Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 21, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

Finally: People do write asking personal questions and I would say this which is paraphrasing an author I read some time back: Agatha Christie wrote about murders and murderers for most of her life but she didn't go around murdering people. Work that one out.

My address now:


15 - Darky's Story - More new friends


G. Cutter

Hi there, me again, Darky that is.

The following day, the day after the Bill and Ben caper it pissed down. I mean it actually heaved down, this was a Surrey monsoon and it was diabolical, we didn't go out all day. We played Monopoly all through the morning and settled in for an afternoon's video watching, Peter got dragged out for some shopping somewhere along the line and came back like a drown rat in high dudgeon whatever that means but he wasn't a happy bunny.

The mum told us that she was visiting a certain lady friend a couple of houses down and that we were to behave ourselves for the afternoon.

'Cut the cards,' Nathan sqeaked as soon as she was down the garden path.

'Ace low?' Peter responded.

'Ace is high,' I had to say something.

'OK,' Peter grinned. 'Straight cut, Ace high.'

'What we cutting for?' Well, I had to ask lthough I guessed it was another of their devious deals.

'Who goes meat in the sandich,' Nathan giggled.

'Who's the slave,' Peter clarified. 'The lowest card gets to be abused, the highest is the boss and the middle one fits in somewhere.'

'Figures,' I said dryly. 'You just made that up.' It didn't need much working out.

'Yeah,' he agreed happily shuffling the cards as we settled down on the bed which by now were more or less permanently shoved together. Peter took his time buggering around and finally placed the pack in between the three of us.

Nathan cut an Ace which brought howls of glee from him and moans from Pete and myself. I cut next and cut a Queen which brought some ribald comments but Peter cocked up completely as he'd shuffled the cards. He cut a Three and I was expecting him to cheat, then again perhaps he had, perhaps he had a slave syndrome. After the dust had settle Nathan sat there like a little Prom Queen wracking his tiny mind for some sort of a setup and after a while it came to him that he was the Master of Ceromonies and he had to think of something.

'Sixty Nine,' he declared triumphantly as if he'd invented the act. 'Peter flat out, Darky on top.' Well that was easy and suited me, I wondered what Nathan had in mind for himself.

'What about you?' Peter asked.

'I'll keep myself busy with Darky,' Nathan laughed. 'And after...' He gave a dramatic pause. 'Peter shags Darky, if he's got it in him and I get to watch.'

'What about if we both rape Peter,' I looked at Nathan hopefully. It looked to me like I'd drawn the short end and I had got a picture card after all.

'No, no,' Nathan scowled at me. 'We can get Peter tonight. It's your turn this afternoon.'

'What about your turn?' Peter frowned.

'I got the Ace,' Nathan laughed and waved the bloody card. 'I'm the boss, what I say goes.'

Peter ignored him and suddenly grabbed at me and dragged me down for a meeting of the lips. 'Sod him, Darky. You don't mind a sucky, sucky and a fucky, fucky, do you?'

'Not really,' I laughed, to be quite honest I was still thinking of big butch Zander but it was a shitty day and we had to pass the time somehow and I followed the others as they strated to get naked. Here we go, here we go,' I hummed and reversed myself above Peter with Nathan hovering in the background. I didn't know what role he'd cast for himself but I was soon to find out.

'This is better than watching TV,' Peter grinned as I crouched above him. I ducked onto his fully hard dick and he in return grabbed my hips pulling my groin down onto his face. The room quietened as we concentrated on each other's needs and then I felt Nathan's warm bopdy on my back. He wasn't fucking but he was going through the motions and from his moans and groans seemed to be enjoying himself.

I could feel Peter getting harder and harder and expected him to pop at any moment but suddenly he struggled free upsetting nathan and myself onto the bed in another fit of giggles. Nathan promptly moved his attentions onto my cock and Peter was behind me. Jeez, he pushed gainst me and I felt the main but then he must have put some spit on his harnon and pushed again. This time I felt it open me and he was in and he was moving.

'Nice,' he whispered as he worked his way in, I just pushed back, I was used to it by now and Nathan;'s sweet mouth around my own hardness helped. I grabbed Nathan's head and face fucked him as Peter started to go faster and harder holding my hips as he did his thing.

'Aaaah,' I tensed on Peter as I felt my heat rise and then squirted my milky load into Nathan's swallowing mouth but the Rugrat didn't waste any time, he sucked me dry and then shuffled up the bed sticking his cocklet in my mouth. 'Mmmmfph...' I gagged and held onto Nathan;s sweet bottom as he moved in and out and Peter continued to fuck. I was getting it both ends and just chilled, there wasn't much I could do after all and as Peter had said, it was one up on the televsion.

Nathan was the first to shoot his little squirt and collapsed on the bed and that's when Peter lugged me into a doggy and really went to town with Nathan watching avidly. When Pete came he did a good one, remarkable for such a little dick (for his age) he pumped me up well with a couple of squirts of his creamy cum and then slid free and fell alongside his foster brother. I lay alongside and we samdwiched the exhausted Peter he was spent and so were but that's the trouble or the pleasure with living with hormoned up kids, you spend half your life knackered and the other half horny.

We managed to spend the rest of the day reasonably relaxed and Peter later confirmed that he'd arranged for me to go around and 'see' Zander the next day. Jake would be working so I had the whole of the Zander man and an empty house to myself. I was a bit dubious thinking about how much older he was and how much more bigger but both Peter and Nathan guaranteed that he was a sweety so I agreed to being abandoned to the Zanderman.

Peter and Nathan went at it as soon as we went to bed but I kept out of it for the very first time, I'd had enough and I wanted to rest myself for the morrow and I guessed that they realised that. So, apart from them jumping around and bouncing the bed all over the place I got a reasonably decent night's kip.

One slight glitch in the plan became apparent in the morning over breakfast. Apparently the mum had decided to take Nathan upto Kingston and get his new school uniform sorted out and also to tuck in some shopping. Peter was lumbered with me as a childminder which was all well and good, the problem was what would Peter do whilst I was engaged with Zander furthering my education. Well, alls well that ends well, he decided to drop me off and go after a job. There was an ad in the local video store asking for a junior assistant over the long holiday and Peter decided to go for it, it was only for three mornings a week and it would provide him with pocket money and as he pointed out, it would also leave myself and Nathan time together without the sometime awkward number three.

All done and dusted as they say.... the mum was away with Nathan around eleven and shortly after I was being escorted over to Zander's place. I felt a bit like a prisoner being delivered for execution but I hoped it wasn't going to be that bad.

We wandered over to Zander's place or the place he stayed and he welcomed us inviting us into the kitchen feeding us Coke. Peter told him that he was going to make himself scarce and see about the job he was after. So, in fact, we just sat there swopping idle chatter until Peter managed to tear himself away reluctantly. I think he wanted to stay and get in on the act but his good nature won out in the end... yeah, right. The main thing was that he'd gone and promised to return and collect me in around four hours. Now if Zander couldn't manage to work his wicked will on my virginal body then he was a bit of a tosser and I don't think he was one of those at least not when there were boys like me around.

'At this stage, I say: How would you like to see my etchings,' he grinned across the table.

'What etchings?'

'Jeez, Darky,' he pulled a face. 'It's an old chat up line.'

'I thought you might say that you wanted to get inside my tiny red briefs.' I laughed.

'Red today, very nice, I'll enjoy ripping them off with my teeth.' He stood and held out his hand and I took it.

'No ripping, I haven't got that much gear.'

'No ripping,' he agreed and bending down thrust forward lifting me on his shoulder and bore me off with my head hanging down his back and my legs waving. Jeez, he was strong and I beat on his firm bum with my fists and then settled for just digging in and enjoying the ride. We didn't have far to go, up the stairs, turn right, two doors down and we were in a bedroom. 'Fun time,' he dropped me onto the bed and his hands were immediately inside my t-shirt stroking and playing with my body. I liked this, I returned his forceful kiss... as if I had a choice. He had me pinned to the bed and he rolled so that I was on top. I could take the lead for a bit and I did, I rubbed my groin against his feeling his lump mashing against mine and then his hands clasping my cheeks crushing and moulding my little buns.

'Mmmmmm...' I snuggled in feeling his hands slip inside my shorts and inside my briefs and then his strong hands cupped my buns and squeezing them gently.

'You are fuckin' beautiful,' he gently kissed me and gazed into my eyes.

'Betcha say that to all the boys,' I giggled as I felt the air on my bottom, he was slipping down my shortys and underwear exposing my bottom half. Once they were down to my knees he rolled me over so that I was virtually on display. He stared at my stiff pricklet jerking on my belly and dived on it as I kicked the unwanted garments clear. With loads of kissing, sucky-sucky and licking he got rid of my shirt and then attacked my naked body. He was like an octopus, his hands were everywhere but he managed to get his shirt off and now it was my turn. I unclipped his waistband and unzipped his jeans, we wrestled and rolled around until he was finally naked. He had a fine and exceedingly stiff cock, bulging glans, thick pale shaft with heavy furry ball... the works. He had a tight brown mass of pubics with a little line running upto his belly button which I attacked with my teeth and lips. His glans was shiny with his own oozings and as he moved me around I got it into my mouth and sucked away as I felt myself being reversed on the bed.

'Aaaaah... Darky,' he sighed as I moved my head up and down on his thick dong. He pulled on my hips and my crotch went down onto his face then his hot mouth took me in and I gently fucked in and out and sucked him at the same time. The good ol' sixty niner and his hands were still at my bum, he must have loved it. A man of excellent taste our Zander.

It was funny, the more I sucked and the more I played with his heavy balls the more I wanted it. He'd be a record for me, the biggest, my personal best. I was sure I could take it, I was even sure I was going to enjoy it, there was nothing not to like about Zander, he was my sort of man and let's face it, both Peter and Nathan had done him. Nathan was even smaller than I was and anything Nathan could do I could do better. Hang about; I was being moved around, Zander was turning my around so that I was facing up the bed again and this time he was working down my body back onto my dick but he had something in his hand, it was a pot of something and I didn't need to strain my brain on that one. He was going to lube stations. He did my dicky for a little bit then my balls and finally parting my legs went for the pucker and that guy had a tongue like a snake. If I didn't know better I would have been convinced he actually penetrated me but it was his finger that finally made it, gently slipping in and rubbing against my juvenile prostate until I was squirming about the bed and being oiled inside and out.

'Who was your biggest fuck?' He asked quite bluntly.

'Bill, I think. A mate of Peter's'

'I know him,' he smiled. 'Sweet Billy boy. Good, that answers one question anyway.'

'What's that?'

'Gently, gently, fucky, Darky...'

'You'd better believe it,' I laughed and a bit of it was probably with relief. At least he appreciated that he had a big dick and I had a little hole - nice to know.

'Go doggy,' he slapped my bottom and I wondered what he meant for a moment but he pushed me into a crouch and then all fours. 'Two fingers and tell me if they hurt.'

'I will,' I promised. In fact, fingers up your bottom were a bit of a turn on and I was already as hard as a rock and the pecker thing was twitching about as if it was electrified. I might even have cum when he had a finger in me but I hadn't felt anything so maybe not. All I knew was that my dick was fully extended and the end was covered in a milky smear that sure wasn't pee. 'Ouch... Jesus, Zander...' He'd placed one hand on the small of my back and quickly sid two fingers in me and it had hurt but I gritted my teeth, now he was in he was spreading his oil inside and my ring must have been expanding or loosening. I could feel him right enough but the pain had gone I could just feel his fingers against my prostate and moving inside me, kinky, weird and somehow sexy. I clamped and pushed back onto his thrusts.

'You're ready for the real thing,' he kissed each of my cheeks in turn.

'More fingers.' I groaned and pushed back harder.

'Enough,' he laughed and slowly drew clear grabbing me in a slippery bear hug and forcing his tongue into my mouth. God, I was in love... it would pass but for the moment Zander was the best thing since sliced bread. 'You kneel astride my chect and slowly go back onto me... you can control how you do it and stop if you want. I won't do anything... you do it all. The main thing is that you have control.'

'I'll try anything once,' I whispered nervously watching as he well and truly wanked a handful of his oily mixture into his dick which seemed to be getting bigger ad bigger every time I looked at it. His knob, his actual glans looked like one of thos plums, Victorias I think, dark purple and rather yummy but back to the action after a quick tour of the greengrocers. I climbed over and bent down to kiss him yet again. This time I felt the glance of his engorged penis and I adjusted my position it was now poking against my open crack as I moved my knees against his side. He had it spor on, the position I'd assumed opened my legs up enough to part my cheeks and as I slowly wiggled my bum and moved back I could feel the slippery lump nudge up against my equally slippery bumhole.

'Steady,' he hissed and held my hips as I reached behing with one hand holding him in position. 'Steady, Darky.' I lowered my face to his and lay my cheek against his jaw feeling the roughness of his bristles and pushed back. Gawd, the stretching and the pain was intense but I kept going.

'Shit,' I moaned and neraly gave up there and then but then I felt his huge spongey lump slip inside me and my ring close a little around his shaft. 'Gotit,' I squealed and kissed him roughly.

'Good boy,' he hised keeping perfectrly still as I absorbed a little more and then took a tentative move. 'Yeah... sooo tight,' he closed his eyes as I moved a little more taking even more of his thick shaft.

'Yeah...' I groaned but the confidence was building mow and I moved again. It was like a huge log moving inside me but I had it beat. I moved up and down with my tight nuts sliding on his chest but taking more and more of his big cock up my straining arse. I was now almost belly to belly as I slid down his body taking in more and more of his hot cock and suddenly I stopped, I was unable to go any further my knees had slipped down to around his hips and the stretching of them was almost as painful as the thing up my bottom had been on the way in.

'Now...' he looked at me and smiled.

'Now?' I trembled. I had a damn good idea what came next, maybe a go doggy style might have been a better starter.

'Now, we roll... hang onto me.' That is just what we did as we clutched each other we went onto our side and then I went onto my back and he was on top of me with his penis firmly seated in my living flesh. He didn't waste any time at all this time, he managed to get to his knees still in me and I automatically clamped my legs onto his back. One final slow shove and his mass settled in me and his crisp pubics crushed up under my balls.

'Jesus Christ, that was something else,' I gasped with tears in my eyes as I felt his hot and totally hard flesh move within me. He had me pinned to the bed and I was totally at his mercy, I just prayed to the God of Pervs that he didn't go berserk and shag me to hell and back but he didn't. It was a pretty wild ride all the same and my arse wouldn't recover in a thousand years.

He started to move slowly as couple of inches at a time, then he worked up to half his length then it was good ol' shagerooni. I clung to him as he went faster and faster and he gave that final dig that made me see stars but in the end he said the same as all my bedding partners had said.

'Darky... I'm cuming.' I held onto him and grinned. I'd done it and when the hot juices spashed into my well fucked fanny I squeezed on him savouring his slimey essence as it filled me to overflowing. It was quishy time as he finished me off, the oil, his spunk and our combined sweat made for an easy finish and in the end he collapsed on me and we traded tender kisses.

It was a good one, Zander was good, we were good together and in my mind I wanted more of this boy, youth, man or whatever. I wanted his big cock again and again. Other than that there was one final detail to consumate our union to get all posh about it.

'Suck me off, Zand,' I moaned as my legs slipped down his side and he slipped free.

'Anything, Sweet Nuts,' he smiled tiredly and nipped off my scrotum holding the little egg sac in this hand and ducked his head onto my jerking noodle. I didn't realise what he'd done until he'd been sucking me for around five minutes and my dick was red raw and aching. He'd stopped me cuming, the bastard was torturing me.

'Zander, Zander,' I begged him. 'Let me cum.'

He let go of my balls and then went to town sucking away like a kid with a lolly and this time for the first time I could feel the heat they talked about, the kisher thingy, the burning and then the first splash into his mouth and a second a wobbly streamer up onto my gut. My very first proper cum.

'Tastes nice,' he leant over and kissed me again and I gagged as I felt my own slime slip into my mouth.

'You dirty bastard,' I gagged but swallowed it all the same, it wasn't as if it was the first spunk I'd tasted and it was my own after all. He made up for it, his hea dmoved down my chest and he licked and lapped every drop of my seed and finally gave my sore dick a wash in his mouth.

We lay on the damp bed in all our stinky and sweaty glory. Amazingly enough we had loads of time before Peter's deadline and just lay there canoodling as they used to say. That was until he popped another stiffy and that was the time we decided to make for a nice warm shower. I doubt if my tenderised bottom would stand another dose of Zander's man sized cock so soon.

What's that saying about good intentions, I can't remember but as son as I saw Zander all wet and soapy I popped one again and as he soaped me up and washed me lovingly and at great length his man muscle grew right back to where it had been half an hour ago.

Jeez,' he muttered in disgust and tried to push it down but it just sprang back up.

'It's alive,' I giggled.

'It's not going to go down with you around,' he held me in his arms and I could feel his hot cock pressing against my belly. Could I? Would I? Should I? Questions, questions. I slid down to my knees and guided him into my mouth. He groaned and gently pumped to and fro but I was lost, I wanted more. Soundlessly I moved around on the carpet offering him my body, bum first of course. 'You sure about this?' He spoke quietly but knelt behing me and got between my legs.

'Go on,' I rasped. 'before Peter gets back.'

'Stacks of time,' he laughed and held my hips. He must have used an internal guidance system as I felt his hot cock part my cheeks and nudge up against my well battered ring. 'Darky...' He sighed and pushed against my yielding flesh.

'Christ,' I whined but as he entered me again I grasmoed the side of the bath and pushed back onto his beautiful muscle.

This time he held my narrow hips and really went for it. He moved in and out faster and faster and this time... harder. The slap of his flesh on mine filled the bathroom and I was past caring. I was pushing back so hard I'm surprised his glans didn't pop out of my mouth. It took time and I was wreched at the end of it but he finished with a yeall and held me so tight he nearly cracked a rib. His hot gouts splattered into my belly and I quivered as I felt his hot juices slime my inside and trickle from my hole.

'Gawd,' I moaned and slid off him and collapsed in a ball on the carpet, my arse was on fire but my belly felt good. He must know how I felt about him now, I'd given him my all and would do it again quite cheerfully... after some rest that is.

'You are a darling boy, Darky,' he lay down with me and cuddled my sweaty body in the muggy warmth. 'Darling boy,' he repeated and I felt his soft lips on my neck and shoulders.

'Better than Nathan?' I felt a slight bitchiness, I was surprised to feel that I was jealous of my little mate with all these gorgeous fucks. My mind must be in a worse state than I thought.

'Nathan is Peter's to have to hold,' he told me gently. 'You are Ace, I'll have you anyday.'

'Great,' I almost purred. 'I had a man, well, alright I knew he was supposed to be Jake's boyfriend but Zander seemed to have enough to go around. I any case I'd be linked with Jake in the very near future. It was pretty obvious by now that Peter for whatever reason was shopping me around everyone he knew and that suited me fine. There was more active boyflesh around Addlestone it seemed than that bloody Care Home of mine.

'Come of, Sweety.' Lets get sorted out for Peter.'

'Can I see you again?' I prayed to every God I knew that he wasn't one of these one session and that's it types.

'As often as you like... like every day,' he grinned. 'I like you a lot.' he smiled and we did a final cuddle. I was hoping for the love word but I think he was a bit too self contained and maybe adult for that. You don't build people's hopes up and then knock them down at least nice people don't and Zander was nice. He was bloody beautiful, gorgeous and tasty in my eyes but nice would do for now.

'Excellent,' I ginned inanely.

'I've got some news for Peter which I should have told him earlier but he'd be hin in twenty minutes or so.'

'Good news.'

'Unfortunately not,' he frowned. 'Come on, kiddo. Take another quick shower.'

That was it, the afternoon of shagging was done but as far as I was concerned it was an afternoon of romance and love. I know I was being silly but I had feelings, I wasn't just an orphan shagbag. I knew deep down that I probably loved Zander but it was one of those things that wasn't meant to be and how the hell can you love someone after an afternoon's sex. All the same I had another two or three weeks here and I would make a point of spending as much time with Zander the man as possible, I doubted that Peter and Nathan would object too much.

Peter rolled up spot on time, he must have been lurking somewhere. His good news was that he'd been taken on but for three mornings a week only, it was enough as far as he was concerned, he was only wanting to beef up his pocket money after all. The big plus was that he'd have first dibs at the new CDs and videos as they came in. Zander got us sat down with cold drinks in the lounge and as he'd told me he had some news for Peter.

'Mick's moving out in three or four weeks.' He looked at Peter and sniffed. 'He's been after a job on the coast and he got his letter this morning so he'll be selling up and leaving.'

'What? What for?' Peter looked to be in shock. 'What about you and Jake?'

'That's the question,' Zander frowned. 'Jake and I haven't had time to take it in yet. We knew Mick was after this job as he has friends down that way.'

'Yeah, but you're his friends,' Peter looked at me and I suspected he was close to tears. Very emotional our Peter, coming from muy background I was used to losing friends, I had lost Nathan after all and fortunately got him back for a little while. I didn't contribute to the conversation, it wasn't my business and these people had been close pals long before I'd arrived on the scene.

'He has to go with his particular flow,' Zander said. 'I'll have to look for somewhere to stay and so will Jake. We both more or less blown out our families over the last few months.'

'Shit,' Peter groaned.

'You've got a home at least,' Zander scowled.

'Shit,' Peter said again. 'Can we come around to night and see Mick and Jake find out what's happening.'

'Why not, Pierre,' Zander smiled. 'You and your little boys are family more or less.'

'Not all that little,' I managed to chip in.

'True,' Zander laughed.

'We'd better go,' Peter stood looking quite miserable. 'Mum will be home and she'll be worried. See you later?'

'Make it arouind seven after they've eaten and cleaned up.'

'OK... come on Darky, let's go home.' I thought that was a it of a tactless remark underr the circumstances but Zander didn't seem to notice. He blew me a little kiss on the way out which was rather nice. I'd be seeing him again and I'd be bedding him again, that was written in stone.

'How did you get on?' Peter asked as we walked back.

'Brill,' I grinned like a loon.

'Good,' he nodded his head. 'I gotta fix you up with Jake, he has the hots for any young bottom on the patch.'

'Jeez,' I moaned. 'You lot are the bloody limit.'

'And we're losing our safe house.' That remark said it all and then I realised what Peter's beef was, he wasn't interested in the boys and their problems, what he was interested in was having a base for his dirty little bits on nooky. Mind you having someone like Zander on tap was nice, I did't know about Jake but no doubnt I'd find out very shortly.

Nathan and mum had returned by the time we got back and Nathan proudly showed off his new school uniform which was quite smart, I had another twinge of jealousy but it seemed to be the season for them, I had to steel myself. After Nathan's display we had supper when dad came in and shortly after that all trooped down the alley to catch up on the news from the Mick house.

It was a bit of a round table affair and Nathan and I were there on sufferance and we both realised that and kept out of it but kept the ears flapping if you follwed me.

The long and the short of it was that Mick would definitely be leaving. The house would be up for sale and that was the end of a very short story.

A sweetener was that Mick reckoned he could get Jake a job in his new Millets which was much larger than the one in Addlestone and did a much larger range with local small boat sailors and campers. Zander was a different kettle of fish, even if offered he, as he said, didn't want to work in a shop. Mick stated quite clearly that he could find them lodgings but that they would have to pay. The payment wouldn't necessarily be cash... now that was a statement that raised eyebrows but he explained he had contacts in Lewes that were into 'things' one of them being photography of the dodgier sort. There was also the option, for Zander at least, of gardening work at the two houses that Mick knew of.

I think he said it all at the end of his little chat and don't forget I didn't really know the ins and outs. They could continue their little relationship but they would have to move, they would have to adjust a little and finally they would have to get of their arses and get a bit livlier. End of speach as far as Mick was concerned and then the questions stared.

Jake seemed quite excited at the move but then again he had a guaranteed job, Zander was left out in the cold a bit but I had faithin in him, I had a crush on him after all. Of course, with all this going on and Peter putting on his dying swan act I was making the most of it and by that I mean Jake ogling. He was my next target after all or maybe it was the other way around. I thought he was a bit girly to be honest especially with that disaster of a hair style, hair like that went out of fashion in the eighties. I long ponytail like a dead stoat hanging down the back of his head but he was tasty in an Asian sort of way. Reputedly the owner of a long and skinny dick and not quite the lover that Zander was but that was for me to find out.

Peter reckoned he had a bum like a ten year old and was a brilliant shag, I thought he looked like one of those coat hangers you throw away but I kept that one to myself. He'd do, I loved his colouring and from what I could see of his arms and chin, for a sixteen coming on seventeen he was hairless, no arm hair and no baby moustache. Zander towards the end of the day was showing definite signs of blonde stubble... God he was so beautiful, he could run his bristly chops up and down my bum any time he liked.

Later that night I popped the question that had been bothering me all evening.

;How come you got hooked up with that lot, at Mick's I mean?' I looked at Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee sitting gazing at our tiny televsion in the bedroom.

'Don't ask me,' Nathan replied and continued to look at trhe flickering screen. Yeah, it was one of those, maker's name REJECT TV.

'Ooooh, a long story,' Peter turned and looked at me and grinned seemingly having recovered his good humour. Two young boys in his bedroom might have helped a bit in that direction. 'It all started in a distant galaxy many light years away...'

'Shurrup,' Nathan squealed tell us properly.

'OH,' Peter laughed. 'A year ago or more like sixteen to eighteen months ago I was in the swim team with Jake, Andy and the other lads...'

'Where you took me?' Nathan butted in.

'Yeah and where I'll take you and Darky next week,' Peter. 'Anyway, Jake drags Mick along one night and introduces him as a long lost cousin which was a bit of a pork pie. They were nobbing each other. At that time Mick had a small flat up above the main street and over a period Andy and myself got invited up for an afternoon and got it on. The Jake chatted me up. Mick chatted me up, Andy shagged Jake and etc. etc.'

'Geez, just like that?' I asked. 'Instant brothel?'

'Not really, it happened over a period of time but then Mick got this place and got a more permanent boyfriend called Ian and Jake shacked up with Zander.'

'What about you and this other guy... Andy, was it?'

'He fizzled and I got hooked on Jake a bit and Zander a bit and then you came along and I fell in love,' Peter looked at me boldly and then at Nathan. I got the message and the message was Nathan was taken but I knew that already and taken or not he was still putting his sweet little arse around.

'Aaaah,' Nathan almost simpered and squeezed up against his blonde haired new brother. Good for them, I was happy for them both... and bloody jealous.

'I had a swift word with Zander tonight,' Peter went on after a quick stroke of his Nathan, his own little toy boy. I like that, a schooly with a toy boy, funny or what?

'Yeah...?' I was a bit eager there and he knew, I saw the shit eating grin he gave Nathe so the Rugrat knew as well.

'Yeah, he says Jake is working for the next three days, in fact he's almost full time now.'

'Goody,' I grinned.

'He also said he's got no work this week and he'd always appreciate a bit of company.'

'Brill,' I grinned even more.

'So, I invited him to tag along with us tomorrow when we go over the pond. If it's raining we can shack up at their place.'

'And we'll use th spare bedroom and keep out of your way,' Nathan gave a dirty old man's laugh.

'On that note I'm going to bed,' I stood and looked down at them both. 'Don't you dare start mauling me, I am absolutely shagged.'

'We figured that one out,' Nathan giggled and cuddled upto his pal as I stripped off and clambered into bed. They were muttering away and the television was spluttering quietly but I lay my head on the pilow and went out like a light. I dreamt of Zander just for information.

I was awoken the next morning by Peter bursting in and telling me to get mobile, breakfast was on the table and the mum was getting irate. No wanting to blot my copybook (wherever did that come from?), I slung my clothing on and rushed down the stairs. Mum was worried that the other two were wearing me out and told them to go easy on me, I could see from the smirks on their faces that they had no intention of leaving me alone, I was in for a hard time now although I could always run away and shack up with my Zander. Peter told her that we would be over the pond for most of the day and that Zander would be with us which seemed to satisfy us, she liked Zander and considered him a responsible person... God, if she only knew.

We hung about but finally made off with our costumes (for show), towels and some pretty limp sandwiches to keep us going. A few minutes later we were around Mick's to collect our so called 'minder' and he was surprisingly enough all tarted up ready for the off. Maybe the thought of the local schoolies running around in the hot sun and half naked and beaded with water must have turned him on, it did me. On the walk over we immediately split, Peter forged ahead with his shadow Nathan and Zander and I brought up the rear taking our time and chatting about this and that.

'Whatcha doing about the move... did you talk more last night?' I asked being nosey.

'I'm going down next weekend with them to see what's what. I'd like to stay with Jake but I most have some work, I can't live on air.'

'Yeah,' I agreed quietly. Here I was more or less guaranteed a firm stay with Peter and Nathan over future holidays and there'd be no Zander.

'Anyway,' he draped an arm around my shoulder. 'It's not all that far away and I dopn't want to lose contact with you.'

'Same here,' I leant against him as we walked. I know he was trying to be kind but it was a split and we both knew it. I was stuck in that Home for another three and a half years, I could run away but even I thought that was a bit over the top for someone who was basically shacked up with someone else.

'I'd like you to meet Jake, properly that is.'

'What do you mean by properly,' I countered. 'On my face you mean.'

'Now, now,' he laughed. 'I've told him I've got a love job going and he's curious.'

'You what?' I spluttered.

'I told him you weren't just a kiddy shag, at least not to me.'

'Ah.' I was at a loss for words for once. To say I was chuffed would be an understatement. Mind you this could get complicated but if I played my cards right things could work out, Jake and Zander could play mums and dads and adopt me. Well, I dunno about the adoption but we could do one of those 'menage a thingies' I'd heard about.

'Come on,' Peter called impatiently. 'Where we going? Down by the water or up the hill?' We'd arrived and it was pretty quiet, I counted another six kids but more would arrive later as it got hotter.

I looked at Zander and he probably had the same thing on his mind as I had. 'We'll go up the top and relax a bit,' he told Peter and Peter promised to come up and join us after he and Nathan had cooled down a bit. We wandered up the now familiar pathway to the rise that overlooked the pond that was more properly and old gravel pit until we were in our peeping position. A good place for spying really but also a good place for being alone as most of the kids preferred to to stay down on the grassed area by the water. There must have been a spring near to the pit or even in it as the water was always fresh and cold, maybe why they'd abandoned work there in the old days, anyway, now it was a kiddy haunt if frowned upon by the local council. Fortunately it was too overgrown and to far to walk for the casual dog walkers and courting couples. It was a boy spot and long may it remain that way.

'Ah, peace and quiet,' Zander spread coloured thing he'd been carrying around his shoulders, it looked suspiciously like a bedspread but it did just fine and I sat down with him waiting for him to make his first move which to my annoyance was to rake about in his bag and hand me a bag of crisps. So much for romance. We sat and munched away. He told me that he was undecided about the Lewes move, he'd been invited to tag along but work and getting some money coming in was still a concern. Naturally enough I wanted him to stay here in Addlestone but I was being selfish.

'If you go down there I won't see you when I come here again,' I heard the whine in my voice and felt like a right idiot but did he know how I felt? Probably not, I was just a kid, we'd met and had an afternoon's sex and the bottom line was that he did had a boy friend so I was very much the casual shag.

'You will,' he said forcefully. 'I told you that you were someone special... we will see each other again, I'm going to make a point of it.'

'All for a fuck,' I laughed.

'All for a very good fuck but that's not all,' he put his arm around me and guided me down onto my back. 'You're not going to be in that dump at Banstead forever.'

'Another three years at least.'

'They have to let you go when you're sixteen,' he frowned. 'That's the Law and I'll have you a job sorted out and somewhere to live by then.'

'Yeah?' I grinned and wriggled against him.

'Yeah, truly.' He sat up took a quick scan around and dropped down again. 'Yeah,' he repeated and his sweet lips were on mine and we mingled our toothpasty breath, it was still quite early after all. 'God, you kiss like a limpet,' he laughed.

'Dunno, never kissed one,' I grabbed the back of his neck and drew his face to mine again only this time I had hold of the fork in his trousers feeling his hot crotch and the hardening meat within. Minutes later we were both shirtless and grinding together, we only had shorts and briefs on, it wouldn't take long to get naked but it was nice as it was. We were shaded but it was pleasantly warm even under the canopy of the stunted trees and the sound of the boys below seemed to fade into the background.

'Jeez, Darky,' he whispered. 'I'm in love.' I felt his hand slip into the back of my shorts and grasp my soft bottom, my Zander didn't waste any time.

'You're in lust,' I lifted my middle a bit feeling his hand move and a finger slip into my sweaty crack.

'That too,' he grinned and his lips dropped to my nipples and his other hand grapsed my stiffness through the material of my shorts, he had me front and back and I just wriggled around pleasuring myself in his attentions and love or lust. I didn't care which, it was a beautifully warm and sunny day, we had reasonable privacy and the heavy thoughts could keep.

'Dirty sods.' It was Peter's voice followed by Nathan's giggles but it gave us both a heart attack all the same. A good job it was them and not anyone else.

'I thought we were safe up here,' Zander said sheepishly as we broke apart and watched as they lay out their stuff alongsdie. So much for privacy.

'You are,' Peter and Nathan both in soaked briefs lay down and got into a snope... that's a cross between a snog and a grope, I made it up. 'You were just too busy to be listening out. The other kids won't come up here.' He laughed suddenly. 'If they do they'll be up here for privacy, nudge nudge, wink, wink.'

'Ah,' I relaxed and shuffled back to Zander and felt him again. Yeah, he was still hard.

'We only came up to watch you,' Nathan started to squeal as Peter tugged at his damp briefs and then they went into wrestle mode and we sat and watched as my two friends got naked and then lay together doing more or less what Zander and I had been upto.

'Pervs,' Zander grinned. '

'Yeah,' Nathan and Peter spoke as one.

'How do you feel about sex with an audience?' Zander looked at me and I grinned back at him I couldn't care less, I just wanted his hot cock in me and his sweet lips on mine. Anyway, Peter and Nathan could warn us if anyone was coming up the track.

'Nice and slow for the viewers.' I looked at Zander and quickly shucked my shorts and tighty whiteys off laying there in the midday sun naked and ready. My short cock twitched on my belly with it's glans fully exposed and Zander's head immediately dropped. My Zanderman wasn't shy either. Anyway, he'd done it with both of them so they were hardly strangers.

Zander sucked and as they watched his hand reached out for his bag and a tube of sun tan lotion appeared... surprise, surprise. He quickly shed his shorts and underwear and knel their in the dappled sunlight with his big cock jutting and menacing with the suggestion of a smear at the tip but I didn't have a chance to grab it, he hoisted my legs in the air exposing my pucker and his head dropped again.

'Eew,' Nathan squealed as Zander's hot mouth descended and I felt his slippery tongue at my still puffy and slightly sore hole. It was alright moments later as I felt the cool smear of the lotion on me and then his finger slowly and gently intruded into my boy fanny as Peter calls it. I closed my eyes and clamped on Zander's moving finger as it coated me inside and out.

'Nice and relaxed,' Zander whispered and kissed my nose.

'Yesterday helped,' I giggled and then felt his withdrawal and two fingers in me. I heard another comment from Nathan but didn't take any notice. I was riock hard now and my pricklet was at full stretch jerking on my belly. I felt the fingers slowly and carefully and withraw. Opening my eyes I saw that Zander was in position between my outstretched legs and was smearing the stuff on his erection until it gleamed like it an oiled spike. I wrapped my arms around my legs bringing my knees right down onto my chest and left my hole totally at his mercy.

That was it. The next thing I felt was his lips on mine again and his gi-huge lump press against me and then the pressure and then that extraordinary feeling of being opened up and stretched as his massive lump speared into me.

'Jeez,' I moaned and my arms went around him as my legs went onto his shoulders. He was in, I could feel the warmth, the mass and then the movement as he started to move within me. 'Yeah, go on,' I grunted and looked into his eyes.

He smiled and grabbing me just as fiercely as I held him started to shag with long and powerful gut busting strokes that rammed deep and hard into my belly. I just clung to him like a rag doll, Peter and Nathan had gone from my mind, it was just Zander and I and we were doing what we both enjoyed.

One final slippery push and I felt his crisp pubics against me and I clung even tighter to his warm, muscular body as he started in ernest. I glanced to the left at one stage but my two friends had lost interest in us; Nathan was on his belly and Peter had mounted him and was shagging away. I closed my eyes and switched off... I had what I wanted. Zander was on me and moving faster moving quite easily in my totally relaxed fanny and digging deep. He wouldn't last long but it would last longer later on and there would be a second bonding, of that I was sure.

'Oooooh, Darky.....' Zander wispered and rammed in hard with a sweaty thwack and his glorious erection seemed to swell and then jerk. I just lay there with a blissful smile on my face as I felt his hot shots of young man's spunk sear and splash into me, he was done for the moment and once again I was flooded. I dropped my legs as he lay on me slowly moving on my own hardon but that was of no matter. What did matter was that his penis and it was still hard was moving again. 'I'm gona try for seconds,' he grunted and moved up lifting my legs and bending me in two again.

'Pig,' I giggled and lay back to enjoy.

The soap goes on...


Next: Chapter 17

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