Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jun 11, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


9 - Zanders fit in and Ian comes onboard


G. Cutter


A right weird setup I'd got involved in here. It all started out with me getting a pair of cargo trousers and finished up with getting shacking up with a sex mad kid who lived with a so called cousin who was also sex mad it seemed. Well, all that's OK because most boys between eleven and eighteen are sex loonies anyway but this was strictly boy on boy stuff, nary a genuine fanny to be seen. I hear cries of shock and horror coming from the audience but I didn't give a toss, I was versatile and probably leaned towards the gay side of things. I always found it cheaper to go with a lad, you didn't have to keep buying them things. Plus from my small experience, they're better fucks. How's that for a statement of intent.

Anyway, this Jake kid was hot and I mean really hot, he fucked well both as a top and a bottom and he didn't make a big deal out of it, he wasn't clingy and more importantly he wasn't a femme or swish. I could go out drinking with him as a mate and not get funny looks like you can. He was a bit on the skinny side but he could look after himself if the need arose. He was dark and swarthy like a Spaniard and had a bloody awful pony tail like a dead rat but I was more interested in the bits half way down his long and pretty skinny body. His cousin (I'll stick a ho, ho in there) was the manager at the Millets where Jake worked. I don't know if the cousinship was genuine or not but who cared. This Mick was as bent as a three bob watch as well which leads me to the here and now.

I'd been with Jake since the early afternoon and had agreed to sleep over and consumate our marriage if that's the word, we'd done the dirty anyway and I needed somewhere to sleep as I was at odds with my old man at the time. Cousin Mick apparently was in hot pursuit of this kid Ian and I'd been invited to come along mainly because I was shagging Jake if you follow, I suppose I was counted as family now, another cousin maybe.

This Mick had invited Ian for a sleepover to keep Jake company now the plot thickens and gets really hairy fairy. Jake was sleeping with me, it was already fixed. So, what was this Ian character going to say when he finished up in lumber with the secret squirrel poof Micky boy. Big Brother had nothing on this lot believe me, it was beginning to look like one of those old camp Carry on Films.

All good clean fun at the end of the day, all I wanted to do was to give Jake babies and keep out of my old man's way. Jake had suggested that Mick in his role of Lord of the Manor might make a move on me sooner or later but I didn't give a toss, if some rent had to be paid then so be it, he wasn't a bad looking geyser and as Jake had said he went both ways so what was the problem?

To get to the nitty gritty, the plot was that Mick, Jake and myself met this Ian at a local hostelry for a meal on the up and up and then the kid was taken home and diverted into Mick's bed instead of playing with Jake... playing? Be fair, these are sixteen and seventeen year old kids not bloody infants. Ho hum, Jake and I were all sparky and smelling sweet when we presented ourself to Mick the Prick for our outing.

'Don't say anything out of order tonight, you two,' he gave Jake and myself the evil eye.

'Why Ian,' Jake whined. 'He's as straight as a ruler.'

'No he's not,' Mick grinned. 'He's a pushover.'

'If you say so,' Jake shrugged and turned to me. 'Come on lover boy.'

'Fucking hell,' Mick snarled. 'That's just what I mean... don't say damn things like that.'

'Orrite, orrite,' Jake grinned. 'Just testing.'

We piled in the car and after a few snide comments about my wooly hat I stuck it in the corner and we were off. I've never been involved in a 'pull' or a 'swag' and wondered what I was doing there but I guess Jake was the bait... what a hoot. Jake's skinny arse was grass in a manner of speaking, I mean to say it was booked and by moi. Sod this Ian or whatever his name was.

We rolled up at this pub down by the level crossing and this kid was already lurking in the car park, talk about keen. Mick beetled over straight away and started chatting him up and Jake and myself stood there like a pair of lemons. Eventually they came back over and I got an intro, this Ian looked at me curiously and I expect he was a bit confused. The whole thing was supposed to be about him keeping little Jake company for the evening and it seemed 'little Jake' already had a companion. If I was him I'd be thinking some very deep thoughts about what was going on but he seemed more interested in feeding his face.

Super Mick had reserved a table so we were in and being served in no time at all, the grub was good and I needed it, I was starving. Anyway, while they were all scoffing I took the opportunity to study this Ian. He was pleasant enough and I think he was seventeen, quite tall but no great beauty. Plain is a good word but Mick was obviously fixated, he couldn't keep his eyes of this thing. Even Jake gave me a crafty smile and a wink... our Micky boy was on heat, or is it in heat. Anyway, he had the hots for this Ian character and I thought he could be lucky. Ian had certain mannerisms, not girly or camp but a certain way with his hands, some of the remarks he made. Nothing to get all homo-gay about but enough to make the ol' radar tweak a bit.

'Be glad to get home,' Jake whispered to me as the other two nattered away.

'Ditto,' I pressed his leg under the table and felt the return pressure. Looking good.

I kept my peace as they started to natter about their Swimming Club over a drink, I was a bit out of it but I didn't mind as they were very polite trying to get me involved in the conversation and I tried to be just as civilised with my answers. Not even one comment about who was shagging who, nothing like that. In fact, much to my alarm the more I sat with Jake mixing it with his pals the more I visualised myself in bed with either Mick or Ian, now is that bent of what? It must have been that weird soup.

The meal over at last we sat there with drinks as they did serve minors drinks with meals, not gin and tonics I hasten to add but you were pretty safe with shandies and the like. Mick had beer and lager indoors anyway not that I was into drinking in a big way. The odd can of lager here and there got the juices flowing but too many managed to bugger the pump up if you can follow the slightly confused adage. In the end we all piled into Mick's car and were on our way back home. Jeez, I'd been there almost a day and was calling it home already, the place must grow on you.

Now comes the good bit. You will never believe this. We got home and Mick fished out a few more cans and a nice big box. The Trivial Pursuit had arrived. Can you believe it? We actually sat up at the table with our chillies and actually played TP up until around midnight. A totally unbeliveable start to a night of sex and I came second by the way. Jake was Tail End Charlie.



Well. what a carry on! I don't have to do any scene seting as it's already been done, so on with the story.

I don't know what stunt this little crowd were pulling but I was fully aware that Jake and Mick were an 'item' as they call it, what threw a spanner in the works was this new guy Zander. I suspected from what Jake said that they'd just met and I mean very recently. From the body language and the studious way they avoided looking at each other I suspected that they were at it. OK, so far so good. If the evening wasn't to trap me for Jake it must have been for o Mick making the running. I with a few others had suspected him from the start of him joining our Club. Jake's Cousin... yeah. The problem was that beggars couldn't be choosers. Coach and a couple of parents were just swamped with the overwhelming paperwork and transport problems and a busy, busy Mick was a Godsend. He passed his Child Protection Check so there was no real reason to bar him. I and a couple of the older ones had sussed him out as being 'dodgy', we wouldn't go as far as that and I didn't care anyway. I thought he was rather attractive and I had my little secrets.

I strongly fancied Jake, little Peter and a few others but I kept this desire or lust well under wraps. I can tell you when you shower and change with a group of ten through to eighteen year old boys you need to be careful. Jake was at it and I felt pretty sure the sweety Pete was as well, they were in the same little firm after all. This little clique seemed to revolve around Mick's pad in Addlestone centre and I'd finally got an invitation and here I was.

I wasn't sure how the sleeping arrangements would work out but that was the key, once they were proposed (and I was going to play easy) things would start to happen I suspect. I'd only had one shorty short affair and that hadn't really come to anything and that was well over a year ago so I was well fit for something fresh. Maybe Mick, to get my feet under the table and then mix in. You'll see that even at this stage I was assuming they all played happy families. I may have been wrong but one thing was for sure, I'd find out tonight.

The night passed pleasantly enough and Zander has said how the Trivial Pursuit ended. Mick won, of course, it was his set and he probably knew the cards inside out. Funnily enough Zander came second and I came third. The slightly thuggish Zander couldn't have as been as thick as he looked. It was also a bit funny watching Jake watching him, the skinny Mary was head over heels for this lumpen. No, I take that back, lumpen sounds like he was a mongol or something, he was nice in a way, the phrase 'rough trade' springs to mind and I just don't know where that came from, I must have heard it somewhere.

It was coming on midnight and we had packed away the Trivial and just sitting around chugging a few Fosters when Jake got the action going.

'We're off to bed in a bit,' he grinned at Mick and slapped Zander's leg which went down well. 'We're both a bit shagged.' Zander had to spoil it he started to laugh and Jake proceeded to blush up realising what he'd just said.

'I bet,' Mick commented without turning a hair.

'Why? Whatcha been upto lads?' I asked doing a bit of stirring.

'Ah, just football and whatnot,' Jake smiled.

'Mainly whatnot,' Zander spluttered lager all over the place.

'Gothcha,' I grinned at them both letting them know full well I was capable of reading between the lines. I could have been dead wrong but more likely dead right.

'Where you sleeping?' Zander looked at me and I laughed as well. Talk about talking out of turn. I don't know what murky plans Mick had made but if looks couild have killed Zander would have burst into flames on the spot and you know exactly what I mean.

'Ian's got options,' Mick rather neatly turned the tables on both Zander and myself. 'He can bunk in with you two, he can take the spare room or he can keep me company.'

'I'll sleep in with you,' I retorted immediately. 'Save messing up the spare bed.' OK, so I know it was a bit limp but I think by now it was pretty obvious I hadn't been invited over for my good looks and personal charm however top of the range they may be. I was being invited or being inviegled maybe enticed into their little club within a Club, they just hadn't put a lot of work into it. I think Zander might have thrown their plans up in the air , using a bit of common sense I reckoned Jake was set upto seduce me and Mick would take it from there. I wasn't a moron and I knew exactly what they were after. If they'd just come out and said something along the line of 'do you want to shag?' I'd have probably come back with 'I'll try anything once' but they hadn't and here we were in a bit of a mess.

'Right that's it then,' Jake said and stood. Quite po faced he looked at Zander still sitting and then grinned. 'Come on, mon petite cabbage.' Zander just got up lazily and wrapped his arm around Jake's bony shoulders.

'Slut,' he smirked and hustled my lust from the room. He'd got the last word in at least.

'Well now, there you go,' Mick looked just a bit embarassed but not for long. He waved an unopened can at me. 'One for the road.'

'Yeah, why not,' I smiled at him. At least Zander and Jake had made no bones about what they were going to do and I envied them in a way. I suppose Mick and myself were going to do the Dance of the Shy Virgins. Well, I suppose it applied to me but not to him. I was up for it, I wanted an in, I wanted to join their little clique and savour some of the hidden delights. In a swimming Club you got to see if not touch a load of half naked boys, this could be the time to break down the barriers and get down to the nitty gritty... the boys under the speedos or the bits one only dreamt about.

'You've got to excuse Jake and his mate, they get a bit carried away now and then.'

'No probs, I'm a free thinker,' I looked at him trying to set his mind at ease. I bet he hated Zander at that moment, the kid had really fucked things up but I didn't mind, I got to tackle the bossman and it could be fun.

Twenty minutes later we had a bit of a tidy up and after a lot of poncing around we were up the stairs to the bedroom. There was a wooden kitchen chair outside Jake's room which mystified me a bit but I found out later what it was for. A 'Do not Disturb' sign made more sense but that hadn't occured to our Jakey boy.

Mick dimmed the lights and although we weren't exactly comfortable with each other that would change. I was first in, after stripping down to my boxers I immediately slid under the covers and watched him get undressed. He too went down to boxers and I was a bit surprised to see that he didn't have a big stiffy going. So much for my personal allure. As he went over to switch the lights off I moved into the centre of the bed slightly, he was bound to bump into me which would be a step in the right direction.

The room wasn't completely dark and I saw his vague shape as he came acros and slipped into the bed making contact straight away, I was a bit nervous but it all happened as if it had been planned.

'Alright?' He whispered and I felt his warm hand on my hip.

'Fine,' I felt my voice break and I moved in a little.

'Good,' he tugged me a bit and I moved in closer still, I could feel his warm breath on my neck and suddenly he clasped me and moved in tightly. Now he was hard, I could feel it pressing against my own half hard. I was lost I put my arm onto his smooth back and bound us in tight. 'Mmmmm,' he nuzzled at my neck and I felt myself relax, it was alright now.

'What do you reckon the others are upto?' I snuggled against him feeling his hardness pressing against my own which was now trying to equal his. I couldn't help it, I was getting harder and harder.

'Don't worry about them, Ian. It's just you and me in here and I felt his hand snake between us and grasp my erection through my thin underwear. This time I got a hand under him and my arms were around him slipping into the back of his boxers cupping his smooth buttocks as he started to grind against me. We were away, no fuss, no bother, just like that. His hands were at my boxers and I felt them going down allowing my swollen flesh to pop free and press against him but he'd done a crafty, in the shuffle he'd dropped his and this time both bare penises pressed against each other in the flesh.

I let him take charge. He manhandled me flat onto my back and then he was on top of me and I felt his hardness slip between my legs, I clamped on it and he gentle moved. He didn't fuck he just slowly rocked and stared at me in the near dark. I saw his eyes and teeth gleam as he grinned at me. 'You wanna play?'

'I wanna join your little club.'

'What club?'

'Come on,' I mocked looked straight into his eyes. 'Jake and his boyfriend, little Peter and that lanky prick, Andy he plays around with...'

'Ah, well if you wanna join you have to pass the entry exam.'

'I worked that one out,' I laughed and grabbed the back of his neck sealing my lips to his and that was it. We were off.

He went for the blow first, starting with a bout of kissing and working his way down my chest and belly to my penis which was totally hard and waiting for him. I was trying to suss out his tactics and read his mind and I reckoned he wanted to drain me, to deplete me so that I wouldn't have the urge to fuck. He would then have his wicked way and poor ol' me wouldn't have the strength to fight back or want a return match. Well, I wasn't a dummy and I wanted to shag his tight arse adult man or not. He might be a manager and the Godfather of this little mob but he was a fuck and I wanted him, it was about time he upgraded from his kiddies to a man... namely me. Thick Micky wanted bringing down to earth and I was the one to do it. I stroked his hair as he finally took me into his mouth and started his routine.

'Nice cock,' he whispered in the dark.

'Thank you.' I couldn't think of anything else to say.

'Juicy ol' nuts... when was the last time you cum?' He asked and I felt him lay the side of his face on my belly, he was looking up at me in the dark.

'Can't remember,' I laughed. The point was, I couldn't. Must have been ages ago but definitely not this week and not the last either, I must have been turning into some sort of a monk. I tried to press his head downwards again but he wasn't having it. He was fumbling around and I guessed what he was after, it was either some lube or a condom and I don't think it was the latter. They were a pretty closed club, they only seduced 'nice' boys and I was one (pause for laugh).

He went down again on me but this time he had what I presumed was lube in his hand and I was a mind reader, I knew exactly what he was going to do. I felt his hand under me and the trace of slippery. The next thing I knew was that there were oiled fingers at my ring and with a slow push he was inside me. I groaned and clamped on him as he continued to suck and finger fuck me.

'I'm not a bitch you know,' I wriggled on his finger as it dug in deeper finding my prostate and livening me up no end.

'Just a litttle bit?' He chuckled.

'About fifty percent.' I wanted him to know that I wasn't just a casual shag, I wanted my share otherwise I'd be out of the door.

'Perfect,' he started to kiss up my belly and gradually turn me over. I reached out and clasped his erection and he was as hard as a rock. 'I don't want you to cum,' he whispered and I felt better, he wanted me to do him after he'd taken his pleasure. Great, I was on my way to joing the Club.... whee!!

He eventually got me on my belly and parted my legs. I felt him get between them and his finger withdrew and I felt the loss but not for long. The next thing I felt was his swollen glans slip between my oiled cheeks, a brutal pressure and then I felt my sphincter give way and his hot cock speared into me. Jeez, it never gets any easier although I fancied with this little mob I was going to get lots of practice. Christ, he was in deeper and starting to move.


'Yeah, fine,' I grunted and tried to relax shoving up a bit to meet his thrusts as he munched away at the back of my neck mouthing and kissing as he delved deeper and I finally felt his crisp pubics on my bottom. The bloody thing was in me and it felt like a fleshy log as he squirmed in tightly pressing me into the bed. Gotta tell a little secret, I could handle it and I was thinking of skinny Jake shagging me or maybe even his hooligan mate Zander. God, the possibilities were endless, even little Peter and his little bit of string (sorry Pete).

He took his time and I got used to it, I even began to get a bit of a buzz. I was as hard as a rock myself and felt myself pushing up into his thrusts and getting a mini wank against the bedding underneath. I just hope that I didn't cum on his bedding, now that would be a bummer as I suspected he was just as interested as taking as giving. Our Micky was a two way man I knew that as no way were Jake and the Zander kid little girls, they were all the way boys. Anyway, I had watched Mick scoping the boys at the swimming baths and he liked the big ones as well as the kiddies. He might have been a boy lover but he was also versatile.

In fact, apart from shagging him I was thinking about the aforemention Jake and Zander, now there would be a threesome if I could get in with them. Never mind, forgetting them for the moment I pushed up onto Mick's thrusts, he was going to cum and then he did. Jeez, that bloke must store it or he wasn't getting enough. He pressed me into he bed and I could feel his slimy cock throb and spurt and then a sense of being flooded... yeah, flooded. I was all icky and messy at the back and he was still moving in his own cum. At last he withdrew kissing the back of my sweat soaked neck and flopped out like a dead man doubtless feeling very pleased with himself.

I crawled over him and I swear I was dripping from the front as well as the back as I hoised his legs in the air and folded his undercarriage back (that's one of Jake's as he's into plastic aero models).

'You're bigger than I thought,' he fondled my erection as I moved up against him. 'Take it easy.'

I wasn't really listening as I positioned my leaking knob against his sweaty flesh and pushed dead centre.

He tensed up and tried to move away but I was in and staying in, his sphincter gripped me and I gained an inch and that was it. His hot flesh accepted y intrusion and I slowly moved in and out as he sighed and relaxed. He was good for a near pensioner but I was so hard I could have shagged a stoat. I moved in and out and what started as a gentle bit of romance ended up as a sweaty and pretty savage rumping. I tore into his arse like a loony and he enjoyed every minute of it and he even sounded disappointed as I finally clonked his head on the headboard as I hammered into his tight little hole. He told me later that he wasn't tight, it was that I had a big dick which was music to my ears. Dontcha just love a bit of flattery. In the end I squirted him and with the prolonged forplay and fucking I'd had I did a good cum. I felt quite happy with my own performance, almost big headed as I finished off moving un and out of his well juiced up hole. I was fucked and so was he, so much for the rather sedate sleepover I was expecting... well, not really but I had expected to be seduced by Jake and passed on. As I've said, I expected that the new boy Zander had thrown a spanner in the works but it all cum out alright in the end.



I had a good night with the Zander man, we were used to each other now and we could take our time in the privacy of my bedroom and we did. Gentle and loving I suppose you'd call it but always that flurry of urgency at the end. I know Zander wasn't the best looking kid on the block but he had a nice nature under his rather goonish exterior and he did fuck well. What else do you want in a boyfriend. I did wonder how Mick was getting on with the rather standoffish Ian but I expect they did it, at least there'd been no screaming and shouting from down the passage and more importantly no white cars with flashing blue lights in the Close.

As an aside; I had a niggling worry with Mick, I'd caught him looking in the Company magazine the other day and he was looking at the vacancies and transfers page... now that was a major concern. If Mick decided to go and work elsewhere I'd be right in the shit, the whole Club would fall apart and I mean the Sex Club not the Swimming Club. Andy and Peter were seeing less of each other lately and Peter had a big secret. You know kid's with secrets. In the end we stopped asking. Anyway, they were all thoughts and worries for the future, I had my Zander and I hoped it was going to be a bit more than a one night stand, I really liked him and I mean getting close to the 'L' word... yeah, that serious. I know he was a bit of a scruff but so was I. I was probably acting like a bloody big girl this early in the game but when it hits, it hits. Try typing that fast.

Dawn broke as it does with the usual chorus of manic birdies and the clatter of the milkman down the road. I heard the clatter of the mailbox as the daily paper was shoved in but that was the slightly retarded paperboy we had. He wasn't really retarded just a bit shy and was somewhere on my target list, pity he was only about twelve but twelve's old enough. Zander was laying on his back doing a bubbly little snore and I left him to it and went to make the tea. I wanted to get in and see how Mick and Ian had got on and it was one of my self imposed duties to tea Mick up in the morning and get him to work. Well, someone had to pay the rent and rather he than me, I paid my rent by indirect means if you follow.

I burst in on then doing my cheery top of the morning busy-busy bit and Ian was sparko, Mick was sitting up in bed looking bewildered but he gave me a weak smile when he saw the steaming mugs.

'How'd it go?' I asked being the soul of tact.

'Alright,' he mouthed silently with a frown. 'What are you and your mate doing this morning.'

'Dunno,' I sat on the edge of the bed, Mick's side that was. 'He didn't say anything about going to work.'


'Yeah, he's unemployed officially but he does a bit on the side gardening and house clearing for this geyser... cash in hand.'

'Ah, gotcha, you can get him to help you tidy up this morning,' Mick smiled already back in his commanding officer mode. 'Make sure Ian has a bit of breakfast when he gets up, and anything else he fancies.' He looked at me and gave me a knowing smirk.

'I heard that,' Ian mumbled. 'I smell tea.'

'Sit up then.'

He surfaced with a blank look on his face but realising where he was and that I was there he clutched the bedding up around his bare chest and gingerly accepted the mug as I passed it across.

'OK,' I said brightly. 'We're gonna lie in if you want us,' I directed ny remarks to both Mick and Ian but if Ian couldn't pick up on a hint tough titty on him, I expected that Mick would wise him up before he left for work.

I went back into the kitched and did tea for myself and my slumbering lover boy and trolled back to our bedroom to find Zander wide awake and playing with himself with his beautiful lump of meat fully exposed. What a perv, here I am with a willing bottom and he's having a hand job.

'Jeez, Zand. Couldn't you wait?'

'I'm so hard,' he whined and then gave me a little puppy dog lost look. You know the one but it didn't work, I stuck a mug into his hand and flopped out on the bed but outside the bedclothes. Zander huffed and puffed like a little kid but took the mug. As for Ian, he had two options when Mick went, he could either get dressed and slink out or he could come and visit, he'd been given a virtual invitation after all and it was pretty clear that my Zander man was up for a game.

'They mated last night I think,' I observed casually.

'Fucked?' He sqwarked

'In a word,' I laughed. 'Ian might possibly pop in later, you up for it?'

'Depends what he's got in mind,' Zander grinned. 'Yeah, why not, he ain't a bad looking geyser and I've got a need.'


'Yeah,' Zander agreed happily. 'We boyfriends now?' He looked at me quite seriously.

'Yeah, I hope so,' I returned his steady stare. 'But I've got to...'

'What you're going to tell me is that you've got an itchy fanny and that you're a slut. I know that,' he grinned. 'Makes two of us.'

'OK then, boyfriend,' I laughed.

We lay there like an old married couple until Mick poked his head around the door and said goodbye leaving us entrusted with Ian, furthering his education you might say but that depended if he was in the mood for more. He was. Mick was barely out of the front door and there was a tap on the door and tousle haired Ian poked his head around.

'Any chance of another cupps?'

'Yeah, make it three,' I grinned and pointed to the tray.

'Right,' he grinned and checked on our sugar requirements. Nice, he was already housetrained and looked rather dishy, he only seemed to have his trousers on and they were drooping around his hips... it would only take one tug but I was a tea kiddy and so was the Zanderman by the look of things.

Five minutes later Ian reappeared with a laden tray and did the honours.

'Gonna jump in?' I asked with my well honed tact.

'Which side?' He grinned.

'In the middle.' Zander beat me to it. It was funny really Ian dropped his trousers and stood there for a moment with a very nice extended and plump looking cock all dangley and graspable and he managed to get between us and there we all sat there like good ol' upper crust English boys drinking our teas. A bit like a Public School although I don't know much about them other than what I've gleaned from the English writers on Nifty.

'So, how did you get on last night?' I asked being a nosey sod.

'Alright,' Ian laughed nearly spilling his tea. 'What am I supposed to say?'

'Who shagged who and how many times,' Zander beat me to the punch again. We must have cloned brains, he kept taking the words out of my mouth. Gotta love the lout.

'Er... twice each,' Ian mumbled and glancing sideways I saw his ears were red, poor dear was having a blush.

'So, you're ready for more,' I disposed of my mug and reached out surprisingly enough I found a handful of hot youth cock nice and warm and getting harder even as I groped. A good sign. 'You are ready for more,' I laughed and took his mug as he took a tentative prod into my hand. Looking across I could see that Zander was leaning out of the bed dumping his on the floor.

'I thought Mick was lining me up for you,' Ian seemed to have recovered his cool. I must have got it mixed up.'

'No, you didn't. Zanderman rolled up and cocked things up.'

'You didn't complain,' Zander turned inwards to face Ian. I think Ian must have had a very short think and turned towards me. What was a girl to do, I turned outwards and snuggled my bum up onto Ian's stiffy.

'Mmmm...' That came out as a general mumble by the way as we all snuggled together. I could feel Ian's soft lips nudge my rat's tail (as Zander called it) aside and nuzzle at my neck. I could also feel his erection pushing up between my cheeks and I reached under the pillow for my trusty side kick, Mr KY. No way was he shoving that thing in me dry.

'Cor, that's big,' Ian giggled and I guessed Zander was probing or prodding.

'Grrrr.' Zander was a man of few words.

More shuffling around and more giggles and at the end as we settle down I felt Ian's well oiled lump glide between my relaxed buttocks and spike me. He must have kknown I'd been at it all night and he entered me quite easily and then just held me tight with his hot cock buried to the hilt. I wondered why he didn't make a start but then realised Zander as tail end Charlie was getting himself into Ian and then it started.

I might have said before, two's a shag and three's a shambles and this one was no different but it got better as we built up a rythm. Still, as far as I was concerned it was only a start, after a bath or shower we could try something different, Friday's a crap day anyway and Mick would be busy over his store. Pity Peter wasn't on the lurk but he seemed to have gone missing lately.

It was a long sweaty and awkward fuck and after around a good ten to fifteen minutes of perspiration soaked humping I felt Ian groan the groan and his hefty cock spewed a goodly load of his creamy goo into my bum. From the noises and the little whimpers Ian then began to give I think Zander must have gone into Duracell bunny mode as suddenly there was quiet as the action died. My man Zander had clearly shot his bolt. God knows what Ian felt like between us he must have been soaked as well as truly shagged.

'That was something different,' Zander remarked as we all rather messily split from one another.

'Yeah,' Ian agreed rather self conciously and I just lay on my back staring at the ceiling. They'd had their fun and it was my turn. Eeenie, meenie, miney, moe? Shag the boyfriend again or have a go at the new meat... don't hold your breath on that one, I'd decided.

'Shall I go and do some more tea?' Zander suggested. I told you his mind was hot wired into mine, I did think of giving Peter a ring but if he was on his monthlies or whatever he'd come around in due course. Then I realised he wouldn't be coming around anyway, it was Friday and he was at school with all the other rugrats. I didn't know what Ian was supposed to be upto but I think he was in some sort of part time further education, the sort of thing Andy was just about to get into. So much for a prolonged session as a foursome, that was well out of the window.

'Well?' Zander sat up and looked at me. 'Do you want this fuckin' tea?'

'Uppity servants,' I grinned at Ian. 'Yes please, darling,' I spoke to my man. 'Then Ian and I will give you an exhibition.' I cuddled upto Ian and pressed my hot cock against his thigh and I think he knew what I was on about as he gave a little press back. He seemed determined to sample all the goodies and why not, we had little else to do and when I get fucked by someone attractive enough I do like a bit of a return match.

As soon as Zander collected the mugs and left Ian was out of the bed. 'Gotta go, back in a tick,' he said as he sprinted to the little bathroom and I knew exactly how he felt. His cup was clearly brimming and better safe than sorry. He was a quick learner or he had experience but I wasn't really fussed either way, I just wanted a work out and then we could review the situation.

Ian made it back before Zander although he was damp, I'd heard the shower running so he'd obviously had a quicky freshen up and he was ready for more. 'Well now, Jake.' he snuggled upto me.

'Well now, Ian,' I grinned and turned to face him.

'You're pal is pretty well rigged,' he felt downwards. 'Not too bad yourself.'

'Yeah,' I wrapped my arms around him and rolled on top. I was about to take him as I knew he wanted it but it was right then that Zander reappeared with a tray of steaming mugs.

'None of that,' he carolled and set the tray down. Well, in the end I did do the dirty with Ian and we spent most of the forenoon in bed but it was pretty much the same until we were all well and truly played out and went down the chippy which is a good way to finish off a full night and a morning's sex. Pretty lame ending but often these things do just fizzle out and that's life. I felt quite sure that Zander and myself would be seeing a lot more of Ian in the immediate future.

The soap continues

The next Chapter is twice the size of this and concerns Peter and his new foster brother. As I know little or nothing about fostering it's a bit off the cuff but I went for a bit of love and maybe a little more than the crash, bang, wallop approach demostrated in this one.

For a pictures of the characters in this ongoing story EMail me for MixPix 1 and you can select what you want.

Next: Chapter 10: Dirty Addlestone Weekend

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