Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Feb 29, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

New Email:


22 - The Lewes Connection


G. Cutter

Hi there, Mark Blair doing this bit again and here we go...

It was the Monday after the big breakthrough with Ian by which I mean the session with myself and Jamie. Ian was at work and Jamie and I were lurking with our bikes awaiting Peter and Nathan. Today was the day we went to Weybridge and met their friends Bill and Ben. These kids had one of those collapsible pools in their back garden and the sun was high, all in all it was looking good for a nice day out. If we finished up in a sort of a sexual situation that would be a bonus.

They arrived and we left, we cycled through the Business Park and along the canal which gave us something to look at and also dodged the busy main road. We did Weybridge in around half an hour and made our way to their house via the quiet back streets. All very flash with nice big houses but not many cars, I expect all the stockbrokers and high flyers were up in town earning a crust or running the economy. We were welcomed at the door by these two visions. I'm always bad with ages but I had been briefed that Bill the older was fifteen and his younger brother was thirteen, so we finished up as four young teenies and two sub teens or something like that... it would work out from the glances flashing around. Everyone was ogling everyone else and when we got settled in the back garden it got even worse when the tees came off. I liked Bill, I've got to say that, he looked to be a bit older than Peter although the same size and his little brother was a dish but Jamie had his evil eyes firmly fixed on the brat.

The pool was one of these blue plastic above ground things but quite sturdy and survived six of us jumping in and out for an hour or so. Something was being planned as I saw Peter and Bill go into the kitchen and have a chat, no way was Peter going to settle for a sexless day of that I was sure.

'I was telling Bill about the joint photo session you and Jamie did with Ian,' Peter remarked as he came out helping Bill with cold cokes.

'All the gory details?'

'Mostly,' Peter grinned. 'You can fill him in.' What a turn of phrase. There would be nothing I'd like better than to fill sweet Billy in, maybe even twice.

'Dirty mind,' Bill laughed. He'd clearly caught the remark and my slightly lustful look. 'I was thinking...'

'Hey, that's a novelty,' Peter crowed.

'I was thinking,' Bill continued. 'If it gets too hot out here perhaps Mark would like to look after the little ones, use Ben's room and we three can use my room.'

I needed a minute or so to work that out but it seemed I'd been offered Ben and Nathan on a plate and the Bill and Peter were going to take Jamie in hand. It seemed pretty good to me, even better it was uber good, I had the two little ones to myself and I'm sure in spite of their size they were both well used. In fact, I knew so I had very pleasant memories of little Nathan but we were all going through the motions.

'The boys alright with this?' I had to ask.

'Well Nathan thinks you're the best thing since slided bread and Ben has showed an interest according to Bill so you should be alright,' Peter reassured me. 'Bill and I should be able to keep Jamie happy.'

'As long as he gets two fucks and gets fucked twice,' I laughed. 'He keeps score so don't try and diddle him.'

'Wouldn't dream of it,' Bill looked quite excited at the prospect and we walked back out into the sun where the three younger ones were wrestling and having a good feel of thingies by the squeals and shrieks.

'Drinks,' Bill called and they came over to us as we sat in the shade of their back patio. It was nice there, no noise other than the murmur of the traffic on the high street and the shadow of the house cooled us as we avoided the direct sun. Jamie was on top form, he already had a lump in his swimmers and seemed to have made friends very quickly with young Ben. Never mind, no doubt they'd mate sooner or later.

'What about next Saturday or Sunday at Ian's? All of us.' I suggested.

'Fine by me,' Peter shrugged.

'Should be OK with us too,' Bill grinned. 'No compulsion or anything, Ben and me aren't going to do anything we don't want to.'

'That's written in stone,' I assured him. 'I'll firm it up then.'

'Right.' We sat there with our drinks for a while and Peter, Bill and Jamie disappeared. We didn't make any firm time limit or anything on things, we weren't that orgasm-ised or mechanical but we were randy. I suppose that's a normal state for young boys and the two I'd finished up with were certainly eager to go, they were fidgeting aound like a pair of dogs wanting walkies.

'You coming up my room,' Ben finally managed to get it out after a while. I let go a silent sigh of relief, I thought we were going to sit the day out by the pool but once the word was spoken that was it. Nathan took the lead rather surprisingly and stood up with his little prick plain in his swimmers.

'Yeah. Come on, Mark. We're gonna rape you.' he gave his chipmunk grin. 'No mercy.'

'Works for me,' I laughed and followed them into the house. I might not have been so keen if I knew what the evil little pricks had in mind.

I followed them into the room and they started to organise themselves by which I mean Nathan drew the curtains and Ben started to get gear from a box in his wardrobe. They clearly had something in mind and naturally enough I asked them what it was.

'Well, you're huge compared to us so we're going to take charge. You'll get your sex but we wanna stay in control.' Ben looked at me and grinned. 'You slave, us bossboys...'

'OK.' I laughed and flopped flat out onto the bed. They wanted to play, fine by me, they could hardly do any damage and we were after the same thing it seemed.

'We're just going to tie your hands to the bedhead,' Ben grinned. I had my doubts but let them do it. After that they got their swimmers off and I was treated to the sight of the two angels struggling to get my speedos off and the casual brushing of their smooth bodies against mine. They were teasing and at one stage I thought they were going to shag each other in front of me but that didn't happen. What they did was get between my legs and started sucking my balls and as they got slippery and started to rise they tied off the top of my scrotum with a ribbon making sure I couldn't cum. I'd been through this before and didn't worry too much. I was now fully hard and winced as Ben's soft hand worked some sweet smelling lube into my meat which just got harder and harder.

'That's a beauty,' Nathan grinned at Ben as he ran his hand up and down my shaft until it gleamed like a steel piston. I could feel my balls uptight already and wished that they'd get on with it but it was their day and I didn't want to be a party pooper.

'You go first,' Ben giggled slowly wanking his own stiffness which was larger that Nathan's but not much. 'You've done it before,' he smirked.

'Right... hold me steady,' Nathan squatted across my middle like he was about to take a crap and positioned himself directly above my straining meat. Ben held him safely and slowly and steadily Nathan sank downwards taking in my glans with a slight moan and then I felt his sweet body tightly encase my rampant flesh and begin to sink lower and lower. 'Jesus,' he moaned with tears in his eyes and then amazingly began to move up and down aided by Ben sinking lower and lower until his tightly stretched buttocks nestled on my groin. I was fully inside his body and he gave a little wriggle and I could feel his sweet arse clamp on me and relax as he moved around but it wasn't over. Ben then clambered across my chest and with his knees uptight to my armpits offered his jiggling sweetmeat. It wasn't as if I could do anything apart from try and move upwards into Nathan and open my mouth for Ben. Ben stroked my face and gently slipped his jerking cocklet into my mouth and began to slowy fuck my face. If I hadn't been tied to the bedhead I'd have upset them both and shagged the pair of them one after the other but I was at their mercy and to make matters worse no way could I cum with the ribbon around my balls. I was fucked to coin a rather brutal phrase. I was at the mercy of these two mini deviates and they'd only just started.

Ben made meal out of shagging my mouth, his smooth belly pushed against my nose and I gagged as his slippery little glans moved in and out I could feel Nathan's slick little boy fanny slipping up and down on my straining meat. He was going faster as he developed his confidence and really snuggled his little dish onto me as he did his downstroke.

'Come on boys, I need to cum,' I moaned around Ben's short but very hard cock.

'In a minute,' Ben grunted holding the side of my face and fucking faster and faster. I concentrated on breathing through my nose before the little prick choked me.

'Jeezus...' Ben wailed and I felt his spasm and then the salty squirts of his small cum. It was a cum all the same and I tasted the sweet and sour of his boy spunk on my lips and tongue as he moved in and out. I trapped his foreskin as he relaxed and sucked the last drops of his slime from his still stiff pricklet.

'You done?' Nathan asked.

'Yeah,' Ben giggled. ' Your turn.'

There was movement and then Ben took up the position with Nathan assisting. This time it took longer but after a lot of moaning and groaning Ben settled down on my now sore and really aching cock and began to slowly move up and down getting his body used to it. If they had any sort of a plan I had no idea what it was as Nathan then straddled my chest and began to fuck my mouth. I just hoped that at the and of this I got a proper fuck or even got fucked... I was that desperate to get my rocks off.

The reverse sceanrio carried out to it's end until Nathan gave his little squeal and his little cock jerked in my mouth and I felt his slime trickled onto my tongue. He was cuming at last but it would take more time before he managed a proper squirt... never mind, it was a start.

'Now Mark get's his revenge,' Nathan grinned and withdrew to the side leaving me still tied but with Ben now in sole control. He leant forward still containing my red raw cock in his arse and kissed me. He smiled and sat up again scrunging back onto my cock which felt so hard I thought it woukd burst. It felt about a foot long as well but that was all in the mind I expect. I felt his hand reach under the same time Nathan began to untie my wrists. Thank God for that.

'Here we go, here we go,' Ben chanted as he tugged at the ribbon and I felt it fall free, he lay forward again for a kiss as I felt my balls ease and my wrists start to come back to life. Nathan lay alongside us to watch the show and I made my move. I wrapped my arms around Ben's lithe boyish body crushing him to myself and thrust upwards making his eyes really open. A quick move and we were on our sides and then a roll and he was under me still firmly impaled on my cock and ready for the finale.

'Gotcha,' I sighed in satisfaction as I moved a little and then bottomed out into his sweet body pinning him to the bed. His legs already in the raised position came down onto my back and he grabbed my hips.

'Do it, Marky Pooh.'

How couldn't I? I was so hard and so sore but I was in his tight embrace and even tighter was his bottom's grip on my erection. I hurriedly dragged a pillow under his back and began to shag watched by the almost dribbling Nathan. Ben was good sex but the game before has made me so hot and horny I nearly shagged him off the bed before I creamed an enormous cum into his tight little arse. He squealed and struggled as I pumped and pumped what seemed to be a gallon of hot spunk into his sweet demanding body.

Jamie and I had tried wanks with the ribbon cutting off the normal routine of a wank half way through and the juice certainly does build up, ever more so if done for a prolonged period and the cum I did into Ben must have been the Mother of All Cums, it actually bubbled from his tiny hole running down onto his bedding and Nathan giggled as he watched. I had supposed that would be the end of it but not so. They'd both shot their bolts in a manner of speaking but they were randy boys and both did their duty to me by serving me on my back and whilst it was nothing to write home about it kept them happy, honour was satisfied.

We met up with the others at the pool later and I was surprised to see that it was mid afternoon, how time flies when you're having fun but at least everyone knew each other a bit better. I think the master plan was that we'd all change around for another session but time was running out on us and we'd all made contact. Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind I suppose. We made vague arrangements for them to visit us or rather us at Ian's place on the Saturday or Sunday and that was it.

Saturday? 'Sunday?' I looked at Bill, I wanted Bill but today clearly wasn't the day.

'Yep,' he grinned. 'Ben tells me you're hot.'

'Jamie tells me you're hot.' I countered.

'Two hot boys together,' he laughed.

'Ian's got loads of rooms spare.'

'Wicked,' he licked his lips. 'You and me, solo?'

'That's for sure.' I grinned. I was happy, I did like him and the thought of having him all to myself made me go all wobbly. What a tart, eh?

Well, that was that, it was all over and now I had another two pals to add to my list. Another two to add to the Club, I needed to get over and see Ian and put him in the picture.

I was going to take Peter and Nathan around to Ian's and get them posing but there was loads of time for that. What I had in mind was something else. I knew friends who'd done this stunt and Jamie had hinted he wanted to try it. Ian was the kid to experiment with, I knew he liked me and Jamie so we could really go to town tonight provided he was willing to let himself go. However, before we parted from the boys we faithfully promised to take them around to Ian's the folowing Saturday or Sunday when I knew for sure Ian would be free. I had to keep it vague regarding which day just to allow for Ian having made any other arrangements, it was his call after all. I could check and give them a bell later on.

Well. my master plans have a habit of coming unglued and this one was no different. Jamie pleaded tiredness after the evening meal and I walked around Ian's on my own. I needed to keep him in the loop and I enjoyed his company and his body for that matter.

He answered the door to me and I spotted straight away that there was something going on, he was like a cat on a hot tin roof.

'Whassup, Doc?'

'Come in, come in,' he grabbed my arm. 'I've made contact,' he whispered.


''Come on upstairs, Mark. I've got something to show you.'

'I've seen it,' I grasped his bulky crotch. 'I like it, what more is there?'

'Come on,' he grinned and tugged at my arm again. 'I've got to show you this.'

I gave up, he clearly had something on his mind and I had been warned not to be too late home so I couldn't mess around. He led upto his studio room and plonked me down in front of his computer.

'I have friends I was trading pictures with...'

'Of Jamie and me?'

'Yeah,' he sounded subdued as well he might.

'You prick,' I got ready to stand up. I didn't believe it the meek and mild Ian had turned like the fabled worm. How the hell could he after all his bilge about privacy, confidentiality, blah and fuckin' blah.

'Hang on,' he pressed down on my shoulders. 'Just the speedo and pinup stuff... maybe a coupla decent nudes but no porny stuff.'

'Just speedo stuff?'

'On my life.' he promised. 'I'll show you.' He flashed up his EMails and I noted the attachements and I files numbers. Really original this one; all his pinup were PI files and anything over and above were PO files and I'm sure you can work that one out.

'OK,' I sighed basically satisfied but still a bit concerned at him shopping Jamie and myself around on line. 'So, what's the big deal.'

'What they sent back.'

I shrugged, he was getting there but taking his time. He came offline and opened up his pictures and located a file titled 'Lewes'. The first picture was familiar, so familiar. It featured a pair of fair haired kids sitting on a rock with a sandy shore in the background. It was Lorenzo, Lorenzo Boucher and my brother James. Another click, another picture and this one was of Lorenzo and Jamie again but naked in the dunes behind the hotel. It was bloody Cyprus from a year previously, the winter break.

'Friends?' He smiled.

'Very good friends, intimate friends you could say.'

He clicked and flashed up another picture of two much older boys. 'Recognise these two?'


'The dark kid, the swarthy type is called Jake and the blonde scruffy boy is Zander. Ring bells?'

'Shit.' I clicked the little plus and enlarged the picture and then again. Jake was a dish and immediately reminded me of a good looking Arab or maybe a Mexican and he was built, his sausage was plainly visible in his skimpy swimwear but the other, wowsers as Jamie would say. A boy's boy, pleasantly ugly but a dish and he too sported a big lump and I knew them by name if not by sight. They were the old inhabitants of our new house. They were Mick's boys. the old Addlestone Boys Club now resident in Lewes. Truth and coincidence really are stranger than fiction.

'The blonde, Zander is Darky's lover. The same Darky who will be visiting in a fortnight.'

'Fuckin' hell.'

'Exactly, I think they call it serendipity,' he put his arm around me. 'Now for their other files they tried to tempt me with. He opened up another and then another in a series of clicks, these were so dirty. Boy after boy naked and doing wanks, sucking and even shagging. Pure filth and the things were beautiful. So many boys I was confused but Jake and Zander kept popping up in the thick of things and I was right about their tackle. They were very well developed, Jake was built like a donkey and I found out later that Jake was in his late sixteens and Zander seventeen obviously making Zander the older. Of course, they were both working boys although I couldn't quite make out from Ian what they actually did apart from star in porn films.

'I like that Jake.'

'I like that Zander,' he laughed. 'Zander has a van, I was chatting on the phone to him.'


'He was after I sent a couple of pictures of myself,' he laughed. 'I suggested he and Jake maybe have a drive up for a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Lewes ain't a million miles away after all, it would only take them an hour or so.'


'Yeah,' he laughed. 'Maybe let Peter, Nathan and the Webridge boys enjoy the pool whilst we and the Lewes boys get to know each other a bit better.'

'Party time?'

'Party time,' he agreed.

That's how we left it, as I've said I was under a curfew and upsetting the parents wasn't the thing to do. We were on a roll and that included Peter and Nathan provided we played good boys and that's what I intended we all did. They were a bit young and scatty so I'd appointed myself President of the Club. I had the hots for Bill and told Ian so, he seemed to like the tiddlers so I suggested that I fixed up the mob or the Club for a long afternoon Saturday and he fixed up the two Lews boys for Sunday thus keeping Jake and Zander to ourselves and he agreed. It sounded like a fair division of labour and very conveniently it would get me what I wanted... all this purely by chance you understand.

The next couple of days were same ol', same ol' and both Jamie and I were on our best behaviours. Jamie had the bright idea of slinking around to Peter's and climbing in their bedroom window after lights out but I managed to talk him out of it. I think he had a bit of a love job going with little Nathan but he had to go through Peter first in a manner of speaking. Good thing I had a one track mind, firstly Ben and then Jake, maybe Zander at a later date.

We managed to get through the week and I fixed the boyfest for Saturday and sure enough Ian got back in touch with the Lewes Two as I called them and they agreed. Of course, there was one other thing that I hadn't thought about too much. That was that Darky would be in town for his Half Term break soon and Darky was Zander's little lover, Ian had rooms to spare and his new place was coming along fine. It doesn't need much working out. I'm sure just like the dreaded Shylock, Ian would demand his pound of flesh and would get it from Zander ansd maybe a few ounces from Darky. Just as a matter of interest when are the pc School Boards going to make Shakespeare metric. Shylock demanding his kilo of flesh, gotta be a hoot, mind you they'd have to change all the remarks about Englishmen rushing into breaches once more into Britpeople having negotiations with people of the Frog variety.

One of my little bleats is that Scotsmen, Welshmen and Paddies can call themselves exactly what they are but as soon as an Englishman wants to call himself an Englishman rather than British he gets called a rancid, reactionary fascist... weird.

Anyway, Saturday came around and I think my mum got a bit alarmed when the clan mustered. Peter and Nathan were first and banished to the garden whilst I and Jamie had our breakfast. Next up were the two from Weybridge on their bikes and at last, and to my mother's relief we all left to invade Ian's palace, now codenamed; The House of Sin. Great stuff. Ian could do what he liked with the boys but I'd abstained the previous night and had my sights set on the oh so sweet Billy boy. I wanted to plug that kid so bad I kept tripping over my stalk.

As usual Ian was the perfect host, cold fizzies and munchies and a tour for the new boys. He'd drafted out a series of camera poses for the little ones and I was pleased to see that Bill and myself were missing from the cast list. I had a feeling that once it got going Ian would be getting used and abused by our three younger members but he's a survivor. Billy boy and I would be otherwise occupied. We spent the morning splashing around in the pool and as I'd mentioned before it was a 'safe' pool so off came the knickers. Just before midday I managed to capture Bill.

'Wanna see something,' I jangled a set of keys in my hand.

'I can see it,' he glanced down at my groin where I was hanging, hot, heavy and half hard.

'Grab your shorts, you didn't get the full tour.'

'Alright,' he grinned quite happy playing along.

Now, I knew that Ian's own house was just about completed and he'd been moving furniture in. I think, quite reasonably that Club activities and I mean the more lusty ones would be better off being carried out in his place rather than his parents. They weren't due to return anytime in the near future but would be home eventually and Ian had said that they were keen for him to have a circle of friends and that was why they'd gone to the bother of sorting out their second property. Anyway, to cut the waffle, he had two rooms fully operational as well as most of the rest of it near completion. To me, everything seemed perfect but he was a bit on the fussy side.

'Come on.' We left Ian and the boys to get on with whatever they were upto and I took the now rather curious Bill to the end of the garden. It was a laugh really as he acted exactly the same as I had first time around. He followed me into the other garden nervously and peered around as if expecting an irate neighbour to appear. 'Ian's private pad,' I nodded at the smaller house and jangled the keys.

'Ah.' His face cleared as he looked around. 'Nice to have filthy rich parents.'

'Must be,' I laughed as we strolled down the unkempt garden to the house. 'He's had the nod from his dad so he can move in at any time but he's still got to bird dog their place for them.'

'That's got to be a struggle,' Bill grinned. 'A daily check on his parent's place and he gets a house, Jeez... I'd say he was overpaid.'

'Don't tell him,' I laughed.

'I won't,' he grinned and I felt his hand on my bottom and he gave a gentle squeeze as I fumbled with the keys. I gave him a quick tour which naturally enough finished up in the bedroom which Ian had very generously decided would be mine. 'Yours - ours?' he grinned as he looked arund and peered from the window 'Nice.'

'Very nice,' I stood behind him and held his waist and rubbed my burgeoning erection against his firm bottom. 'Indeedy.'

He chuckled and holding the window frame pushing back as I moved against his movements. My hands dropped to his crotch and I could feel his hardness as I pressed in and kissed his smooth neck.

'You are so hot, Mark,' he manager to turn around in my arms and we did the lips and then the tongue bit crushing into each other mashing our erections together through our clothing.

'Let's go to bed,' I croaked.

'Let's,' he grinned and grabbing my hand pulled me across until we both fell on the bed and in a frenzy started to rip each other's clothes off amongst a mad medly of kissing and stroking. He was the boy for me, roughly the same size as I was both physically and sexually. The only glaring difference was that I was cut and he wasn't but that didn't fuss either him or me. Once we were naked we rolled about on the bed both striving to achieve mastery and I let him win, I wasn't into a long struggle and I really did have the lusts, he could go first and I'd play catchup. I knew perfectly well he was versatile so there was no messing around or doubts, we were going to have sex and I sneaked my hand under the pillow hoping that Ian had done his bit. He had, I felt the tube of lube, we were away.

He seemed to change direction and I felt his lips on my belly and then he had me in his mouth, he seemed to love my glans for some reason, he'd givve it a suck and then look at its gleaming redness before licking around the rim and then putting it in his mouth again. I loved it, I reversed on the bed and took his swollen meat in all the way feeling his bloated meat cock in my throat and the taste of his precum.

I eventually did my usual stunt, wanking his slippery meat I got my head between his legs and took the first taste of his pucker. The moment he felt my breath and then my tongue he opened wide exposing his little pink doorway in all it's glory. I slurped and nibbled until he was writhing around still attached by his mouth to my hardon. 'You go first,' he grunted as I slipped just the tip of my finger into his yielding flesh. I grinned as I slowly worked my finger into his smooth tightness and felt the nub of his prostate.

'Aaaaah... Mark,' he clamped on me and pushed back as I started to finger fuck him. 'Yeah...' He quivered and pushed back onto me. 'Do it now before you cum in my mouth,' he giggled and began to move again but holding my hand in position. I tried to maneuver him onto his belly but he wasn't having that. He finally let my finger slide free and lay on his back hoisting his legs up and exposing his gleaming pucker tautly stretched and oh so inviting. 'Don't put too much glop on,' he warned me.

One thing it proved and that was that he wasn't a newbie. Kids who have just stared fucking think that lube solves all the problems but it's only partly true. You can overlube and things turn into a slippery disaster. The same with the finger bit, if a kid has been well used you don't need all that and can actually over do it. Bill, was experienced and he knew he was right for it and so did I. I put the merest smidgeon of the clear oil on the end of my dick and pushed into him as he dropped his legs onto my shoulder and grinned.

'Alright?' I smiled and kissed his nose and lightly ran my hands up and down his torso. He really was a beauty, far better looking than his brother but I was probably having one of my love attacks, I'd get over it.

'Nice,' he grinned. 'I wanted you the other day but Peter and the boys had other ideas.'

'You got me now.'

'Yeah... big cock an' all.' He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face down to his. 'Lover boy.' His lips were so sweet, his breath was sweet, his tongue was so slippery and he was so slick yet tight... I was in love again. 'Fuck me...' he growled. I did just that. Hard and fast as I knew there would be a second and he loved it, as I thrust into his clinging flesh he pulled himself onto me trying to maintain the kiss but in the end his head dropped back and he lay there with his mouth open and his hands resting lightly on my hips as he worked his fine bum on my rapid and meaty movements. In the end I cum almost laying on his belly and wanking his hardness between our bellies. It was a good cum, better than good and he moaned and wriggled as my spike sent it's slimey sweetness into his belly. 'Gawd,' his arms tightened on my sweating body and he kissed again only gently this time. 'We go well together, Mark.'

'We do indeed, Bill,' I agreed as my spent sex slid from his flooded tunnel and nestled between his thighs.

Suddenly there was upheaval as he bucked strongly thowing me off and he was on me belly to belly with his hard penis pressing into my limpness. 'Now...' He smiled down and me and as I opened my legs I felt him lift his middle ad then his hot mass slipped between my legs. 'Where's that stuff.'

'You don't need it,' I stared at him intently as he shrugged and lifted my legs pulling a pillow down into the small of my back.

Gawd, I'm so hard,' he whined fumbling himself into position.

'I can feel it,' I smiled and guided his sweat slippery and oozing penis to my hole. 'Gently, Rambo.'

He didn't reply, he just closed his eyes and pushed against me and I felt the brief pain as I opened up and then his heat and his hardness slipped inside and he started to move immediately. No messing with this boy, he worked his way in and once he bottomed out he went for it in a series of hard and fast moves that pushed me up the bed. One consolation here was that the second go would be a bit more sedate, a bit more romantic if you like. He fucked well all the same, I suppose in size he was about the same as I was... as I've said, we went well together and as he shagged he got his hand under the small of my back pulling me up onto his thrusts and I flopped letting him do his business. It was nice, he was as hard as a rock and his hardness felt like a slippery baby's arm complete with small fist moving inside me. When he came it was like a flood of the bloody stuff squirting and splatting inside my belly. It was warm and slippery and I felt his fluid inside me as he moved more slowly voiding the remanider of his cum. It was over but that was only the first. As we lay almost glued together with sweat and cum he smiled and kissed. We would be going for seconds before the day was out. Maybe in the bathroom, I likes wet and soapy sex. Kinky maybe but one of my things all the same.

'I wonder if there's anything to drink in that kitchen of his.'

'Mr Mundane,' I laughed.

'Well, I'm thirsty,' he grinned and slipping from the bed stood naked and limp gazing down at me. 'Then a bath and maybe...'

'Maybe?' I laughed. 'A bath and certainly you mean.'

'Sure I do,' he grinned. 'Come on.'

We walked down to the kitchen and were delighted to see that the fridge was stocked with soft drinks, beer and lager, it seemed Ian had been busy. We sat down there for a bit in all our smelly and messy glory relishing the coolness after the heat of the bedroom. I'm pretty sure our mutual intent was clear, to sample one of the big baths or showers and do it all over again only at a more leisurely fashion, make love rather than make lust sorta thing but as Scabby Rabby the haggis would say:'The oft laid plans of mice and men are oft to go astray'. He was bloody well right even if I may have misquoted him. Sitting and having our muttered chat about nothing was nice but disturbed by a knock at the window. I looked up as did Bill and Peter's face grinned in at us.

'Let him in?' I looked at Bill.

'If he comes in he get's gang banged,' Bill muttered clearly not too pleased which funnily enough pleased me no end, an ego thing you understand.

'Come in, nuisance,' I unlocked the door to let him in and then locked it again.

'Sorry to bug ya both,' he grinned looking as unsorry as you could get. 'Ian's getting raped by the tiddlers and he said you were hiding away down here.'

'Well done, Ian,' Bill observed sourly.

'Come on, Bill,' I grinned. 'I'm sure we can look after Peter's needs.'

'Shag him more like.'

'That's what he meant,' Peter grinned. 'Where's the chillies, in the fridge?'

'Tell us all about it,' Bill demanded when Peter sat down at the table with us. Peter gave us a smirking once over as we were still naked and he had his shorts on but only his shorts, his tee and sandals had gone missing.

He sat there and told us how he and the lads had done pinuppy stuff around the pool and then the little ones and himself had done sex in the studio. Everything had gone well untiol Ian decided to do the two smaller boys having even more sex when he'd finally buckled and joined in. It was now threeway with Ian and the two little ones and Peter had decided to pay us a visit. He blithely ignored the point that we might have wanted some quality time together but how was he to know? As far as he and the others were concerned we were just having a casual rut. Let's face it the fact that we'd discovered something as little bit more was unknown even to us earlier on.

'So whatcha doing?' He looked at us at the end of his disclosures which were not totally unexpected.

'We were going to try out one of those big bath's.' Bill answered.

'And use you as a soapy slave boy,' I added.

'That sounds good,' he giggled and that was it. Proposal accepted, done and dusted, fait accompli and all the rest of it.

We had a second can and eventually wandered around finishing up in the bathroom that went with the bedroom we had used which made sense. I began to run the big bath squirting in sudsy stuff and then I and Bill ceremoniously peeled Peter's shorts off leaving him in his naked sweetness. He was shorter than both of us although nowhere near as childlike as the two over in the other house. Peter was a seasoned campaigner and quite happily accepted me rubbing myself up his back and Bill on his front dick to dick. We got him into the bath and then it was all systems go. I thought that I'd be a big tired after my session with Bill but I wasn't I sprang a new erection as did he and Peter naturally enough did the same. It was just a matter of who was going to plug who first. Arms and legs everywhere was the order of the day and I finally managed to slip into Peter's well used bottom so poor Bill had to settle for the kid's mouth. Peter didn't seem to mind, to coin a crudity, he was as happy as a pig in shit.

It was only a play around and no one came but we got out and dried off taking Peter back to the bridal suite laying him all aggigle in the centre of the bed and started to devour him , Bill settled for his face and I went for the stiff meat waving around down below. I've always liked Peter from Day One and he didn't disappoint, he fucked my mouth merrily but I nipped his scrotum off as I raised his legs and got into his sweet crack sucking and slurping at his tight little button. A rerun of Bill more or less but I was doing this for Bill this time as I indicated by a few head movements whilst Peter was drifting away on his cloud.

We rolled around on the bed and I guided Bill onto Peter's ready and willing boy fanny, Peter couldn't have cared less, he just wanted sex and he didn't care where it came from. The funny thing was I had been thinking the other day about threesomes but a rather special threesome and this opportuinity was too good to miss.

'Ever thought about two in one, Pete?'

'Ah,' he laughed. 'I've heard about this stunt... who's the one the two shag?'

'You are,' Bill spoke for me. He hadn't quite forgiven Peter for crashing our private little party.

'Fuck off,' Peter squealed but it was too late Bill and I were on him pinning him to the bed and giving him the kissy smoochy treatment trying to calm him down.

'I'll do the finger bit and this time really ease you off... we'll stop if it get's out of hand.'

'Alright for you,' he struggled but not too violently and I could see he had an interest. Maybe something to brag to Nathan about, maybe a challenge but he wasn't dismissing the thing out of hand. 'You'll stop if it's too much?'

'Yeah, promise.' I nodded and Bill also gave a smile. We wanted to try something different not to hurt anyone.

'Come on, roll over, Pete. I'll do the finger biz,' Bill looked at me and grinned casting around for the lube. Well, Peter had been fingered in the bath and had done things with the others so he must be relaxed 'down there' to a certain extent.

'Go on then,' he grinned weakly and rolled onto his belly. 'Stop if I tell you... good job you're bloody mates.'

Bill laughed as he spread Pete's legs and examined the blonde's hole. Yeah, perfect. You could see he'd already been in action, as you spread his cheeks his hole opened quite easily and I was tempted to plunge in there and then but Bill was already smearing the clear oil over and around. Peter flinched but giggled and wriggled his little bottom in anticipation.

'Do you know how we're doing this?' Bill looked at me as he slipped one finger into Peter's oiled and welcoming hole.

'Yeah, exactly,' I smiled back and gave one white buttock a kiss. 'Just oil him up and relax him well, more than usual... OK?'


I watched as Bill did his business with one finger and then a second, Peter wriggled around and seemed quite happy until Bill intruded a third which is awkward as your little finger gets in the way. Bill then went the whole hog and keeping his thumb out of it managed to wriggle four fingers into Peter who was moaning but gamely taking it up his bum. I could see his pucker stretched to it's limit but most of Bill's hand was moving in and out of the oiled flesh. Peter clutched the pillow and gritted his teeth but I was watchhing like a hawk and in the end he gave a push upwards and then a firmer one as Bill shagged away with most of his hand. I'd never seem a boy fanny stretched as was Peter's, it looked like it could split at any minute but he was relaxing now and was accepting it quite easily. I squirted more glop on the joining and Bill grinned pushing in harder and as deep as he could.

'I can't get in any further... shall I try my whole fist?'

'Don't you bloody dare,' Peter hissed and clamped his oil smeared bottom on Bill's fingers.

'Enough,' I decided as the instigator. 'Bill, you lay on your back and Pete, you sit on Bill and try to lay belly to belly.'

'Complicated,' Pete grumbled.

'Not really... go on.'

They carried out the positioning and Peter sank quite easily onto Bill's erection and worked himself comfortable. I got in the openeing of Bill's legs behind Peter and kisseed his neck. 'Now?' He asked nervously.

''Just lean forward onto Bill.'

Peter kept Bill's oiled spike firmly buried and leant forward to kiss giving me the opportunity I wanted and had worked for. I moved in closed and slid my hardness along Bill's cock which was half exposed. I pressed down against Bill's hot meat and forward at the same time and felt the give. Peter moaned as he opened up and my erection slipped in on top of Bill's and I did a quick shuffle maintaining the momentum.

'Aaaah,' Peter groaned but Bill held him in tightly and my weight on his back left him nowhere to go. I was in and could feel the incredible sensation of my hardness against Bill's and both contained by Peter's well stretched pucker. I lay forward onto Peter binding him into Bill and felt my cock's warmth against Bill's slippery length.

'I can't move,' Bill spluttered.

'Nor can I,' Peter countered but pushed back onto both Bill and myself.

'I can,' I gave an experimental little jab and then another.

'Whoo...' Peter giggled. 'That is so weird.'

It was but it was nice and if I kept myself to short movements I was OK, if I went potty I'd slip out and we'd have to go through it all over again. I kept my body glued to Peter's and made short and sharp jabs into the tight hole although I was worked up enough that I could feel my cum on the verge. I was going to squirt and hoped that Bill would do the same.

'Jeez,' Bill groaned but he was on the move, I could feel his hardness pressed and moving against mine and he was holding Peter's hips binding us together as a threesome. 'I'm gonna cum.'

Music to my ears. I concentrated like hell and glory be as Bill squirted deep inside Peter I did the same and I could feel the two cocks smothered in their joint spunks slipping in and out of Peter's well stretched boy fanny. Peter for his part shoved back and down taking everything we had to give. I was the first to slip free in a gush of stale cum and then Peter fell off Bill. To complete the event we both went down onto Peter's shrunken penis bringing it back to life and then bringing him to a big enough climax to smear both our faces and to give us a nice taste.

I wouldn't recommend that sort of thing and it's not even comfortable sex but Peter had spoiled our little get together and he paid the price.

'Golly gosh,' he grinned tiredly. 'I am well and truly fucked.'

'Nice one,' Bill commented smiling.'

'I gotta go to the bathroom.' Peter grinned and slipping from the bed ran from the room.

'Well, that showed him,' Bill snuggled in and kissed. 'We've got to find somewhere more private next time.'

'Indeed,' I agreed. I had been upset with Peter bursting in and disturbing our quiet little get together but we were a Club after all. All for one and one for all as they say and Peter had performed well, he was forgiven. The Addlestone Boys Club was coming on well. I now had three younger brothers instead of one, two boyfriends instead of one and I suppose Ian could act the part of big brother. Jake and Zander were due for their flying visit tomorrow and little Darky in a couple of weeks... interesting times ahead.

To be continued.

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