Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Oct 19, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and youing men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

Finally: People do write asking personal questions and I would say this which is paraphrasing an author I read some time back: Agatha Christie wrote about murders and murderers for most of here life but she didn't go around murdering people.


14 - Darky's Story - New Young Friends

by G. Cutter.

Hi, Henry here or Darky as you probably think of me after reading the previous chapter.

I won't go over it all again suffice to say I was having a ball, one night into the holiday and I'd actually had sex with young Nathan a kid I'd had the hots for over a considerable period. We'd been billeted at the same Care Home and we'd played around and at one stage I thought I'd get to pop his cherry, both getting to lose our virginity at the same time but it wasn't to be. He'd gone through the fostering procedures with a family a few miles away in Addlestone and he'd clicked. Bit of slang there but 'clicked' is the word and it's as easy or as hard as that. He was being fostered with a view to official adoption in the longer term and good luck to him. He was an absolute sweety and I really hurt when he left, there were other boys in the Home naturally enough but Nathan was my love or my lust. I wanted his tight little body both inside and out, I wanted to be with him and do all the things that boy lovers do, we'd move on, of course we would but that was for the future. For the now, I wanted him and it just didn't happen, he moved on and I stayed.

I don't know why I didn't get selected, I was bright, I was polite and I was tasty if I say so myself. The only thing that crossed my mind was maybe it was because I was dark, dark as in Romany, not negroid. Not your Aryan blonde or brown hair but dark skinned like a Roumanian or some sort of a Slav. Never mind there's time yet and worstways I can get a job at sixteen and go my own way.

He'd only been gone two weeks or so and I got called down to the Home Manager's Office, a bit like being called to the Head's Office at our regular school and I went down wondering what I'd done wrong now. I was a bag of nerves by the time I got there but I was welcomed with a smile and the Matron was there as well so it couldn't have been all that bad. It wasn't bad at all, it was good. The people who had fostered Nathan had invited me to spend three weeks with then with the proviso that if all went well I could stay for the remainder of the school holiday which was a grand total of five weeks.

As the Manager pointed out the invitation had clearly been instigated by Nathan and there was no problem with that, it had happened before but there was a lecture, there always was.

Quite clearly Nathan's new family had invited but I had to agree to go, they wouldn't send me against my will.

Then came the lecture and councelling bit which they were a bit fond of at the Home and probably other Homes. I had to realise it was a short term holiday and not a short term fostering. I had to realise that there was absolutely no chance of staying past the allotted time, this was a holiday and I wasn't to get my feet under the table. I thought it was overly blunt and verged on cruelty but I suppose they rammed it down my throat so that I didn't get my hopes up. The funny thing was I was happy enough at the Home and didn't really know if I'd settle down to family life anyway but they weren't to know that. Nathan needed a family, he was younger and softer than I was, I could get by on my own or so I thought.

Nathan and the dad, Peter Senior, met me on the Saturday and the rest is history as they say. On that first night everything that I'd dreamt of for so lomng happened all in one big hit, talk about overkill I woke up on the Sunday morning to the smell of bacon drifting up the stairs and Peter was up and about, I was still cuddling Nathan who was doing his sweet little bubbling snore.

'Lift and shift, girls,' Peter stood at the side of the bed all squeaky clean and in his Sunday best of clean shorts and a t-shirt declaring that he was looking for a girl which after the previous night I thought highly unlikely. 'Have a shower, Darky. The Rugrat always sleeps in.' I slid out of bed naked and he grabbed me putting his arms around me and clasping my bottom. 'You alright with last night?'

'No probs,' I grinned and fondled his soft privates through his shorts.

'Good,' he grinned. 'Got a bit of mix and match for you Monday,' he held the warmth of my half hard for a moment and pushed me away. 'Have your shower before I forget myself.'

'Yes, sir,' I snapped him off a salute. He was alright was Peter. I didn't know what the mix and match was about but I bet a pound to a pinch of poo it concerned sex.

We all piled in the car after breakfast and went to Brooklands which was about half an hour away, it's the old racetack where they used to run those huge racing cars back in the twenties and thirties. The actual Sunday market is held on the old airfield which they still use for small private planes, it was quite nice and it was even nicer getting out and about. You tended to stagnate in the Home as there was always some crisis or the other which buggered up trips out, someone was always throwing a wobbly and buggering things up. The market was a cross between a gi-huge boot sale and a regular market and we came away with funny (ha ha) t-shirts and humping carrier bags of cut price meat and home grown veg. As Peter said if his mother had mentioned 'propper' shoping we could have all done a runner and hidden ourselves away. Not to worry, we did the biz, ice creams, candy floss and even a go on some of the clapped out play equipment, bouncy castle, trampoline and all the rest. By the time we got home it was mid afternoon and we were just about shagged out. The family with myself as observer and general nodding dog decided on an evening meal and Peter senior and wifey decamped for the deckchairs in the garden fully kitted out with chiller and sun tan oil. We were abandoned which struck me as a bit odd but it was that sort of family.

'Swimming?' Peter looked at his little gang and that was Nathan and myself by the way.

'I didn't bring a costume,' I felt a bit of an idiot but swimming never occured to me.

'We don't use them,' Nathan gave an evil little grin and before you ask how can an little angel give a evil grin, dont... Nathan did it all the time. 'Knickers or nude, all the kids do.'

'Let's get changed into some scruff gear,' Peter got the ball rolling and we changed gear upstairs. As we left we told the 'rents where we were going which was madatory and we were told to be back by seven at the very latest for our meal, that suited fine as it wasn't quite three and the sun would be past it's prime by seven, past it's prime for swimming that was.

It was a fair hike through some wasteland then a bit of scruffy woodland and then we were there. It was clearly an old quarry or gravel pit and low and grassy on one side with quite a climb on the other, we settled for the low side with the other kids. Peter and Nathan knew some and there was a lot of shouting and hollering but we settled down in our own little trio away from the mob.

'If you want sex you'll have to climb the hill,' Peter casually remarked.

'I'll bear it in mind,' I laughed, I was more interested in Nathan dropping his shorts and rushing off into the water in his skimpy white briefs, the boy was a vision and as sure as hell he was in the water one minute and had two or three of the younger boys on him.

'Pretty as a picture,' Peter smiled.

'Don't you worry about other kids having a go at him, you know... trying to do the dirty?'

'That's is a problem with him being so dishy and all the rest of it,' Peter looked at me as we lay side by side. 'I'd like to lock him up and keep him to myself but you can't do that sort of thing.'

'How do you feel about him doing things with other kids?'

'I don't mind,' Peter grinned. 'Kids ain't saints and we've all got hormones to spare...'

'True,' I looked at his smooth chest and his pink sticky out nipples as he tuigged his t-shirt off over his head. He was nice, not as nice as Nathan but nice in a different way if you follow. I felt myself perk as he stroked his flat belly.

'You're dishy as well, Darky,' he spoke very quietly.

'I'm randy,' I giggled and lay back once I'd got rid of my shirt. Shame the place was so kiddy busy, I'd have been on his pale body in a flash otherwise.

'We can go for a walk in a bit, I'll show you up the hill.'

'Great,' I closed my eyes and soaked up the sun.

Nathan was back soon with his little mates and I got an intro and got splashed with cold water but they didn't linger long, Nathe was back in the water in no time at all. We had mentioned we might go on a wander about and he didn't seem tooo concerned, he had company and at last he was with pals his own age.

'Come on,' Peter gave me one of those meaningful glances, you know, the ones that indicate he had something more on his mind than walking but we played it cool. We walked down to where the other kids were and chatted a bit, I was getting intros all around and I must admit there was no shortage of eye candy, more kids of Nathan's age and more of Peter's and some of them made the brain spin a bit. It was a bit like boy heaven but then again it was a very hot summer's day, it was a local boy's pool (not a girl to be seen) and I suppose I was sexed up after the previous evening's performance. At the Home on a Sunday we got dragged off to church, had our institutional lunch and the afternoon was declared 'hobby time' it was a bit like being in an Open Prison not that I'd had the pleasure. Between you and me I'd give my right arm to fit into a family like this, I suppose the hot day was clouding my judgement but the heaven word kept drifting across my mind. 'Penny for 'em?'

'What?' I looked at Pete.

'Penny for your thoughts, Dark child.'

'I was thinking how nice it was here and great with no adults around.' I'd just sighted one of the older boys emerge from the water with wet boxers clinging to his body and a nicely outlined lump of meat which must have been on it's way to becoming a full blown stiffy.

'Brian's on heat,' Peter laughed and jerked his head to the right. 'Let's stroll.'

I followed him around the bank and as the ground rose the grass gave way to bracken and silver birch, we were back in that scruffy woodland that takes up lots of unused chunks of Surrey. Sweaty minutes later we were into deeper woods moving along a vague track that meandered higher and brought us out onto a bit of a clearing.

'Over here,' Peter led me to a position that overlooked the quarry or whatever it was but shielded us. A good spot, no one could creep up on us without following the same path and we'd hear them unless they moved into serious spying mode. That seemed unlikely as a group of the older boys had moved back into the shade and were sucking on illegal cigarettes, another mob were splashing around in the water including Nathan and a few were just flat out sunbathing and having a bit of slap and tickle as kids do.

'Cool,' I draped my body over a low tree fork and looked down, monarch of all I surveyed sort of thing.

'Very cool,' Peter whispered and I felt his body press against mine and smiled as I felt his lump press against my bum. 'You like,' he put his sexy voice on and did a little pelvic thrust against my bottom.

'I prefer the real thing,' I croaked amazed at my own sluttishness but we knew each other by now so what the hell. It's not as if we hadn't done anything, we'd done the biz already. I could feel my own cocklet hard in my shorts which wasn'h helpd by Peter's hand stroking my belly briefly and then slipping inside my waistband.

'It's not big but it is beautiful,' Peter's breath was hot on my neck and he manipulated my meat until it was fully hard and then nuzzled at my neck under my ear.

'You say the naffest things,' I giggled and pushed back harder. I knew exactly what he was going to do and he did just that. I felt his hands move onto my hips and he slipped my shorts down enough so that my dick popped free and I felt the sun on my cheeks, my shorts were bunched around my thighs and he shoved them down further so that they slipped down to my knees.

'Beautiful,' he whispered and he took me in hand slowly wanking me so that he pinched my foreskin over my glans and once I was slippery sliding it right back so that my gleaming knob was exposed. 'Turn around,' he croaked. As I did he dropped to his knees and grasping my bottom in his hands nuzzed into my crotch pressing his face against my cock and finally taking a little lick.

'Please...' I whined and he grinned up at me and sank his mouth over my jerking spike. I lay back against the low tree and ruffled his hair as he moved to and fro sucking and pulling me into his mouth with his hands stroking my smooth bum. Absolutely wicked, the tree's foliage shaded us from the direct sun and it's overhang shielded us if anyone showed up. I suppose it was more of a shrub than a tree but I'm not into flora or fauna, as far as I was concerned it was a little tree and I wondered how many kids had leant against it being shagged or sucked, the mind boggled.

'Yummy,' he grinned up at me again and I felt a finger stroke my crack and then wriggle in probing for my ring. I opened my legs slightly and he was inside me thrusting through my sweaty pucker and forcing me into his mouth again. I worked my hips to and fro face fucking him and clamping on his moving finger, this left Sundays at the Home with a lot to be desired.

'Peter, Peter...' I fucked away now holding his head formly and fucking harder. My nuts were uptight and curiously I enjoyed his slick finger moving in and out nearly as much as his hot mouth around my cock. 'Aaaah, Pete...'

My stiffy jerked in his mouth and I felt the burning surge as my mini squirts splashed into his mouth to be eagerly swallowed by my blonde lover. He squeeezed the last little trickle of slime clear and turned me around so that my bum was fully displayed and I felt his mouth on me again but this time he was taking big cow licks at my bum and I was pretty sure what came next. He spread my cheeks with his hand and I felt the air on my hole and then his busy tongue licked and probed. I moaned and clung to the tree as he lubed me up and then he started to kiss up my body as he slowly rose.

'Darky,' he whispered as he munched on the back of my neck and I felt his hard flesh slip against my bum and then his oozing knob slipped between my saliva slicked cheeks.

'Go on,' I mumbled and shoved my bum out. I'd get my revenge later but the sun and heat had turned me on big time and I was hot for his boyish cock.

'Darky,' he chuckled and I felt his slippery glans push against me and my pucker stretched to accomodate him. He was in me with no pain at all just that filling feeling and his hot boy's meat began to move in and out sinking deeper and deeper into my very willing flesh. 'You are so good,' he hissed and I felt his dick twitch inside me ad he dug deeper and deeper. 'Yesssss...' he hissed and holding my hips began to very slowly began to shag. In deep, totally sheathed and then right out so far that he slipped out once but just glided back in. I was so well licked out that his movements were smooth and easy, I pushed back and asked for more and he gave it. In the end he was slamming into me like a rutting animal and I could smell the scent of sex and sweat as he tenderised my soft bottom merecilessly. It was absolutely fantastic. I gotta do this outdoor stuff more often, I was even hard again, my jerking cock was so hard it was sore and he fucked away. 'Oh, Darky...' he finally moaned as he rammed in for the last time and I felt the gush of his seed shoot up into my belly. I pressed back hard as he pressed in and I felt him jerk and throb a couple of times at least as he moved in and out on his own spunk. He was only a kid but he did cum well, I suppose that year or so makes all the difference.

'Cor, let's sit down,' I gasped and fell off him and collapsed on the floor pulling my shorts back up over my sore cock and banged up fanny. Talk about fucked, fucked by a beautiful blonde who was now all over me trying to suck my face off.

We eventually peered from our vantage point to see that not much had changed. Nathan was sitting where we'd left our shirts looking around but he had collected a chum who seemed to be around the same age.

'Better go back, the rugrat's probably a bit worried,' Peter grinned adjusting his shorts.

'Seems to be doing OK,' I smiled. 'I might have a splosh around.'

'Good thinking, Batperson.'

'Nathan seems to have got himself a chum,' I spoke as we floundered down the all but invisible pathway.

'Same size willies,' I suppose,' he remarked dryly.

I laughed and maybe he was right, all Nathan's chums seemed to be older than he was, perhaps he did need a playmate. They had mentioned borrowing a bike and going to visit a couple of brothers over in Weybridge but nothing more had been said on that subject. When we arrived back at our spot Nathan was in full babble flow with this other kid who was nondescript to put put mildly but beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose.

'Hey, this is Donny. I could be in his class if I go to that Common Side School,' Nathan seemed all bright eyed and bushy tailed maybe meeting a prospective schoolmate or something else.

'Well, you are,' Peter said. 'You saw the letter,' he gave this other kid a friendly nod and sat, I sat alongside him hoping that the two of them didn't notice the slightly disheveled look we both had after our episode up the hill and the subsequent hike through the jungle.

'I'm gonna have a splash around,' I stood and shed my shorts. It seemed that boxers and briefs were the swimmers of the day and I followed their example. I gave them one of my tasty smiles and took a run for the water. A few moments later Donny, Nathan and Peter were in with me and a few others decided to join in a slash fest, great fun and it was nice to let the sweat and crusty cum wash off. Even the rather plain Donny looked tasty once he was agleam with the water and I saw him leaping around with his tight briefs glued to his body.

'We'll collect that bike on the way back,' Peter splashed around me. 'Darky...'

'Yep,' I flathanded him a faceful of water.

'Come here, you prick,' he made a grab for me. ''Darky...'

'Come on, spit it out.'

It was sweet, he looked at me almost shyly. 'You know up the hill?'

'Yeah, what about it?'

'I'd like to do that in bed, in private, just the two of us.'

'So would I,' I reached out and grasped his soft sex under the water. I wasn't into the sex game and I hadn't come across any crash, bang, wallop types but I knew they existed. It was nice to know Peter was a little more than that even if he did spread his sweet arse around half of Addlestone. 'Yeah, I'd like that and I get a go next time.'

'Of course,' he giggled.

We were late home and the three of us got a bollocking from mum but no big deal as dad was standing behind her pulling faces all the time... and she caught him at it. We also met these two older boys, youths really in the next Close and collected a bike which the skinny sort of Asian type said I could have for the length of my stay. He and his mate a rough looking older boy were a pair, items sort of thing, I was beginning to read the body language now and sussed that one out straight away. The Asian, Jake and his mate Zander were all eyes, they ogled me and Nathan like a pair of wolves after bloody chickens.

'Are those two... er?' I asked as we walked up the garden path heading for our appointment with Mrs Mum and the mini tongue lashing.

'Yeah, course they are. Nathan'll tell you all about them, size and performance that is,' Peter sniggered.

'Cunt,' Nathan scowled.

I was gobsmacked, what the hell went on around here; 'Nathan will tell me...' but after dumping the bike and walking into the kitchen we had other things to worry about.

Lovely dinner all the same, mum was anoyed at the three of us and Peter bore the brunt of it, she calmed down in a bit and explained that she was worried about us and that's what upset her. It was a novelty for me, to have someone worry about me. It seemed at the Home they didn't give a toss if we rolled up for meals or not, a strange experience and rather nice to have someone genuinely concerned.

'Go swimming? Dad asked.

'Yeah.' We all burst our simultaneously.


'I met a kid maybe in my new class,' Nathan had to brag.

That started it off. Peter was at the same school and Nathan would be in in the First Form along with this Donny kid. Jeez, my memory was going, maybe collapsing under too much input. All I could remember of Donny was that he was pleasantly ugly to be confusing and that he looked delicious in his wet underwear, still that goes for most eleven year olds I suppose. Nice arse all the same.

'Henry...' Mum was speaking. 'Did you like it?'

'Yeah, great,' I answered. 'Bit of a hike but well worth it. Stacks of kids there.'

'Most of them from school,' Peter added and the chat went on from there.

We had a quiet Sunday night, a bit of a play around in bed but nothing over the top. No real sex, much snuggling and groping and Peter got in the middle and gave 'his little boys' a bj (as we got to calling it), we returned the compliment and that was it. We were due at Weybridge for ten in the morning and Peter promised me that I'd have an adventure. Gawd, I wasn't thick... he was farming me around to all his friends, Nathan told me he'd had the tour already but I was looking forward to the Zander man he, he. He was bloody gorgeous in a rougho sorta way and what a damn stupid name... it must mean something, I'd have to ask.

Monday was another lovely day, it was going to be a stonker later on and we spent an hour getting Jake's bike to do what it should, it took about a gallon of oil and a good bashing but it was OK in the end. Mum saw us off and seemed quite happy that we were all getting on so well together, it was a damn good job she didn't realise how well but in the end we were off. Nice ride as well. along a canal which took us all the way to Weybridge which was very busy carwise until we got into the back roads and finally rolled up at the posh place in a road full of BMWs and 4x4s. Doshburg or Moneysville..

The two brothers we met were OK, Bill and Ben and stuck cold drinks in our hands as soon as we got there, I got the intro and I could see straight away that these two were 'at it', Sodom and Gommorah, Surrey. I tell you most sincerly if Giod knew about this place he'd cremate it in fire and brimstone whatever that is.

Peter's watching me as I type and tells me it's sulphur or sulfer to the non English speakers. Never mind, Peter clearly pays attention in Chemistry and in Sex-Ed I imagine.

The smaller and younger one was around Nathan's age and Bill, the older who was an absolute darling was a bit older than Peter. I wondered as we sat and nattered who I was going to be allocated to. I could see it coming a mile off and wondered how they worked it. This was Team Perv and I was the Dish of the Day which apart from being a bit of a giggle suited me fine. I was up for a game and this spell away from the Home was doing me the world of good, it really was. I knew a couple of the kids at the Home were on my tail and when I returned I might even let them catch it, I was getting a taste for the good life.

'Skinny or knickers?' Nathan asked. Jeez, the change in that kid in a month or maybe less. He was as quiet as a mouse in the Home and he was really coming out of his shell now. It must have been Peter's influence, Peter was quiet and pretty meek on the surface but when you got him alone or when he got in a bedroom he was hell on wheels.

'Skinny,' Ben laughed and looked at me uncertainly. 'Coming in, Darky?' He indicated the pool.

'Yeah, why not?' Why not indeed?' Nathan and Ben were tugging their shorts down already, Peter and Bill just sat there and watched. 'Not swimming, Pete?'

'No. I'm having a sunbath,' Peter looked at me with that look of his. 'Bill said if you get tired of children, he's got his own room.'

'Good for him,' I grinned as I slowly slipped my shorts down and stood in my briefs. 'Them that asks gets, them who don't, don't.' I tugged my briefs off and ran down the garden to join the others. I thought I'd made my point, Bill only had to ask.

The pool was one of these temporary ones a big blue plastic circular construction probably around five feet high with four feet of water in it with various plastic thingies floating around. As soon as I went up the little steps and into the water 'the children' were all over me. Glorious, there's nothing like the slip and slide of naked wet boys against your body not to mention their soft little cocks and balls. I glanced up the garden and both Peter and Ben had got themselves naked and were soaking up the sun. What a life, who needs to be a millionaire as they say. Well, the dummies do, I'd love to be a millionaire with a boy harem but that's me. I couldn't wait to grow up and finish up with somebody like Jake or Zander and yeah, Nathan had been telling tales.

He'd also told me about these two, the diminutive Ben and the older Billy boy and I reckon Billy would make a move on me before much longer.

I didn't have too long to wait. I don't know if there was a signal given but the smaller boys suddenly made a beeline for Peter all giggles and fanny wiggleing and there was Billy right in my face. He grinned and ducked down and the next thing I knew was that I was arse over tit in the water and his strong body was all over me. I didn't mind, he was bloody nice and I risked a grope. He laughed and I felt his solid cock tweak in my hand and then his arms encircled me pinning me to the side of the pool.

'I'm asking,' he breathed heavily and his mouth munched at my neck.

What for?' I'd lost the plot, he was so nice and he was so bloody good looking with it.

'You said; Those who don't ask don't get.'

'Ah, yeah.' I felt like a wally, I was losing my memory as well as the plot but his hands were clasping my bottom squeezing the flesh and I could feel his hardness pressing against my thigh. 'Gotta spare bed?'

'Excellent,' he grinned and suddenly sprang for the steps. He clambered out and after wrapping a towel around his middle held one out for me, a bit of modesty I guess. Not that it mattered as Peter, Nathan and little Ben were buggering about and studiously ignoring us. 'Come.'

I went with him into the kitchen and then through the house upto his room, it was a damn sight cooler in there and the curtains were drawn which cut down the glare even more. He pulled me close and we subsided onto the bed towels dropping clear as we did so.

'You are so tasty,' he sighed as we lay full length facing each other and both automatically reaching for what was between each other's legs. 'So hard as well,' he giggled and worked my foreskin over my still wet glans making is slippery and moving it feeely. He was bigger than I was, probably on the Peter style although a bit fatter. He was a well developed kid and I'd be interested in seeing him and how he developed when he was around sixteen. As I've said he was a good looker and he had a glorious suntan which indicated he must have spent a hell of a lot of time in that garden and pool of his. The one thing that stood out were two savage scars on each side of his body above his hipbones, he looked like someone had tried to cut him in half. I ran my fingers over them but they were perfectly smooth, there was no ridged skin and they must have been very old. 'They had to open me up when I was a baby.'

'I'm glad they didn't cut this off,' I grinned and after a brief kiss on his rounded brown skinned belly licked his swollen glans and gently sank my mouth over his straining cock. He had some dark pubics although not a lot and I ran my fingers though the crisp hair as I gently sucked his sweet cock. His hands were all over me, ruffling my hair and stroking my shoulders. He started to move me around and I guessed what he was after, it was getting to be a bit of a formula now and as my boy tally started to mount I knew what to expect. First Nathan, then Peter and now Billy, hopefully Ben was to follow. Dontcha just love holiday romances, the difference being with this one was that I really liked Bill, he was such a dish, I could almost feel my bumhole twitch at the thought of him taking me which I knew he would before the morning was over.

'Ooooh, Billy,' I spluttered around his stiff cock as I felt his mouth on my balls and then take in my spike. We were in a good ol' sixty nine and it was terrific, we sucked away like little puppies on a teat. Of course, the secondary pleasure was having him fondle my bottom whilst I handled his firm super smooth derrier. I doubt if it was virgin but then again I was hardly one to get uptight, I was still a bit sore from Peter's rumping the other day.

Billy liked his romancing, his foreplay, we kept at it until I could taste his boyish precum in my mouth and I reckoned it was time for him to give me a demo of what he had to offer. Naturally enough I was pretty much the same way and we parted by mutual consent and went back to the kissy kissy bit.

'Pity we're leaving the country in a couple of days,' he muttered digging around under his pillow.

'Mmmmm, where you going?' I positioned myself on my tummy. I couldn't give a toss where he was going I just wanted him to get on with it. I wanted his oozing dicky in me, I must have been turning into a bit of a bitch.

'Germany and Poland, then maybe go south. We're having three weeks pursuing relatives, doing a Michael Palin.'

'Sounds exciting,' I smiled at him and accepted another kiss, the Palin reference was lost on me all the same.'

'Sounds bloody boring,' he laughed. 'I don't speak any European languages.'

'What's hard about fucky-fucky. Hang on you must do French at school, everyone does French.'

'Yeah, we do French,' he laughed. 'One of the truly useless languages in the new Europe, German or Russian would be better, everyone's had Germans or Russians parked in their countries for a while.' It would have been fascinating exploring the education system's obsession with Frogtalk but I could feel his warm lips on my back and his hands working my bottom smoothing and caressing my roundy bits. 'Beautiful bum,' he sighed. Well, he was obviously right if not original. I opened my legs a bit, it was time for the slippery fingers and I wasn't disappointed.

'Mmmm, beautiful,' he whispered and I felt the smear of lube between my cheeks and then the slight pressure and that weird sensation of being opened up as one of his fingers slipped inside me and started to move. 'OK...'

'Fine,' I shoved up onto his exploratory finger and did a couple of practice clamps. 'Come from the front,' I suddenly wriggled free and rolled onto my back, I wanted to see his face as he did it. I might have said he was good looking,' I wanted snoggies as well as shaggies, I wanted to pig out with the beautiful Billy boy. The thing was he wasn't one of these conceited handsome hunks, he seemd totally unaware of how beautiful he was. Still, perhaps it was just me .

'Great,' he laughed and knelt by me as I raised my knees exposing my now well oiled hole for his perusal... now that sounds really literary but I didn't have time to appreciate how smart I was, he was on me hovering and dropping his head for a sweet kiss and then a rougher version. I could feel his smooth glans making contact with my bum and then he held it seated at my pucker and I felt him make his move.

'Jeez,' I winced as I felt him push only harder this time and I remember reading somewhere that even the small ones feel big when they're incoming. I suppose I'd get used to it but not yet. 'Ah, Billy...' He'd broached me and I could feel his thickness and warmth in me. He looked at me for a moment and as I gazed into his grey eyes as his lips came onto mine again and his tongue slid into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his torso as he began to move. He took his time and seemed to relish every movement as he corkscrewed around digging into every corner of my gut with his hot boy cock. He was certainly experienced but I suppose having a dishy little brother like Ben it was hardly surprising. I wondered idly how long they'd been shagging but then forgot about it, he was moving faster now and thrusting a damn sight harder. I presseed my legs harder on his back as he started to get sweaty and I saw beads of perspiration form on his forehead. I was totally hard myself and wanking away but he took my hand away and grinned down at me.

'Save it, Darky. Your turn next.'

'Goody,' I smiled back and gave an extra press on his back and an extra squeeze on his slippery meat.

'I'm cu...' he gasped and went frantic for a moment and then I felt the warm gush of his spunk in my belly and the follow ons. Gawd, he did cum well for a boy but I suppose he was reaching his peak and he was good. He mashed his lips onto mine and kept going but he was done and eventually slowed to a halt and remained in me just stirring his noodle in my mess and coming down from wherever he had been. Suddenly he slipped from me and I clambered on top of him and spread his legs. He did the token fighting off bit but he was playing and at some stage he guided my aching cocklet to his hole and I thust in deep and hard. 'You've been taking lessons from Ben,' he grinned. 'He think's he's Rambo as well.'

I wasn't listening, I was fucking and he was tight. I sorta expected that a kid who had stacks of sex would be sort of slack... maybe easy is a better word but he wasn't. He was as tight as a budgy's bum, a hampster's arsehole, whatever comparision you like and he enjoyed it. His hands ran up and down my sweat sheened body as I lunged and plunged into his sweet boy fanny plugging away like a loony.

In the end it did my little squirts and honour was satisfied as his legs dropped and I lay on him. Boy, that kid was in love with my bum, he moulded and squeezed my sweaty flesh until he decided it was time for a shower and all the rest of it. We looked out of the window somewhere along the way and Peter and the other two were still in and out of the pool and seemed to be having fun.

'Fun?' He looked at me and smiled as we watched the others skylarking around.

'Nice as well,' I reached out and massaged his tacky dick.

'Stop it, you'll get me going,' he warned and indeed he was thickening again.

'You haven't got it in you,' I laughed which was exactly the wrong thing to say as he pushed me onto the bed and was on me again. 'You can't,' I giggled pinned by his strong young body.

'Wanna bet?'

'Betcha,' I looked at him hopefully and he didn't let me down. A couple of handshakes for his flaccid cock and I felt his firm flesh press against me for a moment and he was back in and going for it again. Messy, messy but good. He. He.

We had a shower after that and then rejoined the others out in the sun. A little later we all got dressed and strolled into Weybridge proper and had a burger lunch which was cheap and cheerful but it filled a hole. We also wandered down the High Street and had a look in Our Price at the CDs and DVDs but I kept feeling Ben's eyes on me and eventually asked Billy what was up with the kid.

'He's ogling me all the time,' I whispered to him as we looked at the games down the end of the shop.

'He's got the hots for you,' Billy laughed. 'Anyway, he's a jealous little sod. Anything I have he wants.'

'Mmmmm... What do you reckon then?'

'Have a couple of hours in the bedroom. Take Nathan, they get on well. Have a threesome, we are off to Europe so we won't see you before you go back.'

'Thanks for reminding me.'

'Not to worry, you'll be back. Once you've done a stay they're a damn sight happier repeating or that's what my dad says and he's into the fostering and adoption bit.'

'If the hosts want you back,' I felt myself whinging but it was probably self pity, I get that now and then.

'Don't worry,' he ruffled my hair. 'One day at a time, young Darky... it's a good motto. We could be nuked tomorrow or have a deadly plague turn us all into zombies in a week.'

'You've seen too many horror vids,' I laughed but he was right. Tomorrow was another day and who knew what was around the corner and just to cap the silly sayings... make hay whilst the sun shines is another good one.

'Darky's thinking,' he grinned. 'Darky's going into seduce an infant mode,' he laughed. 'Ben's easy believe me.'

'OK,' I laughed along. 'Go with the flow' is another expression I like and I felt I was on a roll so why not go with it, anyway, it was cooler in the bedroom.

We ambled back and the heat was well and truly taking it's toll. One of those hot days and there was no breeze. As soon as we were in the privacy of their garden it was all down to strip off and dunking into their beautiful pool. I'd have to bring the idea up at the Home when we had our weekly democratic get together at the Home. That's the one where we kids made suggestions and the management turned them down.

This time Peter and Billy went into a huddle and the next thing I knew was that I had Bren and Nathan on me. This little mob were so well organised they should go into business, maybe something like 'Juvenile Sex Maniacs' or something subtle. Anyway, I wasn't knocking it and Nathan by himself was a treat, Nathan backed up by Ben was an experience not to be missed. Well, they nearly drown me at one stage but I managed to get clear and then they started in ernest, as I clung to the steps trying to get out Nathan glued himself to my willy and Ben was on my back shagging (or trying to) like a demented mongrel. It was good but I'm sure it would be better in bed and I tried to put this acrosss between the giggling and the laughter. In the end we got from the pool and wrapping towels around ourselves made a beeline for the house watched by the two oldsters who no doubt had their own afternoon planned.

Ben's bedroom was a clone of Bill's and he too had a nice sized bed, the parents certainly didn't stint their sons but I suppose there's no point in buying kiddy sized beds and then having to buy bigger as the kids grow. Buying monstrous beds and let the kids grown into them seemed to be the style in this house, all the same it works for sleepovers and randy trios. As soon a we were in they took charge and had me spreadeagled and started taking liberties with my virginity (that should be followed with a laugh by the way). Nathan sealed his lips onto mine and Ben was down where it counts doing his sucky sucky bit, he was good as well, I presumed he'd had lots of practice but evil me was wondering if I was going to get a chance of plundering his little bottom.

'It's a nice one,' Ben drew off and studied my gleaming cock. He grinned up my tummy. 'Nathan said it works.'

'Of course it works,' I grinned down at him. 'Sit on it,' I suggested.

'Go on, go on,' Nathan squealed backing me up.

'Er...' Ben looked unsure and then straddled me and Nathan moved around to help him. He squatted above my hardness with his back to me and Nathan held his hips as he slowly lowered himself. 'Whooo...' he slowly dropped right onto me and I gasped and tightened my belly muscles as I felt his sweet bottom nudge against me and then his little doorway opened and I felt his delicious heat begin to take me in.

'Hey, that looks brill.' Nathan was crouched alongside watching the actual entry closely.

'Pervo,' I muttered now holding Ben's waist guiding and supporting him as he gradually and very carefully absorbed my now really aching cock. I knew that I'd cum recently but Mr Dick was up for it again I could feel that itch, I wanted to get into a shag, I needed the relief, again.

'Yessss....' Ben gasped as his bottom settled onto my groin and he gave a little wriggle. I know this is one of the standard positions but it's got to be the least comfortable and after a couple of prods upwards into his well stretched hole I took us onto our sides and moved in and out without his weight on me, much better and he seemed to like it. He gave satisfied little grunts and pushed back onto me as I held back. I wanted to really go for it but this was a threesome and I fancied the other little bit that went with this sort of thing and I didn't have to wait too long. Nathan was behing me kissing my neck and ribbing his own stiffy up between my cheeks.

'Put some stuff on it,' I groaned after Nathan made a couple of fruitless prods.

'OK,' the next thing I felt was his slick cockhead pressing against my already quite loose ring. He must have settled for spit as I felt a brief pain and a jerk and then he was inside me. OK, so he wasn't all that big but it was a bit of a surprise all the same and as he started to fuck me I concentrated on Ben trying to work up a rythm. We got there in the end and finished as three boys, two shagging and one playing the perfect host, that was Ben by the way. He was bloody tight all the same even if he was plugged by his bigger brother every night. He pushed back onto me with contented little grunts and in the end I managed a cum, little Nathan did well, he did a nice squirt and clung to my back like a slightly knackered limpet.

After that it was change around as I knew it would be, this time I'd be in Nathan which was something to look forward to and I'd be taking Ben for the first time.

I took it nice and easy with Nathan as I knew he liked to be treated gently but Ben... Ben was in rabbit mode and shagged his little heart out in my already slippery hole. I'd set myself a record I reckon, big brother in the morning, now Nathan and the smaller brother. Talk about shagged and shagged silly, I was both... work that out. It took time all the same, after Ben had done his squirt he went mouth to mouth with Natham as I shagged my little pal.

We stopped by the canal on the way back and watched a barge with a family which had a couple of younge blonde boys with shorts sitting up on the low cabin roof. It would be up at the Weybrige lock shortly and we idly oggled as the lads got ready for the maneuver.

'Tasty,' Peter grinned.

''Whew,' Nathan smiled and looked at me. 'He's a perv,' he explained.

'Fancy that,' I laughed.

'Bill and Ben leave tomorrow or is it the next day?'

'Thursday,' Peter smiled. 'It'll be interesting to see where the cards come from, they're overlanding all the way. Chunnel, France, etc, etc throu to Poland.'

'Jeez, the dad'll be whacked by the time he's done that lot.'

'Their mum is sharing, she's a good driver and coming from Bill and Ben that's saying something.'

'Wish I was going with them,' I said enviously. Every time I thought of the holiday's end and returning to the Home I got a dose of the grumps.

'Never mind,' Peter laughed. 'We'll give you a night's rest tonight... you can have a good night's sleep.'

'Yeah, right,' I scoffed. Hell, who needed rest and sleep. I might even bring the subject of skinny Jake and roughy toughy boy Zander up later but for now...

The Soap will continue

Pix of the boys available.

Next: Chapter 16

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