Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on May 10, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


8 - Alexander (Zander)


G. Cutter


Two months away from leaving school and the future was looking rosy, well, not all that rosy but good enough. Andy had left two terms ahead of me and he was working on his further education, unfortunately not being as smart as he was I was obliged to get my sweet arse in gear and find myself a job. I don't know if you know this or not but in your final term at school the dummies (those who won't be progressing their education that is) like myself have the option to undertake what they called The Work Experience Programme. This is where you work somewhere for a short spell and this in normal school time for a nominal wage, very nominal I might add and you get a feel for being a worker rather than a student.

Needless to say (my fave expression) Milletts was on the list so I volunteered for them and my Micky now the Manager Elect or whatever curious title he had took me on. Two weeks of nine 'til five which has got to be better with people you know rather than complete strangers. Anything new is better endured with friends and don't forget I knew the assistants in the store as well as Mick. Wowsie wow but still better than sitting in a classroom slogging away at maths and chemistry. My best subjects are English and Fuckery at which I'm pretty good but neither hold out good job prospects. I.T., computer skills and Chinese language are the ones you want. Actually Mick was always badgering me to take Russian classes for his own nefarious purposes but I stuck to schoolboy French and a bit of Spanish for the obvious holiday reasons.

Anyway, the previous evening Mick had asked me for a tenner which was a bit unusual as I was normally bumming bits and pieces from him. Being a bit flush I gave him the tenner and he grabbed my hand, shook it and presented me with a little booklet.

'What's this?'

'Your rentbook,' he grinned. 'We are now officially partners, your official room is the one at the end and you are officially a tenant of mine.'

'Mmmm,' I took a bit of time working this lot out. 'Lots of 'officials' there but what does it mean?'

'One thing it means,' he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me in. 'Is that the next time we have a glorious dustup like the other week I can't throw you out and tell you to fuck off.'

'I didn't take a lot of notice,' I gave him the cheeky grin the one I know he likes.

'Yes you did, Jakey mine,' he pulled me closer and kissed the side of my mouth. 'We're partners and as such we have to formalise that arrangement.'

'Oh shit, here we go,' I sighed and clung to him. Another one of Mick's 'talks' coming up and probably the one about our relationship. He did seem to dwell on it a bit. I was more laid back, we shagged now and then, we did it with like minded others, we returned to each other... fullstop.

He pulled me onto the sofa and we sat there in the late afternoon sunshine. I was in for one of his long involved social conciousness lectures. Probabably the one about not being too familiar and not showing affection in public... people might think we're gay. Jesus, nearly everyone we knew, knew that we were shacked up. My mum and dad knew, they never said anything about it and they never ever even suggested that Mick and I did anything we shouldn't but they knew. Anyway, it was the same old thing but now he was more or less the manager of his store he was even more determined that our relationship shouldn't become common knowledge.

'Fair enough.' I finally stopped him wittering on. 'What we having to eat?'

'Peter if he comes over,' he laughed. 'Otherwise a chicken salad, it's too hot to for me to cook.'

'Right. Your boyfriend coming around tonight?'

'Piss off,' he laughed. He'd got to chatting up a swimmer from the Club and I knew he was in hot pursuit of the kid's body, I don't know if this boy knew or not but he'd spent a bit of time around with us so he must have realised that as cousins (still the cover story) we were a bit closer than normal. I was waiting for Mick either to pop the question and invite Ian as this kid was called to stay for a sleepover or to tackle him more directly. This might have something with me being allocated the end room which I used only on an on and off basis.

'So no Ian?'

'Not tonight,' he gave a dramatic sigh. 'He's playing football with his pals and shopping with his parents... mind you...' he tailed off.

'Uncaring bitch,' I grinned. 'I think he's nice but I don't think you'll get him in bed.'

'Wanna bet?'

'Tenner with a limit.'

'Within two weeks,' he proposed and I agreed. I didn't think he had a dog's chance as this kid was sixteen coming on seventeen and he was a roughy smoothy which is a hell of a way to describe someone. Let's put it this way, he was a smoothy with a bloody good body but he looked like a thug. Still not right but it'll have to do. You'll have to look in the family album.

Mind you I knew this Ian a bit better than Mick, at least I got to share showers with him at the club and I knew he was nicely formed front and back, OK, so that was a bit mealy mouthed. He had a nice chunk of weddling tackle and a bum to die for, so how about that. If Mick did score he would have done well for himself.

I idly watched the news on the tele whilst Mick did his mum bit in the kitchen. I hadn't decided if the rentbook thing meant anything or nothing, maybe it was just something in his head and I decided to let it lie. I had noticed that he'd mentioned partners and not a marriage but that could have been his modernspeak or his reluctance to mention such things in normal conversation. He got quite lovey dovey in the bedroom but was quite reserved out of it. Well and truly in the closet my Micky which was a bit odd as everyone knew what was going on. Funnily enough Andy and Peter were a lot more outgoing about their little affair but I expect they got away with as everyone thought they were larking around. Good cover that one, camp it up like hell and everyone thinks you're a pisstaker or a comedian... a lot of people do it.

Anyway, we had a quiet night for a change, no visitors and at the end of it gentle sex which reassured me a bit. I wasn't banished to the end bedroom so perhaps he was talking formalities rather than realities. I knew that when we had the rare vistor my 'official' bedroom was the end one and Mick supposedly slept alone so no change there.

The next day was Wednesday and it was early closing day. Early closing day is a dying thing with most shops and stores but still still happens. With Mick more or less running the place he'd decided to still go for it as it was Company policy after all but to linger on for a couple of hours, today he'd got rid of the staff except for myself and now he'd got bored and had decided to shut up.

'Target in sight,' I spoke into the little cubicle they used for the till (told you it was still a bit old fashioned).

'Who him?' Mick was being a bit thick. The place was darkened out and there was only one kid peering in the window. Who the hell did he think I meant. 'Fancy an adventure?' He grinned.

'What sort of adventure?' I asked suspiciously.

'Well, I swagged you on an early closing day,' he continued to fill in paperwork. 'I go out and you look eager... you never know your luck.'

'He looks a bit of a thug,' I looked at the kid windowshopping and I must admit we did have a good window although most of the stuff was camping and swimwear at this time of the year, later on it's be furry hats and anoraks. The boy or maybe youth, he seemed to be one of those inbetweenies was gazing in the window with a slight frown, he was certainly good looking, handsome rather than pretty. He also looked quite stocky and well able to look after himself, he had his blonde hair in a buzz cut although long at the back and the camo soldiers trousers helped. He must be in the Army Cadets or maybe just into that sort of thing.

'Don't be such a tart,' he grinned and packaged the notes and cheques into their cannister and dropped them into the night safe. 'I'm off, I'm gonna drive over to Brooklands and have a look in Comet and Argos.'

'OK... I'll see you later.' It was pretty clear that I'd been lumbered with locking up the store. Great being the manager's concubine, you get all the nice jobs but it was nice to know that at least he trusted me.

Away he went and I wandered about on the shop floor looking like I was tidying up, the kid was still looking at our show so I took my time. He might drift off and I could lock up and go home for a wank but I hoped not. My Fairy Godmother must have been doing circuits in the area as the boy pushed open the door and looked in uncertainly half in and half out.

'Yes, can I help you,' I callled out trying to sound confident. He was about the same size as I was but the closer he got the tougher he looked.

'You still open?'

'Just about,' I put on my winning smile. Well. it works on Mick and Andy, dunno about this one.

'Ah, right,' he slipped in and I immediately shot over and flipped the Open/Closed card around and kicked over the bottom bolt. Jeez, I was acting like a real perv but he didn't seem to notice. 'Can I have a look at some trousers, khaki cargoes like you're wearing.'

'Yeah, down the end,' I led off into the gloom at the rear of the shop clicking on the lights in the changing area which still left the main area of the shop in semi darkness.

'Hey, spooky,' he laughed and his face changed. The sulky brat disappeared and he was just a normal boy maybe with a bit of attitude and a killer pair of camos. 'That's them,' he eyed the rack of cargoes ranging from khaki and navy down to red and green. Red trousers... I ask you. Everyone knows it's a slut's colour. 'How much are they?'

'Thirty five a pair.'

'Cheaper in Marks,' he observed sourly.

I nearly told him to fuck off to Marks but held my peace like a good traineee assistant does,

'Yeah, but you get personal and after hours service here,' I remarked which was laying it on with a trowel and probably a bit risky but I wanted something to happen. I was bored and he was nice in a funny way. I wondered what he was like with his gear off but I think that about most boys. Apart from his Army trousers he had a well worn and slightly large grey sweatshirt on as well as filthy trainers but they were standard youthwear, they got cleaned when it rained or mum slung them in the washer and lost the laces.

'Ain't I lucky,' he grinned again. He peered at one of the labels on a pair of trousers. 'I'm putting on a gut, I think I'm a 29 or 30.'

'Waists come in even sizes, you get a 28 or 30,' I told him. 'Inside leg?' Gawd, I loved this bit with kids... they normally blush.

'I dunno,' he reddened a bit and my evil little heart did a joyful little handstand if you can imagine that ridiculous picture.

I nearly trilled 'I'm free' like that Inman character on the box but refrained and produced a tape measure reluctantly (fine bit of acting there). 'Let's have a look,' I knelt down and tried not to look too eager.

'Nah, it's all right,' he backed off. 'I'm probably standard or something.'

'Come on, let's get it right,' I coaxed.

'Whatever,' he offered the stock teen reply and stood there like a brave little soldier. God knows what he thought I was going to do with him, he could have smashed me and tied me up in knots, in fact, I was rather stupid locking us in the shop together but I was operating on a wing and a prayer. My classic swags or seductions weren't all that bold. Mick had hauled me into his little net, Peter fell from the tree like a ripe plum and I suppose Andy needed a bit of a chat and that was it. The boys at Leith Hill had happened by accident and the most recently, the two hitch hikers were another pair of fifteen year olds who were pushovers. None of them had really needed any hard work. This one was the first complete stranger I was actually trying to pick up with a view to letting him abuse me more than me him if that makes sense. I wanted him to come onto me and fuck me, hows that for brutally frank.

I slipped the metal bit under his warm crotch and felt his scrotum heavy against the side of my hand and that meant one of two things, either he wasn't wearing underwear or he was wearing loose boxers. His inside leg measurement was 27 inches which made him a short leg as far as men went but a long leg as far as boys went. All I wanted now was penis soft and penis hard but that would take a bit more work... that was a joke by the way.

'Happy?' He grunted.

'Lift up your arms and pull your jumper up.'

'Jeez,' I'll strip off in a minute,' he laughed and I smiled back, it was amazing how his expression changed from sulky brat youth to beautiful boy man just like that. I did his waist and he was spot on, he was a 29, just right. I took the opportunity to press the back of my hand against his smooth belly and he noticed. He stiffened and pulled his jumper down but he didn't say anything.

This was taking forever and the way we were pussy footing around we could be there all afternoon. 'Thirty quid, my bottom offer unofficially that is, do you wanna try a pair?' I hooked the correct size from the rack.

'Dunno if I can afford them,' he grinned on cue. 'Can I try them on anyway.'

'Why not?' I looked at him. 'I've got fuck all better to do on an early closing day.' Get me right, I wouldn't normally swear on the shopfloor but it was a matter of street cred, I didn't want him to think I was a tarty shop assistant.

'Obviously not,' he smirked at me and taking the cargoes stepped into the changing cubicle. To my surprise he didn't draw the curtain, he just sat on the small bench and tugged his trainers off, without looking at me, he shucked his own camos off and struggled into the new and stiff cargoes. 'Whatcha reckon?'

They looked a bit tight on him and maybe he should have gone for 30 inches to allow for a bit of filling out but his package looked very bulky and as he rotated his arse was as tight as a drum. I tend to wear my gear hanging from the hips being skinny or slender as I prefer. This kid filled the slightly too small trousers out to perfection.

'Very nice,' I croaked. 'Maybe a bit tight.'

'You reckon,' he wriggled himself. 'Where are they tight? His voice had dropped.

'Across your bum and your front, you need the next size up on the gut to give you a bit of room.'

'You're the expert and they are a bit tight,' he promptly unclipped the waist and peeled them open and sat to remove them. Standing in his baggy boxers and with his sturdy legs apart like a soldier at ease he neatly folded them and placed them on the bench. I notice he had fine blonde hair on his legs and he had a good colour, he clearly spent time out in the sun. 'You like?' It came out of the blue, just like that. He looked at me and laughed. 'Sorry.'

'No matter,' I grinned back. 'Yes, I do.' I stood there and gave him a casual up and down with the eyes. if he wanted to play bold then two could play at that game. At least after around half an hour we'd made some small progress and the clock was ticking. 'Try these.' I handed the slightly larger pair over.

He took them silently and slippped into them, this time he looked perfect. He swivelled and gave me a flash of his bottom and then stood facing me. 'What's your name?'

'Jake. Yours?'

'Alexander... they call me Zander.'

'Very hip,' I gently mocked him.

'Hip hop,' he agreed and laughed. 'I like 'em but they're still a bit pricey for me.'

'How about twenty?' I moved closer.

'Inches,' he giggled and gave a little pelvic thrust in his new trousers.

Fuck it. I went for broke. I could always deny it if it went to court, I knew he wasn't going to attack me now, he was up for a game and a pair of trousers how far he was prepared to go was another matter. I reached out and gently grasped his crotch, he flinched and looked momentarily surprised but then just stood there and pushed into my hand. 'Five at full stretch I guess,' I whispered.

'Six,' he grinned back and then to my surprise also felt me up, so it wasn't all one sided after all. He was indeed up for a game. 'Mmmmm, nice one, Jakey.'

'I was going home being early closing... I just live over the road.'

'And?' He gave me a rubbery grin which he did well.

'And... wanna tag along, have a cuppa tea, a bite to eat or something?'

'Mmmmmm,' he looked doubtful but I knew he was playing hard to get, I had to beg.

'Come on,' I wheedled and put my hand on his hips and slipped them up a bit under his jumper feeling his warm and very smooth waist. 'Maybe have a lie down.' There you go, I'd managed to say it.

'You're propositioning me,' he gave me one of those Home Alone looks you know, the open mouth and wide eyes. 'Rents out at work?' His voice had suddenly gone husky.

'I have my privacy,' I pulled him closer and ran my hands up his smooth back pulling him even closer. Our tummies met and so did our groins.

'You've talked me into it,' he grinned and to my shock and I've got to say my delight he kissed me on the side of the neck. 'You're nice, I like you,' his hands reached around me and clasped my buns. I grinned and held him close. I knew what he was after, the perv, he was after my sweet bum and there was a bloody good chance he was going to get it before the day was out. I hoped that Mick had something going to keep him busy, then again he had given me a rent book and I hadn't noticed anything about not taking guests home.

'Come on, take the trousers off and put them in a bag.'

'What about paying for them?'

'We'll work something out.'

'Right,' he started to take the trousers off and I did my little oggle again, I stuffed the cargoes in a Co-Op carrier bag just not to look too obvious and waited until he was back to his original scruffy self. I motioned for him to wait and after double locking the front door and setting the night lights led him through the stockroom and out of the back door. 'Just like the Great Escape,' he grinned as he watched me set the alarm up for the night.

'Just over the car park,' I told him and we were on our way.

'Your got your own place or still with your parents?' He asked on the way.

'Well, I still live at home officially but I have a room here, it's my cousin's place. He's the shop manager as well.'

'Mmmmm, very convenient,' he grinned. 'I saw him leaving, that was the youngish guy, right?'

'That's him.'

'Is he going to be OK with you bringing a stray home?'

'Yeah,' I laughed. Micky wouldn't mind, he'd be booking a place in the queue if I knew him. So would Peter for that matter, dunno about Andy but I'd take his turn. 'I've got my own room so I entertain who I like.'

'That's good,' he seemed relieved.

We strolled over the car park and into our Close which was next door to the one Peter lived in, the difference being Peter's was still Council owned and ours were all now privately owned. I must say ours was much better kept but that's a bit of snobbery there I expect, Mick's car was missing from it's usual slot so he was out and about doing whatever he was doing. I escorted Zander as he liked to be called up the small pathway and into the happy home. His eyeballs were everywhere and I hoped he wasn't sussing the place out for a burglary, I suppose that's one of the risks you take when you take a complete stranger home but I had a good feeling about this one. Maybe a false sense of security but what the hell.

'Nice place,' he sat in an armchair after I'd offered him a drink but he was up in a minute examining the photo's on the mantlepiece. This was Mick's idea which I slightly disapproved of, they were us and the boys we'd bedded to be blunt. I just thought snaps of boys was a bit of an odd thing to display in a place we wanted to put across as normal. We should get some family pix offline with women in them just for some sort of balance, just something we could proclaim as 'family'. 'Nice one of you and your cousin,' Zander grinned.

I gave him his drink and tried to look unconcerned. It was one little Peter took, he was like that little blonde shrimp in Harry Potter with a bloody camera, this one was far too chummy for the mantlepiece, Mick was just about to snog me. 'Yeah, we were half pissed,' I improvised. 'It was our housewarming.'

'Not the only thing that was getting warmed,' Zander grinned. 'A nice pair... they gay as well?' Zander picked up one of Peter and Andy although this one was a little more respectable.

'They're mates, Andy the giant and Peter the little one,' I answered shortly.

'Two more,' he picked another one up. 'And two more. This looks like a trophy case.'

'Dave and Rupert. They stayed over in the summer,' I took the picture from him. 'Bill and Ben, brothers from Weybridge,' I took the other one and replaced it.

'Very nice, I like that Peter character.'

'I'll have to give you an introduction,' I moved in and reached down. He didn't move as I stroked his camos, he was feeling quite stiff if not absolutely hard. 'Wanna see my bedroom?'

'That's a pretty crap chat up line but yes,' he grinned. 'It's warm enough to get naked,' he fondled my bottom as I turned to lead off. Yeah, we were in business and it had been relatively painless. I didn't know how Mick was going to react when he got home but it's not as if we hadn't gone solo before now. Anyway, when he'd rushed off from work he'd more or less challenged me to tackled Zander and I had. More or less a carbon copy of my original seduction or swagging by Mick himself.

I took Zander upstairs and flipped a chair outside and shut the door. 'There's a toilet and small shower in there, I pointed out the door.

'What was that with the chair?' he looked puzzled and peered from the window probably to see if we were overlooked.

'Secret squirrel signal, Zander my man,' I grinned and moved in. 'I won't get disturbed with that on show.'

'Right,' he smiled back and sat on the bed. 'Bouncy, bouncy,' he moved up and down smirking at me almost daring me to make the first move.

'Yeah,' I flopped onto the bed alongside him, took one look at his grinning face and tugged him down flat onto the bed. He didn't resist but just wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled at my neck rubbing himself up against me like a dog in heat. That was probably just what he was for as we rolled around his hands grasped my bottom again and he crushed us together as if trying to squash me to death. I'd had enough of his sweet lips on my neck, I moved my head and my lips met his, there was a slight hesitation and he allowed me to kiss him and then he went for it. His lips pressed against mine and I felt his warm breath as he exhaled at the end.

'I don't normally kiss boys,' he muttered and did a very becoming blush.

'I don't normally let boys do me on a first date,' I grinned back. 'Unless they French that is...'

He looked at me slightly bewildered for a moment and then a slow grin crept across his face and he kissed me again only harder this time and I felt his slippery tongue at my lips. I opened my mouth and he was in, it may even have been his first time but he was a good learner and when we finally parted we were both fighting for air and crimson faced. 'Let's get naked,' I moaned. I was as hard as a rock, I was oozing and I wanted him. He was going to be good, I felt it, his erection was like an iron bar in his loose camo baggies and I wanted it.

I love getting undressed and undressing a lover but I hate smelly trainers and socks and Zander had them both. Still, as they say, love conquers all and at last I had him down to his baggy boxers which drooped around his hips and he had me down to my sky blue briefs.

'You are so fuckin' sexy,' he growled in his butch mode. 'Gonna shag you to death.' I had to laugh, that was so obvious his stiffy and it was the full mansized version kept popping from the fly of his boxers and it's glans was fully exposed and shiny, my little Rambo could pop at any minute. I allowed him to tug my briefs off and he gazed at me with naked desire in his hot eyes. I was turning roughy toughy Zander on big time and I was delighted. I know a lot of people fancied me but this boyish bit of rough stuff desired me and there's a subtle difference there.

'Take your time,' I whispered slipping his loose boxers over his hips and exposing his straining cock to the afternoon sunlight filtering through the curtains. I grasped it and it was so hot and hard I quivered at the thought of the thing inside me. He groaned and then wriggled and giggled as I grabbed his muscular bottom feeling and wondering at the smoothness and the toughness of this boy man, he wasn't wasting time though. His hardon was between my legs and he was dry humping or smeary humping as we clutched each others bottoms and ground our bellies together. My own erection was trapped between our stomachs and getting a slow wank but we were getting warmed up now and the slightest sheen of sweat was between us. 'I do shag you know,' I informed him.

'Good,' he grinned. 'Bang for bang they call it.'

I smiled, I had heard the phrase before. 'There's some stuff under the pillow.'

'Natch,' he grinned and started to lick my nose for some odd reason, never mind, he was happy and getting quite carried away fucking between my legs. I'd let him have the honeypot in a little while. His pubes were nice as well, darker than the hair on his head but that's often the way with blondes, the thing was his bum was nice and smooth and I am a bit of an expert. Suddenly he withdrew and parting my legs knelt upright between them with his solid erection jutting with a silvery ooze making a long thread down onto my balls. He smeared his precum onto my tight nuts and smiled down at me. 'You are so hot.'

'So are you Butch Boi,' I fondled his heavy ball sac and it was smooth and tight, any hair he had was all on his lower belly, he was as hairless as a boy between his legs and around his scrotum. He smeared the KY on his jutting spike until it gleamed with the stuff standing out like a battering ram the dark red head now almost purple still oozing a long streamer of his essence. Without being asked I folded my knees back to my chest exposing my all.

'Oooooh, Jakey,' he murmured as he came down on me and guided his weapon to it's target. I closed my eyes as I felt the pressure on me and then his lips on mine. There was a brief pain and I felt myself stretch to accomodate his thick cock and he was in me. 'Jeez, you are so tight.' I grinned. Music to my ears.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slowly moved in and out sinking deeper and deeper. there had been an initial pain as he'd opened me up but it had gone now and I'd know what to expect next time. His solid chunk slowly filled me and bloated me as I stroked his coarse blonde hair and stroked his smooth back, reaching down I clasped his pumping cheeks as they bobbed up and down. I moved my legs out of the way and then felt the crush of his pubics against me. I had the full length in me and it felt like a bloody great sausage. He started to go for it, fucking in short sharp jabs and bending my knees right back onto my chest. I think he was trying to get more in but he'd run out of cock, I could feel him slamming against me and driving me up the bed in his enthusiasm.

'I'm cu...'

I quickly slipped my legs down onto his sweaty back and held him in tightly as I felt his cock throb, jerk and then spew a series of warm squirts deep inside. He came a lot, he'd either been laying off the wanks or I'd turned him on. I preferred to think the latter, I clamped tightly as he still slowly moved now quite easily on a flood of creamy boy spunk. he looked at me and smiled and then kissed my sweaty forehead and added a big cow lick to my nose.

'You like my hooter?' I grinned up at him.

'I like all of you,' he lay on my belly still moving slowly against my incredibly hard penis. It was slippery and soaked with sweat and I wanted to be inside him... like right now.

'You're a good partner,' he stumbled over the words. I think he'd being going to tell me that I was a good fuck and decided to be more civilised.

'Thank you,' I grinned and grabbed his neck again, I couldn't get enough of his lips and what seemed to be a very large tongue. He could paint houses with the bloody thing but he'd found a better use for it today, it was right down my throat and he was slowly withdrawing his softening cock from my squishy rear end. It plopped free and he giggled as I roughly grabbed him and rolled him over, no fighting back, no defence just that grin as I lay him onto his side and spooned up behind him and cuddled his warm body.

I worked my erection between his cheeks and actually pushed against his pucker but relented and made a grab for the KY. He had mentioned 'bang for bang' after all, at one stage I thought he might have been a 'wham, bam, thank you, man' type but he way laying there as if he was ready, willing and hopeful. I slipped my now lube coated penis into his crack and he sighed and shuffled about making himself comfortable. In the end he held my hip lightly as I nudged in and with a slow push parted that muscle and entered his tightness and his warmth. He gave a sigh and he seemed to go limp. He was no virgin that was for sure, the first thing a newbie does is tense up which is exactly the wrong thing to do. This lad just relaxed and let me work my way into his tight bottom and in the end reached back grabbing me hard and holding me in.

'Is it in,? He croaked pushing back hard onto my straining cock.

'Cheeky sod,' I gave a push making him cry out.

'Alright, alright, I believe you,' he rolled onto his belly taking me with him and I parted his legs getting mine between his. I liked it this way, nice and easy, a good old fashioned shag. I know I'm not quite sixteen but probably better than well equiped in my modest opinion and I think he felt it and even if he didn't admit it... I think he liked it as well. All the moans and groans sounded happy moans and groans if you know what I mean. He certainly wasn't being tortured.

A bit surprising really as he looked a right butch thugboi type. After a few moments we got into a good rythm, as I slipped in and pushed he shoved his soft bottom back onto me and gave a little squeeze. Yeah, he knew what he was doing and doing it well. I went for broke speeding up and plumging in deep and hard and right at the end I heard him very quietly whispering maybe to himself... 'Harder. harder.'

I finished up in a flurry of sweaty thwacks, my belly against his bottom sort of thing and came long and hard. That's exactly what it was, I felt myself drain into him as if he was sucking me dry. I ended it all by slowly moving in and out of his flooded bum and kissing his sweaty neck like a maniac. He was great, we made a good pair. He had cum a bit quickly on the first attempt but the day was young and so were we, we weren't finished yet. I slipped free and he immediately span aorund clutching me and kissing, no more Mister Butch Boi.

'You are a good shag,' I remarked conversationally.

'You are a charmer,' he looked at me and slowly smiled. 'And a good shag as well.'

'Perhaps we can have another go in a bit,' I suggested hopefully.

'Perhaps,' he grinned and cuddled me close. He knew I wanted him and I think he was happy with that, at least his spunky meat was stiffening up again so it wasn't over yet. As I've said the day was still young and he didn't seem to want to rush off.

We had a couple of hours snooze and when I surfaced I could hear Mick downstairs, Zander was alongside gently snoring and bubbling a bit so I slipped from the bed and grabbing a bathrobe shot down the stairs to put my Landlord, Manager, lover, whatever in the picture.

'You swagged him?' He looked at me with surprise as I explained all also adding that we'd both done the dirty. 'Gonna invite him to dinner?'

'May as well once he's had a cleanup I suppose.'

'Good,' I've got a surprise for you.'


'Yeah,' he looked rather smug. 'I met Ian over at Brooklands and I invited him to join us at the pub for an evening meal. His parents were there so I also said he may as well sleepover if he wanted.'

'Just like that.'

'Well. I did say you were here and I might have said he can bunk in with you,' he grinned.

'Yeah,' I cackled. 'But I suppose now I've got company he'll have to kip in with you.'

'Maybe,' he laughed. 'We'll see how it goes. Worstways we can always put him in Peter and Andy's room, they don't need it 'til next week.'

'OK, we can give it a go,' I nodded. 'I'll go and wake the Sleeping Beauty.'

'OK, if he's staying over brief him up about Ian... play cool sorta thing.'

'No probs, Boss,' I sketched a salute. Things were happening and plots were thickening, loads of that sort of thing.

'Be ready for seven thirty, I've booked the table and Ian for eight.'

'Booked Ian?' I gave him the raised eyebrows.

'You know what I mean,' he laughed. 'Get back to your thug.'

I didn't reply I was on my way, three hours and I didn't want to waste them. Zander may not want to stay overnight and I needed the second round, I was in the mood.'

So apparently was he. By the time I got back in the he bedroom he was in the shower so I bounded straight in.

'We're invited to a meal at eight,' I informed him. 'And wouldn't it be nice if you sleptover?' I awaited his reply with baited breath as they say. You ever tried baiting your breath by the way?

'Do I get another sample of brown bum before the meal?'

'Yeah,' I laughed. 'Sleeping over?'

'Seeing you have the hots for my manly body... why not?' He grinned and grabbed my wrist dragging me into the shower. I wanted to add the bit about shrieking, wailing and protesting but it wouldn't be strictly true. I grabbed his soapy, muscular and slippery body and shoved my tongue down his throat... now that's true. I could feel his cock up against my belly back to rockhard and he made a grab for my bum so we were pretty well back on track.

This time it was much better. After we dried off he lay me out on the bed and got between my legs as before but he had some surprises in store. The first one was his mouth on my crack and his big tongue squirreling away at my pucker until it was nice and slippery and then he gently slid in and started. Nice and slow and nice and easy. He worked his way in with stacks of kissing and stacks of touchy feely and I just lay there and enjoyed it, he was a good lover and he knew exactly what to do with a boy. In the end we worked a nice slow rythm and he paused every time he thought he was going to cum. Once he'd built up a head of steam and I'd begged a bit he went for it with powerful thrusts of his hips and an intent look on his pug-ugly face. I loved it and just lay there moaning when he eventually squirted a massive load into my gut. I squeezed my cheeks absorbing what seemed to be a gallon of his hot and slippery boy spunk and he lay on me nibbling at my jaw and kissing my nose. Dunno what was with him and my hooter but I didn't mind it made a change. Micky liked biting my bum, now that can hurt. I wondered how he'd do with Ian but that was his problem, I had my Zander for the time being.

'Did I say, you're a good shag?' He grinned as he slipped free and flopped alongside me.

'You're supposed to tell me what a good lover I am.'

'You know that, Jakey baby,' he reddened a bit. 'You're bloody great.'

I grinned, I felt nine miles high. What a lovely loutish little lover I'd got myself, I felt like the cat that had nicked the cream. Now for a fuck.

Before we got down to it again I explained about Mick and how he was entertaining Ian for the night. I also explained that there was a certain amount of role playing for me to do and that his co-operation would be appreciated. One example would be confirming the cousin story or at least playing along with it and most importantly not to make too much of a big deal of sleeping over. You know, neither Mick nor myself wanted heavy handed hints about shagging being bandied about. How Mick wanted to handle the Ian affair was totally upto him and we just had to behave ourselves.

'So, no gangbang then?' He laughed at the end of it all.

'Not this time around, maybe when Peter and Andy stop over.'

'Oh, yeah, the sweet Pete,' he laughed again and struggled a little but not to much as I lay on top of him and started to move. 'In the mood now are we?' He gave a little pelvic thrust up. 'Fancy a bit of Zander?'


He grinned and his legs opened up and raised to clamp on my back. 'We're gonna need another shower after this or we're gonna smell of sex.'

'Better hurry up then.' With a struggle I knelt upright and guided my reawakened penis to it's target. He took me without a murmur just that fixed stare and a half grin as I entered him and started to move. As I've said before, certainly no virgin but I wasn't into history, it was the here and now that mattered. He started to grunt and groan a bit when I got going but he was good, nice and tight and he worked with me, rocking and rolling as they used to say and we did it well. In the end we finished up in the usual sweaty heaving mass and we finished up stuck together with our own sweat as I finally rammed into his sweet arse and spent my juddering, hot and creamy climax into his tight bottom. We were spent and yeah, contented. It was a good one and now all we had to do was make small talk for the rest of the night, be good boys and not to let Ian know he was being set up by a bunch of pervs. Boring or what but we would be back in bed by midnight and then we could start all over again.

the Soap


Character pictures = MixPix1 via...

Next: Chapter 9

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