Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 16, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

New Email:


18 - New boys making more friends.


G. Cutter

Hi, Mark Blair again and no relation to our beloved ex-leader by the way.

Just to disappoint the pervos who want endless smut Peter and I didn't spend all day doing the dirty or making love in more acceptable terms. I liked Pete and he was a good ride and a good rider I might add with a crafty smile but a concentrated morning of sweaty and smelly rumpio is fine but the little ones were creating a racket around the midday mark so we took them down the local Pizza Hut. I suppose that goes to show Addlestone isn't that uncivilised. Pete then dragged us along to the local Millets where he knew a couple of the assistants. Nothing exciting I regret to report although one of them was giving me the eye, I think. Maybe a solo visit was in order to get measured up for a chastity belt or something that entailed inside leg measurements. One to go into the little black book for the future.

We finished up in this half derelict kid's playground at Crockford Park which is a huge open but reasonably well maintained lchunk of land sloping down to a little steam. Ideal dog walking territory evident by the piles of crap every few yards. Not a scratch on our Common land but the school dragged them out there to study flora and fauna or so Peter said.

'Have you thought about tomorrow?' Peter spoke as we relaxed on a bench watching the boys on one of those spinny around things, they make me sick by the way but don't tell anyone.

'In what respect?' I looked dumb.

'The boys,' he laughed. 'Operation Kid Bro swop.'

'Well, it's OK with Jamie... I told ya he likes you.'

'Fine,' he smiled. 'I like him as well.'

Ah, how sweet can you get, my brother had an admirer apart from myself. For myself, I must admit the more I saw of Nathan in his little shorts the more I was attracted. Jamie had given me the thumbs up earlier so he'd clearly scored , if he hadn't he'd probably be pushing the kid off the swings by now.

'That dark haired kid in Millets, you know him?'

'That's Ian Bassett I think, the short haired kid, big thick lips.'

'Yeah,' I laughed. 'That's him... you know him then?'

'Vaguely, he's nearly seventeen or just over. He's left school and waiting to go to Uni I think.'

'Ah. He's nice.'

Peter laughed and looked up at the sun. 'He uses that grotty little cafe over the road from Millets.'

'Noted,' I grinned. 'Same routine for us tomorrow?'

'Different partners,' he smirked looking at Jamie.

'As you say,' I closed my eyes feeling the heat of the sun on my eyelids. Ian, what a nice name.

I've got to say that I get obsessed with people right out of the blue. I suppose that's a clumsy way of putting it but I see a face (normally attached to a body) and I flip. OK, so most times it's someone on a bus or a train and I think of them for a day and they're forgotten. Other times I think of them and I can't let go. This Ian Bassett was one of the latter, natually I wanted to see more of him and I wanted to know more of him. I thought he might be gay or amenable but that's standard with me. I don't just admire and ogle... I lust and that's big time lust. Yes, Mr Bassett was on my personal hit list but for the moment it was Peter and Nathan and Peter was twittering away as my mind drifted.

'You listening?' Peter looked at me and grinned. 'Dreaming of Nathan?'

'Yeah, daydreaming,' I apologised.

'I was saying that Bill and Ben came back two days ago, we should pay a visit or I'll give them a bell first... they're always up for a giggle.'

'These are the Weybridge kids?'

'Yeah, got a big house and a big rubber pool out back.. seperate bedrooms as well.'

'Sounds good,' I grinned but the day was virtually over. I was a bit bewildered. I had Jamie to look after and he was a constant, I also had Peter now as a spare and I had Nathan for tomorrow. The anticipated boredom of Addlestone had turned out to be nothing of the sort but the thought of Ian Bassett nagged at me like a broken finger mail.

'Tea time,' Peter called to Nathan and that was more or less us finished for the day. I think Jamie had already invited himself around to Peter's for an evening call but I backed out making some excuse about having to do some shopping. Jamie knew me and gave me a suspicious look but Peter and Nathan just shrugged it off, we had tomorrow after all.

I took Jamie home and fixed a snack and directly after that he whizzed off through the cut to Nathan's leaving me in peace for the moment. I checked time and it was just after four, I had less than an hour to pay another visit to Millets which remained open until five. As I walked across the car park I juggled with ideas, if the place was a newsagents or even a store I could visit time and time again buying bits and pieces and cultivating a sort of casual friendship. I could have done the same with Peter in the video store but Millets was different, I couldn't go in twice or three times a week buying t-shirts and jeans. The only thing that stuck in my mind was that I thought Ian showed an interest and on that everything hinged. I could be right or I could be wrong, now was the time to find out.

I checked my cash and saw that if I was going to buy anything it would have to be cheap and decided that it was a t-shirt run, just a couple but enough to get me in the door and browsing. Step one was a bit of window shopping which would enable me to scope out the shop. I got lucky when I did my peep, the older guy who I assumed was the manager was in deep conversation with one assistant and the target, Ian was towards the rear of the shop fiddling around.

I scuttled in and incidently I do scuttle well, I headed to the racks of t-shirts, shirts and other basic holidaywear andI was pleased to see that the two by the checkout ignored me. I expect being half an hour from closing they'd run out of steam but Ian seemed to recognise me and gave me a welcoming smile as good assistant's should.

'Can I help you, sir?'

'I was after a couple of tees, nothing too expensive.'

'Back rack is our 'in house' stuff, middle of the range but good,' he smiled and steered me past two overloaded racks of clothing to the Millet's own brand stuff. Not too bad but not quite what I wanted although I had a cursory flip through them.

'Mmmm...' I wandered about having a good rake through the stuff on diisplay.

'You were in earlier with young Peter and his brother,' he spoke quietly and held up a couple of shirts.

'Yeah, we've just moved in and he's showing us around. We've moved intot he house the old manager here used to live in.'

'Mick's?' he looked startled. I suppose it was a bit of a coincidence still, they say truth is stranger than fiction.

'That's the place. My kid brother and I, not forgetting the 'rents,' I added.

'Well, Peter will know his way around, he was great pals with Mick's lodgers,' he commented and held up another two shirts. 'Try one and see what it looks like,' he pointed to a mirror.

I shrugged, it wasn't what you'd call custom and practice to try out t-shirts but why not. The other two seemed to be cashing up and if Ian wanted to see a decent body, well, here I was. I tugged off my own shirt and put on the shop one aware of his almost hungry gaze on my bare torso. I was right in my earlier assumption, he was intersted and as sure as hell I was interested in him so it was time to progress and he did the progressing.

'Mmmm... looks good,' I gave a twirl. It was only a rt-shirt for God's sake but I was showing keen.

'Stick your jacket back on and shove your dirty shirt in your pocket.'

'You're joking?'

'I'm not,' he whispered urgently. 'I'll walk out with you and say good night.'

'OK.' Get me right, I'm not into shoplifting or theft for that matter but he was leading the way and I was following. If a bit of skulduggery got me into his trousers so be it.

It was easy as he's said. I wandered to the door and he walked with me. The two sorting out the takings didn't even look up. 'I'll buy you a tea over the road,' I suggested hoping against hope and to my relief he nodded assent. I'd scored. Jeez, I was good or he was. No matter communication had been established and we were off and running, hopefully.

I sat in the cafe which looked to stay open for a while and after getting myself a tea sat by the window watching Millet's, ten minutes later Ian left followed by the other two who rolled down the shutters and made things secure. He came in with a big grin and went to the counter getting two teas, at this rate I'd be afloat with the foul stuff but it was all in a good cause.

'Thanks for the shirt,' I mumbled as he sat opposite.

'No probs,' he grinned and I noticed how good looking he was. If I made the grade here I'd done well and I'm sure you know what I mean by making the grade. He was about the same height as me and the same in body mass so we'd make a good pair on the mechanical side at least. Even better he, I and Peter would make a good threesome leaving the little ones to their own devices although I hadn't forgotten my assignment with Nathan due on the morrow.

'Peter tells me that you're going to Uni, what sort of line you in?'

'Film, art, that sort of thing,' he said vaguely. 'I'd really like to get into photography in a big way.'

'Good money I suppose if you don't mind the mandatory starving in a attic whilst you make your name.'

'I've taken arty poses and sold some already,' he claimed looking at me with a sly smile. 'You can earn putting good pictures on line to a reputable studio. It all; helps to get you established.'

'I believe you, thousands wouldn't,' I scoffed.

'You'd make a good model, good chest, good torso, handsome.'

'Flattery'll get you everywhere,' I grinned feeling quite pleased with his remarks. He sure knew how to stroke someone. I wondered if he was any good at the more physical aspect of stroking. Suddenly I changed direction, I decided to play innocent, dunno why, it just sounded a good idea at the time which is a time honoured excuse for doing something silly.

'How'd you get on with Peter?' He gave a knowing smirk which played right into my hands.

'OK, he gave me and Jamie a tour around Crockford Park and over the Old Common.'

'He's nice,' he spoke and I felt his keen eyes on me.

'Yeah, nice kid,' I replied casually.

'His little brother's nice.'

'Yeah, Jamie and he seem to get on OK which is handy as I don't want to trail Jamie around all over the holiday.'

'Well, I'd better make a move,' he swallowed his tea. 'I wondered...'

'Go on,' I prompted him slightly disappointed that my tactic seemed to have backfired. I should have been a bit more forthcoming, maybe a bit of the nudge, nudge, wink, wink might have helped.

'I'd like to take some pictures of you,' he blurted out.

'Brill. The old picture taking ploy. Betcha a pound to a penny he wasn't talking of sitting on a park bench or a portrait. 'I don't mind, I owe you some sorta payment for the shirt,' I grinned.

'Can I meet you here at the same time tomorrow,' he had suddenly gone all nervous. 'I only live around the corner you can come home with me.'

'Yeah, no probs,' I grinned and followed him out of the door and we parted. I think he'd done a bottle job but I was pretty damn sure he'd be there tomorrow evening. He even stuck a card into my hand before we split so, I suspected I might even have a name and address. No matter, I'd better gallop otherwise mum would be going ballistic if I missed supper.

He was nice though and I felt the feeling, you know, the feeling that tells you that this one may be the one. I get it about every other week so nothing new there but just... maybe he was the one.

I suppose I was grinning like an idiot on the way home. Ian had beat around the bush a bit and me acting the dummy hadn't helped. Maybe if I'd have just said Peter and I had done boy things we'd have been in his bedroom shagging by now, then again I'd have missed my supper and got into trouble with mum. Poor Ian, he seemed so nervous and if I kept up the act he'd be unsure right upto the last moment.

I was a bit late and got a bit of verbal from mum but as Jamie was late as well he also copped an earful. Dad on the otherhand was quite pleased we were making friends. His one concern on moving down here had been the upset with changing schools and leaving all our mates behind. It was our third night here and we hadn't done too bad so far.

'New t-shirt,' mum commented half way through the meal.

'Yeah, a cheap and cheerful from the Millets in the High Street.'

'I've still got those at work for you and James,' my dad reminded me. Just what I needed, navy blue t-shirts with British Aerospace plastered all over them.

'Cheers dad.'

'Millets?' Jamie gave me one of his girly looks. 'Who served you, Pete's mate?'

'Ian, if it's any concern of yours,' I snapped back.

'Mark,' my mother warned. I wasn't allowed to be sharp with the kid brother, the little ratfink. I'd give him a couple of slaps in the bedroom but then I remembered. We'd split, I had a room to myself at long last.

Well, in the end Jamie did finish up in my room for most of the evening but that was only because of the laptop with which he was fascinated and in the end we had an early night. We both had a day entertaining the boys tomorrow and what I wasn't broadcasting was that I was going around Ian's in the evening which I really needed to organise with my mum. I'd better tell her to put my supper in the oven otherwise all hell would be let loose and I could live without that. Once I'd got rid of Jamie I had a bit of a read and finally drifted off curiously enough thinking of Ian and trying to forecast what his llittle plan of action would be tomorrow evening. It had to entail taking the shirt off and then it would go from there I expected, could be a laugh all the same.

The next morning I managed to buttonhole my mum and tell her that I'd be late in and miss the family dinner. She wasn't too happy but I was getting to the age now that she didn't want to cramp my style too much. Mind you, I gave Ian a imaginary sister and a couple of hints which went down well, her long time wish had been for me to get myself a girlfriend. Then she and dad could stay up all night worrying about me putting some slapper in the family way. Parents?

Once again we waved goodbye to mum and dad and once more we stood guard awaiting our guests who rolled up right on time. It was a dot on the cards that Jamie was going to blab about Ian and he did leaving me with a load of lies to spin which I did with my usual skill. I think the three of them sussed me out though and I didn't really care, we were into casual sex not big love jobs. Peter even suggested that I bring Ian into our little circle if he turned out a 'goer', mind the photography scam didn't leave much room for doubt. Of course, I said yes but I'd have my fill first and that was making the massive assumption Ian was after my body and not a genuine photography student. Well, be fair, stranger things have happened.

'So, what we doing today?' Jamie looked at me expectantly.

'We have made arrangements, Jamie,' I tried to be patient but sometimes it's hard.

'Right, just checking,' he sniggered and looked across at Peter who was sitting with Nathan awaiting the off by the looks of him. 'Come on, Pete. I'll show you my comic collection.'

'Have fun,' I grinned at Peter as he made a martyred face and followed Jamie from the room.

'That leaves two,' I stood to throw the cans in the bin and stood behind Nathan.

'Yeah,' he croaked nervously as I put my hands on his shoulders.

'In the bed or on it,' I whispered bending over and flickering my tongue in his delicate shell of an ear.

'In the bed's more realistic,' he whispered and turned his face allowing me to kiss his smooth boyish cheek. 'More married sorta thing.' His logic escaped me slightly but whatever this kid wanted he was getting. I wasn't remotely in love or anything daft but I was besotted. I wanted to shag him silly and then I wanted him to have his little game and then... I was going to do it all day long if I could get away with it.

'Come on, Nathe, let's go to bed.'

We went upto my room and glancing at Jamie's closed door I paused for a moment. They were talking and then I heard them giggling.

'Probably the comics,' Nathan grinned.

'Good job I haven't got any,' I bent over and scooping him up threw his light weight across my shoulder and bore him off to my bed. He squealed as I dropped him on the bed and dropped on him smothering his sweet lips with mine. His arms wrapped around me as well as his legs and he moved against me like a little mongrel bitch on heat. I ran my hands into the top of his shorts cupping his ultra smooth buttocks squeezing the springy flesh. 'Tasty,' I mumbled as his flickering tongue delved into my mouth.

'Yummy,' he sniggered into my mouth as he outlined the hardness in my own shorts with his hands and squeezed the firm flesh. 'Soooo big,' he sighed and suddlenly flopped back and gazed up at me with his big brown eyes. 'Nice and easy... the first time.'

'As you wish,' I tugged his shorts and briefs down with one swift yank exposing his nether regions and his sticky up spike jerked up onto his smooth boyish belly. God, he was such a child but there was no going back now and let's face it he'd been done by all and sundry, it wasn't as if I was doing a virgin boy. Jamie had said he was better than good and that was something coming from my pervy kid brother. I dived onto his jerking three inches of stiff boy meat sucking and trapping his loose skin with my lips drawing it over his small rosy red knob and then moved it down taking it clear and flickering my tongue over his slippery glans.

'Ooh, yes,' he began to push into my mouth as he pulled his own shirt off leaving himself fully undressed in the centre of my bed. 'Get naked,' he groaned tugging at my shorts.

I managed to get undressed and stay stuck to his noodle at the same time but as soon as I had my gear off he was on me like the good little sucker he was and he was... brill. He took as much of me in as he could and sucked and slurped away like I was a giant ice lolly. I managed to push him down really onto me which gave me licking rights to his little button which when I spread his little bum cheeks opened up like a little pouting fleshy tunnel. He warbled in pleasure as I tipped him up and attacked his little bottom with my mouth, tongue and in the end with two fingers. As I slid them free I watched his red tunnel close on me but I slipped my tongue actually past his spincter tasting his smoothness and boy taste.

'Fuck me, fuck me,' he moaned as I positioned him on all fours and continued to gobble and slobber at his little pucker.

That was good enough for me and holding him steady with my hands on his narrow hips I guided myself in by belly muscles alone and gave a little push. He moaned even longer and louder as I entered him and shoved in deep into his extreme tightness and heat.

'Mark, Mark, it hurts... slow down,' he begged me but I pushed harder opening him up and finally pushed him flat onto the bed buried into my pubics in his sweet bum.

'Sorry, Nathe,' I wriggled inside him feeling him adjust around me and then the first little push upwards.

'It's OK,' he giggled. 'Most people take their time and work their way in...'

'Mmmm,' I felt his warmth and smoothness under me and his pressure up, he was ready and willing. 'I said I was sorry.'

'So, fuck me,' he laughed and pushed up hard into my groin.

'Right.' I pulled him back up into a doggy and set to work. I wanted to cum and pretty quickly but I wasn't worried, this was only the first and we could spend some quality time loving on the second. I moved in ad out in slow strokes ramming into my root and then withdrawing leaving my glans just inside his sphincter then repeated the moves and he loved it. He pushed back against me giving little gasps and groans everytime I bottomed out and gave that final little screw deep in his gut.

In the end I lost it as I always do and gave him a good shaging and he seemed to love it especially when I finally forced him down onto the bed and rammed into his tight litte arse and suirted and spurted my climax deep into his tight little fanny. He took it all and I wondered how much cock this kid actually had, as I slipped out of his dribbling hole he virtually pounced on me and started fucking my face... Jesus, what a raver. It didn't take long but he did cum although the watery slime rather than the creamy stuff but in the end we both lay together and cuddled.

'That was a proper cum wasn't it,' he squeezed his foreskin over his glans and a bead of clear juice oozed from the slit.

'Tastes like it,' I grinned as I lapped the little droplet and smacked my lips.

'God, that's so dirty,' he giggled and snuggled into my arms.

'And a dripping arse hole isn't?'

'Shurrup,' he squealed and shuddered grasping my cum stained limpo. 'It's still a bit hard,' he added hopefully.

'You go and have an abortion and I'll come and join you in the shower whilst the others are doing their thing.'

'OK,' he replied happily and sped for the bathroom. I knew my boy, he was up for it again, kids that age have remarkable recovery powers and so do sixteen year olds. Maybe a bathroom fuck for the next one and then a married couples one in bed later. I knew Jamie wanted to go to the quarry pond later but felt more inclined to make a day of it with Nathan, still, we'd see how the boy himself felt about it later on.

I gave him time to do his business and then joined him in the bathroom. If he looked good naked on a bed then he looked an absolute vision standing in the bath soap sheened and gleaming with the water. His perfectly smooth and well formed body was such a turn on I sprang an instant hardon again. His slippery and deliciously rounded bum was perfection and he was also fully hard again, his noodle stuck out and up with it's red head straining so hard it looked fit to burst. His foreskin had gone, this klid was on top line again and mere minutes after his last session.

'Gawd,' I moaned as I stepped into the back taking his small body into my arms.

'I like you and Jamie,' he whispered as he pressed into me rubbing his hardness up against my thigh. 'Brilliant for new neighbours,' he giggled.


'Zander called me that... Zander's in love with my pal Darky.'

'Is he?' I grinned. 'I'd like to meet Zander, he sounds like he's got his head screwed on right. How old is he.'

'Sixteen or maybe he's seventeen now, I'm not too sure,' He grabbed my bum and squeezed. 'You'll like Darky, he's coming for the Half Term in a month's time, he stays with us.'

'What about Zander? I thought he moved with the others to Lewes.'

'He did. I hope he manages to get up for a visit else Nathan will cry his eyes out.'

'Bad as that, eh?'

'Really,' he grinned. 'Real Romeo and Juliet stuff.'

'Which one's which?'

'They take turns but Zander does the man bit mainly.'

'You know what I'd like?' I tilted his chin and kissed his sweet lips.

'Roughly,' he giggled again and gave my now fully hard penis a gentle squeeze.

'I'd like to take you to bed, have you do me and then...'

'You do me,' he giggled and wrapping his arms around my waist squeezed me hard. 'Let's do it,' he added in a whisper.

We dried off and I patted him down like a china doll but he wasn't that delicate, he tried to go down on me in the bathroom and he was a strong little bugger. All the same I managed to fight him off and bore him off to the bedroom like a trophy. God, I was gonna fuck him so hard. I did ask him during the course of drying off which he preferred, the older boys or the younger, like Jamie and his Darky. He told me with a with a red face that Peter was his obvious favourite and lover but he was followed by me, Bill at Weybridge and Zander who he liked a lot but left mainly for Darky.

Well. that was a bit of an ego builder and proved one thing, he liked size and the older types.I was also getting keen to meet this Zander but that was a long term thing and might never even happen. I lay him out on the bed and annointed his stiff little pricklet with KY. It was time for him to prove himself in butch mode and then it was my turn for the second time.

I lay down offering myself and he scrambled between my legs but insisted in giving me a bit of a sucking before he raised my legs and much to my surprise bent me almost double and started to lick and lap at my hole. This boy was a perfect perv, he was so well trained and eager, to cap it off he was just short of his eleventh birthday which was about a week away. When he went to school he's be in the First Form but Jamie who was going there and Peter would be keeping a brotherly eye out for him.

'Yeah,' he was trying to screw his tongue into my pucker but gave up and moved in for the kill. I felt his blunt but slippery pressure at my ring and he was in me. OK, so he was a manchild but he went like an animal and he must have been hyped up as a few moments later I heard the moan and groan and the a couple of wet squirts inside me. He was cuming and from now on it could only get better. I cuddled his small frame clasping his sweet bottom and rolled us onto our sides, as we did so my legs came down and his sweet noodle slipped free.


'Brill,' he grinned. 'And I cum again.'

'Three or four times a day now you've started.' I stroked his short hair. 'Don't overdo it on the wanking, keep it for your lover boy.'

'I shall,' he giggled as I rolled him onto his back and started to suck his shrunken scrotum. Amazingly enough he was hard again but I doubt if he had it in him, not that it mattered, it was my turn now.

Same ol', same ol'... I pressed his smooth legs back to his chest and he opened them laying there in the stuffed chicken mode as I licked and lapped at his slightly puffy little pucker. He tasted vaguely of bathroom soap but that was nice. I spread his cheeks and his pucker pouted and spread showing hole and inner red. God, it was delicious. I swear the tip of my tongue was in him and he moaned and threshed around but I held the back of his thighs firmly probing and sucking at his little hole. In the end I slid one finger in deep and it slipped in like a hot knife into butter, another finger and the same but I felt his boyish muscles clamp as I massaged his immature prostate.

'Do it, do it, please Mark,' he sighed reaching out for me.

It was time, I kissed up his body moving myself into position and when my swolled glans nudged at his ring he tensed for a moment and then relaxed. I gave a gentle push and felt his muscle yield and then open up surrounding me with heat and tightness. I was in his sweet fanny and he was loving it. He smiled up at me as I slowly moved to and fro in is incredible tightness and his legs wrapped around me and he grabbed my head bringing me in for a kiss. That was it, I held his narrow hips as I moved in and out and he clung to me fiercely pulling me in as I shagged.

I bottomed out at last and ground my pubics against his tautly spread ring and he clamped harder and smiled as he felt my hardness inside his gut. 'Fuck me, Mark,' he whispered and I did.

This was what I liked, one willing boy, one excellent boy and blinding sex to boot. I plunged in and out plundering his little boy fanny and he encouraged me muttering little dirties and clinging to me like a child clings to it's dad (ignoring what we were doing of course). In the end I was slapping in and out like I was trying to split him but he was egging me on all the time. Talk about Lolita, young Nathe was a bloody nymphomaniac dunno about a Lolita.

In the end I did a massive cum inside him and we never did get to the quarry with the others, we stayed in the bedroom after lunch and did it all again... twice.

I managed to get to the cafe on time, I really didn't want to miss Ian, I'd thoroughly enjoyed the day with Nathan but Ian was a young man as I was. We'd go so well together and I had that feeling... blah, blah. I forgot, I've gone through all that before. I sat at the same table and watched the same closing up routine across the road. Ian galloped across and coming into the cafe gave a big smile which I guessed was more relief than anything else. He sat opposite me and after waiting for me to swallow my drink led the way.

He lived barely five minutes walk away and I was impressed with his house, it was huge and included a driveway but no vehicles.

'Jeez, this is pretty big,' I admired the place as he opened the front door and waved me in. I noticed that he switched an alarm system off just inside the door. Posher and posher.

'Welcome to my humble abode,' he grinned and seemed to relax once the door was shut.

'Mum and dad around?' I asked casually.

'South of France,' he replied just as casually.

I followed him blindly into the rear of the house. This was getting wierder and wierder. A bloody great house, parents away out of the country and obviously wealthy then him working at Millets, it just didn't add up. 'You're rich, or your family is... right?'

'Stinking,' he laughed. He sat down at the kitchen counter after fishing two cold drinks from the fridge. 'Don't worry, my people have gone home.'

'People?' I asked dumbly, what the hell was he talking about?

'We have a man and wife team keep the place clean and look after me,' he grinned. 'They've normally gone by the time I get home.'

'So, what the hell do you work at a bloody shop for?' I had difficulty taking it all in but that was the first querstion that came into my mind.

'I'm looking for models and it's a good place to slip youngsters a card... think about it. They come in and try stuff out, the changing rooms are right at the end of the store. They get the card and the bit on the bottom about young male models required but they don't know the person named is me.'

'Complicated and risky,' I observed. I'd read his card and asumed it was just a bit of flash, I didn't realise he actually dished the bloody things out to people. He had a damn sight more courage than I did but then again I chatted people up and he obviously didn't. He went through this card rigmarole and I wondered how many youths or young men he'd captured or recruited.

'I've only had one result and he didn't want to get too deep into it,' he'd lost his smile. 'Would you like to see my studio?'

'Why not.' Well, it had to come sooner or later. 'What sort of pictures do you have in mind.'

'Arty,' he spoke quietly. 'Couple of portraits, torsos, nudes...'

'No probs,' I grinned at him. He was taking his time but I'd stay and act the innocent. I liked him and it was rather sweet the way he was fumbling his way to getting my pants off. Reading between the lines, I may even only be his second client.

His studio as he called it was upstairs and it was strange being in such a large house in complete silence. There should be a family, kids, noise. There was nothing, it was like a tomb. The studio was exactly what he said it was. It wasn't a box room or a bedroom made upto look like one, it was the full Monty, backing paper, a stool and sofa for posing plus a bed and floodlights of all things. This was kitted out like I imagined a professional photographer's studio would be. There were tripods with a couple of expensive digitals that looked the part plus one in the corner which caught my eye, a very expensive and bulky camcorder. There was a laptop rigged to a big monitor in the corner so I suppose you could get a good viewing almost instantly. God, I could have so much fun with this lot with a couple of willing and randy kiddies like Nathan and Jamie.

'How long you got?' He looked at me and grinned and this time he was eager, I swear his hands were shaking.

'Three to four hours, I must be home by ten at the very latest.'

'Brilliant,' he beamed.

'How do you want me to pose, act or whatever,' I decided to hasten things up a bit. It was a good job I'd worn myself out with Nathan. A situation like this with a good looking geyser like Ian would normally have me popping a peg as we say at school. I've got to remind the reader that mine was a bit bigger than an actual clothes peg and that the expression normally came from First and Second Formers.

'Just get rid of the trainers and sit on the stool whilst I get the lights right.' I did that and those lights were hot but lo and behold he had a fan going in the background in no time. This place was no expenses spared and I wondered what his bedroom was like. His parents clearly knew of his hobby and I wondered if they knew or even cared what sort of pictures he liked to do. Perhaps they didn't give a toss, apart from mentioning their whereabouts he never mentioned them again until I pressed him a bit later.

'Nice, nice,' he babbled as he did circuits picturing me from all angles and then he paused and stood back. 'If we can go to some shirtless and then drop your trousers,' he said the last hesitantly and flushing a delicate shade of pink.

'No probs, just tell me what you want. You're the one directing,' I tried to inject him with a bit of spine. The way things were going this thing could take all night. I knew whart he wanted and presumably so did he but... Jesus... come on...

'OK,' he watched as I peeled my t-shirt off and I saw him give his lips a quick lick, I was getting him excited but I played the dumbo again and just flexed my belly and did a couple of upper body muscled thingies. He lapped it up. 'You've got very little underarm hair,' he smiled nervously.

'Cos I'm fair, you dark guys have the beavers.'

'I suppose,' he laughed. 'Can we do the panty ones?'

'Ian...' I warned him.

'Right.' He laughed again and seemed to relax a bit. 'Get rid of the jeans, Mark.'

'That's better.' I slipped off my jeans and I was pretty well chuffed to see that I'd managed to control myself so far. I was slightly hard which is a stupid thing to say. I was on the verge I mean, I was filled out and it was extended but not sticky up thankfully. All the same it was plainly visible in my briefs and I fiddled with it straightening the thing out before it gained a permanent bend.

'Just spread your legs,' he croaked. 'And gimme a coupe of back shots.'

'Bum views.'

'Yeah,' his voice nearly dried up.

We did a few of these and I looked at the bed. Surely he had to ask sooner or later, he had enough pictures of me and the bloody stool and sofa to fill a fuckin' container ship. 'Do you want some of me laying down, cavorting on the bed sorta thing.' I wasn't quite sure what cavorting was but it sounded sexy and he went for it just nodding his head and repositioning his tripod. I've got to say at this stage that up until now he'd taken all the pictures with his camera on the tripod and none like I'd expected, the David Bailey jumping around bit. I hooked the front of my briefs down leaving my pubics stickig over the waistband and I think he nearly fainted.

One important thing was that he was finally showing a bulge and I tried not to look otherwise I'd pop one as well.

'Right, bum shots... on your side...' I grinned and nearly laughed. At last he was gaining confidence and looking at his studio clock I saw that he'd take one whole hour to get this stage. At this rate he'd take another hour getting my knickers off.

'What about this one who didn't want to go too deep or whatever you said?'

'Ah, him,' he paused and seemed to make a decision. 'Have a look and he walked to the corner and switched on the laptop. Excellent, everything on the small fifteen inch screen was repeated on a much bigger one connected via a lead. A series of pictures appeared and they ranged more or less over the area I'd already covered but continued onto nudes on the bed. One thing was remarkable, this kid was around my age but totally soft and totally shrunken, not the slightest sign of a stiffy or even an awakening. 'I wanted to do some soapies under the shower but he had to rush off, he's never got back to me.'

'Were you getting excited,' I nodded down at his crotch.

'A bit,' he admitted red faced.

'That's why,' I laughed. 'He was scared of you jumping his bones in the shower.'

'And you're not?'

'Why should I, I like you,' I slapped him on the back and let my hand linger. Now, if he couldn't take that as a hint he was a complete moron and I don't think he was one of those. A Nervous Nellie maybe but not an idiot. I shot back to the bed and leapt on it, rolling onto my belly I hooked the back of my briefs down giving him half my bare bum and a nice crack shot.

'Yeah,' he rushed back over and this time picked up a free camera, we were into 'Blowup' if you remember it. He was all over the place and he'd stopped giving directions. He just let me do my tease posed. Hook the front down giving the pubes and the base of my cock but leaving the best until last. I finished up with my briefs down around my ankles and this time I was at full stretch. No messing now, I was fully hard and ready for plucking and that was assuming he'd muster up the courage.

'How's about that?' I lay back now fully naked after kicking my underwear away. I checked the clock and we were doing fine for time.

'Erotic as hell,' he blushed again, he was a great blusher which I always thought was a blonde's affliction.

'I can see,' I said dryly looking down to his groin and making the look obvious. 'So you want to do a finale of me in a shower scene, all wet and soapy?'

'Don't...' he moaned dramatically and then grinned like a kid. 'If you don't mind.'

'It's goning to have to be a deal.' I looked at him intently. I'd had enough of waiting for him to make a move, time was running out and I needed to hasten things along.

'What sort of deal, you want payment? No probs.'

'No, no. Nothing like that .' I bided amy time. 'You have to get naked for the pictures. You've seen me in the buff all night, it's my turn to see you naked... alright?'

'I dunno,' he pushed at the lump in his trousers clearly trying to disguise his hardness but it was a bit late for that. 'If you insist.'

Well, it had been a long and weary road but at least I'd get to see him in the flesh and I had one final trick up my sleeve. He was as ready as he'd ever be and it couldn't fail. It was beginning to look like I knew what he needed more than he did but there had to be scaredy and nervy prudes somewhere and I was glad I'd found this one before someone else had.

The bathroom was right next door and I found out that his bedroom and studio had the bathroom sandwiched betweeen them. In fact, the eight bedrooms in the house were all paired and all had bathrooms connecting them. To cap it off there was an extra bathroom at the end of the passageway. More bathrooms than the posh Bathroom Centre just outside Addlestone.

I got into the huge shower and got myself wet and soapy whilst he did what he had to and when he finally appeared I gave him the once over. He looked as nervous as hell and his willy had deflated a bit but he was gorgeous. Quite slender and well formed with a broad chest and tapering waist , a swimmer's body I would have thought. Strong thigh muscles and a long and pretty fat uncircumcised cock. It was dark skinned and hung at a good five, I reckoned it would go to six plus when hard and certainly beat mine which just about made six when at full stretch which it now was.

'Warm water must turn you on,' he giggled nervously but blatantly ogled me all the same as I stood and let the water flow and soaped my hardness.

'Take your pictures and wash my back.'


'It's pardon and you heard me.'

He started his final little snapping session as I flexed, preened and pirouetted under the water.


'I'll let you do some cum shots next time, spunk all over the belly sorta thing. Licking it off my hands.' I laughed as his penis filled out and began to rise. Talking dirty was the way to go and I should have tried it earlier. He was fully aroused now and I was delighted to see his foreskin withdraw leaving his purple and straining glans exposed. He was ready. 'Wash my back, Ian,' I put on a bit of a throaty drawl. Would he, wouldn't he?'

'This could be dodgy,' I heard him put his camera down and he was in with me. His strong hands clasped my shoulders and then ran down to my hips and then I felt the smear and the smoothness of the soap on my back and down onto my hips. His erection kept slipping against me and after he'd apologised twice I took the bull by the horns.

I inched back until he was trapped and reached behind me. He groaned as I grasped his hot and exceedingly hard cock and guided it into my crack.

'Mark...' he protested but I pushed back again feeling his hot cock lodge and then he made a little tentative dig. Excellent.

'Go for it, Ian,' I pushed pack just a fraction and felt him against my pucker.

'I've never done this before.'

'Shut up.' I made the final little push and felt his fat and juicy knob press against my sphincter and open me up. 'Aaaaah, gently, Ian.'

He lost if and pushed in further and then started to move. He was fucking at long last and I closed my eyes against the brief pain as his fat and meaty muscle began to fill me. Once the flared knob was in me the rest was just accepting the length and he did indeed go easy. I grasped his free hand and transfered it onto my own straining cock and he began to wank me and shag me at the same time. He was a bit clumsy and a bit rough but he soon settled down and to my delight he began to munch and kiss my neck as his belly and groin slapped against my wet body.

'God, this is so brill,' he whispered as he slowly fucked. He'd go quicker when the heat was on him but this was nice and I really delighted in his fat cock reaming up and down inside my gut. This was the boy for me and if he couldn't see the end game I had in mind then he was a dummy. Christ, I didn't even look girly so he had no reason to write me off as a bottom. Then again, with newbies or virgins who knows what they think. 'Absolutely wicked,' he started to move faster. 'So tight.' I clamped on his movements, I loved a bit of flattery.

'I'll bring Jamie around next time,' I whispered pushing back onto his thrusts.

'Gawd...' he moaned fucking harder and wanking me faster. When he came it was like a pent up flood of youthful spunk. God knows how long he'd been waiting for this but it was like a warm flood squirting up my arse and it seemed to go on forever, I could even feel his slippery fluid trickling down my legs as he fucked into his climax. At last he stayed glued to my back still deep inside me unwilling to slip free.

'Finish me off,' I gasped grabbing his moving fist and showing how. He did and I came a goodly cum onto the shower room tiles and squeezed him for a bonus with my back end. As he slipped free and collapsed against the tiled wall I span around and glued my lips to his and both slime covered but softening cocks mashed together.

'Awk...' he tried to push me away and then wrapped his arms around me returning my kiss. Moments later his teeth parted and our tongues met in sweet union.

'So, what took you so long?' I asked as we dried off.

'I was dead nervous,' he explained. 'After the last guy I was waiting for blue lights on the doorstep for a week and when I saw you the other day I thought I'd try again. I just had a feeling about you...' he tailed off lamely.

'They call it Gaydar,' I said dryly. 'So what was it, a one off or what?'

'I'd like to see you again.'

'I've got to explain one thing...'


'I'm not just a sixteen year old fuck toy.'

'Oh,' he looked at me and smiled shyly. How the hell can you be shy when you've just fucked someone and then given them a hand job at the same time? 'You'll have to show me the ins and outs, I'm new to all this.'

'Ins and outs is about right,' I laughed. 'Tell you what, we do a nice private one on one together then I'll bring Jamie around for some pictures.'

'Nudes,' he squeaked.

'Nudes and anything else you want from Jamie,' I reached out and grasped his penis. Mention of Jamie must have turned him on. 'I'll show you something else.' Resting my hand lightly on his hips I slipped to my knees until my face was level with his stiffening meat.


The Soap continues.

Next:: A session with young Darky and then back to this lot.

Next: Chapter 20

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