Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 15, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of young men, youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter


I suppose you could say that I was pissed off big time. I was having a big adventure probably the biggest of my life, in fact, I was half running away from home. I'd better explain that before we get too far into the story. I was fifteen so leaving home without permission was 'running away', in six months I'd be sixteen and it would be nothing of the sort, it would be legal. Anyway, now that's sorted out I'll expand a little. Summer had finally come and with it the long summer break from school, when I went back it would be my last term before joining the working population but I couldn't wait. My family lived on a huge estate in Wandsworth which is in South West London for outlanders and apart from being knee deep in gangs, drugs and all sorts of fuckery it was a pretty dangerous place to live. I wanted to get out and away, there was an another England out there I knew that by watching televison, it had fields, beaches, little villages and Hercule Poirot. Of course, there were spooky woods, black magic covens and ocult killers as well but I had itchy feet, I had to go. I had to have an adventure and this was it.

My bright idea was to rip off my pig (that's my piggy bank by the way) and take myself off somewhere nice for a month or so and earn a crust (and that's get a job in plain English). The decision was made and being a lad of fifteen I discussed it with my bestest matey, a guy called Rupert of all things, he was normally called Rupe I hasten to add and he didn't wear a red jumper and checked trousers like the other one. Much to my surprise he volunteered to tag along which somehow encouraged me, we could look out for each other and who knew where it would lead. I rather fancied him you see but I was firmly in the closet so hadn't actually stated my desire. Perhaps this could be the sumer of love, you know, the old thingy that dare not speak it's name sorta crap.

We plotted and planned and after leaving notes for our parents promising faithfully to phone up now and then and to return in one piece for the school term we gathered our scant savings and headed for the hills. We knew that we'd be in for hell on our return but the long summer beckoned... hell could wait. To be a precise (after the heading for the hills remark) we hiked up the West Hill to Tibbets Roundabout and started to thumb a lift. We knew that the A3 below led onto the M3, Brighton and the South Coast. Funnily enough Rupe had suggested jokingly that if we couldn't find work we could go on the game. I think he regretted saying it but he had and it gave me room for thought. I think the funny look I gave him squashed him a bit and the subject never came up again but it remained in the back of my mind. If one mentioned it so casually was he willing or just shouting his gob off... who knew, not I but I'd be keeping a sharp eye on him in future.

As with all these things there's a fuck up around every corner and what started off as a nice sunny day degenerated into a shitty drizzle and here we were perched like a pair of waterlogged parrots watching cars speed by us giving us a complete blank. I think we were both toying with the idea of going home and tearing up the notes, maybe try another day but I knew that if we bottled out now we'd never pluck up the courage for a second attempt. We'd burned our bridges like that Roman guy, it was shit or bust big time.

'Fuck this,' Rupe looked at me and scowled, I grinned back. He was a bit smaller than I was and in spite of his tough guy pose he was quite sweet... well I thought so anyway. I'd seen him in the buff at school a couple of times, showering and all that and he had a cool bod, uncircumcised and about the same size as myself but thankfully he was unaware of my mini lust. I didn't really know if I wanted to get down and dirty with him or not, I just had that feeling that we'd get on well together and that's why this little escapade was so important.

I scruffed my blonde buzz cut and rammed my baseball cap on again and eyeballed him, he peered back from inside his hoody, the ratstails of his lank black hair curled around his face. 'Give it another hour and we can walk down to the next access road.'

'Orrite,' he shrugged and a moment later 'Oi, Dave!'


'That red Volvo has been around twice.'

'Which one?'

'This one,' he grinned as this old style Swedish battletank rolled into the kerb and the passenger window rolled down. Rupe waggled his carboard with the BRIGHTON scrawl in bold black letters.

'We can drop you off at the M25 crossover.' A dark kid spoke and gave us a sunny smile. 'You got a better chance of getting picked up down there.'

I looked at Rupe and he shrugged, he was a great one at leaving decisions to me. 'Cheers,' I spoke to this kid and he reached behind unlatching the rear door.

We clambered in and it was neat. I never realised these cars were so big, this one was old but in good nick and smelled good, definitely a no smoking zone. The driver leant around and gave us a slight smile and then checking his mirrors we moved away, down the sliproad and onto the A3. Just to complete the happy scene the rain got heavier at that moment and he put his wipers onto high speed.

'Visiting friends?' Darky looked around and gave us a good once over. Very pentrating eyes for a youngster although I suspected he was a bit older than myself and Rupe.

'Nah,' I answered him. 'We're gonna try and get some holiday work for a month.'

'You'll be lucky,' the driver laughed which wasn't very encouraging. 'Brighton's teeming this time of year with kids looking for work.'

'And failing,' his companion contributed. Talk about the Merchants of Doom and Gloom, we'd picked a right pair here.

I switched off and they chatted on, from what I could earwig he was a manager of some sort and they'd been visiting their head office in London and were on their way home. The more I listened it seemed that the older, the driver ran a store or a shop and were a little concerned about it being run properly why they were missing.

'Never mind,' the boy laughed. 'The worse they could do is burn it down.'

'Or rob the till,' the driver cursed and then ran onto the hard shoulder. I rubbed the mist from the window and saw that quite a few cars were doing the same. The rain had turned into a torrent and my heart sank. Standing by the side of a motorway in this didn't seem such a bright idea. I looked at Rupe and he scowled again (he was pretty strong on scowls by the way), he was probably thinking the same.

'We live in Addlestone,' the kid turned around again. 'Maybe best if you come to our place until the weather perks up a bit, it's no great distance from the motorway and we can always drop you down later.'

'Looks set in for the afternoon, Dave,' Rupe spoke to me and gave the kid a wan grin.

'Yeah, cheers,' I replied. 'We're very grateful,' I added just to be super polite. We might be bumming a kip of these two before the day was out. The thing was that they'd offered, they could have just dumped us and neither of us had any wet gear.

'So be it,' the driver flashed us a smile and craned around in his seat. 'I'm Mick by the way, this is Jake my... er, pal.'

'I'm David and this is Rupert,' I replied and I had noticed the pause when he'd introduced his pal. I wondered if they were close pals, or even closer but you mustn't make assumptions or so I'm told. Mind you, the driver wasn't too bad and probably around the twenty plus mark, the kid was tasty as in gorgeous and a lot younger. I looked at Rupe but he was looking through the steamed up window again, he'd dropped his hood and his hair was a mess. Moments later we were off once again, the rain had eased but it was still tipping down. Ten minutes later we shot up an off ramp and were on quieter roads.

I nudged Rupert's legs and when he looked at me and I gave him one of those scrunched up frowns, the: 'what do you reckon look'. He just gave a slight shrug and returned to his sightseeing not that there was much to see.

The rain had eased off by the time we got to their place but it was still a steady downpour. It was a small detached house with an up and a down, it looked like one of those Council houses they sold off in their thousands in the Thatcher years and had run to seed. I saw that there were builders ladders and stuff under tarpaulins so some work was going on, perhaps this Mick guy was spending some money on the place, it could certainly use it. We all got inside and as we stood in the small hall I was surprised to see that it was quite nice inside, more work going on which meant decorating and I wondered how long they'd been in the place. Mick answered the question before I had a chance to ask.

'We've only been in here for a couple of months or so you'll have to excuse any mess.' I just gave the teenage shrug, there wasn't much to say and it wasn't my business anyway. 'I though that if you hung on here, maybe stay the night, we can get you on your way tomorrow... the forecast is better.'

'We're skint, we can't pay lodgings or anything,' Rupert blurted out but I was relieved he'd been the one to say it as it had to come out sooner or later.

'No probs,' Mick grinned. 'You're guests. Jake's got a couple of days off, he needs someone to play with.' He laughed and his pal, the dishy Jake flushed.

I glanced at Rupe but he seemed oblivious to the chat and was following the Jake child into what appeared to be the lounge, parlour, front room, call it what you will. I was slightly confused, 'play with', the boy must have been sixteen and the only play I know sixteens getting upto was with girls or in some instances boys and sometimes themselves but certainly not with toys. Maybe, Mick thought he was a comedian and was winding up his young pal. I let it go but there was a niggle in the back of my mind. What was their relationship...? Then it came to me, they were probably brothers, brothers don't have to be clones after all. That explained it all.

Jake did the honours and took our wet coats which were soaked just being the lightweight windcheater variety and got us seated whilst Mick the man beetled off and I heard the clink of cutlery in what I presumed was the kitchen.

'Mick manages a Millets,' Jake sat opposite us both as we sat rather nervously on a big sofa. He suddenly sprang up and clicked on a big electric fire which looked fresh from the showroom. 'That's better, it's like bloody winter.'

'Sure is,' Rupe stretched his legs out and I noticed Jakes eyes drift down. I've got to say here and now, I suspect I'm odd or probably gay to be precise but I've had no practical experience apart from some mutual masturbation a year or so ago but I'm an eye watcher, I always watch where people look and it's a surprise sometimes to find a perfectly normal type oggling something they shouldn't. Now, I know that sounds confusing but I'm sure you know what I mean. Jake was taking a crafty peep at Rupe's goodies but I'd noticed. Then again perhaps it was just a casual interest... yeah, right!

Experiment time. I waited for a lapse in the chat which was soon coming and catching Jake looking at me returned the gaze and very obviously dropped my eyes to his groin. He picked up on it, of course he did, he grinned at me and winked.

'So, what do you do, Jake? You working or still at school?' I asked.

'I work for Mick on and off, I've got a couple of days off,' he smiled. 'I'm on my last month at school and they've given up on me.'

'Lucky ol' you,' I grunted. 'I'll be glad when I leave.'

'You clowns all say that,' he laughed. 'That's until you get the first pay slip and then see the deductions for National Insurance and Tax and then if you're smart you sit down with a calculator and work out that a quarter of your working week has been for the bloody government.'

'And hospitals and schools,' Rupe observed rather smartly for him I might add. He must have been awake in the 'being a citizenship classes, the Civic whatsit classes that is.

'Yeah, whatever,' Jake flapped his hand carelessly. 'I'd still rather work tax free.'

'Wouldn't we all,' Mick spoke as he returned bearing a tray with steaming mugs and other goodies. 'Right, make yourself at home you two,' he spoke to Rupert and myself. 'Kick the stinkies off if they're a bit damp.' I presumed he was talking about trainers as he and his 'pal' Jake were in their socks. I looked at Rupert and we did as suggested, why not? I don't know if Rupert was aware or not but we'd been picked up on the highway, we'd arrived in someone's house and we'd more or less got an invitatation to stay the night. This was like one of those horror moves or even like pedo's training film although these two were a bit young for pedos. Critic will immediately say you don't have to be a pensioner to be a pedo but I didn't know that, did I? Then again these scenarios might have been my evil mind.

I would certainly like to get Jake in a bed naked and see what would happen and at a pinch I'd even have a little lark with Mick. The two things were: Was I reading the scene right and how would the sometimes pretty dim Rupe react to all this and that was making a massive assumption again. One crafty oggle from a darkly handsome youth didn't make a romance... that must be a quote from somewhere.

'What were you thinking of doing in Brighton?' Mick asked as we munched his chocolate chip cookies (a firm favourite of mine by the way) and sipped his coffee.

'Dunno,' I looked at Rupe for support. 'Maybe some hotel work...'

'Waitering,' Rupe provided.

'You'll be lucky.' Jake scoffed. 'Maybe deck chair attendants or litterpickers. All the decent jobs will have gone to regular students with cards.'


'Yeah,' Mick smiled and I thought he looked a little smug. 'Students and schoolkids on holiday are supposed to have cards with their college or school on it and their National Insurance number. It's a paperchase nowadays, the days of the old casual work are gone with all the illegals floating around.'

'Shit,' Rupert scowled (as I've mentioned before, he did a good scowl being dark by the way).

'Mind you if you worked for us Mick cooks the paperwork...' Jake was cut off by Mick.

'Shut up, Jakey.'

'Woops,' Jake grinned totally unconcerned. I got the idea he wanted to say something and he'd said it. I also had the strangest idea that Mick wasn't all that upset. Did I say I was a paranoid and I believe in the Da Vinci Code and all the rest of it. There was something going on with these two and and then the spark came. They were white slavers, they were going to drug us and sell us to wealthy Arabs. Problem solved. I hoped that Jake was going to show me how to perform first. That was a joke by the way.

'It's still pissing down,' Rupert had moved over in his stockinged feet and taken a peek out of the window. 'Monsoon time.'

'It was a beautiful morning,' I moaned feeling a little let down by the God of Teeny Adventures. The day was turning into a right cock up but then again...

'If it eases off we'll go down the local and have one of their lunches,' Mick stretched himself out and I unconciously looked at his crotch, well, of course I did, oggling was a disease and it was catching. I also saw that he wasn't looking at me, he was studying Rupert who was watching Jake over by the window. The place was turning into an Aggy Christie mystery, everyone watching everybody else. All we needed now was the little Belgian detective to rush in and start waving his willy about.

'Why don't we go by the shop and have a look in,' Jake suggested. 'The boys can see what it's all about.'

Offering us a job?' Rupert laughed.

'Thinking about it,' Mick said quite seriously. 'We'll see how things go.'We always take on schoolies and students over the holidays as the sun brings the punters in for their swimmers and sports stuff,' he laughed and looked out of the window again. 'Quiet day today though.'

'What about eating,' Jake put his oar in.

'We'll give the shop a miss today or I might wander over later,' Mick decided. 'Let's pile in the car and drive over the pub, well get in before the office workers start snarling things up.'

'OK,' Jake cast around for his shoes. 'OK, lads... you'll like this place.'

I felt as if things were slipping away from me a bit but Rupert in his usual manner was happy enough. That kid was a born follower, as long as I was happy so was he. I only had one small concern and that was the sleeping arrangements as I was now convinced we'd been 'swagged'... it was all a bit to pat, running as if on a schedule.

As we left the room to go back out into the rain Jake brushed up against me and I flinched, dunno why, I just jumped like a big girl.

'Don't worry, Dave,' he whispered. 'Just go with the flow.'

I thought as I crammed in the back of the Volvo with Rupert again that this could be the start of another adventure, one within another sort of thing. We were clearly being set up to sleepover and Rupe and myself were just drifting along with their suggestions, the bottom line was; what was their objective. I didn't really believe they picked up their holiday casual staff cruising the A3. In fact, if the good weather had carried on we'd probably be on the M25 thumbing a lift right now instead of sitting in the back of their steamed up Volvo.

The pub they took us to was only down the road by a railway station and a level crossing. You don't often see them in town centres just as a bit of trivia. In a funny way it was quite exciting for myself and Rupe sitting in the bay window seeing this bloody great red and white pole thingy going up and down and all the traffic and pedestrians forced to halt. There seemed to be a train going through every five minutes and to us townies it was fun to watch... sad prats we were I suppose. The meal was super cool. Soup, main meal, sweet and finished off with a beer for Mick and weak shandies for we lads. Very nice and after it I felt bloated, I certainly didn't feel like making the slightest effort to get to Brighton. I just felt like flaking out and having a kip.

The rain had eased off as we ate but it was still a moderate drizzle, enough to get you wet but not enough to soak you... work that one out.

Mick decided to have a look into his store or shop in the end but dropped Jake and us off at the house first promising to join us in half an hour. We watched him drive away and 'the pal' took us indoors. I was a seething mass of curiosity and hoped that Jake would open up a bit without his Boss on the scene. The relationship between them wasn't at all clear and if we were going to stay I'd like to know a little more. Rupert seemed disinterested but I knew he wasn't, he was just wasn't as nosey as I was.

The funny thing was I was looking at Rupert more and more, I'd obviously seen him naked in the showers at school but we'd never done anything together, anything naughty or personal if you like. Sleeping in the same room maybe even in the same bed would be interesting... needless to say, I favoured the same bed. I was still in adventure mode and that's what school holidays were for... spreading the boyish wings in a manner of speaking. I just fancied getting Rupert in a bed with his droopy boxers on and take it from there.

'Cokes?' Jake bustled out into the kitchen as I and Rupert flopped onto the sofa, already it felt like we were back home. I relaxed and took the cold can that Jake offered on his return.

'I'll show you up your room in a minute,' Jake grinned at us both. 'You could do worse than work for Mick a couple of weeks and give yourself a grubstake to handle Brighton. You won't find much work for schoolies down there apart from flogging your arses.'

I looked at Rupert, he sat there with his mouth open. I was shocked as well, I couldn't believe Jake had said it but he had and he still sat there with a big grin on his face.

'Sorry about that,' he laughed at our expressions. 'Brighton is the Gay Capital of the South, you know, London by the sea.'

'Is it really gay?' I think I squeaked.

Sorta..?' he laughed again. 'It's rotten.'

'One way to earn a crust,' Rupert mumbled which gave me room for thought yet again. It was the second time he'd brushed on the subject and my antenna were tweaking. I don't know if it was one of his smart remarks or a bit of bravado but one thing I was determined and that was that if young Rupert was going to be spreading it around I was first in the queue.

'Mick could offer you some job sharing,' Jake went on after a pause. 'The shop does a six day week, you could do three days each.'

'Paying tax?' Rupert was moving into shrewd mode which was a bit of a rarity for him.

'Nah,' Jake flapped his hand. 'Cash in hand.'

'Mmmmm,' I looked at Rupe again. The proposition was interesting as we didn't have much money and a few notes in the wallet would be handy. Mind you getting back to basics the whole setup stunk or is it stank but Rupert didn't seem too worried so why should I, there was safety in numbers after all and I did have that urge to get sweet Rupe in a bed. Jake as well just as a matter of interest. He was bloody beautiful and he knew it, he stretched his legs out and parted them and I gave him ' the look' again, he grinned, the tart was fully aware of my interest.

'So, you good friends, buddies?' Jake asked.

'Yeah,' I answered. 'We go back yonks... right back to Nursery School.'

'Sweet,' Jake grinned. 'We've only moved over here about five or six weeks ago, cousin Mick and myself.'

Yeah, right. Cousin Mick.

'We used to live above the shop but Mick's not short of a few bob so he got this place... much better.' He looked at the clock and settled back into his chair, he was clearly in no rush. 'He got his car last summer and was thinking of mini cabbing but it was a load of hassle. He got offered managership of the store and took that instead. He's pretty much his own Boss.'

'Apart from trips to his Head Office,' I slipped in.

'Yeah, there is that,' Jake admitted. 'They leave him alone as long as the money rolls in. There's always a call for camping gear and outdoor stuff around here, it's not as if it's in the centre of a big city. We're all country boys here or pretend we are at least.'

'Nice and laid back,' Rupert spoke again. He must have been opening out a bit, he normally didn't have a lot to say for himself but I was glad, it got to be a bit of a strain talking for two all the time.

'Come on, grab your bags,' Jake suddenly stood. 'I'll show you your room and we can watch a bit of TV or whatever.

We trailed him upstairs and he pointed out the upstairs loo and bathroom which contained both a bath and a shower and the bedrooms.

'That's Mick and mine,' he quite calmly pointed one out and I saw Rupert look at me and raise his eyebrows. 'Mates who stopover use this one now and then,' he pointed out another one which had a piece of paper with a big red heart on it with the letters A and P outlined in white. 'They're comedians,' Jake looked a little embarassed, he'd probably forgotten the poster was stuck on the door.

'And you can have this one,' he flung open the door to the end room. The bedroom was on the corner of the house so one window overlooked a path and tall hedge and the other looked out onto quite a sizeable garden. Nice as in very nice. 'Got it's own toilet and shower built in, I guess the last owners had grown up children,' Jake rambled on.'

'Brill,' Rupert beamed.

'Great,' I echoed the sentiment. If I got lucky with Rupert I wouldn't be too interested in Brighton. All that remained was the payoff, nothing was for nothing as my Dad often said. It would be nice to think there were Fairy Godmothers about but the more commonplace fairies usually came with lusts and it was normally some bit of your body they were lusting after. Both Rupe and I were fifteen year old South London schoolies and we were virgins but that didn't make us fuckin' idiots.

'Nice bed,' I commented.

It was a nice double, just right for Rupe and myself. Jeez, we could even squeeze Jake in here, maybe even the mysterious A or P.

'You're welcome to stop a while,' Jake offered.

'Is that you or Mick speaking?' I asked.

'Both of us,' Jake grinned broadly and completely unfazed. This was one very self confident kid by the way but he clearly had an 'arrangement' with Mick. I was almost a hundred percent certain that he was the older guy's lover but once again it doesn't do to make assumptions and who the hell were A and P.

'Andy and Peter, have the room next down when they stay,' Jake looked at me and grinned. he must have been a mind reader.

'And they have a heart on the door?' Rupert looked shocked.

'Boys will be boys,' Jake laughed. 'I'll leave you to get yourselves get sorted out. I've got to peel the spuds, I'm a kinda houseboy if we've got guests.'

'We dont want to be a nuisance,' I mumbled.

'You're not,' Jake laughed and left myself and Rupert alone.

'Wow,' Rupert flopped on the bed and I wondered if Jake was listening but what the hell. Eavesdroppers never hear well of themselves and in a way it would be handy if he was. Devious or what. 'I think they're a bunch of poofs,' Rupe added in a dramatic whisper.

'Well, your remark about flogging your bottom helped,' I said sarcastically.

'Jake said that,' he reminded me.

'Well... whatever,' I flopped onto the bed alongside me. 'You'd probably make a fortune.'

'Make more than you,' he laughed boyishly. 'At least I'm tasty.'

'Now Jake's tasty,' I wondered if we had a eavesdropper. Back to the old paranoia, I did a quick scan around but couldn't see any bugs.

'You think so... I like that Micky,' Rupert chatted away blithely.

'Really?' I turned inwards to look at him more closely. This was a new one for Rupert, he never talked sex, girls, boys or even blow up dolls.

'Yeah, really,' he turned to face me and started at me defiantly.

'You'd do the dirty with him,' I whispered.

'If needs be,' he smiled slightly. 'We knew Brighton was gay and we knew we might have to pay our way or whatever,' he finished off a little lamely.

'Well, if I had to shag Jake I wouldn't fuss too much.' I looked at him and watched his face. I'd really gone overboard with that one.

'I sussed that one out,' he giggled quietly. 'I saw you both oggling each other.' Well, there you go, it seemed I wasn't the only one who kept his eyes open. 'What about me?'

I looked at him and my mind went into instant meltdown, at least it went blank. What the hell was I supposed to say now. 'I like you a lot,' I smiled when I saw his face drop. 'I like you too much really that's why it's going to be dodgy sharing a bed with you tonight.'


'Because I'm going to fight to control myself... then again. Sod it,' I moved in and pushed his unresisting body onto his back and nuzzled at his neck. I hadn't got the bottle to kiss him but I was trying.

'You big tart,' he grasped me around the waist and bound us together. 'We can have some fun tonight,' he whispered and then to my shock kissed the top of my head. Bugger this I raised myself, looked into his eyes and settled my lips onto his. I think our mingled sighs of relief must have been heard down the road. The kiss that started as a brotherly thing got a bit more passionate and then I felt his slippery tongue at my teeth and I opened up. My first ever frenchy and with my best pal. Wicked.

'Tea and cookies,' I heard Jake tap on the door.

'Shit,' we both muttered and grinned at each other like a pair of idiots. As far as ice breaking was concerned this was Gloabal Warming in spades.

'We alright now,' his eyes were downcast as we stood and straightened out clothing.

'Never better... all those wasted years, you should have come onto me sooner,' I made the final move and cupped his package in my hand taking delight in feeling the hardness inside his jeans. He was on heat and so was I, it would be an eternity to bedtime but I'm sure it would be worth the wait.

'You silly tart,' he laughed.

We returned to their lounge to find that Mick had returned and he gave us a smile, Jake busied himself playing mum with the tea and biscuits.

'How's your store?' I asked purely trying to be polite and anyway somebody had to say something.

'No problems,' Mick replied. 'Quite a few kids in there though, I told the boys to keep an eye out for shoplifters. Once they get away with something they'll come back for more.'

'Chop their hands off like the ragheads do,' Rupert suggested.

'Can't do that,' Mick scoffed. 'They've all had abused childhoods and come from dysfunctional families.'

'There talks a reactionary,' Jake laughed and Mick smiled. It seemed an old disagreement which they probably agreed to disagree on, it happens. Funnily enough I don't believe in arguing over bugger all or for that matter making a war out of a small difference of opinion and at the end of the day in the larger scheme of things religion and politics are very small things. We come from nothing and go to nothing. OK, so that's a bit of a dismal view but my main aim in life would be earning enough money to be comfortable and catching a partner I was happy with. Yeah, I know, a bit a bit deep for a kid but we aren't all dummies.

'Happy with the room?' Jake asked in his role of joint host.

'Yeah, it's very nice,' I answered and Rupert nodded agreement.

'Pity I have to work tomorrow, we could have had a drive around but if you decide to stay with us a bit you're lumbered with Jake tomorrow.'

'Well, I'd like to have a look at the store as you mentioned...'

'Come in with me and earn a day's money,' Mick offered and I saw Rupert smile at him, the slut.

'You'll have to put up with me,' Jake grinned at me and I laughed. It had all come clear now, Rupert's on the spur volunteering bit had played right into their hands, they'd split us. What's the saying: Divide and rule, that's it. Funnily enough it suited me down to the ground as well. Tonight I had my Rupert all to myself and tomorrow I was at Jake's tender mercies and I don't think he be backwards coming forwards.

'Fine, that's that fixed.' I grinned. If Rupert wanted to ponce around in a shop good for him, he could test the waters and hopefully earn some dosh. Perhaps we'd landed on our feet after all and worstways if we outstayed our welcome there was alway Brighton. Getting back to the beginning of the day. Rupe and I were on an adventure and we'd decided to take a month at it, we might even have struck oil on the first day only time would tell.

They prepared an evening meal and went at it like husband and wife, Jake did the preparations whilst Mick did the actual cooking and they turned out a pretty good result. About an hour later we all sat around the table with nice big pork chops, chips, mushrooms and bits and pieces of salad. OK, so it wasn't a weightwatcher's fare but we were all skinnies and it wasn't bad for a batchelor meal. Pretty bloody good as it goes and I managed to kick Rupert into life to clear up and let our hosts take a breather. After that it was TV and we finished up playing Monopoly of all things, talk about home from home. We even got a can of beer each which would never be allowed at home. I don't particularly like beer but Jake seemed to enjoy his and it was a good excuse to have a giggle now and then.

The night wore on and we relaxed even further, Jake was an expert at camp and the double entendre I think they call it, Carry On type jokes I mean, he kept giving me sly glances and I know he had me marked and I was alright with that. We were being treated well and payment comes in time. I was pretty sure that our bodies were payment and if Rupert was OK with it then so was I, I'd had a taste of Rupert already, it would be interesting to see how far it would go.

'Wanna watch a porno,' Jake as usual spoke out, Mick seemed to let him do all the talking.

'It's about a group of French kids at a college and what they all get upto. solos, pair and groups. Very old but a famous porn producer in his day.'

'Boys or girls?' Rupert had to ask. Poor, sweet, dim Rupert.

'Boys,' Jake said. 'No girly films in this house.'

Well, if we didn't know the score before we damn well knew it now. Anyway, now that it was out in the open I felt much better. No more beating around any more bushes. I glanced across at Mick and he looked back at me. I gave him a small smile and he seemed satisfied.

'Come and sit with me, Rupe,' he pulled a small two seater to the television, as for me, I was treated to the sight of Jake's bottom waving in the air as he raked around under the televsion for the film he wanted. I heard Rupert give a little giggle as he sat down and Mick's arm went around his bony shoulders. As I've just said - no more mucking around, we were off.

'Where you sitting, Jakey?'

'With you,' Jake turned around grinning. He shoved the tape into the player and went over switching the light off leaving the room in gloom apart from the light from the set. He dragged the other two seater right across the room and parked it at an angle to the other one. I sat, he sat alongside me and we were off. Click... action.

The film was an old one in black and white, I was a bit let down as I was expecting something a bit more modern but it soon started and the sex came thick and fast. One dark haired boy seemed to be doing all the donkey work in a manner of speaking but it was OK and it passed the time. The almost dark room also allowed Jake to press up against me and I felt his arm snake around my shoulder as Mick's had with Rupert's. I felt his thumb rub up against my cheek and I snuggled in with a contented purr, I wanted him to know that he was all right. Of course, I was thinking of the morning, if Mick took Rupert to the store I'd be in the house alone with Jake... anything could happen and hopefully would.

His head came closer to mine and I sensed him looking at me. I looked back at him and he grinned and blew a little kiss. Bold little monkey, I smiled back and let my hand drop behind him where it was unseen by the other two. I groped what I could meaning I gave his back a rub and slipped my hand inside his sweatshirt carressing his smooth and pleasantly warm skin.

'Tomorrow morning?' He whispered.

'Yeah,' I replied breathlessly. We were on our way, what with the film and the proximity of the Jake sex object I was as hard as a rock. I just hoped and prayed that Rupert was going to play later and not bottle out. We both had things to do and I was so ripe I'd fallen off the bloody tree.

In the end it finished as all films do and Jake did the honours switching the overhead light back on and removing the tape. It was like the end of a night at the pictures, everyone stretching and doing some very contrived yawns.

''No more drinks?' Mick asked. 'We still on for the morning Rupert?'

'Yeah,' Rupert grinned. 'What time?'

'We'll leave at half eight and walk over. We can wander out for a bit of breakfast once the place is open.'

'Fine,' Rupert looked at me and gave me a bit of a bashful grin, I wonder if he'd realised that I'd be stuck on my ownsome with the delectable Jake. Mick did that was for sure.

'Jake should be able to keep David company,' Mick grinned at his partner. 'Maybe have a walk over the park, meet some friends or something.'

'Or something,' Jake agreed and spared me a smile. I had no doubt what the 'something' was going to be. It was a dollar to a pinch of poo he'd be into Rupert's still warm slot as soon as my mate was out of the door and on his way to work.

Well, we all said our goodnights and at last Rupert and I were alone, the moment of truth was on us both at last and the bonus was no one had hassled me to have a bath. Wow, the holidays were truly here. We were silent as we went into our room and Rupert immediately dived into his bag.

'I gotta pretty clean seat shirt for tomorrow, my Chelsea FC one.' he dug out the blue garment.

'You'd better have a shower and whatnot, you don't want to stink.'

'I'll have one in a min... you'd better have one as well.' he grinned at me, cat and mouse wasn't in it. We'd seen each other partially clothed before and naked and here we were playing around like a pair of girls.

'We'll share,' I peered into the little bathroom. 'Just right for two,' I returned his smirk. Trumped, Rupert my man.

'Orrite,' he muttered and sat on the bed to remove his trainers and sock, I followed thinking perhaps he'd given in too easy. It was paranoia time again but I was past caring. We more or less disrobed in sequence. A t-shirt for me, a t-shirt for him, unzip the cargoes in unison, drop them peeping at each other and at last we stood there like a pair of complete idiots, me in my briefs and he is his boxers that he must have inherited from Mr Blobby. 'Come on,' surprisingly he smiled and fully aware of a burgeoning erection I slipped my briefs to the floor as he wriggled his hips and his boxers fell getting hooked on his semi hardon. Naked we both looked at each other and I think we were both pretty happy at what we saw, I studied his darker skinned body than mine, slim and trim but with a trace of adolescent muscle. Nowhere near as dark as Jake but beautiful in his own way and as we stared at each other our erections slowly rose to their full stretch.

'Davey,' he grabbed my hand and we subsided onto the bed, a moment later we were in each other's arms and this was a two way boy lover's struggle. No more playtime, no more Mister Nice Guy. I spread his wriggling body on the bed and nuzzled at his throat grasping his hard meat and moving it to and fro, he did the same and we shared a little bit of heaven. OK, so we were both novices at this sort of thing but we'd got off to a good start.

'Shower?' he croaked.

'Let's,' I grinned inanely and trailed his tight little bottom into the tiny bathroom. Seconds later we were scrunched up in the cubicle wet skins sliding against each other and now fully stretched boy meats really meeting in ernest.

'What was the part of the film you liked the best?' I whispered as we swayed under the warm water. I had a pretty good idea what he was going to say, my quitely shy Rupert had developed into some sort of Romeo, his soapy hands were everywhere and his rigid spike was between my legs thrusting up and under. This kid was seriously hot stuff.

'When the kid did his mate with the glasses in the bush thingy... he cum on his belly and then whacked it straight back in... wicked.'

'You could do that with me if I got to do the same to you,' I muttered ever the trader.

'Sounds good,' he smiled and then kissed my fondling my slippery bottom. 'Me first.'

'You ever done this sort of thing before?'

'Nah. You're my first and that's the best way... I've fancied you forever.'

'You dim prick,' I clung to him. Why the hell didn't you say something before. I felt the same.'

'Yeah and what if I got it wrong. Remember that Freddy who outed that kid...'

Yeah, he was right. Some time ago one of our quieter types had plucked up some courage from the depths of himself and declared his fondness (and that only) for one of the other boys and the kid who got chatted spread it all around the school. The quiet boy had his life made a misery and in the end was withdrawn from the school and I think his family even moved area. The funny thing was I was sure the kid who had done the shit slinging was 'at it' but there you go. Rupert although sweet and a bit dim was right on this one. You just had to be careful even with a long established mate, one false move and you were in shit, worse than that as far as local life went it was virtual destruction. Everyone talks free and easy, gender equality, gay rights and all that crap but try it when you're a teenager. Gay has gotten a new meaning with kids, when they say something is gay they don't mean, bent or queer or any of those old expressions they mean crap. Just to clear that one up, if a teenager calls a footballer or cricketer gay he may not mean he suspects his sexuality... he may just mean he's rubbish. Strange but true. Dave and Rupert's Street Slang Current edition.

'Yeah, yeah,' I clung to him in the shower and enjoyed the feel of his thick boy cock slipping between my legs. I wanted to fuck with him, I wanted to join, to mate, to breed, now how sad is that but I was going to do it.

'You want me?' he mumbled into my shoulder.

'Yeah,' I croaked.

'Let's go then lover boy,' he laughed and I turned the water off and we grabbed towels.We towelled off each other in the bedroom and it turned into a love fest, now that we were nice and clean I kissed Rupert everywhere and I mean everywhere and he lost it big time, his lips were around my balls, on my belly and he finally took me in his mouth. I never thought he would but then again I never thought I'd do the same, I worked around on the bed and took his beautifully firm boy cock deep into my mouth and I was lost.

The taste and the slipperyness of this incredibly hard piece of him was beyond imagination, I just freaked at the thought of his boyish juice squirting and spurting into my mouth.

Jesus, what was I on about? He wanted something better than that. I pushed him away and flopped onto my back into the centre of the bed. 'Turn the light off.' I didn't know if the others were eavesdropping but I hoped not, they had us online, they knew it and so did we. This night was ours.

'What,' Rupert looked at me slack jawed with spittle smearing his lower face.

'Do it, Rupe,' I whispered so quietly that I didn't know if he heard me or not but he went over and clicked the switch to off. A second later he was kneeling between my legs and his mouth dropped onto my jerking cock again. This time I lifted my legs taking my knees back to my chest.

'Oooh, Davey,' he sobbed and his face went down. To my absolute amazement I felt his tongue slipping and sliding across my hole. I should have been disgusted but I wasn't, I just lay back and closed my eyes. This was Rupert's first time and i just hoped that I enjoyed it as much as he was going to. He was a good learner and must have watched the film closely as he lapped and licked forever, I even felt the tip of his tongue probing at my hole but at last it was over. I felt his body against mine, his lips came down onto mine and at the same time I felt the pressure of his swollen glans, a sharp pain and his hardness was in me.

'Aaaaaaah,' I tensed and held his hips.

'You alright,' he asked in a shaky voice. 'You alright... does it hurt?'

'Take it easy, Rupe,' I held his head and softly kissed him. 'Take your time... you've just taken my cherry.' Sick or not I had to giggle and I was still stiffling laughs as he started to plough in and out and his exquistely solid cock began to open me up and sink deeper and deeper into my body. Moments later I felt his flat belly up against my balls and he sighed with satisfaction.

'Wicked.' That was all he said but from Rupert that was enough, it was his top compliment. I smiled in the dark and held his narrow hips as he bent in towards me and started the very first fuck of his young life. I was happy and it didn't even hurt, it felt a bit odd and I felt bloated but it was moving in and out quite easily and it was a bloody BUZZ. It was great. my Rupert was shagging me... and I was on a promise. As he fucked away getting faster and faster and jolting me up the bed I clasped his smooth flanks holding him in tightly feeling and savouring his hot cock in my belly.

It was a first and I didn't expect it to last for too long but he did alright, he fucked on and I writhed around on the bed as he penetrated me time and time again. 'I'm gonn...' he moaned and I felt him slip free then the splashes of his hot slime on my belly and hardness and then almost instantly a jolt as he thrust straight back into me and finished off.

'Gawd, that was something else,' I moaned clutching him tightly. He was still inside me moving slowly on his own slick spunk but he was done, his hot breath fanned my ear and he mouthed the side of my face.

'I didn't hurt you did I?' He muttered anxiously.

'Nah, you were perfect,' I grinned at him and I meant it. He was wonderful and I'd thought of him as a friend. A friend no more, now a lover and a damn good one at that in my total lack of experience.

His limp cock slipped free and he lay alonside me with his slippery penis pressed up against my leg. 'I cum buckets,' he boasted and I saw his teeth flash in the gloom.

'Tastes nice,' I sampled some from my belly and he squealed in mock disgust but I felt him run his finger into the puddle, he thought I didn't see him but he was tasting himself. Yeah, so we were a pair of dirty buggers... so what?

'You wanna do me now?'

'What's the rush, sweetheart?'

'Don't call me gay names,' he snapped and did a little moody turning his back on me until I grasped him and turned him to face me.

'I'm sorry, Rupe. It's my sense of humour.'

'Your piss poor sense of humour,' he corrected me and then I saw his teeth flash in the dark, he was smiling.

'Sorry,' I repeated and moved in huggling his slender body to me and feeling my stiffness slip between his smooth legs, his depleted penis squished between our bellies as I hugged him hard and kissed softly and then harder as he returned and then we were in a tongue tangle as we each tried to outdo each other on the kiss of life front.

'Do me now, I've got to get up in the morning,' he giggled softly and moved clear of my gentle thrusts and lay on his back like a bride on her wedding night.

'Roll over,'

Silently he turned onto his belly and I forced his legs open kneeling upright between them stroking his soft bottom. He groaned a little as I spread his legs right out and bent to kiss the back of his neck and then lapped and nibbled down his spine finishing up mouthing his silken skinned flanks. 'Beautiful,' I fondled his firm yet springy flesh savouring the tenseness and the trembling, the fright that he must have been encountering in this the first time he'd surrendered himself totally to another boy, a boy who was going to penetrate his body and basically abuse him. 'I'll stop if you tell me to.'

'I trust you, Davey. You won't hurt me.'

I just hoped he was right. Even I wasn't a dummy and I knew I should have mustered some lube and purely on inspiration I slipped my hand under the pillow. Nothing. Feeling a bit let down I felt under his pillow this time and struck gold. One of the others must have put it there and I bet my bottom dollar it was Jake. I felt a tube like a small toothpaste tube and without the benefit of light I knew exactly what it was.

'Whatcha doing, Dave,' Rupe mumbled into the pillow.

'I found what I was looking for,' I explained quickly and he seemed a bit miffed that they'd done such a thing but I smiled and told him that all the barriers were down, we knew exactly where we stood with them now. They were expecting us to do the dirty together and they were perfectly happy with that. The fact that it was in their long term interests or their not too secret squirrel agenda was neither here nor there.

He gasped and jumped when I smeared a smidgeon of the cold and very slippery oil or lotion bwteen his cheeks. I probed at his tight little ring and intruded one finger easing his muscle and feeling his warmth and tightness grip me.

'Put some on your thingy,' he grunted and then I felt him shaking... he was giggling into the pillow.

'It's not bloody funny,' I annointed my straining stiffness and guided it down to his waiting pucker. He tensed his body as I pressed against his yeilding flesh and I entered him, it was so smooth that I was shocked when he gave a low moan and I felt his heat and the incredible experience of someone's body surrounding my organ. I was in him and he gave a little wriggle and sighed. 'Alright, Rupe?' I asked anxiously.

'Yeah, great,' he answered sarcastically. 'Feels weird,' he then gave a little push up onto my erection absorbing a little more.

'Great,' I bent lower and kissed him slipping in a little further and then risked my first movement, just a little in and out and then a bigger one.

'I can live with this,' he reached back and grabbed my hips as I started to pump. I couldn't make a big deal of it, I was as hard as a rock and my dick was itching like hell. I knew that my scrotum was uptight and I wouldn't last too long, I just didn't want to cum before I was all the way in so away I went. I rested my forearms either side of his torso and started to move faster and faster sinking deeper at each stroke and finally rested my belly on his sweaty back totally sheathed in his hotly tight flesh. I was in and in all the way, I gave an extra dig and he pushed back hard. 'Do it,' he croaked and I did.

The bestest ever experience of my young life, I hammered away into his soft bottom as he had with me and in the end I felt I'd died and gone to heaven as I felt my penis seem to swell and then the merciful release as my hardness throbbed and I felt my semem burst and squirt into his tight passage. As I came he pushed up against me and I pushed in hard. God, the sensation of actually coming in a partner and a willing partner was too much, I lay on his back feeling my penis wilt in it's nest of creamy fluid. I was done and so was he.

'I feel all squishy... randy rat,' he clamped his bottom expelling me and quickly rolled over under me and grabbed me hugging me tightly and accepting my kisses and mouthings. 'Didn't hurt a bit,' he seemed surprised.

'It'll be easier next time,' I answered.

'Mmmmmm,' he cuddled me and I relaxed. It was all over but I'd make another bet. I bet we'd do it again before the wakeup call in the morning.

I woke to the sound of birds which is not what you get at home, probably because the local hoodies pelt them with stones. Glancing at my watch I saw that it was just after five in the morning, absolutely incredible as I normally woke up when shouted at or called my my mum. Birdsong was a new experience and something was missing. After a confused couple of minutes I realised what the noise was, it wasn't rain, it was Rupert in the shower. Rupert... Rupe, my lover. I lay in bed just a bit worried, how was he going to be this morning after last night's performance.

He didn't give any indication at all of his feelings, he just came into the room damp from the shower and scowled at me (did I mention he scowled a lot?). 'Go and clean up,' he muttered and sat on the bed.

Fucking hell, that didn't sound too healthy.

I slipped from the bed and did what I was told, for once he was giving the orders and I was carrying them out. I felt bubbly to put it mildly but had a good clear out to be disgusting and then a nice shower. I tried to put it off but eventually wandered back in the bedroom to find that he had two mugs of coffee made for us, he was really making himself at home.

'The others aren't up, are they?'

'You gotta be joking,' he laughed. 'It's just gone five. How do you feel?'

'Alright,' I answered cautiously.'

'You know that Jake wants to do things with you?' He looked at me solemnly as he handed me the steaming mug.

'Probably with you too,' I answered. 'Micky fancies you as well.'

'I know,' he answered quite bluntly. 'That doesn't fuss me, he's rather nice,' he gave a brief smile.

'About us...' I started but he cut me off.

'We're pals,' he grunted slipping back into the bed shedding his towel on the way, I got a glimpse of his and it had a healthy bloom to it, it was half hard in fact but healthy bloom sounded more suitable for the country. 'We're pals,' he repeated. 'And I hope we're an item... I hope we're boyfriends.' his eyes dropped and he studied his coffee.

'We are,' I stood and allowed my towel to slip to the floor, without another word I climbed into the bed and snuggled up close without spilling my drink. 'We are boyfriends, all the way, Rupe,' I stuck my coffee on the bedside cupboard and gently kissed him on the side of his face. Disposing of his mug he turned to face me and kissed me fully on the lips.

'Good,' he grinned back to normal and his hand grasped me under the bedding. ''Glad you washed it,' he gave me another big grin and his head disappeared into the bed. Jeez, I nearly leapt a mile as I felt his hot and wet mouth encompass my nearly hard penis and bring it to to total erection. His head moved slowly up and down on me and I reached under holding his head as he carried out his self appointed task. I'd do him in a bit and he knew it, we were boyfriends after all.

After a little while of his sucking and slurping I gave in and throwing the bedding back reversed myself on the bed facing upto his dark skinned stiffy and taking it into my mouth. He was darker skinned than I was, sallow I supposed you'd call it but that was down to his dark hair and pigmentation. Mind you, he wasn't anywhere as near as brown as Jake who appeared to be some sort of half-cast, not the sort of thing you asked questions about, at least not on the first or second dates.

'Never thought I'd finish up doing this to you,' Rupe gobbled merrily on and squinted at me. 'All a bit bent, innit?'

'If you say so, sweetnuts,' I laughed and tried to take his erection all the way into my mouth, I gave up when I gagged on his bulging glans but I'd made the effort. I wanted to cum at the same time as Rupe and that's exactly the way it was, as he finally jerked and spewed his rich boy juice into the back of my throat I tensed my belly muscles and squirted my all down his neck as well. Then for the post sexual frolic, spunky lips met the same and we shared kisses and cuddles until he decided to have a another shower and sort himself out for work. I pulled the duvet over myself and settled down for another nap. His day to work, my day to play

The soap goes on.

Character pix... MIXPIX 1

Next: Chapter 7

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