Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Sep 29, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


13 - Nathan Joins the Club (2)


G. Cutter

Still me telling the story, Nathan that is.

We tottered from Mick's place around five in the afternoon and wobbled home. I really mean tottered and wobbled, I was shagged, three times in fact, that damn Jake was like a ram, he never stopped. Mind you I did him twice which isn't bad for a rugrat as he kept calling me. All a bit crash bang wallopy and totally different to what Peter and I got upto. To be really bitchy Peter and I made love, Jake and I just shagged and shagged and... well, you get the story. It was still drizzly and mum was out so we sat in the kitchen and supped a couple of Cokes and relaxed. Home safe and sound and no damage done apart from a rather loose rear end and a sore knob.

'So, what do you think about Jake?' Peter quizzed me.

'A bit frantic,' I replied. I didn't know what to say and I didn't want to upset him.

'He is,' he laughed. 'You'll like Zander, he likes the kissing and sucking, he's not one to rush at things.'

'What's he like?'

'You know,' Peter laughed again. 'You've seen him.'

'No, I mean down below. You know, his willy.'

'Oh that,' Peter grinned. 'Not as long as Jake's pool cue but fatter and he's a damn sight more gentle with it. He's good sex between you, me and the bedpost.'

'So you're well plugged,' I remarked a bit nastily I suppose.

'You and me both, kid.'

'Yeah, I agreed and we sat in silence for a bit. 'I was thinking about Darky...'

'Go on.'

'I was thinking...' I was picking my words here as I wanted Peter on my side for this project. 'I don't think your mum and dad would be too happy about me wanting to lurk about the Home. I might look really ungrateful and I don't want to seem like that. I'm not ungrateful, I'm over the moon being here and I don't want to upset them.'

'And,' Peter looked at me keenly, he was beginning to read me a bit by now and he knew there was more to come. 'It's our mum and dad by the way little brother, isn't it?'

'Yeah, of course.' I looked up at him now came the punchline. 'They do let boys out on holidays with ex boys sorta thing,' I stumbled but Peter picked it up.

'What you're saying is that mum and dad could invite Darky over for a week or two during the holidays?'

'Yeah,' I smiled. He'd got it.

'Leave it to me, I'll chat them up,' Peter grinned. 'I'll tell them you love Darky's cock and can't live without it.'

'Shurrup,' I squealed spraying Coke all over the place. That was the end of that little conversation but the seed had been planted and my evil little mind was filled with images of Peter shagging Darky, then me, then a threesome, then... oh my Gawd. What we could do in a fortnight. Darky would love it, I think.

We were both snoozing when mum arrived with her shopping and I think she might have been worried about us, you know, healthy boys aren't supposed to sleep in the afternoons so we got threatened with earlier nights, a sort of curfew. Hopefully it never crossed her mind what we might have been upto, not her little innocents, not her pair of angels... not much.

The evening passed as they do but I got called into the kitchen later, it was a bit like being summoned to the head man's office in the Care Home and I shuffled in wondering what I'd done wrong.

'Sit down, Nathan,' dad said and mum sat alongside him looking rather stern, Peter was still up in our room keeping out of the way.

'This boy Darky,' mum spoke toying with a pen and a pad. 'What's his full name?'

'Henry... Henry Drake but everyone calls him Darky,' I spluttered.

'OK,' dad spoke again. 'We'll phone up tomorrow. Peter suggested we offer a fortnight and if we and he get on OK we can stretch it for the rest of the holiday. How's that sound?'

'Brilliant,' I burst out. Peter had really done it and they didn't even seem to mind at all.

'The only problem is that you'll have to mix'n match with the sleeping arrangements, shove your beds together or something. We haven't got a spare bed so you'll have to rough it a bit. OK?' Dad looked at me and grinned. 'Away you go, tell Peter we'll try and get Henry delivered or collect him on Monday.'

'Thank you, thank you,' I babbled as I left the kitchen. I couldn't believe that Peter had actually gone into bat for me and that they'd so readily agreed. I'd finished up with good people and as for Peter... well, I'd give him something special tonight, dunno what but I'd think of something.

'You look happy,' he grinned as I burst back into the room.

'They're going to invite Darkly for a couple of weeks, maybe more,' I jumped onto his bed and grabbed him.

'Well, let's hope it goes OK,' his head dropped and I felt his tongue at my navel. It was one of his little kinks by the way, I was always a bit fearful of him giving me a big hickey on the belly but he wasn't that mad, well, not quite. I gently ruffled his hair and made hopeful thrusts up with my pelvis and he turned his head and playfully bit my crotch through my jeans. 'Should be saving this for Darky I suppose,' he turned to face me suddenly. 'Hey, if you've never done anything with this kid the holiday could be a complete cock up.'

'Hopefully,' I giggled.

'Come on tell me all about him, what you've done and what you haven't,' he was up alongside me now and was playing Mr Serious, he'd taken to this older brother role like a natural.

'Well...' I drew it out.

'Come on, come on, let's hear the dirty,' he muttered impatiently. 'All the gory details.'

'Well, we've kissed a bit and groped. We've wanked together and twice we wanked each other.' I looked at him and he was eager for more. 'And we fucked between legs in the shower once, Darky cum but I couldn't.'

'Is that it?' He asked after a silence.

'Yeah,' I laughed. 'I've only been pervy since I've been with you.'

'How old is he, you can't tell from the picture.'

'Twelve coming on thirteen but he's short.'

'I hope he's going to be alright,' Peter looked thoughtful. 'Don't want a party pooper around.'

'He won't be,' I turned my back on him and he snuggled in as I crossed my fingers. It worked, it always does. Turn your back on Pete and he's in there like a ferret trying to get down a rabbit hole, I could feel him getting harder already, his pointy nosed little rodent was on the move. Of course we didn't do it as it was far too early in the evening but after the cocoa bit later on and once we were safely bedded down we got down to it.

Bugger me (again) if it wasn't pouring the next day. Mum was a bit reluctant to let us go over to Mick's but relented in the end when we appeared in the kitchen with raincoats on and brandishing brollies like a pair of little Paddington Bears. Dad had promised to call the Home from work so we should get some definite news in the evening but for now it was the assault on Tweedledum and Tweedledee. I didn't know who was who but Pete just naturally called people weird names. Bill and Ben were the Flower Pot Men but that was an old one, even I knew that one. Mind you after his little performance last night I should start calling him Muffin as in Muffin the Mule. We did our usual run through the cut through which had turned into a swamp and splashed up the garden path to the gingerbread cottage and the two wrinkled old witches lurking within.

'Come in, my dears,' Jake did his Fagin impersonation hustling us into the house where Zander was sprawled in front of the fire again, he must sleep there like a bloody great dog I thought or perhaps he wasn't used to chairs. 'Stash your gear.'

We did as we were told and did as we had yesterday, we lay out with Zander but we had a good excuse, today was a lot colder and the fire heated the room nicely. I noticed Zander needed a shave, so much for a schooly but I remembered he was sixteen after all and a working man or was it a working youth. 'How are you,' he greeted me flashing his teeth like a hungry wolf.

'Fine,' I stretched out and gave him the dreamy eyed look, you know the one they like. They go for it every time. 'I'm tired,' I managed a yawn.

'That sounds like a chat up line,' he grinned. I heard Peter give a disgusted snort and move off the the kitchen presumably to help out Jake. 'Never mind, we can go to bed in a little while.'

'I thought you'd say that,' I moved away and sat up on the sofa but he got to his feet and sat alongside me draping his arm around my shoulder. I felt the fine hairs on his arms brush against my cheek and turned towards him. Any further conversation was curtailed as Peter and Jake came in with the cocoa in mugs on a tray. Any more of the bloody stuff and I'd begin to look like a cocoa bean and Jake made it so thick it was like flaming custard, talk about a meal in a drink or is it the other way around.

'You look disgusting,' Jake remarked to Zander. 'You need a shave.'

'All bristley,' I ran my fingers lightly up the side of Zander's face and he was. Not really rough but softish rough, how's about that for confusing. I rather liked it, he would be my first with a bit of a beard on his face.

'Bumfluff,' Zander snorted but looked pleased. 'I'll have a shave, I need a quick shower anyway.'

'Can I watch,' I looked at him and smirked.

'Of course you can, my sweet,' he camped.

'Oh, purleeez, Jake moaned. 'I gotta honk up.'

'Shurrup,' I giggled. Zander was so sweet, he'd draped his arm around me and I snuggle into his warm embrace. It was a real grotty day but it was nice in front of the fire with him holding me and only one thing could be better. Getting naked and into a bed with him, not on the bed but in it just like lovers should. 'Mmmmm...'

Peter had made a remark the previous night about me getting boy happy or to be more blunt, cock happy. He might have been right, the more I got the more I wanted. I wasn't daft, I knew things would slow down, even randy boys don't want to shag all the time, there are other things. I can't think of any off hand but school would eventually rear it's ugly head, then homework and the other things that go with school, new learning, sports, blahdy blah blah. New friends to meet, new relationships to navigate but I had my base, I had my Peter, I had Bill and Ben and now I had Jake and the ever so yummy Zander. Peter had made another remark, he'd called Zander a bit of rough trade but he'd told me that applied to looks not to performance. He'd told me quite seriously when we did our midnight snuggle that Zander was a lover not a crash bang wallop like Jake and I was looking forward to it to be honest... I was craving it to be super honest... I wanted Zander and he was just flopping around showing total indifference, bloody mortifying.

I suppose we just lay there nattering for a while and Zander eventually gave me the eye and I gave him a slight nod in return, the time was nigh. Sounds a bit Biblical but I wasn't thinking goody-goody, I was thinking dirty and so was little willy, he was stiff in my jeans, poor baby, he wanted an outing.

Parting of our pairs had been a bit awkward yesterday but today was better, Zander just stood and held his hand out for me, I reached out and took it and he hauled me to my feet. 'See ya for lunch,' he spoke down casually to the other two and we were off.

'I'm sending out for fish and chips around two,' Jake called and that was that. Fait acompli as they say.

'This is our room,' Zander led me into a different room to yesterday's, the noticeable thing was that it was tidier and didn't contain the TV and bashed up music centre of yesterday's, this was clearly a room for entertaining or guests... or for when the resident pair decided on a solo flight. All pretty organised and after all that a pleasant room and directly opposite the bathroom which was convenient. 'Do I, don't I?' Zander mused sitting on the bed rubbing his jaw making a subdued scratchy noise.

'I think it makes you look all butch and domineering,' I smiled and played the girly bit.

'Don't take the piss, shrimp,' Zander reached out damn quickly and here was me thinking he was a bit slow. He had me on the bed in a second and was rubbing his bristles into the crook of my neck, we finished up in with a kiss surprisingly tender, very much more so than Jake. 'So, do I shave or not,' Zander had managed to get one hand in the back of my jeans and grasped one cheek through my briefs, the other toyed at my zip and slowly slid it down. I just clung to him and let him do the business.

'I don't know,' I stroked his cheek and it wasn't stiff hair like my foster dad sported, it was quite soft and I liked it. 'Leave it,' I rubbed my dry lips up his cheek feeling the soft hair and then finding his softer lips. I probed with my tongue and his teeth opened and my tongue met his in a slippery embrace.

'Mmm... you are so tasty. I'll have to shave otherwise Jake'll have my guts,' he whispered pulling me on top of him and clasping both cheeks this time and this time he'd got his hands inside my briefs and stroked and clasped my relaxed bottom. 'Beautiful bum.'

'Is that the best you can do,' I laughed. 'You're supposed to say something about my beautiful boyish bottom and orbs of fleshy delight.'

'You've been listening to Peter too much,' Zack grinned back at me. 'Grrrrrr...' he slipped his hands inside the back of my shirt and crossed his arms crushing me to his chest. I thought he'd cracked a rib but he soon let go when he saw the look on my face. 'Sorry, baby.'

'You don't have to be rough,' I whined playing my little game. I liked doing all this stuff, I might become an actor one of these fine days but I did do the defenceless little virgin well, scrub the virgin bit I think. I managed to get my hands between us in our moving around and whipped his zip down and got my hands inside his scruffy combats. He was hard and at a rough guess his hot cock wasn't as long or as skinny as Jake's. As Peter had told me Zander's was a nice thick and hot chunk and he was fully hard. He groaned as I slowly moved my hands on it feeling it firm in my grasp. 'We having this bath, I wanna see you naked.'

'Ditto, Nathan my man,' Zander rolled me over planted one kiss on my exposed belly and got from the bed and started shedding clothing. 'Come on, kiddo. Soapy strokes await.'

'Great,' I giggled and undressed. I think this one was going to be fun and it was just chilly enough to make getting into a warm bath and then a bed an attractive option. The way the rain was bouncing of the windows we may even make a day of it. A foursome? Nah, not until after lunch anyway.

I followed his bare bottom into the bathroom where it was nice and warm and I ran the bath with loads of foam in it whilst he shaved. He wet shaved and I watched fascinated as he applied the gunk to his face and started with his razor. I thought everyone used electrics nowadays but not Zander, he still liked the stroke of steel on his face as he put it. What he liked even more was me standing behind rubbing my hardness up his crack and reaching around bringing him to a full blown stiffy. Just to really put him off I managed to squeeze between the handbasin and his body and took rather cramped licks and swipes at his jerking cock and swinging balls... so much for the reluctant virgin bit, ho hum. In the end he stepped back a bit and grasping my head slowly moved in and out of my mouth face fucking me but nice and slowly and clearly not wanting to cum, he was saving that.

'Come on, bath,' he groaned in the end and dragged me into the bath and then it was really playtime. I actually slid inside him at one time and he let me have a little go but as soon as I started to get excited he clamped up and expelled me laughing all the while. He was a super tease, he sucked me until I was on the verge of popping and stopped... Jeez, he was so frustrating and all I was going was getting harder and harder. My dick was aching as he turned me around in the bath and worked a finger into my hole and then shortly after got two in there and finger fucked me until I begged for his fat cock. He actually rubbed his swollen glans against my pucker and then laughing dragged us up and showered off. It was bedtime, my back end was relaxed and I was on heat big time. I wanted his fat cock and his youthful spunk, I was well and truly gone.

We towelled off and now fully hard scampered back into the bedroom and were straight into bed snuggling against the chill, unlike Jake he didn't have his room fire on and it was quite cold in there and the after a quick peep out of the window bed was most certainly the place to be. His room faced out onto the garden and it looked like a swamp.

'Mmmmmm, now this is nice,' he held me and did his usual holding me tightly to his chest and clasping my tight little cheeks, that boy had a thing for my bum which was nice as I had a thing for his rock hard cock, two and two equals four as they say and as soon as I felt his hand go under the pillow I knew it was action time. I was getting intro the various routines by now and he was going the sixty nine route. He kissed and lapped down my body eventually taking in my jerking spike and moving around in the bed until his head and torso were inside the bed in the warm and his arse and jerking stiffy were above my face. Holding his hips I guided him down and began to suck at last on his hot mass. He was oozing a bit and I could taste his slimy essence, sweet and sour and so tasty. He was dribbling loads and I just sucked and slurped away just hoping he'd have enough left to feed me a decent cum. In the middle of all the sucking and slobbering I felt his hands part my cheeks and then the first oily insertion. One finger which he must have craftily coated with lube penetrated me deep and hard and I jerked nearly biting the head off his cock.

'Zaaacky...' I whined still doing the protesting vestal virgin bit again but he had me worked out now. He took my shrunken scrotum into his mouth and sucked away really finger fucking me loosening and easing my ring which was pretty smart as his cock was far fatter than Jake's.

'Come on, let's do it,' I gave in, I surrendered, I'd had enough of the fucking around... I wanted a good shag. I dragged him around and after another session of hot and steamy kissing guided him between my legs and raised them slightly.

'You ready, sweetnuts.'



'Fuck me nice and slow.'

He just grinned at me and lifted my legs stroking me all the while and taking his time. Once he had my legs up and folded down onto my chest in the stuffed chicken mode as Peter puts it he took a slow lick and lap down my chest onto my noodle but I could feel his slippery knob's end at my ring and as his head started to move back up my body I felt the contact and then the gentle pressure.

'Aaaah...' I tried to yell out but his lips were on mine again and I held him tightly as I felt his engorged glans push against my sphincter and open me up. God, it hurt for just a brief moment but I was so well prepared and he was so well lubed up it slipped inside me like it was tailor made. I groaned but this time with satisfaction as I felt his hot meat inside me and moving in deeper as he slowly and ever gently lay his body on mine. The rest just followed on, as he clutched me he pulled me in tightly filling me and seating his solid six inch shaft deep into my belly. When I felt his crisp pubics press against my bottom I let my legs fall onto his back and cuddled him in return. We were joined as one unit, now it began.

'You alright?' He whispered.

'Fantabulous,' I grinned kissing his nose. 'I feel bloated.'

'Aah, poor Nathan,' he grinned mockingly and started to move slowly in and out pushing harder at every move until I thought he was trying to get inside me. He was good I'll give him that and once we were underway he made a good job of it. He slipped right out until only his knob was inside me and then slipped all the way back in going faster and faster all the time. I didn't know how long he'd keep going but I was wrecked already but the bath and the lube had worked, there was no discomfort just the pleasure of his fat cock sliding in and out and his swollen glans going where no man had been before (apart from Jake that is).

As he shagged I had to wank I was that deperate for relief but he stopped me and pinned my wrists to the bed as he went for the finale. It ended in a flurry of sweaty slaps and I felt my head against the headboard of the bed as he finally rammed in deep and hard and groaned as his fat cock seemed to swell even more and then the pumping and throbbbing. His youthful spunk actually squirted into me, it felt like a warm enema but it was slippery and there was loads of it, I actually felt him pump four, maybe five times and I could feel the stuff trickling from my hole onto my tailbone. And he still kept on fucking, talk about messy, his spilt spunk was all over the place, talk about pigging out. 'You are so good,' he gasped at the end doing his usual crushy bit cracking another couple of ribs but I was past caring now. My fanny felt like a horsecollar and my bum like a bucket of slugs. I was well and truly done but there was one little thing left and it was red raw poking up my belly and doing it's own oozing, the first time I ever remember it actually doing that. I could see my glowing knob connected to my belly by a pearly string of my own cum but he was drawing clear now and was on it.

I whined with pleasure as his hot mouth came down on me and he took it right into his throat sucking and jiggling my balls. It was over in a moment, I did the blast of my young life into his avid suction and he smiled up my belly with my cum smearing his lips and drooling from the corner of his mouth. He sucked and squeezed me dry and then grinned up my belly opening his mouth to show it full of my creamy cum. Disgusting but I was so proud of myself as he rammed a small towel between my cheeks and went for his now familiar cuddle.

'That was brilliant, Nath, you are one good little fuck.'

'You say the nicest things,' I giggled. 'Pretty hot yourself, Zander man.' I looked at him. 'Only one thing though...'

'Your turn this afternoon, after lunch,' he laughed. There you go, now I knew he was a nice guy as well as good sex. No wonder Jake was so skinny, he'd probably been a sixteen stone porky before Zander started on him.

The day went through it's ordained routine (you like that?) as our days seemed to do and around five o'clock we wandered back home for our supper and an evening's recovery and relaxation. Dad was home early and the meal was about ready. It wasn't until we were eating that dad came out with his surprise.

'Saturday,' he announced and we looked at him all agog, it seemed like an announcement was coming and it did.

'Around nine o'clcock I'm taking you, Nathan,' he nodded at me, 'To collect Henry Clancey aka Darky from Banstead. We were due to do the pickup on Monday but it's a Bank Holiday.'

'Wow, great,' I grinned.

'What about me,' Peter bleated.

'You're coming shopping with me,' Mum laughed. 'If I've got three boys to feed plus one male lumpen, I need to stock up on food.' I assumed when she said 'lumpen' she was referring to dad but he didn't seem to mind. Jeez, I was in shock it was all happening so fast, Saturday, tomorrow. I just hoped Darky lived upto expectations and that he and Peter got on alright. It was a risk, I know but Peter had put me on the same sex trail and I was getting addicted. His fault at the end of the day.

'You'd better cram those beds together and muck in for the fortnight or maybe longer, it just depends how you behave yourselves. If you can get on together without arguing or getting hissy fits all well and good.' Dad had spoken again and I wondered if he suspected Peter and I were upto things, he had been a boy himself at one time after all.

'And give that room of yours a good clean up first thing in the morning,' Mum had to say her bit of course.

'That was pretty quick,' Peter commented as we lay on our beds later on listening to some music until told to turn it down. 'How'd you get on with Zander?'

'He's nice,' I smiled remembering Zander's big cock. 'Bit of a sweety really.'


'I know,' I laughed. 'Your slut, Pete, remember that.'

'Come here,' he held his arms out and that was it, I jumped beds and was against his warm body in a flash. Yeah, I know Darky was on his way but Peter was the boy friend and already I could feel the noodle hardening. God it's so hard being a sex maniac but great fun all the same.

I left with dad just before nine the next day, with the Saturday morning traffic it would take about an hour and the same to return so mum and Peter would have time for their shopping and whatnot. There was no rush in any case and it was a bit of adventure visiting the old Home and all it's memories both good and bad. Our appointment and collection was at ten and we were there a bit late but that was down to the traffic and as we drew upto the door the place looked deserted.

'All quiet,' dad remarked as he turned around ready for the off. 'Think they're all still in bed?'

'Not likely,' I replied. 'They're probably all off doing their chores.' As I spoke Darky appeared at the door accompanied by the Matron who must have been on duty, he was lugging a backpack and looking super nervous, he gave me a small smile and looked at dad as if he was an alien. One thing about Peter Senior, he was good with kids. He charged over and grabbed Darky's hand and started pumping it like he was trying to rip it out of it's socket. Darky got a fit of the giggles which helped and the Matron wasn't one to hang around. It was intros all around and a few papers to be signed. It was a bit like hiring a car, we had Darky for three weeks with the option of another two to complete the holiday. Matron swagged dad into the office for a cup of tea and I got Darky into the car and we sat in the back waiting for the adults to finish whatever it was they were doing.

'Good of you to invite me for a holiday,' Darky was a bag of nerves. 'What they like?' I assumed he was referring to my new family.

'Great.' I enthused. 'They just let us get on with it most of the time.'

'Us... you and your new foster brother or whatever you mean?'

'Yeah, Peter,' I looked at him and rubbed my leg up against his in the privacy of the back of the vehicle. 'He's alright.'

'Yeah?' He grinned for the first time.

'Yeah,' I replied. 'You'll find out tonight.'

'Really,' he cackled. 'He's thirteen isn't he?'

'Thirteen coming on fourteen, a year up on you... he's got a bigger dick though.' There you go, that's what I'd call a conversation stopper.

'Oh,' he looked blank for a moment. 'It's not the size, it's how you use it,' he grinned recovering pretty quickly.

'We'll see about that tonight... ah, here's dad.'

'OK, boys. That's it all done,' he smiled at Darky. 'So, what do you prefer Henry or Darky.'

'Everyone calls me Darky,' Darky mumbled shyly. 'I think... I don't know. Darky will do.'

'OK, Darky,' dad got into the car and started up. he was clearly confused by Darky's attitude but so was I. He hadn't actually answered the question.

'What do you prefer?' I whispered as dad negotiated his way back onto the main road.

'Never really thought about it,' he gazed out of the window but his leg was still pressed against mine.

'Traffic's murder,' dad moaned as we go moving and he was right. Saturday wasn't really the day to do an Addlestone to Banstead, the roads were chock-a-block with vehicles probably all heading for the out of town supermarkets which seemed to be popping up like mushrooms in that part of Surrey. I didn't mind I had time to crafdtily peep at Darky even if it was from the side. He'd had a haircut and wasn't too bad for a change, he tended to let it grow and walk around looking like a rubbish tip but he was tidy today. Nicely pressed jeans and a t-shirt although he was carrying one of those sports jackets, the shower proof ones which advertised one of the major football teams. Sod, his clothing, I wanted to get him naked and stuck between myself and Peter. I think he'd play, in fact, I was sure he would... otherwise the fortnight would be a disaster.

Bill and Ben would be away Wednesday so we needed to fit in a trip there and how a fivesome was going to work was anyone's guess. Same applied to Jake and Zander but they were big boys, they would cope.

It took us over an hour and by the time we arrived home we were an hour late on estimate and it went without saying that mum and Peter were jumping about like cats on hot tin roofs thinking the worst.

'I thought you'd been in a pile up.' That was mum's starter which was cheery, Peter just lurked in the background eyeballing Darky as if he was fresh off the banana boat and that's an old fashioned racist remark there but never mind, I didn't mean it. Mum was all over Darky with exactly the same question as dad, in the end we males called him Darky and mum insisted on calling him Henry... women?

Peter was formally introduced although he knew everything about Darky right down to his dick size but the parents weren't to know that. After that we took him upto our room to sort out the sleeping and for him to dump his small amount of kit.

'Well, it's nice to meet you face to face,' Peter started off. 'Although, Nathan showed me a couple of pictures.'

'Still got them?' Darky grinned obviously a bit more comfortable now we were all boys together.

'Yeah, I told Peter all about us and the Home,' I replied.

'Mmmm, not much to tell I'd have thought.'

'Maybe not,' Peter got back into the act. 'We're gonna have to rough it with the sleeping. We didn't have a spare bed so we're sharing the thing we stuck together,' he waved casually at our joined beds which looked remarkably like one of these huge things you get in hotels.

'Fine,' Darky grinned.

'And you're in the middle.'

Darky just shrugged.

'We'll have a walk over the Common after eats,' Peter decided and that was it for the introduction. We sat and watched a bit of television and generally nattered. The best thing was that Darky and Peter seemed to be getting on well enough although both were a bit shy of each other. That would disappear once the night was on us of that I was sure. I knew Peter was a sexual athlete of sorts and Darky was amenable to pick a word, perhaps I should get in the middle to start the ball rolling but all that for later.

The meal was a bit of a tribulation, mum and dad virtually cross examined Darky but he took it well and started to come out of his shell quite well and by the time the cleaning up was done he seemed to be pretty much at home. We did our walk although the weather wasn't brilliant but it gave us time to chat some more and have a run and a jump and do a bit of tree climbing. Just enough to work off the excess energy but not enough to get ourselves knackered. I knew mum and dad normally went out Saturday night but didn't know if they were going to do so tonight with a new boy in the house but I needn't have concerned myself, they were getting tarted up when we arrived home late as usual.

We were informed that we were all going to the big Sunday market at Brooklands in the morning, not to run riot and to be in bed by midnight. Mum threw in her usual about nor forgetting to bathe or shower and reminding us to clear up after our evening snack, then they were off and Peter and I had our Darky all to ourselves. Accordingly we trundled upto the bedroom and switched the fire on and sprawled around watching an old video of Peter's, it was an oldy and crappy but Darky hadn't seen it and it gave us a chance to relax and get some groundwork laid (or is that dug out).

'Relax,' Peter made his first move disposing of his trainers and socks and wiggling his feet by the fire, not a bad move as it was looking to be a chilly night. Anyway, Peter was bossboy so we juniors followed his example and I went one further removing my sweatshirt and just sitting there in my singlet, the skimpy things they dished out in the Home rather than a decent t-shirt. 'Isn't he beautiful?' Peter remarked to nobody in particular.

Darky giggled and looked at me as if checking a bit of meat in the butchers. 'Yeah, he is,' he spoke defiantly.

'Good,' Peter lay back and I could see that his groin had gone pointy. 'We can share tonight,' he looked at Darky and grinned. 'You don't mind sharing do you?'

'No.' Darky gulped probably a bit taken aback by Peter's bold or shoud I say over the top remarks.

'Don't ask me,' I did a mock grumble and clambered over and got between them, at least my feet had first claim on the heat but I thought if Peter had broken the ice I may as well go onto stage two. I slowly and sensually stroked the legs either side of me and waited to see what Darky would do. Simple. he did nothing just looked at Peter and getting no response gave a contented little sigh and slipped down a bit so that he was virtually laying out flat. He didn't have the biggest dick in the world but I could see that it was active and so could Peter.

'I know,' Peter suddenly sat up. 'Why don't you two go and share a bath and get reacquainted, I'll take a shower.' Brilliant, Gawd, he was such a clever little perv. That was ideal, Darky, myself and some soapy water, that should get the ball rolling.

'Come on Darky. Let's do it.'

We decided on a quick foamy and then a rinse off with the shower extension, I didn't really want mum and dad to come into the house and find us doing dirties in the bathroom. Peter had made a shrewd move, we would have laid there all night otherwise beating around the bush. This way got us all naked at least and got me on my own with Darky. Of course Peter got a perv's eye view of us undressing and getting our towels around us but he left us to it and that was good judgement. Darky was all for a game I think but he was a bit skittish, Peter had used his head for once pairing us off. I had no doubt he'd get his dividend later.

'Just like old times,' Darky muttered as we stood side by side still with our towels around us waiting for the thing to top up. We were both sporting hardons but that was nothing new and when we got in and I started to soap him up I grabbed his stiffy and gave it the attention it deserved. 'You gotta be doing things with Peter, Nath.'

'Didn't need much working out,' I laughed.

'Jeez, if we'd have had the privacy at the Home what we could have done,' Darky looked at me hopefully.

'Before you go back you'll do all you want to and maybe more,' I looked at him. 'That's if you want to do everything,' I squeezed his dark skinned cock that was now at full stretch. 'But it's give and take all the way.'

'Dunno about that,' he mumbled.

'Upto you,' I moved in for the kill and dropped to my knees after a struggle and took him into my mouth. Poor sod nearly collapsed.

'Bloody hell.' Nathan he moaned. 'You seem to have lost your shyness all of a sudden.'

'Comes with sharing a room with a sex maniac,' I spluttered around his fully extended cock. OK, so it was about the same as mine but it's amazing how a two inch lump of string can bloat to a meaty four inches in no time at all. I knew Darky could cum, he was older than me after all. The last time he'd been a better cumer than myself so I was looking forward to great things. I wanted him to do me to be honest and I wanted to do his tight little sallow bottom and yes... I wanted Peter to have his fill, the last thing I wanted was a jealous boyfriend.

'Do you go all the way or do you just...' Darky topped probably at a loss for words.

I knelt back and looked up at him. 'Remember that frantic fuck of yours between my legs?'

'Very well, he giggled. 'It was wicked.'

'You can do the real thing tonight,' I looked up at him. 'We all can, I can't leave Peter out of this...'

'I know,' he grinned. 'I rather fancy him.'

'He fancies you as well, I know that pervy look in his eye.'

'Really,' he laughed and held my head as I went down on him again only this time I reached under him and stroked his ring and then, as he didn't pull away or clamp up, I pushed and my finger slipped inside his flesh and into his heat.

'I thought you'd do that,' he groaned and clamped on me as I finger fucked him and sucked at the same time. I called a halt in the end. I didn't want him to cum, I wanted our first night as a threesome to be good. I was thinking of all the various combinations as we showered off and then dried off and cleaned the bath. We needed to leave the place tidy otherwise I'd have mum on the warpath and low profile was the name of the game.

'Does Peter sorta let you do him...?' He asked and I just nodded. I was getting used to his hesitant questions by now and I suppose the best answer to all of them was to get into the bedroom and get on with it. Peter's usual procedure was kissy kissy and mess around until the parents were in bed and then the real fun began, I reckoned tonight would run to that well tried routine. Better safe than sorry as they say and I had a suspicion that tonight with a strange boy or an extra boy in the house mum and dad would probably pop their heads around the door on their way to bed. We needed to be racked out like a trio of angels when that happened.

'Come on then,' I hustled him from the bathroom and God he looked so sexy. I wanted to explore every little bit of him as in the Home we hardly got to roll around naked and really get to know each other, this was a sort of a learning curve for Darky and I hoped he wouldn't freak out along the way.

'Hi,' Peter grinned up at us from the bed, he had his bathrobe on and the televsion was still on but he had a pop tape playing quietly, he was clearly up for some action.

I looked at Darky and smiled. 'How do you fancy a Peter sandwich?'

'What?' He looked at me for a moment and then slowly smiled. 'Yeah, why not.'

I dropped my damp towel and half hard leading the way jumped onto Peter and Darky did exactly the same. Poor Peter never knew what hit him, I had his robe open and attacked his noodle in double quick time and Darky to my surprise and delight followed my every move. Peter soon got into it, he reversed himself on the bed and alternated between Darky and myself until both our jerking cocks were outstanding. Darky must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven when I jumped over and he was then the meat in the sandwich. I mentioned learning curves and it certainly was for him. As I sucked his shrunken nuts Peter parted his dark cheeks and got his mouth in, Darky jumped about as if electrified when he felt Peter's tongue in his crack probing for his hole.

'Jeez,' he gobbled around my cock almost bursting out laughing. 'That is so pervy.'

'This is pervy,' Peter's finger slipped in on the saliva and started to finger fuck Darky and I felt my old pal's sex jerk and twitch in my mouth, he was gonna cum soon unless we eased off a bit. It was a bit unfortunate but that's just when we heard the front door open and the parents come into the house.

'Bed,' Peter croaked and we sorted ourselves in the made up bed with Darky in the middle. 'I'm gonna fuck you both tonight,' Peter remarked conversationally before clicking the remote to off and sticking his face in a comic.

'That's blunt,' Darky giggled.

'It's pointed,' I grinned and felt under the bedclothes, his slippery willy was so hot and hard, I wanted it in me and after Peter did his business I wanted to do mine. We could be going at it all night.

'We're visiting Bill and Ben Monday,' Peter spoke again. 'We can go over Jake's tomorrow and see if we can borrow his bike for Darky, he never uses it.'

'We're going to the market tomorrow,' I reminded him.

'Won't take long to borrow a bike,' Peter grinned. 'Anyway, Darky needs to meet the big boys.'

'Big boys?' Darky was looking at us both as if we were playing tennis, head to one side and then the other. Crafty sod, I could see his hand was centred on Peter's crotch, it seemed the shyness had gone. We did a quick flurry as there was a knock on the door and mum poked her head inside.

'Aaaaah,' she smiled. 'My little angels.' How did I know she was going to say something cringy like that?

'Yeah, I bet,' dad's face appeared. 'All squeaky clean and dressed for a nine o'clock breakfast, lads. Goodnight.' He gave his orders and went without lingering, he knew we wanted to be left alone but mum was mum and she fussed around for a few minutes before following him and we were on our own. She had turned out the light so we just had the nightlight but it was enough to see what we were doing. We just lay there cuddling Darky in the middle and he finally turned to face me and smiled in the gloom, he was ready for the big adventure.

'Oooh,' he giggled and I could see Peter had slid under the covers, it was pretty clear where he was headed and I gave Darky a quick suck to bring him back to the boil and slipped up alongside him. I brushed my lips across his smooth cheek and kissed him and this time he really went for it plunging his tongue into my mouth. 'Can I...?'

'Yeah,' I grinned. I wanted Darky to enjoy his stay and I knew what he wanted, he'd wanted it for some time even if he hadn't admitted it to himself and he was getting it on a platter in a manner of speaking. I turned my back on him, now it was down to him.

He started clumsily just gluing himself to my back and humping into my crack but he was going nowhere until I took one leg up and he did a bit better but it still wasn't going to work. Peter took pity on him in the end and took charge.

'Nath, you lay on your back and let him at it.' Of course that brought on the giggles until Peter hushed us and positioned us both. He also oiled up Darky with the sun tan lotion and then just lay there watching us. He must have decided to leave Darky until later or perhaps he had a plan... I don't know, I didn't care, my Darky was going to do me for the first time and as his face came onto mine I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him guiding him in with my other hand.

'Do it,' I whispered urgently and felt his slick organ push against me and enter. Poor sod, he nearly cum on the spot but pushed home and then lay on me relishing his very first boy. I clasped his tight little buttocks as he started to move in and out slowly at first but then quicker as he felt the heat arise. He wasn't going to take too long, he was too hyped up, it was going to be a quicky and it was.

'Oooooh, Nathan. he kissed me frantically as his spike jerked within me and I felt his little squirts of warm fluid. 'Fantastic,' he breathed as he moved in and out on a coating of his own slime. 'Do me now. Quickly before I bottle out.' He slipped free and fell onto his back and hoiked his legs up exposing his boy fanny. I didn't mess around, no foreplay this time around. I knew he was a virgin and took it easy, he'd had Peter's finger in him so he was relaxed a bit but all the same I put some lotion on his pucker and gave him another fingering. 'Come on,' he whispered impatiently. All the time we were doing our thing Peter was up against us and his hand were everywhere stroking and taking the odd feel of a bum or balls, he wanted his share and he'd soon be getting it.

I placed my now super hard cock against Darky's button and pushed. I went in like a hot knife into butter. He spasmed and tensed but accepted me and just gave a long drawn out moan as I filled him and bottomed out totally sheathed in his warm loving flesh. He was so bloody tight and I saw him grin in the gloom. 'That was easy,' he wrapped his legs around me and away I went. The funny thing was he was older than me but much more on the style of little Ben and after a while he got the idea clamping on me as I moved in and easing as I moved out. Good sex, a good learner and willing as well, no holding back with my Darky.

I pigged out, I hammered away and held off as long as possible but it was no good, the squirty squirty came at last and I think Darky was in shock. The feel of another boy's cum pumping into your belly is a bit of a one off and he still had Peter waiting in the wings and Peter was bigger than I was and he did bigger cums.

'My turn,' Peter gave my bum a nip with his teeth and then made up for it by giving me a series of kisses on my damp flesh.

I slid free quite happily I was going to watch this in glorious closeup if not in technicolour. Darky, much to my surprise didn't object at all he just lay there like a dummy and only came to life when Peter's mouth descended onto his and then his legs went up, I did say he was a fast learner didn't I?

'That's big,' he handled Peter and smiled as he worked my boy friends cock to and fro as Peter nudged closer. 'Take it easy, Pete.'

'You can get your revenge when you've got your strength back.'

'Goody, this is so pervacious,' Darky murmured happily and held my hand as I cuddled in eyes trained on the action. Although the light was bad the bedding was right back I could see Darky's pucker puffed a little and smeared with my own cum and then Peter's swollen glans came into sight and it was oozing a steady dribble of boy spunk. Darky was about to get another welcoming present.

I saw Peter's slippery knob press against Darky and Darky's ring yielded and Peter's erection seemed to be swallowed. It was the first time I'd watched an actual penetration in closeup and Peter pushed until he was half in and half out and then started to move. Just watching his pale and semen slicked shaft sliding in and out of Darky's sallow bottom was a turn on in itself. Darky's tiny ring was stretched and seemed to cling to Peter as Peter moved in and out. It was fun to watch and I was as hard as a rock in no time and by the time Peter was on his so called vinegar strokes I managed to cum and do a baby quirt between their bellies adding to the mess.

At the end they parted and we cuddled together with Peter in the middle this time.

'Orrite, lover boys?' Peter turned out the nightlight and pulled the covers over us all.

'Orrite.' We echoed. Alright? It was just the beginning and we had another two weeks to go.

The soap goes on.

Maybe Darky telling his story next time around. Pictures of the characters and others ask for list.

Next: Chapter 15

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