Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Sep 6, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


Part 12 - Nathan joins the Club


G. Cutter

Hi. Nathan this time. Peter's educating me in more ways than one and writing my own chapter is part of that education . He reckons the readers like to get different angles on the story as it develops or as or as Jake would say, it staggers along. I do like Jake an awful lot now I know him but more of him later, him and his mate Zander that is. If Peter and I are the two sweeties in the story, Jake and Zander are the ugly sisters I reckon.

Naturally enough I've read Pete's take on things, how I arrived at the happy home and how I was eventually taken in or taken onboard as dad puts it. He's more or less right and I fell in love with the whole family on day one, they didn't seem to put themselves out at all and expected me to fit in with them which was fine. Pete was a bag of nerves but I'd been in and out of care homes for as long as I could remember and I could read him like a book, he was a sort of Darky, a friend from the Care Home. I'd had experience with my pal Darky but only playing around, nothing real down dirty. We'd rub up against each other in the showers and fucked between the legs but never got as far as actually sucking each other's dicks... yeuchy. Well, I thought so until I found out better. If I knew then what I knew now I'd have made life easier for big George because I reckoned he fancied me but liked me too much to force himself on me if you follow. He was a gentleman in the purest sense of the word... a gentle giant really. Darky was a dirty little sod but we got on fine, if I'd have known him longer we'd probably got around to doing what I now do with Pete and did with little Ben and that's go all the way as they put it. Going all the way, actually fucking. Of course, the other thing that clicked in with moving in with Pete was that my watery squirts seemed to be getting thicker and I was bloody hard all the time, I mean all day long. I'd pop a stiffy looking at a bag of sweets or a comic for Christ's sake. He must have turned me into a pervert.

The one brilliant and totally wicked thing was that I knew, I really knew that he wanted me but he didn't press it. I wanted it as well but I was so nervous it was untrue and when it happened it was as easy as that and the icing on the cake was that he let me do him. No, hang about, the decoration on top of the icing on the cake was that he said we could spread ourselves around a bit but that we were an item. A bit of weird philosophy there, Pete wears his heart on his sleeve, he really is transparent, he wanted his cake and to eat it too. Makes sense? He wanted a marriage and he wanted to slut around at the same time, it was as easy as that. I was fine with that although he took such a long time getting around to spelling out what he meant that it was painful.

Peter was still treating me like an eleven year old child but I knew the score, I wasn't a dummy for God's sake, I'd come from a Care Home.

Anyway, to pick up on the story...

We cycled back from our Monday with Bill and Ben, it was still hot and we took all the back doubles down by the canal to miss the rush hour. We were both pretty well shagged out, Ben was little but he was a ball of bloody fire and my bum was sore with his rabbit act but I'd given as good as I'd got and was feeling quite proud with myself. We even got the Tuesday organised before we left, I was going with Bill, the rather dishy Bill I might add and Peter boy was going to look after Ben. All a bit mechanical but if you get organised first there's no shilly shallying when push comes to shove. I could rephrase that but I can't be bothered. I just wanted to have some supper and chill out in our room, yeah, OUR room. Great times.

'Looks like you had a good day,' mum greeted us as we dumped the bikes and tottered into the kitchen. I'd been told to call her mum and she seemed pleased enough so why not, she was the nearest I was going to have for a parent and I liked her. She was sterner (I think) than dad but we saw more of her especially over the holidays so she was the boss around the place.

'I'm knackered,' Pete flopped onto a kitchen chair.

'Language, young man,' she gave him a slap around the head but there was no malice there. 'And you, don't copy him, he's becoming a hooligan,' she spoke directly to me and then sent us upto our room to 'unwind' as she put it, supper would be taken later when dad got in. She didn't ask us what we'd done or anything like that, I suppose they call it trust. If you'd had an away day at the Home you'd get debriefed like a soldier after a mission. I had to get into the laid back family thing, I could get to like it.

The first thing we did in our room was to dump our trainers and peel off our clothes and just lay there on our seperate beds in our briefs gazing at the ceiling. There wasn't much to say. This was chill out big time, just close the peepers and drift.

'Enjoy your day?' Peter finally spoke.


'Good,' he laughed in what seemed to be relief. 'You OK with tomorrow?'

'Of course,' I propped myself up on one elbow and looked at him. 'I'm fine and I still am your bf.'

'What's that?' he gazed at the ceiling. 'Bloody fool or boy friend.'

'The latter,' I replied after a moment. Well, I had to work it out.


We went down for supper later and had a few questions regarding the day from dad but both he and mum seemed happy that at least we were enjoying ourselves and were out of harm's way. Well, we were but if the day was anything to go by we'd be burnt out husks by the end of the week. We watched a bit of telvision downstairs but in the end finished up in our room for the day's end listening to some quiet music and relaxing.

'What about this swimming on Thursday, you taking me?' I asked Pete, for some reason he'd been avoiding his Swimming Club and chatting about it which I found a bit puzzling the boy loved his swimming.

'Yeah, maybe,' he smiled. 'You'll meet Mick and Jake and I think Zander may have taken it up.'

'You've got loads of friends,' I remarked somewhat naively I suppose.

'Not really; school friends, Club friends and inbetweenies like Bill and Ben...'

'Mmmm.... I'm tired.'

'Bed soon after the cocoa biz and the nighty nights.'

'I'll sleep like a log.'

'What you saying, you don't want company?'

'Not until your mum and dad are in bed.'

'Our mum and dad,' he laughed. 'But I take your point.' He rolled off his bed and onto mine and took me in his arms and I snuggled in accepting his lips as they met mine. 'God, you are a beautiful boy,' he kissed my eyelids and I felt myself relax totally and utterly in his arms, I also felt my pecker perk, there was still life in the willy after all.

'Let's go down and say goodnight early,' he whispered. 'Before I lose it and rape you.'

'Later,' I promised.

We had the late night get together and pleading tiredness made to return to our room, of course, that earned us a lecture on not tiring ourselves out, pacing ourselves and sucklike. We got up the stairs with a sense of relief, if mum and dad ever suspected what we really got upto we'd be dead boys that was for sure. It was quite a warm night and we did our usual which was to stay in our beds until the oldies went to bed themselves. Seconds later Pete was in my bed and he was naked. I did a happy little sigh as lover boy took me in his arms again and we kissed. It had begun and it was getting better all the time.

The curiosity was that we didn't even shag, we lay on our sides top to tail in a sixty nine and gently and then more forceably sucked each other to climax and Pete returned to his bed. I drifted off, one happy little bunny with the taste of Pete in my mouth and dreamt of what was going to happen tomorrow and the coming weeks of the long summer holiday.

We were awoken the following morning by dad bashing on the door and calling for us to rise and shine. I did notice that he didn't open the door and look in like they did in the Home, perhaps he was scared of what he might find or more likely he was willing to give us space. That suited both myself and Pete, it wouldn't do to be found sleeping in each other's arms although in this rather laid back household they'd make their excuses and find it perfectly normal. I suppose I was a bit quiet at breakfast but I was thinking, if I could get hold of Darky now, I could show him such a good time, I could show him things outside even his fertile but immature imagination. No matter, I doubt I'd ever see him again.

By eight thirty we were on our bikes and on our way to Weybridge. This time we went along Addlestone Road which leads along the canal and affords loads of places to stop and have a snoop around. On one side the canal was above road level but on the other side were cottages which were below the road level hell of a place to live if it rained or even flooded. If I'd have lived in one of those places I'd have had a boat or dinghy on permanent standby. Anyhow, we made our arrival just after nine again and the brothers were ready for us, there was no rush and we just stripped off with them, this time they both had their briefs on so it must be a bit more formal.

We flopped about on the grass drinking lemonade in the shade and having one of those senseless conversations. The boys were talking about mutual friends and I was a bit switched off not knowing who they were talking about until Jake and Zander entered the conversation, then I pricked my ears up.

'Jake's alright,' Pete was saying. 'But he's so bloody bold, he just comes out with things, he's bloody embarassing.'

'Like what?' Ben was all ears as well.

'Like greeting me as 'babes' at the Club and grabbing my bum,' Pete scowled. 'I took time living that one down and he thought it was bloody funny.'

'Have you done him?' Ben was asking all the questions I wanted to ask which was very convenient.

'Yeah, a few times,' Peter glanced at me and he flushed a little. At least now I knew why he was avoiding the Club, Jake and his boyfriend Zander. He was jealous or he was scared of me getting hooked on these guys or maybe it was just big brother protectionism. Ah well, nice to know these things.

'He looks quite nice.' I risked that one.

'I'll introduce you on Thursday we have a meet at the local baths,' Pete surprised me although we had skirted on the subject. 'Most of them are on holiday but Jake's as regular as clockwork.'

'Fine,' I shrugged. I didn't want to seem too keen and I'd only seen the guy briefly after all.

'I'm getting bloody sweaty again,' Ben cackled and tore his briefs off and made for the pool, that was it, we were all after him like a herd of buffalo or whatever if you can imagine a load of skinny white kids with smoothy bottoms as a herd of manky bovine types. God, it was beautiful in the water, a bit chilly but it'd be even nicer as the sun rose in the sky. I pitied all those muppets driving to work but what the hell, we were kids and we were on holiday and Bill was giving me the eye already. If it went anything like the previous day it would be sweaty sex very soon, a lunch time break and swim and more of the same in the afternoon. So boring... yeah, right. I was pulling a woody already, even the cold water couldn't stop that.

'My back's sore, I'm a bit burned,' Ben whined at Pete.

'Looks alright to me,' Bill said tactlessly.

'Shurrup, dickhead,' Ben snapped. 'Want to put some lotion on for me, Petey.' What a slut that boy was and calling my boyfriend Petey, I'd scratch her eyes out and whack her with my handbag. Pete was pretty swift, he had the junior perv under his wing in a flash and the last I saw of them were a pair of white bottoms disappearing into the house.

'Looks like we have mobile home,' Bill grinned splashing over and pressing against me. I couldn't help it, I put my arms around him and stroked his back taking the opportunity to clasp his firm high riding buttocks. 'Good boy,' he sighed and I felt his stiffness press against my belly in the water. 'Wanna lie down and relax a bit.'

'Dunno about the relax,' I giggled and allowed him to manhandle me from the plastic pond. We did a scamper caravanwards, well, of course we did and our dicks led the way.

I'd only briefly looked in yesterday and was surprised how big it was, it even had a little fridge which was working and as I'd nearly tripped over the thick cable outside I guess it was wired in, well, it had to be if the bloody fridge was working. Peter, who's monitoring me as I type says I'm rambling... back to Bill.

'The bedroom,' he announced with a flourish taking my hand and drawing me into the room. There was no bedding on the bed but a sort of dustsheet on a bare mattress but no matter he drew me onto the bed and I went willingly enough, my boy cock was at full stretch and so was his. He held me gently and we gazed at each other and then kissed. Nice, his breath was minty and his tongue was active as were his hands. He'd done the ol' encirclement bit and was stroking and squeezing my cheeks pulling us in tightly until his stiffness slipped between my legs.

'Your's is fatter than Pete's.'

'Don't speak,' he kissed my thoat and moving slightly away from me cupped my balls in his hand and massaged them and then took my jerking cock between his fingers working the loose skin to and fro over the shiny and slippery head. 'Randy boy,' he grinned and attacked my nipples, I just lay there in the shade and relaxed letting him do his thing. He was going to do me and he would be my second, I didn't count Ben as a boy more as a tiddler. He moved fast and hard but didn't produce a lot. Bill was a squirter, Pete had warned me... actually he'd called the older brother The Cum Kid and that's a recommendation coming from my Pete.

As I lay there Bill went into his routine, his mouth took me in but I know that wasn't his main aim, I'd learnt a lot over the last few days and I knew what to expect. His hands were everywhere, he was like a bloody octopus and he lifted me and then turned me over diving his face into my crack and I felt his spread my cheeks and his wet and hot tongue attacked my pucker. 'Yummy,' he hissed and spread me even further attacking my ring with his pointy tongue probing and lubing me up.

As he manhandled me I got myself into a doggy as Peter calls it and cocked my dish in his direction... he didn't waste any time at all he got behind me and I felt his slick cockhead push against me and smoothly open me and enter. I groaned as he began to slowly move, he was probably the same size as Pete, maybe a little bigger but he was good and relaxed. I suppose he'd had lots of practice with his brother and one he was fully sheathed he pulled my hips inwards sealing our union and then began a rythmic shag. His hands moved up and down my sides and tweaked my sticky out nipples now and then as he moved to and fro and towards the end he held my own jutting spike with his right hand trying to wank me in time to his thrusts. As I felt his ramming become more violent I collapsed onto the bed and he was between my legs moving harder and faster and now grunting and kissing the back of my neck.

He came in hot surges and I wriggled under him as he rammed in deep and hard surging his boy's spunk deep inside me and finally just lazily stirred his limpening cock in my soggy fanny. Another happy bunny and now it was my turn but I wanted a full frontal, I wanted to do Billy boy with him watching me.

'You alright?' He still moved slowly and smoothly withdrew. 'Peter's a lucky boy.'

'So's your Ben,' I rolled myself over and sat up. He looked a right mess with sticky cum on his belly and his hair all over the place but I didn't care, I was hot, I was so hot my dick felt like it was about to explode. I shuffled between his legs and hoisted them as he lay there with a lazy smile on his handsome face.

'Steady,' he warned me but I was past all the buggering around (a pun there somewhere) , I moved in close and shoving my rock hard cock upto his pucker and rammed in deep and hard. 'Yow...' He went rigid and then grinned and pulled me in tightly as I sank deeper and deeper into his hot body. His tight flesh clamped on me and away I went. I glued my lips to his and and rammed and thrust away like a rabbit on steroids. He loved it, he kissed and we swapped spit furiously as I plundered his tight boy's arse and was finally rewarded by the surge. The splat of my hot cum in his body and the real feeling that this time it was thicker, juicier and more boylike sent me over the top. I was still hard and started to fuck again on my previous cum. This time he just lay there in some sort of shock as I got my second wind and went for it again. It was slippery, sweaty and damn messy and I don't think I came. In fact, I'm sure I didn't but I got the jerk and the cuming feeling and that was good enough.

'Christ,' I fell on his wet and slippery body exhausted.

'Language,' he laughed as I slid free. 'How do you feel about a nice warm, foamy bath. We have one of those huge sunken things.'

'We'll have sneak past the others...'

'So, let's sneak,' he grinned.

We still played around with each other for another ten minutes but in the end and put our shorts on and went into the house. All it needed was his mum and dad to come home unexpectedly and we'd have been dead. Fortunately nothing of the sort happened and we eavesdropped at Ben's door and could hear a lot of giggling and mucking around going on so stealthily made our way to the bathroom.

He was right, it was huge. His parents must have loads of dosh, the place was like a palace and the bath was like a mini swimming pool. He turned the taps on to top it up with a tepid mix, we didn't really need hot water just something to clean ourselves and relax in. Stacks of foamy stuff and it was like slipping into a huge snowdrift. he continued to trickle hot water in until it was comfortable and we played around with the soap until we were like a pair of eels. He popped another hardon but I guess he was overcome by my boyish beauty, I didn't mind, I liked it. It was nice to have so many friends I felt safe with not like at that damn Home.

'You like that, dontcha?' He whispered as he held me in his soapy grasp and his index finger slid in and out of my hole... clean inside and out I guess.

'Prefer the real thing,' I replied, I don't know if I was teasing or challenging but I was in the mood. Put it this way, I was so horny I could have taken him, then Peter and then finished off with little Ben.

'Kneel against the side,' he murmured. Why not? The bath was big enough and I positioned myself with my arms resting on the side of the huge bath, I felt him slip between my spread legs and his erection glance against my soapy bum. 'I could have a heart attack here,' he chuckled and I felt his swollen member slip between my cheeks . The faintest of pressures and he was inside me again and slowly fucking from the word go. I rested my cheek on my arms and shoved my bum out onto his slow movements. He took his time resting his hands on my arms and nuzzling at my neck as he moved his hips to and fro taking my slick and soapy bottom time and time again. It was nice and was only interrupted by the arrival of Peter and Ben.

They oohed and aahed and sat there watching giving helpful adive now and then, I ignored them both and just closed my eyes but I knew Peter couldn't keep out of it. Both he and Ben coaxed us out of the bath awkwardly as we were both joined and then piled in. Peter got behind Billy and took him from the rear and Ben managed to slither in front of me and guided my stiffy between his tight little cheeks. We were a four boy shagfest on the floor of the bathroom and all going at it like a bunch of loony tunes.

I've got to admit that I didn't like it too much, it was hot, sweaty and even uncomfortable but it must have firmed me up in Peter's little Pervo's Club... the world was my oyster whatever that means. The funny thing all the time I was in this little circus I was thinking of Darky's tight little brown skinned arse around my cock and even worse Gentleman George up my bum... now is that weird or what?

It finished up with mediocre squirts which is the polite way to put things, I don't think I cum, I just hadn't got it in me but Ben, in front was happy and Bill to the rear was happier. Bill came again, he must be oversexed but after that it was shambles time. We were in and out of the bath until Bill got on his high horse and insisted we cool it and clean the place up. After that he knocked up some munchies and we finished up in the pool and the sun once more. We didn't do any more sex after that and thank God for that, I think we were all played out which just goes to show that even teenies aren't supermen however much they may wish. We did our usual runner just before five and organised for them to visit us the next day, we could go over the pond and have a mess around over there.

'Penny for em.' Pete looked across from his bed later, I was totally switched off gazing at the ceiling and thinking about the Home of all things.

'To be honest...'

'Always the best way, lover boy,' he laughed.

'I was thinking about Darky and George at the Home. All the things we could have done and didn't.'

'Life's like that,' he put on his older brother tone. 'But don't your pals get days out, they're not complete prisoners are they.'

'No,' I laughed. 'They can do what they like more or less once they're old enough. Darky can go in and out within reason and George does a part time job outside as well as kitchen work from next month.'

'Slave labour?'

'Sort of,' I agreed. 'Everyone has to do something there as they pay out wages for work after age eleven, before that you get bugger all.'

'What sort of work?'

'Same as you do for your mum, chores. A bit of weeding the flowerbeds, domestic stuff, I think they make up half the jobs just to justify the payouts but the kids don't moan.'

'Let's have a look at those photos of your pals again,' he swivelled around and sat on his bed. 'The evil old mind is ticking over.'

'Yeah,' I laughed and shot over to my cupboard, my own personal cupboard that is and raked around amongst my paperwork producing the only six pictures of my past life. Three with Darky and three with George, two of the George ones were naughty. Well, they were nudes anyway and one of the older boys had taken them and printed them out for us. If any of the councellors had found them they would have shot us. 'Here you go,' I handed the glossies across complete with their brown envelope.

'Mmm...' Peter studied the pictures laying the ones of Darky on his bed and really eyeballing George, especially the nudes. 'Good looking kid, nice bits,' he giggled. 'Big boy, I wonder what he's like hard.'

'I wouldn't know,' I gave him what he calls my pretty scowl. 'And don't try and trip me up, Peter.'

'Sorry, sorry, babes,' he changed beds and sat alongside me putting his arm around me. 'I wasn't trying to trap you.'

'Yes you were,' I sniffed and on cue he kissed my ear. He was putty in my hands and I loved it and I loved him. 'If you play with Georgy I get to do Darky.'

'Evil tyke,' he laughed and bore me backwards onto the bed. 'We'll have to look at the map later just to check out hard far away Banstead is.'

'Mmmm... it's miles,' I lay back and he came down with me.

'Oh, yeah. I forgot to say. Mum took a message the weekly swim meet is tomorrow now as there are so many on holiday. Mick phoned and invited us both.'

'We going?' I leant up on my elbow and looked at him.

'If you want to, you'll get to meet my other mates, Jake and his pal whatsit.'

'Zander,' I provided.

'That's him...' he laughed. 'Smartarse.'

'I know,' I giggled as he bore me over onto my back and attacked my nipples. He knew what I liked, I ruffled his blonde hair as he did his sucky sucky bit and I felt my mini pecker harden up. The night was on us yet again. Bill and Ben were doing a return visit tomorrow and we were going over the old pond but tonight I put them out of my mind. It was just Pete and I and already I could feel his hardness pressing against my thigh. 'Let's go to bed.'

We went down for our nightime snack and spent some time chatting. Mum and dad were both pleased that I was going to the swimming meeting. As dad said it would be good to go whilst evreyone was on holiday and then I'd get an idea what it was all about without being pushed into signing on and all that BS as he called it. He seemed quite approving of Mick and Jake and I wondered why Peter was so intent on shielding me, probably scared of me losing my button but it was a bit late for that and what I'd seen of Jake I'd liked what I'd seen. Dunno about his mate Zander, he looked a bit of a thug.

We had nice lazy sex around one in the morning when the house was nice and quiet and it was as good as always. Peter was good and I know we were both kids but we went well together, I know we were both technically children but we both had sex drives and we enjoyed doing the dirty with each other, it was just as simple as that.

The following day was another stonker, it was getting hotter by the day. We had Bill and Ben over and naturally enough we finished up at the pond which they called a lake and there were other kids there so we behaved ourselves. Well, we got into a circle blow which Bill reckoned he'd invented but there was so much laughing and buggering around going on it was hard work. They had some things planned for the next couple of days so our next meeting as a group would be on the Monday when we'd do their place again.

After supper Pete and I were on guard and as soon as Mick's car stopped outside the house we were out, I could see Zander in the front and Jake in the back so we piled in and were off. Another adventure and more new faces, life was getting exciting especially when I knew that Peter had done sex with two out of three in the car already.

'So, Nathan. Gonna join the Club?' Zander asked over his shoulder as Peter and Jake mumbed away about times and lengths.

'Depends which Club,' I smiled quite happily waiting the responds. Not quite what I expected, a deathly hush settled on the car.

'The Swimming Club he means, Nathan,' Peter said red faced.

'Oh, sorry. I was getting confused,' I played the idiot.

'Don't look all that daft to me,' Zander said with a smile over his shoulder.

'Nor me,' Jake grinned. 'What has Peter been saying?'

'Nothing,' Peter squealed looking daggers in my direction.

'Leave it,' Mick ordered as we negotiated the traffic lights. It was pretty obvious who was the Alpha Male as they all promptly shut up but I was happy, they knew that I knew, dontcha just love adventures.

We got to the Leisure Centre which had the pool, a gymn and squash courts as well as a snack bar which was closed. There were only around a dozen but Mick had to do a roll call for the coach and for the Club paperwork. He was in charge and did exactly nothing, he didn't even strip off just lounged about and chatted to various parents and some of the boys. It was clear in the changing room that nearly everyone attended with their costumes or speedos on which made me glad Peter had squared me off before hand otherwise everyone would have been ogling me as I stripped. I got enough eyeballing as it was which didn't fuss me, I was rather chuffed in fact. Peter was dead jealous and fussed around me like a mother hen. I stuck with Zander whilst the Club guys did their thing, Zander only came along for the laugh, he was paid up but not a participant if you follow. He only came as Jake did, probably to keep an eye on Jake.

They were pretty hot, I'll give them that and there wasn't a class of my age anyway so if I stayed with them I'd stay as an 'associate' like Zander, just in if for the fun and the trips out they had. One thing did dtrike me though and that Jake was like a wire coat hanger in his speedos but his bulge was big as in very big. Zander was tasty as well, much more solid than Jake and he kept giving me they eye when Peter and Jake were occupied elsewhere. I had the funny feeling that if I went around the back with Zander man he'd be in my trunks in a thrice or quicker. He had a nice bulge as well and he looked a damn sight better in his swimming trunks than clothed. I'd have Zander or he'd have me, it was noted in the mental notebook.

'Ever done it with Pete?' I asked as we played around in the shallow end.

'Done what?' He stared at me stupidly.

'Done the dirty,' I looked at him trying not to bottle out. I just hoped to hell Peter hadn't been feeding me a pack of lies.

'Oh...' he looked at me and grinned. 'Not yet.'

'You're Jake's boy friend?'

'Your brother does tell tales,' he glanced sourly across at Peter who was out of the water taliking to Mick.

'So he does,' I laughed and swimmed away. I was so chuffed that he'd called Peter my brother that I didn't realise that he was right behind me and he grabbed my ankle dragging me down. He took a rough fumble at my bum and let go. I knew where I stood with Zander anyway. In the end it finished and now came the interesting bit. Showering was optional I suppose after being in the water most of the night but they did advise you to get rid of the chlorine and who didn't want a chance to see their mates as God had made them. Well, with the addition of bigger dicks and pubics in some cases.

We'd only been there for two hours and before we left there were the obligatory showers and this was the bit I was looking forward to. I know I didn't have much to display apart from my fabulous bottom but I did want to see both Jake and Zander (who I was beginning to like more and more) with their speedos off and I got my wish. Well... Jake had a long skinny dick like a donkey, it must have been a good six incher and that was dangly, God knows what it was like when he was hard but he had no bum. Amazing, you could have stuck a straight edge down his back and it would have laid flush. Mind you what he had was nice and I reckon even my stumpy cock could get in there... would get in there I mean. Zander on the other hand was all young man, a smaller cock probably around the five inches but fatter and it would grow I expect, he had a firm youth's bottom and hairy on his lower legs, Jake was a smoothy apart from his silky pubes. I had to turn into the tiles and show tham my assets, I was scared of getting a stiffy to be blunt but too soon it was over and we were laughing and joking getting dressed. Oh, yeah. The other kids were alright as well but I was more interested in this breakaway secret Club and I was very keen to join, I could see from the way Peter looked at Zander he was up for a game and that left me the way clear to make a move on Jake. Jake would move on me I suspected but no matter, the end result would be the same, I just hoped Peter was on the same wavelength.

Mick drove us home and very conveniently told us all that he would be leaving early and staying in London for the bulk of the day, as I said very convenient.

'You should come around unless you have something arranged,' Jake suggested to Peter and I held my breath. Would Peter make excuses or would he go for it.

'You'd have to look after Nathan,' Peter spoke ever so quietly but Zander broke in.

'As I'll be looking after Peter.'

I nearly freaked and jumped up and down with delight. That was it, cut and dried, easy peasy, all those things. It was fixed.

'That was quick,' Mick commented and laughed.

They dropped us off at home in good time and we walked straight into the evening get together, the cocoa and biscuits biz. A load of chat about the swimming and we were off to our bedroom, TV until eleven and quieten down for midnight, normal holiday routine there but Peter and I had things to talk about.

'You alright with Jake?' He asked me as we watched some mucus on the box.

'Yeah,' I grinned. 'He's big but he'll have to stop when I tell him,' I added full of confidence.

'He will, he's OK like that. Very loving, very gentle a bit like a bull in a china shop.'

'Like Zander?'

'Dunno, I'll find out tomorrow,' he laughed. 'He is dishy though isn't he, all butch and whatnot,' he gave a delicate little shudder, quite girly in fact.

'I expect I'll find out sooner or later,' I grinned.

'You will, he has the hots for you, I could see.'


'No,' he laughed and grabbed me. 'I've got you every night, mini slut or not.'

'You have,' I agreed snuggling in, I'd forgive the mini slut remark for the moment. I just wanted to play with Jake, experiment, if I could handle his big dong I could handle anything.

'Mmmm...' He rolled onto his back taking me on top and I had a vague suspicion what he wanted. he wanted me to do him, it was already settling into a marriage, we could read each other's minds and as I humped away with my stiffy rubbing against his he opened his legs and then he took his knees into his chest. 'Got it in you, shrimp.'

'Yeah...' I laughed softly having heard the parents say their goodnights five minutes earlier. 'I've got it in me but I'd rather have it in you.'

'Very good,' he smiled up at me. 'Come on then.'

The following morning we didn't bother getting up too early. Mum told us to have a lay in and a late breakfast and with good reason. It was gray and drizzle, what a change but that's an English summer for you. A bloody good job we hadn't intended doing anything too adventurous other than calling on Jake and Zander. Well, that would be an adventure but nothing that really required sunshine.

'We'll go around to them about eleven,' Peter said as we got dressed. 'Let them get nervous and think we aren't coming.'

'Nasty,' I laughed.

'Does to keep the big boys on their toes,' he told me. 'Otherwise they begin they think they rule the roost. If you've got something they want they'll soon crack.'

'A bit of an expert then.'

'I try,' he smiled modestly. 'Let's break our fast and do a lurk.'

We did just that, had a nice sitdown breakfast with no rushing around for a change but the lurking bit wasn't taken too kindly. We got lumbered with the washing up and as we began to get underfoot mum sent us up to give our room a good cleanup which gave us a chance to sort out our laundry and cover up any traces of our nightime trysts (good word that one). Just after ten o'clock the phone rang and mum called Peter down, he was back up five minutes later with a beam on his face. 'Toldya,' he exclaimed.


'They thought we'd forgotten or changed our minds,' he giggled. 'Putty in my hands,' he rubbed his hands like he was washing them.

'Putty in our hands,' I corrected him. We told mum what we'd be upto. Well, in fact, we told her that we'd be wargaming but no matter a little white lie never hurts now and then and we were off. There was a dirt track cut through the houses between the Closes and we scurried down there getting soaked even with out raincoats on but they must have been looking out as the door opened as we ran up their small garden path. I only had time to see that their house or rather Mick's was slightly larger than ours but of a similar style, ex Council family house but all now private since the eighties not that I know too much about them not having been born but people still go on about the Thatcher Years and all that crap. The funny thing was people always called them 'council houses' as a bit of a put down, never mind, we were here now and it was time for High Adventure all a bit like Pirates of the Carribean (in a way).

'Come in, come in,' Jake ushered us into their front room where they had the fire going although it wasn't what you'd called cold. Zander was sprawled out on the carpet with a couple of cushions, a duvet and a motorcycling magazine by the look of it, he was drinking a cup of hot chocolate and gave us a grin without moving himself.

'Settle down, take the raincoats off,' Jake odered. 'Sit yourselves down, I'll make you a couple of hot chocs.'

'Cheers' we both said and looked for somewhere to dump our sodden coats, Zander wasn't much help, he just lay there ogling Peter, it was pretty clear to see where his priorities lay. In the end we hung them in the little hall and flopped down with the Zander man after he told us to leave our soggy shoes at the side of the fire.

'Hey, that's nice,' Peter lay alongside me and wriggled his toes at the fire.

'Very,' Zander stared at Peter's groin.

'Jeezeus, get a room you two,' I giggled.

'In a while, little one,' Zander laughed and jumped over me so that he lay between myself and Peter. 'Gissa kiss,' he grabbed Peter and preseed him backwards onto the cushions and then in front of my very eyes planted a long and from the sound of it a very succulent kiss.

Peter looked at me despairingly and grabbed Zander's head holding him tightly and wrapping his hands around the softy toughy clasping his firm bottom. I looked at them writhing in front of the fire and obviously enjoying themselves. I was the traditional spare pick at the wedding but I was rescued by Jake walking in with two steaming mugs on a tray. 'Break it up, choccy time.' The pair split looking very pleased with themselves as we sat in a group by the fire slurping our hot chocolate and just nattering away mainly about the Swimming Club and the remainder of the holidays.

Zander worked for a landscaper it seemed and he worked very much on a casual basis but even with the low wage he seemed happy enough. He'd virtually moved in with Jake and I couldn't understand why Mick should keep them around. Maybe they chipped in for the food or something, it wasn't my concern anyway. I did learn one thing though and that was that Mick had a boyfriend called Ian so Jake and Zander were an independent pair. Curious and highly weird, Mick must like running a free love commune. I wondered what the neighbours thought of it all but I didn't really care, just wondered.

Mind you, turning my back on the lovebirds one of which was supposed to be my boyfriend I found that Jake wasn't backwards coming forwards. As I drunk my chocolate I felt a hand slip between my legs and cup my nuts, obviously it was Jake and he looked at me with a slight smile on his face. 'Very sweet.'

'Yeah,' I agreed, well, I had to, I thought they were sweet as well. I moved in a little closer to make it easier for him and he glanced over my shoulders at the other two. Satisfied he moved in and brushed his dry lips against my cheek and I turned towards him. As far as I was concerned whatever Peter did was good enough for me. I kissed Jake properly and let my hand drift down to his crotch. His trousers were those thin cargoes and I could feel the outline of his cock within quite clearly. I should do, he was half hard and as I grasped it I could feel it twitch and harden in my grasp.

'Jeez,' he moaned and moved in closer until we were just as close as Peter and Zander who were virtually inside each other's trousers.

'We're going upstairs,' Zander announced.

'Use the spare room,' Jake muttered and grinned at me. I could read that grin and it said: Alone! Let the fun begin. Didn't know I was a mind reader did you?

At least he waited until they'd left the room before pressing me back onto the carpet and gazing down at me. 'Settling in with Peter?'

'Yeah.' I looked back. Now wasn't the time or place to discuss Peter and he seemed to get the message.

'Let me make you an offer you can't refuse...'

'You're about to invite me upto your room?' I made a wild guess.

'Something like that,' he stood up and bending over offered his hand which I took, he hoisted to to my feet and we made our way upstairs. I would have been quite happy in front of a fire but I suppose a bedroom was safer especially if a burglar of someone else took to peering through the ground floor windows. His room was messy and clearly shared with Zander as I spotted his and his heaps of clothing either side of the bed, neither of them scored very highly in the tidy boy stakes. At least we didn't have to worry about shoes was my last thought before he pushed me onto the bed and was immediately all over me.

Jeez, he was like a spider, a caramel coloured Middle Easter spider. I had no idea where he was from or where his roots were but he was like a cross between a Spaniard, an Arab or a Thai boy... a mix of all three and he was so attractive. His hands were everywhere but his first move was a basic cuddle and kiss and then his hands were inside my upper clothing caressing and stroking my flesh and not surprisingly removing my sweat shirt, the first stop to getting naked. This kiddy wasn't messing around and I was happy enough with that, I'd seen him in the showers relaxed I now wanted to see it at full stretch.

He had my shirt off over my head in no time but by this time I was delving into his khakis and had got a grip on his warm penis through his baggy boxers but he was one jump ahead, he managed to undress me and himself at the same time and in the end we rolled around on his big bed naked other than for my little briefs and his huge boxers. In the end they went and I was gobsmacked to say the least when his long bown cock sprang free, It was darker than the rest of his body and although his scrotum seemed to be hair free he had a nice neat black pubic push which wasn't crisp and curly but fine and soft like the hair on his head. We lay on our sides with our arms around each other and his long cock now fully hard rubbed up and down on my belly and squashed my own. His hand clasped my bottom one cheek to each hand and he gradually worked me onto my back and moved down a little so that we were face to face.

'I nearly popped one when I saw you in the shower last night,' he grinned and wetly nuzzled the side of my neck. He had moved into a crouching position now like a big dog and I grabbed his swinging hardness and slowly moved the foreskin up and down on it's hard inner core.

'You looked pretty dishy yourself,' I giggled as he moved down and I felt his hot breath and then his wet tongue on my nipples which had popped their own little hardons.

'Thank you,' he sucked my tits and I felt the merest bite with his teeth but his hands were under my bottom lifting me as his lips moved down my rounded stomach and he tongued my navel. I sighed with satisfaction I knew what came next but I was mistaken, I thought he was going for my dick, he didn't. In one swift movement he virtually doubled me over with my legs up around my ears and he dived onto my exposed ring and away he went. I quivered and shuddered as he literally ate me out. His teeth slipped of my taut flesh but his tongue lubricated me and probed at my ring until I was as slippery and slimey as a snail and right at the end the initial penetration. His finger slid into me and delved deep and he started to make circular movements easing and relaxing my back door.

His finger slid free and I felt the end of a tube up against my pucker and I felt the smear of a cold gel and he even shoved it into my hole and I wriggled as I felt the stuff inside me, he wasn't taking any chances and he was in a hurry. As soon as the tube was gone I felt the smear of his bulbous glans against me, a gentle pressure and then the sensation of being opened, stretched. It bloody well hurt and I cried out but he sank his lips onto mine and pushed a little harden and then suddenly it was alright. I had his oozing knob in my back passage and his slender shaft was on the move as he pushed and pulled sinking deeper and deeper.

'Alright?' He muttered between kisses.

'Just,' I brushed the tears from the corners of my eyes. I wasn't too keen on this quick stuff, I liked Peter and his long slow ones, a bit of romance and a little less of the crash, bang, wallop. It was getting easier though, the lube whatever it was, was working and I began to feel his heat fill me and God knows where his knob was, it must have been up in my belly somewhere. 'Yeah, I'm alright,' I lay there holding his hips imagining his slippery cock hitting my lungs or something. Not a happy thought but he was bottoming out now and I dropped my legs onto his shoulders as I felt his soft pubics against my cheeks.

'Jeeeez...' I almost howled as he rocked back onto his ankles kneeling upright and took me with him, he grabbed my hips and I slid down his cock taking it in one swallow in a manner of speaking as I sat in his lap facing him and impaled on his hard and very slippery cock.

'That's nice,' he smoothed my body with his hands and held me down tightly making tiny jabs up into my pierced bottom. I felt like I was on a spike and I suppose I was but he bent forward again laying me on the bed and still in me began to move again. He'd mounted me and no way was I getting free. He put his hand either side of my chest and began to effortlessly slip in and out giving me the occasional peck as he opened me up and moved faster and faster.

That was better, I'd just about got used to his long cock inside me and now the initial gymnastics were over I felt happier. I didn't know how Peter was going to be tonight, my arsehole must be wrecked but it didn't hurt at all, in fact, I was beginning to get used to it as he slipped in and out of my now quite fluid bottom. There was so much sweat and various juices around that he was losing traction and he started to go faster.

'You are so bloody tight,' he groaned and hammered away pushing me up the bed. Well, it was nice to hear even if it was the pits as far as romantic talk went. I'd have preferred something a bit more Barbara Cartland (not that I've ever read any... well, I tried one once). 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' he started to mutter and I got ready for it, his dick seemed even bigger and I felt so bloated but traitor me, I fixated on Darky in the same situation and it was better.

'Oooooh,' I warbled at the end. His cock seemed to swell and then the pumping. This was no Peter boy cum, this was the big deal. I actually felt the warm, slippery mess splat into my gut again and again. He cum like a horse, I could feel it inside me and trickling from my hole as he moved... talk about messy, super messy more likely.

'Mmmmm...' His lips dropped onto mine as he continued to move but he was spent and he was now just stirring the pot in a manner of speaking. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he gently rocked us both as he moved in and out of my well juiced and flooded bottom. 'Your turn,' he grinned and slipped free gently but my guts felt like they followed, he laughed rather proudly and rammed a towel against my dripping boy fanny as he called it. He was right I suppose, I was turning into a right slut and it was all Peter's fault.

He flopped out onto his belly and I managed to clamber between his legs. I gazed at his beautiful skinny bum which was slightly paler than the rest of his body and parted his legs even further until I sighted his dark brown pucker, I'm bloody sure the thing winked at me but I was on heat, I didn't care. I was as hard as a little chocolate frog (Harry Potter plug there) and just rammed into his sweat coated sphincter.

'Yow... you bastard,' he cried out but fuck it, I was in and staying in. He had no chance I was a lightweight but I had him pinned to the bed and after a couple of twitches and flexes of his tight little bottom he settled down and even started to push up onto me as I merrily shagged away.

He had a thick black haired pony tail which is the sort of thing I haven't seen for ages apart from elderly bikers so I sank my teeth into it and tugged as I shagged. Great fun, from the noise he was making he was either ejoying himself of suffering but I was on a rapage... it was great. he pushed himself up into a doggy and I just kept on hammering away until I cum. It was a good one, perhaps the rough and tumble turned me on but he'd punished me a bit and now it was revenge taken, honour satisfied and all that crap. As I clung to his sweaty body he clamped and relaxed as if he was milking my noodle and I just moved in my mess feeling quite proud opf myself. Reaching around I was a bit surprised to find he was as hard as an iron bar again, I couldn't believe it. He'd cum gallons and now he was up for it again. I slipped free and collapsed onto the bed with a gasp.

'You little sod,' he grinned and fell on top of me mashing his lips onto mine. 'No wonder Peter's looking like a love lorn loon.'

'A what?' I giggled.

'A love lorn loon,' he repeated. 'You are good for a Rugrat though.'

'Bollocks.' Sorry about that but it's a word I tend to use when I can't think of anything else to say. 'I gotta go to the bathroom.'

'Hurry up... I'll see you in the shower in ten.'

I rushed from the room hoping not to meet Peter or Zander on the way but after a quick earwig at their door I guess I was safe. I could hear mutters and giggles, they were obviously occupied and once I'd done the fluid dump I couldn't have cared less. I was in the mood. I'd handled the biggest dick I'd ever come across and was beginning to feel like I could keep at it all day. Jake was a bit of a skinny tart but he sure knew how to use that outsized dick of his. I had a quick dump as the Yanks say or an evacuation as the old Home doctor used to call it and I was in the shower soaping up by the time Jake appeared on the scene. He must have shot downstairs to the toilet as he was in with me in a flash and all over me like a soapy and slippery spider. His big wet cock slipped and slapped against me and I wasn't surprised when he manhandled me down onto the carpet by the shower and we wriggled and writhed around a bit all soapy and steamed up... he was going for it again and funnily enough I was looking forward to it.

Like a mug I let him get me into a doggy this time and as he stroked and toyed with my body I felt his humongous fleshy lump between my legs and then in an instant I felt that pressure again and whined as I felt his hot cock spear into me for the second time. I dropped my head onto my arms on the fluffy carpet and wriggled my bottom as he started to move.

So much for jopining Peter's little Sex Club, I should be elected President after this although I might have to settle for mascot. As Jake started out on his second and much slower shag I contemplated Zander for afters or maybe tomorrow . Time would tell, we had a long holiday ahead of us and there was no rush, I pushed back onto Jake who was playing with my limp cock, the good news was that it was coming alive in his soapy hand... joy!

The Soap continues.

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Next: Chapter 14

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