' God, I was so hot on the jokey one liners.

'Try me,' he slid free in a gush of cum and flopped onto his back in all his sweaty and spunk stained glory.

I got up onto my knees with his slime trickling down my legs but ignored it, this was a day for messy sex and we had a long way to go yet. I liked him and I fancy he had the hots for me, he couldn't keep his hands off me as he guided me down and he spread and raised his legs. I held my erection steady until I felt it nudge against his yielding flesh and I awaited the command.

'Go on,' he stared at me intently as I dropped piercing his sweet pucker quite easily and felt his warm and clinging flesh grip me and his teeth bared in a grin. 'Rambo,' he said mockingly as I started to move. It never ceases to amaze how two inches of soft noodle hardens up into three or four inches of killing machine and maybe more, I hadn't measured it lately. He winced all the same as I entered him and started to slowly move. As I might have said my cums were getting meatier and I looked for this shag to be better than the last and so on and so on until I squirted like one of those models Jake has in his top secret magazine stash.

Just as an aside he didn't stash male or boy on boy stuff just the 'normal', his theory being that if they were ever discovered than at least his little cover wasn't blown. I knew he wasn't just a pretty face, there must be a brain in there somewhere but back to Bill the Thrill. He held me tightly and I had trouble moving but once I got into my swing I was in and out like Muffin the Mule on speed. I hammered and rammed into his sweet arse like a maniac, the mobile home actually squeaked on it's suspension and he grinned happily making a big deal of clutching my bottom and pulling me in tighter. That boy did love my bum, I was beginning to think I was sitting on a fortune.

'Yeah, go on... go on,' he urged me as I slapped away and felt the urges rising. I was going to pop and this time it was really burning and briefly I thought my dick was dropping off but I pressed on and in the end squirted I lay my sweat beaded face alongide him and felt his breatrh on my ear. 'You did well,' he whispered. 'I can feel it in me.'

'You can?' I was over the moon. I must be getting good. I slid free and had a peek and I'm sure there was the white stiuff at his hole but it might have been wishful thinking.

He just grinned and reached for his shorts. 'Put some gear on and we'll go in for a shower.'

'What about the others?' I asked not wanting to disturb Nathan and Ben.

'They'll be busy,' he laughed and stood up looking down at me. 'Well leave them alone and knock up some sandwiches or look in on them, upto you.'

'Whatever you reckon,' I took the easy way out. My bum was quishy and my dick was sore, maybe a shower wasn't such a bad idea after all and I was a bit hungry. Sex does give you one hell of an appetite.

The soap goes on

MIXPIX 1 is a list of character pictures that go with my stories if anyone is interested.

Aternatively a sample of Nathan and Peter is available.

'Mailing List' or 'Early Release List' which is a BCC is still open and is mailed as each Chapter is released.

Next: Chapter 13

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