Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Feb 27, 2010


I wanted to thank everyone for reading. I loved the feedback. I hope you guys continue to send it. Anyway it's story time. Where we last left off we found out Braylon needed love. Let's continue.

Chapter 5: The Game

The week after the party was fast. David and Kimmie were seen everywhere. They had made things between them official. The sight of them in the halls was the ugliest thing ever!

Jade passed the juicy gossip to me every time somebody made a move. The gossip from this week was good. It gave me something else to think about besides what Keylan said Saturday.

Ryan was absorbed in talking with Keylan and Korbyn. Sometimes they seem like the were their own clique. Korbyn ignored me. He still wouldn't talk to me. I guess Saturday when I touched him meant nothing to him.

Even though Keylan was In the conversation with those two. He would glance over at me when he thought no one was looking. His green eyes was staring longer than normal. This could be another clue! All week he kept bugging us to come support him at the game Friday. I heard him say it so much I wanted to skip over Friday, but that isn't the type of ...`friend' I am.

Friday night

I barely made it to the game. My mom had me doing chores. I did so many chores I thought the game would be over by the time I arrived. I did everything for one reason, and that was to support my best friend.

I watch the stands begin to fill up gradually. Thinking, if my friends only knew what I went through to get here tonight...

I wore a yellow Abercrombie shirt. I took the hint from Jade when he told me yellow is my color. I wonder, if he is going to wear the same thing as me again?

I waited for the others to show up. Any time I heard feet rumbling the stands. I thought it was one of them. I sat where nobody was. Keeping a watch full eye out for them.

Jade's yellow skin stood out, in the black designed shirt he had on. He was leading the way with Korbyn and Ryan. Rumbling the stand as he made his way up to me.

"Hey!" Jade exclaimed, hugging me.

"Hey, Wise selection with the black shirt." I complimented, hugging him back.

"Thanks, I learn from the best!"

When they took their seats the first quarter had already started. It stung to know Korbyn was still avoiding me, I couldn't help, but loved the Hollister he was wearing. He was a beautiful sight to see.

The game isn't something Jade and I get into. Instead we sit around talking about other unrelated topics. You can't say that about Ryan. He really gets into these games. I'm shocked he isn't playing, and now that Korbyn is here they went on and on about football positions I never heard of.

"oooo!" Jade said pointing. "There is Sabre! And she has a nappy wig on." I thought Jade was exaggerating, but when I saw for my self. I couldn't help it. I had to join in.

"Eww, where did she get that wig? It looks like bed hair to me! I can't believe her family let her rock that gorilla hair." I added. Jade laughed loudly at the comment. People were giving him looks like `shut up!'

"Boo! What are you looking at me for?" Jade said rolling his eyes. "the game is in front of you." I laughed at how he handled the people. We continued our conversation every now and then Jade would stop and say, "Boo! Dang! what are you people looking at?"

The second quarter had moved in. I didn't have a coat or anything. My teeth chattered as I carried on talking to Jade.

"You need a jacket?" Ryan asked me out of the blue. He was taking of his luxurious white coat. I wanted it, just because he wore it on his body.

"um, yeah." he gave me his coat without asking anymore questions. I Put it on, the inside swarmed with his body heat. Wearing his coat gave me the idea he was holding me in his arms. The chills left soon afterwards.

I looked over at Ryan to see if he needed it back. He stared back at me. His gaze had something behind it, something I haven't seen before. Jade was so busy running his mouth about ` how I should stay all night at his house. because he was afraid of being at home by his self.' that he missed it.

I had told Jade many times to stop watching those horror movies, but I think he is addicted to them.

Half time had ended and the players were back on the field for the third quarter. Ryan stood up stretching his arms. Korbyn stood up with him.

Ryan turned to Jade and I asking," what do you girls want to eat?" sarcastically. Jade attention switched fast. He was anxious to give Ryan his order.

"I didn't bring any money." Jade whined.

"I'm buying it. Just tell me what you want." he reassured. Jade asked for ` a hot dog, sprite, with a funnel cake.' I ordered chili cheese fries. I wanted to know what Korbyn was getting, it would fill my interest.

They both set off to get our food. Tonight I think Ryan's actions are up front and flirty. I added up the coat, the food, and last week I had to peel his arm from around me. Could he be hiding something? I have to find out.

Ryan and Korbyn came back doing the balancing act with the food. What a gentlemen, unlike Korbyn. Who I'm sure told Ryan to carry my food. When Ryan handed me my fries. I devoured them.

A deep voice shook my ears." Do you want anything else?" Ryan asked leaning of over me.

"No I'm okay for now." I stammered.

"Do you want to sit over there with me?" he innocently asked. What is wrong with him? This is a new Ryan.

Jade turned hearing what Ryan had asked, " No! he is sitting here!, bye Ryan." after getting rid of Ryan. Jade started babbling again.

The game ended, our school had won 24 to 6. The support actually paid off. We all walked down the stands. As I waited for my ride, I talked to Jade. Ryan came over to where we were.

"I'm going home, do you want to come over?" he asked me.

Jade interrupted, "No he's not going. He is staying at my house!" I was going to say `yes' I was interested in what would happen between Ryan and I.

I didn't tell Jade I would stay with him, but he doesn't realize he shattered a dream I have wanted to come true for so long. Before Ryan went away, I stopped him.

"I almost forgot, here is your coat." I said reaching his coat to him.

"oh that, you can have it. I will see you soon I hope." he tried to smile. My mind went in overdrive trying to figure out if Ryan was giving me clues.

"Ryan drop me and Braylon off at my house. my mom isn't home, to pick me up." Jade said. Ryan walked us to his car where Korbyn had already made his self relaxed in.

"Get in." Ryan sighed. I have been in jade's house before, but I have never stayed all night with him. I know we are probably going to talk the whole night, but if I stayed with Ryan I think things would end differently.

Jade's house

All these years Jade manage to keep the red, white, and black colors in his room. It was a neat touch for him. It expressed him in thousands of ways. I was shocked that he never grew out of his fear of being in the dark. Now he wants me to stay with him because he is fearful of being at home alone, but I came because he needed me.

I showered, and borrowed some of his sleeping clothes to wear. The night went exactly like I thought it would. We gossiped, and watch VH1. I was getting exhausted. I tried to keep talking to him, but my eye lids were to heavy.

Jade kept talking trying to ignore me dozing off. I wanted to be awake for him. I couldn't, my eyes had closed on their own...

Two hours later

Bang! My eyes snapped open at the loud sound. I was wondering what the sound was? It sounded like somebody rammed jade's house. I leaned up trying to see if I could hear the sound again.

I was weighted down, by Jade who was curled up next to me. His face was on my shoulder, and the rest of his body was clinging to my side. I believe he got scared last night when I fell asleep and he curled up next to me.

His breathing was easy and deep. He looked as if nobody could disturb his peaceful rest. He was so relaxed on me, I watched his suave skin with care. I scanned the rest of my gorgeous friend while he slept. In the pitch black room.

His lips were a mixture of peach and strawberry. The lips that tell everything, the lips that gossip like crazy. His full lips would tell anything about anyone, but if he held a secret like mine, would he tell me?

I found it, the more I thought about him. The harder it was for me to go back to sleep. My mind tortured me with images of Keylan with no shirt, Ryan being generous, and Jade fighting for my attention.

The question still remains, which one is the best choice, if I could choose? More thoughts piled up. Questions I couldn't answer picked at me. I was frustrated because it was all happening at once!

Jade squirmed around repositioning himself. Is my thinking so overwhelming it is bothering him too? I stared at the ceiling as Jade still hung on to my side. Wishing sleep would come over me.

"What's wrong, Cant sleep?" Jade's voice rang me from the zone. How did he know?

"Yeah, for some reason I can't sleep, But earlier I couldn't stay awake." I complained, not wanting to tell him my mind had been attacking me since I heard that `Bang!' sound.

Jade sat up. "I can help. I learned this from reading this article my mom received in the mail. It's therapeutic kind of sort of." Jade went on explaining as he crawled on top of me. He was scaring a good way!

"okay close your eyes." he instructed sitting on top of me. With both knees on either side of my body. "Relax your muscles." he said wiggling my arms. "now I'm about to talk about some random nonsense, don't pay it any mind. While I'm talking, I will draw some meaningless designs on your body using my finger. The only thing you have to do is let your mind take you away." he finished.

I closed my eyes. It sounds like an easy yet exciting way to be put to sleep. I can handle this.

My shirt lifted up. I felt the air passing over my frame. I felt Jade's finger making squiggles, and odd shapes on me. His finger gliding over me. It felt like a massage. He sent tingling sensations through me with every shape.

He talked as he drew. My body had shifted gears and sleep came closer and closer to me. It felt so good it felt so...thank you Jade...


I don't think Braylon expected that one. I don't know what Braylon will think of this. Give Me some feed back on this. I hope you all liked it!! Email:

Next: Chapter 6

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