Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 10, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and youing men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

Finally: People do write asking personal questions and I would say this which is paraphrasing an author I read some time back: Agatha Christie wrote about murders and murderers for most of her life but she didn't go around murdering people. Work that one out.


17 - New boys in town


G. Cutter

What a one horse town, Addlestone I mean. I'd been on a walk about with my dad for an hour and just about covered it. Most of the place seemed to be covered by a huge Tesco's supermarket with a massive car park, then a smaller Morrisons and a parade of local old style shops mainly of the odds and sods variety. This was a fun place (sarcasm there) I could see that and by the traffic coming through it looked like one of those places one travelled through from the famous Point A to the equally famous Point B... the trouble was no one stopped. Getting across the main road was like getting across the London's Edgeware Road. That's where we came from by the way, my family and I, the top end, up in Maida Vale.

My dad had got a promotion within British Aerospace and rather than travel out of town each day had decided it was probably better for mum, myself and my brother to move to suburbia or the stockbroker belt depends how you look at it. It was clearly a big upset but London was getting a bit like Downtown USA with gangs, muggers and the associated scum making life dangerous or leastways difficult. Moving to Addlestone was like slipping back into an older and more civilised Little England. OK, we were going to lose some of the modernity if you like but in our Close there were actually kids playing in the street and on the Common to the rear of the house, if that was Maida Vale they'd need armed guards.

I suppose I should introduce myself. the name is Mark and I'm sixteen, I have a kid brother called James who is my current boyfriend, now there's a bit of shock and horror to get everyone writing letters to the editor. I don't know how to describe myself other than to say I'm tall for my age, just around six feet and keep my hair short which is brownish, I've got a roundish sorta face and am pretty good looking to go with it. Kid brother Jamie who is fourteen is a smaller edition and sometimes called 'Accident' in the family as legend has it that he wasn't supposed to happen. Mum still accuses dad of getting her high on some mystery drug which knowing my mum was gin and tonic. Enough of that, we were in Addlestone and had arrived the previous day and had moved all the furniture into this pokey house in one of those Closes. Gotta stick in a brief note here for outlanders who don't know what a Close is, official name is a cul-de-sac (I think) and it's a short road that leads nowhere, easy as that, they put signs up saying 'Residents Only' and things like that, bugger off signs to be blunt. Actually the place was nice quite and better still it had a decent garden which backed onto a load of waste ground technically called a Common and even better than better, James and I finally had our own rooms, we had to share in the old place but we were getting older and although we still shagged we had different homework and hobbies (other than shagging) so needed our own space for them at least. James' bright idea was to have one of our rooms as a Common Room (Hogswarty style) and use the other as a dorm. He cooled down on that when he started getting funny looks from the mum and dad people.

I suppose I've got to add for the cockwatchers, no offence there... I muster a good 'nearly six' and Jamie is pretty good, I haven't actually got a measurement for him but he's big enough. put it that way. We're both circumcised as a matter of interest just to put us apart from most of our peers. I know all the pros and cons for foreskins but we don't give a toss, you live with what you've got and I'm happy enough.

'Well, it seems a pleasant enough place,' my dad burbled on as we stood at the roundabout at what I supposed was the town centre. 'Easy for shopping anyway.'

'That'll please mum,' I contributed and dad was right. The one thing that seemed to be lacking was pubs, there was one by the railway crossing and that was it, perhaps they were tucked away down sidestreets, even local yokels liked a drink now and then.

'Yeah,' he agreed and laughed. 'Keep Jamie happy as well. he's going out shopping with her this morning doing his native bearer bit.'

I smiled not at the thought of Jamie 'bearing' but at the thought of him sprawled naked on my bed in one of his moods. I even felt the pointy thing perk a tad, it must be the sun. It was bloody hot and I had an urge to sprawl in the garden and do exactly bugger all which is an excellent teenage hobby and one that I recommend. I might listen to a bit of music but that doesn't take too much effort.

'Ah, a DVD store and he has videos.' Dad was off, he's a compulsive video watcher although like most of us into the DVD transfer stage and as I followed him in I could see this place did vids, discs and some games. There was also a cutey serving shop but I tried not to ogle which is another of my bad habits. 'May as well sign up,'

'Why not?' I picked up a CD case and studied the cover whilst also eyeballing the dish behind the counter as dad started the routine. Not bad, probably around the fourteen or fifteen mark and obviously a schooly on holiday earning a few coppers to pass the long holiday. I saw him glance at me and then back to the paperwork. He was pretty tall with short blonde hair badly in need of a cut but was fresh faced in the English rose tradition, you know, one of these kids that goes bright red in the sun. Actually, I cocked up there, he had quite a nice tan from what I could see of him, so much for the sunburn bit.

He was busy on his computer terminal and suddenly he looked up and gave dad and then me a funny look, it was only momentary but it was there and I wondered what it was all about. We weren't ragheads or dune coons, we weren't a pair of sooties, what was his problem? Anyway, dad got his swipe card and gave it to me and then wandered down the end of the shop casually broswsing and I lurked at the counter.

'You live in the next Close to me,' the kid spoke quietly. 'Me and my brother,' he added for some reason as if he'd just remembered he had a brother.

'Nice,' I replied casually taking crafty looks and trying to see over the counter to see his bottom half. Well, be fair, he might have been a centaur or something and Addlestone was a bit like Eerie, in the TV Series... remember that one, I used to lust after Omri Katz I think it was. Very tasty, anyway back to the Vid Store. 'Sorry, my mind was wandering,' I grinned trying to loook goofy and attractive not an easy task I might add especially as James always tells me what a miserable sod I look.

He laughed. 'Mates of mine used to live in your house, that's what caught my eye when your, er... dad did the paperwork.'

'Really,' I grinned. The kid had given me an in, this was a bit of good fortune, my lucky day I suspect, my first contact with an alien from Planet Addlestone and he had a brother or so he said. You'll have to pop around and see what's changed...' I finished a bit lamely there. It was a pretty stupid thing to say and he probably thought I was a bit of wierdo but never mind, worse things happen at sea as my dad says.

'They haven't been gone long,' he looked thoughtful. 'About three weeks, they went to Lewes, down South.'

'Ah,' I said showing my command of the English language. 'Cool.' Have you noticed by the way, sooner or later one of the kids in a Nifty story says 'cool' or 'kewl' Global Amerkanisation, gloom and doom. 'What's that Common like over the back... how far does it go?'

'Miles, right upto Forestry Commission land, there's a big lake sorta thing about a mile in, lots of local lads go down there.'

'A lake sorta thing,' I laughed. OK, not very nice taking the piss but it was a lake or it wasn't.

'Well, it was an old quarry I think,' he replied defensively. 'You want to go over, it's a nice place to lurk... the kids go skinnydipping,' he added the skinnydipping bit as a sort of bonus I suppose.

'Better not tell my kid brother, Jamie, he's a super knicker dropper if he sees anyone else going nudey, he's a right back to nature type.'

'Really,' this kid grinned and finally got around to it. 'I'm Peter and my bro's Nathan.'

'Hi Pete,' I got in quickly, this was going well. 'I'm Mark Blair and my brother is James or Jamie depends on his mood.'

'Same as Nathe,' he laughed. 'He's only a tiddler, he's eleven plus, what about yours?'

'Thirteen with a mental age of seven,' I grinned. I liked this Peter and decided to strike whilst the iron was hot. 'You could give us a tour if you get any spare time. We only moved in yesterday and we don't know where anything is or or anyone to ask for that matter.

'Mmm...' he looked at me as if sussing me out and maybe he was. 'I finish at midday and I was going over this afternoon with Nathe if you're interested.'

'Yeah, sounds good.'

'OK, we'll give you a shout over your back fence just after one. You got bikes or wanna walk?'

'Walk for the first time, get an idea of the place.'

'Fine,' he agreed. 'Me and Nathe'll see you and yours around one.' He looked up as my dad returned to the counter.

'See you later, Pete,' I gave him a wave as we left with dad clutching one pretty ancient video he discovered in the back of the shop. Peter gave a casual wave back and I wondered. What I wondered about was how the afternoon was going to turn out because one thing I had noticed and that was that he was an ogler. Every kid that came in as we chatted got fixed with his beady eye, still that may have been part of his job but I thought it was a bit funny. When a couple of rather slutty but attractive bare belly school girls came in he didn't even spare them a glance... even funnier.

Back home it was the usual chaos as mum sorted out a light lunch and Jamie did his usual, got in the way and then he started on with his study and dormitory theme. I just sat there nodding, the idea had it's ups and downs but I could see that dad was a bit mystified with Jamie's attitude and mum was basically confused... so, no change there.

'Jesus, Jamie,' my mother cursed which is very unusual for her but it was very hot. 'Sort it ourt with your brother and give it a rest.'

'They'll be sharing, solo, sharing, solo sharing forever,' my dad forecast gloomily.

'Whatever,' my mum snapped. 'Let them get on with it as long as I can have some bloody peace,' she glared at Jamie who had the good sense to keep his mouth shut.

'Amazing. We move into a house where they can have their own bedrooms and now they can't make their minds up what to do.' My dad chuntered on for a minute or so.

'Hey, dad... Rugrat can't make his mind up,' I corrected dad which he loves (natch).

Lunch finished in a subdued mood and I mentioned to James that we were going rambling in the afternoon, I had told dad on the way home and he seemed pleased that I'd made contact with a local. James seeemed a bit uncertain, I think he'd envisaged going for a major room shuffle and the pleasure of moving furniture but the rooms could stay as they were for the moment. Making new contacts was more important and I had a funny feeling about this Peter, it could be my lucky day.

'So, what's he like, this kid?' James was all questions as we lounged in the garden after lunch.

'I liked him, a bit like that Lorenzo kid I suppose.'

'What's the brother like?'

'I dunno, do I. I haven't seen him,' I grinned. 'Patience is a virtue, little brother.'


I was saved from any further hassle by Peter's head poking around the back gate and he shuffled in accompanied by this much smaller boy. It had to be his kid brother but he looked nothing like Peter, he was darker and if Peter was very plainly good looking this kid was beautiful. He was a vision and I heard James alongside in his deckchair let out a long slow breath. 'Wow,' he whispered.

'Hi,' I stood to welcome them. 'Meet my shadow, James.'

'Hi,' Peter gave an awkward nod in the English style and wrapped his arm around the smaller kids shoulders. 'This is Nathan.' he said it proudly as if displaying a trophy, pretty weird and most unbrotherly. Of course, we later found out about the fostering bit so that explained it, Peter was proud. He'd got himself a live in young lover and he'd got the cream of the crop from what I could see. This kid was so sweet I could have licked him to death... having babbled that little load of drivel Peter was pretty tasty himself and he was just my cuppa tea, the boy was a bit on the small side but not for Jamie.

I went indoors to tell the parents what we were upto but they'd settled down to an afternoon's television and other than telling us not to be too late they were unconcerned. They'd probably be off upstairs for a bit of bonking once we were out of the house. I know parents shagging is one of those taboo subjects but I was sure they were still at it although taking precautions against further Jamies. Jeez, makes me cringe thinking about it, not another Jamie but them doing it I mean.

Anyway, it was a hot summer's day, we had it all to ourselves and I walked off with Peter, Jamie and the little one scampered ahead... well, scampering's a bit over the top but you know what I mean. Peter was babbling about the people who used to have our house and he seemed to have been pretty close to them, odd setup though. A shop manager with a pal who seemed to be a boyfriend although Peter didn't say that. Then two other sixteen year olds who also seemed to share a room, Jamie's. All very odd and there was a lot he wasn't telling me but it was early days.

We entered a scruffy woodland which was shadier at least although the high growing bracken was a pain. There were obvious signs of kids by which I mean litter, shame really as I'm a Keep Britain Tidy freak, I hate litterbugs.

'Whew, it's hot,' Jamie returned with Nathan in tow and both were sweating like little piglets.

'If we bear right here we go up a bit of a hill and finish up above the quarry,' Peter pointed out a vague track. 'Watch for brambles and stingers,' he charged off this time with me in close pursuit and the laughing brats bringing up the rear. Thank God it didn't go on too long as around ten to fifteen sweaty minutes later we came out in a clearing and Peter flopped down and lay on his back with his t-shirt stuck to his belly. 'Over there,' he jerked his head.

Peering through the trees and shrubs I could see quite large area of water below us, we were virtually atop a cliff and had a grandstand view of what was going on below. There were about a dozen kids of all shapes and sizes just larking around in the water and my evil little heart did a leap, there were at least three or four skinnydipping and the reminder were in their briefs or shorts and that's just about as good. A kid in wet briefs is as good as naked and sometimes they're a damn sight sexier. A good looking boy child in wet underwear is one of my secret thingies, so stiffy inducing it isn't true.

'Gawd,' I heard Jamie moan like a love lorn lout and Nathan giggled. Trust Jamie to give away the game away.

'Phew,' I got a good eyeful and fell down on the soft grass alongside Peter. 'Do you swim?'

'Depends what else is on offer,' he spoke so quietly I barely heard him but hardly surprising with Jamie rabbiting away, he was urging Nathan to go down with him to the water, my Jamie didn't waste any time.

I peeled my damp shirt off and lay on it giving Peter a flash of my fabulous body and he immediately did likewise. He was pretty shapely, not flubby but not thin, just slender and sweet. The next thing I knew was that Nathan and Jamie had dumped their shirts and were galloping off down the hill shouting and screaming like a pair of infants.

'Well, that's them gone,' I crounched on all fours and peered through the shrubbery as both our kid brothers arrived, dropped their shorts and were in the water wearing only their tighty whiteys... at least they had some modesty but I wondered how long that would last.

'Sweet,' I felt Peter's bare shoulder touch mine as he adopted a similar pose and had a little spy.

'Anybody come up here,' I looked around and although there was this one clear space the rest of the clearing looked pretty overgrown.

'Nah, too much effort,' Peter flopped out onto his back. 'The midgets ran down that hill but they won't be too quick climbing back up. They won't have the sense to come backup the path they're a pair of mumpties. They'd try climbing up the cliff.'

'Good,' I lay alongside him feeling that we had reached a crux or a nub, some posh word like that. This is where it happened or, not, depending very much on the next couple of minutes.

'I like your Jamie,' he gazed at the foliage above. 'Very sweet.'

'He is,' I agreed moving in just a fraction.

'How about Nathan, you like him?'

'Yeah, very sweet,' I returned his comment. 'Very tasty,' I added for good measure.

He propped himself up on one elbow and faced me grinning. 'We should try a swop over the holidays... the kid brother swop shop.'

'Ummm...' I did a theatrical little shudder and he laughed. I reached out and jerked his supporting arm and he fell on me with a little squeal but it was too late, we were chest to chest with our faces inches apart. I wrapped my arms around him, I was now in a 'sod the consequences' mode, I felt on pretty safe ground and as he pressed against me I felt even safer as I felt hardness pressing against my thigh. 'We should strip off and do a bit of sunbathing,' I whispered.

'We should strip off...' he giggled as my hands slipped down his shirt and rested on his shorts feeling the soft and warm globes of flesh within. 'Ooooh,' he sighed and pressed in harder as I gently squeezed the springy mounds of flesh. 'How did I know you were going to do that?'

'You've got crystal balls.' I quickly and lightly kissed him on the lips. He took a long and considered stare with a half grin on his face and gently returned the kiss but kept it going with his tongue tentatively probing against my teeth. I opened my mouth to admit his slippery organ and that was it.

He had one of these baggy shirts on, you know, like school shirts with buttons on the front and the little breast pocket, it probably was an old school shirt with the tail chopped off but I had one hand inside stroking his smooth back and unbuttoning him with the other. He was dead sexy to be honest and he seemed to enjoy a little play around as he was moulding and shaping my hardness by smoothing down my baggy shorts and outlining my erection in all it's boyish glory.

'Wow, a biggy,' he giggled but my lips were on his again and this time I flattened him on the grass and had his smooth chest totally exposed. He knew what I was upto and played with my short hair as my lips drifted down onto one nipple and then the other.

'Watch it, the boys might come back up.'

'James is OK,' I mumbled as I sucked on one of his little teats and slipped a hand into his baggy droopy things feeling the warmth and stiffness of his cock through his briefs. It was a nice one, not hugio but big enough to feel it if he had it in your belly. What? Boy on boy I hear you shriek... damn right and the sooner the better but this place was dodgy and even in my rampant lust I had the sense to know that. Where the hell is a bedroom when you want one?

'Oh, yeah...' he sighed as I managed to get inside his briefs as well and finally felt his warm smoothness in the flesh. He had a foreskin which I had no problem with and as I moved it and squeezed it over his glans I could feel the wetness, the boy was on heat and here we were stuck in a bloody juncle. 'It's pretty safe up here,' he croaked and I suspected there was a hint in there somewhere.

'Good,' I took the plunge and tugged his shorts down a little and his briefs with them, the end of his hardness slipped free and his waistband held his loose skin exposing the gleaming head and about a couple of inches of shaft... I couldn't resist it. As he moaned and moved around I slowly slid my tongue across the blood gorged lump tasting the never forgotten taste of boy cum and then just slipped my mouth over the end toying at the shiny and slippery lump with my tonge.

'Jesus, Mark,' he sighed and holding my head make little fucking motions into my mouth but he wasn't getting away that easily, I tugged his shorts down at the back just enough to cup his soft bottom and let him know what I was about. Not just a sucker but a fucker as well, pretty blunt but it rhymed nicely.

'We got to be careful,' he muttered and then to my delight began to move around dragging me in closer and still shagging into my mouth but I relaxed a little as I felt him delve into my baggies and we were now almost toe to tail but certainly in a sixty niner. It was now a matter of would be wouldn't he. He did. A bit more struggling and lining up and he had my absolutely rigid cock out in the open and I felt the first little experimental lap and a little giggle.

'Go on,' I urged in a sort of splutter as I took more and more of his meat into my mouth and then I felt his hot wetness encompass me and his head began to bob up and down on my fully stretched penis... and his hands worked around to clasping my bottom. He was flashing his creds in a manner of speaking, he was letting me know that he was just as interested as I was with an 'all the wayer' and that's a polite but not very grammatical way of saying that he wanted to shag as much as I did.

'Shit,' he moved away looking absolutely furious and I grinned. It was looking so good but the screamers were climbing the bank or what Peter called the cliff coming back up.

'At least we heard them,' I laughed as we both hurriedly tugged our shorts back up. I heard a spate of naughty words, first one slipped and then the other but they finally made it back upto the clearing.

'It's easier going down than getting back up,' James declared standing there in his wet tighty whites hiding absolutely nothing, Nathan stood slightly to his rear with a big grin on his face and looking absolutely delicious, they were both streaked with mud from their climb and beaded with water and sweat. So delicious. Nathan's coiled little noodle was perfectly clear in his briefs just as much as James's which was stretched, half hard as you might say. My kid brother was in the mood but I was a bit unsure about Nathan, he was so small and childlike. I wondered if he and Peter did things, Peter had hinted but he hadn't actually said anything and neither had I.

'Take you knickers off and hang them up,' Peter advised his brother. 'Let's see what you've got.'

'You know what I've got,' Nathan giggled but did as he was told and automatically Jamie followed his lead and we were faced with the two naked angels still wet and beaded with water, complete with muddy muddy streaks like a pair of child savages on the rampage. My penis which was still hard from our playing around went into overdrive, I could have fucked my brother or even little Nathan on the spot.

'You should have come down,' Jamie grinned at me. 'It's glorious... Nathan's a groper as well,' he added.

'Am not,' Nathan squealed.

'Are too,' Jamie cackled. 'Bum grabber.'

'Willy grabber,' Nathan retorted.

'Girls, girls,' I admonished them but I must admit I was now so hard it was bloody well hurting and I think from the way Peter looked at me he was in pretty well the same state and then things began to get hairy in the nicest possible way. The boys started to wrestle around on the grass giving us oldies a full flesh view, semi stiff dicks and then the occasional pucker as they went into a full scale struggle fest. Jamie had to come out on top obviously as he was bigger and heavier than Nathan but the kid was a tease and that was pretty obvious as well. In the end sweaty and laughing like mad they parted and both sprawled looking at each other and they both had perectly clear stiffies. They were naked after all and there was no hiding them, the good thing was that neither seemed too fussed about the things.

'Jeez, get a room,' Peter laughed.

'We're going for a mooch around,' Jamie declared glancing at Nathan but the kid just sat there with an idiot grin on his face.

'Better put some shorts on,' I answered him. I was pretty sure he wanted the little munchkin on his own for a bit and I didn't blame him, suited me as well, Peter and I had unfinished business. They both started nattering away and clambered into their shorts leaving their briefs hanging on the shrubbery like white flags. Nathan muttered something about knowing 'a place' which confirmed my suspicions, then they went off on a nature ramble, well maybe of the birds and bees variety but not of the horticultural type. They wandered away promising to be back in a while and Peter and I were on our own again.

'Think they're spying? I raised myself up into a crouch, I couldnt see them and dropped back down with Peter again.

'Who cares, Nathan's seen it all before.'

'So has Jamie,' I smiled and grabbed him, he came quite willingly into my arms but this time he was going the whole hog. His hands grasped the waistband of my shorts and started to tug them down. I didn't fight him off, I went for his shorts and his unbuttoned shirt, I wanted him in the nude, fully naked. We had the place to ourselves and it was not getting too hot we were lucky we were under trees. The sound from below, on the water line had died down a bit and a quick peep showed me that most of the kids where in the shade and I could even see a couple of pair split from the others and in rather close conact. I just wished I had a pair of binoculars, it was a good vantage point but it was just a little too far from the pairs at least to see what they were upto. Our own little twosome had disappeared as I and Peter started to lazily wrestle on the grass in the shade each trying for the superior position.

I came out on top but not as a top if you follow, I guided or forced him flat onto his back and crouched over him with my erection above his face and took his jerking sweetmeat into my mouth. He got the message, he drew my bigger hardness down to his lips and we were off again.

'Betcha don't shag on your first date,' I gobbled around his slippery heat.

'I do on the second,' he laughed back spreading my cheeks whilst sucking and fumbling for my ring. Ambitious boy but at least it showed without a doubt he was no stranger to this sort of thing even at his age, he was well into it which indicated that sweet Nathan was just as bent. Jamie might even get lucky this afternoon if he played his cards right.

He had a nice cock and he was soooo smooth and his scrotum was tight, he could pop at any moment. I sucked harder and bobbed my head faster but he had stopped. 'Do me and I'll do you,' he pushed me onto my side and I reversed again so that I could suck or kiss whichever took my fancy. I was taking a break and sucking on one nipple and wanking his rigid and really slippery cock when he groaned and I felt the splatter of cum on my neck, I looked down to get his second squirt right in the face before I managed to take him in and drain his sweet juices. He wriggled around moaning and fucking into my mouth until he was well and truly spent, drained like a squeezed out fruit. Wrong word there, we were both a pair of fruits I suppose but never mind. I moved up his body again and this time sealed the kiss with his spunk rubbing it over his face until he squealed at me to stop. 'That was brill, Mark,' he gazed at me with a big grin. 'Ready?'

'Do your worst.' I lay on my back squinting in the dappled sunlight as it filered through the shrubbery, I felt his lips on my throat and he began to head south.

'Kosher cut cock,' he giggled before I felt the first lick of his wet tongue and then it began. God, he was so good, he must have had lots of practice as he was a tease, every time my nuts came up and I felt the beginnings he smoothed my scrotum down and kissed my belly or lapped my navel out, he let it go down basically and then started again. In the end I held his head tightly in place and fucked his mouth like I was in his sweet bottom and he loved it. He struggled and gobbled away but his heart wasn't in the struggle bit, when I came at last he drank it deep and slobbered away smearing my spunk onto his lips and joined me in a smelly and slippery kiss. It was over and I wanted more.

'When we going to get together in private, do the thing?' I asked.

'The real dirty?' He giggled.

'Yeah, make babies.'


'Brill, how we gonna do it?'

'The children are the problem,' he lay back and looked at me. 'Nathan will go for sex, will your brother?'

I laughed. 'They're probably shagging right now, James will go for anything he can get away with.'

'So mixed doubles is an option?' He asked slyly.

'Undoubtedly, slutboy.'

'Great,' he snuggled in. 'My dad's a nine 'til five man and mum goes out in the afternoons,' he looked hopeful.

'My mum and dad start back work tomorrow, they'll be missing from nine to five, dead cert.'


'You come around ours,' I smiled. 'Jamie has his own room so we can do our thing and they can do theirs.'

'Brilliant,' he started to work my soft meat again, it didn't stay soft for long but we heard voices approaching, it seemed the junior division was rejoining us. Time for a nice quiet chat.

'Cor, getta room,' I heard Jamie laugh having nicked Peter's line.

'Dirty boys,' Nathan giggled right behind him.

'Yeah, and you've been checking out the birds and bees I suppose,' I looked up and Jamie and Nathan were standing there in their shorts but they did look a bit hot and flustered. If they hadn't scored each other they hadn't been far off it.

'I've invited Peter and Nathan around tomorrow for a bit of a get together,' I spoke to Jamie.

'Told ya,' Jamie crowed at Nathan. 'Told you he was a fast worker.'

'I try,' I said modestly as Nathan fell to the ground right alongside me and Jamie lay down to the outside of Peter, the two brats had been planning their moves and that suited me fine, I shuffled out a bit and my legs touched Nathan's, I felt the pressure returned. A quick crouch up, a quick survey and it was down again. 'Now little one,' I turned outwards and took the delightful, delicious, diminutive and absolutely and totally fuckable angel in my arms. Over the top a bit there but no matter, his lips were so sweet and I could taste cum on them as well, seems things were moving well and when I felt his soft hands on my hot meat I nearly passed away. Jamie and I were on our way, we'd clicked big time and we hadn't even got our rooms sorted out yet.

I glanced over my shoulder and Peter was getting a grip on Jamie literally so I contented myself with Nathan, he was so soft smooth and cuddly and he was willing, no shyness with this moppet, he was all over me and if I hadn't already been in action I would have raped him there and then .

'We'll have to make a move.' Peter muttered around half an hour later. Nothing had really happened between our two pairs of older on younger but the groundwork had been done as Jamie's eyes met mine I knew that we both had the need, we were going for a family shag before the night was out but it was all change for the following day.

'Yeah, I suppose,' I agreed. 'Tomorrow, nine, ten?' I decided to strike whilst the iron was hot.

'Ten,' Peter replied after a quick check with Nathan.

'All fixed,' I laughed and stood pulling Nathan to his feet. I couldn't wait to do things with the little lovely but I'd have to go though Peter first which is one way to put it. No big deal there, pleasure followed by even more pleasure and as an appetiser I still had Jamie for the night. God, it's hell trying to stay a virgin.

We had a quiet night and for once had an intelligent conversation with mum and dad about Jamie's big bedroom sort out. He'd now changed his mind as if we were going to entertain then surely privacy would be better and I think James accepted that. He did manage to worm out an agreement that we'd talk about it as the school term approached. Our laptop was the sticking point and dad said it had to stay in my room, Jamie could like it or lump it which brought on a dose of the sulks but there you go. Mum and dad eventually washed their hands of it, I think they were beginning to get the hump and told Jamie on the quiet to let the subject drop. I don't think they really cared, they were just getting sick of the constant arguing.

'Peter and his little foster brother are coming around tomorrow,' I spoke to my dad but mum was there and came out with the usual.

'Don't wreck the place,' she said. I think my mum thought all my pals were Mongols and Huns and she might have been right but she was being humorous (I think).

'That Peter seems a nice lad,' Dad chipped in. Little did he know how nice but that was incidental and he hadn't even seen Nathan but 'officially' Nathan was Jamie's mate just in case someone wondered why I was knocking around with a much younger boy. I'm a great believer in cover stories by the way. Peter knew I fancied Nathan and I knew he had the lust for Jamie's tight little arse but he might get a surprise there, Jamie was no one's little lady as I knew full well. He took it alright but insisted in giving his pound of flesh in return, a bit of a mixed up literary reference there.

We settled in for the night and were in the state of half moved in, the rest of the house was organised but we still had two beds in what was my bedroom and decided to leave them as they were for the moment.

'One bed per room tomorrow,' James my man. 'We don't want to embarass the boys with to much togetherness.'

'Shouldn't think they give a toss, they're hardly virgins,' he cackled like an old witch.

'I prefer Peter to myself, you know, a bit of privacy. OK?'

'OK, OK,' he grinned. 'Betcha you ain't going to throw me out tonight though.'

'Damn right,' I grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto the bed. 'Gonna fuck you rotten tonight, Jamie boy.'

'Good,' he wriggled. 'I'll pretend you're little Nathan or maybe Peter.'

'Come on let's sort this room out and do it.' That is exactly what we did and by the time mum and dad knocked on the door to wish us good night we were tucked up neat and tidy in our seperate beds. Ten minutes after they went to their room Jamie was in with me and I held his naked body tightly. I know he was my brother but we did go well together.

'Pretend I'm your Peter... our Peter,' I saw his teeth flash in the gloom. 'How do you fancy him, active or passive?'

'Both,' I grunted rolling him over onto his belly and got between his smooth legs. He knew the routine and snuggled into the pillow parting his legs.

'Ooooh, Nathan, shag me with that little noodle,' he sniggered into he pillow.

'Shush, you sicko,' I laughed softly and mouthed his crack lapping into his heat until he reached backwards and really spread his cheeks exposing his hole. I gave him a quick lap and slobber but we were used to each other by now and I finally slipped inside his heat and he gave his usualy happy moan. 'God, you're good, Jamie.'

'I know,' he giggled. 'That's what they all say.'

We didn't talk any more I just fucked him as I always do and that's with love and affection, no wham, bam and thank you man, he was my brother and my lover and we went well together (again). Later when he'd spilt his seed intro me we cuddled and nattered as we did always did.

'Did you make out with Nathan this afternoon?'

'Sixty nined.'

'Can he cum?' I asked in surprise.

'Yeah, thin stuff but yummy,' he giggled and kissed my nose.

'Does he go all the way,' I whispered. 'Or is he still a virgin?'

'A long time ago,' he laughed. 'Peter does him about every night and he's been done by the kids who used to live here,' Jamie informed me. 'He's also got a pair over at Weybridge who have done him, they're called Bill and Ben.'

'Jeez, a right little slut.' And he talked a lot as well it seemed but that was one of Jamie's failings as well but I didn't mention it. I didn't know whether to be upset or happy. At least if he was as well used as he said he was he wasn't going to be a squealer. Jesus, I felt myself harden at the thought of his oh so cute bum in my sights and there I'd been worrying about his age and size. He was a bloody fully operational catamite (love that word)... I'd have two little toy boys and Peter for company over the holiday.

'Roll over, sexpot. Your things sticking in me.'

'Oh, yeah. He's got another mate that stays over the holidays. A kid called Darky who's a year older.'

'Mmmm...' I was beginning to get drowsy.

'His name's Henry but they call him Darky and he takes it and gives it and goes like a rabbit...'

I slept. I dreamt of boys and more boys, the names were all mixed up in my head. Jamie led the field followed by a sultry and diminutive Nathan, then Peter and there were two shadowy tall figures who must be the two sixteen year olds Jake and the one with the funny name. Bringing up the rear were two shorter kids and these must be Bill and Ben, the Flower Pot Men from Weybridge. God, my mind was in a mess but it was a good mess. we didn't have any shortage of friends to get to know, we had a glut and when we started at our new school there'd be even more... wicked.

I was awoken the next day by Jamie's dog breath on the side of my face and I shoved him off with a brotherly greeting. 'Fuck off, Jamie.'

'Come on lard arse, we've got to move a bed after mum and dad go,' he jumped off the bed and rushed for the bathroom but not before pulling the bedding off me. The 'lard arse' hurt but he was only kidding, I think. All the same Jamie was the early riser, he was always in the kitchen first sorting out the basics of breakfast before mum which I think she appreciated having to go to work. The runt would have done the cooking if he was any good and he was getting there, he could boil eggs at least and that did most mornings.

We saw them off to work and as mum had got a job in Aerospace offices working a slightly different section to dad they drove off together after extracting a promise from us not to burn the house to the ground and not to take liberties. That was fine by us, the only liberties we were going to take were with two smoothies due around ten o'clock. We got the bedroom sorted out in double quick time to one bed to a room and then spent time sorting out what went where. By the time our paramours (like that one?) were due to arrive we were sitting in the kitchen gazing out into the garden where we expected them to appear.

They must have been like actors lurking in the wings as the gate swung open promptly at ten o'clock and two nervously smiling figures appeared. They were like twins although totally disimilar in looks, both wore blue footy shorts and Chelsea tops and both virtually tiptoed towards the house as if burglars on a mission, quite funny watching them.

'In here, Dumbos,' Jamie called out at the top of his voice and poked his head past the door. 'Cokes or willy,' he grabbed his crotch and made like lewd. Needless to say Peter went red and Nathan copped a dose of the giggles.

'Jamie...' I protested and hoped that any nosey neighbours thought 'willies' were some sort of fruit drink. My kid brother really was an idiot at times.

'We wondered if you were in' Peter smiled with relief.

'We wouldn't stand you up,' I grabbed him by the waist and drew him in kissing him on the side of the neck. The next moment we were a enjoying a nice cuddle oblivious of the audience.

'What a pair of tarts,' Jamie crowed and Nathan did his usual giggle.

'Why don't you two go and play with your dolls,' I snarled. Brother James was beginning to get on my nerves and I had plans for the morning that didn't involve his ever open mouth.

'See you later,' he replied unabashed. 'Come on Nathe, I'll show you my dolls.' Needless to say this was followed by a snigger from Jamie and the usual giggle from Nathan.

I'd got past the stage of caring now, I could feel Peter's hand in the back of my shorts rather sensually cupping and squeezing my cheeks, it was easy to see where his mind was centred or aimed and it was on me... Pete seemed to be in a butch mood as I could feel his hardness rubbing up against my groin as he did a private bump and grind against me forcing me back against the kitchen table.

'Let's go upstairs,' I croaked.

'Let's,' he grinned.

My room was still a bit of a mess after the hurried change around of earlier but at least I was down to one bed and most of Jamie's junk had gone next door and I expected that he and Nathan were deep into the comic collection by now... or maybe not.

'Peace and quiet,' Peter sighed and dropped back onto my bed looking up at me with a slight smile on his face. I crouched above him and lowered my face to his. 'You're randy,' he held the back of my neck with one hand and gently grasped my hardness through my thin nylon shorts.

'Hard as well,' I laughed.

'Get 'em off,' he rasped and that was the chat over with.

In fact it wasn't quite that brutal, we took our time disposing of the shirts, had a bit of titty and pit play and then removed each others shorts and then the grand unveiling as briefs went down leaving us fully naked and then in each others arms in the morning sunlight streaming through the window. The scene was set, no curtains and discreet lighting here, this was like having sex out in the open, out in a field. The sun was strong and I drew the curtains just a bit but my room wasn't overlooked and we could roll about and play on the bed quite naturally. I'd already snapped the catch on the door so we wouldn't get interrupted by the Muppets.

'I dreamt about this last night,' Peter sighed as we finally calmed down a bit and just lay naked together idly working each other's dicks slowly and gently, no great rush here, it was just nice and as a bonus it was quiet in the next room.

'What... getting fucked by a randy Londoner,' I smiled.

'A bit of the other way around,' Peter laughed and rolled on top pressing down on me and grinding his cock against mine. I clasped his wonderfully smooth and well muscled buttocks as he humped into me.

'Go on then,' I whispered slipping the baby oil from under the pillow. He could go first.

Jeez...' he moaned and lifting himself and started to kiss down my belly. He quite clearly knew what he was doing so I just lay there with my eyes half closed against the sun and enjoyed his hands on me and the flutter of his dry lips and the tiny wet licks as he moved down my body to my centre.

'Aaaaah,' I jerked and lay my hands on his soft hair as I felt his mouth take me in and his hands jiggle my heavy balls. I knew what came next and he didn't disappoint. Probing fingers wriggled under me and I lifted my knees placing my feet flat on the bed. 'Ooooh...' A dry finger probed at my pucker and then he fumbled about with the lube. I put my hands onto my slippery stiffy but he removed it and then he was sucking again and this time he had an oiled finger inside me lubricating and opening me up not that I needed it.

'Fine arse,' he grasped two handfuls and moved himself up the bed.

'Flattery'll get you everywhere, Butch,' I grinned as he moved again pressing my knees down to my chest exposing me and then I felt the smear of his glans across my pucker. 'Slowly.'

He did just that, he gently pushed and opened me up confirming his creds as an experienced top and he was good, I'll give him that. Mind you, he had a kid brother who was much smaller than mine and also one who seemed to dote on him, he doubtless got lots of practice. Jamie and I fucked, Peter and Nathan were young lovers or they seemed to be. For foster brothers they had a hell of a lot of affection going on, as I've said without pressing the point, they were lovers, Jamie and I were mates.

Anyway, back to the delicious Pierre, he was in me now and sliding in and out as I rested my legs on his back. He was just the right size for me, not a string dick neither a monster, just comfortable. I clamped on him and pressed my legs on his back willing him to go faster and harder and he did just that. Nice one.

'Ooh, oh, oh,' he gave little grunts as he punched into me and mashed my lips with his. I clasped his smooth and now slippery buttocks as they moved up and down.

He began to shunt harder and I knew his climax was on him. I moved my hands and ran them over his taut rippled belly muscles and into his soft pubics as he gave one final moan and ramming in deep and hard subsided onto me and I felt his cock jerk and the warmth spurt into my body. I clasped him tightly as I felt him twitch once, twice and thrice as the resulting little pulses in my bum fed more boy spunk into my belly.

'I'm fucked,' he whispered as he still slowly moved in me with his dick now softening but nestling it's own slimey cum. 'Absolutely shagged.'

'That comes next, Pete,' I grinned and he slipped free in a gush of his cum. He'd done well, I felt quite fluid if you know what I mean.

We lay there both breathing heavily and coming down from where we'd both been. I was pleased, as a well used boy I was glad that I'd come across Peter on the very first day. We were pretty equally matched although I was probably a bit better built all round then again the same went for the Jamie and Nathan combo but true love finds ways.

'Nathan likes you,' he spoke suddenly. 'How does Jamie feel about me?' He sounded a bit nervous but I put his miind at rest.

'I think he wants to give you babies,' I grinned.

'Good,' Peter laughed. 'Nathan's alright by the way, don't be put off by his Little Miss Innocent look and his size, Jake and Zander did him and he handled it OK.'

'These are the sixteen year olds who used to live here?'

'Yeah,' he looked at me and grinned. 'I'll give you an intro when they visit.'

'Will they? Visit I mean.'

'Zander will come up to town to see Darky when he stays over the Half Term. He'd better or Darky will be heartbroken.'


'Hey,' Peter rolled over and pulled my head around to face him.

'Whassup?' I looked at him and put my hand on his side slowly running it down his smooth skin to his thigh, his body trembled as I ran my hand back up.

'This,' he squeezed my already hard dick and pulled me in. 'You gonna do me or have I got to beg?'

'No.' I grinned and moving in forced him onto his back and sealed his lips for a kiss. A nice day, a parentless day, a day made for sex and I had Peter not forgetting the two infants in the next room. I might begin to like Addlestone after all.

The Soap Continues

Maybe another Chapter with Mark and Jamie settling in followed by a session with Darky at the Home in Banstead.

Next: Chapter 19

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