Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Feb 4, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

New Email:


21 - The Banstead Boys Club


G. Cutter

Darky here. Well, I'd had two weeks back at the Home and a week back at school and nothing had changed. The Club I told you all about met again on the Wednesday in the Boiler Room and I found out this was a routine and an excuse for a general grope and a good gossip. There was always booze and fags provided by 'he who shall not be named' to coin a phrase. This time the action was provided by Patrick and his room mate, Chris who was also fifteen. These two and George were the top dogs, the guiding lights and I suppose all little gangs like ours run on an age basis. A bit like flocks of elephants and whatnots. I managed to get into a huddle with Jason and Eric being a bit neared their age and we had a good session of touchy and feely.

Geoge called us to order at the end of it and from somewhere a plan had arisen. George or Pat or someone else had suggested instead of the floor show and the susequent grope and chat we went for a concentrated shag each and every Wednesday. As long as we remained a Club with an even number it would work fine. George was going to pinch the spare set of bingo balls or a dozen of them and we'd draw partners and do whatevercame to mind. Patrick then suggested we do some recruiting aiming at the thirteens and fourteens... this was agreed unanimously, no surprise there and a few names were bandied about and that was it. I was chuffed, I was a fully fledged member and I even got a vote, pity we didn't get to vote on anything.

My big event of the week was a letter from Zander with a return address, a phone number and a pageload of smooch. He still loved me and missed me terribly. The lying bastard was probably shagging his heart out but he'd said still loved little ol' me and that's what I wanted to hear. He'd got himself work and better still he'd got himself a little second hand van so the visits to Addlestone at holiday time should be no problem. He did mention visiting me at Banstead one weekend but he had a lot of work on and he couldn't turn it down, he knew I'd understand.

Well, I didn't understand at all but I'd never been in the situation of having to earn a living and pay a rent so that was understandable and after a had a chat with Patrick who I seemed to relate with more than George he pointed this out. I'd have to suffer but I had an address, a phone number and an EMail address, we were still in contact.. Naturally enough I phoned the number and some Russian guy answered who then put me onto an English speaker who sounded pretty young. This one was called Denis and promised to pass my message onto Zander who was apparently working. So much for that but at least he'd know I'd called. Dunno who the Ivan was but Denis sounded rather nice and totally sympathetic.

Anyway, enough of all that, I was going to tell you about a few more adventures and our little recruiting drive. The West Indian kid, Jason who was fourteen was somewhere on my hit list. In fact, about half the Home and a third of my school were on my hit list but Jason was something special. For starters I'd never done it with a sooty and if that sounds biased it's not. I know Jake was a half and half but Jason was a full blown West Indian with a nice dark brown bod and I'd never been with a negro (if you're allowed to call them that). He was fit as well or well fit as the girls would say. He wasn't hugely noodled as we whites tend to imagine all negros are but it was a nice chunk and don't forget I'd seen him doing his room mate, the Rupert Grint lookalike at my first BBC meeting. I wanted him and I think he fancied me so no problems there, it was just a matter of opportunity.

The opportunity arrived quickly enough. On the Saturday George opened up the sauna as he'd done for the last few weeks. Now this place wasn't an amateur thing it had been donated by a charity and was the bees knees. Two small dunking/swimming pools, a steam room, and a small rest space with a snack bar if we could get anyone to man it. There were the usual showers and toilets so, all in all, it was better than most Clubs around the country. The pity was that it was so expensive to run according to our management but George had the bit in his teeth and was going through a period of Saturday openings and sod the expense.

I went in around ten o'clock which was early enough for the place to have warmed up and to be functioning properly. I wasn't all that interested in the steaming aspect I just wanted to see what was on the hoof and I wasn't disappointed. As I wandered in with my towel around my waist Jason and his room mate the Rupert Grint lookalike, Eric were in one of the pools splashing around and I stood and watched for a moment.

'Come on in,' Jason called out and flathanded a splash at me. He really looked good wet and slippery and the thought of both him and Eric ganging up on me sent a little quiver up and down my spine.

I dumped the towel and stood there for a moment letting them admire my body before hurling myself in and landing betyween them. As I came to the surface I felt both of them grasp me and I had two meaty fourteen year olds sandwiching my body and rubbing against me. Jason span me around so that he was glued to my back and Eric faced me and I felt his hand drop.

'Looks like we found our weekend boy,' Eric smiled at me and I felt his hand slowly massage my dick under water and I returned the compliment. He had a nice one, not as big as his black mate's but a solid job all the same and he fell into the same class as Jason. I'd never done it with a ginger knob either. It could be a weekend of firsts the way this pair was performing.

'Steam room,' Jason spoke quietly and I felt his tongue at my ear, that's not all I felt. I could feel his groin against my bottom and although he wasn't fully hard his meat was thick and heavy pressing up against my bottom. I hoped they weren't thinking of a shag in the steam room, there were a lot more comfortable places to go on a Saturday or Sunday... a bed sprang to mind.

We clambered from the pool and still naked and wet went to the steamer grabbing our towels on the way. It was still ealry enough to be quiet although there were a couple of younger lads in there who vacated when we entered. Thety were probably scared of getting molested and they weren't bad judges. As soon as we were in they were both on me only this time Jason was to the front and Eric to the rear. Nice. I squirmed between their bodies both bigger than I was and Jason was growing, I could feel his dark brown cock fill and harden in my hand and Eric as well, his hot hardness pressed against the small of my back.

'This is dodgy, anyone could come in,' I panted feeling my own pecker perking.

'You're right,' Jason broke away first and I thought for one moment that the ginger kid, Eric was going to take me for a moment but he also sank onto the benches with a sheepish grin.

'Nearly, Beautiful,' he whispered and lay on his towel on his belly exposing his snowy white bottom. Jeez, that kid need to get some sun but he was tasty all the same.

'What you doing after lunch, Darky?' Jason popped the question.


'Yeah,' he punched the air. 'Eric tomorrow afternoon?'

'Sounds good,' I was on a roll, I'd started to work my way through the BBC and these two were a good pair to start at.

'Darky could give us a hand tomorrow,' Eric looked at Jason and grinned. 'If they get stroppy we can use him to calm them down.'

'Mmmm...' Jason nodded.

'What are you on about,' I looked at them both. I didn't like the sound of this.

'Well you know we're after recruits? Younger recruits.'


'Well, we've have an eye on the brothers for some time, the Jones boys.'

'The blonde kids?'

'Who else?' Eric cackled. 'We reckon they slink along to the Drying Room on a Sunday morning and do the dirty. The plan is to catch them at it and reel them in...'

'With a bit of a play on the way just to see if they're any good,' Jason explained further. 'They may flip if we leap on them and wanna on the spot fuck but if we have you with us... bingo.'

'You mean, you'd offer me as a sort of sampler or a blood sacrifice?'

'Well, something like that,' Eric laughed.

'This will cost you a fuck and I get first crack at one of the brothers.'

'Seems fair enough and that was the plan anyway,' Jason agreed after a glance at Eric. 'We'll meet up around ten and hit them about twenty minutes after they do their slide away bit.'

''What if they don't, slide away that is?'

'They will, they're there as regular as clockwork every Sunday, we've been spying on them. They picked a damn good place even if it is fuckin' hot.' Jason looked at me and I saw his eyes travel up and down my body. He was thinking about what he was going to do to me this very afternoon. Good for him, he knew I went both ways so it should be fun. The Jones boys I could have lived without tomorrow but they weren't bad and Eric after tomorrow's lunch... Jeez, a busy weekend coming up and I was halfway through a long letter to Zander.

The plotting and planning had to end there as two youngsters came in and we decided on something to eat and drink, of course, also to see what was happenig... if anything. The short answer to that was nothing was happening at all although George was manning the snack bar and producuing pretty rotten tea in the process. We settled for Cokes and Jason was buying. That's how I like my older chums... with money.

'You around this afternoon?' George asked as I was up at the counter. 'The reason I ask is that I want to try a swag and my room is the best place for that sort of thing.'

'Come up to my room and play mums and dads sorta thing,' I grinned.

'Doctors and nurses as it happens.'

'You're OK, I've been invited out.'

'Jason or Eric at a guess.'

'Well guessed,' I laughed. 'Who's the lucky boy?'

'I'll tell you if I score, if I don't I'll be keeping quiet about him.'

'Fair enough.' That was the trouble with that place and with boys generally - I suppose the same went for the girls - the prickteasers put themselves about as an easy snatch and as soon as you got serious they ran a bloody mile. That's where being young and innocent like myself worked, everyone hit on me which saved me a lot of effort.

The three of us, Jason, Eric and myself lay out in the sun a little later but of course my fourteen year old pals had to go over the top they lay down naked and because there were a couple of girls around they lay on their bellies giving everyone a flash of one dark brown West Indian bum and one pure white Anglo Saxon, I bottle out, I tugged my shorts on and lay alongside Eric.

'Cluck, cluck, cluck,' he laughed.

'It's alright for you, you're older. I'd get a bollocking from the duty bloke if he catches me flashing.'

'I hope you don't have problems getting your drawers off tomorrow afternoon.'

'No probs,' I grinned. 'I've never had a ginger fuck.'

'You will tomorrow,' he smiled and looked across to Jason. 'I'm going upto get changed. I can't lie out in this too long.'

'Catch you later.' Jason watched his pal move off and rolled onto his side and looked at me making sure his groin was covered. I think he was playing flasher as the girls were in the pool now and all we had down our end were little ones. To be sure some of them were looking at him but as soon as they clocked me eyeballing them they looked away. I saw the Jones brothers as well and thought about them. The Drying Room story seemed improbable but then again, why?

Nearly every set of brothers I knew were doing naughties together so why not this two. Looking at them a bit closer, they tended to grown on you, they were crackers and I was looking forward to bursting in on them tomorrow morning. I couldn't remember their names, they weren't twins but they were close. I closed my eyes and lay back and then it came to me, very biblical, Peter and Paul... I should have remembered the Peter at least. I didn't mind who did what, they were as near twins as dammit and I hoped we got to see some action before we interrupted them tomorrow.

'Nice boys,' Jason commented.

'Yeah. What are they thirteens or fourteens.'

'Both thirteen and they couldn't possibly sneak down to the Drying Room every Sunday morning to count duvets and bedspreads, could they?'

'Nah,' I grinned.

'Lunchtime,' he sat up and carried out a complicated maneuver which involved getting his shorts on without exposing his crotch to the eager eyed throng all peeping without appearing to.

'The tiddlers will be dreaming about you when they have their afternoon nap.'

'They can have me if they try hard enough,' he grinned and we tugged our t-shirts on. No bare chested meals was one of our numerous rules in case you wondered. Another thing was that George didn't work on a Saturday or a Sunday so the kitchen crew had to clear up themselves, the upside was there was no cooked evening meal on either day so it was swings and roundabouts I suppose. Anyway, enough trivia, as soon as we decently could we slunk away, Jason and I that was. No doubt there would be other pairings on a hot Saturday afternoon. I knew George was paired and I suspected Ginger Knob was as well. I didn't care, I had the prize, I had the well muscled West Indian, Jason all to myself.

He lived at the other end of the building, the part called the Old East Wing, no one had found out where the New East Wing was but that's another bit of trivia. The double rooms were pretty much the same although they had bunk beds in them instead of singles, Jason and Eric had split theirs and their room looked pretty much the same as George's. If James managed me a change of room I'd be down this end of the building which was a lot livlier than ours. The reason being the younger boys dormitories were down there which harboured the sevens to elevens. After that you went two to a room. The creche often called the jungle was directly under the older boy's rooms and was surprisingly quiet in the evenings but enough of a tour. We were in Nick's room at last and the action was about to begin.

His first step was to close the door and snap the catch and then turn to face me.

He lifted me in his powerful young arms and gently deposied me on the bed and lay with me and gazed into my eyes. His face neared mine and our lips met, after that it went wild. Tongues in throats and clothes going everywhere until his weight pinned me to the bed and he explored my throat with his slippery tongue. I gasped and groaned as his solid brown erection rubbed up and down against mine taking my foreskin up and over my glans.

'Hope you've got some lube, Lover Boy.' I muttered clasping his taut and rock hard buttocks, no flab on this boy and as he dug into me moving up and down I managed to part my legs and raise them holding him in a light scissor grip.

'Yeah,' he whispered and started to raise his torso nibbling at my nipples and holding my hardon lightly just squeezing it and moving the loose skin up and down. 'I couldn't believe it when George brought you down the Boiler House, I've fancied your skinny sllow arse for yonks.'

'What a romantic. Sallow? What's that a shade down from brown?' I laughed. 'You've got it now, Lover.'

'Yeah,' he smiled and his head dropped. He licked across my glans and sucked my loose foreskin running it up and down. He must have got a good taste of me as I could feel myself leaking and he loved it.

'Go on, go on,' I grunted and thrust into his mouth.

'Slow down, baby,' he stopped and looked at me and then to my disappointment pulled himself up and cuddled me. 'Tomorrow; Eric and I are going to come on a bit strong with these kids when we catch them. What we want to do is mild blackmail, dazzle them with an offer of joining the Club and then make an offer.'

'That's assuming they're interested in the Club,' I pointed out. 'You're older than they are and they'll be a bit nervous.'

'Yeah, we worked that one out,' he grinned. 'Hence the offer... you.'

'Me.' I squeaked. 'Where do I come in.' I knew bloody well where I came in but I didn't want to sound too smart. Bigger kids always think smaller means dumber and it's a good misconception to cultivate. As Peter's dad says: Wearing a green jacket is quite often smarter than it sounds. A bit obscure burt he was in the Navy and was full of wierd sayings.

'We'll offer you for a little threesome.'

'You're making a bloody big assumption that they're actually doing something dirty when you break in. If they're having a crafty fag and slugging communion wine you're gonna look silly.'

'We'll play it by ear,' he smiled and kissed me. To my relief he headed south again and took me into his mouth this time his hands went under me and he almost upended me kissing under my nuts and finishing up trying to ram his tongue into my crack.

'Haven't you got any stuff,' I croaked as I held his big brown penis and slowly moved the skin up and down. Jeez, he was hard and he was big. I hadn't realisied how big when he'd done Eric in the Boiler Room. Of course Eric was bigger than I was and that's why they went well together sizewise. I was a lot smaller and now I was getting a bit nervous.

'Natch,' Jason murmured. 'I'll be careful.'

'Good,' I rolled over as he coaxed me onto my belly and shoved a pillow under my middle elevating my delicious bottom. Well, I thought it was delicious anyway and I was gaining a fan club. Golly Gosh, the Darky's Posterior Glee Club, I should collect subscriptions.

'Beautiful,' Jason whispered as he smeared some glop on my pucker and gently pushed. I winced as his finger penetrated me and his finger was big as well, He dug deeply but gentle all the while and he finger fucked me slowly expanding and relaxing my back door. I was a bit scared this time around. I'd taken George who was bigger but I hadn't been thinking too much, this time I was fully aware of what was going on and now there was a brief pain and he had two of his thick fingers really stretching me. The rtime was near. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and he kissed down my spine as his fingers moved faster and dug deeper.

I clamped on him and pushed myself up into a crouch. If he wanted to do me twice in the afternoon he could go doggy first, I found it the easier way to take big dicks and it was fun. He didn't say anything but I felt his fingers slide free and then he knelt betwen my legs. He kissed each cheek and I felt him move in. The kissing must be a Carribean custom, I wonderd if they kissed a goat's bum before they slit it's throat but perhaps my mind was wandering. A blunt pressure and I felt myself stretch and just as it got unbearable my pucker gave and I felt his mass enter me.

'Jeez,' I moaned and dropped my head onto my forearms as he grabbed my hips and pushed deeper.

I felt so bloated that I was going to explosde but once he started to move little at a time it was better. I rubbed my face into the bed to remove the sudden tears and I felt him inch in his fat brown cock slowly but surely. At long last I did a clamp and push back and heard him give a satisfied sigh.

'So nice,' he hissed and his hand reached under me to play with my rock hard noodle at full stretch and achingly hard. 'I want you to do me after this,' he spoke very quietly and I just smiled into the pillow. You can betcha life on that one, I thought as I pushed back harder and he began to go for it. I felt the tight curls of his black pubics press against my bottom and he made a stirring movement seating himself in hard and deep. I had the full length of his hot brown boycock in me and I could feel it's hard length lodged in my gut.He was moving now and picking up speed. From there on we went all over the place from doggy to on our sides and then me flat on my belly and he shagged slow and deep all the way.

'Harder and faster,' I rasped as I got to enjoy the feel of his thich brown sausage ravage my ring and hole. He was good and he seemed to be enjoying it as he was covering my neck with kisses and munching like a munchy thing as he shagged faster and faster. 'Yesss...' I pushed back onto his jerking cock as I felt it erupt flooding me with thick, creamy boy juice. He cum so well that I lay limply in his iron embrace as he slowly moved in and out on his mess still squirting until |I felt it in my crack and some even trickling down my legs.

'Now that was a good one,' he slid free ramming a small towel between my cheeks. He span me around and held me even tighter slipping his tongue into my mouth and tried to wash my tonsils. God, he was so hot and we were going to do it all again before I returned to the gloomy George for a good night's sleep which I would sorely need.

Later on I did him in a full frontal with him on his back and his tight pucker beneath me. That was good and he was as good a bottom as he was a top but just before tea came the big one. He lay me onto my back and raising my legs took me for the second time and this time I felt him so hard and so hot that I thought he was going to split me. The Second Cuming was as much if not more than the first and don't ask where he got all his cum from, he must have been a spunk factory as he well and truly flooded me and then insisted I do him for the second time. Talk about exhausted, we got from that sweaty and smelly room like a pair of shipwrecks, all the kids at tea must have noticed, it was so obvious but we managed to get through without any comments.

In the end we split and I arranged to meet them at nine thirty after a late breakfast for our adventure in the Drying Room... this one would be the big one and all I had to do was to survive that and I'd have a sweaty afternoon with my Ronald Weasley or Rupert Grint lookalike, the deliciously ginger Eric.

'Nice day for it,' Eeric greeted me as I plonked myself down on the bench just outside the Boiler Room, we faced the long stretch of the garden but it was deserted. It would be heaving with the younger kids later on but most of them were still eating and we had the place to ourselves.

'Gonna be a nice day,' I mumbled. I wasn't really a morning person but one has to be polite.

'It will be later,' he laughed.

'I was thinking...'

'Well done,' he laughed again.

'No. I was thinking that if I went into the Drying Room before they do I can see what they get upto and if it's purely innocent I can warn you and Jason off.'

'Sure it's not just to voyeur, do a bit of crafty peeping?'

'Well... whatever.'

'OK, we'll see what Jason has to say, he has the key.'

Jason strolled up and sat with us. He told us that he had to go to the laundry and nick the key as these two had actually made off with the spare and no one had suspected so far. In fact, for kids they'd been quite smart. The Drying Room was only used by the laundry staff to dry big stuff like blankets and duvets and there were only two keys. They'd banked on no one noticing or even being bothered and they'd got it right. Jason would have the problem returning his key, the one he'd stolen as that one would surely be missed and create a riot. But not on a Sunday so that, at least, worked for us. Eric mentioned my little plan and Jason thought the same as Eric but as the bossboy of our little group gave the go ahead.

The thing was that they'd been spying on these kids for a month and they were as regular as clockwork. Ten thirty was their time and I had room to get inside and find a hidey hole and observe. If I got captured I'd have to talk my way out of it but if what we supected was true they'd probably settle for raping me... with luck.

Jason and Eric locked me in and did a runner, they'd probably go and discuss how many times Jason topped me on the previous day but no matter. The Drying Room was just an older service space that had been taken over mainly because all the pipework from the boiler passed through it on the way to the kitchen and laundry, hence the Drying Room bit. There was gear everywhere, piles of blankets, the latest crop of duvets hanging up and fortunately boxes of fresh bedding for any new arrivals. Just to get into the actual workings of the place, duvets and bedspreads were changed once a month and sheets and pillow cases once a week so there was a constant movement of gear through the laundry and obviously the Drying Room. The point was it was hot, keep that in mind, not furnace hot but hot enough to spring a decent sweat.

I built myself a nest of boxes near the door which gave me a good view of the central area where I suspected and hoped the kids would perform or not as the case might be.

They arrived promptly at ten thirty talking in whispers although there was no need, the laundry next door was closed on a Sunday. I watched through a chink in my little hidey hole and they had a little conflab and then spread some blankets and a couple of duvets on the floor and turned all the lights off except one leaving them in semi darkness but quite sufficient for my purposes. They got things organised to my liking and then jackpot. Peter slightly taller than his brother Paul put his arms around Paul, hugged him and they kissed. Banzai... it could only get better from here on in.

It did. The slowly undressed each other which wasn't hard as they only had the regulation shirt and shorts on. I was dribbling as the clothing dropped to the floor and their naked forms swayed in the poor light. Both boys were fully hard and they made a big deal of snogging and rubbing up against each other before dropping onto the bedding and continuing.

'Your turn,' Paul muttered to Peter a few minutes into the action.

'Suckies first,' Peter giggled and they immediately shuffled around and went into the classic sixty niner with Peter on the bottom and Paul crouching over him. The way they we situated I could see Paul's bottom and even an ocassional flash of his little ring. By now I had my shorts around my ankles and was a sweaty heap as I manipulated my noodle, I was as hard as a rock and nearly missed the slight draught as the door cracked open.

I urgently beckoned to my two older pals and they managed to slip in beside me without the two in the centre of the room noticing. They were hardly likely to, they were sucking and slurping at each other like small animals on mommy's teats. They were both slightly built but had more than enough 'down there' for their ages and now the three of us spied waiting to see what would happen next. I could feel Eeric peering over my shoulder and then his warm and sweaty chest settled onto my back as he simulated a shag as we perved the kids at their game . At last they tired of the sucky sucky and Peter crawled from under his brother leaving Paul crouching and got behind him.

'This is it,' Eric whispered in my ear and it surely was.

Peter spread Paul's legs and without any preparation placed his fully hard boymeat against his brother's pucker and pushed. Paul opened up and you could actually see Peter's pale skinned cock sink into his brother's bum but that was when Jason made his move. The bastard had a camera and he clicked it twice rapidly as he got from behind the boxes and stood.

The brothers froze in shock. Peter was half into his brother's tight arse and he must have nearly had a heart attack as the dark skinned Jason stood there looking down at them.

'You're nicked,' Jason looked down at them doing his evil grin bit. They just gazed at him mesmerised like a pair of rabbits frozen in headlights. 'Carry on,' he smiled as Eric emerged and stood alongside him. I remained where I was, I still had my part to play in the charade.

'Wha...' One of them tried to speak but they were well and truly caught.

'Come on give us a show,' Eric stood there clad only in his shorts and gleaming with sweat he looked as dishy as hell, my dick jerked, I badly needed some action.

'What do you want?' Peter mumbled slipping from his brother and laying back covering his rapidly deflating dick with his shorts. Paul, red faced with shame cuddled upto his brother and also covered his privates.

'We were going to invite you to join our little club,' Jason took another picture of them sitting naked amongst the disturbed bedding. 'We wanted to make sure you're upto it and you obviously are,' he laughed.

'What club?' Paul finally found his voice.

'The Banstead Boys Club, it's very select but it's growing.'

'All the big boys,' Peter sniffed.

'Not really,' Jason held his camera out and looked at the side screen. It was a rather pricey looking digital and I wondered where he'd got it from. 'You look good on screen,' he gtinned. 'Mr Marshall will like these.'

'Mr Marshall?' Both boys nearly passed out.

'Just kidding,' Jason laughed. He wasn't, I was pretty sure Jasson didn't have a camera and I was just as sure he'd borrowed this for the event and Marshall was the front runner. As the TV Ad says - You know it makes sense.

'So, are you intrested in joining our Club?' Eric lay down alongsdie them and stroked Paul's thigh. The kid jumped like a scalded cat and clung to his brother.

'Have we any choice?' Peter answered after glancing at Paul. It looked very much like he was the leader of the two and Paul the follower.

'Not really. Come and join us, Darky.'

I came out of hiding and gave Peter and Paul a cheeky grin. Together they would have probably liked to beat me up but nor with my two bigger companions. 'Hi guys.' They didn't answer me but gave me a dose of the evil eye which was hardly surprising.

'To qualify for the Club you have to give us a show,' Jason ploughed on.

'What sort of show?' Peter looked at us with resignation plain on his face. I could read his mind, what he was scared of was of he and his brother being used as big boy's shags and I knew what I was here for, Jason had briefed me. My role was to show that it was a Club of equals and although they were down the bottom of the pile they weren't in any way any one's playthings.

'Darky here will look after Paul and Peter can look after Darky, Darky leads.' Jason grinned. 'And we'll watch and then we'll tell you when the next Club meeting is... and if you want to join you attend.' I think he was banking on me looking after them and as to the meeting, he was banking again, only this time on their natural curiosity. He'd also removed quite a bit of the compulsion from the whole deal. But would they be smart enough to realise it. Jeez, I'm beginning to sound like the dragon lady on The Weakest Link.

'Alright,' Peter mumbled, he wasn't too happy and he put his arm around Paul as if to reassure him. Sweet really.

'OK, Paul. Let's do it,' I looked at him and crouched at his feet. He was a year older than I was but not much bigger and he looked as nervous as hell. He seemed to have forgotten that we'd caught him with his brother shagging him. He was now acting like a little virgin boy.

'I don't know about this,' he whined and looked at his brother. Peter ignored him, he was watching me and he was filling out again.

'Come on, Paul,' I coaxed and held his anklles and shuffled in. He parted his legs and looked at the ceiling as if divorcing himself from what was going on but he soon dropped his gaze to watch me as I began to kiss between his smooth thighs and then took a tentative lap at his hairless scrotum.

'Oooh...' He warbled and rested his hands on my head neither pushing or pulling but I could see from close range that his dicky was extending and filling out like his brothers. He wasn't that scared.

'Nice,' I whispered and lapped at his ultra smooth scrotum and then from the base of his cock to his foreskin covered tip. Well, it was covered but now the glans was slding free as I lapped and licked at his pale shaft. I missed his glans as it slid free from the skin and sucked and nibbled at his little rounded belly, it was only when he started to stroke my hair that I propped up his succulent boy cock and sank my mouth onto it and started to move.

'Ooooh, Darky,' he sighed and I felt one hand stroke my cheek and his first little prod into my mouth.

'Do your thing... whatever,' I spoke over my shoulder to Peter who by now should be dribbling watching his brother getting blow.

'Right,' Peter croaked. 'Can I...?'

'Whatever you fancy,' I giggled and wriggled my bottom sending what I hoped was a clear message. I wasn't kept waiting, I felt his knees inside mine and then his hands on my hips as he moved in. I redoubled my efforts on Paul and he was now thrusting into my mouth. He tasted nice, what more can I say... to my way of thinking, most boys do. I wanted to fuck him as well but you sussed that one out.

Peter was now behind me and I could feel him rubbing his penis against my pucker, there was sweat there and saliva with just a smidgeon of precum. He pushed against me and I gasped nearly choking on Paul's young cock but Peter was in and moving. I could feel his whispy pubics as he pressed against my bum with a self satisfied sigh and grabbing my hips again gave another little push at the same time Paul looked down at me and smiled. Pushing my head away a little he raised his knees to his chest in an open invitation. This was it, I lapped and slobbered at his tight little pucker and then moved up with Peter still slowly moving inside me. It was awkward but worth it, I moved up and took Paul in one little thrust and Peter's weight pushed me in deeply. Together we started to move in and out me shaging Paul and Peter doing me. Traditional and straightforward threesome. God, it was so hot and sweaty but it was good and both the brothers seemed to move from their reluctant and resigned attitude to being movers and shakers. Peter drilled into me vigorously and Paul's legs pressed in at my side and he wanked away merrily as I shafted him.

Looking to the side I saw that both Jason and Eric were solo wanking and I couldn't resisist it. 'Bring it on,' I grinned at Eric and he moved in. I took his pale skinned cock into my mouth and started to suck away. Jason moved in as well and I felt Peter move and do the same.

It all ended in cums all around and at last the five of us collapsed shagged and in Peter's case still shagging. After I slipped free from his briother he wewas still humping away at my tight arse and he finally came and it was a good one for a kid. It finished up with poor Paul laying there unfulfilled or still wanking to be blunt but I was on top line now... I lay out and dragged him on top of me and raised my legs... he soon got the idea and I finished up having swallowed Eric and being juiced up by the two brothers. A Sunday morning very well spent I thought and so did everyone else it seemed from the tired smiles and the general air of companionship at the end. When you think about it, companionship is a pretty piss poor word to use after all we'd done but it was all I could come up with.

We left them to their own devices and tottered off to shower and have a bit of a lie down before lunch. I still had Eric to look after but there was no rush there, we could take our time. We were both young and we'd both recover pretty quickly.

At lunch I sat with Peter and Paul just to be friendly you understand and also to make sure their conversartion didn't include any bloopers as they say on the TV. They didn't say anything out of the ordinary although right at the end before I met up with Eric, Paul said his bit.

'We'll have to do that again, without and audience,' he whispered and his brother nearby nodded eagerly.

'May see you in a while,' Peter chirped.

'You got it ,' I smiled trying to look as if I knew what was going on. Never mind, it would all sort itself out. 'Sounds good... see you at cocoa time, we can have a chat.'

'Right,' Paul smirked and ambled off with his brother in tow. I headed for Eric, I had business to be getting on with him.

'So, what do you reckon on the morning's performance?' Eric walked out into the garden and I followed.

'Excellent, as far as I was concerned.'

'You seemed to get on with them, OK,' he comented.

'Too true,' I giggled remembering Peter up my bum and Paul beneath me. Yeah, I needed to get to know that pair much better.

'Good,' he wandered off and I tagged along. I thought we were going back to one of the rooms but obviously not.

'Where we going?'

'The Boiler Room, it's as safe as houses on a Sunday afternoon... not as hot as that damn Drying Room.'

'No one gonna come bursting in..?'

'Not unless I want them to,' he grinned. 'Come on, I have a little surprise for you .'

'Really?' I grinned and followed as he carefully and by a very circular route arrived at the sunken door of the Boiler Room. It lay down a small flight of steps in the basement and once down the steps unobserved you were safe. I was a bit surprised and got nervy again when I saw the door was unlocked but he explained that he'd popped in earlier to sort out a bed and make it comfortable. We went in and he dropped the catch and we had our solitude at last.

'Yummy,' he grabbed me and reeling me in for a kiss and grope. I could feel his hardness already and then I heard a stiffled snigger.

'Someone's here,' I sprang back with my own hardness deflating rapidly. I nearly passed out when our morning prey,. Peter and Paul appeared from behind the boiler both with big grins on their faces.

'I thought a little get together to welcome the boys to the Club,' Eric explained a little shamefaced. He knew he I wanted a private get together and he dropped off slightly in my estimation but you win some you lose some I suppose.

'I suppose,' I said grumpily but relaxed when Peter made a grab for me. Allowing the newbies the choice Eric made a grab for Paul. As I fell onto the made up bed with Peter I rammed my lips onto his. He'd given me a good seeing to this morning but this time around he was going to bottom or I'd die in the attempt. Eric was already stripping the other youngster and I felt a twinge as I saw the little boy bottom come into view. Bear in mind that these two were older than I was but such a pair of beauties. I forgave Eric, he'd keep. I could trap big lads any time I wiggled my fanny, the ones my age and a bit either side were worth striking whilst the iron was hot or the mood was on them.

'Ooooh... Darky,' Peter giggled. 'You out for a bit of payback.'

'Damn right,' I grinned and started to remove his shorts, the other two were naked now and Paul was down on Eric's pale red tipped shaft already. I needed to catch up. This Peter was so smooth, he had skin like a baby and he said the magic words as we rolled about getting rid of our clothing.

'Your turn this time, Darky,' he laughed and wrestled so that he managed to get underneath. He had hold of my stiffy and managed to get his head down there as well and took me in. 'Just use a bit of spit.'

Well, that was clear enough but he didn't know I'd got into the habit of oral lubrication to get all technical about it. I got him onto his back and raised his legs forcing then back onto his chest and thereby lifting his tail exposing his darkly pink blurt. A lovely boy fanny and I had my mouth in there straight away sucking and slobbering at his tightly clenched pucker. As I felt him relax I got the point of my tongue dead centre and he quivered and moaned as I gave him a good slurping. I then moved upto his shrunken scrotum and then onto his hard pecker jerking and twitching on his belly.

As I moved up his body searching for his lips his legs slid down onto my back and I pushed my hardon firmly onto his sphincter. It parted and he groaned as I slipped into his tight warmth. As we kissed he grinned and clasped my hips as I started to move. He was so tight and so willing just like his brother and there and then I decided I'd found my new lover or at least one good enough to keep me going until I got to see my big bad Zanderman.

'Yeah, harder, harder,' he babbled as I shagged away rutting into his sweet arse. At last I cum in a blaze of glory considering all that had happened before lunch. I lay on him and almost lazily squirted my climax into his hot and slippery hole. I felt quite pleased with myself, my cums seemed to be getting bigger and better and that's enough to please any boy. Of course, it goes without saying that he did me as well, this time he took the frontal route after the morning's doggy and as we fucked we traded spit and sweat. I do like a gum numbing kiss when some one cums in your belly , just the way it should be. When we finished we lay there stinking and sweaty and watched Paul doing his thing with Eric. My ginger haired, Rupert Grint lookalike but I'd gone off him now. We would have sex eventually and I would enjoy his pale skinned organ with it's cluster of ginger pubics but foer now Peter was the boy for me. Pretty good really, a Peter in the Home and a Peter in Addlestone, I'd have to find another one for spare.

'Change around,' Eric spoke looking across at us and Paul just laughed and rolled across the outsided made up bed to grab his brother. Ah, well... sooner rather than later it seemed. I scrambled over Paul and slipped into Eric's strong arms. Looked like the love job was back on. I was played out but he wasn't, he was jerking his long skinny cock and I snuggled in. I would have sucked him to help but I knew where it had been and I wasn't into that particular trick yet.

'Sorry about the diversion,' he whispered. 'I just wanted to get in before the others... you don't mind, do you?'

'Nah,' I lay back and waited for him to mount me. I'd pretend he was Zander or perhaps I'd fix a Hogwarts scene in my mind. No matter, it was all experience and there was bugger else to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I glanced across at the brothers and they seemed to be just smooching and playing around with each other but Eric had something more than that on his mind... no surprise there then.

The Soap Continues.

The Banstead Boys Club

George (16) Patrick (15) Oliver (15) Chris (15) Mike (15) Jason (14) Eric (14) Peter (13) Paul (13) Darky (12)

Next: Chapter 23

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