Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Mar 10, 2007



last published in your HIGH SCHOOL Section on 11 Jan 07



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.


4 - Young Love Prevails


G. Cutter


I awoke in the morning and the bed was empty, after surfacing and gathering my senses I could hear Mick down the hall and from the noise he was in the kitchen. Sure enough a few moments later he wandered back into the bedroom with two steaming mugs in his hand, it looked like Saturday was underway.

'Morning, Dog Breath,' he carolled like a manic early morning lark. You know, greeting the dawn and all that old cobblers.

'Morning,' I grunted, I'm not much of an early morning person. I was rather hoping that he'd clamber in and we could do it, I had the urge. Mind you, I always woke up with the urge and that was to exercise the front bit not the back end if you follow. He sat on the edge of the bed and handed me a mug, he then dropped his gown and clambered into bed alongside me naked with his big dick drooping.

'Gawd, you want a pee,' he laughed as he sighted my early morning stiffy sticking up on my belly.

'A bit more than that,' I grumbled.

'Pee first,' he insisted. I laughed and slipped from the bed, he had said 'first' after all, I wasn't a complete dummy and one thing I was learning about him was that he tended to be precise in his speech. Even if he wasn't, I was still going for it. I got back to bed and slipped in and hurriedly gulped my tea and snuggled up, he gave me one of his fatherly smiles, he must practice in a mirror. 'What are you after, pervo?'

'Guess,' I grasped his semi hardness and squeezed it to life, he ignored me and drunk his tea and then leaned over the edge of the bed to place it onto the table in the process exposing his warm rear end to my touch. Needless to say I was on him like a leech with my hot hardness slipping right up tight between his muscular cheeks.

'How did I know you were going to do that,' he whispered sliding below the bedding and taking me with him. Once back in the warmth of the coverings I slowly dry humped into his hot crack.

'What time we getting up,' I nibbled the back of his neck.

'Once you've dealt with my itch... and yours,' he murmured sleepily.

'Right,' I slipped my hand under the pillow and found the trusty KY in it's normal parking space. I put some onto my swollen glans but just enough. We were used to each other now and although I wouldn't want to go dry every time it made for a bit more feeling just to use the minimum, just a smidgeon, enough to penetrate a dry ring and that was enough. He moaned and got comfortable as I snuggled up against him and worked my aching hardness up into his split and centred. He'd had his little shag last night, the little being me and now it was my turn, then we had guests to worry about and I'm not quite sure what he intended on that front.

I hadn't got a clue what time it was but the traffic didn't sound too bad and he didn't seem too concerned about leaping out of bed so I just forgot about it for the moment and concentrated on the job in hand. One push and I was into his beautiful warmth and his willing flesh. He gave a sigh of satisfaction and pushed back onto me. For a Mr Butch he did tend to do a good bottom when he tried. I took it nice and easy, there was no rush and I just ploughed in and out savouring the tightness and the casual acceptance. We were used to each other by now, we both enjoyed each other and somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered how long it would last but there was six weeks of school holidays yet to go so we had time to settle down, split up, or come what may. For the time being be content, I tended to worry too much, I concentrated on the sex after all that's what it was all about.

It was nice and steady, he reached back and kept his hand on my hip, when he pushed I slowed down and when he pulled me in I went faster... organised or what? Until then I just though a fuck was a matter of getting your end away but I was really beginning to enjoy it, I didn't want it to end and he was happy enough laying there just absorbing my lazy rumping. Towards the end it got a bit frantic as it always does and I started to slap into his tight old pensioner's arse (sorry about that, Mick). I came at the end of it with him belly down clutching the pillow and me slapping away like an old slapper in a manner of speaking. The little death as always was fantastic and I surprised myself at the volume of my outpourings (amount of cum that is in English). 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' I chanted as I splurted and splattered my climax of boy spunk deep into his hungry hole. Wonderful. I slipped free and flopped on my back all passion spent.

'Don't go to sleep, String Dick,' he muttered. God, he was a right charmer at times.

'I wasn't going to,' I lay back expecting him to jump on me but he didn't. He did stick his arm around me and cuddled me as I slowly worked at his semi erection making it a full one.

'What time are we expecting Peter and the big guy, Andy?'

'I sorta fixed it for Peter coming around at midday and Andy at twelve thirty...'

'Good,' he stretched in the bed. 'I've got to do a bit of shopping to do this morning so you can have a tidy up. We've made them up their own little nest so I don't want them in this bed unless they're with us...'

'Thinking ahead?' I butted in.

Exactly,' he grinned. 'So if we linger for a short chat and then let them get on with it. Give them fair warning that we'll be back around five or six and it's all down to them.'

'Well, they both know it's a fix so they only have to grab each other and away they go.'

'I hope so,' he rolled towards me and slipped his hardness between my legs. I knew what he wanted and made to go onto my back but he had other ideas. He rolled onto his back taking me on top of him and gazed into my eyes with a sly smile. 'Now kneel up as if I'm going to give you a blow... which I'm not.'

'Spoilsport,' I grumbled but did as he said and then realised what his game plan was. As I got myself comfortable I could feel his hardness glancing against my buns, ten to one I was supposed to sit on it. Lazy sod he was, he wanted me to do all the work but it felt like it could be fun.

He handed me the KY without saying any more and I uncapped it and reaching behind me annointed his hot cock until it was super stiff and as slippery as an eel. 'Go on,' he whispered and I did. This was a new one on me and I didn't want to hurt myself, I didn't want to bend his dick either but my pain was first and foremost in my mind. 'Nice and slow, Jakey.'

Damn right there. I elevated myself slightly and positioned his hot cock directly under me. As he held my hips, I held his erection firmly in place and supporting myself with one hand awkwardly lowered myself until I felt his bulging glans at my pucker and then taking a deep breath took the plunge. I nearly leapt up and off the bed as I felt the bloody thing spear into me but he held me firm and safe in his hands as I gradually lowered myself feeling his bulk fill me. At about the halfway mark and gaining confidence I started to move up and down feeling it easily move within me. I doubt his dick had shrunk, my pipework must have eased enough to take him quite easily as we got to be more regular lovers.

'Yessss...' He gazed up at me as I sat on his belly lightly and felt his hot meat fill me and even twitch inside me as he made a little move. 'Now kiss me,' he ordered. With him slowly moving in me I bent right forward and kissed long and hard as he began to fuck upwards into my well stretched fanny. Thank God it didn't last too long as it wasn't the most comfortable position in the world but he gradually moved me around, rotated me in fact until I was facing away from him and he continued to plunder my bottom from the back with me still squatting on his penetration. Of course, by then the maneuvers were taking a back seat to the thrusting and the puffing and panting as he rammed up into me hard and deep and I forced myself down onto his fat cock.

For the grand finale he rolled taking me into the old belly down position and he was on top, another move and my legs were parted and he was into a regular shag by then I was beginning to feel fucked, really fucked. I was loose and I think I lost it a bit as I began to shove back hard demanding more and more as all good little concubines do. When he did cum it was a nice one, I wriggled my arse on his jerking and pulsating cock taking his hot fluids in until I felt them smear between my buttocks. The randy rat had flooded me and not for the first time.

'Have I ever told you what great sex you are, Jakey?'

'Only three or four times,' I giggled as I felt his softening cock slip free and his warm kisses on my neck. 'As good as Peter?'

'Better,' he rolled me over and looked at me. 'I like your mates but I love you, my brown skinned little beauty.'

'Not so little and a bit less of the brown skinned, pal.'

'Sorry,' he grinned clearly unconcerned. 'Showertime, a bite to eat and prepare for the main event.'

'Peter and Andy?'

'The Volvo's maiden trip,' he laughed. 'You've done the spadework, I've provided an inflatable mattress... they can work the rest out themselves.'

'True.' I laughed. 'Gimme five minutes,' I slipped from the bed and rushed off to the loo, bloody gravity, all that what goes up must come down bollocks. Got to be a pain in the arse sometimes but it was worth it especially with someone you really liked, avoiding the other L word there you'll note.

We had breakfast and made up some sort of a bed for them in the box room, we also managed to squeeze a small sidelamp and a litttle fan in there but it finished up a bit like a tent in the desert, everything on the floor. Still, it was better than nothing and I thought it was quite cosy, all they had to do was close the door and they had their own little rumpus room, maybe a rumpy pumpy room was the proper term. My mind still boggled at the idea of Andy's big cock penetrating the tiny Peter but I'm sure they'd work something out. I wanted to watch but that's me being a perv and hopefully that would come later.

We were all set up by around eleven and we went down for Mick to show me around the new car, or the new old car and I was quite impressed. It was so clean and had all the bells and whistles, a nice radio being the main thing, I did like my music. When we were buggering around Peter rolled up and did the mandatory oohs and aahs, he looked really dishy and he was stripped for action. An old t-shirt, short shorts and trainers with no socks, he'd be naked in a flash if I knew Peter. I just hoped and prayed that Andy didn't bottle out and let us down.

'I'm feeling dead nervous about today,' he whispered whilst Mick ineffectually poked around under the bonnet pretending he knew what he was doing.

'You'll be alright,' I reassured him. 'Once we're out of the way just go with it, he likes you a lot and more importantly he wants you. You feel the same... you want his big cock so there you go.'

'Bastard,' Peter squealed. 'It's not just down to sex,' he lowered his voice.

'Young love... ain't it grand,' Mick smiled. 'Let's go up and we can show Peter his little nest and where the tea, coffee and whatnot is. You're hosting your pal Pete so you have to look after his creature comforts.'

'I'll do that alright,' Peter giggled and we wandered off back to the flat to await the guest of honour. I knew how Pete felt, he was probably a bag of nerves but I knew he'd be alright. Andy very nearly had a love job going with the brat and once they'd consumated their little affair I'm sure they'd be like a pair of lovebirds. We'd probably have to chuck cold water over them to split them.

'Leith Hill,' Micky said as we mounted the neverending stairs.


'That's where we'll have a spin. I used to cycle there when I was a kid,' Mick explained patiently. 'Loads of National Trust land, stack of ponds and things.'

'Sounds nice.'

'It is.' We took Peter in and settled him in, of course we showed him the room whih Mick had rather camply christened the Bridal Suite. Bloody good job he hadn't put a notice on the door that really would have put wind up the guests.

'You're in charge, Peter. Use the place as your own the only thing you mustn't do is get pregnant,' Mick laughed.

'I don't believe this,' Peter moaned. 'It's so embarassing.'

'Relax,' I stroked his fine blonde hair. 'Just stay cool and let things happen. We won't be back much before six,' I looked at Mick and he nodded confirmation. 'We can eat then and talk about it or maybe we won't, we'll understand.'

'The moment is nigh,' Mick looked up as we heard the sound of someone climbing the stairs. Penny to a pound it was Andy after his little bride. I got to stop this taking the piss, it was serious business but it was turning into a farce, the sooner we were out of it and let them do their thing the better for all concerned. I answered the door and it was Andy and he looked just as uncomfortable and awkward as Peter was acting... a fine pair.

To be very brief, we lingered around five minutes which was just about time to make sure they were seated and talking and fled. They were on their own.



I suppose this was romantic adventure time I thought as I walked by the big Police Headquarters, it was either that or Fantasy Island (remember that one). I'd had a casual friend visit me yesterday and I say casual as he wasn't one of the others, you know, a close friend. He was one of my pals from the our little Swimming Club and the guy was called Jake. Of course, you know this already but this time you're getting it from my point of view so bear with me or not... your choice.

Just to recap Jake had come around my place acting rather strange in a very peculiar manner. Hows about that for a bit of old Victorian melodrama scene setting but no ghosts or spookies I promise. Anyway, Jake came around and we'd had a chat about the Club, friends and other things and he started dropping very heavy hints, gay hints at that. I played along as I reckoned that he was trying to work his way into my trousers and I didn't really care, he was nice, in fact, he was a dish and if he wanted a romp in the hay I was the boy for him. I suppose I was what you'd call AC/DC, I'd had fumbles with boys as well as girls but nothing serious on either front and I kept myself to myself, I didn't advertise either aspect and most certainly not the boys. At this stage I've got to say that in my limited experiences I preferred the boys, far less clingy if you know what I mean.

The one problem I had with both sexes when it came down to it was my organ and I don't mean the one that gets played in the church on Sunday, I mean the one between my legs... that's right, my penis. It was too big which may seem a silly thing to say. I was big or tall, taller than my age group put it that way, so big boy, big organ seemed about right. I was the beanpole of our group of swimmers and I was certainly the best rigged but the trouble was the others would see it in the showers and far from falling all over me they'd run a mile this is speaking in the mind you understand. You could see the 'fuck that thing' look in their eyes which was a bit disconcerting and a bit of a bummer to get totally confusing.

Anyway, back to my little story. Jake came around and very obviously chatted me up. I was delighted, he was nice, it was a sweaty day, I was randy and here he was spreading himself around and the final bonus... mum was at work and I had the place to myself.

Then came the second shock, the aftershock I suppose, it was just like an eathquake this little performance. He was chatting me up on behalf of another kid. Talk about wheels inside wheels or maybe one of those confusing plays they put on TV, the ones where you don't know what the hell is going on, the BBC specialise in them. I was geting a bit bewildered here, this Jake was chatting me up on behalf of this rather smaller and younger kid called Peter but he was also acting the complete tart by offering himself as well as a sort of sacrificial lamb.

In the end I just switched off the brainbox and invited him upto my room and shagged him. He was wiling and able and he was good sex... end of story. Now we move onto day two and I'm in hot pursuit of little Peter. I or we had been offered the use of Jake's cousin's flat for the day and if that smells fishy it gets worse. Jake's so called cousin had turned up at our swimming meeting accompanying Jake and I recognised him. He was the manager of one of the shops on the Parade. I think I was the only one who found this curious, how come this guy who'd been working in this place for quite some time suddenly becomes Jake's cousin and starts trailing him around. I thought it was pretty obvious, they were an item.

Having said all that here I was climbing this mountain of a staircase to this flat that could be barely glimpsed through the clouds. Just kidding but it was a hell of a hike up there, something like being up in one of those big London tower blocks without the lifts.

A nervous knock and believe me I was a bag of nerves, I was big enough to look after myself and wasn't to fussed about a pair of my mates jumping on me and abusing, in fact, it might have been fun but that wasn't on the schedule. Jake opened up and invited me in. It was quite a nice flat, a bit of a curious layout though, a long passage with a small bathroom and kitchen to one side and then the room where little Peter and 'cousin' Mick were seated, both came to their feet as I came in and Mick waffled something but I only had eyes for my little Peter. He more of less took shelter behind Jake and I think at that point he was probably beginning to regret he'd ever started the whole thing going.

I'd had my doubts right up until I went in that room but as soon as I saw him I knew it was true. The poor little sod was almost crying, now I know Peter and I was very fond of him in a big brother sort of way and my heart went out to him. I did want him and I wanted him badly but only on his terms, I didn't want him hurting himself and I mean medically I wanted him to enjoy himself and there's a bit of a difference there. He was small framed and had a tiny boy's bottom, I was youth shaped and had a dick which was outsized for my size... work that one out. In the end Mick got us all sat down with chilled softies and we nattered on for a bit.

Mick and Jake were going out for the afternoon road testing this second hand car he'd bought and we had the place to ourselves. The scenario that Jake had outlined the previous day was on, it was genuine. Peter wanted me, I could see it from the occasional and still nervous glances that kept coming my way. The end came rather suddenly, I suppose I was caught unaware when Jake and Mick suddenly left telling us that they'd be back around six and would arrange a meal. Just that and they were history, it was just Peter and myself.

'Well, Pete. Here we are,' I smiled at him trying not to act like an old pedo. A bit of a naff thing to say but I had to say something.

'I shouldn't have said anything to Jake.' His voice trembled.

'I'm glad you did.' I tried to talk gently like to a child.

'Really,' he gave me a sweet smile.

'Really,' I assured him. 'I've liked you for a long time and it's nice to know that you like me.' The conversation was less than scintillating.

'Great,' he beamed.

I beamed back (of course), we were like a pair of bloody lighthouses beaming at each other. I stood and he flinched nervously, God knows what he thought I was going to do but I moved over to a small two seater sofa that Mick had and sat on it, I patted the cushion alongside, we were going to get nowhere talking to each other at long range.

He sat alongside me and I immediately draped my arm around his shoulder and that was it, it was alright, he gave a sigh of relief and snuggled into me and I dropped my head and kissed him on the top of his head. His blonde hair smelt sweet and I suppose I too gave a little sigh, we were at least holding each other and now I wanted him all the way and I wasn't fussed carnally if that makes any sort of pervese sense. I jut wanted him naked and in my arms, I'd kiss him all over, I'd bloody well eat him more likely but I would try and exercise some sort of restraint. Cannibalism is illegal I understand, well it is if you get caught.

'I'm glad you came around,' he spoke quietly and looked up at me, I took the opportunity to kiss his forehad and then taking his head in my hands guided his lips to mine. He closed his eyes and our lips met and I felt his hand drop to my groin, not a one to waste time our little Peter in spite of his nerves. 'Jeez,' his voice quavered. 'That's huge.' His hand had outlined my hardness within my loose trousers and I felt the pressure of his little fist and then slow movement.

'Keep that up and you'll make me cum,' I muttered.

'Don't want to do that with your gear on,' he whispered.

'Where can we go?'

'The little room at the end,' he leapt to his feet red faced but then grinned. 'Come on,' he grabbed my hand and dragged me from the room. My little Peter was taking charge and I was well chuffed, this was going to be an afternoon to remember.

The small room at the end of the passage was set up, it was set up as a nooky room, nothing else. There was an inflatable mattress covered with bedding and a small sidelight and that was about it... that's all there was room for. You couldn't call the room a bedroom it was more a boxroom or a room suitable for a small child but it was good enough. I smiled at Peter and kicking the door shut bore him down, he squealed and did a bit of arm waving and a token struggle but he loved it giggling and squirming as I started to undress him. He soon got the idea and was at the zip of my jeans and tugging at my shirt. It didn't take too long before we were fully naked and I held his pale skinned body in my arms, it was warm in the samll room and it was even warmer with Peter's hot body in my arms.

'Jeez,' I've dreamed of this,' he mouthed at my neck and ran his hands up and down my body.

'So it seems,' I grinned and grasped his firm little cock. Well, I suppose it was standard for a boy of his age and build and his rock hard four incher twitched and pulsed as I slowly moved the lose skin too and fro.

'That's so big,' he glanced at my own rampant meat and started to kiss my chest holding onto my erection all the time and moving it in time with my movements on his. He moved putting then together and his pale skin stood out against my darker skinned and much bigger organ. Suddenly his lips drifted acros my sternum and onto my belly. I didn't really believe he was going to do it but he did, one mischievous glance up my belly and his hot little mouth took in my swollen glans. I saw his wet lips slip over my bulging purple knob and then he was sucking it and coating it with his saliva. No way was he going to get the whole shaft into his mouth but he tried, in the end he settled for bobbing his head up and down on what he could and I just lay there in a daze playing with his blonde hair until I too began to move... it was the very least I could do.

I reversed in the bed kissing and mouthing the length of his childish torso until I took his sweetmeat into my mouth and clasped his smooth boyish bottom. He went ape, his head moved faster on me and he wriggled and writhed on the bouncy bed building up a good sheen of sweat. My fingers drifted into his crack and at the end I pushed with one finger and entered his delicious warmth.

'Great,' he spluttered around my cock and clamped his delightful little tush on my moving finger and began to mouth my heavy balls. 'Yeah, great,' he moved his tiny bottom on my probing finger. He wanted the proper thing, I knew it in my heart, I also knew that Jake had taken it but Peter was a lot smaller and slighter than Jake even if Jake was a skinny type. 'There's some stuff under the pillow,' Peter lay the side of his face on my slippery hardness and looked at me. 'Lube,' he did his little blush again.

Now here's a thing, he'd more or less told me to carry on but there was one other thing first. I'm a clean boy and probably a lot cleaner than most of my peer group. I shower daily, sometimes twice, I swim a lot which makes for extra showers, I wash behind my ears and foreskin and I clean my teeth twice and even three times a day. Cleany Boi is me but I wanted to get dirty for once and I was going to have a go right now with my darling little Peter.

Another thing to mention and that was Peter wasn't just a teenage lust I was infatuated with him, we were as different as chalk and cheese, I was tall he was short and there was nearly three years difference in our ages but he was the one for me. I held his head and gently moved him up the bed sucking his small scrotum and then gently turning him over and splaying his legs. He moaned and flinched as I kissed his smooth white buns and then spasmed as I ran my tongue up his crack. He was clean, I could taste the soap on him and smell a faint deodorant, I tickled between his cheeks with the point of my tongue and he quivered and rolled on the bed. I stayed with him moving his body around as if he was a doll, he submitted first with giggles and then with moans and sighs as I kissed his jerking stiffy, licked his balls again and traced his perineum with my tongue. He gasped and twitched again as I got my mouth onto his puckered little ring and sucked and slobbered over the yielding muscle.

'Ooooooh... Andeeee.' He shrieked as I sucked and slavered at his hole poking my tongue dead centre and blowing saliva, more tongue and then I was on the move again. I had a handful of lube now and I quickly smeared some on my now oozing penis and then grasped his jerking noodle and gave it and his nuts an oily massage. 'Ooooooh.' he went limp as I slipped two fingers inside him and probed for his little lump and when I found it he twitched and pushed back onto my thrusting and rotating fingers. 'Do me, do me, Andy... please,' he begged as I massaged his oiled privates with one hand and finger fucked and loosened him with the other. I gently withdrew my fingers and still massaging his cock and balls slid uop behind him and positioned myself.

I took him with one very gentle and very slow move that stretched his ring and opened him up. My glans lay just inside his body, past his sphincter but in his delicious warmth and tightness. He gave a shuddering sigh and went limp. Smearing the lube over his slender chest and little rounded belly I began to move gaining a little bit every time and he just clutched the pillow and stuck his bum out absorbing more and more of my straining cock.

'I love you,' I whispered quietly as I moved slowly now feeling his tight ring clamped on my cock but now halfway down my shaft. My own nuts were as tight as a drum and I prayed that I could hold off long enough to give him a little fucking, he wanted that and I knew it.

'I heard that,' he giggled and gave a little push back.

'I mean it,' I kissed the back of his sweaty neck and held his narrow hips, almost there.

'Good,' he pushed back against me forcing me onto my back and he was actually laying on me speared on my stiff penis. He stated to move himself with his hands flat on the bed either side of my body, he bent his legs so his feet also supported him as he started to move up and down on me and I just prodded up into his moving body. 'Yeah...' he grunted with triumph as his soft bottom settled on my pubics. I was totally encased in his hot little body and he lay back on my chest and I put my arms around him still at last with him taking little experiment squeezes with his sweet little boy fanny. I put my arms around him and wanked him with one hand and smoothed the lube over his little silken belly as he lay his head on my shoulder and craned to look at me. We managed an awkward kiss and he spoke: 'I feel like a frog,' he giggled and I felt his body shake on my slippery spike.

'Let's try this then,' I puffed, he may be a lightweight but even a boy bouncing up and down on your belly takes it's toll. We rolled onto our side and I kept moving. I then took him onto his belly and slid a pillow under his midriff and spread his legs wide.

'Yeah, go for it,' he hissed and pushed his tight little bottom up hard against my thrusts. Go for it he'd said and go for it I did. I put my hands either side of his narrow torso and started doing pushups.

'Aaaaah.....' he moaned as almost all my seven inches left his body and then slid effortlessly back in. It was like the initial penetration time and time again and when I came to my climax he was clutching the pillow and begging me to cum. One final sheathing deep and hard and I pressed him down hard onto the bedding as I felt my cock jerk and spew jet after jet of slippery spunk deep into his willing body. When it was done and I gently extracted myself with a gush of spent cum he rolled over and held me with his eyes full of tears.

'Jeeesus, Peter...' I looked at him laying there. He'd cum himself onto the pillow and his smooth gut was sticky and slippery with his own semen. 'I didn't want to hurt you... you should have said...' I kissed his eyes, his nose and finally on the lips. 'I'm so sorry.'

'I'm sore,' he whispered. 'But I'm not hurt.' I must have looked puzzled as he smiled. 'I'm just so happy. I came the same time you did and Jake said that's the best way, it show's real love.'

'Silly you, wise ol' Jake,' I grinned and clung to him comforting him and probably myself as well. He was a beautiful little boy and he was mine, well, he was fourteen and looked younger, he'd be legal in two years time and we could elope of something. The one thing that I did know was that I loved him, truly, deeply and all the rest of it and I was pretty sure he felt the same. 'How's your bum?' I brought us back to reality.

'A bit sore,' he grinned cheefully. 'I'll live, monster cock.'

'Good,' I lay there in the stiflingly hot room cuddling him at peace with the world.



We sat in the car and Mick gave me a big A-Z of Surrey, he opened it at a bookmarked page and pointed out Leith Hill which looked a tiny location in a sea of green. It seemed to be a fair way away, well past Dorking as he'd originally explained.

'No roads,' I remarked.

'Yeah, the dotted ones are roads but they're not public, they're National Trust.'


'We drop down to Leatherhead, then to Dorking and out to Coldharbour, we follow the small ones after that.' He turned on the ignition and we were away. I looked at the petrol gauge and we were full, all I hoped that his pride and joy didn't conk out on him... you know what they say about second hand cars and it's rarely good.

It wasn't a bad trip down, it was hot without being over the top and surprisingly enough the traffic was light although over sunsmitten weekends most people tend to make for the coast or drag the kids to one of the big theme parks in the area. We were just heading for a bit of Old England now very much out of fashion. Mick told me how he and pals used to cycle there from London... from bloody London? It was about fourty miles away and they used to cycle as eleven and twelve year olds. As he also said nowadays you'd be lucky to get a kid to cycle fourty metres let alone miles.

He also said they used to take a groundsheet and a couple of blankets and stay out the night. Unbelievable. I think he was having me on with some of his boyhood happenings but if even half of it was true things had certainly changed over the last ten years. Kids seemed to have a lot less freedom at an earlier age, ten, eleven and twelve but a lot more later in life... from sixteen onwards. A sign of the times I suppose. Or perhaps families going back into the nineties and earlier expected their younger kids to look after themselves and find their own amusements.

We took our time and fortunately with reasonably empty roads we could take our time and actually look around at the countryside. We had no speedsters up our arses honking horns which was just as well as after Dorking we were into single track roads and darkest English countryside. There were actually fields without houses and animals and crops, very rural although the odd houses we passed seemed to be very picture postcard and probably very rich. Of course if I'd have looked at the map closer I'd have seen the farms tended to be at the end of long windy tracks but I wasn't looking all that closely. I was looking for talent, hitchhikers, whatever but after we'd got through Coldharbour which was a curious name for a place in the middle of nowhere there was nothing, just miles and miles of woodland with the occasional open space with a scattering of cars.

We pulled into one and had a chat. Mick explained that there were miles on miles of National Trust woodlands in the area and in the old day it was infested with young holidaymakers, hikers and ramblers but times were a changing. Hiking and rambling involved effort he explained rather sourly I thought and modern man would rather drive and contaminate the planet, a little like us in a Volvo I nearly said but held my peace, I didn't want to upset Lover Boy whilst he was having one of his rare rants. It was obvious that this was very much a trip down Memory Lane for him and he was thinking of happier days.

Dunno why? He had me and now he had Peter and Andy lurking in the wings, how much happiness do you want. I'd have to give him a blow job or something to cheer him up.

'Last lap.' he said and we were off again. This time it was really deep into spooky woods. I've never seen so many trees, mind you being a forest accounted for that I suppose. We were going uphill all the while and at last it cleared and here we were at this stumpy tower which looked like it needed a bit of work on it. They should get those dickheads from the TV onto it, they'd stick a solar panel and a wind turbine on it... all extremely affordable and well within the reach of your local peasantry. Yeah, right!

There were a few cars there and some families scattered about munching munchies and hurling frisbees around. Quite a pleasant scene although not dreadfully exciting, I had a wander around as Mick decided to get under the bonnet and play around with his car (dontcha just love that on a day out). I got my shirt off and soaked up a bit of sun also giving the scattered serfs a flash of my beautiful body but it was a bit sparse on the eye candy front. I decided to climb the tower as Mick was still buried in his car's guts, I did hope he didn't tinker too much it would be a long walk back and I don't think he'd thought of joining a Rescue Service yet.

Leith Hill Tower wasn't a big thing, certainly no Blackpool Tower or anything as grand. From the nameplate it was what they called a 'folly' and built by some crank in the very early nineteenth century which I worked out as the early eighteen hundreds when we were battling the Frogs. There was a load of crap about how you could see five counties from the top so up I went. There was just a small viewing area up there and I can tell you in complete confidence that five English counties when surveyed from a tower on a hill in blinding sunshine all look pretty much the same. Lucky I had the shades on and gave the two boys I had come across a quick once over, they were doing the same to me I noticed being a newly awakened pervert. They could have been brothers and they were tiddlers meaning they were probably around twelve or thirteen, both blondies and both half naked. Well, not to get excited they both had t-shirts tied around their waists ... nice.

'Nice up here,' I looked at them both and gave them the benefit of my smile.

'Yeah,' one grunted and the other stared at me like I was from Mars. I was off to a fine start.

'You from around here?' The second one asked probably thinking I was some sort of a raghead with my dark skin colouring. I'm as English as they come but people have told me I look like Sinbad the Sailor, no probs, I don't give a toss.

'Addlestone,' I told them expecting that to confuse them It's not as if Addlestone was the best known little burg on the map.

'We came through there,' the first one grinned and the other once actually smiled as well. 'We come down from Weybridge.'

'Ah, right,' I sat on the parapet I suppose you'd call it being a tower and all that. 'With the family?' I was waiting for one of them to say something like... No, we walked down, you dickhead. Fortunately they weren't that type.

'Nah, mum and dad over there,' One of them placed his hands on the stonework and pointed out a car quite close to where Micky was buggering around, he'd now decided to clean the windscreen. What a gem. By the way this kid peering over the edge of the tower was so close to me I could smell his boy sweat, his sweet funk.

'That's my cousin,' I nodded down at Mick. 'He's just got the Volvo and I think he's going to mate with it at any moment.'

Both the boys laughed so they weren't slow, at least they knew what mate meant.

'Dad's the same,' the first one grinned. 'He's in love with that heap of crap.'

'It got us here,' Number Two laughed. 'Just.'

'Yeah, we had a bit of a disaster at Coldharbour,' Number One hopped up on the wall and sat there with his smoothy brown legs dangling. They were both wearing these long cargo shorts, the khaki things that run out at your calf and look like long shorts or short longs, a pocket for every day of the week. Funnily enough I had the full length version that Micky had presented me with, he'd probably 'borrowed' them from the shop but I liked them so they weren't going back. They hung on my hips well and gave everyone a flash of my boxers which was very fashionable, I thought I looked pretty cool in them so there.

'What happened?' Well, I had to ask to keep them chatting.

'Radiator started brewing up. Good job we had a big drum of water in the back.'

Yeah, lucky,' I agreed. 'I'm Jake by the way,' I named myself forcing an introduction and they turned out to be Bill and Ben. Don't laugh. Well, you won't unless you're British and into rather ancient children's TV.

'Not Bill and Ben the Flower Pot Men?'

'Aaaah,' they moaned in unison. They're probably heard it all before but I blame their parents. Actually the more I perved them from behind my sunglasses the more I thought they were very close, not twins but not all that far off. Not the clones, the other ones, they've got a name for them which I can't remember. probably something technical like 'nearly twins' or something. Anyway, all that aside, they were a couple of little sweeties and I took my sunglasses off to look better. Very nice, I almost licked my lips. Blondies both, both shorter than me, bluey grey eyes, skin just beginning to tan, slender with little rounded bellies. Jeez, I could feel Jake Junior stirring from his sleep.

'We're gonna have a wander around,' Bill smiled. 'Wanna come?'

'What a question, I had to laugh and so did they although we were probably laughing at diffferent things. I might have been reading things that weren't there but I tagged along anyway, after a remark like that there was no stopping me.

We stopped to admire the Volvo and Mick looked suitably impressed at my new friends and then he told me to enjoy myself as he was going to have a lie down in the shade. I'd have to have a word on the way back and tell him he was supposed to be acting my gung ho older cousin not my worn out elderly dad.

Bill and Ben were full of beans and they must have been here before. After around twenty minutes of it I was exhausted, I'd taken my shirt off and was sweating like a pig. We were deep in the woods but being Leith Hill everything was on a bloody slope (figures). We'd found a gap in the woods and Bill who seemd slightly older or just a bit quieter had flopped onto the grass and I dittoed the flop. Ben was swinging from a low branch like a manic young chimp on a day out.

'Your brother's a bit lively,' I observed as I lay alongside Bill casting my eyes over his smooth belly wondering whether or not to stroke his silken skin and also wondering if the lump in his cargoes were just a fold in the material or something friendlier.

'He's a nut,' he grinned at the sky, just then Ben tired of his game and dropped to the grass the other side of me, I wondered it they were going to set about me and gang bang me but I couldn't be that lucky, anyway they were only around twelve or so.

'How old are you two?'

'Twelve.' Came from one side.

'Thirteen.' From the other. So much for the twins bit. As a detective I was crap, I suppose now they were going to tell me that they weren't brothers but they didn't.

'How old are you Jake?'

'Fifteen coming on sixteen.'

'What would you be doing if you were at home now?' Ben asked, it was obviously questions and answers time, they must have been bored.

'Probably having a snooze or watching telly,' I stretched out like a big cat, in fact I could have dropped off there and then if I hadn't got the sweet company.

'Much better things to do on a hot Sunday afternoon,' Bill gave a sort of frustrated groan and rolled onto his belly, his brother laughed and I knew exactly what he'd laughed at. Both of them were at that age, the instant stiffy age and that's why Bill had gone onto his belly, he'd be shagging the grass next.

I lay on my back gazing at the blue sky through the gap in the trees, I flexed and relaxed my abs looking down my belly, one advantage of swimming, it kept your body tuned up. Of course, I did a little glance to the left at Bill's smooth back and gently rounded bottom in the baggy shorts. I had half a mind to sink my teeth into his firm buttocks but thought better of it.

'Hey... cool.' I'd forgotten all about young Ben to the left. 'Do that again.' I looked around and the little sweety was propped up on one elbow gazing down at my belly. 'Do the muscles.' I obliged and flexed again. 'Great,' he cautiously poked me with one finger like I was a dead fish or something. 'Hard,' he giggled. This kid was the master of the one word sentence.

'Don't be so gay, Benny,' Bill had sat up and was looking at us. I think I detected a tad of jealousy in his eyes.

'Nothing gay about it,' Ben snapped back. 'They're good muscles... look at them,' he prodded me again. Jeez, this kid was getting carried away with it.

'Gently,' I murmured.

'Oooh, poor baby,' Billy grinned but just to go one up on his brother he lay one hand flat on my stomach and gently squeezed. I felt my cock jerk in my cargoes, this pair was too much and I wondered how far they were going to go or was it all going to end in giggles. I kept the imaginary fingers crossed.

'Not such a baby,' I retorted and Billy squeezed my belly again and looked at me coquettishly - now I had to look that up in a dictionary but that was the word I needed, that and no other.

'No?' Ben whispered and I felt his hand settle on my groin. Jeez, talk about surprised I was in shock. Both boys had frozen and were looking at me as if they were defusing a bomb. I had no idea what to say, anything I would say was bound to be wrong.

'Nice,' I gave a theatrical sigh and relaxed both boys grinned in relief and Ben grasped my hardness within my trousers with his small hands and Bill lightly trailed his up and down my belly and chest. 'Lie down,' I ordered them softly and they both did. Two hot sweaty boyish bodies pressed against me and I felt two juvenile stiffies press against my hips and two hands settled onto my crotch feeling and fondling. This pair weren't wasting any time. I don't know what had brought this in but I wasn't going to let it go. A quick decision, I turned to the smaller, Ben, the original grabbed and pulled him towards me, Bill promptly shuffled up to my back and I felt his sweaty bare flesh press against me.

'Go on, Ben. Go for it,' I whispered as he continued to fumble at my crotch and I showed willing I took a good feel of him and felt his boy cock firm inside his shorts. I didn't have to bother about Billy boy, he was slowly rumping up against my bottom, he was in the advanced class.

Little Ben didn't mess around, he unzipped me and he had a grip on my cock in no time flat, I couldn't believe what was happening to me. Bill was still rumping away to my rear and playing with my nipples. Whatta little perv, I had to get their phone number before they split. Our Peter would love this pair and who knows what would develop. I managed to get Ben unzipped as well, in fact, I unclipped his waistband and had him opened up like a Christmas pressy. His little stiffy fitted into my hand nicely and I wanked it to and fro.

'Hey, this is great,' he burbled enthusiastically. 'He's big,' he talked over my shoulder to his brother.

'Let's have a feel then,' Bill managed to clamber over me and delved into my trousers. God, I had the two of them at it trying to get me off. My next move was to undo Bill and get his pecker out into the open. This one was slightly bigger than his brother but a threesome is hard. We were in a struggling mass all doing nothing really other than grope each other. I decided to take it a stage further, time was against me and I wanted then to remember me well. I also wanted their contact for the future so I had to give them a sweetner.

'Ever had a blow job boys?' I'd decided on my tactics.

'What? You want to blow on us,' Billy giggled.

'I know what it is,' Ben although the smaller and younger was a bit more up on things. 'You going to do us?' He looked at me wide eyed with his lips parted, he was a bloody angel.

'What is it? What is it? Billy was wriggling about excitedly, his shorts were down around his knees now and with a laugh I parted them and lay them on their backs.

Now for their treat. I think they were in shock they both lay there silently with an occasional wriggle and giggle as I sucked and slurped at their small stiffies, small but succulent I might add. In the end they both did the twitch and jerk and with both of them I got the taste of their fluid if not a decent squirt. I gave them both the final squeeze and managed to get a bubble from Billy so he wasn't too far off with his climax, probably this year if he worked at it. Neither of them offered to do me but both set about me laughing and giggling and did me a manual to be brutal. They lay either side of me in the hot sun and flogged away at my hardness rather roughly but I managed to cum in the end. They both shrieked and went through the disgust bit as my sperm got on their hands and ran into my pubics. I just collapsed and lay there and in the end they both cuddled up and we were done. There was a certain amount of mutual embarssment at the end as we walked back but they managed to worm my phone number out of me and promised to be in touch sooner or later. I had to be satisfied with that and I did have the feeling I'd see them again.

We walked back upto the tower in a subdued mood, I suppose like all boys they had a guilt complex but they'd get over it. Sex was a new thing for them and once they had a taste there was no going back. I introduced them to Mick who was nice to them and when I mentioned that I might invite them over if and only if they made contact he went along with it.

Their mum and dad were looking out for them and looked across at myself and Mick curiously so I went over to them and let the boys introduce them. In the end Mick joined us and we had a sociable natter and I think the boys felt better about it. No good keeping secrets apart from the big one. In the end we bade them a farewell and both Bill and Ben gave me chirpy grins and waves... they'd be in touch again, I was pretty sure of that.

To be continued.

I had intended to finish this one but it looks like another soap coming up. for comments, chat, etc.

Next: Chapter 5

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