Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jan 12, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.


3 - ANDY


G. Cutter


Peter had to go home around seven o'clock and he was very reluctant to tear himself away but as Mick told him keeping himself out of trouble with his parents was a priority. It's not as if Mick's place was a thousand miles away, in fact, for both of us it was more or less a stone's throw. He didn't make any suggestion that I make a move so, in the end I asked him straight out.

'Go home?' He looked at me as I raised the point. 'It's upto you. You're the same as Peter, you need to keep on the right side of your parents.'

'Not quite the same,' I countered. 'I think Peter's folks are pretty loving and caring, mine couldn't give a toss.'

'Upto you then but the least you can do is let them know that you're OK, blah, blah, all the things they need to hear.'

'I'll phone them now... OK if I stay the night?' I was getting a bit bold but if he wasn't going to ask me then I'd ask him.

'Only if you sleep with me,' he grinned.

'Natch,' I laughed and went over to the phone. End of story... well, not quite.

'I should be off this Saturday if all goes to plan,' he told me as I flopped back onto the sofa. 'Maybe a drive out...?'

'Yeah? Great. Where?'

'Oh, nothing too adventurous. Maybe a run over to Box Hill or Leith Hill, I just need a decent run in the car to get a feel for it.'


'Another thing. I'm going to get one of those double inflatable mattresses for the box room.'

'What for?'

'Well if we entertain it's always a spare bed and if Peter gets a little mate, even a big mate it's a bit of privacy for them.'

'Will it go in there, the room's so tiny.'

'Yeah, I measured it up. It leaves a a strip of about two foot down the side of the bed, room for a lamp and somewhere to park mugs or whatever.'

'Forward planning?'

'Well, if you sort somebody out for Peter and if that someone's willing to sleep over... and play it's better if they have a bit of privacy.' He loked at me quite seriously and this is a guy talking about lining up a very small fourteen year old boy with a male lover. 'It's a matter of stages, if Mr X knows that you and I are at it then he'll be more inclined to let his hair down with little Pete that is assuming he's that way inclined.'

'Well, I think that long skinny Andy is, I really dunno about that Sam character.'

'Andy's the one who walked down with us from the swimming thing?'

'Yeah, the one you were oggling,' I laughed. 'Very touchy feely with little Peter.'

'Yeah, I noticed,' he said dryly. 'You fancy him?'

'Like that,' I flattened my hand and rocked it from side to side. 'Wouldn't chuck him out of bed but he's a bit big down below. God knows how big it is when he's hard.'

'Sounds interesting,' he laughed.'


'I know,' he grinned. 'Got a Thai movie somewhere if you wanna watch.'

'Really? Get some tips?'

'Not much with this lot, just easy viewing and nice music.'

Nice music? The man was mad.

He dug the film out from it's hidey hole and it was pretty boring apart from the Thai's being good lookers. He was right though, the music was good. The trouble with porn is that it seems to follow a format... strip, snog, solo blow leading to a sixtyniner and then sex. It was either that or a sligh variation and unless the models or actors were exceptional they could get a bit sleep inducing. In fact, if the action was too slow you could get bored out of your crust. This one was a long one, a double really and it lasted for around three hours and at the end of it Micky phoned out for fish and chips, he didn't fancy cooking or walking for that matter.

'What time have I got to be out of it tomorrow?' I asked, bearing in mind he had to go to work.

He took his time answering and I suppose he was thinking about it. 'You don't, I'll leave you a key so you can come and go as you please.'

'I might be tempted to slip Peter in for a bit of nooky.'

'As long as you leave the place tidy,' he smiled. 'I need to know about anyone who comes in here, so Peter is your limit for the moment.'

'Thanks.' I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even take mates back to my own place without asking permission not that I'd want to and here was Micky more or less giving me the run of the place. I'd have to give him a nice reward when we went to bed like in around a couple of hours time.

The food arrived and we eat in companionable silence, I was beginning to feel at home now. I'd even started reading one of his kid's fantasy books, what a taste the man had. The Bartimaeus Trilogy, all about a fourteen year old wizard and a djin and their adventures in an alternate universe London. Loved it but it showed his frame of mind, he was away with the pixies half the time... good sex though. I could get used to a never ending diet of young Russian and Thai pornos, horror CDs and fantasy books and we had around another five weeks of the long summer holiday to go. Most of my mates being of the peasant class wouldn't be going anywhere on their holidays and Addlestone didn't offer too much to it's youth.

'Got a computer coming in Monday if you can keep an eye out for it. I can leave a note on the door or take time off but if you can see it in...'

'Yeah, no probs,' I grinned. This was getting better and better. 'I've got something for you now...'

'What's that?'

'My Swimming Club boss is looking for a sidekick to look after all the paperwork, the records, the meetings and whatnots. He was after a parent but a cousin would do.'


'Really,' I said with a bit of the old mockery in my voice. 'You'd get to know all the boys in the flesh sort of thing. I could put you across as a cousin who's come down here to work.'

'Better get that story sorted out,' he stood. 'Job sounds attractive... voluntary presumably.'

'Better believe it, the club doesn't have enough money to pay for staff... everything's voluntary.'

'Fair enough,' he stretched his legs out and yawned, a gentle hint I suppose. 'When I go to work you can stay in bed, not much point in you getting up although I wouldn't object to a tidy up and a bit of hoovering.'

'Your wish is my command.'

'Good, let's go to bed and do the dirty,' he gave me a wide grin. Sounded good to me.

'You'd be able to give lifts in your flash car,' I wheedled.

'Fair enough.' He left the room for a moment and tossed a folder into my lap. It was all the paperwork on the computer that he was having delivered. The thing I noted that the guy who delivered was rigging it all up and putting it on line which was a bonus. I could have a play around before he even finished work.

The following morning was a big vague but I remember Mick leaving although he did serve me tea in bed before he went, he also said that he may see me lunchtime but he had to collect the Volvo, it was a red estate and a Y Reg so I could hardly miss it if I saw it parked up later. We had some heavy sex overnight so I just went back to sleep as soon as he'd left and didn't wake up until ten and I was pleased that it wasn't quite so hot. I still felt grotty and sweaty all the same and luxuriated in a long bath, thankfully I'd got the bright idea of dunking out my briefs and socks the previous day so I had some fresh stuff to put on, I needed to pick up a couple of t-shirts and maybe some shorts from home all the same.

I thought about Sam and about Andy both who lived on my Estate and in the end decided to tackle Andy first as we were in the same club and I was pretty sure he had some sort of thing going for Pete, anyway, I knew Mick had a hankering so it would be a neat tie in if I could get anything going. You know, I wasn't a matchmaker but with Mick throwing his door open in a manner of speaking this was an opportunity to good to miss out on apart from the fact I had nothing better to do.

First things first; I went around home and saw the mater as the pater was digging holes in the road somewhere and I spun here a load of old tosh about staying with a friend for the rest of the week and the weekend. She didn't seem too fussed, she was probably quite chuffed about saving on the food bill. She knew that I had an urge to leave home and probably bent over backwards keeping the subject under wraps. I never did suss out if she or dad were interested or just completely disinterested, they made no real statement of intent either way. Anyway, in the end I made a move with a holdall crammed up with t-shits, underwear and all the rest of it. I was on a firm instruction to phone or call by every fourty eight hours so she must have had some sort of maternal affection... probably got something to do with the Law as it happens.

Lugging the holdall I tottered around to Andy's praying that he was at home, he only lived around the back from me but the heat was building up and it looked like another afternoon like Thursday's had been. Fortunately he was in and lounging in their little back garden, the rest of the house was deserted and I found out that both his parents worked.

'Hello, Jake my man, what are you doing here?'

'Just thought I'd pop by,' I said rather lamely as he ushered me into the house.

'Yeah, right,' he fished a cold can out of the fridge and walked me through to the garden where I sat in a deckchair alongside him. I gave him the once over as is my wont and imagined him in a sweaty free for all with little Peter, it would be like David and Goliath doing the dirty. he was quite nice actually, he was in long Bermudas, barechested and his big feet were bare, totally relaxed and I was about to fuck it all up for him.

'Whatcha doing this hol? Going away?' I was pretty certain he wasn't but I had to say something.

'No, just bumming around,' he looked at me and then the bag. 'You?'

'Staying around with Cousin Micky for a few days.'

'Aaah... the long lost cousin,' he grinned.


'I've seen him in that camping shop out on The Parade, surprised you haven't mentioned him before,' he gave me a sly look. 'Being family and all that.'

'Not close. We only really started chatting recently and when I found out he had a flat right up over the shop it struck me as being a good hideaway... he's alright about it.'

'Ah, yeah. You and yours don't see eye to eye, do you?'

'Not really,' I laughed. 'Micky's alright, he let me do what I like as long as I do him a few favour jobs.'

'Really,' he gave that rather knowing grin again. 'Such as?'

'Well, you know, whipping the hoover around and tidying up... basic chores.'

'Fair enough I suppose,' he stretched himself like big boys do, all arms and legs with a decent bulge noticeable in the baggy Bermudas. I wondered how he'd react if I offered him a blow job. A bit too early I think.

'We had Peter up yesterday as Mick was off, had a bit of a chill out, vids and whatnot.'


'You know, little Peter lives in that Close by the Municpal Car Park.'

'Yeah, I know.' I sensed he was going to say more but perhaps he was unsure of me. It was difficult making headway here, I think we both wanted to say more but were scared. 'I quite like Pete.'

'Yeah, he's nice,' I waffled. 'I think he has a bit of a crush on you, you know, kids that age.'

'Somebody else said that,' he looked at me seriously. 'He's fourteen isn't he, a bit old for getting crushes on people.'

'Maybe a bit more that a crush,'

'What do you mean by that?'

'Well, you know, crush plus.'

'He fancies me you mean,' he laughed. 'Has he said anything to you?' He stared at me lazily.

'No, just general comments. How he admires your swimming and things like that.'

'Ah, that's a shame,' Andy laughed. 'I thought I might have had a little groupie boy.'

After a long pause and a bit of a think about what I was going to say I came out with it. 'I think you have.'

'Mmmm. Think?'

'Pretty sure,' I looked at him. 'I've said too much already... let's drop it.'

'Well, if someone fancies my body it's nice to know,' he retorted quite easily and without any sign of embarassment. 'I like Peter anyway, so, no probs.'

'You should get together.'

'And do what,' he looked at me shrewdly. 'Play cards, play Monoploly... play around?'

'I dunno,' I backtracked. I felt I'd talked myself into a hole, this matchmaking was harder than it looked. Mind you, it would have been easier if one of them was a girl.

'The trouble is...' he looked at me across the top of his can. 'If I got to playing with a smaller boy I'd have trouble controlling myself... hormones, you know.' He spoke as if we discussed boy on boy affairs all the time and this was the first time we'd ever really talked personally. 'I mean, if I took you up to my room I'd have a problem controlling myself.'

'Really?' My voice broke in a squeak.

'Really,' he said mockingly. 'Sweet Jake who's upto something devious with his long lost cousin.'

I just sat back and looked at the hedge, the clouds, the junk in the corner of the garden... everywhere apart from him. 'Mick and myself aren't really involved...' I tailed off lamely.

'So, you're trying to sort me out a playmate or is it Peter you're trying to sort out.'

'Peter's a pal of mine,' I blurted out. I'd had enough of the chit chat and I was rather hoping he'd invite me inside and ravish me. How's about that for blunt, a bit of matchmaking and sampling the prospective partners on the way.

'Good for you,' he took another sip of his drink. 'Well, you can go back and tell your little chum Petey: Have no fear, he knows where I live, he can pop around any time he likes.'

Great. Matchmaking done but what about the dealer's slice of the cake?

'God, it's hot,' he spoke after a long uncomfortable pause. 'A lot cooler up in my room. I've got that training video by the way, the relay one.'

'Have you?' I must admit I was totally disinterested in his bloody video but at least it would be a chance to look around his room and get out of the sun. It was getting hotter and glancing at my watch I saw that Mick would probably be collecting his car right about now. 'I wouldn't mind a peep.'

'At the vid?'

'What else,' I laughed.

'Come on then,' he stood and I ntoiced the beads of sweat on his broad sunburned back. Great body on the boy, might be a youth I suppose being sixteen, I wasn't too clear on the dividing line. One thing was for sure, he might be tall and lanky but he was bloody gorgeous and I could feel my wedding tackle twitch, another thing was he didn't have a bloody great arse like one of these Under 21 Rugby players, his was slim and trim, a typical swimmer's. 'Keep oggling me I'll think you're another Peter.'

'Might be,' I said bravely and followed him into the house. Well, there you go. I'd said it now, any further progress was down to him. The ball was in his court as the saying goes, I was lapsing into one of my childish fantasies as I followed him up the stairs... you know, the old one where you can read minds. I must be reading too many of Micky's fairy stories.

He had a nice big room, bigger than mine at least and he had all the things I didn't. He had his own small TV and of all things a bashed up computer in the corner, there was obviously more money swilling around in his family than there was in mine... still good luck to him. Micky would marry me and all would be well. 'Chair or bed,' he made the offer and just to spoil it floped into the one small armchair, I had the choice of his swivel by his computer of his bed so I chose the bed as one does.

'Nice room,' I commented for lack of anything better to say but he moved straight in for the attack.

'So, is all this chat off your own back or are you talking on Peter's behalf?'

'It's my idea, Peter doesn't know I'm here.'

'How do you know Peter is willing? How do you know he goes beyong the lingering looks stage? He looked at me shrewdly. 'You could have got hold of the wrong end of the stike completely.'

'No I haven't. I know.'

'Well, sunshine,' he paused and looked at me intently. 'If you're so damn sure then you've been doing naughties with our little Peter because all this hasn't just come out of the blue. Let's face it, the last time you paid me a social call was over six months ago.'

I was feeling on the defensive. I'd layed it all out as far as I dare without really dropping myself or Peter for that matter in the shit and now I was getting pressure.

'I just know Peter fancies you,' I shrugged. 'So, I thought I'd come around for a chat on his behalf, it's as easy as that. I'm trusting to your decency not to spread it all around the school or the club, it is the twenty first century after all.'

'Well, we're agreed on that and I won't talk out of turn,' he smiled and reached forward and peered up my shorts as I sprawled on his bed. 'What about a token of your good faith.'

'Such as?' I croaked as he shuffled his chair in and placed his hand on my knee.

'You and I, empty house,' he murmured. 'Or don't you fancy me?'

'Just a bit worried about that big dick,' I giggled and that must have given him heart. In one swift movement he was on the bed alongside me and pressed up against my side, I could feel his heat... and his hardness.

'Oh... Andy,' I turned towards him and his arms went around me pulling me in and I felt his dry lips on my neck kissing and then the flicker of his tongue at my sweaty skin. 'Oooooh,' I allowed myself to be crushed into his embrace and reached around him as well clasping his firm swimmer's bottom.

'To answer all your questions,' he whispered softly, 'I do fancy Peter an awful lot but I was so worried you were working some sort of evil plan.'

'Not me,' I grinned at him. 'Just trying to get a bit of the action.'

'Good,' he laughed. I felt his hands begin to tug at my shirt and he began to tug it up my chest and off over my head. 'That's better,' he sighed as we embraced again bare skin onto bare skin, slightly sweaty but nice all the same. I wondered how far he wanted to go but wasn't too surprised when his hands slipped inside the waistband of my shorts and briefs and clasped the bare flesh of my bum. 'Lovely...' he clasped and moulded my buttocks putting me in mind of my Micky. I closed my eyes and submitted to his caresses, I'd have a lot to report to both Micky and Peter later in the day. Peter would be a glowing emerald green with envy.

I planted a little kiss on the side of his mouth and he gave a little grin, seconds later our lips met in a crushing snog and then I felt his tongue probing. I opened my mouth and our tongues met in a slippery embrace. I don't know what experience he'd had in the past but he was good, my shorts were down around my ankles and we broke for a moment for me to get them off over my feet. Without any further ado he hurriedly ripped his own shorts off and then it was down to the traditional naked wrestling. We savoured each others nude bodies and I grasped his big cock. It was bigger than Mick's but maybe not quite so thick. He groaned as I worked his loose skin up and down over his steely shaft and glancing down I saw his glans was shiny with his own juices, he was ready.

I kissed my way down his smooth chest and taut belly taking in his knob in one swallow, he arched his back and groaned deeply ruffling my hair as my head started to move up and down his slick penis as far as I could. Yeah. Certainly no novice, he began to move around on the bed and the next thing I felt was his hot breath on my belly and his hands play with my furry ballbag.

'Nice one,' he chuckled and started to slurp. 'You done it with Peter?' He looked up momentarily.

'Just played about.'

'He's a bit little down below,' he remarked conversationally and then took me into his mouth again.

'Not all that little once he's hard,' I slobbered around his hard meat.

'Good,' he choked and then took me in really deeply, a deep throat I suppose you'd call it, I could feel his nose in my pubics as he sucked running his lips from base to tip. After a while he tired of that and settled for holding my slippery shaft and tickling and teasing my swollen glans with his flickering tongue. Jeez... he was driving me crazy. I tried to fuck into his mouth but he laughed and held me off.

Two can play at that game. I got off his cock and went down onto his remarkably smooth scrotum sucking first one and then the other of his big balls. As he groaned and wriggled and as his nuts drew upto his body I dived onto his jerking spike again and swallowed what I could. He'd done the same and I thing we were both about to pop. This was the end of it, I stayed glued to his big cock as I felt him tense up and then an enormous gush of thick spunk shot into the back of my throat choking me. I swallowed and gulped but as I swallowed the first lot he shot again and the second one went all over my face as I hurriedly let him go. I dived back onto his shiny cum covered glans as I saw that all he had left were dribbles and oozes at the same time I fucked his mouth as he redoubled his sucking and then I came.

Considering I'd been at it most of the night with Micky it was a good one and he laughed as he swallowed and then milked me dry, squeezing my penis like a tube of toothpaste. A moment later we were face to face and he was lapping at his own cum on my chin and cheeks... dirty sod but it was nice. Eventually we relaxed and lay in each other's arms just cuddling and trading spunk smelly kisses.

'You do it with that Micky then?' He finally asked the key question that I'd been expecting for some time.

'Yeah, we shag.' There, that was blunt enough.

'What about Peter does he go all the way?'

'He will with you,' I neatly avoided the question. 'He's got a love job going.'

'Good,' he wriggled against me and grinned. 'I've fancied him for yonks but he's so small.'

'He's willing, that's the main thing but he has said he's not a bitch, he goes both ways.' I thought I'd better get that bit in, I was representing little Pete in a manner of speaking.

'Fair enough,' he laughed. 'I don't like girly boys anyway.' I thought that was pretty ripe after what we'd just done but there you go, perhaps sucking dick didn't strike him as being girly. I should worry, I allowed him to cuddle me in his strong arms. If he'd have gone all butch I'd probably have let him have me but we had all the time in the world. I'm sure if Mick and I ever got him and Peter into that little room cross pollination would occur. How's that for a turn of phrase?

'Why don't you come around tomorrow.maybe tomorrow afternoon. I'll ask Peter up?'

'What about your cousin?'

'He's alright, he told me I could invite anyone I like up and he want's Peter to get his heart's desire in a manner of speaking.'

'What?' Andy sat up. 'You've all talked about this?'

'No, nothing of the sort,' I calmed him down. 'Peter knows that Mick and I are at it and he fessed up that he had the hots for you, I did the rest. Neither Mick nor Peter know I'm around here.'

'Sounds like a bunch of budding pervs,' he grumbled but lay back down again. 'I was pretty sure you and Cousin Mick were at it when you were up the swimming baths the other night.'

'So what?' I countered. 'From this afternoon's performance I'm not the first boy you've done things with... you're no angel, Andy my man.'

'Yeah, I had a bit of an affair when I was fourteen and just feeling my feet. Big love job but we move on.'

'From around here?'

'Nosey,' he laughed. 'All done and dusted now... but I do like Pete.'

'Come around tomorrow lunchtime, meet Mick properly and have a nice long chat with Petey.'

'I'd rather get him on a bed.'

'No probs, we have a little spare room,' I grinned thinking of the air bed. They could do what they liked in there and I'd look after Mick. Sounded good to me and I couldn't see Mick objecting too much, he fancied them both anyway.

'Right. You're on,' he sat up and idly stirred my limp spunk encrusted noodle. Dried cum makes terrific starch but it wasn;'t strong enough to stop my willy lengthening and filling out a little. Damn thing would not behave, must be those bloody hormones, mind you, thinking of Pete and Andy having sex didn't help.

'Let's have a shower before you have to rush off and brief Peter,' he grinned. Well, that was a hint at least. Mind you, a shared shower could be interesting.

Thank God the house was empty. We wandered along to the bathroom and once again it was a lot bigger than my own place. No bath but a bloody great enclosed shower which you could have squeezed a football team in provided they were all wet and slippery. Jeez, I'd popped a full blown stiffy, my imagination was running riot. Andy was the same. His big cock stuck out well as he guided me into the shower stall and closed the sliding door turning the water on to a warm rather than hot flow.

'You are so beautiful,' he whispered as he soaped me up and ran his hands up and down my torso. I responded by lathering his stiff cock and soaping his balls and underneath. He was going to have me, I could feel it in my gut and as much as I liked or even loved Mick I wanted Andy's big cock... slut, or what? I turned my back on him and his hands dropped as he washed me down paying particular attention between my cheeks. Sure as fuck he slipped a finger inside me and started to move it to and fro. My own cock ached with overuse but still stuck out like a ramrod as I felt his finger delve deep inside me relaxing my sphincter and soaping my inside. 'Please, Jake...'

I didn't say anything, I just slid the door back and stepped out onto the fluffy carpet and lay down and looked up at him. He gave a massive grin and big dick leading the way stepped out after me.

I watched him as he stepped over me and took a pot from the bathroom cabinet and uncapped it. 'Turn over... please.'

I rolled over and got myself into a doggy position kneeling with my forearms on the carpet and my arse sticking up in the air. I felt him spread my cheeks and then the shock of cold cream between my cheeks. He massaged it in and then I felt a pressure at my sphincter and two fingers pushed their way into my gut. 'Aaaah,' I flinched and tried to relax and push out a little.

'OK?' He asked anxiously.

'Yeah, take it easy Monster Cock,' I grunted and pushed back onto his probes as I felt my ring relax and his fingers move easier inside me.

'Jeez, you are so tight,' I felt the brush of his hardness as he leant over me and kissed up my spine and then back down again. 'A little bit more,' he whispered and I felt his fingers slip free and my fanny close with what felt like a longing for more. The next thing was another glob of the lotion around my ring and then the fingers again but this time less pain and more feeling as he stirred them around inside me making my own erection start to dribble. Bloody amazing after all this and there was still the old white tears left to weep. His fingers left me again leaving me with a sense of loss and I felt his hand reach under me and grasp my hardness in it's oily grip. I knew what was coming next and steeled myself for his intrusion.

When it came I tensed and then tried to relax as I felt his bulbous glans push against my ring and then the hurt as it spread to allow the meaty lump to force entry. I gasped and nearly cried out with the pain but suddenly it was over and I felt my body being filled with his hot cock. He was inside me and the damn thing felt like a bloody great plum and his shaft began to fill me inch by inch as he slowly worked his way in. The pain was gone now leaving just an overwhelming sensation of being filled as his six and a half or seven inches pushed it's way into my body. More and more cock filled my body and I then felt the brush of his pubics on my bum, one hand on my hip and another giving me an oily wank and we were set. He gave a groan of satisfaction as he made his final move and I felt his hard belly against my soft bottom. I raised my trunk and pushed back onto him as he slowly moved in and out filling me with his heat and his rigid muscle. In and out, in and out, I couldn't control myself. I pushed back hard onto his thrusts and croaked. 'Harder, Andy.'

That was it, he took me down back into the doggy and then we subsided onto our sides as he raised one of my legs and we fucked on our sides. I took over my own wank as I was so bloody hard it was untrue. Someone should have had a recorder in that bathroom: huffing, puffing, panting and groaning it sounded as if a two animals were in rut. I pushed back hard and he fucked harder slapping into me with oily thwacks until I heard him cry out and then sob.

'I'm cuming,' he jackhammered into my sore bum and I felt his massive organ seem to swell and then the warm squirts and splrts as he offloaded his second cum which was just as much as the first. I could feel his warm stickiness inside of me and then I felt it trickle from my hole as my own erection jerked splattering my own cum over his carpet. 'Great,' he grabbed my still stiff and oozing penis and pulled us in tighter, I could feel his big lump soften inside me coated on the lotion and his creamy spunk. Warm and messy, hot and hard, the story of sex. I hated to nick Peter's glory but this was hardly the first time for our Andy and at least he now knew that I was on the up and up and not leading him down the garden path. One way to get bedroom cred I suppose.

'Ooooh... ouch,' I whinced as he popped free and my overstretched boy fanny closed up still oozing his juices. 'I gotta go,' I staggered to my feet and feeling a right mess collapsed on the toilet seat. 'Don't watch.'

'Alright, alright,' he dived into the shower looking very pleased with himself as well he may. He'd shagged the best looking swimmer on the team but I'd have him in the fullness of time. Of course I'd also done his little lover or lover to be but I wasn't saying anything about that, if Peter wanted to tell him that was Peter's business. At the end of it all we continued our shower and he did a close up inspection of my bum and pronounced it puffy and a little sore looking.

'It'll get used to it,' I gave his limp meat a quick grope.

'Won't your Mick get the hump if you pass it around?'

'Why should he? he fancies you as well, anyway, next time I get a go as well.'

'Naturally,' He grabbed my biceps and kissed me on the lips. 'Anytime you like, lover boy.'

After that I was on my way complete with holdall, although I fancy I was walking a bit bandy. My bum was sore and I'd have to let Mick give it a bit of his tender loving care later in the day but for now enough was enough.

I saw the car as soon as I came into the car park. I was delighted to see that it was a dull red and not the bright red I was imagining. The damn thing looked like a tank but Volvos do. I peered in the windows and it looked immaculate, it was also parked in plain sight of our lounge window so we could look out on it whenever we wished. Having said that we didn't have a lot of theft or vandalism with the big cop shop just over the way, there were policemen in and out 24/7 as they say nowadays.

I toyed with the idea of popping into the shop but I didn't know how Mick would react to that so I forgot about it, I also thought of going over to see Peter but I could always walk over later in the day. In the end I decided to carry out some marital duties and offload my holdall and have a tidy up. I wasn't a slob and I didn't want Mick to think that I was going to stooge around and just mess the place up. I didn't know if I was his affair, his bit of spare or just a roll in the hay but I wanted to go further. I liked him a lot and I'm sure there was a certain something between us, anyway, to cut to the chase, I wanted to keep in his good books and that was that.

The bum was sore but I managed to get the hoover around the place, got the duster and polish going and by the time I flopped onto the bed I was feeling quite pleased with myself. The joint was sparkly, even the bed was changed and looked quite pristine. I don't know what he did with his laundry so shoved it all in a big basket in the bathroom. At last I flopped onto the bed in my briefs and relaxed, minutes later I was asleep.

I felt like Sleeping Beauty being awakened with a kiss but I opened my mouth anyway as I felt a slippery tongue glide across my lips. 'Sorry, I nodded off.'

'Do it every day,' Mick grinned as I opened my eyes. 'You are a sight for sore eyes,' his head dropped and he kissed the front of my briefs. 'Did you see the heap.'

'Heap? It's a beauty.' I sat up but he pushed me back down.

'You've had a hard day I reckon,' he grinned again. 'I know a well shagged boy when I see one. Petey?'

'No.' I was annoyed with myself for being so obvious. 'Big Andy. I was doing a bit of matchmaking...'

'And he wanted to be sure.'


'No probs you can tell me all about it later,' he looked serious for the moment. 'Change of plans. I asked for a week off which I'm due and got it, the problem is that we have a new kid coming in for the summer season and I have to go in and show him the ropes on Monday.'

'That's OK,' I shrugged. 'What's the problem.'

'You're still OK with the computer geyser on Monday?'

'Yeah, if you're OK with Andy coming around to meet Peter tomorrow afternoon.'

'Wouldn't miss it for the world,' he laughed.'We'll have to get that bedroom sorted out.'

'We need the air bed first.'

'Got it,' he laughed. 'One step ahead buddy boy.'

'I'm shagged,' I spoke without thinking.

'So it seems,' he laughed again. 'Thanks for the cleanup... well done. I'm gonna have a shower and I'll see you in a little bit.'

Ah well, duty calls. To be honest I felt a whole lot better, it's amazing what a couple of hours kip does for you. I slipped from the bed and padded down the hallway, it was about time to look after my lover man with a bit of luck he could check out my ring without getting carried away. It felt alright but better safe than sorry. I must remember to pop over and see Peter tonight or give him a bell. Busy, busy.

I gave a gentle tap on the bathroom door but there was no reply so I pushed and it was open. Mick was standing and running the shower attachment over his head rinsing off the soapy. He didn't realise I was in the bathroom until I grasped his soft but extended cock and massaged the soft flesh. 'Aaaah.' he gave a gentle sigh and peered through the running water. 'You don't have to treat me like your lord and master you know,' he smiled at me. 'Nice if you do but I'd like us to be partners not the boss and boy sorta thing.'

'No probs, I've just got an urge to take some of the workaday stress away.'

'Who am I to say no to that?' He grinned and I felt him hardening up as his penis extended to it's fuull length and his glans slid from it's hoody covering. 'Betcha don't fancy sex, do you?'

'Later, in bed,' I crouched until I was level and took him into my mouth, a bit soapy but nice all the same. I do like a nice clean cock. He went off in around five minutes with a groan of pleasure and filled my mouth with his thick creamy sperm, as I swallowed and ran my tongue across my lips he ruffled my hair. 'We'll phone out for dinner unless you want to go out.'

'Not really, I was going to ask Peter to pop over to sort out tomorrow.'

'Good thinking, Batman. We can get him to pump up his own bloody bed then and get his little nest organised.'

'Right. Tea or a chilled one?'

'Tea for me please.'

I made a couple of teas and whilst he was getting himself sorted out phoned over to Pete and asked him to pop over about eight. He seemed happy enough and when I diplomatically told him that I'd seen Andy and had some good news for him he was even keener to come across. Mick phoned up for fish and chips which I was beginning to think was the limit of his imagination and we had them delivered and polished off well in time for Pete's visit. We even had the little room sorted out, the only task was to pump up the air bed and we had an electric pump for that.

'What's the plan tomorrow, Mick?'

'One of two things. A, have a play around and get them started or B, let them get on with it, we can have a couple of hours out in the car.'

'B sounds good to me,' I laughed. 'I don't want to hear Peter's cries of pain.'

'Cries of passion more like,' Mick grinned. 'It's amazing how much a little boy fanny can stretch.'

'Tell me about it,' I replied feelingly although I rather envied Peter in a way. Andy hadn't said too much but the way he reacted to news of Peter's super crush was very telling. The big boy was over the moon and moi, the matchmaker had brought them together... well, almost.

'Pain in the arse having to work on Monday but it'll be interesting to see who the holiday people are, a sixteen and a seventeen local boys it seems.'

'I might even know them.'

'If you do we'd better firm up the cousin story here and now,' Mick gazed at the ceiling. 'I'm your aunt's son, your mother's sister... got that.'

'Got it,' I repeated his formula.

'Stick to that just in case some smart arse tries to catch us out. If anyone askes any more questions tell them to sod off... she lives in London by the way.'

'London. Right.'

'Hopefully no one will ask but your swimming manager probably will and any parents who are interested.'

'Gotcha. Mother's sister, London. Aunt who by the way?'

'Aunty Mary, that's easy to remember but the key is to tell people to mind their own business basically.'

'Not quite so blunt,' I laughed. 'But I get the point, the less lies the better.'

'Exactly,' Mick sprang up and started to collect the fish and chip wrappers. It was eight o'clcock and we had out favourite midget calling, I was wondering if he wanted his noodle sucking but I do tend to have a one track mind where sweet little boys are concerned.

Half an hour later and all was tidy, I was slouched down watching some bilge on the television and Mick was hovering by the window. 'Here he comes,' he spoke and grinned down at me. 'Pretty as a picture.' A few moments later we heard the clump of Peter's feet on the stairs. 'Quiet as a mouse he ain't,' Mick laughed and went to open the door.

Once we were all settled Mick produced some cans and we had a bit of a general natter, Peter full of moans about how his parents were slave drivers and how he was going to demand a minimum wage unless they eased of on the work. I know the score about working on school holidays which was one of my reasons for staying at Micky's, I shouldn't have to specify the other. Anyway, Peter then had a gush about the car which he'd inspected, their family car was an old Vauxhall something or the other, 'yer basic scrapper' as he called it.

'Well, we can have a day out Sunday, if we can organise it,' Mick smiled. 'We three and your boyfriend.'

Peter blushed and looked at me accusingly and maybe with a bit of a plea in his eyes. I was centre stage at last.

'Yeah, I need to fill you in on this Peter,' I started and thought about the best way of handling it without really dropping myself in the shit. I would mention the slap and tickle but not the actual sex bit, I didn't want him freaking out in a fit of jealousy but I was assuming... I knew he was capable, what I was assuming was that he really wanted Andy and hadn't just been leading off at the mouth in our previous conversations. Mick just sat there grinning, he knew I'd dug myself into a big hole and was enjoying it.

'I went around to see Andy today on a swimming matter,' I started lying like a cow pat. 'We eventually got around to who was doing what over the holiday. I told him that I was staying with cousin Mick here and he started to press me, like a copper sort of thing.'

'Cheeky sod,' Peter sniffed.

'Just nosey I suppose,' I continued. 'Anyway, after a while I more or less told him that Mick and I although relatives were a 'bit more than friends' if you know what I mean.'

'Yeah, go on,' Peter was on the edge of the seat by now. I bet he was one of those berks who watch Corrie or East Enders, he was lapping it up.

'Well, I didn't go into the nitty gritty but he kept on at me questions, questions and in the end I just blurted out that Mick and I were an item, you know, an affair.'

'Jeez,' Peter sat open mouthed. 'What did he say.'

'Nothing,' I glanced at Mick and he was grinning, he must be enjoying the bullshit which wasn't all that far from the truth or so I'd convinced myself. 'He seemed to accept that my business was my business and that was it but he invited me to his bedroom and that's when it got a bit exciting.'

'What happened?' Peter was getting excited.

'We had a play around and a sixty niner.'

'That's it,' Peter screeched and Mick laughed. 'You knew I fancied him as well,' he looked at me reproachfully. 'Didn't shag didya?'

'No... but we did have a long chat after the event and he told me that he fancied a kid on the swimming team, a bit more than fancy in fact, he lusted after this kid something rotten.'

'Oh...' I don't know I stopped myself from laughing out loud. Poor Peter looked so crestfallen it was untrue, Mick sitting across the way managed to keep a straight face. 'Who does he fancy?' Peter mumbled and he looked so heartbroken I had to put him out of his misery.

'You. You twit.'

'What?' Peter nearly leapt in the air. 'He fancies me?'

'Yeah, wants to fuck you rotten and give you babies,' I laughed.

'Hey, steady on,' Peter went bright red. 'I'm not a girl you know.'

'You can sort it out with him direct, he'll be here around midday tomorrow, Mick's fixed you a little nest so you can do what you like.'

'What you two going to be doing?'

'We'll go out and have a drive out as Mick want's to roadtest the car.'

'Jeez, I don't believe all this,' Peter looked at me and then at Mick. 'It's all so sudden.'

'Just like that,' I reached down and grabbed his groin. He squealed and shuffled himself to the end of the sofa but not before I'd felt his boy's cock as hard as a poker inside his shorts. It was time to chill out and move onto better things.

'I've got to be home by ten, Peter spoke. I tell you, that boy actually looked so coy, he almost simpered.

'Well, that's just under two hours away,' Mick smiled at me and stood, so did I. So did Peter. I wrapped my arm around his bony shopulders and guided him to the bedroom, he gave his sweet little arse a wiggle on the way just for Mick's benefit. Once in the bedroom I gave him a straightarmed push and he fell on the bed with a giggle and he flopped on his back and smiled up at us both. This boy was one serious ball breaker. I tugged his trainers off swiftly followed by his socks... we were on our way.

Mick crouched on the bed up the top and dropped his head his lips meeting Pete's. Peter grinned down at me, he was the star and he knew it... wait until he got a taste of Andy's outsized cock, we'd see how smart he was then.

As soon as I got his shorts and briefs down to his ankles and then off his four inches of boy meat flipped onto his belly as stuiff as a spike and just as hard. Mick wasn't interested, he had Pete's t-shirt off and was sucking on his nipples like a baby at feed. Poor Peter or maybe it was lucky Peter, the shirmp was under attach at the top and the bottom and from his mews and little sqeals was enjoying every minute. In the end Mick lay out on the bed on his back and Peter crouched between his outspread legs taking hold om Mick's man sized cock and stared to suck on it like a lollipop. He smooth white bottom bobbed up and down and I could even see his tiny pucker as he spread his cheeks offering me what he had to offer.

I grabbed the KY which had appeared from under the pillow and smeared a huge glop between his snowy white buns pemnetrating his clenched little ring in one forceful thurst. He yelped but a moment later pushed back onto my moving probe and redoubled his efforts on Mick's straining meat. I had a different agenda, I grabbed Pete's narrow hips and holding him steady guided my swollen meat to his pucker by muscle control alone. Still not touching myself I poisitioned at his shiny and slick ring and slowly moved my hips in.

He gave a shuddering moan as I entered him and then relaxed and sighed around Mick's thobbing cock as I began to slip in and out of his deliciously hot and tight tunnel. That kid loved it, he pushed back onto me as I slipped in and out on an overload of KY and kept sucking at Mick's root as my lover man fucked up into his mouth. Somewhere along the line all still connected Mick managed to move around in the bed and take Peter into his mouth and then we were off on the final countdown. I shagged my little heart out into Peter's slender body and was rewarded at last by the old familar burning and a goodly pumping and splating as I voided my creamy cum deep into his gut. As I lay sweatily glued to his back I heard them both gobbling and swallowing and at the end we split, literally, and rolled free. Peter was Belle of the Ball and he finished up in the winning position cuddled between myself and Mick, I suppose you could call him the Cum Kid, the pearly slime was on his belly, around his lips and doubtless across his buns and in his crack but he didn't care... as I've said, he loved it.

'I better have a quick bath and make a move,' Peter finally and rather regretably said. 'I'm a bit nervious about tomorrow though with Andy.'

'It's all fixed,' I reassured him.

'Try and get night leave,' Mick said. 'We'll get Andy to try as well. If he can't you'll still have us.'

'Sex maniacs,' Peter laughed and slipped from the bed.

'Don't forget, a day out Sunday,' Mick reminded him. 'I'm sure we can find a secluded spot somewhere.'

'Right,' Peter grinned and disappeared heading for the bathroom. He was on his way home shortly after that, I'm sure his parents must have thought he only came over for the baths. One thing was for sure, he was delighted with the Andy assignation and I just hoped it turned out well, it should do as they both seemed to have secret squirrel crushes on each other.

We weren't in bed late either. After a rather rough and ready cleanup and squaring the bed off we went to be about midnight and went to sleep in each other's arms. Christ, we'd degenerated into being an old married couple in a matter of two days. Mind you that was open to discussion as I was awake at dawn and so was Mick and we started the weekend off with a bang.

We had the morning dogbreath snog and I felt his morning woody as the Yanks call it slip between my legs, I clamped on it and rolled onto my back taking him with me, I clasped his muscular bottom and pulled him in tighter and his hips moved up and down as he slid dryly between my thighs. He hauled off a bit and looked at me with a slight smile.

'Do you...?'

'Yeah,' I grinned back and raising my legs pushed his chest up forcing him into a kneeling position with his lovely cock jutting free and clear in the early morning sunshine. 'Yeah... like now,' I took my knees down to my chest exposing my all... Married life does have some good points and one was on a collision course with my rather eager fanny like right now. 'Take your time.'

'Always.' His lips came down onto mine just as I felt his pressure on my ring. Dontcha just love Saturday mornings.

The End

for now

Might go for another Chapter on this one, or maybe two.

Next: Chapter 4

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