Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 19, 2006


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter

I don't know what time I awoke but it was still dark and typical Addlestone, that is as dead as a doornail. One thing was different when I'd gone to sleep I'd been behind cuddling Jake and now it was the other way around. I could feel his warm skin against mine and his arms around me. I gently disentangled myself and went to the bathroom to do the necessaries. I peered through the nets at the deserted High Street, there was a Police car parked up over the road and I suspect they were waiting for any speeders belting through the built up area as that was about the maximum in crime in our little burg. I didn't bother with the heavy curtains as the room wasn't overlooked by anyone, I just looked back into the darkness where Jake slept. Time for Round Two, I was fit he was asleep but not for long.

This time when I got into the bed I was behind him again and snuggled upto his warm body, he gave a little mumble and rolled onto his back and quickly fell back into his regular deep sleep breathing. Of his own accord he turned again but this time it was to face me and I reached down to feel his warmth, to my surprise he was hard and his boy cock was fully swollen and stiff, he must be having happy dreams. I reckon I must have smiled as I slipped my own hardness between his legs and hugged him to me making little movements between his smooth brown thighs. His breath fanned my face as I nuzzled at his slender neck and reached around to grasp his tight little bottom.

'Wassup?' he mumbled.

'Sleep,' I whispered and rolled him onto his back laying on his belly mashing our erections together and kissing his sweet lips, so OK, he smelt a bit of Chinese but no matter. Very slowly and at a snails pace I worked my way between his legs and as he slept on raised them to his chest, it was at this stage he gradually became awake.

'Whatcha doing, as if I didn't know,' he muttered sleepily and rested his calves on my shoulders. 'They call this a full frontal,' he informed me and I saw his teeth flash in his brown face. 'Ouch...' he flinched as my oiled finger penetrated his tautly spread ring. 'That's alright,' he whispered after a moment and just before my lips sank onto his.

He sighed as my finger slid free and tensed up as my pre-oiled glans nudged at his ring.

'Aaaaaah...' he gave a long shuddering sigh as I took him from the front for the very first time, as he'd said, a full frontal and the only way. I gradually worked my way into his lithe body and he moaned and clung to me as I slowly pentrated him until my root was close against his spread pucker and my pubics nestled under his smooth scrotum. 'Jeeesuz, Micky,' he clung to me and I could see tears at the corner of his eyes. 'That was a bummer,' he gave a little giggle and experimentally clamped on my organ.

'Good boy,' I hunkered back on my ankles and hauled him up so that he was sitting on my thighs fully impaled on my rampant cock. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly moved on me adjusting and easing himself.

'That feels huge, it's grown.'

'It's just in deeper, baby,' I reassured him and lay him back down again leaning over him and started to move in and out. He held my hips and his legs slipped down onto my back.

'Damn right,' he gave little huffs and puffs as I began to service him.

He was good sex, in fact, for a kid he was marvellous sex, and for a recent virgin he was bloody incredible. He clung to me and moved when I moved and after a little while he started to encourage me. I wasn't a little cock either, I had a good six plus, it was moving in and out of his slick and tight boy pussy and he was beginning to get with it by his mutterings.

Yeah, harder, harder.' I could barely hear him and he probably wouldn't admit what he'd said later not that I'd remind him. He needed to keep his self respect and begging for cock wasn't included in the script. I was boiling, I could feel my hot cum churning in my balls so I slowed down a bit, let him pig out a bit, he was having fun and so was I. 'Whatcha stopped for?' He looked at me as I stilled and just kissed him pleasuring myself in his tightness and his warmth.

'I think I'm falling in love.' Pretty supid thing to say but I was getting carried away. I also seemed to be getting harder, I had the burning and the itch, I had to finish. I started to move within him again.

'Lust more like,' he grinned and clung to me even harder as I rammed and thrust my way to my climax.

When I came at last it was like I was being drained of every fluid ounce of essence in my body. I groaned and almost yelled as I felt my red hot cum shoot into his body and he writhed on my jerking cock and then went limp as I finished pounding and flopped on his weat soaked body. I could feel my spunk trickling from his battered hole onto my legs and pubics. I was done and so was he, in the dawning light I could see splashes of his own boy spunk on his belly, he'd cum whilst I was taking him.

It was a mutual ejaculation and I was pleased. It may not be correct or even make sense but I was a believer in the fact that when someone cums when you fucked them there was a certain feeling there, just a little bit more than sex. I think I was in love which was pretty sad but maybe he felt the same way which was even sadder. I was a slut, I couldn't be faithful to him if I tried, I had the old roving eye and no way could I help it. It was in my genes all the same, I did love the scraggy little sod.

As I slipped free I shoved the towel between his legs, even in moments of high romance you have to take care of basics.

'Feels like a jamrag,' he giggled and clamped his legs.


I gave him a swift peck and traced my tongue down his boyish chest arriving at the splashes and puddles of his cum and lapped at them cleaning and washing his belly and his tight pubic bush.

'Yeuchy,' he held my head and squealed. 'You are so disgusting.' I did note, however, that he didn't try and push me away he just played with my hair.

'Tastes rather bland, you need a good meal.'

'I wanna good one of what you just had but it's a bit limpo at the moment.'

'So it seems,' I took his cum stained softness in my mouth and soon cured his problem. His shaft filled out and his swollen knob slid free from it's foreskin. 'Sleep.'

'Spoilsport,' he scowled and cuddled into me. The dawn had arrived but it was summer and we had a long way to go before we needed to get out of our bed.

I drifted off cuddling him again and the next time I awoke the sun was streaming into the room filtered by the net curtains but it was going to be another hot one. One glance at the clock and I was out of bed. A quarter to nine and I was supposed to be at work for nine. I grabbed the extension and phoned in, the Manager wasn't too happy but swallowed the story of me being sick and quite happy to take the day as one that he owed me and in the end after a short lecture I was back in bed. Young Jake was out for the count and I actually toyed with going for a third but held off bearing in mind what he was already carrying. A quick peep and I could see that he was sleeping with the small handtowel still firmly clamped up against his bottom, mind you, his penis was still at full stretch. He gave a mumble and rolled onto his back which was good enough for me, the tea could wait.

I played with him a bit licking and lapping at his dark brown nipples but soon lost patience and tongued down his flat belly to his fully extended penis taking it into my mouth. A few moments later he gave another groan and I felt the rythm of his breathing change. His hands settled on my head and he started slowly prodding into my mouth, my little boyfriend was awake.

'I'll make some tea after this.'

'Whatever,' he whispered and played with my ears as I started to run my lips up and down his surprisingly solid shaft taking him in deep right down to my choke point. I ran my hands up and down his sides relishing the feel of his smooth skin and finally settling for toying with his smooth scrotum as it got tighter and tighter. I thought he might have wanted sex but perhaps he was too played out, in any event he still thrust into my mouth going harder and deeper until he was basically fucking my face which sounds bad but ain't all that.

I ran my tongue around the flared rim of his glans and tickled the pee slit and then went back down the shaft as I felt is suddenly get harder and thicker, his hands dropped away and he let out one wavering moan and let go with his thick streamers of hot spunk deep into the back of my throat. I thought I'd cum well in the night but he'd spunked at the same time and he did the same again. The recover rate of kids his age never ceases to amaze. I munched on his almost solid cream as it covered my teeth and gums and then sucked him dry squeezing his cock like a tube of toothpaste.

'You dog' he whispered and pulled me up alongside him. We shared the taste of his cum. 'Was that you on the phone?'

'No one else here, sweet cheeks.'

'True, he grinned. 'Lay there, I've got to go to the toilet and I'll make some tea.'

'Two sugars,' I threw the bedding clear and lay in the morning sunlight letting what air there was to my body as he left the room clutching his towel like that kid in Peanuts does with his comfort blanket. Linus... that's the one. I used to have a crush on Charlie Brown when I was younger but don't broadcast it. I settle for yaoi and anime now. I'd have to try some out on Jake and see how he liked them.

He took his time but he smelt a sight sweeter when he returned and walked carefully with two steaming mugs in his hands. I don't blame the careful bit, he was still naked and looked a vision... perhaps the tea did it.

'I borrowed your toothbrush,' he informed me after sitting on the bed. 'I didn't think it mattered too much after you know what.'

'No probs.' After all the sucking and mouth to mouth a toothbrush was a mere detail. 'Wanna walk down the car showroom by The Magnet later on?'

'You going to buy a car?' He asked excitedly.

'I'm going to look,' I grinned. 'Get some prices in my head, maybe pick up the Thames Trader from the newagents.'

'Hey, great.'

'You can help me get some shopping in after that.'

'Not so great.'

'Visit your mate, Peter.'

'Back to great,' he grinned. 'Do you fancy him?'

'I don't know, I didn't take a lot of notice of the kid.'

'That's because you were oggling the long and lanky Andy, the seven inch wonder.'

'Yeah, well...' I looked at him and smiled just a little. 'You have the hots for this kid, Peter. That's pretty obvious. I suppose you invite him over here and show him a bit of that French film and he'll hop into bed with you... is that the master plan?'

'Well, something like that,' he sat up on the bed. 'I'm bloody certain he's up for it, almost anyway.'

'Well, we'll see what happens but don't involve me,' I stroked his smooth leg. 'You do your thing and I'll play supporting actor sort of thing.'

'OK,' he looked a bit uncertain but he wasn't backing off. He'd clearly found himself a safe house and a lover and he was going to make full use of both. He wasn't all that devious really just a bit swifter at grabbing an opportunity than most. 'He was looking at you, you know.'

'He had to look somewhere,' I laughed.

'No,' he excaimed impatiently. 'That look, you know the oggle look, like the one you gave me in the shop yesterday.'

'Maybe,' I watched him as he settled his empty mug on the bedside table and grabbed him, he came into my arms quite willingly.

'You stink,' he cuddled up and grinned. 'Stinky Micky.'


We were up around ten and in spite of him having had a quicky as he put it we shared a bath and shower again. Lots of soapy mauling and the usual erections but I think our sights were quite firmly set on food. I wasn't a masterchef or even a half decent one but managed to muster a mountain of toast and marmalade plus a cereal and fruit juice for my guest. He was happy enough anyway and I promised to do a bit better for lunch. We'd no sooner finished eating than he was on his feet and across the car park to his little mates. I sat in the window bay watching him return across the expanse of sun blasted tarmac and sighting me at the window he gave a wave, he must have struck oil. By the time he got up the stairs he was sweating but grinning.

'He's cursing a blue streak... his mum's got him sorting out the garden but he'll be over around one, he's got the flat number.'

'Fine, time for us to get some shopping in,'

'And check out the cars,' he reminded me.

We went the long way around to the showroom which was at the end of the High Street as I didn't want to pass my own shop and get sighted and as I'd said to him we acted out the part of casual browsers rather than interested buyers, it saved some keen salesman bending our ear or ears. Some good ex Company cars all around the six to seven grand, a couple of Fiestas considerably cheaper but it was horses for courses. For mini cabbing I needed a roomy car which also meant one that looked the part, mini cabbing in a Fiesta was a bit of a no no. Then again for a cheap and cheerful run around a Fiesta was ideal. The problem was insurance, I was going to get charged the earth because of my age, the cheap option was to get a small car (at a small price) and go for a Third Party only... the cheapest of the cheap. The mini cabbing wasn't all that straightforward, I knew there was a further insurance a 'hire and reward' but I didn't know the details. Sod it, go with the flow. The thing was I could have gone for the expensive option but how many nights cabbing would I have to do to get my money back?

In the end I left undecided but still with that yearning to have wheels, dunno why, I never went anywhere but that was because I didn't have wheels. Catch 22 or something?

The annoying thing was that it was hot enough to want to get out on the open road and suck deisel into your lungs and admire fields of concrete with a sweet chick by your side, I was stuck with a slutboi swimmer in the hottest flat in the Home Counties. Never mind, we had Peter for lunch. To get it straight, we were entertaining Peter for lunch. I dragged the protesting Jake into Tescos and made him push the trolley, if looks could have killed I'd have been stone dead.

'This is so gay,' he whined trailing me down the aisles.

'Shut up,' I paused at the chemist's section. 'Shall I get half a dozen tubes of KY?'

'Shhhhh...' he hissed and cowered behind a heap of something or the other.

We managed to get loaded up and then had the job of trucking this lot over the main road back to my place once again taking the long way around to avoid my shop and the evil eyes within. Jake was scurrying along trying to hide behind me and I expect he was worried about bumping into any family or friends. By the time we tottered up the stairs to my place we were both well and truly shagged. Jake fell into an armchair and dropped his share of carrier bags by his side. 'I am totally fucked,' he declared going into his act.

'Not yet, baby,' I gave him a Groucho with the eyebrows.

'Perv,' he grinned stretching his legs and diving into one of the bags. He'd got himself a pair of cheap linen shorts in the store and dragged them out. 'These'll be a bit cooler.'

'In weather like this I just walk around in my briefs, no one overlooks us,' I pulled off my trainers and wriggled my toes. 'My feet are cooking.'

'I know, I can smell 'em.'

'I've got to make a phone call and we'll sort out a bit of lunch for when Peter arrives, break the ice a little.'

'Those Frogs shagging'll break the ice,' Jake sniggered. 'What's the phone call...' he added and then looked a little bit shamefaced but only a little. 'Sorry.'

'No matter,' I rummaged around for my yesterday's newspaper. 'I saw a secondhand Volvo for sale locally and it looked interesting.'

'Gonna look at it,' Jake sounded eager. 'Where is it?'

'Don't know, it's a local number though. Give me a bit of hush and I'll give them a ring.'

'Go on then,' he sat opposite me and grinned clearly intent on listening to my conversation... it looked like I'd got myself a bloody wife.

I got a hit first time and the person who answered, a lady told me that the car was still available and that I was welcome to walk around and have a look as it was about a mile away from me in a slightly posher area of Addlestone. I arranged to go around at three which would mean leaving Jake and his mate Peter alone but then again that might not be a bad idea. If they had a bit of monkey business in mind that would be their time. I told Jake and he seemed pleased, I expect his devious mind was plotting and planning already.

'Gives you time to shag your pal.'

'What if I get him in bed whilst you're out?' He looked at me and laughed. 'You never know your luck.'

'Keep him in bed... tell him he has rent to pay if he want's to make free in my bed.'

'Right,' Jake giggled. 'You've got it, if he plays the virgin bit you can have me and he can watch.'

Thanks,' I said dryly and ruffled his hair. 'Let's get lunch sorted. Set the table for three, wifey.'

'Less of the wife bit, chum,' he did his rather attractive little mock snarl but followed me to the kitchen and started to sort out knives and forks. We were getting quite domesticated.

A meal for boys is easy. Chips, chips, chips and tomato sauce... well, that goes for English kids anyway. I didn't fancy a greasy so settled for some nice thick cut ham that I'd bought, tomatoes, lettuce and other salad. Something nice and fresh, not too heavy and not too unhealthy. I'd normally settle for fish and chips or a pizza but sitting around a table like civilised people is nice once in a while and I don't often entertain and certainly not a couple of schoolies. I think the weather was getting to me, I opened the casement windows in the lounge and as an extra put the fan on. By the time Jake set the table and I had the chips on a slow cook the place loooked quite reasonable, far removed from a vice den and with a bit of luck Peter would relax before Jake did his big hit.

If I played my cards right I'd be Volvo viewing whilst Jake made his move, if anything went wrong I could claim to be an innocent bystander or that was my plan. If Jake scored I was in clover in a manner of speaking. A win-win situation or what?

We saw little Peter coming across the car park and he walked as if he was stupified with the heat, he had long shorts on, you know, the ones that come halfway down the calves and also wore a huge baseball cap that covered his blonde crew. Wise kid, that sun was hot enough to raise blisters on blondies, it didn't matter too much with myself and Jake, it just got us hot and sweaty... and sexed up.

'Jeez... is that nice or what?' Jake nearly fell out of the window waving down at his pal.

'Nice,' I agreed. He was little and I felt a bit guilty but Jake had said that the boy was little in stature only, he was pretty fourteenish where it counted whatever that meant. Anyway, this was Jake's little pull and I was basically hopping around like an old crow waiting for the crumbs to fall. I know, that's a hell of a way to put it but it was the only simile that sprang to mind. You try writing this crap on a Sunday morning. By the time Peter got to the top landing and the door he was red faced and puffing like an old steam engine.

'Hi di hi, bro,' Jake answered and let him in.

'I'm shagged,' Peter panted.

'Not yet you ain't,' Jake answered with his cackle. Jeez... we were off already.

'You should be so lucky,' Peter laughed. They came into the lounge and Peter nodded at me cautiously as Jake got him seated and produced a cold drink. My trainee or student was doing his hosting bit quite well.

'How'd the gardening go?' Jake sat as I did and relaxed.

'Too bloody hot,' Peter grimaced. 'Mind you it's done and that's me finished for the day.'

'Eats in five,' I declared and decamped to the kitchen, Jake could take over the entertaining bit. I wasn't quite sure how this little adventure was going to progress, I'm inclined to go with the 'twos a pair and threes a shambles' theory but time would tell and when I left them along things may happen... or they might not.

I returned with the first two plates and they were already up at the table waiting expectantly, I felt myself slipping into the role of mum. Just like the son having one of his pals around although I wasn't feeling all that motherly I behaved myself waiting for Jake to put his foot in it. It had to happen, Jake had all the tact of a bulldozer.

'You come around this morning?' Peter asked through a mouthful of lettuce, he had Jake's style I noticed, fill your mouth witrh food and then speak through it, really couth.

'Nah, sleptover.'

'Oh,' Peter looked a little taken aback although he shot me a glance. He wanted to ask questions but the tyke was caught between politeness and his natural nosiness. 'Not bad TV last night.'

He was probably just making conversation or covering the awkward gap but he'd played right into Jake's sticky hands.

'Yeah? We watched a film didn't we Micky?'

'We did,' I agreed and concentrated on my food.

'Whatcha watch?' Peter seemed to like walking into it.

'A French thing, young Frogs shagging.' I noticed Jake omitted the sex of the young Frogs.

'Ah,' Peter nodded wisely although his brain must have been in a turmoil. I wondered if he had the slightest inkling of Jake's little game, mind you here he was and he had stated that he didn't have to rush off.

'Very stiffy making,' Jake mumbled through another mouthful of food. I'd have to have a motherly chat about his table manners given time.

No speaking with your mouth full, no elbows on the table (why not?)... never mind, I never did understand the elbows one.

Peter giggled and glanced at me again. 'Was it yours, Micky.'

'Of course it was,' Jake answered for me. 'You don't think I truck dirty vids all over town do you?'

'Wouldn't put it past you,' Peter giggled. 'Jeez, I pong,' he delicately half lifted his arm and took a sniff. 'Sorry... gardening,' he looked contrite probably thinking sniffing armpits wasn't what quite you did in high society. Still, as I said, he did lead with his chin, Jake was in there like a rocket.

'You can have a shower later,' he offered the kid the use of my bathroon.

'And you,' I butted in.

Jake sat there like the cat who'd nicked the cream. 'Ah, we'll share. We share at the pool.'

Peter just coloured a bit and kept silent.

'Finsh up, I've got some ice cream and mixed fruit to finish.'

I took the plates and provided them with their second and final course, at least we'd wasted an hour and I'd have to go out shortly to look at this car. I wondered how Jake was going to progress his little seduction but I was soon to find out.

'We can have a shower and watch the film after this,' he suggested brightly.

'What?' Peter looked bewildered.

'We can have a shower and then watch the film after this as Mick has to go out,' Jake repeated slowly. 'It's a good film,' he added.

'Whatever,' Peter shrugged and dived into his ice cream... he didn't dive as in swimming but you know what I mean.

'I'll probably go and leave you to it after you've done the washing up,' I sat back and thought about things. It was probably better if I gave Jake the run of the place and let him get on with it plus I didn't want to be late for my appointment, I thought I knew where the place was but I wasn't sure. The advertisement in the paper had sounded attractive and I didn't want to lose out. I could produce five hundred quid easy enough but I couldn't get it out of the Bank until tomorrow and I didn't know how keen the owner was for a quick sale. If the car was half as good as the ad. I had a deal on my hands, I needed to give it a good look over first though.

'Come on, Pierre la poof poof,' Jake stood up and started grabbing plates.

'Shurrup,' Peter laughed and gave me that sideways glance again. Poor kid, he didn't know what the score was at all and that was why I wanted to get out of it. It was better if Jake said what he had to and filled me in later on. If they were sitting there with black eyes and cut lips when I came back I could assume the romance was off, if they were shagging that would be a different matter. I was hoping for the latter but then again I would be, wouldn't I?

They did the washing up and I heard them laughing and chatting away in the kitchen down the hall, Peter seemed to be coming out of his shell a little and I guessed that he'd be asking Jake some pointed questions about where he'd slept, etc. etc. You know, the investigative journalism bit. They were back in no time at all and I immediately saw that they both had their shirts off and quite pretty they were too. I'd got used to Jake's slim brown skinned body by now but Peter was just as nice in his own way. A lot smaller and less well muscled but all the same a trim swimmer's body with just the trace of puppy fat visible in a bit of a spare tyre around his very boysish and almost munchable belly. Boy's bellies are one of my things by the way, bellies and other bits of boys.

'We're gonna have a shower in a minute,' Jake announced boldly, Peter stood slightly behind him as if sheltering.

Help yourself,' I said casually, 'I'm off in a bit.'

'Leave that film and the other one you mentioned, the Russian bits and pieces,' Jake grinned. 'I need to get Peter going.'

'Shurrup,' Peter wailed and went a delicate shade of pink.

'If you want to flop out and chill use the bedroon,' I offered tongue in cheek and much to my surprise they both nodded. Both of them, now there's a thing. Mind you I was forgetting that being in a Swimming Club they were far more used to being around each other half naked and completely naked, it didn't have the stigma if you like of other school sports. The trend nowadays was for the naked body to be frowned upon even when cleaning up after sports. We were heading for Retro Victoriana. By the time the fundamentalist Moslems and Christians were finished kids would be showering in their underwear, table legs would have little skirts and dogs would have rubber knickers. Let's hope we didn't regress as far as rickets and leprosy and don't forget children up chimneys... ah, the good old days.

I suppose in a perfect world the fundamentalists would kill each other off and the slobs and pervs would inherit the earth.

Anyway, back to Addlestone.

They did their disappearing act and immediately after the laughing and giggling started up. If they never got around to sex they were having a good time at least and by the time I was ready for my walkabout they were closeted in the bathroom. I knocked on the door to let them know I was on my way and I heard Jake call out that it was open. Not quite believing my luck I took that statement as an invitation and pushed the door open.

Wow... talk about joy. There they were, both standing in the bath and Jake was showering Peter who stood covered in suds. His slender body was absolutely beautiful and it was clear that Jake thought the same, his dark brown cock jutted from his belly like a battering ram, even Peter who wasn't all that small in the genitalia department was fully filled out and his semi erect penis was hanging heavily from a scattering of blonde pubic hairs.

'Good luck,' I gulped and closed the door. Business called and Jake was doing alright on his own.

The sun was thrashing down and I was beginning to regret my venturing out, the streets were deserted as they get on a busy weekday with the kids on holidays. I suspect most people were indoors running fans and running up electricity bills. Unlike the States we don't go for air conditioning a lot although with climate change that may alter in the coming years. I was at the ladies place fifteen minutes ahead of time and was pleased to see a blocky old Volvo parked in the drive all gleaming and looking rather smart. It was a Y Reg so getting on a bit but still looked in good nick. Casual observation told me that the four tyres were as god as new and that the motor was free of superfical dents or damage. I was peering in the side window when a female voice spoke behind me.

'Can I help you?'

'I'm Mr Carter,' I turned. 'I had an appointment for three but I'm sorry, I'm a bit early.'

'Oh yes,' she smiled and produced a set of keys. 'Have a look inside and under the bonnet and see what you think.'

That was what I was waiting for, as she aimlessly wandered around checking out her flowerbeds and keeping an eye on me I checked out the car itself. For a pretty old car it looked in good nick, nice radio at least. I pulled the bonnet catch and had a look at the engine and it all appeared fine to me although I was no mechanic. I saw a service sticker complete with mileage and checked it against the speedo, the thing had only done about ten miles since it's last service and that service was dated nine months previously. The car had been laid up for nine months... curious. I checked the Road Tax and it was valid for another six months, even more curious. The beast had been taxed when it was sitting idle.

'Five hundred pounds is very cheap,' she observed from over my shoulder.

'Looks a good deal,' I stepped to the rear of the car.

'Open it,' she prompted.

I did. I swung the hatch up and had a look about in the cargo area I suppose you'd call it as it was an estate and everything was in order. Spare wheel, jack and odds and sods all seemed brand new.

'You're a lot younger than I expected,' she looked at me and smiled. 'Isn't it a little big for you?'

'Maybe,' I smiled in return. 'But if you can hold it I can have five hundred pounds around here tomorrow lunchtime and take it away... presuming it runs that is.'

'Try it,' she looked at me as I got into the driver's seat. 'She'll go without choke in this weather.'

She was right. The damn thing started like a motor should. A meaty rumble as it was a Swedish tank after all and then a steady purr, this car was the buy of the century, I just hoped that it didn't have any hidden faults like a knackered gearbox of a gutted engine. That's the trouble with buying a second hand car off the street, it was very much a case of buyer beware, once the money has changed hands that's it.

'Nice,' I observed turning it off and noting there was no over-run, she was tuned up well.'

'It has a history.'

Shit. Here it comes, it's fresh from a crash and an insurance job. 'Really?'

'It was my husband's and he died.' I made the appropriate sounds but she went on. 'It's far too big for me and I got a smaller car which is in the garage. I just want to see the back of this and set a cheap price to move it quickly. This car was his pride and joy and he used to spend a fortune on it.' She looked at me again. 'So, Mr Carter, you have a good deal.'

'Tomorrow, twelve thirty sharp?'

'It's a deal,' she smiled again and after recovering the keys shook my hand and invited me in for a cold drink which I declined. I wasn't into recently widowed ladies nice as she was, I had my own geese to catch to shamble up the metaphors. We parted with another handshake and I took a slow walk home. I was very nearly a vehicle owner and I needed to sort out some insurance, I should have taken more details of the car but that would keep, I'd only be driving it around to the flat and hopefully I wouldn't hit anyone on the way. I wondered how the lads were getting on and decided to pop into the pub for a couple of cold drinks, the boys would probably appreciate my absence more than my attendance, well, I would in their place.

I'd forgotten that I'd been early for my appointment and I didn't really fancy sitting in the pub for too long so I had one pint of something cold and and a couple of sandwiches and then I was on my way home. I guess it was around half four that I twinkle toed up the stairs trying not to make too much noise. I opened the door to the flat and closed it quietly behind me, the flat was as quiet as the grave and I wondered briefly if they'd gone out, had a scrap, got bored even?

The lounge was empty although the porno was running on the TV with the sound off and at last I heard sounds from the front room, the bedroom. Creeping around the corner of the passage I pushed the slightly ajar door open a little bit more.

I could see Jake's naked brown form with a glossy coat of sweat moving up and down, in and out, his tight arse clenching at every thrust. All I could see of little Peter were his skinny white legs up and clamped on Jake's back and his paler hands on Jake's bony hips... I could hear him though.

'Come on. Jakey. Go for it...'



Micky wanted me to give a rundown on what happened after he left the flat so here goes.

As he's told you he looked in on us on his way out, luckily Pete had his eyes fully of soap otherwise he'd have freaked at seeing Micky but he didn't, so he didn't (is that English?). As soon as I heard the door shut I went into action , I pulled Peter's wriggling form onto me and rubbed my well and truly hardon up against his slippery belly feeling his arms go around my waist... well, he wasn't fighting me off at any rate.

'We should have a rinse off and watch a bit of tele,' I suggested reaching around and grasping his springy little bottom.

'Gerrof my bum,' he giggled but pressed up against my stiffy all the same. 'Has Micky gone?'

'Just now, he'll be gone a couple of hours.'

'You sure?'

'I know,' I told him confidently. I should know, Mick had told me that he'd stay out of it until four thirty or five, stacks of time to do what I wanted or at least to get my boychild into bed and after that who knows...?

I rinsed him down and after that he did me and we got out of the bath and towelled off. He made such a big deal of grabbing my penis every two seconds that I had to return the compliment. The place was empty and we were going to town. I knew he was game, in fact, I'd know for some time but how far was he prepared to go..? I was heading for my jackpot and that was his little honeypot.

I got him back into the lounge complete with damp towel and we settled into the small sofa and I ran the second film Mick had left, not the French one but the one that he'd told me was full of Russian bits and pieces. He was right, what he hadn't said was that it was all kids an awful lot younger than the French mob, they were all about fifteen I suppose and even less. All doing hardons, wankies and sucks. Peter and I were absolutely mesmerised. I think we almost automatically reached out for each other's cocks and took a hold, well, that's my story anyway. When they did their attempted fucks or maybe simulated fucks Peter's eyes were almost out on stalks.

'Just goes to show, it doesn't hurt that much, I suppose,' I ventured half way through the film collection as a bunch of lads started performing in a sauna.

'Not if they're pretending,' he said rather shrewdly I thought.

'Come on let's give it a go,' I hugged him and pulled his warm body in tight.

'Not on your bike,' he crowed and pulled away.

'Misery guts.'

He laughed and played with his own fleshy spike which was looking bigger by the minute. I guess I did what they call an internal smirk, I knew what he was going to come out with, Mick had tipped me off. In fact, we'd had a lot of chat that he hadn't reported in his segment of the story and hints on how to tackle Peter had been part of that chat.

'Did you sleep with Mick last night?' He finally popped the question.


'Did you do stuff?'


'Come on, tell me, blow by blow,' he laughed. 'Don't act like a prat. Tell me all about it.'

'Top secret, not a mention to anyone.'

'OK. I promise... on my heart,' he put his hand on his chest.

'Well, we went to bed. We wanked, we sucked each other and then we did the sex bit... twice.'

'Jeez...' I don't know what surprised him more, the fact that we'd done what we had or that I'd admitted it all straight out. 'You mean you actually sucked him off.'


'And bonked.'


'Jeez,' he grinned and looked at me. 'You dirty lucky bastard.'

'Now just we two,' I reached out and he slid back alongside me. 'Do you like Micky?'

'Yeah, I do. I like you too,' his hand drifted onto my erection as it lay on my belly. 'This film's giving me the hots,' he husked and I felt his hip press against me .

'Come on,' I stood up and he giggled at my stiffy sticking straight out, I drew him to his feet and towed him to the bedroom. The flat was getting hot and sweaty and we were in the mood, damn right we were.

I guided him down onto the bed and the next thing we were at it like the little Russians, sucking and slobbering over each other only we put a bit more passion into it. I knew perfectly well that he didn't just want to play, he wanted to score bigtime just as much as I did. I managed to get down onto his cock and give it a good sucking and eventually he took mine with all the appropriate remarks about he'd never done it before etc., etc. It was when I got his legs up and my tongue between his crack and onto his tight little pucker he really freaked out. He liked it if his wriggling and his giggling was anything to go by, I got his little balls in my mouth and he held my head firm as I sucked at his little plums (should call them acorns really).

'You know that film....'

'Yeah,' I eased off a bit and kissed up his smoothy rounded belly and bellies do turn me on a bit. 'Yeah...' I settled for sucking his little pink nipples.

'They let the smaller boys have a go first.'

'So?' I put my face alongside his and gently massaged his erection with one hand and slid the other one under the pillow. Yeah, no probs, it was there.

'Well, I'm the smaller one of us two,' he giggled. 'I have a go at you and then you can do me.'

Well, this was the end of it. If I refused I was going exactly nowhere. If I let him have his moment of glory then at least I got a crack at his sweet fanny and tomorrow was another day. I idly wondered if Micky would let me have his keys when he was at work but I couldn't get that lucky, there was taking the Micky and taking the Micky to flog the Micky word to death.


'You want to give me babies?'

'Or die in the attempt,' he could see I was weakening and he pressed his case. 'Just a little one and you can have a go at me... just a little one,' he added quickly.

'OK, come on,' I flopped back and grinned at him. 'Pig out little lover.'

'Less of the little,' he grinned and kneeling up brandished his jerking erection. I think I've said before it wasn't a fit to his body, it was a sixteen year old dick on a fourteen year old boy's body and it looked outsized on his slender frame. All of a sudden I was getting a bit nervous. 'Go doggy,' he muttered.

I obediently turned around and poked my bum out, I felt a bit of a wally but he was in like a flash I felt his legs slip outside mine and his dry dick prod at my crack and that was enough. 'Hold it, buddy boy. Put your legs inside mine for starters.' That told him.

I then guided him through the rest of it, he overused the glop but I didn't mind all he would do would be to lose traction and Mick had explained it in one of our little chats, a bit of lube was OK for the first time around but you didn't need to use gallons of the stuff. Poor little Pete was slipping and sliding all over the place but when I finally lay on my belly he pentrated me with a hugely self satisfied sigh and away he went. Finesse it wasn't but I'd give him ten out of ten for enthusiasm. He pounded away at my bouncy bottom and I reckon he spent more time slipping out than actually inside me, I didn't mind, it was messy but it didn't hurt and that was the main thing. In the end I wriggled around and got my legs in the air presenting my over oiled ring, at least I could watch his face whilst he had a heart attack.

'Take it slow,' I guided him in again after removing some of the lube with a towel, I positioning his slippery spike at my pucker and absorbed him quite easily as he slid in. This time he took it a lot slower and at the end made a flurry of digs and I felt his meat throb. I didn't actually feel the squirts and spurts that I'd experienced with Mick but I could see by Pete's face that he'd cum or at least done his version.

'Jeez,' I'm knackered he still moved within me as my legs pressed onto his narrow back. 'We gotta do that again,' he grinned and gave his version of a masterful thrust. 'It's bloody hot in here,' he shook his head and his sweat flew everywhere like a wet dog.

'Come here,' I held him tightly and rolled him over onto his back, he squealed as his softening cock popped free from my well lubed hole and I was on top pinning him to the bed and kissing his sweet lips forcing my tongue into his mouth.

'Dirty sod,' he spluttered but laughed all the same. Without any prompting at all he raised his skinny legs and rested them on my shoulder. 'Well?'

I recovered the lube and annointed his little ring to the echo of some protestations and some urgings to get on with it and at last I lined up ready to go.

'You stop if I tell you.' Suddenly he didn't look so confident.

'OK.' I smeared my oiled and even precuming glans against his shiny pucker and slowly pushed. He pulled a face like he was being tortured and flathanded my belly but to no avail. A another little push and as I dropped my head down and sealed my lips onto his I was in through his tight little muscle and my knob was lodged in his sweet little bottom.

'Whew,' he gasped and looked at me with tears in his eyes. 'That was different,' he gave a weak smile and moved his hands down onto my hips as I started to move in and out sinking deeper and deeper into his small bottom. He was so tight, it was incredible, his little tunnel surrounded my oiled cock like a tightly clenched fist as I moved to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into his hot body. 'Go on,' he stared at me with his eyes glazed and grabbed his own penis which was at full stretch again. I was getting into my stride when I heard the flat door slam and stopped.

'Fuck it, carry on,' Peter hissed and I did. What I didn't know was that Mick had already been in and seeing what we were upto had gone back down to slam the door as a warning. I felt rather than heard him enter the room and he flopped into the one chair with a big grin.

'This is better than a vidoe,' he smiled and sat back to enjoy the show.

Sod it, that was all I wanted, I started to shag little Peter deep and hard. He wasn't fussed, he was beginning to enjoy it and the fact that someone was watching seemed to turn him on. He started giving porn star moans and did the lip licking bit, pity Mick didn't have a movie camera, we had a star on our hands or rather around my stiffy.

I could feel the juices rising and I redoubled my effort as Mick moved across and sat on the bed for a closer look, to my surprise he dropped his head between us and swallowed Peter's jerking cock just about polishing the boy off.

Poor little Peter he didn't know what had hit him, I was shagging him like a loony stretching and battering away at his sweet little boy fanny and Mick was sucking his dick like he was trying to remove it by the root.

'Aaaaah, I'm cuming,' Peter wailed just as I actually did. I screwed in hard and deep as I felt my cock jerk and spew my load deep into his gut. He held Micky's head and thrust up and that was it. Minutes later we were all sprawled on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs and I was helping Micky get undressed. Peter lay flopped out like a dead man or dead boy, he was wiped out, poor soul.

'You alive?' Mick poked Peter's flat belly.

'Just,' Peter opened his eyes and gave a lazy grin. 'Squishy, squishy.'

I had to laugh, I was feeling quite pleased with myself, it looked like I'd got myself a boyfriend and a concubine or are they the same thing. Anyway, I was on a bed on a very hot summer's afternoon and I had two partners, one a little younger and much smaller and one a little bit older and a bit bigger, it couldn't get much better unless Mick pulled a rabbit out of his hat.

There might be three cans of that stuff left in the fridge, Jake,' Mick looked at me pointedly and I scurried kitchenwards. I wanted to ask him how the car thing went but sitting on a bed supping lager with two seemed a pretty good idea at the time.

By the time I got back Peter was playing with Micky's erection and Micky had stripped off, boy, they certainly didn't waste any time and looking at Peter I had the funniest feeling he was still wanting more... the little slut. One fuck and they're anyone's.

'How'd things go with the car?' I got onto the bed the other side so that Mick was in the middle, I passed them a cold can apiece.

'Bought it,' Mick said casually. 'I'm taking the money around tomorrow luchtime and collecting it.'


'Yeah,' Mick looked at me and grinned. 'We can get out of Addlestone a bit, even take the muppet,' he glanced at Peter.

'Ah, I'll be a spare dick at a wedding,' Peter groused but I could see he was pleased at being included in Mick's plans.

'You'll have to sort out a boyfriend,' Mick pulled a protesting Peter on top of himself and sticking his can on the side grasped Peter's soft white bottom and squeezed and massaged the ultra white orbs of flesh. 'Nice,' he muttered thickly.

'Your stiffy's poking in my belly,' Peter giggled like a little tart and wriggled himself onto Mick. I took his can from his hand as I could see what was going to happen next.

'We'd better get Peter fixed up with a boyfriend,' Mick glanced at me. 'You reckon this bed is big enough for two doubles?'

'Yeah,' I laughed and slapped Peter's soft white bottom just before Mick rolled our little chum onto his side and then onto his back. Peter was about to get a second session and he seemed quite happy about it. I just settled back to watch the show. There are worse ways of spending a holiday.

'Slippery Sam...' Peter fended off Mick and looked at me. 'Sam Ryder, goes to your school.'

'What about him?'

'That's my dream boy,' Peter giggled. 'Now he is dishy, dunno if he has leanings though, he's never said anything.'

'Like; 'Hi, my name's Sam and I like sex with boys,' sorta thing?'

'Don't be silly,' he put on his sulky look.

'I'll investigate, I'll probably see him over the weekend,' I promised and gave my mate Mick a hand. As he positioned Peter to his liking and even slid a pillow under the brat's tailbone I guided Mick's slippery hardon to it's target and positioned it dead centre. Peter flinched at the touch but I sat there as saw Mick slowly push and Peter's shiny pucker just opened up like one of those sea anemone things at the seaside.

Peter gave a little moan and I saw Mick start to move to and fro... I scooted back on the bed and sat there watching the show.

Now this was something else, I liked watching the point of entry for want of a better phrase on film. A perfect example being that Vlad and his Magic Lady Boy, Vlad's big greasy cock sliding in and out of MLB's well stretched fanny but to watch it in the flesh... Wow. Mick's fully hard and gleaming penis just slipped in and out of Peter's little pink pucker drawing out oil and shoving it back in at every move. Once Mick's swolled knob popped free and I saw Peter's fanny close for an instance before Mick opened it up again. I was as hard as a bloody rock, steaming, stonking, whatever... just so damn hard, I'd even started to ooze precum again which wasn't bad considering.

'Go on... harder,' Peter moaned, he was loosing it again, probably dreaming of his crush, Sam.

Mick then started to go into speedy mode, he was slapping in and out driving little Peter up the bed and then he let out a moan, I saw his muscular cheeks clench and then sheer brilliance. I saw his frothy spunk oozing out of Peter's hole and down onto his tailbone as Mick slowed to a halt. He fell on the kid and Peter clutched him desperately and grinned across at me.

They rolled around the bed a bit with me avoiding them and eventually they parted and Mick looked at me with that lazy grin of his, he grasped my turgid penis and ran his hand up it watching a bead of precum ooze from the slit. 'Want it?'

That was an easy question. As he rolled onto his back I got between his legs and assumed the position. Peter lay there goggle eyed and gave me a broad grin, the game had come full circle... it was his turn to watch now. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I had. A swift kiss for lover Micky and I pushed in forcefully but slowly, I knew how Micky liked it and that's the way it was going to be. I suppose I could have charged Peter for a ticket but it slipped my mind, I was enjoying myself too much.

To be continued

in Part 3

I'll do a Part 3 to this one bringing Sam or Andy in and that'll be then end. I've got enough unfinished sagas laying around uncompleted. On second thoughts I have ideas for a Part 5 as well.




Next: Chapter 3

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