Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Mar 27, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


5 - Billy visits and Peter calls.


G Cutter


The school holidays wore on if that's the word. As far as school holidays went they were between brilliant and fantastic, probably the sort of thing you remember when you're a grey and wrinkly ol' man and can't get it up anymore. Mick had to work for a living, of course but I spent most evenings around his place with either Pete or Andy or sometimes with both. Stacks of sex but stacks of just chilling out. Mick had his computer installed and we went on line plus he kept getting these extremely dodgy tapes and DVDs in the post which were a bit of a giggle. I slept at home but managed to get night leave over the weekends. My parents weren't all that fussed and once I let slip that Peter and Andy used Mick's as well I think they got the idea it was some sort of a Youth Club.

I suppose one of the key events was that Mick gave me my own key to his place so I reckoned that was the final step, a seal of trust I suppose. Now we were regular boyfriends even if we did shop around a bit. It's a bit difficult to explain in a way. I knew that for me to have any 'adventures' for want of a word I needed a base. Mick was that base. Following on from that I also realised that there was a real danger that he'd use me as a sort of a boy procurer but I didn't mind that at all. Put it down to lack of moral fibre... I'll stand for that and sod you all, so there.

We dragged Mick up to meet our Team Manager and Micky managed to look straight for long enough (sorry about that Micky) to get taken on as our Club Secretary and general dogsbody, well. let's face it most of the parents were pretty vocal but when it came to actually doing anything vocal was just about the limit. Any paperwork, organising or giving lifts to various meetings was all a bit too much... especially the posh ones I hasten to add being a Bolshie bastard.

Mick also managed to get myself and Andy signed on at the shop for a couple of days a week as students on holiday which we were so that was a bit of an adventure as well plus it gave us some money to play around with.

Oh, yeah, to go retro and put you in the picture: Andy and Peter did finish up with a big love job going but as with Mick and myself they didn't mind spreading themselves around a bit. They always had their little cell or Rumpy Room as Pete called it if they wanted privacy, they'd smuggled a little radio and portable TV in the cheeky pricks but Mick didn't mind. He and I charged them rent in a manner of speaking with the understanding we had the use of 'their' room if anything interesting popped up but nothing had done so at the time of writing this.

Anyway, to get to the point. I suppose it was a fortnight or so after our Leith Hill outing that I was laying in bed at home and I heard the phone ringing downstairs. It was only nine o'clock and as was my holiday routine I was thinking about getting up. I'd missed breakfast and dad was at work so I wasn't in any rush, anything I wanted to eat I'd have to do myself so I was in no hurry. Some people would call our family dysfunctional but we just called it informal. Mum was doing her housework which seemed to comprise chatting to the old duck next door for most of the day or visiting various girlfriends so she wouldn't disturb me.

'Jake,' she shrieked from downstairs. Bloody typical.

'What,' I hollered back like the hooligan I am.

'Your Micky on the phone.' My Micky I ask you, I'm bloody sure she had me sussed out but I tugged the shorts on and galloped down the stairs.

'Yeah, wassup Doc?' I did my Bugs Bunny bit, surely he didn't want sex at this time of the day?

'Listen up, Dogbreath.' I think he did the casual bit just to show everyone that we weren't lovers. 'Mr King phoned from Weybridge... you know, the family we met at Leith Hill.'

'Oh, yeah, the brothers blonde?' My interest perked up a bit.

'Their little boy Ben has broken his ankle and is in hospital for a couple of days.'

'Yeah... bad news.'

'Not all that,' he spoke casually. 'They want to know if their Bill can spend a couple of days over here, going back at nights that is... he's a bit of a handful it seems and they don't want him running around the house whilst they're working and going up and down to the hospital holding the little one's hand, the little one's a bit of a mummy's boy it seems.'

'Yeah, whatever,' I didn't know what to say. It was down to him I suppose. I was just a bit surprised that they asked a casual aquaintance to look after a small boy, he was only thirteen or so after all. I must admit I was feeling a little confused here. It was the damn names; which was Bill and which was Ben? I recalled the shorter haired one was the younger and the longer haired was the older. Put it this way, one had a willy and one had a dick... work that out and you'll guess which one if preferred.

'Good, I'll ring King back and the kid can cycle over.'

'How come he's not got more local mates.'

'They've only just moved there, the week before they met us and they don't really know anyone with kids to help them out. Plus they think you're a sensible boy and will take charge of him. He said he likes you or somesuch crap so they risked the call.'

'I'll grab a shower and come around the shop. I'll tell mum I'm childminding in case I drag him around here.'

'Do I deduce a certain amound of enthusiasm?' He laughed and put the phone down. Of course, I'd told him about Bill and Ben's little play around in the woods, I'd told Pete and Andy as well being a good gossip, I did like to spread good news around. I shot out and told mum about what I was upto and she took not a blind bit of notice other than telling me to be in by nightfall which was around nine in the evening (naturally enough). She wasn't cooking a dinner as it was too hot and she and dad were going out in the evening - nothing changes. Fifteen minutes later I was strolling down the shop ready for the onerous duty of looking after a blonde, pretty tasty thirteen year old. God, life sucks... sometimes.

I walked down the shopping parade noticing that although it was only around nine thirty there were quite a few people about. Lots of mums dragging lots of kids around shopping and whatnot and here was a bike propped against the shop doorway, I bet the manager was really pleased with that one. I wandered in and noticed that Andy was busy serving a customer and that Mick was having what seemed to be heated words with his manager. Poor old Bill... and he was the bigger of the two which cheered me up no end, was studiously peering at a rack of jeans and pretending to be invisible. I crept up behind him silently.

'Wanna blow,' I whispered.

'Eeek,' he leapt about ten feet in the air and came down laughing. 'Hello, Jakey,' I thought he was going to hug me there and then but Mick came across with a rather forced smile on his face.

'My manager has just given me a load of grief for dragging kids into the shop especially kids who park their bikes against his window,' he gave Bill a dirty look. 'I told him to stuff his job and he's calmed down a bit.'

'No real hassle?'

'No, no more than usual.' I knew that Mick didn't get on with the idiot running the shop but things were changing, there was a good chance Mick might get the actual managership so he was being cautious. He kept saying that he wasn't interested in the job or the Company for that matter but he was. He'd spent time researching the mini cab bit and found out that apart from being a load of hassle he'd have little or no home life and apart from that he'd have to pay a lot out to keep his motor legal enough for hire. 'You look after Bill and keep him out of trouble,' he looked at the kid and myself. 'I'll be up around five for a meal. Help yourself out of the fridge until then... OK?'

'OK, we'll get out of your way.'

'Thank fuck for that,' Mick muttered and was gone after a customer, I gave Andy a grin and a quick wave feeling quite chuffed at Bill's expression, when he saw the long lanky Andy loking rather sweet in is tidy gear, Bill's eyes out on stalks and his gaping mouth, said it all, he was torn between jealousy or maybe curiosity. I draped my arm around the boy's shoulder anyway and gave Andy a wink. That'd get him going.

'Come on. Bill. I'll take you up Mick's place.'

'What about my bike?'

'We've got a shed downstairs you can lock it in,' I escorted him down the alleyway to the rear and locked his bike up for him. I now had the little tyke all to myself and it was barely ten o'clcock. Wowsie, wow, I had to get lucky here.

By the time we got upto the flat I was beginning to have second thoughts, the poor mite was exhausted. He propped the wall up on the top landing and cursed. 'Fuckin' hell.'

'Language, language,' I laughed. I know it was a bit of a climb but I'd soon liven him up. I grabbed him by his bony shoulder and guided him in. 'Down the end.'

In the lounge he flopped on the sofa and wiped his sweaty forehead. 'Jeez, how do you do that every day?'

'Practice,' I grinned and sat alongside him. 'How's your brother.'

'He's alright, he fell off his bike,' he grinned. 'They're keeping him in for a couple of days 'cos they know he'll do something stupid.'

'They're probably right,' I looked at him and smiled. 'I've got to look after you for the day according to Cousin Micky.'

'Yeah,' he grinned. 'Cousin Micky... are you really cousins?'

'Of course,' I lied. 'Close cousins you might say.' Nothing like chucking some bait in the water. I wondered if he'd nibble. He did.

'Close cousins,' he repeated slowly. 'And you live in the same flat?'

'No, I live on the estate with my parents... smarty pants,' I gave him a superior grin. 'This is Mick's place and I spend a lot of time here being cousins.'

'Yeah, right,' he did an almost sneer and stretched his legs out clearly disbelieving me but that was alright although I might have been plugging the cousins bit too much. I was doing the double inverse reverse bluff (or something). The one where you tell a lie and don't really want anyone to swallow it. I'm getting a bit confused with all this... time for something fresh.

'I'll take you over the park this afternoon, I might meet up with some mates.'

'What about this morning?'

'Cold drinks and...'


'Whatever you fancy,' I looked very pointedly down at his crotch and gave my version of the evil grin. Sorta Dr Evil the Penis Pinching Pixy grin. He got it straight away and blushed but smiled at the same time.

'My legs are killing me cycling over here and then climbing a bloody mountain.'

'You need to lie down and maybe the kiss of life.' I know it all sounded a little bit naff and as a chat up it was dire but it seemed to be working.

'Clown,' he laughed and slid up onto the sofa laying full length and rested his head on my thigh, no shyness, no messing about, just a bit of: Here I am, whatcha going to do about it?'

'You are a sexy boy,' I idly stroked his smooth cheek and removed his baseball cap for him, I loved his overlong blonde hair. His face wasn't totally smooth he seemed to have a peach fuzz, I could feel the soft hairs as I ran my finger up and down.

'So are you,' he croaked and moved his head looking up at me. 'I loved what you did up at Leith Hill, it was really, totally wicked.'

'And you'd like another session?'

'Yeah,' he whispered.

'Only one thing,' I played with his shell like ears.


'I want you totally naked on the bed, I want to see you in the flesh.'

'You too,' he chuckled. 'Both of us commando, wrestling or something...'

'Or something,' I grinned. 'Let's get us a drink, no rush.'

No rush at all, OK so we were only being silly and stripping off in two minutes flat like a pair of three or four year olds in a nursery but it was the first and the biggest step. Once you could see your little lover or quarry in the raw anything could happen and usually getting a raging hardon was a bloody good start. I just wanted him naked and I'd take it from there. I wanted his little noodle and wondered it it had grown any in the last two weeks, he was at growth spurt stage after all. I need to add, if I got half the chance his arse was grass.

I got two cold drinks and suddenly had a thought. Mick's dirty DVDs, he had one with bits and pieces of Russian boys on it and these were kids, probably the age of Billy and his brother and Peter for that matter. Just the thing for raising the passion and generating a few ideas in a randy boy's mind.

'Wanna watch a bit of filth first, boys on boys? I asked half expecting him to refuse in disgust but he did exactly the opposite.

'Yeah, great,' he cackled. 'Might get some ideas.'

Talk about great minds thinking alike. He snuggled down in the sofa as I fiddled about with the television and the DVD, once it was fixed I jumped on with him clutching the remote. 'Let's roll...'

'That's films,' he giggled and writhed about as I made myself comfortable which was basically in a very close embrace and we were off. It wasn't long before the little squeaks and titters started. He seemed to find the close up penetration shots fascinating and another was the cock closeups. He did comment about how big the boys were and I told him that they were all big in closeup, I even offered to take some of him with Mick's digital. 'They use loads of that glop,' he commented when one boy was smearing another up prior to fucking. 'Loads and loads.'

'Yeah, of course. They're only putting on a show. If they were doing a proper fuck they wouldn't use so much.'

'Really,' he grinned. 'You'd know?'

'Yeah. The more you use the easier it is. Problem is the harder it is to get any feeling... therefore, don't use too much, just enough.'

'You'll have to show me,' he spoke so quietly I hardly heard him.

'I will,' I moved in and kissed him on the cheek.

'Don't,' he whined still avidly gazing at the screen as one bigger Russian kid started hammering into a smaller. 'Jeez...' He groped himself and I could see that his the spike of his stiffness was quite visible inside his trousers.

'This is turning you on,' I forced his head around and kissed him on the lips. He gave me an impatient look and jerked free returning to his viewing. Moments later there was a load of snow on the screen and the session ended. There was a longer bit but it took three or four minutes to come without the fast forward. 'There is some more in a bit.'

'Great,' he stretched and yawned. 'Got any of that glop?'

'Yeah.' I held my breath.

'We could have a little game later on,' he looked at me and his eyes dropped.

''A little game?'

'Yeah,' he grinned. 'I started shooting a bit better last week, I got it up on my belly the night before last.'

'Does your kid brother help?'

'Yeah, we got into that sucking thingy. We do sixty niners,' he claimed quite proudly. 'You know what they are?'

'I think so,' I grinned. Ah, he was so sweet! Did I know what a sixty niner was?'

'We can have a go this afternoon,' I ventured.

'And the other,' his face reddened again. I suppose after a bit of concentrated sex and some relaxation he'd stop going red every five minutes but blondies did tend to blush.

'Here we go.' The second little part had started, Mick never did find out the title of this one but he called it 'Magic Lady' after the song they played whilst the action was happening. Same sort of crew but one smaller boy being shagged and face fucked by two larger, pretty good although the final cum took forever. Billy was off again but this time he cuddled upto me and fondled me through my trousers until he finally unzipped me and his busy hand delved inside grasping my hardness through the thin cotton of my boxers.

'Nice,' he murmured and watched the screen intently fondling and squeezing me all the time.

As the thing wound down to it's rather drawn out close I stood and took his hand. ''Come into my parlour...'

'Said the spider to the fly,' he grinned and surprisingly enough he looked completely at ease. 'Come into my bedroom you mean.' I swear he even looked coy.

'You got it,' I towed him from the lounge into the main bedroom and closed the door. As soon as it closed he was in my arms and I took him back and down onto the bed. This time I kissed him long and hard and he didn't struggle or object, he just closed his eyes and returned my passion scratching my back and hugging me tightly. As soon as I flickered my tongue at his lips and then his teeth he opened his mouth to admit my slippery probes. This kid was keen and willing to learn and I suspect his brother's absence had something to do with it. He wanted things to pass down the line or he wanted to get one up on his sibling.

I didn't care, he wanted it, he wanted me and that was fine because that was exactly what I wanted. I started to undress him in a silence only disturbed by the sounds of lips on flesh and his little grunts and groans. I got him down to his tiny white boy briefs and his growing boy cock was as hard as a little pipe, well, for little read about four inches and he already had a damp patch at the tip. He was right, he was coming on bigtime, he was moving from child to boy, next step would be youth I suppose but boy would do for now. I clamped my mouth on his brief's front and centre and dry sucked his erection through the material as he wriggled about getting my trousers off and attempting to fish out my own hardon. We were still at the gameplaying stage but getting more serious by the minute. At last my boxers came down and then I peeled off his briefs exposing him fully. My brown skin and his slightly tanned white made a beautiful contrast as we rolled about playing with each other without really getting serious.

'Aaaaah, Jakey,' he moaned as I finally took his sweet cock into my mouth and began a slow suck and slurp but unlike Leith Hill we were now fully naked and I took one of his soft buttocks in each hand and squeezed and moulded the firm young flesh. 'You wanna do me, dontcha?' His voice broke into a squeak at the very idea.

'Yeah,' I grunted as I kicked my boxers free and he gazed on my own erection.

'I gotta do you as well,' he took a cautious lick at my shiny glans and pulled a face as he must have tasted my precum. 'Tastes fishy.'

'Agreed,' I pulled him in tighter and nuzzled at his smooth scrotum and the reasonable bush of blonde at the base of his smooth belly. He was a vision and I mean it, a little blonde angel and he was all mine.

'Good,' he laughed softly and I felt his warm mouth slip over the end of my straining stiffy. The problem now was not to come before the joining. I wanted to cum in him not on him, playtime was over.

'You show me and I'll show Ben when his ankle's OK.'

I laughed. I was right, it was a matter of brotherly one upmanship as much as anything. His target or his agenda was his younger brother and I was incidental, well, hopefully there was some feeling there, he certainly acted the part well. He shrieked as I got his legs out of the way and attacked his little pink pucker with my flickering tongue and in the end and on a coating of saliva I slipped a finger in deep and started to rotate it loosening and easing that all important muscle.

'Ahhhhh... so duuuurty...' he giggled and pushed back onto my probes. 'Wicked, rad, ace,' he babbled on and I assumed he was happy. He must have been he actually started leaking and from a quick swipe with my tongue I could taste his boy cum. I felt like saying something really naff like: 'You are a man my son', but I didn't. He could juice and that was good enough. I rolled him onto his belly and he knew his time had come, there was no going back now. I spread his legs and slipped a pillow under his belly, I was going to take him and no more messing about. After that I was going to let him do me from the front and then we could rest, in spite of the films and the chat we still had a long day to get through and I didn't really fancy wandering about the park. I'd settle on staying in bed for the rest of the day.

'Relax,' I whispered in his ear and kissed his smooth cheek. 'Just relax.'

'Stop if I tell you,' his voice quavered. 'Oooooooh,' he squealed as I annointed his tight little pucker with some KY and slid my finger back in and this time moved it in and out in a mini fuck. I went in as far as I could and he squirmed and pushed back onto me, he was clearly OK with one finger and now for two. I slowly slipped my finger out and he moaned his frustration and then moaned even louder as I stretched him with two and carried out the same procedure. I could feel his rubbery ring easing and stirred a little more before withdrawing. His little oiled hole gaped at me and slowly closed, a gentle prod with the same two fingers and he took me quite easily and now it was time for the main event.


'Go on,' he still sounded nervous but he wanted it, I was sure of that. 'Fuck me, Jake.' That was a bit coarse for a virgin child but it was good enough for me.

He flinched then relaxed as I slipped my aching hardon between his sweet cheeks and gently pressed against his pouting muscle. As I felt him relax I gently pushed and felt his ring yield and part and then my swollen glans slid inside him and he moaned clutching the pillow. I paused for a little while to let him get used to the intrusion and then pushed again and felt his ring tighten up a bit as my head entered and it adjusted to accomodate my shaft. I was in and I wasn't retreating now, I slowly and ever so gently pushed in again and then withdrew a little. He scrunged the pillow up in a ball and bit into it but made no sounds other than a little groan here and there. Grabbing his hips I started to move a little faster gaining a little depth at each prod.

'That's so big,' he giggled much to my surprise pushed back a bit... I took that as a go and started to rotate my hips really working on relaxing his entrance and making life a bit easier for him. His moaning now grew louder but I think there was a bit of pleasure there as well... the little brat liked it and he was letting me know. I was going faster now and it was easier, my precum and the lube were doing their work and I started to move faster again this time heading for full shag speed. In the end I gave the groan this time and buried my complete shaft into his sweet arse and his tight heat. I rubbed my belly against his soft cheeks rooted in deep and hard. 'Aaaaah...' he pushed back as if trying to absorb more but now was time for the main event.

I fucked him hard and fast and he loved it, he pushed back hard onto my every thrust and at the end of it my itching, inflamed and steel hard penis squirted and spurted streamer after streamer of hot boy spunk into his tight little tunnel.

'Woooo!' He pushed back onto me even harder sealing his body onto mine as I pulled him into an upright position kissing and slobbering over his ultra smooth slender neck. 'That was so intense,' he mumbled awkwardly craning his head for a kiss. 'I can feel all your icky inside me.'

'Good,' I grasped his stiff peg with my oily hand and felt the smear of his own cum at the end. If I didn't let him have a go he was going to pop his little load all over the bed so I guided him down onto his side still slowly moving within him and then slipped free.

'Whoa...' he span around to face me and furiously kissed me on the lips and his busy little tongue moved in my mouth. 'Wait 'til I give Ben a bit of that.'

'Not with his ankle in a sling,' I grinned.

'I'm not after his ankle.' Billly giggled. 'I wanna make mad savage love to him before you get in there with your big dick, Jakey boy.'

'I think he might appreciate the slow and gentle more than the mad savage bit,' I warned him.

'Yeah... right,' he scoffed. He grabbed his cock and waggled the stiff little shaft at me. 'Well?'

'Kneel between my legs,' I flopped onto my back and opened my legs. It had to be done and I doubted that he'd do me much damage. I had to run him through the basic hygiene caper and when he was nicely clean and relaxed I wanted to do him again... I had a taste for Billy boy's tight little arse and I think he had a taste for the Jake joint.

'Oooooh....' he grinned as he slipped his hard little pecker up against my ring and looking down at it I decided that it wasn't that little after all. He stared me in the eyes and then slowly pushed in, I felt my ring stretch and then his stiff boy cock was inside me. I think the poor little sod nearly passed out, he fell forward onto me and I clutched his smooth body as he froze, half in and half out. 'Absolutely awesome,' he breathed hotly and puckered up his lips... he looked like a bloody goldfish. Nearly laughing I kissed him and holding his hips I pulled him in. Without any effort or strain he slipped inside me and I held him tightly stroking his smooth flanks as he wriggled himself comfortable. 'That is incredibubble,' he chortled and started to move.

I contented myself with resting my legs on his narrow shoulders in the end but once he got going it all came naturally. He slipped out a couple of times but he was back in a flash, the rabbit in every boy was in charge now and there would be no stopping him until he'd achieved his mini squirt. He worked up a good head of sweat lunging and plunging but in the end he got there, all of a sudden he squealed like a stuck pig and I felt his slippery noodle twitch and then the feel of wet slippery cum inside me.

'Aaaah... fuckin' A,' he grinned like a loon. 'I did it,' he moved in and out on his mess as happy as a kid on Christmas morning and I suppose it was to him. One big bloody Christmas present and I was it.

'Alright?' I laughed as he slipped free and flopped back on the bed gasping like a stranded whale. 'You still alive,' I smashed my lips to his slipping my tongue down his throat so he couldn't really reply.

'Great,' he eventually spluttered. 'That was so wicked, wait 'til I tell Ben.'

'Just play cool. Don't tell him if he's gonna spread it around.'

'He won't,' he declared confidently. 'He likes you, he fancies me, he want's to get in on the act... easy as that.'

'I suppose the next step in your evil little plan is to seduce the kid brother.'

'Won't take much seducing,' he laughed uproariously. 'I told ya, we tried it once and it didn't work out. I didn't know you had to use stuff.'

'Suntan oil is your best bet, it doesn't look too suspicious.'

'Yeah, I got that,' he exclaimed impatiently. 'I feel all squishy you know where.'

'Go to the loo, when you're done gimme a call and we can have a shower.'



'Right,' he slipped from the bed and with tighly clenched bum cheeks scampered across the room. The day was turning out well but I wasn't finished yet my Billy boy had a few more adventures before he went home, he'd have a lot of catching up to do with brother Ben.

I trailed him up the bathroom but went into the kitchen first and fished out another couple of drinks, I heard him in the bathroom next door and I heard the loo flush and then the call I was awaiting. 'Jake.' I went in to find that he had dropped the toilet seat and was sitting there with a towel over his privates, he glanced up at me and grinned wanly. 'That was an experience.'

'Don't tell me about it,' I ruffled his hair and after squirting a load of foam in the bath turned the taps on. A nice warm or tepid bath together with a nice shower off at the end was just what the doctor ordered and a soapy groap was great for getting the juices to rise and there speaks the voice of experience. Billy put me in mind of Peter although Billy was better developed down below, OK so there wasn't much in it but Billy had the edge, generally he was a meatier boy. I wondered casually how he'd handle our Andy, he managed me without too many problems.

'Come on then,' he stepped into the bath whilst it was still running and bent over to fiddle with the taps. If I'd have been aroused I'd have pronged him there and then.

'Don't do that too often,' I warned him.

'Why?' He quickly sat and cheekily grinned at me. 'You ain't even hard.'

'Not yet,' I sat facing him and we shuffled up soaping each other paying particular part to the bits that were now under water. It was a foregone conclusion that his boy cock would harden in my hands as mine did in his, three or four minutes later we were giving each other a soapy and watery wank.

'That was good,' he spoke suddenly and for once gave my a shy smile, the cheekiness and bravado was missing.

'The sex?'

'What else,' he grunted. 'Don't you dare tell anybody but I liked it.'

'Giving or taking?'

'Both,' he reddened.

'So? No probs, so do I,' I shuffled really close so that my thighs slid under his and we were almost chest to chest, I grabbed his slippery waist and pulled us even closer. 'There's no shame in liking what you like... you don't have to broadcast it.'

'We gonna do it again later?' He whispered and I could see in his eyes that he wanted to, I mean, he really wanted to, he'd gotten a taste for it.

'Thought you'd never ask.' With a bit of a struggle I pulled us in really tright to each other so that he rode up and squashed my dick, I kissed him gently at first but it was no good, he had the passion on him and he returned the kiss furiously until we parted red faced and panting.

'I'm sitting on your thing,' he giggled.

'You're squashing my thing,' I corrected him. The good thing was that the way we were fitted into the bath his cock was out of water and it was hard again and jutting up onto his belly just begging to be attacked. Of course attack I did and a bloody good thing I'd drawn the curtain across the bath otherwise the bathroom would have finished up like a swamp. In the end we both stood and I used the shower attachment to rinse us off until we were as fresh and as slippery as newly laundried eels (who said descriptive prose was dead). 'Fluffy towel time,' I declared at the end of it all.

'Mmmmm...' he sounded disappointed but the game was still afoot as my mate Sherlock would say. The day still had a long way to run before he had to go back to his home, I just hoped that he wouldn't be too sore for his bike. Then again Mick could always run him home I suppose.

'Let's check out the fanny,' I turned him by his hips and gave his soft white bottom a little slap.

'Gerroff,' he giggled.

'Come on bend over, I just want to check it out and make sure it's OK,' I wheedled. 'Come on, bend over, I won't attack you.'

'Why not,' he giggled again and bent over the toilet with his hands on the wall cistern and spread his legs. I crouched behind him and parted his beautiful buns and gazed at his tiny little ring. The pucker looked a bit red and puffy but that was it, I gave it a little prod with my finger and it twitched and yielded.

'I'd better put some E45 on it,' I croaked.

'Is that slippery?' Billy whispered and pushed onto me a little.


'Good,' he grinned over his shoulder. I'll go down on the carpet.' he did just that. Jesus this kid was asking for it,' he crouched on the small carpet by the bath with his bum up in the air and his head resting on his crossed forearms. I grabbed the E45 which is a kind of a skin lotion and an ideal substitute for KY and uncapped the bottle getting down behind him. I scooped out a smidgeon with my finger and applied some to his tender pucket. 'Ooooh... that feels nice,' Billy warbled and wriggled his hips. This was too much, I gently annointed his ring and then slowly slid my forefinger in and moved it to and fro. 'Jeez,' Billy pushed back onto my oiled finger. 'You've got me as hard as a bastard.'

'Dunno how hard a bastard gets,' I laughed. 'But same goes for me.'

'Go on then,' he whispered and then gave that wriggle again as I slipped my finger free.

I knelt to his rear between his legs and pointed the dreader pecker at his bottom. He wanted it and who was I to deny a guest's wishes. I slid it between his smooth cheeks and located his now broached pucker. 'Slowly,' he whispered. I pushed gently and entered his tightness aided by the liberal coating of E45. He groaned and pushed back absorbing most of my hardness in one go. My turn to groan only with exquisite pleasure as his oiled flesh gripped me and I began to move in his tightness.

This time no false modesty, no messing. we rooted like a pair of animals in that bathroom and he enjoyed it just as much as I did. He tried to wank at one stage but I continued to plunder his sweet flesh and stopped his self abuse. If he was going to cum it belonged to me not the damn carpet. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' I chanted as I rammed and thrust into his bruised and well eased little ring, his virginity was a thing of the past, he'd gone from boy virgin to boy slut in half a day flat.

'You're a sex maniac,' he grunted as he pushed himself back onto my shag.

'You love it...' I hissed as I held his slender hips and went even faster. I was just gliding in on a coating of E45 and finished each in stroke with a little corkscrew motion really stirring his guts but it couldn't last. I felt my tight nutsac slap against his slippery bottom and then the surge of heat and I jerked another three or four squirts of my cum deep into his body. It was messy, I could feel my warm spunk oozing from his hole and I was feeling quite pleased with myself. I'd done well, there must be something about Billy that turned me on. Well, of course there was, he was turning out to be a boy nymphomaniac.

We just collapsed onto the carpet and my still oozing penis slipped from his back passage and immediately started to wilt. Jake's Peg had done it's duty and it was now sleeping... poor little willy. I started to laugh as he clambered all over me trying to get me into position, he was clearly determined to do me on the spot, his four inch spike was waving in the breeze with it's glans totally shiny and exposed. He had good recovery powers as well, mind you, with me in and out of his bottom for the last five minutes probably helped.

'Take it easy, sexpot,' I finally surrendered and lay on my back with him kneeling between my legs staring down at me with a manic smile on his face. 'Whatcha want, Sweetypie?'

'You,' he cackled like a bloody witch on speed and hoisted my legs up, I co-operated and took my knees down to my chest exposing my squeaky clean fanny for his inspection. 'It looks 'orrible close up,' he frowned a little. So much for the charm offensive.

'Just put a smear of the lube on it,' I instructed.


'The E45... lubricant, dummy.'

'Oh, gotcha,' he grinned. 'Lube...' he savoured the word. Tiny minds are easily pleased I supposed, he'd learnt a new word. He'd probably be dropping into the family conversation in the evening. Here's me drifting away and the jerk of his entry brought me back to Planet Earth in a rush. 'Orrite?' He peered at me anxiously as I gave him the dreaded frown.

'Take it easy,' I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face to mine. His long blone hair tickled but his lips made up for that, this boy could kiss well. He spluttered as my tongue snaked into his warm wetness but he was moving now and taking his time. It seemed he was settling for a nice and slow. That was fine, that suited me down to the ground and I lay there lazily kissing him and gazing at his young male beauty. Well, I thought he was beautiful so sod you lot.

'I could do this all day,' he waffled on as he slipped in and out of my ring. I take back all the cracks I 've made about noodles, dicklets and bits of string if I've made any. This kid was just right and he was doing me well, not too rough and not to laid back, just right.

'Not ALL day,' I grinned. 'A couple of hours maybe... what do you want to do after this?' I asked thinking ahead, I did have to entertain him for the day ater all.

'Spend the afternoon in bed,' he grinned moving his hips a little faster. I closed my eyes and let him go. Bed sounded pretty good to me, I might give Peter a ring though to help me out as this kid seemed determined to rump away forever. He came in the end although I don't think it was any big deal, I felt the jerking and the pumping but I think he was firing blanks. Anyway, we did need a rest and the idea of Peter was getting more attractive by the minute. At least he'd spread the load and if young Bill who looked to be dying thought there was a nest of us in Addlestone he'd be more inclined to bring his brother around in the future. A nest? Dunno where that came from, I mean a group, a clique, a little firm... sod it, a nest would do.

After the sweaty episode on the carpet we showered off again and dried off only this time I hussled him straight back into the bedroom and literally forced him to make the bed.

'Hello.' Peter answered the phone to my relief.

'Help,' I gasped dramatically with Billy looking on. I hadn't told him what I was doing but just slung a snapshot of Peter onto the bed. Bill was looking at the snap and me in turns wondering what was going on.

'What's up?' Peter giggled. 'You been drinking?'

'I need help with something.'

'Bollocks,' Peter squeaked as he does. 'Mum's had me working in the garden, I'm just on my way out. I'm gonna hide over the park for a couple of hours... what do you want help with? There you go, he was a good little Christian after all and like all good Christians he was about to be rewarded.

'I've been lumbered with a fourteen year old kid to babysit and I need a hand.'

'Fourteen year old boy?' Peter squealed. 'What sort of hand?' he spoke quietly and gave a little giggle.

'All the way hand,' I whispered and saw Billy stretching out on the freshly made bed grinning from ear to ear, he waggled the picture of Peter and I nodded in return.

'I'll be right over,' Peter slammed the phone down. God, that boy certainly dropped everything when he thought there was some sex in the offing.

'Is he coming over?' Bill asked. 'Is he, er... alright?'

'No probs,' I grabbed my bathrobe and put it on. I gave him a smile and sat on the bed glancing at the clock. 'Five minutes and counting.'

Seven minutes to the tick I heard Peter on the stairs, it had to be him, he was the only one who came up like a baby carthorse. He sounded like a regiment of soldiers invading the place.

I opened the door and hustled him into the bedroom by which time Billy was back in the bed with just his head and shoulders on show, Peter just stood there with his mouth open clearly at a loss what to do., Billy in the bed looked just as bewildered. I took charge.

Leaving Peter standing by the door I leant over the bed pulling the bedding back with Billy going a delicate shade of red and exposed the boy's naked form complete with juvenile cock sticking up his belly at full stretch. 'You like?' I spoke softly to Peter.

'Yeah,' he croaked just as red as Billy. I stepped away and grabbing Peter stood him in front of me uunbottoning his shorts and shucking them down, for the next step I hooked my fingers into his briefs and took them down as well allowing his stiff peg to flop out and gently sway as be cringed in my arms.

'You like?' I spoke to Billy.

'Yeah,' he gulped.

'Good,' I just dropped my bathrobe and fully naked grabbed Peter and bore him to the bed with his trouserrs and briefs around his ankles and it was all over. As I continued to disrobe him Billy was on him and we soon had our little visiting angel naked and in the bed between us. I let them get on with making friends which seemed to comprise mauling each other and finished up with a long and sloppy kiss. Billy was to first to make a meaningful move, he managed to squirm under Peter and opened his legs and raised them, he was offering himself to our visitor and Peter was never backwards in coming forwards. He must have suspected that Billy had been well used as he just applied a smear of saliva onto the end of his stiffness and he was at it, a second later he was in and all I could hear were his grunts and Billy's satisfied moans. I reached under the pillow for the trusty lube not that I needed too much.

I got behind Peter as he rooted away and rubbed my own reawakened hardon against his smooth cheeks but he didn't mind. Been there, seen it, done it and got the t-shirt as far as he was concerned. I smeared the mere minimum of KY onto my swolled glans and fed it between his moving hips and as it slipped betwen his cheeks pressed gently against his pucker.

'Aaaah,' he gave a groan and stayed deep inside little Billy as I took him from the rear and then we were off in a synchronised shag.

I think Billy was getting squashed as his moaning and groaning built up but then he started laughing as we rolled onto out sides and went at it like a trio of spatic frogs. Peter was good sex as usual and I really enjoyed plundering his tiny white bottom especially as he clenched his cheeks and relaxed them as he thrust into Billy. I reached around Peter and grasped Billy's jerking cock but he pushed my hand away. 'No don't,' he whined. 'I want to do Peter after this.'

'Thought you'd never ask,' Peter giggled and shagged on. It was getting sweaty and it couldn't last, we writhed about and fucked our juvenile little hearts out but Peter was the first to go. A series of grunts and a spasm of bottom clenching and I heard him sigh and Billy squeak as the bolt was shot. Peter slowed and idly stirred himself in Billy's well battered bottom as I mustered another cum and spent it in Peter's hot little boy fanny. I might have said before I don't normally like threesome but this was a good one.

We split in the end and then we cuddled Billy in the middle and he lay there like the king of the castle confident in his attraction and his sexy little body. He had both myself and Peter well and truly hooked and he knew it. 'I'm still hard,' he looked meaninfully at Peter and grinned like a baby wolf... well, maybe like a butch little hampster.

'You ain't man enough,' Peter sneered which was just the wrong thing to say. I drew back a little as the two of them started to scramble about on the bed slippery with their own sweat and various splashes of boyjuice. There was only one outcome and Peter allowed himself to be pinioned to the bed by the randy Billy and then raised his knees to his chest in submission. 'Let's see what you've got,' he snarled still playing his little game.



What a day. Fantastic, incredible, abso-bloody-lutely wicked. I'be been shagged, done shagging and now this randy little blonde was about to do me for the umpteenth time. I'd have such tales to tell (dunno where that came from, I must have heard it on the TV).

We hadn't been in Weybridge all that long and when dimbo Ben broke his ankle the 'rents were a bit at a loss what to do with me whilst he had his couple of days in hospital having his cute bum wiped by nurses. I liked his back end no end (good turn of phrase there) but I wouldn't like wiping it after a poo tell ya that for free.

Anyway, back to moi. My people worked and I was on holiday. They seemed to have the curious idea that Ben and myself monitored each other and had no problems leaving both of us running amok but with one out of the system they had problems. Whilst they were worrying and nattering on about farming me out to all stations North of Nowhere I came up with the pair we'd met down at Leith Hill. The shop manager and the Spanish looking kid, Jake. I suggested it to my 'rents and they jumped. There had been an exchange of phone numbers at the time and they were on the blower straight away offering money and God knows what else. I knew my body would do but I wasn't going to let that little snippet into the trade talks.

They were well chuffed when Mick agreed to my stopping over for a couple of days. Basically I cycled over in the morning, spent the day babysat by Jake and cycled back in the evening... easy as that. What they didn't know was that Jakey baby had already sampled a fumble with Ben and myself and I was pretty sure he'd be up for more, maybe Mick as well who was rather tasty in an older sorta way.

So here I was and everything had gone pretty much as I'd expected, a bit of a lie there, it had gone absolutely heavenly to sound a bit camp. Jake was great. He did me as I knew he would and I did alright, then I did him and then I got a taste for it. For thirteen and a bit years I'd been waiting for a day like this. My bum was leaky, my dick was sore and I was in a haze... I couldn't get enough: Ben, my brother... I am going to teach you such wonderful things. I feel like I'm writing one of those fantasy things where you learn something magical or maybe I'm getting mixed up with the chat from Hellraiser. No matter and back to the present.

Here I was pointing Percy at the Pucker (that was a good 'un)..

'Go on,' Peter breathed out and relaxed himslef and looked at me with a slight smile. Jake lay alongside and then slipped from the bed probably headed for the bathroom. I put my sore cock at Pete's tight little button and slowly pushed feeling him tense for a moment and then accept me as I slipped into his heat and his tightness. 'Nice one,' he stared at me and puckered his lips. I leant over to kiss him and started to slowly move in and out sheathing my cock into his flesh. OK, so it wasn't a giant cock like Jake's but it'd do, Peter was happy enough anyway. He kept the kiss going and held my hips as I moved in and out. This wasn't going to be a quicky as I hadn't got it in me but I was bloody well going to enjoy it.

By the time Jake came back we were well at it and I must have had a premonition or something as I felt him kneel on the bed behind me and kiss the back of my neck. The bastard was hard again, he was a damn nympho or whatever the opposite is, super shagger I suppose.

'Yes or no?' He whispered and I felt his hardness at my crack.

'Do me,' I grunted and held still for a moment holding my bum still.

He did. A man of a few words our Jake unless he was chatting you up of course. He entered me easily and started to go, I bent and kissed Peter again. We were off and we still had around two hours before the store closed. Now this is what I call a holiday.

The soap continues with Chapter 6

The Hitchhikers Part 1

Pix of the characters now available.

Next: Chapter 6

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