Adjoining Rooms

By Mikhail Conrad

Published on Mar 20, 2015



This is a story about sex between adult males. If that offends you (How you got to this page if you're that kind of person puzzles me) then you know how to leave or you should; the back button, closing the window or your browser, even turning off your device will all work for that purpose. You must be 18+ (21+ in certain locales) to read this legally, if you're not of appropriate age go back now even if it doesn't offend you (my escalating mind powers will enforce this restriction, right?). In certain places having this story and in some really backwards places even reading it is illegal. Be aware of the laws regarding that where you are and act accordingly. This story is my intellectual property and may not be posted in any way or used for anything other than personal reading without my express permission.

Archive;'Adjoining Rooms #1'{Mikhail Conrad}( MM slow )[1!5]

This first chapter is mostly for character development. It will get steamy soon enough. Feel free to contact me and let me know what you think.


It was over, meaning my relationship with Cal, my lover of three years. The first six months had been great, the next six okay. The second year had been mediocre at best and this last year, well let's just say that saying `it sucked' was being generous.

I could put up with him cheating with his two friends that he had known since high school. They were all three clean and careful about their activities. I could tolerate the parties he would have whenever I made an occasional out-of-town trip to visit my family or handle some work related business. He always made sure the house was immaculate upon my return. He didn't have enough smarts to realize my neighbors would keep me filled in on what went on while I was gone. I could even handle his lazy work ethic and his failure to keep a job. All I had to do to let it go was look at him. His sun streaked sandy blonde hair that came to right above his shoulders; his nice wide muscular shoulders, his bright blue eyes, his narrow waist on his six foot jock frame, his hard pecs and washboard abs; all were reasons to overlook a lot. But the one thing that really had me let a lot of things go by the wayside was his upwardly curved, uncut, eight inch, Red Bull thick cock. That and the fact that he knew how to use it better than all of the best male porn stars in the business.

What I finally couldn't sit still for was his thieving. My friends had warned me when I first discovered him taking cash out of my dresser drawer that I needed to drop him fast, but it had only been a twenty here and there. It wasn't like I couldn't afford it. I reasoned it away by saying that he was too embarrassed to tell me that he had blown all his money on weed or drinking with his friends and he needed a few bucks to get by on. That might have been the case and I'm still thinking that it probably was, but his latest theft went way past that.

Sandy, my personal banker called me and asked me if it was okay for Cal to cash fifteen thousand plus dollars in bearer bonds using my personal investment account since our joint household checking account didn't have a large enough balance to cover them. I asked her if he was there and she told me that he was at the teller window and the teller had sent the bonds out to her to approve. He didn't know she had called me. I had her hold while I rushed into my home office and opened the wall safe in the closet there. Sure enough, one envelope was missing. I had them all numbered and kept them in order. The larcenous bastard hadn't taken the top or bottom envelope, but one of the ones in the middle. I quickly told Sandy the situation and she had to hang up to go get the bank guard to detain Cal. She gave me her promise that she would keep him there isolated if he didn't cause any problems until I could arrive. I assured her that I was on my way. Thank God for Sandy. We had been friends for over seven years and she was one of the ones that had warned me about Cal. She had never thought he would go this far though.

I cussed myself just as much as I did Cal on the mile drive to the bank. How could I have been so damn stupid? How had the thieving piece of shit gotten the combination to my safe? What in the hell was the half-brained son-of-a-bitch thinking? My mind went on and on. I was furious and there were going to be some changes made; extreme changes. The bonds that Cal had stolen were more than just payable on demand money; they were five of the remaining twenty-seven notes issued by The Bank of England that my great-great-great grandfather had brought with him when he emigrated to British Colonial Savannah. Their original issue rate was one pound sterling. Now they were worth over three thousand dollars apiece. The monetary value didn't mean near as much to me as their personal historical worth. I wouldn't have been anywhere near as pissed-off if the goddamn cocksucker had forged one of my checks for that much.

I pulled into the bank parking lot with my tires screeching. I left a five foot skid when I slammed on the brakes as I rocketed my deep sea blue Z4 Beemer into the nearest space. I was so mad that I jumped out without using the door. I pressed the alarm on my key ring and stomped into the bank. Sandy was waiting on me at the door.

"He said he needed the money for his mother so she could have an operation," She told me rolling her eyes as she directed me to a side door, "Mr. Parris, our guard, has him in one of the private safety deposit box viewing rooms right through here. Do you want me to call the police now? We should you know."

"Let me talk to him first Sandy," I asked, "Do we have to call the police right away?"

"Listen to me Mike," she said using her no-nonsense bank manager voice, "We don't have to call the police at all. He didn't get away with it and pressing charges would be up to you anyway, but..."

"But what?" I asked abruptly because I was so seething mad.

"You need to dump this loser is what!" she came right back at me, "So what if he's good looking and hot, if you like that kind of thing (Sandy was a true blue dyke). He's a thief and a liar and he'll go on being one. Get rid of him Mike and I won't even fill out an incident report."

"I'm going to do more than that sweetheart," I told her as we came up to Mr. Parris and I reach out to open the door, "Why don't you join me?"

The guard reached out to stop me, but she told him it was okay and we entered the room. Sandy pulled the door closed behind us. It was a small narrow room, about six by ten, with a two foot wide shelf about three feet high on the back wall. Cal sat in the only chair in the room with his arms crossed, back up against the right wall staring at us defiantly.

"WELL?" I forcefully asked him.

"Can we do this without the dyke?" was his cocky reply.

"Her name is Sandy you stupid asshole," I told him, "And she's the only reason you aren't on your way to jail right now!"

Sandy just crossed her arms and matched his cocky stare. Cal looked back and forth between us and finally hung his head.

"My mom's gotta have emergency surgery Mike," he said starting to leak tears, "I was gonna tell you, but I just panicked."

I didn't answer him. I pulled out my cell and dialed his mother.

"What're you doing?" he asked actually panicking now.

I didn't answer him. On the second ring I got an answer.

"Hi Margaret," I said to his mother, "Cal was telling me that you're having some trouble."

I listened to the woman babble on about not being able to find the right kind of swimsuit for her upcoming cruise to the Bahamas and she asked me if we would keep her cat while she was gone.

"You'll have to ask Cal about that," I told her, "Bye now, I'll have him call you."

My deceitful lover was looking at me with his now dry eyes darting around. There wasn't anywhere to go and he started to turn red. I wasn't sure if it was embarrassment or frustration. Sandy laughed and Cal gave her a look of pure hatred.

"Island surgery I guess," I said, "That's one lie you prick. One more and we're calling the cops. I'm not playing around with you any more Cal. You'd better answer me and it had better be the truth or so help me God; I'll do my best to make sure you get the maximum sentence for this, whatever it is. Do you understand me?"

He nodded his head and I proceeded to ask him what I wanted to know. The worthless half-brained shithead had used my own webcam to record me opening my safe. He had watched me for weeks taking note that I never moved or touched the envelopes when I went in the safe. He actually stole the bonds so that he and his two stoner buddies could take off and whoop it up at the Gulf Coast Casinos next time I went out of town, which was supposed to be in two days. All in all it was a pretty stupid idea, but I already knew Cal didn't have shit for brains. His intelligence wouldn't have gotten him laid by a desperate seventy year old on a desert island if smarts were even the least requirement.

"I'm giving you notice Cal," I told him after he had answered all my questions, "I'll make sure you have it in writing before the day is over. You're evicted. I can't make you get out any sooner than thirty days, but here's what I can do. The house needs painting. I'm going to have that done. To make it easier, I'm going to put all my stuff in storage. ALL OF IT! Furniture, appliances, linens, pots and pans, dishes, utensils, food in the pantry, TVs, cable boxes, wireless, all of it. If it isn't attached to the structure of the house it's going in storage. So you'd better get your stuff out of my cabinets, closets, and dressers first thing, because it's all going out tomorrow. I'm cancelling your car insurance today. Pay for it yourself. I'm closing the joint account too."

"My names on that too!" he said aggressively.

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled at him, "You haven't made a deposit to the account in over a year. It's all my money. If you don't sign the papers to close it out payable to me I'll dial 911 so fast it'll make you dizzier that you already are you dipshit asshole! In fact because you went the asshole route just now, I'm going to do some remodeling too. You might think you can stay for the month, but I'm having new door hardware installed. I'll have the carpenter over tomorrow to take all the knobs and locks off. You can stay in a house without appliances and no locks if you want. Better yet, I wouldn't want you have people in your way while you GET THE FUCK OUT, so I'll wait a month to have the place painted. That means I might as well have the power, gas, and water turned off in the meantime. Of course, by law, you're welcome to pay the deposits and have them turned back on while you're there."

Sandy started chuckling.

"SHUT UP BITCH!" Cal started yelling, "MIKE YOU'RE A REAL FUCKIN' ..."

He shut up real fast when I held up my cell and pressed 9 1...

"Come on Sandy," I said smiling, "I think Cal has some paperwork to sign for me."

"And I'll go ahead and have my secretary make you an eviction notice while we get that done," she said taking me by the arm and laughing at Cal.



There was this person who had a few very good, most assuredly magical, skills with a computer and the internet. Now this person also liked to have some personal fun with an erotic story every now and then. But alas, the type of stories the person sought were few and far between and they were difficult to access because of the evil dark powers of the wicked Council of Censorbitches. The person knew that there were many erotic writers out in the mystical realm of the World Wide Web, but they had problems posting their feel good stories because the Censorbitches would descend on their postings and desecrate them with vile slashes, malicious blackouts, and even... YES!... horrid deletions. Well the person decided to fight against the uncanny hate-mongering Censorbitches. The person made an enchanted place within the mystical realm of the World Wide Web and named it Nifty. It was free from the loathsome pernicious deeds of the Censorbitches and at last writers of alluring erotica could set their creations in a place of safety. As with all good things it came with a cost. Many long hours of magical programing were required to keep the enchanted place Nifty secure and accessible. Many more hours were spent in the exchange of the small marvelous packages of electric information called bits that made up the enchanted place. The person withered and languished spending all their mana maintaining the enchanted place Nifty until one day a minor wizard made a donation and enhanced the magic of the person. Stories flashed into existance that had never been seen before! And so I send forth this missive across the mystical realm of the World Wide Web. Help the person maintain their mana and fight against the dastardly atrocities of the Censorbitches by making your own donation to the enchanted place Nifty. You can access the magic portal of giving at

Next: Chapter 2

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