Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 21, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

New Email:


19 - Back at Banstead


G. Cutter

Hi there, me again and that's Henry aka Darky.

I was really upset at leaving Peter and Nathan but as it says in the Book:: All good things come to an end and hopefully the reverse is true. In fact, heartbroken would be a better word than upset. I was being parted from my two best friends and my lover, the Zanderman as he liked to call himself. I had to stay in this place until I was sixteen or until I was fostered. Unfortunately, I was told that as you get older the chances of being fostered become less and less. Nathan had got lucky but he was over a year younger than I was and such a sweety it was hardly surprising. Of course him setttling in so well with Peter counted for a lot, it's a good job that the parents didn't realise what they got upto when they were on their own.

Amyway, here I was sitting in the office with this Mr Marshall who was the recently appointed Head Honcho, the Chief Executive I think was his correct title. He seemed OK and he made me comfortable with a lukewarm cup of tea and a couple of biccies courtesy of his secretary.

'Well, Henry,' he looked at me over the top of his glasses like an old pervo but I brushed the thought aside. 'It seems you fitted in well and I have excellent reports of you. Very surprisingly for this sort of situation, you have a standing invitation to spend your holidays with the family into the forseeable future.' He looked up at me waiting for me to say something.

'They did mention it, sir. I'm very grateful.'

'Call me James, I don't go for that 'sir' bit. This is your Home, not a school,' he gave me the standard smile, the Mark Three probably. Odd, he seemed very young for the job, he'd probably got degrees in Child Welfare and was fresh from Oxford or Cambridge. I glanced up and saw an array of diplomas decorating his wall. I always thought that sort of stuff was a bit like sticking sports medals around your room but everyone needs a bit of ego backup. He seemed pleasant enough and was a damn sight better to look at than the last guy who was about a hundred and sixty.

'You share a room normally?'

'Yes... er, James.'

'Good. I don't want to upset you or the regulars and stick you in a dorm.' He referred to the fact that the boys over twelve shared a room with another and the boys under that age slept in dormitories, six or eight to a dorm, I couldn't remember. 'We're going through some redecoration at the moment and I was thinking...' He tailed off and looked at a super chart he had stuck on the wall. He then looked down at my folder on his desk. We kids called it the dossier and it contained all our ins and outs, our personal history in fact and was constantly being updated. 'Swimming, football... gardening?' He raised his eyebrows.

'I had one of the allotments,' I cringed. The gardening episode was a phase I'd gone through and soon got pissed off with but it was a good place for a bit of solitude which believe it or not is hard come by in places like this. Privacy is at a premium in institutions and treasured when you can get some. I like to read a book, listen to some music on my own or just gaze into space without some kiddy babble in the background.

' I was thinking of putting you in with George Barton, he's sixteen and due to leave us soon or maybe not...' He paused again and looked out of the window . I held my breath. I knew George, he used to have the hots for Nathan I was bloody sure of it. Nathan always spoke very highly of George, I just thought George was a decoration, he didn't really register but that's me. James droned on that George had reached the magic sixteen and having no clear idea of what to do or where to go had opted out for doing minor maintenace jobs and helping out in the kitchen, basically doing drudgery for a small wage and a room. Most of our lads on reaching the magic sixteen would opt for the Armed Forces as a home from home but George clearly wasn't one of them.

I just shrugged, I didn't know what to say. I would have thought if George got the room as part and parcel of his wages he wouldn't be too happy at being inflicted with a twelve coming on thirteen.

'George did volunteer to act as a mentor to one of the mid range boys,' James started to drivel on again. 'I think he has a bent for the job.'

I nearly laughed but kept a straight face, bent struck me as an odd word to use under the circumstances but then again it would.

'I know Barton,' I volunteered the information.

'Get on well.'

'I don't know him that well, just casually sort of thing.'

'Well, he did volunteer,' James stood up and called out to his secretary. George was being summoned and James had jeans on. Shock, horror, our new Top Dog wearing jeans and as an aside he was quite dishy for someone I guessed was in his mid or late twenties. Whoa... block that one out, evil thoughts there but he did look a bit like a really grown up Zander.

George was with us in a few minutes and sat down alongside me and James settled in behind his desk with his paperwork and planners. He reminded George of his promise or his voluntary bit and George just nodded seeming perfectly happy with the situation. Perhaps he needed company but he looked at me and grinned cheerfully. He was rather nice in a big way and I wondered if he remembered having his polaroids taken with Nathan in the sauna. I knew exactly what he had inside his baggy blue cargoes and it was nice.

To cut a short story even shorter I was fixed up to share with George, to work the week out with George and then return to school the following Monday. Suited me, I'd got an extra week's holiday out of it, an unpaid working holiday to be sure but it'd keep me out of the classroom. I could spend the week getting to know what George did for a living and getting to renew friendships which had lapsed over the last five weeks. Lots to do but I had to settle down until my next vist to Addlestone. The one thing I craved and it was bloody early days yet was my first letter from Zander telling me all about Lewes and what the score was down there.

George's room was nice, it was down the end of the building away from the mini dorms, he shared a bathroom and toilet with a couple of other doubles of older boys but they were at school. He helped me collect my gear from the store which was just school stuff, my own books and a few clothes and here we were. One nice thing was that he was tidy and we had separate beds... I mean we didn't have double bunk beds as the junior doubles had. Thank Christ for that, I could wank in peace.

'So, what now?' I looked at George he was my mentor (whatever that entailed) after all.

'Do your thing,' he flopped on to his bed. 'You've got to work with me for the next couple of days but that's no biggy. For today nada, zilch, I'm finished.'

'Goody gumdrops,' I did the flop bit and wriggled on the bed. Quite comfy in fact for this place. 'Nathan send his regards by the way.'

'Aaah,' he sighed with some sort of satisfaction. 'Nice boy.'

'Yeah.' I agreed.

'I liked Nathan,' he spoke quietly looking at the ceiling. 'I wish him well in his new life.' I know it sounds so corny but that's exactly what he said and I suppose it was nice in a way. The fact that this kid with no family and nowhere to go had thoughts for another in probably a better situation was nice. 'Ah well, win some, lose some I suppose,' he gave a big sigh and closed his eyes. Now there was a remark to ponder.

I glanced across at him but with the bedside cabintes all I could see of him was from his chest downwards to his feet. Very bulky I must say, I felt tempted but I had to remember although at 'home' now I'd left the Club and Pervystone behind, I was virtually on foreign soil, even enemy territory. I'm sure things went on here as the bulk of the fourty inmates or cadets as we were called for some obscure and ancient reason were male. The girl count when I'd left had been six and they were very strictly overseen by the staff. No hanky panky in this council run Home... not much.

The thing to bear in mind was that this place was an orphanage plain and simple not the Home that kids go to when their parents can't handle them. To us this was The Home, the others were Care Centres or Care Homes. A very important difference and the locals still called the place the Old Orphanage... at least the older ones did. The point I'm trying to make is that our kids didn't go out boozing and doing drugs. We did everything else that normal kids did but not the naughty stuff, breaking out and shoplifting... all that shit.

'Sauna still operating?' I spoke assuming George was still awake.

'Yeah, a minimum party of four and Saturday only for boys, Sunday for girls.'

I've got to explain that the sauna built on the arse end of the building had been put in by donations from a Swedish Charity some years ago and was very little used owing to the operating cost but then again it was used if only now and then. Once a brave foursome got the keys and got the thing working it was full of teenies and baby boys all willy clocking and having a laugh... it needed the foursome in the first place and most of the older boys were on walkaround Saturdays unfortunately.

'I've opened it up coming to think of it for the last two Saturdays,' George mumbled as an afterthought.

'Great, it's very healthy,' I replied a bit lamely. I gave my crotch a bit of a fumble just in case he was watching me as I was watching him, crafty or what?

'Dinner in an hour,' he spoke as I heard footsteps in the hallway, the others had returned from school. I didn't bother getting up, I'd see old friends at the evening meal and I was still feeling a bit down in spite of the big boy laying four feet away. I was certain that he had a crush or lusted after Nathan but that was a supposition, there wasn't the slightest evidence or even gossip that he was a boy's boy. Far from it, our George's reputation was as pure as driven snow. He was either heterosexual, asexual or very careful, perhaps I was reading too much in to the way he used to hang around Nathan. I just found it a bit odd, someone of his age hanging around a kid five years younger.

I had supper or dinner as they called it with George and a couple of the older boys he was pals with, two of them, Patrick and Oliver shared the room next to us but even listening to the friendly badinage (like that?) I couldn't pick up anything ulterior and by that I mean iffy. These guys must be priests. After supper we had a wander about the grounds which were four acres and all of it enclosed as the place was an old rich man's estate or so the story goes. George didn't seem inclined to split so I stuck with him for a couple of hours when they always put up a big urn of cocoa in the cafeteria and some manky biscuits. There was no formal lights out although the younger were checked around nine and had a night watch on them. Us older ones had to be in our rooms by ten and usually got a good night knock from the duty 'walker', it was pretty laid back but the seven in the morning routine was a damn sight livelier.

'What time do you start your work, George?' I asked as we sat around slurping cocoa, I was verging on homesickness of all things, I was 'home' but hankering for Pete, Nathan and especially Zander's strong arms, soft lips and his scuzzy bristles. I glanced at George, he was dark haired and looked like he might shave every other day possibly, unlike Zander he was also dark enough to have a hairy bum but I shrugged that one aside.

'I usually help out in the kitchen after breakfast and then after lunch with the cleanup but we'll do that pretty quick with two of us.'

'Is that all...?'

'Book in with James' secretary and see if she has anything.'


'Hoovering, laundry, window cleaning. You name it,' he laughed. 'You do like questions.'

'Just trying to get a handle on things,' I grinned and followed him as he washed his mug and then we wandered back to his room, I should have said our room and I was exhausted. I hadn't done anything I was just emotionally drained. I'd left three of my very best friends and was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I needed a good cry or a spine shattering wank and I fancied neither would go down to well in a shared room.

'Shower?' George asked as soon as we were in the room. Shit, I'd forgotten, they took personal cleanliness very seriously here, no skipping the evening bath or shower which you might knock as did Peter and Nathan now and then. The only consolation was that the toilet and bathroom we shared with two other older boys rooms was refurbished and was a sight for sore eyes compared to others in the older part of the complex. Patrick was already in there and I squeezed into the stall which was big enough for the three of us. I tried not to peek too much but both Patrick and George were well developed boys and I tried desperately to stop the noodle rising to the occasion. Thinking dirty thought really helped on that front but although the damn thing lengthened for what it was worth it didn't go to pokey out mode. Patrick was quite slim and trim with overlong dark hair, he had a long circumcised penis and bushy pubes, George on the other hand was far bulkier and his dick although uncircumcised was shrunken or non acvtive. Mind you Patrick was soaping his penis like he was having a wank in slomo but I did a runner. I was popping one and didn't want to embarasss myself in front of the older boys.

Back in our room I settled for sleeping commando as I had done at Peter's place and was propped up in bed reading a Potter when George returned.

'That was a quicky,' he grinned and stood there with his damp towel around his waist and water beading his chest. 'Why is it young boys hate whater?'

'Makes you go rusty?' I ventured.

'Yeah, right,' he laughed and moved the other side of his bed and dropped his towel. Well, he was no Zanderman, far too bulky and he lacked Zander's streetboy swagger, he also lacked Zander's style which was baggy cargoes or combats well drooping and boxers pulled well up. Zander thought he was a sooty from some hood or the other, he only got civilised once you got him on his own.

One thing I noticed was that George's shrunken penis had swollen and was now hanging at it's full length and and a mighty sausage it was indeed. I wondered idly what had happened to it, perhaps Patrick had performed a Swell Spell, bearing in mind I was reading Harry Potter.

George rubbed himself dry carefully without any show of modesty at all and finally as naked as I was walked over and switched off the light leaving us both with our bedside lights just like they have in hospitals, you know, the ones above the bedhead.

'You and Nathan must be good mates to get a standing invitation.' That one came out of the blue.

'Peter his foster brother is a good kid, the mum and dad are brilliant.'

'Good. Kids like Nathan want a good family to settle into, it's a bit late for old dogs like me,' he spoke quietly and I felt his hurt.

'Ditto,' I nearly began to grizzle but that wouldn't be too manly. 'I suppose this place is family for the next few years.'

'Make the most of it, there's everything here,' he snuggled down into his bed. 'Remember I'm your mentor. If I can help out in any way...'

'Anyway,' I giggled. I'd seized on the word, of course I had, it was to good to let pass.

'Of course,' he replied quite seriously.

I just lay back in my bed after bookmarking my story. Dare I, daren't I? I bottled out in the end and just lay on my side turned away from him with the light still on.

I suppose the story flow would be better if he jumped my bones and we'd had wonderful sex all night long but it didn't happen (just to annoy everyone). I spent a fitful night getting more and more annoyed with his snoring but I suppose I was downhearted a bit, normally I sleep the sleep of the slut as Zander would say. The trouble was Zander of course. I couldn't stop thinking about him as well as my last five weeks in Addlestone. By the time dawn dawned as it does I was a wreck and not looking forward to my first full day back at what I now had to call home. To annoy me even more I half expected George to try a fumble of something better overnight and sod all had happened. Well, shit happened and shit happens as we all know.

He was up like a bloody lark as soon as his little alarm went off which by my calculations was around half an hour before everyone elses reveille.

'What's going on?' I mumbled and peered over the bedding.

'I have fifteen minutes jogging around the garden before the others get up... gets me in the showers first.'

I just looked at him, the thought had occured that if you didn't go jogging you wouldn't need to have a shower. 'Does that include me, Mr Mentor Man?'

'Only if you want to.' God, he was so po faced and serious all the time.

'Yeah, alright, George.' I smiled up at him. He was sliding out of bed and and as I scrambled out myself I noticed that his long and fat cock was fully filled out, not hard by any means but looking like a heavy lump of blood gorged meat which it was. In fact, I had an early morning stiffy but had got so used to playing the slut at Peter's I didn't bother coverting it and I clocked George's eyes swivel my way. Fuck it, I thought. I clambered into a track suit bottom giving him a flash of my smoothy brown bum just as a bonus. What a tease, eh?

'Hurrumph,' he cleared his throat and I grinned.

'All ready,' I chirped like a real early morning birdy which I certainly wasn't. I was naked in the track suit but as we were headed for the showers after I didn't care. Lacing my trainers I stood and followed him from the room. We went around the five-a-side pitch and the flattened inflatable pool a couple of times and then the perimiter of the grounds just once and I was shagged just trying to keep up. He reminded me that it wasn't a race as we sat relaxing in the chilly morning mist.

'You did well for the first time,' he grinned. 'A good jog gets the blood circulating.'

'Tell me about it,' I made an obvious clutch of my penis through my trousers, it was pee heavy and I needed rto get upstairs.

'Come on,' he laughed and gently slapped me on my upper thigh as we sat there. 'Shower,' he gave my leg a soft squeeze. God, it was the first time he'd touched me and I was all aquiver like a little tart. Jeez, I'd handled everything Addlestone could sling at me and I was going all silly over a sixteen year old near bum. We went inside and upstairs and the place was still silent, the morning uproar was yet to begin.

We stripped off in our room and both wandered across to the shower room together. I had my pee and joined him in the shower and this time he was doing a Patrick, he was stroking and soaping his fat muscle and as I slipped inside he turned his back on me. For a big lad he wasn't a lard arse, it was tight and compact and my bastard noodle started to rise, I couldn't stop it.

'See something you like, Darky?' Grinning he'd turned around to face me and put his hands on my shoulders bringing us closer together.

'Yeah,' I croaked and felt my stiffness go into overdrive.

'Later,' he laughed and ruffled my wet hair. 'Later, Darky,' he smiled and stepped out of the shower. Talk about let down, if I was a teaser this lad was the twenty four carat version. He knew exactly what I wanted and was making me wait, if he thought I was going to beg he had another thought coming... I think.

I got the hump, of course I did. I didn't like being buggered around. I was the one normally pulling the strings but this time I was being jerked around. I hoped the wait was worth it.

Neither he nor I made any mention of the shower episode. We were first down to breakfast and quite a few of the kids I'd known before said hello and asked questions so the meal for what it was worth dragged on a bit. I was quite pleased to see the kiddy school start and the older boys make off to the local high school. They were mini bussed there, I expect that was to make sure none went missing on the way.

'No Patrick.' I looked at George as we watched the small bus leave. 'What's up with him?'

'Go a dose of something,' he replied casually. 'He's staying in bed with an evil potion the Matron shoved down him.'

'Lucky him,' I sniffed, the thought of going in and comforting Patrick occured but I doubt George would be too pleased. If there was one thing worse than being knee deep in the kids it was being on your own especially when sick and bedbound. Solitude's nice when you want it but enforced solitude is another thing.

'Right, to work, Darky,' George got to his feet and we ambled into the kitchen. We spent about an hour there clearing up and then preparing the dining hall for lunch. This was easy enough as the big lads were out of it at school so it was just a couple of low tables for the brats and a normal one for the staff, we'd eat in the kitched. At ten we booked into the main office but Mr Marshall, James that is was at a meeting so George talked to his secretary.

'He just wants you to give the Games Store a good sort out, tomorrow you can do an inventory. Oh, yes... and top up the pool for the weekend.' She looked at me brightly. 'Surviving, Henry?'

'Just about,' I grinned caught unaware at someone using my correct name.

'Don't let him make you do all the work.' she nodded at George and George just grinned back. Seemed that they were old friends.

'I won't,' I promised and away we went.

'So what do we do now?' I asked as we left the office.


'What's that?'

'What an innocent.' George laughed. ' Doing bugger all is skiving. We can wander about the garden or get in the way in the kitchen... take your choice.'

'Wander about the garden... have a look at the Games Store?'

'Why not?'

The Games Store was right down the end of the garden almost hidden by shrubbery and I wondered how many boys had done the dirty in there. The windows were filthy and I noticed a big slide bolt on the inside which was curious as it looked pretty new. Who the hell would want to lock themselves in here, perhaps George brought boys here but I doubted it, he was so laid back he'd need a rocket ship to capture a kid.

After lounging around and basically doing nothing we returned to the main building to help feed the smaller kids and after that it was a quick cleanup. Patrick joined us for lunch and whilst I helped out the kid's teacher I saw him and George in deep conversation and wondered as one does if they were at it. Could be, Pat was a bit younger but they were both big boys where it counted. If they were upto anything they kept it well hidden although I'd only been associated with them for around twenty four hours. Certainly nothing had happened last night although they'd had some shower time together without me being there. Not enough time to do anything I thought or opined (that's a better word for a classy story).

'Clean up?' I looked at George as the kiddies trooped out into the garden, Pat had wandered off, I expected that he'd gone back to his room although his mystery illness seemed to have disappeared.

'Yeah, then we can go and inflate the pool.'


We cleaned up the pool a bit and then spread it out and plugged in the electric pump. It took about half an hour to set up and we decided to do the Bouncy Castle that went with it the following day. The weather seemed settled and the kids would enjoy it. When it was adequately inflated we set the hose going and as it would take overnight to fill we retired to the Games Store. We both had our shirts off by now and were really hot and sweaty, a bit of time in the shade and cool would not come amiss.

'Settle down, let's cool off,' George spoke as we went into the gloomy and thankfully much cooler shed. The windows were filthy so no one would catch us skiving apart from coming in the door and George solved this little problem by sliding the bolt.

I looked at him standing in the gloom with his well muscled torso gleaming with sweat and he smiled at me. 'Now then, Darky.'

'Now then?' I fanned myself with my t-shirt, something wasn't quite right.

'It's later,' he spoke casually and looked over my shoulder as I sat on a bundle of tarpaulins.

'Later?' I felt my voice break into a squeak.

'That's what he told you earlier... later,' A pair of hands held my shoulders and I suddenly realised I'd been had,. It was Patrick and he wasn't actually holding me but more massaging the join of neck and shoulder, the soft bit, I think they call it the crook of the neck. 'Relax,' he whispered and I felt his lips on my shoulder.

I must have been a mug and furthermore I should have seen this coming a mile off but here I was stuck in a shed miles away from anyone with a rather romantic fifteen year old to my rear and George to my front who both it seemed were about to have their wicked way with me. Goody, goody, gumdrops.

'You alright with this?' George smiled at me and knelt between my splayed legs as I lay there in the semi darkness.

'Yeah,' I croked as I felt him pull my trainers off and then Patrick's soft lips lightly nuzzled my neck and I felt his long hair brush the side of my face. I reached out and wrapped my arm around his neck pulling him down until I could look into his brown eyes. He grinned and his sweet lips settled on mine. We did the tongue tango until I felt my waitband being unclipped and air on my lower belly and my sparse pubes. A jerk and my dick popped free and I heard George draw in his breath.

'Nice one,' He looked at me and then dived kissing and lapping at my belly avoiding my jerking dick eagerly twitching around begging attention. 'You've got a lovely body and you hide it with those bloody baggies,' he moaned.

'Trying to keep all the sex manaics at bay,' I giggled as I felt Patrick's bare chest on my back and he cuddled me tightly now munching my neck.

'You failed,' George laughed and got to his feet quickly dropping his own trousers and shedding his briefs. Jeez, he was totally hard this time around and the bloody thing jutted from his belly like a meaty spike. It was damp at the end, fat as Zander's and probably longer than Jake's, it was a monster biggy and a challenge. It would give my tender little arse a good time of that I was sure. As I lay there being cuddled (and held in place) by Patrick the monster cock neared my face as George moved in. I opened my mouth and reached out for it.

As George groaned I held his thick and very hard heat and guided him down and into my mouth taking in the sweetness of his precum and the smoothness of his bulging glans. I first licked and then sucked his smooth flesh and then clamped my lips on it as he gently moved in my mouth. I moved up a little to grasp his smooth flanks and I felt Patrick behind me complete George's work and by that I mean he slipped my baggies down my thin legs and I felt his own warmth and hardness behind me. He'd done a crafty, whilst I was playing with George he'd slid his gear off and now we were all fully naked and I reckoned in my evil little mind the action was about to begin. Who was going to do me first never crossed my mind, I liked them both, maybe Patrick was a bit better looking and a little younger but two boys at their peak of fifteen or sixteen... who cares, I'd take them both.

As we played around and I sucked George, Patrick took liberties, he manhandled me around and began to suck on me going from sucking my noodle to licking my tight nuts and even trying to take the lot in his mouth. Crikey, I wasn't that small, in fact, I measured nearly four inches the last time I had the tape measure out with Nathan, I was budding or was it sprouting and my cum was cuming thicker and whiter. I was on the verge of becoming a man - ta ra ra!

'Oh my Gawd,' Patrick sighed with pleasure and he sucked, lapped and generally gave my bottom half a good seeing to and I mean he was moving me around sampling the lot. He's kissed each of my cheeks and was now running his tongue up and down my crack as I lay on my side with Georgey boy still in position holding my head and gently face fucking me with his big dong. Thank the Lord for one thing, they were both being gentle and taking their time, no rough stuff and many thanks for that. I wriggled around doing my best for George and sticking my bum out onto Patrick's advances, he'd spread my cheeks and was now really going for it. His tongue was right on my pucker washing and lubricating until the moment of truth. His face and hot breath withdrew and I yelped as I felt slippery fingers broach my back door. The crafty bastards, they'd brought their own lube with them and I was laying there being face fucked and finger fucked at the same time. No prizes for guessing what comes next.

Patrick grabbed my hips and none too gently dragged me up into a doggy position, George moved up and slipped me his meat again which I couldn't get into my mouth, it was too big so I had to settle for about half of it and that was a struggle. But Patrick, he was on his end game, he gave me a bit more of the fingers and then then slid free... I braced myself. I felt his bulbous knob and it was slimy and slippery so I guessed he was dribbling but no matter, one slow push and his glorious heat spread my ring and was inside me.

'Aaaaah...' I moaned and pushed back as he pushed in, almost immediately he started a slow and sensual fuck. He moved from side to side and corkscrewed filling every nook and cranny of my inside as he slowly and very deliberately sank his man sized meat in my back passage. He took his time and at one stage I lost it and stared shoving back onto his advances but he just chuckled and held my hips firm, he was determined to take his time. At the end he slid it right in until I could feel his crisp pubics on my bottom and then slid it right out until only his knob was lodged in my hole and then repeated the process. Five minutes later I was a wreck, he still kept up the slow motion fuck but hang about... he was going faster.

This time he was really fucking, he leant over me and kissed my neck as he began his end run with powerful sweaty thwacks into my rear and I abandoned George or he abandoned me, he just lay there working his saliva slicked monster as Patrick gave me a good shagging at long last.

'Yes, yes, yes - you little beauty,' he grunted as he rammed and thrust into my tenderised arse and I loved it. He was hot and slippery and I could feel his big cock within me like a centrally heated salami (cor, what a way with words). 'Aaaaaah.. Darky...' I felt him ram in for the last time and then his fat cock seemed to harden even more and then the now familiar feeling of a young man's sexual organ doing it's bit. I actually felt his warm surges squirt inside me and he seemed to cum forever, this kid was another Zander. His thick creamy spunk filled my back passage and trickled down my inside thighs as he finished off and we collaped onto our sides with him slowly moving in and out of my flooded and messy boy fanny. Now, that was a good 'un but the session wasn't over yet.

As Patrick kissed me for the last time he slipped free on a gush of his spend and rolled clear. George immediately grabbed my sweat soaked body and manhandled me onto my back and raised my legs pushing my knees onto my chest.

Messy, messy,' he grinned and I felt his fingers smear Patrick's goo around and then the really big knob pressed against my bruised and battered pucker. I'd be walking bandy for a week at this rate but I wanted more, I wanted Georgy's big cock in me and I was about to get it.

'Take your time,' I whispered feeling Patrick's babies swill around in my gut, I was fuckin' well wrecked and then I felt this thing like a bloody great tomato press against me and it was in. George was something else. I'd likened Patrick to a salami, George was like a French break stick... OK, that was over the top. He was big, it was fat and it was my personal best or biggest bar none. It was huge and after Patrick's good shagging it didn't actually hurt . It stretched me and it filled me like never before but it didn't hurt and that was the main thing.

'Amazing,' Patrick muttered from his close up vantage point, what a perv, eh? Laying there watching my little ring being abused from about a foot away.

Thankfully (I suppose) George didn't take too long as he'd been hyped up for long enough. Two minutes of hard shagging and I was treated to another flood of boy cum, man fluid, youth spunk, whatever! It was messy, slippery and great so you can call it what you want. Georgy juice sounds good and he smothered me in kisses to complete the afternoon event. In the end we three lay in one sweaty mess cuddling and snogging away like a bunch of sweaty kissy thingies. Ab fab as they say. I was completely shattered, my bum was sore, it didn't hurt but it was well stretched and it was sore and I was oozing spunk until Patrick found a rag somewhere and shoved it between my cheeks. The annoying thing was that George fucked me so hard I shot my lot half way through, now that is a bummer only saved by Patrick getting there and licking up the mess and giving my depleted noodle a bit of a oral bath.

'Welcome to the Club,' George finally spoke after a quick glance at Patrick. You are now an official member of the BBC.

'The BBC, the radio lot?'

'Obtuse or what?' Patrick giggled and grabbed me again. 'The Banstead Boys Club.'

'How many members?' I grinned tiredly with my mind flashing back to my Addlestone Boys Club

'George, me, Olly, and Nick and Chris in Room Three.' Patrick grinned. 'Next group meeting tomorrow night in the boiler room.

'Don't forget Jason and Eric the fourteen year olds in the East Wing.'

'Yeah. Darky makes us eight with the Pres,' Patrick agreed. 'And Darky's the toyboy at twelve.'

'Nearly thirteen,' I reminded them. 'Who's the Pres then?'

'He stays secret but guards our backs,' George intoned like he was reading scripture. 'The Club's top secret top dog.'

My mind flashed to the staff immediately and no one realy fitted the bill, Mr Marshall I understood to be married with a couple of kids, Jones, his sidekick, the fitness and health freak was a bloody alcoholic and the third adult male in the frame was the chef and I couldn't see him running a pervy boys club,,, it must be someone outside the home or one of ther non residents. No to worry I'd find out in due course.

'Just remember, Darky...' George spoke as we got dressed.


'If anyone talks about or mentions a Club it's this one, there is no other Club in the Home.'

'What? It's a password sort of thing?'

'Yep. If anyone mentions Club in conversation they're probably being inducted by a member and want to have a fun shag.'

'Jeez,' I laughed. 'So fucking weird. So if one of the eleven year olds mentions 'Club' in conversation he's hitting on me?'

'Probably,' Patrick grinned. 'Be careful but it would probably be one of the younger guys affairs testing the waters sorta thing, play it by ear.'

'Complicated... anyway, no one asked me if I wanted to join.'

'What?' They both looked at me in surprise and then at each other with a slightly worried look.

'I do of course,' I giggled. First on my list was the sandy haired Olly, I had a crush on him when I was eleven and he ignored me, time to get real.

After that rather sweaty afternoon in the Sports Store I don't really know how I managed to get through the day. My first port of call was a toilet and a good clear out then Geogey did his stuff with some warm soapy water and would you believe halfway through we broke off and he shagged me in the bathroom of all places. After that I took to my bed pleading sleeping sickness but all ended well and the next day I was back at work for my sins. The Club did meet in the Boiler House the following night with some lightweight booze and ciggies supplied by our President I understand. Nothing startling there although I got to see what everyone had and the two younger kids (other than me) put a sort of mild simulated sex show on. I should mention that fourteen year old Jason was a West Indian kid so it was a brown on white show. Eric, his partner was a ginger haired kid and very pale skinned, a Rupert Grint lookalike and he was a turn on as well. The result of that was I added two fourteen year olds to my hit list and immediately started plotting and planning how to catch them on their own.

I'd been back a week and was getting the grumps, no mail from Peter or Nathan and more importantly nothing at all from Zander. I felt that I was forgotten and sank into grumpy mode as well... I was pissed off and George was getting boring, apart from a big dick he had nothing going for him. He didn't really like to kiss and cuddle to any great extent and it was a struggle getting him to bottom, he just didn't like it and I resolved to do a bit of crafty agitating for a room change sooner rather than later. Hi ho and life at the Home rolled on.

'Marshall wants to see you in his apartments,' George announced one afternoon after tea. You can shoot around now, I can clear this up.' He carried on with his tidy up.

'What's he want?'

'Dunno but he said around five.'

'Shit,' I took my kitchen apron off and dithered about. What had I done wrong, about the only time a boy got to see the Chief Executive or whatever he called himself was regarding fosterings or if you'd done something really bad. Another thing was the apartment bit, I knew he had a small apartment in the building but thought that as he had a family he probably only kept it for official functions like shagging the Matron or doing something with his tasty secretary.

Be brave, I told myself and sauntered down to the staff and office section. His little place was on ground level and opened out onto the big garden.

'Come in,' he called out as I timidly knocked on his door.

I went in and was surprised to see the curtains drawn and the room barely lit from what afternoon light filtered through, the patio door was open though as I could feel the slight breeze keeping the heat at bay. Marchall or James was sitting behind a small desk and waved me to a seat.

'I thought it time to have a chat, Henry or do you prefer Darky?'

'Whatever,' I smiled politely.

'Have you settled in with George first and foremost?'

'Yeah, fine.'

'I might put you with someone more your age but for the moment... good.' He smiled at me and rose to his feet. 'Now... I hear you've settled into the Club quite well.'

Shit, I was gobsmacked, thunderstruck and all those words. This was a married man with two little boys for God's sake and he was now standing with one hand on my shoulder.

'Er...' I didn't know what to say,. Was this a matter of a mix up and I wracked my brains for another Club to do with the Home but George was right, we had no clubs.

'Stand up, Darky... please,' he bent down and lightly nuzzled my neck and kissed me just at the hairline. That sort of resolved the query at least. As I stood he guided me around until my back was at the desk and my bum rested at the edge. he smiled encouragingly but remained silent as he gave me a gentle grope and then unzipped me and knelt. As he tugged my baggy trousers down and then my briefs my pecker sprang out and he chuckled. 'Nice one.'

Settling my gear around my ankles he squashed his face into my groin mashing my balls and rubbing my erection up on my belly, at the same time he reached around and grasped my bum cheeks and squeezed and fondled them. At least I'd found out who the mystery President was, all I had to do was get out in one piece. He glanced up at me and gave me another one of his smiles and took me into his mouth and proceeded to give me a long slow blow holding me firmly in place by his grip on my bum. It couldn't last, I'd been pent up all day and was due for my early evening wank which I normally did solo before trying to sort out something in company for later on, maybe a bit of mutual down the end of the garden of even a shag in some discreet spot. Sex every day was my motto and I was getting it big time, if it wasn't the stolid George overnight it was the livlier Patrick in the evening. The Top Man was having me and I doubted that he'd be satisfied with a mouthful of boy slime, I suspected my arse was grass to coin a phrase.

He was sucking away and I was getting hotter and hotter, it had to end. 'James...' I whined and he clenched my cheeks fiercely and took me in right down to my freshly sprouting pubics. I squealed and ramming into his avidly sucking mouth let a good two or three squirts of boy cum straight down his throat. He gagged and choked but then with a big smirk on his face squeezed me dry like an old toothpaste tube and slipped up my body kissing all the way.

'Pull your trousers up,' he smiled gently and licked stray cum from his lips. 'Come.' He guided me through a small door almost invisible behind his desk and lo! You guessed, it was a tiny bedroom. We embraced properly this time and fell on the bed, he undressed me and coaxed me into undressing him. I was delighted to see that he was as hard as a rock but I was even more delighted to see that he was smaller than George down below but he was so hairy. None of this was obvious when he was dressed of course but he had a bushy pubic growth pointing up to a hairy belly and a mat of the damn stuiff on his chest, he was like a bloody monkey. He was either very randy or in a rush as he laid me on my back and hoiked my legs up, he went for another bout of kissing and I gently massaged his hardness as he rubbed it againt me and finally he annointed himself only, none for me and we shagged.

Alright it was sex and it was reasonably satisfying. He cum loads but that hair what a bummer. I liked Zander;'s bristles but this stuff was soft like doghair and I'm sure I got it betwen my teeth, the bloody bloke was moulting, I'd be coughing up hairballs for a week. He did have stamina though, his party piece after he came into me in the full frontal was to flip me over and have seconds into my squishy bottom and he actually cum again.

'Welcome to the Club,' he gasped at the end of it all probably feeling very pleased with himself. I glanced down at my noodle, as I suspected limp and useless which was always a good sign. When I have sex I enjoy I'm always as hard as a pipe, with indiferent or useles sex I go soft, my dick never lies.

'Thank you, James,' I gave him a rather false smile.

'Our secret,' he smiled. 'You can tell the others you met me but don't mention my name, some know, some don't.'

'If you do plan any room changes bear me in mind for Jason or Eric, they're both in the Club.' I know I was being a bit cheeky but it was worth a go.

'Maybe after your Half Term holiday,' he looked amused. 'Maybe a bit of dark meat, or maybe ginger... I'll work on it.'

'OK.' After some cursory snogging we both got dressed and that was it. I'd joined a new Club and now I was fully qualified, I wondered if I got a badge, I'd have to ask.

The Soap Continues

Well. the ongoing saga is continuing with an unfortunate split. I intend to keep the main thrust concentrated on the lads at Addlestone but Darky is a member of rthe Club and an integral part of the story so we'll be getting little updates from him from time to time and he will be spending his holidays with Peter and Nathe and feature accordingly.

Next: Chapter 21

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